S3736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — May 22, 2013 Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I ask from the Committee on Foreign Rela- since 2006 demanding of the Government of unanimous consent that the order for tions, with an amendment. the Islamic Republic of its full and sus- the quorum call be rescinded. [Strike the part printed in boldface tained suspension of all uranium enrich- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without brackets and insert the part printed in ment-related and reprocessing activities and italic.] its full cooperation with the IAEA on all objection, it is so ordered. outstanding issues related to its nuclear ac- Mr. HOEVEN. I want to take several S. RES. 65 tivities, particularly those concerning the minutes to respond to some of the com- Whereas, on May 14, 1948, the people of possible military dimensions of its nuclear ments that were made here in regard to Israel proclaimed the establishment of the program; the farm bill, and specifically the sovereign and independent State of Israel; Whereas the Government of the Islamic Sugar Program. We have got a vote Whereas, on March 28, 1949, the United Republic of Iran has refused to comply with States Government recognized the establish- coming up. United Nations Security Council resolutions ment of the new State of Israel and estab- or to fully cooperate with the IAEA; The PRESIDING OFFICER. We cur- lished full diplomatic relations; Whereas, in November 2011, the IAEA Di- rently have an order to move to the Whereas, since its establishment nearly 65 rector General issued a report that docu- consideration of S. Res. 65 at 3:45 p.m. years ago, the modern State of Israel has re- mented ‘‘serious concerns regarding possible Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, that is built a nation, forged a new and dynamic military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear pro- my resolution with Senator MENENDEZ. democratic society, and created a thriving gramme,’’ and affirmed that information I do not mind yielding a couple of min- economic, political, cultural, and intellec- available to the IAEA indicates that ‘‘Iran utes to the Senator to make his points. tual life despite the heavy costs of war, ter- has carried out activities relevant to the de- rorism, and unjustified diplomatic and eco- velopment of a nuclear explosive device’’ and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nomic boycotts against the people of Israel; that some activities may be ongoing; objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the people of Israel have estab- Whereas the Government of Iran stands in Mr. HOEVEN. I thank my colleague. lished a vibrant, pluralistic, democratic po- violation of the Universal Declaration of I do want to respond to some com- litical system, including freedom of speech, Human Rights for denying its citizens basic ments that were made in regard to the association, and religion; a vigorously free freedoms, including the freedoms of expres- Sugar Program and the cost of sugar press; free, fair, and open elections; the rule sion, religion, peaceful assembly and move- for American consumers. It is very im- of law; a fully independent judiciary; and ment, and for flagrantly abusing the rights other democratic principles and practices; portant to understand that the price of of minorities and women; Whereas, since the 1979 revolution in Iran, Whereas in his State of the Union Address sugar in the United States is actually the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 24, 2012, President Barack Obama less than the international price. So have repeatedly made threats against the ex- stated, ‘‘Let there be no doubt: America is because of the Sugar Program we have, istence of the State of Israel and sponsored determined to prevent Iran from getting a American consumers benefit. Again, I acts of terrorism and violence against its nuclear weapon, and I will take no options want to reiterate that point. citizens; off the table to achieve that goal.’’; Also I want to express how important Whereas, on October 27, 2005, President of Whereas Congress has passed and the Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a it is to understand that we have low- President has signed into law legislation im- world without America and Zionism; posing significant economic and diplomatic cost producers in this country who are Whereas, in February 2012, Supreme Leader sanctions on Iran to encourage the Govern- precluded from selling their sugar in of Iran Ali Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘The Zi- ment of Iran to abandon its pursuit of nu- markets such as the European Union onist regime is a true cancer tumor on this clear weapons and end its support for ter- because of tariffs and restrictions. As region that should be cut off. And it defi- rorism; an individual who strongly supports nitely will be cut off.’’; Whereas these sanctions, while having sig- international commerce and trade, on Whereas, in August 2012, Supreme Leader nificant effect, have yet to persuade Iran to many of these issues I am down here Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘This bogus and abandon its illicit pursuits and comply with fake Zionist outgrowth will disappear off the United Nations Security Council resolutions; talking about how we want to continue landscape of geography.’’; Whereas more stringent enforcement of to expand our ability to export. I be- Whereas, in August 2012, President sanctions legislation, including elements lieve that. But at the same time, we Ahmadinejad said that ‘‘in the new Middle targeting oil exports and access to foreign have to make sure our companies and East . . . there will be no trace of the Amer- exchange, could still lead the Government of our farmers, our ranchers and our pro- ican presence and the Zionists’’; Iran to change course; ducers, particularly when we are talk- Whereas the Department of State has des- Whereas, in his State of the Union Address ing about a farm bill, are treated fair- ignated the Islamic Republic of Iran as a on February 12, 2013, President Obama reiter- state sponsor of terrorism since 1984 and has ated, ‘‘The leaders of Iran must recognize ly. characterized the Islamic Republic of Iran as that now is the time for a diplomatic solu- We have a situation where they oper- the ‘‘most active state sponsor of terrorism’’ tion, because a coalition stands united in de- ate internationally and they are pre- in the world; manding that they meet their obligations. cluded from many markets throughout Whereas the Government of the Islamic And we will do what is necessary to prevent the world, even though they are low- Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- them from getting a nuclear weapon.’’; cost producers. That is what our Sugar ing, funding, and direction to terrorist Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President Program is designed to do, to try to groups, including Hamas, Hizballah, and Shi- Obama stated, ‘‘Iran’s leaders should under- level that playing field. It does so ef- ite militias in Iraq that are responsible for stand that I do not have a policy of contain- the murder of hundreds of United States ment; I have a policy to prevent Iran from fectively. The Sugar Program has cost service members and innocent civilians; obtaining a nuclear weapon.’’; this country nothing over the last dec- Whereas the Government of the Islamic Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President ade. In fact, consumers in this country Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- Obama said of Iran, ‘‘The clock is ticking benefit from lower sugar prices than ing, and funding to the regime of Bashar al . . . And we’re going to make sure that if the international price, not higher Assad that has been used to suppress and they do not meet the demands of the inter- prices. murder its own people; national community, then we are going to I yield the floor. Whereas, since at least the late 1980s, the take all options necessary to make sure they Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran don’t have a nuclear weapon.’’; f has engaged in a sustained and well-docu- Whereas, on May 19, 2011, President Obama SUPPORTING SANCTIONS ON IRAN mented pattern of illicit and deceptive ac- stated, ‘‘Every state has the right to self-de- tivities to acquire a nuclear weapons capa- fense, and Israel must be able to defend The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under bility; itself, by itself, against any threat.’’; the previous order, the Senate will pro- Whereas, since September 2005, the Board Whereas, on September 21, 2011, President ceed to the consideration of S. Res. 65, of Governors of the International Atomic Obama stated, ‘‘America’s commitment to which the clerk will report by title. Energy Agency (IAEA) has found the Islamic Israel’s security is unshakeable. Our friend- The legislative clerk read as follows: Republic of Iran to be in non-compliance ship with Israel is deep and enduring.’’; with its safeguards agreement with the Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President A resolution (S. Res. 65) strongly sup- IAEA, which Iran is obligated to undertake Obama stated, ‘‘And whenever an effort is porting the full implementation of the as a non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the made to delegitimize the state of Israel, my United States and international sanctions on Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear administration has opposed them. So there Iran and urging the President to continue to Weapons, done at Washington, London, and should not be a shred of doubt by now: when strengthen enforcement of sanctions legisla- Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force the chips are down, I have Israel’s back.’’; tion. March 5, 1970 (NPT); Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President The Senate proceeded to consider the Whereas the United Nations Security Obama stated, ‘‘Israel is a true friend. And if resolution, which had been reported Council has adopted multiple resolutions Israel is attacked, America will stand with

