
Showboat Toots Lawrence Rutherford states that the effort to enlarge the seating haa brought out every known type THE LOWHl I i ^ of engineering problem, but goes on to say that Ed. Johnson will be sat- Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THTHURSDAYSRS . JULY 20. 1950 isfied If all additional seats can be Number 12 placed In the first 18 rows directly The ducks at the King Mills are in front of the stage. Wotson Drug Store Is • of ever-increasing interest both to New Main Street Firm 1 Lowell residents and to the visitors John Roth said when he noticed Showboat Eodmefl Six All-Star Acts Will Feature over 4,000 aubki 'and tourists who pass through the one of the acts In the Showboat had Laurence L. Wataon of lonlp Helping Form Program j village. This spring tfwo of the been featured In the movie, "Mother has purchased the Henry Drug Mallards crossed the bridge and set Wore Tights," he wondered how In Important Role Store and will lake possession of- At last week's Rotary luncheon Amateur Night Shew |up their nests slde-by-side on a many of the mothers and grand- ficially on August 1. The date of the This Year's Lowell Showboat Seymour Heache, president of Kent 'letige back of Bernle Bedell's barber mothers of the boys and girls In this formal opening la to be announced County Farm Bureau, was the shop over Flat river. Here they re- year's show, sang In the chorus in Down Thru Years | later. speaker. He explained in detail the Acts, Queen Chosen mained on their nests all through past years. GI Bill of Rights and On-the-Job the period of hatching until now the Every year when Showboat time j Mr. Watson who Is a graduate Training program for boys and men The Showboat amateur talent proud mother ducks may be seen approaches, the question of how I of Ferria Pharmacy School was InteresteAcacswcdu 14In1 farmingicsiiuttig. night--c ,• held —at- th—e stadium last Sat- with their ninlittle uuraones, swimming A representative of a national ad- many past performances there 'connected with the Smith ft Smith urday evc lng reW thc lar e31 Mr. Hesche stated that there is al 1 I " ' ? , u K , around in the river and those duck- vertising agency called on Elmer have been, pops up. Now we know Drug Store In Ionia for 21 years. hll,tor of good program available which in-'" u y event-lings are already very proficient, Schaefer the other day. He com- there have been 57 performances. Four and one-half years ago he eludes 200 classroom hours and 200 It. looked Ilke a We the mothers were "setting" plimented the citizens of Lowell on One more boat run was made the bought a partnership In the Ionia outside classroom hours, to teach iV , . approximately 4.000 In on their nests they were convenient- their ability to advertise the Show- first year, but the show did not j store which has since been known the proper handling of livestock, '•"L, stan(ls- ! 'y located where they might watch boat throughout the length and take place because of a rain storm, jas Huber A Watson. repairing and adjusting farm ma- Preceding the evening's regular |the Showboat workmen on their an- breadth of the state. He says talent which had dispersed the audience. | During these years Mr. Watson chinery. and a general education in search program was Lowell's nual Job of getting the Robert E. you've got everybody talking about 3 performances were given In 1932, first Mis3 i has been widely connected with . the modern methods of farming. America contest which Lee and the stage ready for Low- the thing. ^ 3 In 1933, 3 In 1934, 3 in 1935, 3 In )rovc,J wall paper and paint business as I The object of the training course.. • ^ be very Interesting and ell's big event of the year. 1936, 4 In 1937, 4 in 1938, 4 in 1939, iwell as drugs, and haa acquired Isays Mr. Hesche. is to equip these ~®c e3,,f"i- Seven girl, partklpated^ Admiral Ttuncrman states that 4 In 1940, 6 in 1941. War Interlude— v a great deal of knowiege and ex- when the S>iowboat comes down the 1942, 1943, 1944. 1946. Then there |l»y. tor th. full-time. :! D,,,,., appear, .Aav. hit upon perience In these lines. > a m river on Jmy 24 It will be the 58th were 5 shows In 1946, 5 In 1947, 5 in jing business of farming which '3iQodwin Heights Joan Priebe Jean ethod to reduce the number of trip, or irayoe only the 57th. 1948 and 6 In 1949. I The store will continue business ifa. becoming more complicated.^.'deaths and accidents from automo- There have been six End Men in the same Main Street location I^..?C^pa.t.lon.^u,r_ef .a ence Schreur of Lowell and Patricia »>lle driving, says the Fremont 1 investment in stock and tools as ® ^ In trying a new color for the under the name Watson Drug 1 . Times-Indicator. It is simple but playing blackface roles each year. well as good land to make a sue- Rockford. boat decnrailons, Chris explained to Store, and the personnel In the effective—at least the experience of It la Interesting to find that only cessful venture. Stormy that It was chartreuse. 23 different men have done all of store will remain the same. Mrs. Michigan's metropolis has brought Stormy said It looked like a green- the entertaining, and this la the 15th Wataon will also be a member of The state agriculture department 'good results. Speeders and reckless ish yellow to him. Chris explained year. The 1950 End Men are John the ataff. has charge of a training course of and drunken drivers are sertt to that According to the label on the Roth, who leads with 9 years' ex- Mr. Watson la affiliated with the ' from one to four years. Ijail instead of merely being fined. • tjpS# can it waa chartreuse. perience, Forrest Buck who has Masonic Lodge and the Benevolent m Mr. Hesche told or several cases | During the past two months had 7 years, Walter Gumser and Order of Elka. He plans to move In which, with proper training and traffic fatalities have been reduced Tha mother duck, with her baby Carrol Burch with 8 yeara each. hla family here a» soon aa a guidance, young farmers had made 32 per cent and traffic injuries ducklings, is around again for Bill Jones 3 yeara and Jack Howe Is available. Besides Mr. and Mrs. good even though having had to 1 have dropH^d nearly 16 per cent. Showboat, as she has been for sev- 2 years. Watson, who waa the former Ger- borrow large sums of money to get i | In the same period. 