A Sputnik over Glengarry • Maybe the Communists 'doesn’t bother us. We’ve al- want us watching their Sput- ready got enough overhead to niks in the sky, rather than, 'worry about. The Glengarry New their underground. ONE OF CANADA’S A W ARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXVII — No. 4 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd,. 1953 SINGLE COPY 7c Lieutenant-Governor Being Invited To Unveil Kenyon Reeve À. C. Vallance Plaques At WUIiamstown This Summer New United Counties Warden ’ Reeve Allan C. Vallance of Ken- The Historical and-Archaeological Gillivmy’s Bridge area. yop Township, was elected Warden Society of Ontario, in conjunction It has not been definitely learned Warden Warns 1958 of the United Counties at the in- with the Ontario Department- of yet whether the last two will be so Rev John Bethune augural meeting of council’s Janu- "Travel and Publicity,, is planning on marked, this year. T© Be Year Of Change ary session, Monday. It marked the unveiling two, and possibly four, . There was. a time when he would first time in 47 years that a repre- historical plaques in the Williams- -The Historical Society and the During, the year, ahead, the i Ontario Department of Travel and have been a .stranger indeed, who sentative from Kenyon had been town area this year. paused to ask the meaning of the topography of the goodly portion of given that honor. The late Mur- Miss Llewella Dunlop of Wil- ( Publicity have been so marking his- the front of the counties will under- toric sites at various parts of the "letters U.È.L., so 'often found on doch McRae of Greenfield, father of liatnstown, is in change of local ar- old stones in the cemeterieg of go a vast change. Warden Allan C. John A. McRae, township clerk- rangements and she is inviting On- province, and Dr. G. F. G. Stanley, Vallance reminded Counties Coun-. I Professor of History at Royal Mili- Glengarry.v And there was a time, treasurer, had served as Warden in tario’s new Lieutenant - Governor, also, when it. Was thought the cil, Monday, during his inaugural 1910. the Honourable J. Halller Mackay, I tary College, Kingston, is the mem- address. He understood that on or S ber of the committee particularly highest honour that .could be pajd George Lefebvre, reeve of Alex- to unveil thé plaques,- probably in one, was to say of him that he was about July 1st the power pool of May or June. concerned with Eastern Ontario. He the St. Lawrence Development andria, moved the election of Mr. has appointed Miss Dunlop local a United Empire Loyalisf. Vallance, and the motion was sec- To be so honored are: In this connection, much has been would begin to take shape, when Rev. John Bethune, with a plaque secretary in charge of arrange- hundreds of acres of land wtmid be onded • by Stanley Fraser, reeve of ments,- and Dr. Stanley has also heard about the exodus from the Roxbprough Township, and passed at St. Andrew’s Church, his original Mqhawk Valley in New York State flooded and a .permanent physical congregation. been assisted in planning by Colonel change would take place on the unanimously. Reeve Basil Dawley Donald Fraser MacRae, M.C., after the Revolution. But the man of Winchester assisted at the In- David Thompson,, with a plaque ■who founded St. Andrew’s Presby- map of the counties, j ' at the nearby Bethune house, where director of industrial Research The entire project, of power de- stallation ceremony. Foundation, and a native of Wil- terian Church in WUIiamstown, in the great’explorer resided for some 1787, came from South Carolina, velopment and . the deep seaway Mrs. James Vallance of Maxville, 36 years,. liamstowh. would be nearing the final stages mother of the- new Warden, was v and with him many others. Rev- Sir John Johnson, with a plaque Known for her work in recording erend John Bethune’s name was before the year’s end; in fact, ar- among the interested spectators, and on the site of the original mill built the history of early Glengarry, Miss WARDEN ALLAN C. VALLANCE rangements had1 been made for the it marked the first time in the 108- r r not confined to- Glengarry, however. by Sir John when Williaflistown Dunlop has p ®pared for News read- His sonsT 6T whom there were, six; Queen to officiate at the opening yèur history , of Counties Council was first settled after’ the exodus of ers brief sketches of the four, prin- went abroad, one, to become Bishop ceremonies during 1959. that a mother had been present to XJnitîdv Empire Loyalists from the cipals. That covering Rev. John of Toronto, and another Dean of Film Of Games An event of ‘Vast importance’?' witness, tÿe installation of a son as Mohawk Valley. Bethune wifi, be