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.060 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 22, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3737 Israel. I’ve made that clear throughout my The Senator from South Carolina. Iran, we face as a Nation. So people presidency . . . I will stand with Israel if Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, this is wonder, what will happen if that day they are attacked.’’; a debate where it does not matter who ever comes? What would America do? Whereas, in December 2012, 74 United is speaking, Republican or Democrat, Well, this is a statement by every Sen- States Senators wrote to President Obama ‘‘As you begin your second term as Presi- because we are speaking with one ator who votes yes—not an authoriza- dent, we ask you to reiterate your readiness voice. That very seldom happens in tion to use force, but a statement— to take military action against Iran if it American politics today, unfortu- that if that day comes and Israel has to continues its efforts to acquire a nuclear nately. There will be 50 minutes di- justifiably defend itself from a break- weapon. In addition, we urge you to work vided, but really there is no division out by the Iranian regime to build a with our European and Middle Eastern allies here. nuclear weapon, which could be the end to demonstrate to the Iranians that a cred- S. Res. 65 has 91 cosponsors. That is of the Jewish state, we will have ible and capable multilateral coalition exists very difficult to do. The Presiding Offi- Israel’s back economically, militarily, that would support a military strike if, in cer, Senator COONS, was an original co- and diplomatically. the end, this is unfortunately necessary.’’; I cannot stress how important it is and sponsor of the legislation. Whereas the United States-Israel Enhanced What is S. Res. 65 all about? It is for that statement to be made by the Security Cooperation Act of 2012 (Public Law about the following: On March 4, 2012, Senate. Time is running out. Time is 112–150) stated that it is United States policy President Obama stated: not on our side. As to the threat from to support Israel’s inherent right to self-de- Whenever an effort is made to delegitimize Iran, since 1984 they have been charac- fense: Now, therefore, be it the State of Israel, my administration has terized as the most active state spon- Resolved, opposed them. So there should not be a shred sor of terrorism in the world. As we SECTION 1. SENSE OF CONGRESS. of doubt by now. When the chips are down, I have sanctioned them to stop their nu- Congress— have Israel’s back. clear ambitions, the amount of en- (1) reaffirms the special bonds of friendship This resolution is in support of the riched uranium has grown. As we talk, and cooperation that have existed between President’s statement. When I heard they enrich. the United States and the State of Israel for We are going to have several Sen- more than sixty years and that enjoy over- that statement, it was music to my whelming bipartisan support in Congress and ears, because the Iranian nuclear pro- ators come down to voice their support among the people of the United States; gram, the efforts of the Iranians to de- for this resolution. (2) strongly supports the close military, in- velop a nuclear capability, marches on With that, I would yield to Senater telligence, and security cooperation that as I speak. HOEVEN for 2 minutes. The Senator has President Obama has pursued with Israel and Today, May 22, there are two arti- been an unwavering supporter of the urges this cooperation to continue and deep- cles, one in the Associated Press, one United States-Israel relationship. en; in Reuters, talking about AIEA reports The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- (3) deplores and condemns, in the strongest and diplomats saying that Iran is ator from North Dakota. possible terms, the reprehensible statements Mr. HOEVEN. I appreciate the oppor- pressing forward with the construction and policies of the leaders of the Islamic Re- tunity to join my esteemed colleague of a research reactor that would add to public of Iran threatening the security and from the great State of South Carolina existence of Israel; their nuclear capability in terms of en- in support of S. Res. 65, expressing our (4) recognizes the tremendous threat posed riching uranium to make a bomb, and strong support for our close friend and to the United States, the West, and Israel by that they have increased the number of the Government of Iran’s continuing pursuit ally, Israel. centrifuges dramatically since April. This resolution right up front says— of a nuclear weapons capability; We have been trying to sanction (5) reiterates that the policy of the United I want to read from the subheading in Iran—very successfully, I might add. States is to prevent Iran from acquiring a the resolution—‘‘Strongly supports the nuclear weapon capability and to take such Senator MENENDEZ, my cosponsor here, full implementation of the United action as may be necessary to implement the original cosponsor, will be here States and international sanctions on this policy; around 4. As to BOB MENENDEZ, there is Iran, and urging the President to con- (6) reaffirms its strong support for the full no stronger supporter of the U.S.-Israel tinue to strengthen enforcement of implementation of United States and inter- relationship than BOB, who is chairman sanctions legislation.’’ national sanctions on Iran and urges the of the Foreign Relations Committee. President to continue and strengthen en- This is very important. I want to but- We have worked on a resolution. The tress a comment made by the good forcement of sanctions legislation; guts of this resolution basically are as (7) declares that the United States has a Senator from South Carolina, and that vital national interest in, and unbreakable follows: It declares the United States is through Kirk-Menendez and other commitment to, ensuring the existence, sur- has a vital national interest in and an legislation, we have provided authority vival, and security of the State of Israel, and unbreakable commitment to ensuring for the administration to put the reaffirms United States support for Israel’s the existence, survival, and security of strongest possible sanctions in place right to self-defense; and the state of Israel. It reaffirms the sup- ø against Iran to prevent Iran from de- (8) urges that, if the Government of Israel port of the United States for Israel’s veloping a nuclear weapon. We need to is compelled to take military action in self- right to legitimate self-defense. In the do it. We need to stand with Israel. We defense, the United States Government last paragraph, it is not an authoriza- should stand with Israel and provide diplo- need to support our ally. This is not matic, military, and economic support to the tion to use force, but it says the fol- just about Israel, this is about security Government of Israel in its defense of its ter- lowing: That if Israel is compelled to for the United States. This is about ritory, people, and existence.¿ take military action in self-defense, preventing Iran from getting a nuclear (8) urges that, if the Government of Israel is the United States will stand with weapon. compelled to take military action in legitimate Israel and provide diplomatic, mili- Essentially what these sanctions do self-defense against Iran’s nuclear weapons pro- tary, economic support in its defense of is they provide any country or com- gram, the United States Government should its territory, people, and existence. pany that buys oil from Iran cannot do stand with Israel and provide, in accordance The whole resolution is about Israel with United States law and the constitutional business with our banking system. responsibility of Congress to authorize the use of having to defend herself against a nu- Think about that. Countries that buy military force, diplomatic, military, and eco- clear-capable Iran. So when our Presi- oil from Iran would not be able to nomic support to the Government of Israel in its dent said in 2012 that ‘‘we have Israel’s transact with the United States and defense of its territory, people, and existence. back,’’ that his administration has U.S. companies. That would preclude SEC. 2. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. Israel’s back, this is a chance for the them from buying Iranian oil. Nothing in this resolution shall be con- Senate to say we also have Israel’s Okay. Think about that. If Iran can- strued as an authorization for the use of back. not sell its oil, it has no revenue. If it force or a declaration of war. From my point of view, you cannot has no revenue, it is forced to stop its The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under separate the threat the nuclear pro- efforts to build a nuclear weapon. So the previous order, there will be now be gram in Iran creates from the United the point is this: We cannot only have 50 minutes for debate, with the Repub- States and Israel. They are the same. sanctions. What we are trying to do in licans controlling 30 minutes and the The same threat Israel faces from a nu- this legislation is not only express sup- majority controlling 20 minutes. clear-armed Iran, a nuclear-capable port for Israel, again as the Senator

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.007 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S3738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2013 from South Carolina pointed out, but I thank my colleague from South We need a new approach. One avenue encourage and support the administra- Carolina. I thank my colleagues here that has not been adequately explored tion in completely enforcing the who have supported this incredibly im- is using perhaps our greatest weapon, strongest possible sanctions against portant resolution. Think about it. what Ronald Reagan called ‘‘the will Iran so we do not have to go to the op- How often do we come together with 91 and moral courage of free men and tion of a military strike to take out Senators to support legislation? This is women.’’ That means speaking out their nuclear weapon capability. That about the security of this country. I more forcefully about the human is what this is all about. This is bipar- look forward to this body passing this rights situation in Iran. tisan—as the Senator said, 91 cospon- important resolution. This regime is brutally oppressive. It sors. This is about saying we can get Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, at this represses its own people. Read the 2012 this done but we have got to impose time I wish to recognize a member of State Department report. It talks these sanctions as strongly as we can. the Foreign Relations Committee, one about disappearances; cruel, inhuman, We have got to do it now. of the strongest voices on national se- and degrading treatment or punish- Mr. GRAHAM. I thank the Senator curity in the body, a new member but ment, including judicially sanctioned from North Dakota. someone who understands the world amputations and flogging; politically Now I wish to recognize Senator and is a tremendous supporter of the motivated violence and repression, AYOTTE for 4 minutes. We have got a United States-Israel relationship, Sen- such as beatings and rape; harsh and lot of speakers here to talk about S. ator MARCO RUBIO from Florida, for 4 life-threatening conditions in deten- Res. 65. She has been there at every minutes. tion and prison facilities. This is not step of the way. Mr. RUBIO. I thank the Senator. even a comprehensive list of the abuses Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, let me I rise in support of these sanctions as that exist in Iran. thank Senator GRAHAM and Senator well. Americans are perhaps tempted Currently, there is an American pas- MENENDEZ for their leadership on this these days to take a step back from the tor in Iran, Saeed Abedini, who is serv- important Senate resolution, S. Res. problems in places in the Middle East ing 8 years in prison because he is a 65. This is a resolution that is very and wonder why do we need to be ac- Christian and practices Christianity. straightforward. It says to our friend tive in resolving these thorny issues Yesterday the Iranian Government and ally Israel: We have your back. that often seem unsolvable. But yester- disqualified two Presidential can- That means right now. If you look at day in the Foreign Relations Com- didates. This will be a sham election in the dangers confronting Israel, they mittee, for example, we discussed Syr- the coming months. As one State De- are unprecedented dangers, from the ian legislation and debated how to ad- partment official put it to the Foreign situation in Syria, to threats from dress the growing repercussions of our Relations Committee, the Green Move- Hamas and Hezbollah, to the situation policy of inaction as violence and in- ment in Iran today is virtually non- in