S3736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2013 Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I ask from the Committee on Foreign Rela- since 2006 demanding of the Government of unanimous consent that the order for tions, with an amendment. the Islamic Republic of Iran its full and sus- the quorum call be rescinded. [Strike the part printed in boldface tained suspension of all uranium enrich- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without brackets and insert the part printed in ment-related and reprocessing activities and italic.] its full cooperation with the IAEA on all objection, it is so ordered. outstanding issues related to its nuclear ac- Mr. HOEVEN. I want to take several S. RES. 65 tivities, particularly those concerning the minutes to respond to some of the com- Whereas, on May 14, 1948, the people of possible military dimensions of its nuclear ments that were made here in regard to Israel proclaimed the establishment of the program; the farm bill, and specifically the sovereign and independent State of Israel; Whereas the Government of the Islamic Sugar Program. We have got a vote Whereas, on March 28, 1949, the United Republic of Iran has refused to comply with States Government recognized the establish- coming up. United Nations Security Council resolutions ment of the new State of Israel and estab- or to fully cooperate with the IAEA; The PRESIDING OFFICER. We cur- lished full diplomatic relations; Whereas, in November 2011, the IAEA Di- rently have an order to move to the Whereas, since its establishment nearly 65 rector General issued a report that docu- consideration of S. Res. 65 at 3:45 p.m. years ago, the modern State of Israel has re- mented ‘‘serious concerns regarding possible Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, that is built a nation, forged a new and dynamic military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear pro- my resolution with Senator MENENDEZ. democratic society, and created a thriving gramme,’’ and affirmed that information I do not mind yielding a couple of min- economic, political, cultural, and intellec- available to the IAEA indicates that ‘‘Iran utes to the Senator to make his points. tual life despite the heavy costs of war, ter- has carried out activities relevant to the de- rorism, and unjustified diplomatic and eco- velopment of a nuclear explosive device’’ and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nomic boycotts against the people of Israel; that some activities may be ongoing; objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the people of Israel have estab- Whereas the Government of Iran stands in Mr. HOEVEN. I thank my colleague. lished a vibrant, pluralistic, democratic po- violation of the Universal Declaration of I do want to respond to some com- litical system, including freedom of speech, Human Rights for denying its citizens basic ments that were made in regard to the association, and religion; a vigorously free freedoms, including the freedoms of expres- Sugar Program and the cost of sugar press; free, fair, and open elections; the rule sion, religion, peaceful assembly and move- for American consumers. It is very im- of law; a fully independent judiciary; and ment, and for flagrantly abusing the rights other democratic principles and practices; portant to understand that the price of of minorities and women; Whereas, since the 1979 revolution in Iran, Whereas in his State of the Union Address sugar in the United States is actually the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 24, 2012, President Barack Obama less than the international price. So have repeatedly made threats against the ex- stated, ‘‘Let there be no doubt: America is because of the Sugar Program we have, istence of the State of Israel and sponsored determined to prevent Iran from getting a American consumers benefit. Again, I acts of terrorism and violence against its nuclear weapon, and I will take no options want to reiterate that point. citizens; off the table to achieve that goal.’’; Also I want to express how important Whereas, on October 27, 2005, President of Whereas Congress has passed and the Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a it is to understand that we have low- President has signed into law legislation im- world without America and Zionism; posing significant economic and diplomatic cost producers in this country who are Whereas, in February 2012, Supreme Leader sanctions on Iran to encourage the Govern- precluded from selling their sugar in of Iran Ali Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘The Zi- ment of Iran to abandon its pursuit of nu- markets such as the European Union onist regime is a true cancer tumor on this clear weapons and end its support for ter- because of tariffs and restrictions. As region that should be cut off. And it defi- rorism; an individual who strongly supports nitely will be cut off.’’; Whereas these sanctions, while having sig- international commerce and trade, on Whereas, in