
HOW TO RELATE to a HIGH “D”- 1. Never disagree with a “D” you’ll never win. AGREE on the GOAL at hand & TEST different methods to get the task ACCOMPLISHED. Hosea 13:8 like a lion I will devour them. * produce something for a “D” and he/she will do anything for you. ALL they want is PRODUCTIVITY! CAREER FOR HIGH “D”- 1. anything involving CHALLENGES. 2. Authority (gives more power to become productive) 3. owning your own business 4. sales (“D’s” have thick skin), 5. Presidents, CEO’s, etc… * Female “D’s” almost have to have a CAREER or a PASSION to pursue regularly.

HOW TO RELATE to a HIGH “I”- 1. Don’t expect them to be calm or quiet. 2. be very excited for them and their ideas. 3. Always suggest to PRAY about their ideas for 3 days before making a decision. But they HAVE to have a positive response! CAREER FOR HIGH “I”- (they are very flexible) 1. anything involving PEOPLE and LEADERSHIP. (actors and actresses)

HOW TO RELATE to a HIGH “S”- 1. Don’t expect them to initiate, take order, or be ambitious. 2. Don’t expect them to be creative. 3. Give them a structure. 4. Give them people. 5. Give them appreciation. The Bible warns us against abusing or being cruel to the Ox. Proverbs 14:4 Without an ox there will be no crops, but much increase comes by the ox. Deut 25:4, 1st Cor 9:9, 1st Tim 5:18- Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain. Job 6:5 does an ox complain when it has food? (provision…) • if you’re married to an “S” do NOT use a sharp tongue on them or else you will destroy your marriage and possibly that “S’s” God-given destiny. • They are greatly admired in their old age. CAREER FOR HIGH “S”- 1. things with structure. 2. positions that don’t have a lot of change or need creativity. 3. cleaning. 4. sports. 5. post office. 6. Wal-Mart. 8. TEACHER. 7. phone company. an “S” can lead people in a franchise (franchises have tons of structure).

HOW TO RELATE to a HIGH “C”- 1. Don’t crowd them or rush them. 2. don’t make sudden changes or be sloppy… 3. Give them individual assignments with specific time frame. 4. Warn them before changes and give them reasons why the changes will improve… *Eagles have very sharp claws and can attack quickly. Job 9:26 like eagles swooping down on their prey. * “C’s” have no natural traits to release stress. So if there’s something a C loves to do- LET THEM DO IT!!! CAREER FOR HIGH “C”- 1. specialists. 2. accountants. 3. surgeons. 4. musicians. 5. ballet dancers. 6. lawyers. 7. executive secretaries. 8. computer experts. 9. architects. 10. engineers. 11. Math and Science teachers (but end up teaching in college where people WANT to learn). 11

FAMOUS HIGH “___’s”- 1. Aaron. 2. Samson. 3. Apostle John (Matt, Mark, Luke have 5x the stories as John). An “S” cannot tell a short story. They love to enjoy the moment. 4. Mother Teresa. 5. Dr. Martin Luther King. 6. Mahatma Gandhi. 7. Mister Rogers. 8. Albert Schweitzer. 9. Florence Nightingale. 10. Barbara Bush. 10. Tonto (The Lone Ranger’s faithful Indian companion). 11. Michael Caine. 12. Kristi Yamaguchi. 13. Robert E. Lee.

FAMOUS HIGH “___’s”- 1. Moses. 2. Solomon. 3. Esther. 4. Henry Kissinger. 5. Bill Gates. 6. Albert Einstein. 7. Jackie Kennedy. 8. Emily Post. 9. Tom Landry. 10. Isaac Newton. 11. Johann Sebastian Bach. 12. Michelangelo. 13. President Abraham Lincoln. 14. Charles Darwin. 15. Socrates. 16. Bob Newhart. 17. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. 18. Rick Moranis. 19. Brent Spiner (“” on ). 20. Meryl Streep. 21. President Gerald Ford. 22. President John Quincy Adams. 23. President James Madison. 24. Columbo (the TV personality). 25. Sherlock Holmes (again, the character himself).

FAMOUS HIGH “___’s”- 1. King David. 2. Joseph. 3. Elisha 4. Joshua (God told him 3x “be strong and courageous”). 5. Apostle Paul (he was all about “fight…determination…never give up… find your purpose…don’t waste time”). 6. General Patton. 7. Clint Eastwood. 8. John Wayne. 9. Margaret Thatcher 10. Barbara Walters. 11. Charles Lindberg. 12. Hitler. 13. Richard Nixon. 14. Hilary Clinton. 15. President Bush Sr. 16. Donald Trump. 17. Henry Ford. 18. Mark Cuban. 19. Vince Lombardi. 20. President Andrew Jackson.

FAMOUS HIGH “___’s”- 1. Peter. 2. Caleb. 3. Deborah. 4. Ronald Regan. 5. Muhammad Ali. 6. Oprah Winfrey. 7. . 8. Carol Burnette. 9. Steve Martin. 10. Will Farrell. 11. Bill Cosby. 12. Sally Field. 13. George Lopez. 14. President Bill Clinton. 15. Wayne Brady. 16. Dolly Parton. 17. Leonardo Dicaprio.

THINGS THAT PEOPLE DON’T REALIZE ABOUT THE “C” 1. They constantly feel internal pressure to try harder. 2. They can reach individual accomplishments that others will stare at in wonder when TAUGHT HOW TO RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT! Pro 30:19 There are things too amazing for me to understand, the way of an eagle in the air… Obadiah 1:4 you soar like an eagle and make your nest among the stars. Pro 23:5 Fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

*Eagles soar higher than any other living creature. *Eagles live longer than most any other animal. * a “high C” is the opposite of a “high I”