the Sinai. But the greatest threat of stability spreads beyond Syria’s bor- existent. Instead of denigrating the freedom all is Iran acquiring nuclear weapons ders. We cannot stand idly by and ig- fighters in Iran who have suffered from capability. It is a country that has nore the fallout from Syria. Americans inaction and lack of support, we need threatened to wipe Israel off the map. need to remember that Iran is not just to be doing everything possible in the Rightly so, the Israelis have said Israel’s problem, it is ours as well. weeks to come to speak frankly about never again. As our country, we say Iran has been sponsoring terrorism the lack of fundamental freedoms in never again. Because it is not just that and killing Americans for decades, Iran and reject the notion that this re- the Iranians could acquire nuclear most recently in places such as Iraq gime is legitimate or a credible negoti- weapons capability and launch a mis- and Afghanistan. Iran has pursued an ating partner. sile against our country, it is that they anti-American agenda, and its foreign We need to make clear that a crack- are the largest state sponsor of ter- policy has supported tyrants. It has un- down against the Iranian people simi- rorism. They could give that nuclear dermined U.S. allies, and not just in lar to the one that occurred in June of weapon to a terrorist. Then it is not the Middle East, through its terrorist 2009 after a fraudulent Presidential just a threat to Israel, this is a threat proxies such as Hezbollah and what election will have real consequences to the safety of the world. That is why they are doing now to defend Asad in this time. We can’t be everywhere. I fully support this resolution and why Syria, but they have even done it in America can’t be everywhere and do it has so many cosponsors in the Sen- our own hemisphere. everything, but we can’t outsource the ate. To understand the deep friendship On top of these issues, Iranian lead- solutions to all our problems either. we have with Israel, what we share in ers have denied that the Holocaust Israel faces an unprecedented secu- terms of democracy in the Middle East, even happened. They threaten Israel’s rity environment. I saw this firsthand ultimately this threat is not just a very existence. So we do need to during my recent visit to the Middle threat to Israel, this is a threat to the strengthen our sanctions. We need to East in February. In every direction, safety of the United States of America. actually follow through with them. Israel sees uncertainty and potential This resolution is clear. If Israel is That is what this resolution calls on instability, from an all-out civil war on compelled to take military action in the administration to do. its northern border in Syria, to neigh- self-defense against Iran’s nuclear But we also have to ensure that our bors going through delicate political weapons program, it urges the U.S. international partners do that as well. transitions in the wake of the Arab Government to stand with Israel, dip- I am pleased that this resolution calls spring. But even with all these changes lomatically, militarily, and economi- on the administration to fully imple- in its neighborhood, the greatest chal- cally. It also reiterates what my friend ment the sanctions we have already lenge facing Israel today is the threat from North Dakota talked about, passed and approved. of a nuclear Iran. which is the policy of the United These sanctions have not changed We need to stand with Israel and pro- States to prevent Iran from acquiring a Iran’s calculus. The sanctions alone are vide diplomatic, military, and eco- nuclear weapon and reaffirms that we not enough because, as we have seen, nomic support in its defense of its ter- will continue to press for the toughest Iran has added centrifuges, so they ritory, its people, and its existence. We of economic sanctions. continue to enrich uranium and they need to remind that the United To the leaders in Iran, understand get closer to a nuclear capability. States will not allow Iran to obtain nu- there is much we do not agree on in Similarly, the approach of this admin- clear weapons, as this resolution this body. When we pass this resolution istration to talk to Iran, trying what states, and that is why I am supporting today, you need to know we are unified our European partners have attempted it. I urge all of my colleagues to sup- when it comes to stopping you from ac- to do in the past, has also been unsuc- port it as well. quiring nuclear weapons capability, cessful. For more than 10 years now we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. and that we will stand with our friend and the Europeans have tried to nego- BROWN). The Senator from South Caro- and ally Israel to make sure you do not tiate—all with no results. Iran has only lina. present that type of grave danger to gotten closer and closer to a nuclear Mr. GRAHAM. I thank the Senator the safety of the entire world. capability. for a terrific speech.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.061 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 22, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3739 I would ask whether Senator MENEN- been used to test a special kind of detonator cooperation—it may not be able to resolve DEZ minds if Senator MCCAIN speaks. used in nuclear explosions. questions about ‘‘possible military dimen- Mr. MENENDEZ. I am always willing Since February, Iran ‘‘has conducted fur- sions to Iran’s nuclear program.’’ ther spreading, leveling and compacting of The U.S., Israel and Iran’s other critics say to allow Senator MCCAIN to speak. material over most of the site, a significant the reactor at Arak, in central Iran, will be Mr. GRAHAM. We will do this by age. proportion of which it has also asphalted,’’ able to produce plutonium for several bombs Senator MCCAIN is recognized for 5 the IAEA said in its report, a copy of which a year once it starts up. They have said minutes. That is not quite a minute a was obtained by The Washington Post. Tehran’s plan to put it on line late next year decade, but that will get us going. The alterations to the site ‘‘have seriously is too optimistic. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- undermined the Agency’s ability to under- But the report said the Islamic Republic ior Senator from Arizona is recognized. take effective verification’’ of Iran’s claims had told IAEA experts that it was holding to that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful, that timeline. The IAEA noted that much Mr. MCCAIN. I thank the Chair, and the report said. work needed to be done at the reactor site, I hope the Chair will discipline this dis- Iran denies that it ever conducted nuclear but it said Iranian technicians there already respect that is being displayed because weapons research and says the IAEA has no had taken delivery of a huge reactor vessel of my advanced age. This would never mandate for investigating a military base to contain the facility’s fuel. It also detailed have happened in the Coolidge adminis- with no ties to its nuclear program. progress in Tehran’s plans to test the fuel. tration, in which I first served. The IAEA, which conducts routine moni- Installations of the new IR–2m centrifuges I thank the Senator. I also thank my toring of Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities, are also of concern for nations fearing that dear friend LINDSEY GRAHAM for bring- met with Iranian officials earlier this month Iran may want to make nuclear arms, be- ing this important resolution to the in the latest in a string of failed efforts to cause they are believed to be able to enrich clear up concerns over suspicious experi- two to five times faster than Tehran’s old Senate. ments by Iranian scientists. U.S. intelligence machines. Resolutions happen all the time. This officials believe Iran was testing components The IAEA first reported initial installa- is a very important one. It wouldn’t for nuclear weapons as recently as 2003, when tions in February. It said then that agency have happened without the leadership the work was abruptly halted. inspectors counted 180 of the advanced IR–2m and support of the distinguished chair- Since then, Iran has amassed a large stock- centrifuges at Natanz, Tehran’s main enrich- man of the Foreign Relations Com- pile of enriched uranium—a key ingredient ment site, less than a month after Iran’s mittee. I would like to thank him for in nuclear weapons—but has not yet decided Jan. 23 announcement that it would start in- whether to take the risk of building and stalling them. his continued leadership, including the testing a bomb, U.S. officials say. Diplomats said none of the machines ap- passage of the resolution that was The IAEA report also documented Iran’s peared to be operating and some may only be passed through the Foreign Relations continued progress in increasing its supply partially set up. But the rapid pace of instal- Committee yesterday concerning the of enriched uranium, including the addition lations indicates that Iran possesses the situation in Syria. of still more advanced centrifuges that technology and materials to mass-produce Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- produce nuclear fuel more efficiently than the centrifuges and make its enrichment sent to have printed in the RECORD the outdated machines formerly used by program much more potent. three articles that are of importance Iran. At the same time, Iran has continued Iranian nuclear chief Fereidoun Abbasi to convert some of its uranium stockpile said earlier this year that more than 3,000 for our colleagues. into metal fuel plates, a step that would high-tech centrifuges have already been pro- One is from the Washington Post: make it more difficult to use the material in duced and will soon phase out its older-gen- ‘‘Iran paves over suspected nuclear a future weapons program. eration enriching machines at Natanz, south testing site despite U.N. protests.’’ of Tehran. The second is another Washington [From the Washington Post, May 22, 2013] The report also noted Iran’s decision to Post article, by the Associated Press: IRAN EXPANDS NUKE TECHNOLOGY FOR PRO- keep its stockpile of uranium enriched to a ‘‘Iran expands nuke technology for pro- GRAM THAT COULD BE USED TO MAKE WEAP- level just a technical step away from weap- gram that could be used to make weap- ONS ons-grade to below the amount needed for a (By The Associated Press) bomb. ons.’’ More than six years of international nego- Of interest is another one, also from VIENNA.—The U.N. atomic agency on tiations have failed to persuade Tehran to the Washington Post: ‘‘Iranian soldiers Wednesday detailed rapid Iranian progress in stop enrichment and mothball the Arak re- fighting for Assad in Syria, says State two programs that the West fears are geared actor. Department official.’’ toward making nuclear weapons, saying Tehran has upgraded its uranium enrich- [From the Washington Post, May 21, 2013] There being no objection, the mate- ment facilities and advanced in building a IRANIAN SOLDIERS FIGHTING FOR ASSAD IN rial was ordered to be printed in the plutonium-producing reactor. SYRIA, SAYS STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL RECORD, as follows: In a confidential report obtained by The [From the Washington Post, May 22, 2013] Associated Press, the International Atomic (By Anne Gearan) Energy Agency said Tehran had installed MUSCAT, OMAN.