729 drivers eral years. Other End Men have been Bruce trude Hughes, a nurse, whose girl- started In their agricultural project. | have gone to Jail for a total of 8.050 days. McMahon 7 years. Walter Kropf 7, hood home Is Portland, there la a One of these, he said, borrowed Joan Priebe, Jean Swan and Gerald Flnels «, Frank Newell 6, daughter, Lynne, 12, who will enter J20.000 to buy the farm and then The Judges and traffic experts .believe that the full effect of the Nancy Townsend were selected by George Pappin 5, D. D. McDuffee Lowell Junior High School In the .made another loan of $10,000 for! the Showboat cast as the repre- 4. Ted Dlott 8. Dr. J. R. Stryker 8, j new policy Is Just beginning to be fall equipment, and with his knowledge sentatives of the chorus In the Miss Clint Hall 3, George Sterken 3. Row- of correct feeding, regularity In 'felt, "because It takes from six to America contest. land Crane 2, Richard Leater 2, milking, breeding stock at the right j j eight weeks before the impact of 1 a new program strikes home." Peter Finela 2, Wendel Emery 1, time and other good farming prac-| The neighboring city of Jackson Ed. Quick 1, Roger McMahon 1, tlces. along with study made pos- In April, the month before the policy was in effect, 21 persons is to be well represented at the Sat- Frank Sullivan 1. Aimnal Farm Tour 0 sible through routine Inventories; urday night show. Latest reports were killed. This dropped to 12 In Those Who Hava Served and efficient bookkeeping, he Is are that seven Greyhound busses iMay. It Is interesting to note that Here are all of the End Men, and making good and paying off the have been chartered and that 52 Occurs in August 4 loans. (iin analyzing the 422 drivers sent private cara are coming to town the year each served: | to Jail in the first month, the Traf- bringing passengers to see the 1950 1932—Walter Kropf. Bruce Mc- Farmers wbo wish to find out i fic Safety association discovered Mahon, George Sterken, Rolland K Showboat. the "inside story" of successful that 76 per cent of the violators Crane, D. D. McDuffee, Dr. J. R. farming should plan to attend the were u^nder 30 years of age. Frank McMahon claims that Stryker. second annual state farm manage- Vic Hyde Longs For The winner was Elaine Hoffman, A reckless or drunken driver is while It Is quite a Job to move In 1933—Walter Kropf, Bruce Mc- ment tour, reports John Doneth. attractive brunette, who is 19 years | a potential murderer and those in Mahon, Frank Newell, Rolland Michigan State College rarm man- of age, 4 feet 11 inches tall, and a this class cannot he adequately extra transformers and erect the n! 5 aKe' 4 f-e-et 1.1--i~che8 .ta,.I'/n^ a't-hlr, /la,sl ca.nnot _he adequately big lighting equipment for the Crane, D D. McDuffee. Dr. J. R. agement specialist The Lowdl Showboat student at Kendall School of Design, punished by fines. Detroit appears Showboat and then to ait up in the Stryker. This year's event will take place in Grand Rapids. jto have hit upon the method to 1934—Walter Kropf, Gerald Fine- In Eaton and Calhoun counties on Admiral C. H. Runclman received Miss Hoffman was picked from save Iives from those irresponsible 77-foot tower for six nights, that his 1950 SHOWBOAT STAR ATTRACTION—A. ROBBINS really tough Job Is trying to keep Is, Frank Newell, George Sterken, Thursday and Friday, August 17 an interesting letter the other day the seven who entered the contest, Persons who mistake license for from Vic Hyde, popular entertainer er y 11 wou,d the Showboat sign over Main street D. D. McDuffee. Dr. J. R. Stryker. and 18. Farmers from all areas of The fifteenth edition of the Juggler, and the Gray Sisters, com- on the basis of personality, charm', | * be well if Judges on last year's Showboat, and now a of the state from blowing down or to pieces. 1935—Walter Kropf, Bruce Mc- Michigan are Invited to attend. Lowell Showboat, July 24 through edy darn ing xylophonlsts. and talent. She drew a picture of ij? followed appearing at the Palace Theatre at 113 exam Mahon. Gerald Finals, George Ster- Featured events on the tours will 29. will picture several all-star acts. the master of ceremonies. Norm 1 P'e. According to Admiral Runclman Blackpool. England, from which we Ticket sales for the Business and ken. D. D. McDuffee, Peter Flnels. be the presentations of views on Its own end men are all tried and this year's show has no acts Just to Borgerson. as her talent entry. I 'f it is necessary to put the quote as follows: r k, ss Professional Women's Clubs Inc. 1936—Walter Kropf. Bruce Mc- farming by host farmers, county experienced. The chorus will be fill In time. They are all good. He' She has been croWned Mi^s ®c ® driver in jail to protect Mahon, Gerald Flnels. Frank Sul- agricultural agents, and members "Dear Mr. Runclman and Citizen t he ,,ves f nn for Tuesday night are coming in the biggest and best ever. The pro- says that even the line of girls will Lowell Showboat and will be sent: u ? i ocent people who Friends of Lowell: With the com- ,ve a r, h fine. Forty were received from livan. Roger McMahon. Peter Flnels. of the Michigan State College staff. fessional acta are from the top en- to Muskegon on August 18th to par- '' . 0 t to this protection, •'e all-star and represents one of ing of the end of July, I begin to t Muskegon, some 50 from Graiid 1937—Walter Kropf. Bruce Mc- Soil Management tertainers of the country. the top dance emsembles direct tlcipate in the state finals where i ^sentences it^should be. Rapids, Big Rapida, Greenville, Mahon. Gerald Flnels, Frank New- nostalglclally want for the smell adds 4the Times-Indicator, . First stop on the tour will be the The star act Is A. Robblns, the from the Ches Paree in Chicago. Miss Michigan will be selected to " " " Beldlng, Ionia and Detroit. Vemba ell, Wendell Emery, George Pappin. of your river; the toot of the Show- Lorraine Marshall farm. Calhoun country's most unique comedian. The entire show is designed for fun compete In the national event In • * • Dunlop, State president, and other 1838—John Roth, Bruce McMah- Robbins has been featured In sev- boat, the tremendous terrlfflc audi- county, five miles north of Battle and laughter while at the same time