found in another Montreal. They had “fallen” under French Teachers would be the holding of the Inter- Warden. Among other interested Col. Alexander Fraser’s historic column, and the others will appear the influence of Dr, Strachan when To Be Shown national Plowing Match in Finch witnesses were three former reeves home of “Fraserfield”, in the Mac- in subsequent issues of this paper. he'conducted an Anglican School in Want Higher township this fall. ‘ of Kenyon: A. A. Fraser, Apple Hill; Cornwall. At Max ville Dinner As their warden he urged the D. D. MacKinnon, Dunvegan, and leaders of the various municipalities John D. MacLean, Greenfield, and r Mr. Bethune was born on the Isle ‘“Ilie Heart Is Highland”, a 22- Saw Sputnik 11 of Skye, Scotland; educated at Salary Schedules to do all in their power to extend, the members of Kenyon Township Ayrshire Club minute film record of the Glengarry and have extended by others, a very Council. , - King’s College, Aberdeen, and or- Highland Games, will have Its first Sunday Night dained in the Kirk of Scotland ac- A special meeting of the Alex- hearty welcome to “the thousands Rev. Dr. D. N. MacMillan of Dun- andria Separate School Board was showing at Maxville next Wednes- of visitors Who will be attending vegan, delivered the invocation at Of Glengarry Sputnik II, the Russian space- cording to the form of that time. day night, at a dinner sponsored by held Monday night at the request this annual event.” the inaugural session. travelling globe-trotter, passed Many of his countrymen had emi- Kenyon Agricultural Society. It grated to America and had settled of the' teaching staffs "of the bilin- He wanted them to leave the area over Glengarry, Sunday night, gual schools who wished to discuss follows the annual meeting of the with a “goodly feeling toward us Holds Banquet according to Victor Benoit, MaihN in South Carolina. From them he higher salary schedules. Five rep- Fair Society that afternoon. after having enjoyed a pleasant and New Warden Is Glengarry Ayrshire Club, held its street southf who claims he received a “Call” to the church resentatives of the teachers met The film has been produced by happy visit.” annual banquet on Wednesday eve- saw it. which, ministered to them. It has been written that he was, much with the Board and asked that the the Del-Mar studio of Ottawa, and Earlier he had thanked the coun- Maxville Area Resident ning, January 15th, in the United It came out of the Northwest, salary schedule of the' Association cil for the high office they had Church Hall at Williams town. ■ In ’ according to Mr. Benoit, at a admired for his meekness and for the Games committee is considering Counties Warden Allah C. Val- his “scholarly attainments”, to say of French Teachers of Ontario be entrusted to him. He also thanked riîpite of the unpleasant weather height of about 25 degrees on adopted. purchasing it as a means of pub- lance was born, in Kenyon- Town- nothing of the fact that he wrote the ratepayers of the Township-of ship, 45 years ago, a son of the late there was a néar-record attendance, the horizon. Not as white as licizing the Glengarry Games across Kenyoq. for "making it possible for including many of the senior' execu- and spoke Gaelic eloquently and This has a starting salary of James ■ Vallance and of Mrs. the stars, it had a reddish glow $2,200, and annual increases of $200 me to accept this high office.” tive members of the Canadian . Ayr- fluently. Later, many of these peo- the country. Vallance. He resides one mile south and it appeared to be lazing a year to a maximum of $4,600. “When you realize that hot since along though it must have been ple were to settle in Glengarry. Frank Ryan of Ottawa. is to be a of Maxville and has been a dairy shire Breeders’ Association. the year 1910 has this honor been John McLennan of Martintown, speeding for in a matter of It has also been recorded that The present salary scale used here special guest of the Society at Mon- farmer since graduating from Max- Mr. Bethune was a timid-man for lay teachers has a minimum of bestowed on a representative of the ville High School. president of the Canadian Ayrshire minutes it had faded into the day’s dinner. Township of Kenyon, the late Mur- Breeders’ Association; Douglas Mac- distance probably southeast of -which, in the ‘light of subsequent $2,200 and a maximum of $2,700. ■ (Continued on Page 6) He has spent 10 years in muni- Kechnie of Ottawa, secretary-trea- Montreal. circumstances, is hard to believe, The nuns and Brothers get slightly cipal life, having served as coun- surer; Lou Roper of Dundas, secrè- Mr.
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