—Iran has sent soldiers to IRAN PAVES OVER SUSPECTED NUCLEAR close to 700 high-tech centrifuges used for Syria to fight alongside forces loyal to Presi- TESTING SITE DESPITE U.N. PROTESTS uranium enrichment, which can produce the dent Bashar al-Assad and those of the Leb- (By Joby Warrick) core of nuclear weapons. It also said Tehran anon-based Hezbollah militia, a senior State Iran has begun paving over a former mili- had added hundreds of older-generation ma- Department official said Tuesday. tary site where its scientists are suspected chines at its main enrichment site to bring An unknown number of Iranians are fight- to have conducted nuclear-weapons-related the total number to over 13,000. ing in Syria, the official said, citing ac- experiments, according to a new U.N. report, Iran denies that either its enrichment pro- counts from members of the opposition Free a move that could doom efforts to recon- gram or the reactor will be used to make nu- Syrian Army, which is backed by the United struct a critical part of Iran’s nuclear his- clear arms. Most international concern has States. The official spoke on the condition of tory. focused on its enrichment, because it is fur- anonymity to preview a strategy session Satellite photos of the site, known as ther advanced than the reactor and already that Secretary of State John F. Kerry is to Parchin, show fresh asphalt covering a broad has the capacity to enrich to weapons-grade hold Wednesday with key supporters of the area where suspicious tests were carried out uranium. Syrian opposition. several years ago, the International Atomic But the IAEA devoted more space to the Rebel forces have alleged for weeks that Energy Agency said in an internal report reactor Wednesday than it has in previous Iran is sending trained fighters to Syria, and that was prepared for diplomats. reports. While its language was technical, a the Iran-backed Hezbollah has said baldly The paving appears to have occurred with- senior diplomat who closely follows the that it will not let Assad fall. in the past few weeks, at a time when the IAEA’s monitoring of Iran’s nuclear facili- But with the British, French and American United Nations’ nuclear watchdog was meet- ties said that reflected increased inter- governments considering providing arms to ing with Iranian officials to try to negotiate national concerns about the potential pro- the Syrian opposition on a scale not yet seen access to the site to investigate allegations liferation dangers it represents as a comple- in the civil war, the U.S. official’s allegation of secret weapons research. tion date approaches. was a tacit acknowledgment that the two- Iran has repeatedly denied IAEA inspectors He demanded anonymity because he was year-old Syrian conflict has become a re- entry to the site, and previous satellite not authorized to discuss confidential IAEA gional war and a de facto U.S. proxy fight photos have shown a series of efforts to alter information. with Iran. it by razing buildings and even scraping The report also touched upon a more than ‘‘This is an important thing to note: the di- away topsoil around what was once a cham- six-year stalemate in agency efforts to probe rect implication of foreigners fighting on ber used for military explosives testing. U.N. suspicions Tehran may have worked on nu- Syrian soil now for the regime,’’ the official officials believe that the facility may have clear weapons. It said that—barring Iran’s said.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.063 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S3740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2013 Kerry is in the Middle East this week to must continue to ratchet up the pres- that the Iranian people want the same foster political talks between Assad’s resur- sure through sanctions, as this resolu- freedoms and rights as people else- gent regime and the embattled rebels and to tion suggests. At the end of the day, where. inaugurate a new round of peace talks be- I urge my colleagues to vote in favor tween Israel and the Palestinians. sanctions are a means to an end, not an The State Department official said the end unto themselves. Unfortunately, of this amendment. Syrian opposition, which is badly split, has despite the unprecedented inter- Again, I thank the Senator from not finalized its representative to the talks national sanctions that have been put South Carolina Mr. GRAHAM for his in Amman, Jordan, on Wednesday. The in place, Iran is today closer to a nu- hard work on this resolution for a Amman session is intended to align strate- clear weapons capacity than ever be- change. gies ahead of a larger conference in Switzer- fore, and the facts speak for them- Mr. GRAHAM. I wish to thank Sen- land that would bring together the Russian- ator MCCAIN for his voice on this topic and Iranian-backed Assad regime and the selves. Western-backed rebels. In January 2009, according to the and any other topic that keeps Amer- Russia appears to be hedging its bets, as IAEA, the Iranians had approximately ica safe. I also thank Senator MENEN- the U.S. official acknowledged Tuesday. 1,000 kilograms of uranium enriched to DEZ, without whom there would be no Assad’s forces are being resupplied from 3.5 percent. Today they have more than resolution. Senator REID is not here, somewhere, the official said, and not all of 8,000 kilograms. In January 2009 Iran but I thank him for making the time the armaments can be explained away as had not enriched to 20 percent. Today available to have this vote. part of a continuation of weapons contracts the IAEA reported that Iran has pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that predate the conflict. Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei duced 324 kilograms of 20 percent-en- ator from New Jersey is recognized for Lavrov agreed two weeks ago to jointly riched uranium. That is 44 kilograms 5 minutes. lobby the opposition and Assad’s government more than 3 months ago. It means they Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, is to sit down for negotiations. The goal would are moving unabated and unhindered there a division of time? be a transitional government with members toward the development of a nuclear The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- chosen by mutual consent. The United weapon, and they continue to deny jority controls 20 minutes. States says that would mean Assad’s even- IAEA inspectors entry into nuclear fa- Mr. MENENDEZ. I recognize myself tual exit; Russia says not necessarily. for such time as I may consume. Kerry stopped in Oman on Tuesday to so- cilities while the centrifuges continue lidify a partnership with a rare Sunni Arab to increase dramatically. Just a few Let me start off by thanking and nation that has friendly relations with both hours ago, the IAEA issued a report congratulating my colleague Senator Iran and the United States. He was readying that says Iran has installed close to 700 GRAHAM for joining with me, for engag- plans with Sultan Qaboos bin Said for high-tech centrifuges, which will expo- ing me on this critical question. He Oman’s purchase of an estimated $2.1 billion nentially increase the speed with which knows my concerns about Iran’s march air-defense system. The Raytheon-built sys- Iran will be able to enrich uranium. toward nuclear weapons, and together tem is part of a coordinated, U.S.-led detec- Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons ca- we thought it was an important state- tion and defense network intended to ment to make. I appreciate his leader- counter Iran’s sophisticated missile systems. pability cannot be divorced from its The State Department official would not other destabilizing actions. The threat ship on this issue and bringing us to a say whether Iran was welcome at the Syria from Iran is comprehensive. It includes point where I think we will have a re- conference in Geneva, tentatively set for ongoing threats against Israel and markably strong bipartisan vote today June. other allied Arab governments across to send a very clear message. The mes- In Washington on Tuesday, the Senate the region, it includes a decades-long sage is that we seek full implementa- Foreign Relations Committee passed legisla- campaign of unconventional warfare, tion of U.S. and international sanc- tion authorizing President Obama to send tions on Iran and urge the President to weapons to vetted Syrian opposition groups. and it includes Iran’s ongoing role as Although the administration has not decided the No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism in continue to strengthen enforcement of whether to provide lethal aid and does not the world. those sanctions. need congressional approval to do so, the Let’s not forget that Iran has bol- I cannot emphasize enough my measure would strengthen Obama’s case stered violent extremist groups such as strong concerns about Iran’s nuclear against those lawmakers who disapprove of Hezbollah and Shiite militias in Iraq program and the extraordinary threat stepped-up U.S. involvement in Syria. who are responsible for the murders of it poses, yes, to Israel but, very impor- The bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Robert tantly, to the United States of America Menendez (D–N.J.), the committee chairman, hundreds of young American forces and and Sen. Bob Corker (R–Tenn.), the ranking innocent civilians or that senior lead- and to the entire international commu- minority member, also creates a $250 million ers of the Quds Force were implicated nity. Iran’s provocative actions threat- annual transition fund—from reprogrammed, in a terrorist plot to assassinate Saudi en to not just undo regional stability, not newly appropriated, money—to help the Arabia’s Ambassador to the United but they pose an existential threat to civilian opposition preserve government in- States on U.S. soil. our ally Israel and clearly a very clear stitutions and strengthen sanctions against The Iranian regime continues to un- threat to the national security of the anyone providing arms or selling oil to dertake its full-fledged campaign of United States. Iran continues to export Assad. terrorist activity directly and through Menendez acknowledged concerns that U.S. brutality to keep Bashar al-Asad in weapons could fall into the hands of Islamist power in Syria. Senior Iranian officials proxies, such as Hezbollah. It continues extremists fighting on the side of the opposi- are advising and assisting the Syrian to actively support the Asad regime tion. But, he said, ‘‘if we stand aside and do military with intelligence support and Syria with fighters, arms, and petro- nothing,’’ such worries ‘‘will become self-ful- weapons. They have undertaken, to- leum. It continues its unrelenting drive filling prophecy.’’ gether with Hezbollah, a large-scale for nuclear weapons, placing it at the The bill, which passed the committee on a training effort of as many as 50,000 mi- top of our list of national security con- bipartisan 15 to 3 vote, still requires ap- cerns. In my view it remains the para- proval by the entire Senate and by the litiamen. As today’s Washington Post House, which has no companion version makes clear, Iranian soldiers are fight- mount national security challenge we pending. ing on the ground in Syria, supporting face, certainly in the Middle East, if Karen DeYoung in Washington contributed the regime as it massacres its civilians. not the world. to this report. I ask whether this is in America’s na- We are at a crossroads in our Iran Mr. MCCAIN. I join with 90 Members tional security interest. policy, and the question today is, What of the Senate to support this resolu- The threat in Iran is more deadly and do we do next? The Obama administra- tion. This resolution has extraordinary more serious than any I have seen in tion, in concert with the Congress, has bipartisan support. The Senate will my lifetime. I don’t think this threat pursued a dual-track approach of diplo- send a clear and unequivocal message will be fully resolved until a very dif- macy and sanctions. Two weeks ago to the regime in Tehran, and that is ferent set of leaders is in power in members of the Foreign Relations this: The United States will not allow Tehran and until we see an Iranian Committee met with Lady Ashton, who you to get a nuclear weapons capa- Government that reflects the will of has led the diplomatic track with the bility. the Iranian people. I am confident that P5+1, along with Under Secretary Sher- The dangers of a nuclear Iran cannot the current regime that rules Iran will man. The talks have been central in be denied, diminished, or dismissed. We not last forever for the simple reason demonstrating to the world that it is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.008 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 22, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3741 Iran and not the United States that is use of force, it does also make clear I urge my colleagues to support the acting in bad faith and it is Iran that, that we have Israel’s back and, specifi- Graham-Menendez resolution and full through its obstinacy, has helped gal- cally, that if Israel is compelled to implementation of U.S. international vanize the international community to take military action in self-defense sanctions on Iran. We are considering increase the pressure. But the talks against Iran’s nuclear program, we other options before the Senate For- have failed to achieve their central ob- should stand with Israel, using all the eign Relations Committee, as well as jective, which is getting Iran to make tools of our national power to assist working with our colleagues on the concessions on its nuclear program. Israel in defense of its territory, its Senate Banking Committee to make it It is clear to me that we cannot allow people, and its very existence. very clear we will exercise and exhaust the Iranians to continue to drag their The bottom line is that Israel should all options that are peaceful diplomacy feet by talking, while all the while always understand the United States to achieve our ultimate goal. they grow their nuclear program. Iran has its back; that we will not allow This resolution makes it very clear is proceeding at a fast pace. Today, as Iran to obtain nuclear weapons capa- to the world we stand behind the Presi- has been mentioned, the International bility, and if we are forced to, we will dent as he stands behind Israel, and it Atomic Energy Agency, in its quar- take whatever means necessary to pre- says to Israel: We continue to be your terly report, said that Iran has in- vent this outcome. faithful ally. We recognize you as a stalled almost 700 advanced IR2m cen- As the President has reiterated on clear democracy in a challenging part trifuges at Natanz, an increase of more numerous occasions, all options—all of the world, as a major security part- than 500 centrifuges since February of options—are on the table. That mes- ner of the United States, and the one this year. These are centrifuges that sage, along with the solidarity of this country most likely to be voting with can more efficiently and more quickly Chamber, I intend to take with me on us in international organizations in enrich uranium. The IAEA’s report my visit to Israel later this week. common cause with common values. also again expressed concern about the The simple fact is we need to con- That is what I think this vote will be possible military dimensions of Iran’s tinue to apply pressure and we must about tonight. nuclear program. bring along the international commu- I reserve the remainder of my time We cannot allow Iran to buy more nity in our effort. This has been incred- because I do believe I have a colleague time by talking even as the centrifuges ibly important, because while we have who wishes to speak, but I yield the keep spinning. There is no doubt and led, we have had a multiplier effect floor. there has never been a doubt—cer- with the multilateral support of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tainly not in my mind—that a nuclear- European Union and others so our ator from South Carolina is recognized. armed Iran is not an option for U.S. na- sanctions can bite, and they have been There is 8 minutes remaining on the tional security. That is why I have biting. Iran’s crude oil exports have Republican side and 9 minutes remain- 1 been fully dedicated to doing every- been cut in half, from 2 ⁄2 million bar- ing on the majority side. thing we can to stop Iran from ever rels per day in 2011 to approximately Mr. GRAHAM. At this time, I yield 2 crossing that threshold. That is why I 1.25 million barrels now per day. Iran minutes to my friend from Mississippi, introduced, along with Senator GRA- still had energy sector exports, how- Senator WICKER, who is a member of HAM, this resolution that makes clear ever, of $83 billion in 2012, including $60 the Armed Services Committee. that a nuclear Iran is not an option and billion in oil and another $23 billion in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that the United States has Israel’s natural gas, fuel oil, and condensates. ator from Mississippi. back. It is why I have come to this The sanctions are working, but they Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I rise in floor time after time as an author of aren’t enough, and they aren’t working strong support of this resolution be- some of the toughest sanctions that fast enough. cause Iran represents the single largest In my view, we need to double down one country has ever levied against an- threat to freedom and peace in the on four fronts. other, the sanctions against Iran. Middle East. Our State Department Working closely with my colleague First, we need to encourage further classifies Iran as the most active state Senator KIRK and with the Obama ad- reductions in energy sector purchases sponsor of terrorism, period. ministration, we have implemented from Iran, including purchases of pe- A troubling news account from Reu- these sanctions in a way that is truly troleum, fuel oil, and condensates and ters released just yesterday reveals a strangling the Iranian economy. Iran’s prevent Iran from engaging in trade in United Nations nuclear agency report leaders must understand that unless precious metals to circumvent sanc- due this week is ‘‘expected to show they change their course, their situa- tions; second, we need to ensure we Iran further increasing its capacity to tion will only get worse and economic have prohibited trade with Iran with produce material that . . . could even- struggles and international isolation respect to all dual-use items that can will grow. They must understand that be used in Iran’s nuclear program. That tually be put to developing atomic at the end of the day their pursuit of a means adding additional industry sec- bombs.’’ The clock is ticking. This is a mo- nuclear weapons capability will make tors to the trade prohibition list; third, them less, not more, secure. we need to ask the international com- ment to be resolute. The forceful words I also want to say something about munity to ramp up the pressure and we just heard from the distinguished Iran’s unacceptable and deplorable ap- change Teheran’s calculus. A nuclear chairman of the Foreign Relations proach to the State of Israel and its Iran, after all, isn’t only an American Committee, and previously from the continued threats to the Jewish State. problem; and fourth, the time may distinguished senior Senator from Ari- As the President has made clear time have also come to look more seriously zona, demonstrate our firm bipartisan and again, America’s commitment to at all options and that would include position on this matter. The world can Israel’s security is unshakeable. I share increasing military presence and pres- ill afford the prospect of a nuclear- the President’s commitment to Israel’s sure against Iran. armed Iran. That is why it is incum- security, and I know my colleagues do I believe there still may be time for bent on the Congress and the President as well. Every time Iran makes out- diplomacy to work, but increased mili- to take every action necessary to pre- rageous threats, it only succeeds in tary pressure could signal to the su- vent Iran from acquiring a weapon of further uniting the world against it preme leader a nuclear program will mass destruction. All options must be and strengthening America’s resolve. undermine the security of his regime, on the table, as the resolution indi- I strongly support the close and un- not improve it. cates, to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. precedented security cooperation that Fundamentally, the challenge re- Israel is a nation under siege by ter- the administration has pursued with mains a difficult one and we are walk- rorist organizations, many of which are Israel, and I know this cooperation will ing a fine line. But this resolution says being directly funded by the Iranian re- only continue. I am deeply committed to the supreme leader of Iran that we gime. The United States must not to doing everything I can to ensure will not let up, we will continue to waiver in its support and obligation to that Israel is able to defend itself. apply pressure, and this continued pur- our friends in Israel. I am pleased this While this resolution makes abso- suit of nuclear weapons is threatening resolution reaffirms our commitment lutely clear we are not authorizing the the very existence of his regime. to Israel, particularly in the event

