122.75 HELP J. Rion Bourgeois, Chapter President NEEDED B-17 Visit Scratched Our June will not be so busy after all. The land- at the ing gear on the Aluminum Overcast collapsed on roll-out at Van Nuys Airport last month, and she RV will not be repaired in time to complete her tour FLY-IN! this year. Call Marcy Lange (503-397-2488 hm. eves, 503-397-1478 June Meeting Third Thursday This Month, wk. days or e-mail:
[email protected]) if you can help July Meeting Second Friday Next Month with the food for the RV Fly-In June 19th. Mostly I just Please note that the June meeting at Ken Scottʹs house on Dietz need help that day, and I’m not particular about gender Airpark is the THIRD Thursday of the month this month on June help, men or women, any help will be appreciated. Also, 17. The project is Ken and Ken Kruegerʹs Pipsqueak project. For Harmon Lange is heading up the Set Up committee and those looking ahead, the July meeting is Friday, July 9 at 7 pm at needs help. You can call him anytime at 503-397-1478 or Experimental Mike Wilsonʹs tent at Arlington. BYOB and chair, but there will be e-mail:
[email protected] Aircraft finger food. Young Eagles at Scappoose In This Issue Association We will be giving Young Eagles flights to the ACE Campers from 122.75..................................................................................................1 the Airways Sciences Center summer camp during the fly-in at N6810B’s First Flight ........................................................................2 Scappoose on June 19, 2004.