August 2012, Supreme Leader nificant effect, have yet to persuade Iran to many of these issues I am down here Khamenei said of Israel, ‘‘This bogus and abandon its illicit pursuits and comply with fake Zionist outgrowth will disappear off the United Nations Security Council resolutions; talking about how we want to continue landscape of geography.’’; Whereas more stringent enforcement of to expand our ability to export. I be- Whereas, in August 2012, President sanctions legislation, including elements lieve that. But at the same time, we Ahmadinejad said that ‘‘in the new Middle targeting oil exports and access to foreign have to make sure our companies and East . there will be no trace of the Amer- exchange, could still lead the Government of our farmers, our ranchers and our pro- ican presence and the Zionists’’; Iran to change course; ducers, particularly when we are talk- Whereas the Department of State has des- Whereas, in his State of the Union Address ing about a farm bill, are treated fair- ignated the Islamic Republic of Iran as a on February 12, 2013, President Obama reiter- state sponsor of terrorism since 1984 and has ated, ‘‘The leaders of Iran must recognize ly. characterized the Islamic Republic of Iran as that now is the time for a diplomatic solu- We have a situation where they oper- the ‘‘most active state sponsor of terrorism’’ tion, because a coalition stands united in de- ate internationally and they are pre- in the world; manding that they meet their obligations. cluded from many markets throughout Whereas the Government of the Islamic And we will do what is necessary to prevent the world, even though they are low- Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- them from getting a nuclear weapon.’’; cost producers. That is what our Sugar ing, funding, and direction to terrorist Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President Program is designed to do, to try to groups, including Hamas, Hizballah, and Shi- Obama stated, ‘‘Iran’s leaders should under- level that playing field. It does so ef- ite militias in Iraq that are responsible for stand that I do not have a policy of contain- the murder of hundreds of United States ment; I have a policy to prevent Iran from fectively. The Sugar Program has cost service members and innocent civilians; obtaining a nuclear weapon.’’; this country nothing over the last dec- Whereas the Government of the Islamic Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President ade. In fact, consumers in this country Republic of Iran has provided weapons, train- Obama said of Iran, ‘‘The clock is ticking benefit from lower sugar prices than ing, and funding to the regime of Bashar al . And we’re going to make sure that if the international price, not higher Assad that has been used to suppress and they do not meet the demands of the inter- prices. murder its own people; national community, then we are going to I yield the floor. Whereas, since at least the late 1980s, the take all options necessary to make sure they Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran don’t have a nuclear weapon.’’; f has engaged in a sustained and well-docu- Whereas, on May 19, 2011, President Obama SUPPORTING SANCTIONS ON IRAN mented pattern of illicit and deceptive ac- stated, ‘‘Every state has the right to self-de- tivities to acquire a nuclear weapons capa- fense, and Israel must be able to defend The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under bility; itself, by itself, against any threat.’’; the previous order, the Senate will pro- Whereas, since September 2005, the Board Whereas, on September 21, 2011, President ceed to the consideration of S. Res. 65, of Governors of the International Atomic Obama stated, ‘‘America’s commitment to which the clerk will report by title. Energy Agency (IAEA) has found the Islamic Israel’s security is unshakeable. Our friend- The legislative clerk read as follows: Republic of Iran to be in non-compliance ship with Israel is deep and enduring.’’; with its safeguards agreement with the Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President A resolution (S. Res. 65) strongly sup- IAEA, which Iran is obligated to undertake Obama stated, ‘‘And whenever an effort is porting the full implementation of the as a non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the made to delegitimize the state of Israel, my United States and international sanctions on Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear administration has opposed them. So there Iran and urging the President to continue to Weapons, done at Washington, London, and should not be a shred of doubt by now: when strengthen enforcement of sanctions legisla- Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force the chips are down, I have Israel’s back.’’; tion. March 5, 1970 (NPT); Whereas, on October 22, 2012, President The Senate proceeded to consider the Whereas the United Nations Security Obama stated, ‘‘Israel is a true friend.
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