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.064 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S3742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2013 Israel is forced to exercise its sovereign The United States supports our stra- of poison gas. After all, President right to defend itself. tegic partner Israel, and that is why I Obama famously warned the Asad re- I urge my colleagues to take a firm support S. Res. 65, because it dem- gime that deploying chemical weapons stand against nuclear proliferation by onstrates our full, unyielding, would be tantamount to crossing a red voting for strengthened sanctions and unstinting support for Israel if the un- line. Yet the White House is walking for the adoption of this resolution. thinkable and the avoidable happens. back its red line comments and issuing I yield back whatever time I may I yield back the remainder of my retroactive qualifiers. have remaining. time. We can be sure the mullahs are tak- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ing notes, and we can be sure the out- ior Senator from Connecticut. ator from South Carolina. come of the Syrian civil war will help Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I Mr. GRAHAM. At this time, I yield 5 determine the outcome of the Iranian rise to express my strong support for minutes to my good friend from Texas, nuclear crisis. this resolution and to thank our col- a strong supporter of the United I yield the floor. leagues Senator GRAHAM and Senator States-Israel relationship, Senator Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I rise MENENDEZ for their leadership and to CORNYN. in support of S. Res. 65, an important thank them also for giving me the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- and timely resolution that restates privilege of working with them over ior Senator from Texas. U.S. policy to prevent Iran from ac- the last years on this vitally important Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, back in quiring a nuclear weapons capability national security issue. It is vital not October 2012, two Iran experts at the and expresses U.S. support should just to the existence of Israel—it is an Foundation for Defense of Democracies Israel be compelled to take military existential issue for Israel—but to the wrote a sobering article about the Ira- action against Iran in its own legiti- national security of the United States. nian nuclear program. They concluded mate self-defense. I believe Israel is a crucial ally of the that, despite years of international and I would like to take this time to United States and a successful demo- unilateral sanctions, Iran’s economy thank my colleagues Senator MENEN- cratic state in the Middle East. Recent had been allowed to remain healthy DEZ, Senator GRAHAM, Senator HOEVEN, turmoil in that region adds urgency enough to leave a vanishingly short pe- and Senator BLUMENTHAL for joining and importance to ensuring that Israel riod of time for sanctions to do the forces to introduce this important bi- remains a secure, stable, independent work that might possibly head off mili- partisan resolution that recognizes and state. This resolution is a reaffirmation of tary action. reaffirms the special bonds of friend- Seven months have passed since that the readiness of the United States of ship and cooperation that have existed article was written, and over that pe- America to assist Israel, our steadfast between the United States and the partner in the region, to thwart any riod of time the following things have State of Israel for more than six dec- measure of aggression made toward happened: The Iranians have upgraded ades. Israel by Iran. their biggest uranium enrichment Make no mistake—the diplomatic, It is also a reaffirmation of the pol- plant. The head of the International security, and economic relationship be- icy long supported by this body—by our Atomic Energy Agency has found cred- tween Israel and the United States is colleagues here, by all of us in a very ible evidence that Tehran has secretly stronger than it has ever been, and personal and direct way—that we have been pursuing nuclear weapons tech- nothing can break that everlasting the back of the President of the United nology. The United States renewed bond. But let’s be completely frank. States in his insisting on strong sanc- sanction waivers for countries that im- Right now, our friend Israel faces one tions against Iran as long as it con- port substantial amounts of Iranian of the gravest threats it has confronted tinues its development of a nuclear ca- oil. President Obama installed a harsh in more than a half a century. pability. critic of Iran sanctions as his Sec- The Islamic Republic of Iran is dan- In the coming days, I will be intro- retary of Defense. The Iranians have gerously obsessed with the goal of ac- ducing, along with my colleague the continued to prop up Syria and its dic- quiring a nuclear weapons capability. senior Senator from North Dakota, Mr. tator Bashar Asad and transport dan- And we are getting closer and closer to HOEVEN, a resolution that calls for free gerous weapons to Hezbollah as well. ‘‘crunch time’’ in terms of Iran devel- and fair . Regardless of In short, the Iranians are feeling oping that nuclear weapons capability. the outcome of these elections—and emboldened, America’s credibility is Time is of the essence, but unfortu- they are likely to be sham elections— being tested, and time is running out. nately the latest talks between the we can’t avoid the sad fact that Iran For these reasons, I am a proud cospon- United States, our international part- has maintained its course and commit- sor of S. Res. 65, which would send a ners, and Iran in Almaty, Kazakhstan, ment to nuclear development. The cen- clear message we are determined not failed to achieve any progress toward trifuges are spinning, they are going, just to contain Iran but to prevent the curbing Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. and more are brought online every day Iranians from acquiring a nuclear ‘‘Talks’’ about the ‘‘future talks’’ are in this breakout for nuclear capacity. weapon. ongoing, but the centrifuges continue So we have to be wary of false signals It would also send a clear message to spin in Iran, with more advanced of hope and remain vigilant in our con- the United States will stand with centrifuges on the way. stant effort to secure against Iran Israel if our democratic ally is forced And who can deny the horrific ac- faithfully pursuing nuclear weapons. to take military action in legitimate tions of the Iranian regime. From its Fruitless negotiations can’t be our self-defense. support of the vicious Asad regime in reason to call a halt to these sanctions. I would also add that I have joined Syria, which is spearheading a human That can come only with compliance— my colleague from Illinois Senator rights catastrophe that has led to the verified compliance. We have to remain KIRK in introducing a separate bill, the deaths of more than 70,000 people, to its vigilant and remember that Iran has Iran Export Embargo Act, which would backing of murderous terrorist organi- threatened to attack not only Israel further expand U.S. sanctions by pro- zations like Hamas and Hezbollah, the but the United States. It has substan- hibiting companies from doing business Iranian regime is getting more and tiated those words with attacks on our with any entity that is owned or con- more dangerous by the day. All the troops in Iraq and on American civil- trolled by the Government of Iran. while, Iran’s President Mahmoud ians visiting or living in Israel. More specifically, our bill would pro- Ahmadinejad continues to guide his It is Israel who helps diffuse those hibit all export-related transactions people down a very perilous path. threats from Hamas and Hezbollah and conducted on behalf of Iranian Govern- That is why this bipartisan resolu- all who have targeted America. If Iran ment entities, and it would block their tion is so timely. It recognizes the tre- chooses to declare war on Israel, if it assets. mendous threat posed to the United ignores the path of peace the inter- One final point. The Iranians are not States, the West, and Israel by Iran’s national community has repeatedly just waiting to see how we beef up continuing pursuit of a nuclear weap- laid down for it, they must know they sanctions, they are also waiting to see ons capability, and it deplores and con- do it at their peril. how we respond to Syria’s apparent use demns in the strongest possible terms

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.068 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 22, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3743 the reprehensible statements and poli- Energy Agency’s, IAEA, regulatory au- strain Iran’s nuclear ambitions and to cies of the leaders of the Islamic Re- thority and oversight, the United compel Iran to comply with the stand- public of Iran threatening the security States must reiterate the plain and ards and norms expected of members of and existence of Israel. simple fact that a nuclear Iran is unac- the world community. And while sanc- The United States must do every- ceptable. tions are having a significant impact thing we can—as quickly as we can—to When looking at the bigger picture, on Iran’s economy, they have not yet convince the Iranian Government that the recent terrorist attacks and caused Iran’s leaders to alter their it is in its interest to abandon its pur- killings in Boston and Benghazi remind course. suit of nuclear weapons. This resolu- all Americans that our war on ter- Just yesterday, Iran’s leaders again tion sends a blunt message to the Gov- rorism continues. Even as troop num- showed their uncompromising and ernment of Iran the United States will bers dwindle in Afghanistan, this fight hard-line stance by excluding viable take whatever steps are necessary to and its core focus are far from over. We opposition candidates from their up- prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear must continue to combat the terrorist coming Presidential election. weapons capability. threat around the world and strengthen There has been a special bond of This resolution states that nothing our allied relationships as this fight friendship and cooperation between the in this text shall be construed as an au- continues. Iran’s funneling of weapons U.S. and the State of Israel for over 60 thorization for the use of force or a and aid to terrorist cells increases years, which continues to retain broad declaration of war. But rest assured, I their threat beyond the neighborhood. bipartisan support. We should continue to support and expand the close mili- believe that when it comes to Iran, we Iran is not only a threat to Israel but tary, intelligence, and security co- should never take the military option to the United States as well. Senate off the table. President Obama has operation between our two countries. Resolution 65 reminds us of this fact In this context, S. Res. 65 makes stated that Israel is a true friend. And and of the long and important strategic three vital points. if Israel is attacked, America will relationship our nations have shared, First, it reiterates that it is U.S. pol- stand with Israel. Most importantly, one which has been built of mutual icy to prevent Iran from achieving a President Obama has said that Iran’s trust and strengthened through secu- nuclear weapons capability. leaders should understand that he does rity cooperation. Second, it calls for the full imple- not have a policy of containment; rath- I strongly support the United States’ mentation of United States and inter- er President Obama has a policy to pre- determination to prevent Iran from ob- national sanctions on Iran and urges vent Iran from obtaining a nuclear taining a nuclear weapon. I strongly the President to continue and weapon.’’ I take the President at his support this resolution as it makes our strengthen enforcement of sanctions word, and so should the Government of determination unequivocal. All options legislation, including closing loopholes Iran. But we need to ratchet up the are on the table. that allow the regime to skirt sanc- sanctions and the pressure on Iran now. To avoid our option of last resort, tions. And rest assured—Congress has given armed conflict, it is important that And third, it makes clear the U.S. the President a powerful package of this Congress continue to push for full should stand in support of Israel in economic sanctions that will paralyze implementation of sanctions against case Israel is compelled to take mili- the Iranian economy and I am con- the current regime in Iran to cripple tary action in self-defense, in accord- fident we in Congress will do more and their ability to acquire a nuclear weap- ance with U.S. law and Congress’s con- this Administration will do more to on. I encourage all of my colleagues to stitutional responsibility to authorize prevent Iran from developing a nuclear join me in advocating for this—not the use of force. weapons capability. only this administration, but for the Now is not the time for America to I strongly urge my colleagues in the European Union and democracies project any ambiguity concerning Senate to support this important reso- around the world to strengthen their Iran’s nuclear program. lution and I look forward to its swift sanctions on this rogue regime, as While we hope that sanctions will ul- passage. Iran’s beliefs, rhetoric, and actions timately prove successful in per- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I rise threaten every nation who calls for de- suading the regime to halt its nuclear today in advocacy for each of my col- mocracy and freedom. ambitions, we must at the same time leagues to come to the floor this after- Of greatest importance, this resolu- make clear to Tehran that we will noon and vote in support of Senate tion makes it crystal clear that the stand with Israel. Any other message Resolution 65. This vital resolution United States stands firmly behind will simply encourage the mullahs to makes a clear statement to Iran—both Israel and her right to self-defense by believe that Iran can pursue its nuclear to the current regime and to Iranian pledging full support should Israel take ambitions with impunity—and may fa- citizens who wish for real and true military action against the threat of cilitate precisely the sort of crisis that we all hope to avoid. change from the status quo—that the Iran’s nuclear program. This is not an United States will not tolerate its de- I urge my colleagues to stand with authorization for use of military force Israel by voting in favor of S. Res. 65. velopment of a nuclear weapon. Addi- or a declaration of war. However, it Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I support tionally, Senate Resolution 65 ex- sends the right message to Iran and the the resolution on Iran that we are vot- presses the United States’ uncondi- rest of the world. The United States ing on today, and I hope it sends a tional support for Israel’s right to self- stands strong behind our allies. Even in strong message to Iran as it continues defense against the threat of a nuclear this time of necessary financial re- to flout the international community Iran. straint, the United States will never in pursuit of a nuclear program that is These vital statements come at a leave an ally to fight alone. a significant challenge to our Nation, time when change could happen with Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise our allies, and the world. Iran’s elections next month. But unfor- in strong support of S. Res. 65, a resolu- While a diplomatic arrangement in tunately, there is little reason to be- tion which sends Israel, Iran, and the which Iran rejoins the responsible com- lieve things will change. According to region a clear message: We stand with munity of nations remains far and the State Department, Iran remains our friends in Israel as they face the away the preferred outcome, there is a the most active state sponsor of ter- looming threat of a nuclear-capable consensus in that a nuclear-armed Iran rorism. This is a statistic that must be Iran. is not acceptable and that all options— addressed. Iran’s continual material I thank Senators GRAHAM and including military options—must re- and financial support to Hezbollah and MENENDEZ for submitting this critical main available to prevent such an out- Hamas, expanding involvement in resolution, which comes as we face a come. Syria, and serial deception of its nu- dangerous crossroads in the Middle However, according to a New York clear program are unlikely to be dif- East. Times report today, Iran is pressing ferent a month from now; a year from Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapons ca- ahead with the construction of a re- now; perhaps, a decade from now. Espe- pability is moving closer and closer to search reactor that could offer it an- cially as Iran continues to reject the fruition. Talks with Iran have yet to other way to produce material for a nu- United Nation’s International Atomic achieve the progress necessary to re- clear weapon should it decide to do so.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.067 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S3744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2013 If true, this is further evidence that clear-capable Iran, we will be there for it for inappropriate purposes or any Iran is not interested in a diplomatic them. We will have their back. Where I purposes other than production of med- solution, but rather in walking up to come from, when we tell somebody, ‘‘I ical devices and products as well as the line of a nuclear weapon capability have your back,’’ that means if they providing nuclear power. to fuel an arms race in the region, in- get into a fight for their very life, they I trust also that we have a 100-per- crease the risk of proliferation, and can count on us to be there. cent vote on this so we send a very challenge the global community. In this case, Israel can count on the strong signal to the Iranians that we Over the past 2 years, the National American people, the Senate, and our will not tolerate them going forward Defense Authorization Act has in- Commander in Chief to be there. If that with this plan. cluded sanctions provisions that have day ever comes, and I pray it does not, I thank the Senator for yielding ratcheted up the pressure on Iran’s but if that day ever comes where Israel time. ability to facilitate and support its il- has to take military action, to our Mr. REID. Mr. President, notwith- licit network of nuclear suppliers and friends in Israel: We will be there with standing the previous order with re- has made it more difficult for the gov- you every step of the way, diplomati- spect to S. Res. 65, I ask consent that ernment of Iran to conduct business as cally, economically, and, yes, mili- the committee-reported amendment be usual until Iran changes its course. I tarily. agreed to. will continue to support additional uni- To the Iranian people: We would love The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there lateral and multilateral sanctions re- to have a better relationship with you. objection? Without objection, it is so gimes that further increase the pres- To the Iranian regime: You are one of ordered. sure on Iran’s economy. the biggest evils on the planet. We will Mr. GRAHAM. I do not see any other I look forward to supporting this res- stand up to you. We will stand by our speakers. I yield the remainder of the olution today, and I urge my col- friends. And your desire to throw the time. leagues to support it as well. world in chaos is never going to happen The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, how because we will be there when nec- is yielded back. The question is on much time remains? essary to stop your ambitions. adoption of S. Res. 65, as amended. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- To every colleague who has taken Mr. GRAHAM. I ask for the yeas and ator has 2 minutes remaining. time out to sponsor this resolution, nays. Mr. GRAHAM. I thank Senator COR- taken time out to speak on the floor: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a NYN and every person who spoke today Thank you. There is not much we agree sufficient second? and all the Senators who cosponsored on 100 percent, but I think today will There is a sufficient second. this resolution. I thank Senator REID be a major milestone in our efforts to The clerk will call the roll. for making the time available. Senator secure Israel and the United States. I The legislative clerk called the roll. MENENDEZ has been a terrific partner, think today we will have 100 percent Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the the strongest voice one could hope for support by the Senate and stand by our Senator from New Jersey (Mr. LAUTEN- in having a partner on the Democratic friends in Israel and stand up to the BERG) is necessarily absent. side to stand at a time when it mat- thugs in Iran. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ters. I yield the floor. any other Senators in the Chamber de- In conclusion, on March 4, 2012, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- siring to vote? President, President Obama, said ator from Indiana is recognized. The result was announced—yeas 99, ‘‘when the chips are down, I have Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I thank nays 0, not voting 1, as follows: Israel’s back.’’ my colleague from South Carolina for [Rollcall Vote No. 133 Leg.] Mr. President, you were right then. bringing this forward. We have imple- YEAS—99 Today the Senate will speak with one mented now another set of sanctions. Alexander Flake Moran voice echoing what you said. There is still some question as to Ayotte Franken Murkowski There is a lot of wonderment about whether sanctions will succeed and Baldwin Gillibrand Murphy what is going to happen with the Ira- bring about the result we want, but I Barrasso Graham Murray Baucus Grassley Nelson nian nuclear program. I hope and pray particularly commend my colleague for Begich Hagan Paul they stop their nuclear ambitions be- his statement just a few moments ago Bennet Harkin Portman cause they don’t want a nuclear reac- relative to the commitment of the Blumenthal Hatch Pryor Blunt Heinrich Reed tor, they want a nuclear weapon. If United States toward the security, Boozman Heitkamp Reid they ever get one we will never be safe, safety and preservation of Israel in Boxer Heller Risch Israel will be under the gun for the rest light of this threat that exists in Iran. Brown Hirono Roberts of its existence, and they will share the For years and years the clock has Burr Hoeven Rockefeller Cantwell Inhofe Rubio technology with the terrorists. Every been ticking as the Iranians pursue nu- Cardin Isakson Sanders Sunni Arab state will want a nuclear clear weapons capability. We know Carper Johanns Schatz weapon to counter the Shia Persians that for a fact. We need to exert every Casey Johnson (SD) Schumer possible measure that we can to give Chambliss Johnson (WI) Scott and all hell will break out beyond what Coats Kaine Sessions it is today in the Mid-East. them reason not to go forward and do Coburn King Shaheen How do we prevent that? Sanctions, this. That involves everything from di- Cochran Kirk Shelby diplomacy, but the one thing we can- plomacy to pressure through multi- Collins Klobuchar Stabenow Coons Landrieu Tester not have in doubt is what we would do national organizations, through sanc- Corker Leahy Thune if Israel had to act in her self-defense tions and ever-tightening, ever- Cornyn Lee Toomey to stop the nuclear ambitions of an Ira- ratcheting sanctions against them, but Cowan Levin Udall (CO) also the commitment to use whatever Crapo Manchin Udall (NM) nian regime that has promised to wipe Cruz McCain Vitter the State of Israel off the map. force may be necessary. I, along with Donnelly McCaskill Warner After today, in about 10 or 15 min- my colleague, pray this does not hap- Durbin McConnell Warren utes, I believe every Member of the pen. But Iran absolutely has to know Enzi Menendez Whitehouse Feinstein Merkley Wicker Senate will be telling the Iranians we that the United States will be standing Fischer Mikulski Wyden are not going to allow them to get a shoulder to shoulder with the nation of nuclear weapon because if we do, they Israel. If they level their gun sights at NOT VOTING—1 will throw the world in chaos. It will Israel, they are going to see us in the Lautenberg threaten our very existence, as well as scope, standing shoulder to shoulder. The resolution (S. Res. 65), as amend- the State of Israel, but most important We are committed to that. We are com- ed, was agreed to. we are going to tell everybody in the mitted to doing everything we possibly The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mid-East, throughout the world, in can to prohibit and prevent Iran from the previous order, the preamble is Tehran, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv that if achieving this nuclear capability. We agreed to and the motions to recon- there is a conflict where Israel is justi- will take whatever steps are necessary sider are considered made and laid fied in defending herself against a nu- if they use it—if they gain that and use upon the table.