Third-Wave Livestreaming: Teens' Long Form Selfie
Third-Wave Livestreaming: Teens’ Long Form Selfie Danielle Lottridge, Frank Bentley, Matt Wheeler, Jason Lee, Janet Cheung, Katherine Ong, Cristy Rowley Yahoo, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA USA [dlottridge, fbentley, mattwheeler, leejason, janetcheung, ong, cristyr] ABSTRACT particular, as we show, teens have been adopting Mobile livestreaming is now well into its third wave. From livestreaming systems in increasing numbers. early systems such as Bambuser and Qik, to more popular apps Meerkat and Periscope, to today’s integrated social Understanding teens’ use of livestreaming is important for streaming features in Facebook and Instagram, both several reasons. Teens often act as lead users, for example technology and usage have changed dramatically. In this of systems such as Snapchat [2,24], and their behaviors latest phase of livestreaming, cameras turn inward to focus often spread to larger portions of the population over on the streamer, instead of outwards on the surroundings. time. Secondly, teens are an often-understudied community, Teens are increasingly using these platforms to entertain due to limitations in contacting them directly for studies friends, meet new people, and connect with others on and the needs of obtaining parental consent. Exploring how shared interests. We studied teens’ livestreaming behaviors this population is utilizing the latest generations of and motivations on these new platforms through a survey livestreaming services can help us understand broader completed by 2,247 American livestreamers and interviews implications for the design of future live video services. with 20 teens, highlighting changing practices, teens’ Beyond the users themselves, the design of current mobile differences from the broader population, and implications video streaming services and how they are being actively for designing new livestreaming services.
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