feros 2021 SUMMER COVER STORY FEARLESS IS BACK, BOLDER THAN EVER VIRTUAL SOCIAL CENTRE GETS FROTHY BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS WITH NAS CAMPANELLA IN THIS ISSUE ABOUT FEROS CARE Feros Care is a not-for-profit people care organisation caring for seniors and 03 CEO’s Word people with disability across Australia. 04 Feros News We support people to live healthy, 06 Making a mark for mental socially connected and fulfilling lives. health support We call it Growing Bold! 07 Norma proves anything is possible 08 Fearless is back – bolder than ever CONTACT US 11 Virtual Social Centre gets frothy FEROS CARE BUSINESS CENTRE Level 3, The Strand 12 Accessible cookbook for 72–80 Marine Parade (Locked Bag 1) people with disability Coolangatta QLD 4225 13 Housing and Ph: 07 5669 0555 Fax: 07 5536 7520 Homelessness Project Email:
[email protected] Feros Central Aged Care Hotline 14 Life-changing technology Ph: 1300 763 583 Fax: 1300 850 770 for seniors Email:
[email protected] 15 Top tips for overcoming Feros Care Local Area Coordination fear of technology Ph: 1300 986 970 Email:
[email protected] 16 Be Someone For Someone update FEROS VILLAGE BANGALOW 18 Breaking down barriers 6 Byron Bay Road (PO Box 329) with Nas Campanella Bangalow NSW 2479 Ph: 02 6687 2379 Fax: 02 6687 2286 Gran Slam 2020 20 Email:
[email protected] 22 Bold brilliance FEROS VILLAGE BYRON BAY Here's to our Nurses 24 29–33 Marvell Street (PO Box 585) 26 Soul sista sings praises of Byron Bay NSW 2481 the virtual platform Ph: 02 6685 7676 Fax: 02 6685 5176 Email:
[email protected]