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.052 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 22, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3745 The resolution (S. Res. 65), as amend- ment-related and reprocessing activities and Whereas, in December 2012, 74 United ed, with its preamble, reads as follows: its full cooperation with the IAEA on all States Senators wrote to President Obama outstanding issues related to its nuclear ac- ‘‘As you begin your second term as Presi- S. RES. 65 tivities, particularly those concerning the dent, we ask you to reiterate your readiness Whereas, on May 14, 1948, the people of possible military dimensions of its nuclear to take military action against Iran if it Israel proclaimed the establishment of the program; continues its efforts to acquire a nuclear sovereign and independent State of Israel; Whereas the Government of the Islamic weapon. In addition, we urge you to work Whereas, on March 28, 1949, the United Republic of Iran has refused to comply with with our European and Middle Eastern allies States Government recognized the establish- United Nations Security Council resolutions to demonstrate to the Iranians that a cred- ment of the new State of Israel and estab- or to fully cooperate with the IAEA; ible and capable multilateral coalition exists lished full diplomatic relations; Whereas, in November 2011, the IAEA Di- that would support a military strike if, in Whereas, since its establishment nearly 65 rector General issued a report that docu- the end, this is unfortunately necessary.’’; years ago, the modern State of Israel has re- mented ‘‘serious concerns regarding possible and built a nation, forged a new and dynamic military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear pro- Whereas the United States-Israel Enhanced democratic society, and created a thriving gramme,’’ and affirmed that information Security Cooperation Act of 2012 (Public Law economic, political, cultural, and intellec- available to the IAEA indicates that ‘‘Iran 112–150) stated that it is United States policy tual life despite the heavy costs of war, ter- has carried out activities relevant to the de- to support Israel’s inherent right to self-de- rorism, and unjustified diplomatic and eco- velopment of a nuclear explosive device’’ and fense: Now, therefore, be it nomic boycotts against the people of Israel; that some activities may be ongoing; Resolved, Whereas the people of Israel have estab- Whereas the Government of Iran stands in SECTION 1. SENSE OF CONGRESS. lished a vibrant, pluralistic, democratic po- violation of the Universal Declaration of Congress— litical system, including freedom of speech, Human Rights for denying its citizens basic (1) reaffirms the special bonds of friendship association, and religion; a vigorously free freedoms, including the freedoms of expres- and cooperation that have existed between press; free, fair, and open elections; the rule sion, religion, peaceful assembly and move- the United States and the State of Israel for of law; a fully independent judiciary; and ment, and for flagrantly abusing the rights more than sixty years and that enjoy over- other democratic principles and practices; of minorities and women; whelming bipartisan support in Congress and Whereas, since the 1979 revolution in Iran, Whereas in his State of the Union Address among the people of the United States; the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 24, 2012, President Barack Obama (2) strongly supports the close military, in- have repeatedly made threats against the ex- stated, ‘‘Let there be no doubt: America is istence of the State of Israel and sponsored telligence, and security cooperation that determined to prevent Iran from getting a President Obama has pursued with Israel and acts of terrorism and violence against its nuclear weapon, and I will take no options citizens; urges this cooperation to continue and deep- off the table to achieve that goal.’’; en; Whereas, on October 27, 2005, President of Whereas Congress has passed and the Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a (3) deplores and condemns, in the strongest President has signed into law legislation im- possible terms, the reprehensible statements world without America and Zionism; posing significant economic and diplomatic Whereas, in February 2012, Supreme Leader and policies of the leaders of the Islamic Re- sanctions on Iran to encourage the Govern- public of Iran threatening the security and of Iran Ali Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘The Zi- ment of Iran to abandon its pursuit of nu- onist regime is a true cancer tumor on this existence of Israel; clear weapons and end its support for ter- (4) recognizes the tremendous threat posed region that should be cut off. And it defi- rorism; nitely will be cut off.’’; to the United States, the West, and Israel by Whereas these sanctions, while having sig- the Government of Iran’s continuing pursuit Whereas, in August 2012, Supreme Leader nificant effect, have yet to persuade Iran to Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘This bogus and of a nuclear weapons capability; abandon its illicit pursuits and comply with (5) reiterates that the policy of the United fake Zionist outgrowth will disappear off the United Nations Security Council resolutions; landscape of geography.’’; States is to prevent Iran from acquiring a Whereas more stringent enforcement of nuclear weapon capability and to take such Whereas, in August 2012, President sanctions legislation, including elements Ahmadinejad said that ‘‘in the new Middle action as may be necessary to implement targeting oil exports and access to foreign this policy; East . . . there will be no trace of the Amer- exchange, could still lead the Government of (6) reaffirms its strong support for the full ican presence and the Zionists’’; Iran to change course; implementation of United States and inter- Whereas the Department of State has des- Whereas, in his State of the Union Address national sanctions on Iran and urges the ignated the Islamic Republic of Iran as a on February 12, 2013, President Obama reiter- President to continue and strengthen en- state sponsor of terrorism since 1984 and has ated, ‘‘The leaders of Iran must recognize forcement of sanctions legislation; characterized the Islamic Republic of Iran as that now is the time for a diplomatic solu- (7) declares that the United States has a the ‘‘most active state sponsor of terrorism’’ tion, because a coalition stands united in de- vital national interest in, and unbreakable in the world; manding that they meet their obligations. commitment to, ensuring the existence, sur- Whereas the Government of the Islamic And we will do what is necessary to prevent vival, and security of the State of Israel, and Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- them from getting a nuclear weapon.’’; ing, funding, and direction to terrorist Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President reaffirms United States support for Israel’s groups, including Hamas, Hizballah, and Shi- Obama stated, ‘‘Iran’s leaders should under- right to self-defense; and ite militias in Iraq that are responsible for stand that I do not have a policy of contain- (8) urges that, if the Government of Israel the murder of hundreds of United States ment; I have a policy to prevent Iran from is compelled to take military action in le- service members and innocent civilians; obtaining a nuclear weapon.’’; gitimate self-defense against Iran’s nuclear Whereas the Government of the Islamic Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President weapons program, the United States Govern- Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- Obama said of Iran, ‘‘The clock is ticking ment should stand with Israel and provide, ing, and funding to the regime of Bashar al . . . And we’re going to make sure that if in accordance with United States law and Assad that has been used to suppress and they do not meet the demands of the inter- the constitutional responsibility of Congress murder its own people; national community, then we are going to to authorize the use of military force, diplo- Whereas, since at least the late 1980s, the take all options necessary to make sure they matic, military, and economic support to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran don’t have a nuclear weapon.’’; Government of Israel in its defense of its ter- has engaged in a sustained and well-docu- Whereas, on May 19, 2011, President Obama ritory, people, and existence. mented pattern of illicit and deceptive ac- stated, ‘‘Every state has the right to self-de- SEC. 2. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. tivities to acquire a nuclear weapons capa- fense, and Israel must be able to defend Nothing in this resolution shall be con- bility; itself, by itself, against any threat.’’; strued as an authorization for the use of Whereas, since September 2005, the Board Whereas, on September 21, 2011, President force or a declaration of war. of Governors of the International Atomic Obama stated, ‘‘America’s commitment to f Energy Agency (IAEA) has found the Islamic Israel’s security is unshakeable. Our friend- AGRICULTURE REFORM, FOOD Republic of Iran to be in non-compliance ship with Israel is deep and enduring.’’; with its safeguards agreement with the Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President AND JOBS ACT OF 2013—Continued IAEA, which Iran is obligated to undertake Obama stated, ‘‘And whenever an effort is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under as a non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the made to delegitimize the state of Israel, my the previous order, the Senate will re- Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear administration has opposed them. So there sume consideration of S. 954. Weapons, done at Washington, London, and should not be a shred of doubt by now: when AMENDMENT NO. 925 Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force the chips are down, I have Israel’s back.’’; Under the previous order, there will March 5, 1970 (NPT); Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President Whereas the United Nations Security Obama stated, ‘‘Israel is a true friend. And if be 2 minutes of debate equally divided Council has adopted multiple resolutions Israel is attacked, America will stand with in the usual form prior to a vote in re- since 2006 demanding of the Government of Israel. I’ve made that clear throughout my lation to the Shaheen amendment No. the Islamic Republic of Iran its full and sus- presidency . . . I will stand with Israel if 925. Debate will commence on the Sha- tained suspension of all uranium enrich- they are attacked.’’; heen amendment No. 925.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 May 23, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.072 S22MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE