Celebrating FAITH, LIFE and LOVE in COMMUNITY. 4th August, 2019 - Year C 18th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME ALL HALLOWS’ Dear Parishioners, PARISH CHURCH 2 Halley Street 1. Who cares? FIVE DOCK 2046 Everything is vanity, the reading from Ecclesiastes says. The writer of Administrator: Ecclesiastes means that everything is in Fr Matthew Solomon vain. You toil in the day; you’re anxious in Deacon: the night. And it’s all for nothing, the writer Rev. Mr. Constantine Rodrigues thinks. Who cares about it?
[email protected] No wonder many people think Ecclesiastes is a depressing book! Secretaries: Elena Di Perna & Elsa Waldie But notice that Jesus says something similar in the Gospel reading. Presbytery: The rich man was thinking about building bigger barns. But in the Monday: Closed parable God says to him, “You fool! This night your soul will be Tues - Fri: 8.30am - 3.30pm Closed for lunch 12.30-1.30 pm required of you, and somebody else will get all your stuff.” How will Phone: 9713 7960 the rich man care about his barns then? Fax: 9713 5172 Email: And that’s the problem with many of the things we care about in this
[email protected] life, barns or material goods of any kind: you lose them when you die. Web: www.allhallows.org.au The same thing is true of a lot of what we spend our lives on. Those All Hallows’ Parish School things don’t amount to anything in the long run; and, like the rich man, we waste the part of our lives that we use up on them.