Atlantic City for the official title Jokes. Jests, Jabs, and Jibes, Just state officers will be present and on Gerald Finela, Clint Hall, Ted eral movies including an appear- ences. the goodfellowshlp of the city Creek on North Avenue. Soil man fhete Sfill be novelties and surprises of Miss America. by Jeff: When that heat wave hits will come down on the boat ryott, George Pappin. ance with Betty Grable In "Mother merchants, the hospitality shown agement and efficient swine and 'throdflroout. the performers, those mad comics 33 Amateur Acts In July, dont forget what you said 1039—John Roth, Bruce McMah- Wore Tights." He carries 800 lbs. -The music will be provided by on. Gerald Flnels. Clint Hall, Ted dairy enterprises will be on view. with their perennial fish gag, the In the talent program were 33 ex- last winter In January. . . . One When a neighbor lady dropped In of equipment and does everything Don Davis and his orchestra, one Dlott, George Pappin. Other afternoon events will be a grand lot of local talent on the cellent amateur acts and the Judges never realizes how much cruelty at the Hoffman home In Grand frof mmm producinnrrvHlloinrgr a bunch ao#f bananas o- fa atth.e mos—kt . versatile -shoU w bands 1940—John Roth, Walter Kropf, visit to the Battle Creek stock- stage, those beautiful Lowell gals had some difficulty In arriving there is In the world till he rends Rapids late Saturday afternoon and to a train from under his clothing. In the business. Forrest Buck. Clint. Hall, Ted yards, a tour of the Kellogg plant, in their evening gowns, that crack at a decision. the charges that arise In the di- encouraged Elaine to enter the Miss and the tour banquet. Another Is the Saul Grauman Co., The endmen are: vorce courts From the looks Dlott George Pappin. • an extraordinary dance and mu- Tnhn £nlh «in

:=: Lowell Locale Lowell Locale Lowell Locale Lowell Locale Uwoll Locals Mrs. Royden Warner LOCAL HAPPENINGS Honored at Luncheon Mrs. Charles Clarke entertained Mrs. George North way, who has Mr. and Mrs. L B. Ayres spent TWO THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICHIQAN. THURSDAY. JULY 20. IfSO Mr. and Mrs. John Weldon of Mr. and Mrs. Court Roice of Wel- Mlea Agnes Perry with a party at her home Thursday been spending the past few months Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Mary Gardena. Calif., came Wednesday llnfton, Ohio, are spending several Phono 01 j Mrs. R. G. Jefferies honored Mrs. evening. Games were played after at the home of her son-in-law and A. Benson, and daughter, Beulah, of Alto and Mrs. Emma Blough to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. days at the Howard Bartlett and C. s j Royden Warner at a luncheon on which refreshmenta were aerved daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Nel- in Jackson. Mrs. Benson is conval- The Lowell Lmiger 'Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blank attend- ters Mary Lou and Carolyn were Vern Armetrong. M. Hlmebaugh homes. and a pleasant social evening enjoy- son, has returned to her apartment escing from a fractured hip at her WHITNEYVILLE So. K§§m N. Boston and Murl Burt of Ratlgan Lake. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ed the Erb-Kujala wedding at among those attending the marriage Tuesday In the Women's City Club. and ALTO SOLO Mrs. Edward Watson and Mrs. Mrs. A1 Ehrllch and daughter Batty Smith Bride In Open House Welcomes Grand Rapids. ed by all present. on W. Main St., where she will be home and la now able to uee a Mr*. Louis M. Douglass Mrs. Mary Potter Mrs Clara Thompaon returned Gelger. Lewiston Friday evening and spent of their son and brother, Robert Janle of Owosao spent two days of wheel chair. Tka Lowell Lrdjrr, oublkhtd Junt. Alto Phone 2161 Maurice Alexander left Monday to Sgt. and Mrs. Warner Other guests were Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Leah Howell of Grand Rap- pleased to see her friends. IIN: TV« Alto Solo. «UblklMd Jtananr from the hospital Saturday a little Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooper [the week-end st Bentley with the and Mias Lois Kujala at Lewis- visit Mr. and Mrs. George Murray last week with Mrs. C. L. William- Pretty July Wedding 1M4. CoaMlUUtMl with the Udt«r JUD. former's sister and husband, Mr. ton and enjoyed the week-end in i Johnson, Mrs. Frank Newell. Mrs ids visited her daughter. Miss Le- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clarke and Jolly Community Club picnic was better at this writing. were at Lewiston and attended the In Chicago. son. Open house to welcome Walter Gumser, Mrs. C. H. Runcl- nore Howell recently. The only people I envy and ad- 1117. Th* Lowell Journal esUblUhed 1M4 and Mrs. Harrison Donahue. Mary the northern part of the state. Saturday afternooft. July 8, Low- son of Pontlac were week-end CoMolldtUd with th* Leb«r 11, Mr. and Mrs. N. Newhouae, son day night and Fuesday. Caryl Raab held Sunday at Fallasburg Park. At the school meeting at Cutler Erb-Kujala wedding Friday eve- ell Methodist church was the scene Ralph Warner and his bride was man. Mrs. Robert Hahn. Mrs. Chas. guests of their parents, Mr. and mire are those who seem to have Lou and Carolyn Erb accompanied Jane and Dorothy Karemen of im. Paul and Miss Ruth Paulaon of was a guest of her aunt and uncle Beano was played In afternoon and school Pauline Bunle was elected ning and spent from Saturday to Dan Gelger spent the week-end of a very pretty wedding when planned to be held Sunday on the Snay. Mrs. Lee Lampkin and Mrs Mrs. Charles Clarke. fun while working. •very Thuivday momlM »« Grand Rapds were Friday evening them to Bentley. Flint are visiting their grandfather. In Detroit the past two weeks re- all had a wonderful time. moderator. iMonday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton at South Boardman. He and Mies Betty Smith, daughter of Mr. and lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lee. Don McCarty. 110 iMt Mais Street, Lowell. Mkhitsa. callers of Mr. and Mra. John turned home. David Graham went Clemens at Prescott and visited Gordon Johnson, but due to the KaUrvd at PostoOc* at Lowati. Mlohlxma. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Franks and Aloyslus Hoover and Bobby of Mrs. Grace Cowell of Battle Creek Violet Vyverberg also attended the BIRCHWOOD GARDENS Mrs. John W. Smith, became the Following the luncheon, the guests Mr. and Mrs, Peter Speerstra. aa 8*co«4 Claaa Matter. Hodgeman. home with his parents after visit- family were at Big Pine Island Ionia were Friday evening guests a cousin at Marion. and Mrs. Mlna Friend spent sev- Erb-Kujala wedding at Lewiston. bride of Kenneth Hewett, eon of heavy showers, the friends gather- returned to Mrs. Jefferies' home R. G. JefferiM, Editor and Publiahsr ing relatives here for two weeks. ed at the Congregational parish Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yelter and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sprldgeon jLake, Sunday. of Mrs. Lltzle Hoover and Gerald. Mrs. Iva Sullivan of Grand Rap- eral days at the Russel Friend Pottad Tree Roses, Monthly Reeea, Floribundss in Bloom, Ever- Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hewett of where a delightful afternoon was Rosella Telter were week-end guests Member Michican Preaa AaaocUtiun and Virginia of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mra. Don Bates and Saturday guests were SI Andrea Ids was a visitor of Mrs. Nina blooming Climbers |1.50 up. Potted Plants, Perennials, Shrubs, Freeport. The Rev. Philip R. Glot- house between four and eight spent at canaata. | Mr. and Mrs. Theron Cahoon home. A Ledger want ad will make A Warner family reunion was al- at the Lustlg cottage at Whitefish SUBSCRIPTION rtATES brought a group of young people Joyce ate ounu.Sunday dinner wit"""'anh d family and Mr and Mrs. Gleh and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoover of 'Hulllberger over the week-end. felty performed the ceremony. To all polnta in Lower Michigan: Mr. and Mr. Jay Erb and daugh- both the buyer and seller happy. Evergreens, Glads, Cut Flowera, Japanese Iris. so held on Sunday at the Gordon Lake. Mrs, Verna Teiter and moth- TTKTjg® to Campau Lake Sunday for a their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernes. RJckert ^ faml]y had a picnic Lansing. The bride was gowned In sheer er. Mrs. Florence McDonald of Tor- One Year 12.00. Six monttu Jl^S. swim. On the way back they called Bales in Grand Rapids. We are , F ii burg Park — Closed on Sundayf during July — white eyelet with scalloped neck- Johnson home. Out of town guests Vergennes Boosters fTOPfl Three months 7*c. Single Copies Sc. (1 nner 8unday at a aB The Elmer Hale famlly, Mr. and were Mr. and Mrs. Alva Warner onto, Can., who Is visiting her. and on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shriver glad to hear Mrs. E. Bates is for the p)re vliltlng reiative, and attended a house warming party North on Vergennes Rd. to Village limits, turn left, firat house. Mrs. Lustig. AND GROCERIES One Year 12.50. Six Months I1.4Q MAGNIFICENT NEW I Mrs. Patrick McCormlck of Low- and daughter of Cooperaville. Committees for the eat shoppe Mrs. Maud^ Cooper returned home Russell Scott of Caledonia^ called frjends here. at the Norman Kimball home. They Lowell Phone 4S0-F4 are; refrigeration. Marlon Fuss and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Burdick and Three Months 75c on their grandparents in the after- ell was matron of honor and wore All subscriptions payable in advanoa Friday from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The 4-H Club of Cutler school have moved from Ionia to a farm Rowland Ryder, heating and hous- aon and daughter of Berrien Springs near Saranac. a gown of white organdy with visited their parenta, Mr. and Mrs Bates at Emerald Lake near Ne- meet this Wednesday with the small blue print and her corsage Michigan-Eustis Club ing. Paul Fuss, soft drinks. Paul Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Eoet were ^ison Smith family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergsma of Bill Burdick. also sister. Mrs. Flor- Summer Specials - " , waygo. was of pink roses. Fuss and dairy products and orange Mr nnd Mr L M Sunday dlnn^^gu^ of his broth-1 Mr an(1 Mri pauI gm|th |ind Elects New Officers ence Seguin and aunt. Mrs. Anna Bowne Center Methodist Church "- r>ougla«s Grand Rapids spent one afternoon Doubly Automatic The groom was attended by Pat- drink Edward Roth. _ « — — . Thursday dinner guests of er nn last week at the Fannie TenCate Rowland Clark will aerve the Gibson, on Sunday. o r. m on C family spent Friday at Mt. Pleas- rick McCormlck of Lowell as best The annual Michigan-Eustis pic- Rev. G. F Bolitho. pastor. Choir Mr and Mrt George Gillette at Beatrice Flero of !nnt and Blanchard. nnd Ed Potter homea. next meeting July 24.—Garaldlne Mrs. Ida Young attended a fam- w" a week-end guest of her par- . man. nic and summer reunion of thoae Calif. Carrots bunch 10c practice at the hall Thursday eve- DeUon for a flah fry. : Jack Hi|lp left w#dBewUy morn The Sunday and Monday rains who go from Michigan to Eustla, Ryder, reporter. ily gathering Sunday at Mr. and ents Mr. and Mrs L. M Dougl^ ^ ^ ^ The bride's mother chose a sheer ning. Rev. and Mra. Bolitho left Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walenga Jor Callfornla .left many wheat and oat fields green print dress wiln white acces- Fla., each winter was held Sundaty. Mrs. Wayne Young's cottage at Sunday caller* were Joe Densmore ^ ^ ^ ^ Sliver Lake. Other guests were Mr. Monday for a vacation. Sunday and Mr. .nd Mn Schmuker nnd Ga>re flattended and gutted and ruined M sories for her daughter's weddinj; July 16, at Fallasburg Park, with services as usual. Sunday School at of Grand were Sunday call- n WW!k e nd our roads. Creeks that were small and the groom's mother wore a 105 sitting down to a bountiful one Lowell Locals and Mrs. Gerald Behler and chll- n -f n ^Mr. v^Mn Rlr-o - ' at Arthur Shores home of bunch 15c 10:15. Warren Bergy Supt.; Morn- ers of Mr and MrB Frank Warner Grand Rapids ant. Mrs. \ elda Bice ^ Sunday an wtth M1,dr#d Shora(, are now about 10 feet wide. navy blue sheer dress with blue o'clock carry-In dinner, after which Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Putnam'?™ Midland, Mr. and Mrs Celery Hearts 0 emarre and Ing Worship 11:00. Ward Boulard and (amiiy. and daughter '^ ® and Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Mlchaud Callers late Sunday afternoon accessories. Their flowers were pink ice cream, lemonade and water of Eaton Rapids called on reia-' ?J Barbara Jean and M d G a nd MrB 1 B hler of Grand will bring the message. 1 Rev_ and Mn!_ Graham and ; *" Mrs. Carl ™ham^ at-nnd famlly of Lake 0deiM|a ^ at the Ed Potter home were Mr. NORGE Uves and friends In Lowell Sun- - E" * *60 $259.95 VALUE gladioli. melon was served. i j family visited his parents. Mr. and tended the Eustls. Fla.. picnic at nt Wabasls Lake. •and Mra. Ralph Wheaton and the Following the wedding ceremony dav. , Rapids. The affair was in charge of the ... , .. - . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham of New Cabbage lb. 5c A want ad will bring results. TrylM„ ^ Graham last week Mon- Fallasburg Park Sunday. , Mr and Un R Gage motored latter and Marie were Monday a reception was held at the home president, John Jacobson, of Mua- Mrs. Alice Demde attended a |^ one. morning callers. ELECTRIC Mr and Mrg Gordon Mr* Laura ^ *J^ to Muskegon Sunday morning and of the bride's parents eaat of town kegon. and Mrs. Ray Rogera, of c por NOW ONLY WALLHIDE B Graham of Grand day guest of Mr and Mrs. ' CP, brought Mr ^ ^ Ted Gajre Late Sunday afternoon callers at after which the couple left on a ? . «S !?"* !I Rapids. Mra. Ida . • SEMI-GIOSS • ** Lowell. Grand Rapids * ednesday and Linton of Alto and Mrs. Jennie Linton and famlly. . back to stay two weeks at their the Eddie Potter home were Byron trip through the north and on their I Thursday of last week. On Wed- . return will reside at Freeport. The "Flat River Four" furnished E le of Ada were Saturd call Assorted Jello 3 pkgs. 23c Mr. and Mrs. Jarold Raab and honie Mr and Mrg willard Micb- Potter and family. RANGE neaday evening they ^reenter- a fine program of songs, and Mra. at the WiI1 c lff home family visited i-elatlves and friends aud and family were Sunday eve- David Warner gave some intereet- tamed to a dinner at Osborndale . In Battle Creek Saturday. jmifWA/r\ HeBche returned Sun ning guests at the Gage home. * A• real1 oil-basI e wai„.1l| (, j Lowell Locale ing readings. Community singing in Big Rapids. day from Mav0 Brog in RocheBteri OO MODERNIZE Reed Cooper was a Saturday Mra. Leona Hale had company Pleasant Vaiey was also enjoyed, as well as games evening caller of his mother, Mra. Mrs. Bert Blank paint that covert Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watson Clarence Wooc of Kalamazoo n, Y. Mrs. Hesche remained for from Grand Rapids and Monday with e»# coatl of shuffle board during the after- Soflli Napkins, 80 count 2 for 25e Maude Cooper. and Mr. and Mrs. Ining Alexander [visited a few days of last week at |treatment and later an operation, IE ROOMS AND NOOKS, Mrs. Minnie Pinkney and daugh- bathes noon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis P. Densmore Erb-Kujala Wedding spent Sunday at Grand Haven. the home of his sisters. Mrs. Elsie | Mr. ^<1 jjra. Harry Bolenski of ter, Myrtle Roth and Mrs. Leona Officers for the coming year FOR BETTER LIVING of Burton Heights were Friday Friday evening, July 14, a very Mr. and Mrs. Ed Host and family Kellogg and Mrs. Ida Sinclair. Dearborn were Saturday and Sun- Hale spent Monday afternoon with of Grand Rapids were Sunday call- were elected as follows: callers of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. pretty wedding ceremony was per- Miss Marlon Bushnell and Mar- day guests of her sister, Mrs. Soflin Facial Tissue, 300 count 19c Mrs. Garry Raimer near Saranac ers at the Bert Purchase home. John Jacobaon. Muskegon, presJ- tha and Agnes Perry were Wed- Martha Hall. Rosemary Stauffer ANO FOR LOOKS Douglass. to help celebrate her birthday find formed at Lewiston Congregational dent; Rev. David Warner. Lowell Jsrold Raab Jr.. is spending his Mrs. Kenneth Lyall of Muakegon. .nesday dinner guests of Miss Doris returned home with them for a on returning Mrs. Pinkney and Church when Lois Eleanor, daugh- who has been in a caat for the past vice-president; Glen Martin. Ada. il. vacation with relatives In Cale- GIVES YOU T .,mr,m I Whitney and mother in Woodland.'visit. Myrtle were supper guests of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tario Kujala ten weeks, is now wearing a brace. secretary - treaau rer; and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alexander and j Wayne Kingdom, who has been donia this week. Leona Hale. of Lewwiston, became the bride of Laux. Lowell, publicity chairman. Bisquick 40-oz. pkg. 43c Beatrice Flero of Battle Creek daughters called on relatives In'^n employee of the Michigan Bell Mrs. Bonney Is visiting in Grand Robert Lewis Erb, son of Mr. and There is also a picnic held In C refiners Rtirt. r~ . si - 1. T called on Mrs. Russell Keller Sat- "AFTERNOONS OFF Rockford and Cedar Springs Sun- Telephone Company In Lowell for Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Olin spent Mrs. Jay Erb of Clarksville. The Eustls, in March every year. This urday p. m. Destroy CRABGRASS day. the past two years, has been trans- the week-end at Traverse City. bride ia a teacher in Jennings DwiMy Awtefnotk meant this great gathering is in the form of a chib, Miss Sue Glovack of Grand Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Water Flvnn and and these occasions are always very ferred to Tucson. Ariz. Mr. and Mr .and Mrs. Loren Moore and school and Mr. Erb is employed NORGE will "perk" the coBtt ids visited friends over the week- Mra. Kingdom left Sunday for family called on their parents, Wm. in Hastings where the couple will while you drew... or cook a whole happy ones. FOOD MAHET Flvnns and Vem Lorlngs in Cale- family of Wooster, Ohio, came Fri- end and attended the Michigan- ithelr new home. day to the Oscar Moore home and make their home. More than 250 dinner while you thop. Tumi haelf Eustis picnic Sunday at Fallasburg donia Sunday evening. on, turns ttadf off promptly at Lowell Locals Mrs. Arthur Norton spent Thurs- PHONE 14 LOWELL 8 is visiting relatives and friends guests attended the wedding and Park. day and Friday with Mr. Norton, A bad storm Sunday evening reception. timet you pre-telect. 1^?^: * | Storkville broke limbs off the trees and put Sunday guests at the Moore home Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph Warner ar- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Blakeslee visit- who is employed in Detroit. You alto get "Tailored Heat," six lill W. Main 8L Phone 417 rived from Straubing. Germany. our telephone out were Eleanor Ford and family. ed his brother, Clifford Blakeslee Mrs. Cella Boss had as Sunday Pleasant Valley Locals cookinc tpeedt, Deep-Well, last week Wednesday to vlelt rel- and wife, in Grand Rapids, Sun- guests her girl friends and their Blended-Heat Oven, full-width atives in Lowell. The trip took 13 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brake and lamp with two fluorescent lights, SUMMER day. Lumber -- Building Material Foreman Road families from Grand Rapids, with family were Sunday dinner guests days, one day being spent In Caaa- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett of eaty-to-read Tele-Switches and other blanca. Ralph expects to go to " ZiZ , * c * Mrs. Edna Taylor a potluck dinner. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy featuret fantastic in a range priced SALE New York July 24th to receive his BaU,e Creek spent Saturday eve- Mr. and Mrs. James Balrd and Kyser, in South Boston. oo low. Come, see 'em all today! nln Mr MrB ROOHNG — FLOORING — SIDING Mr. and Mra. S. J. Holkenon and son attended the Reynolds minion discharge. but intends to r^enliet / ^ - ^ - ^ ^ex- Mrs. Floyd Neeb spent last week Sun Suits Mr. and Mrs. Carl Freyennuth ander. children returned home Friday Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank with her daughter and famlly, Mr. and Carl Allen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bovee accom- Pockoged Finish — Dimensional evening from their 2 weeks vaca- Reynolds spent Friday night at the and Mrs. Zelgler in Hastings. were |1.39 Mr. and Mra. Allen Behler in Leke Paniet"""—d b"jy Mr. and Mrs. Forreat tion trip. Balrd home and they visited his Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Potter and scan Rose of Beldlng are touring North- Odeaaa. Carl Alien remaining for " N*«rth- Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Raymond sister, who is at St. Mary's hos- children of Alto were callers at Now S9c ern Michigan this week. Everything to Meet Your Building Needs! and children of Lowell called on pital. the week. Sunday callers at the Collins- the Brake home Saturday evening. NEW DRY COMPOUND Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S Taylor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shores of Mr. and Mrs. Delton Osborn of Gaunt home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlltnncn of Nlsula, U. P. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hlmebaugh Alto and Carl Shores and family Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Th« newest development of ScoWi Research Anklets were Mrs. Jessie Lindsley 'of Alle- Budd Gaunt of Ionia and Mr. and SALE! is visiting S. J. and Ed Holkenon and Mr and Mrs. Dergsma of Mannl and children of Hastings provides the easy, safe and certain way to Mrs. Kenneth Graff and daugh- wer» 39c gan and Eljie Barnard of Tampa. SCREEN DOORS 2 8 x6 8" $6.50 for several days. Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Henry were callers at the Osbom-Neeb rid lawns of ugly Crabgrass. alto called Wire- jTla. ters of Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Sover of Chicago Sowers of Beldlng and Mr. and home Sunday evening. Mr. anda sarsMrs. Waltewaiter wmcCorneir and Week-en—d guestr. s of Mr. and Mrs. are spending two weeks with her Mrs. Howard Kropf and family CLARK Plumbing & Heating grass. Fall Grass, Watergrass. SCUTL is quickly Now 29c OF EXCEPTIONALLY FINE Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Zelgler and famlly of Caledonia were Saturday Wesley Crooks and Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hem- were Sunday guests of Mr and applied by hand from box with shaker top or guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uyter- Dan Lehman were Mr. and Mrs Combination Doors son of Hastings were dinner guests Telephone 78 1 ingvon. Mrs. Frank Shores and family. of their parents, Mr. and Mra. 309 E. Main St.. Lowell with a spreader. Use it now to "scuffle" loys Eton Seersucker Suits achout and attended the Showboat B. H. Mead of Lansing. C M A i , D Ml M Mr. and Mrs. C. Pcktma of Alice and Ida TenCate and Mrs. Floyd Neeb Sunday to celebrate Crabgrass before it takes over your lawn. talent program in the evening. Georgia Bunker of Alto is spend- marnn >€nour rainn Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs wore KM York Kohn and Elaine were Sun- the birthday of Mrs. Zelgler. Mrs. Bessie Egger and Mrs. Floy ing a few days this week with John Bosch of Zeeland called on day guests of Mrs. Fannie Ten m-l fo, 400 sq ft Box - I .95 Lowe of Grand Rapida called on Phyllis Chaterdon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Geiger and Now $2.98 J Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Schreur and 1250 Mr. and Mra. Milan Porter and | ALL WOOL ^ Cate. daughter, Linda of Lansing spent J. •ta/mr IM Lowell friends Thursday afternoon. "* *' famlly Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Boone and dangh- TCT/m^ 5500 »q ff Bog - 6.85 Girts' Sheits with Midriff Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kindra and two sons of Greenville were week- Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Taylor ter attended a family reunion at baby and Robert Nothsteln of De- -end guests of her parents, Mr. and called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee West Traverse City Sundsy were $329 troit were week-end guests of Mra. Mrs. Jessie Cahoon. and Mr. and Mra. O. E. Hurleas In Adrlana Vanderxand of Grand Now $1.00 Kindra's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Mrs, Albert Duell and Mrs. S. R. BLANKETS ^4 * .' Hastings Sunday evening. Rapids spent laat week at the Customers' AlP'T Price-HarklHg Policy Lets YOD bert Blaaer. |Crabb spent Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. Hemlngson and daugh- Walter Vandenhout home. Friday Only a few left in these exceptional Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sllcox of Alto 'with the former's sister-in-law. Mra. ter, Mrs. Sover, called on Mrs Don evening Mr. and Mrs. Leonard values were Sunday luncheon guests of G. H. Clark