Technology Transfer and Industry Interface Division Planning and Projects Group Space Applications Centre (ISRO) Ambawadi Vistar, Ahmedabad – 380 015 Web: SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Email:
[email protected] Ahmedabad Fax: +91-79-26915817 INTRODUCTION Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad is a unique centre dealing with a wide variety of activities from payload developments to societal applications, thereby creating a synergy of technology, science and societal applications. SAC is responsible for the development, UAV version-1 UAV version 2 realization and qualification of communication, navigation, earth observation, planetary (available) (in near future) observation, meteorological payloads and related data processing and ground systems. It is Sub-System playing an important role in harnessing space technology for a wide variety of applications Size Weight Size Weight 3 3 for societal benefits. (Inch ) (Kg) (Inch ) (Kg) AHySI Camera, SAC has also been involving industry, practicing outsourcing, indigenous development of 5.4 x 4.25 x 7.5 2.6 5.4 x 4.25 x 7.5 2.6 w/o base plate technology and developing vendors. Due to this, the inhouse activities are increasingly being focused on system related aspects, specialised development and fabrication – which are PLE + Power 7 x 6 x 2.4 1.5 7 x 6 x 2.4 1.5 difficult to be done outside. The organizational structure continues to remain dynamic, Tray responding to the needs of the Indian space programme. Command & 15 X 6 X 3 2.0 11.8, 6, 2.16 1.0 Control Unit Sensors Development Area has designed and developed electro-optical payloads for earth observation and planetary missions for ISRO’s satellite program.