Request made by Italy under Article3

The following communication has been received by the Director-General from the Italian Permanent Mission for notification to the Cotton Textiles Committee.

I have the honour to advise you that the consultations requested by the Italian Government with the authorities of the United Arab Republic, under the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles, took place at Rome from 21 to 29 . The results of these consultations are set forth in an agreement of which I enclose the text, for the information of the Cotton Textiles Committee. COT/94/Add.1 Page 2

MEMORANDUMOF UNDERSTANDINGS Reached by Representatives of the Government of Italy and the United Arab Republic Relating to Cotton Textiles The following are the understandings reached between representatives of the Italian Government and the Government of the United Arab Republic with respect to the conclusion of an agreement concerning imports of cotton textiles (Tariff headings Nos. 55.09.71 and 55.09.72) from the United Arab Republic. 1. As a temporary measure the Italian Government limits its imports of cotton textiles (Tariff headings Nos. 55.09.71 and 55.09.72) from the United Arab Republic at a level of 915 tons constituting the eight and a half month period beginning 15 , ending 31 December 1968, distributed as follows: From. 15 April 1968 to 14 - 305 tons; From 15 July 1968 to 14 - 305 tons and remaining 305 tons from 15 October to 31 December 1968. The United Arab Republic Government has the right to carry over any shortfalls in one period to the following period. 2. The Government of the United Arab Republic agrees to limit its exports of cotton textiles (Tariff headings Nos. 55.09.71 and 55.09.72) to a level of 915 tons for an eight and a half month period beginning 15 April 1968, ending 31 December 1968. 3. The Government of the United Arab Republic and the Italian Government agree to re-examine the level of quota established in this agreement within a six-months period in the light of conditions of the Italian cotton textiles market and other factors, with the view to taking appropriate remedial action such as a reasonable modification of this agreement. 4. The Italian Government shall keep under review the import restriction with a view to their relaxation and elimination as soon as possible. 5. Mutually satisfactory administrative arrangements or adjustments may be made to resolve minor problems arising in the implementation of this agreement. This understanding will be effected as from 15 April by a formal exchange of notes. Rome, 29 March 1968 For the Government of Italy For the Government of the United Arab Republic