in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Hemlngson at Blodgott hospital in Vanderrand were guests and Adrl- Corner Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdon. Clark is recovering from a leg Grand Rapids. ana went home with them. GEE'S Large Gift Selections—Free Mrs. Mildred Fuulkner and daugh- , fracture and is able to be in a lOWCS ROAD*^ LOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Schreur and Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. We have always had SEE WHAT YOU PAY Telephone 9 Lowell, Mich. Gift Wrapping ter of Caledonia called on Mrs. Lee wheel chair. Walker Sunday. children called on Mr. and Mrs. B. and Mrs. Cloyd Noon and family one basic aim at A&Pt To Hayes and Nancy Finela of Ionia Pennlnga in Grand Rapids. were Mrs. Rachel Stahl and son Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rollins of are spending a week with their give our customers the Kankakee, 111., visited his parenta, grandmother. Mrs. Hulda Fineis. A&P's Vilie-Giwiig Policy Helps Yol Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rollins. Sunday. most good food for their Miss Dorothy Chaterdon is spend- Mrs. Rhoda Haines of Grand ing a two weeks' vacation at $11»5 Rapids spent last week with her money. Green Lake. brother, Arthur Armstrong, and Mr. and Mrs. George Fonger at- We emphasize the word Miss Hattie Lynn. 72 x 90 V-' wvl SAVE EVERY DAY tended the Chalmers School Re- good because we never want Mr. and Mrs. Wm. UyterachouL July Specials Beatrice Wood and Mrs. Mary Spen- union at Sparta Sunday. $ to achieve low prices by cer visited Sunday at the Peter Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beckquist of PINK SALMON 35c i Muskegon were Sunday guests at 149§ Value sacrificing quality. TOILET TISSUE 4 ^ 29i Stellard home at Allendale. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Starbard and the Lynn Fletcher home. You're money oheod 4 ways I Mrs. John Freeman spent Sun- That is why we uncon- Joanne and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth IEVERAGES H 1™ Boys' Slack Suits Smith and baby spent Sunday with iday with her son-in-law and daugh- ditionally guarantee your 2Se CHERRIES "a-airr v 21c er, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danoski, Tan and Blue Poplin Mrs. Phoebe Graham In Pontiac.H satisfaction with every Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rulaaon. Mr.'In Kalamaxoo. Short Sleeve Shirts and Matching Pants and Mrs. Orley Rulason and Mr.i Mrs. Edith Decker of Clarkavllle 'Ir .J with a new Chevrolet truck! purchase you make. SALAD DRESSING ^ „ 39e SHORTENING _ J,. 75e and Mrs. George Miller attended the was the week-end guest of Mrs. Odd Fellows-Rebekah picnic at J. C. Hatch ind attended the Show- So, when you buy anything Sizes 12 and 14 Only Caledonia Sunday. boat Talent Night at A&P, please ask yourself SPAGHETTI 2 "*— 25c JELLY CLASSES - w * Regular Price $5.55 a Suit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heffron and Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdon 49c * daughter spent Sunday at the Wm. and Phyllis were Sunday dinner two questions: W0 H0U ,0W Mi Berghage farm near Caledonia, guests of Mrs. Chaterdon's sister, Is th* price right? COFFEE " * " 2 $1.53 DOG DIET ' 5 59c Now $3.95 Warner Scott and family of Nor- Mrs, Frank Cummlngs, and famlly folk, Va., are expected Monday to at Rldgeton. 1$ the quality right? W I,,H0U visit his mother, Mrs. Mabel ScotL Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haysmer MARGARINE ^ " 27c MILK " " 3*"- 34c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arndt and two [were Sunday guests of her sister. children of Battle Creek were laat If not, let ue know. Boys' Short Sleeve Mrs. Cbarle Whorley and husband, TNE NAME FAMOUS IN ILANKETS FRUIT'COCKTAIL Thursday evening guests of her jln Grand Rapids. Please write: 19c TOMATO CATSUP 15c parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Houghton and Tavlah. 1 Shirts , her brother, Martin Klein Jr., of Customtr Relations Departmont, GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS - 21c MARGARINE ,uuooo,> 2°^ Mrs. John S. Taylor and friend, |Kalamazoo were Saturday dinner 45c Mrs. Tapley of Saranac. and Albert guests of Mr. and Mrs. George S. A&P Food Stores Assorted Colors and Patterns Bedell enjoyed a picnic at Nash- ,0NA 4HN 4M Houghton. you feel the fine, soft, deep napped 420 Lexington Avenue TOMATO JUICE —- 23c SALAD MUSTARD ' " Were Priced Up to $ 1.70 ville on Sunday. Mrs. Gladys Hartley spent the Now . . exquisite beauty and exceptional 17c Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ford of Sal- brushed wool finish . . you'll sigh with New York 17. N. Y. manca. N. Y.. have returned home week-end with her son Don. and warmth are yours at this low price. Have 0N4 famlly In Beldlng. PORK & BEANS ' - ll000 after visiting their parents in Low- countless nights of unparalleled deeping admiration when your eyes rest upon any 9c CORN FLAKES " "~- 18c Now 9Sc ell and Vergennes. They were ac- Mr. and Mrs, Douglas LaDue and Mrs. Bessie Kyser called on joy . . countless days of gorgeous bed- of the nine lovely pastel and deep tone UK;[ a companied by Miss Vivian Rickert, PAPER PLATES 2 Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Leslie, Sharon colors of the COUNTESS in our blanket PITER PAN 25c GHEERIOS " ito-.*.. 210 fl who spent last week with them at room beauty with Springfield's exotic Saimanca. and the new baby at the Smith department .. and later in your bedroom. Kyser home In Ionia Sunday, also COUNTESS. You'll gasp with joy when wm ,4,(,,T Boys' Bib Longies Mr. and Mrs. Bert Purchase called PEANUT BUTTER TEA NAPKINS 2 25c DILL PICKLES • — 19c on his parents at a nursing home In on Mr. LaDue's mother, Mrs. Mabel Safety Legion Brand Sparta Wednesday evening I LaDue. STUFFED OLIVES JZTL "f b Mrs. Ted MacTavish and two Miss Barbara Thome of East 12-fls. glau 33c 55c EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE - 74c Blues and Browns in Twills and Whipcords children are spending a few days Lansing and Paul Zolllker of De- with her slater, Mrs. Wm. Hadder, troit were week-end guests of Mr Other Blanket Values ,,0 D W,,,,N,, FIRST—Chevrolet's low purchase price meant you're money Regularly Priced Up to $2.98 at Six Lakes. and Mrs. Claude Thorne. ORANGE JUICE " " - 36c OUR OWN TEA BAGS ---- Mrs. L. J. Delhanty and daughter SWANSONf 39c Mrs. W. A. Roth was hostess to $12.95 CANNON — $8.98 25% WOOL PLAID > ahead to start. SECOND—Chevrolet's great, action-packed the Goofus Club Wednesday. Maureen of Grand Rapids spent a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bedell of few days of this week with her 100% Wool. 72x90 $10.95 Pairs $7.98 Valve-in-Head engine plus the sensational new Power-Jet BONED TURKEY FRUIT JARS 71c 81c MORGAN'S FRUIT PECTIN Now $S2.12 9 14c Clarksville were Friday guests of mother. Mrs. John Lalley. carburetor provides high-powered performance at low cost Mia. John S. Taylor and brother, Mrs. Man.* Cushman of Grand Albert Bedell. Rapids was the guest of Mr. and $6.98 PEERLESS iVh % Wool — 4-ot. ten Men's All-Season Suits $10.95 ASTORIA — per mile. THIRD—there are rugged Advance-Design features 49c Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Slanger and Mrs. Peter Mulder several days 46%% Rayon $5.98 Men's Tropical Suits Some of Our Best Makes daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Jamee of laat week, Mr. and Mrs. Bert 100% Wool. 72x90 $9.95 that lower your maintenance by keeping Chevrolet trucks on Vergouwe and son of Grand Rapids PEACHES 2 33c CELERY 190 Reduced from $58. and $60. Smith of Jackson were week-end the road and out of the shop! And FOURTH—because these HiINZ attended the Lowell Showboat Ama- guests. Rayons $IS.95 Worsteds $M.95 teur program Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker of value-loaded trucks are preferred over any other make, their BAKED BEANS CANTALOUPES Jumbo 17 Sin - 28c Now $46.40 Luncheon guests in the home of Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. Richard ALL IN LUSTROUS ORANGES **•******—**** 350 Mrs. Jean Wachterhauser on Mon- resale value is right at the top. Yes, you really save all Lemke of South Haven visited Mrs. COLORS ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX day were Mrs. John Freeman, Mra. C. L. Williamson Friday. Mr. and around on a Chevrolet truck. Come in and get the full facts. ne 2 16-01. cam CUCUMBERS 8 " 26o Fresh Roosted PEANUTS lb. bag 39c Arthur Schneider and Mrs. Don Mrs, Charles Williamson and four Dickerson. children of Bronson were Satur- Let us prove that—whatever your hauling need—you'll be The local Paat Matrons' Club day evening callers and Sunday A BLANKET were entertained Wednesday eve- money ahead with a Chevrolet truck! STOKILY'S PINCST callers were Mis. Chris Gorte and FOR EVERY NEED ning at the home of Mrs. Doris Mrs. Milton Growe of Owosso. GOLDEN CORN Roth. Mrs. Candis BaHsett and daugh- CHED-O-BIT 2 ^ " 69c MARVEL BREAD —-^c^- 18c The Lowell Loafers' Club met on ter and Mrs. McPherson of Grand Tuesday evening at the home of Rapids, also Mrs. Bert Merriman A BLANKET TO RT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laux on North No. 303 can of Lowell called on their friend. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS 15c COLBY CHEESE " 44c SUGAR COOKIES 29c Hudson for their monthly pet-to- Mrs. Anna Gibson last week. YOUR PURSE 219 WEST MAIN# LOWEU gether. and carry-in dinner. Mrs, C. H. Horn entered Blodgett TELEPHONE 77 PABST-ETT ">IN«™nTO Miss Myrtie Taylor of Grand hospital Tuesday expecting to un- STOKILY'S FINEST 26c POTATO CHIPS — *• 59c Rapids spent Sunday with Lowell dergo an operation for cataracts on HONEY POD PEAS friends. Wednesday. McFALL CHEVROLET LONGHORN CHEESE 44c COCOANUT JELLY ROLL - 39c 508 W. Mein St. Lowell. Mich. Phone 298 No. lOt can ISC TANGY LINKS - 29c HOME STYLE D0NUT8 - -' 25c LOWELL, MICHIQAN. THURSDAY. JULY 20 1M0 FOUR THE LOWELL LEDGE

ineaa. Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDiannid Wnereas, the employees of the Southwest Bowne Heavy Losses Prompt Village of Lowell. Michigan, do not Mm. L. T. AndTBon were Sunday afternoon guests at Rep. Ford & Kent County Scouts the Robert McDiarmid home. (Official) come within the scope of Social Se- curity or other form of retirement Walter Bowman spent from Sun- A regular meeting of the Com- system. day until Wednesday evening at Farm Safety Week mon Council of the Village of Low- And Whereas, the Village Council H um 1 11 the 4-H Camp at Bostwick Lake. CLARKSVILLE ell was held in the council rooms of of the Village of Lowell after due Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kellar of Miss Rosemary Howlett the city hall, Monday evening. July Begnming Jaly 23 consideration and investigation, has Grand Rapids spent Friday evening 3. 1950. caused to be prepared the attached LICENSED CHAUFFER—Exper- FLOOR POLISHER and waxer for FOR SALE —Blue mohair over- FOR SALE-Eectric refrigerator, at the home of their parents. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston The theme of the 1950 National The meeting was called to order Retirement Plan for the employees lenced driver. Mrs. John P. Free- rent. Lowell Lumber 4 Coal Co., stuffed chair and davenport, wal- washing machine, beautiful over- and Mrs. John Troy and family. family and Mr. and Mra. Willard Farm Safety Week, running from by the village president, Peter of the Village of Lowell. Michigan, man. Lowell phone 419-F4. pll-12 Phone 16. cltf nut trim. Lowell Phone 187-F5. stuffed and other furniture. Phil The pariahes of St. Mary's. Caa- Taylor and family apent the week July 23 through 29. will be "Learn Speerstra. at 8:00 p. m. which said plan, in the opinion of 'IIUfOOmR" i^WITUNBACH ; WWICf pl2 Bonenfant, 206 S. Division. pl2 c*3e. and it. Patrick s, Bowne, held end at Sonriae Lake. and Obey." Trustees present: Foreman. Mul- the Village Council is necessary for UP TO 36 MONTH TERMS on Fur- CALEDONIA LIVESTOCK SALE a picnic at Lakeaide Park. Cale- naces and Plumbing. Call us to- MONTMORENCY CHERRIES now THOMPSON'S Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Stuart and Each year, according to esti- der. Rutherford. Roth. Christiansen. the most efficient operation of said every Monday at 5 o'clock. c4JHf LOT FOR SALE—For residence or WHAT 00 YOU UfUAUiT AMONOO WILL FIND ready. Bring containers and pick donia. Sunday about 125 enjoying ^ughUr ^'u7. ^d MrsT Ray mates made by the National Safety Trustees absent: Elxinga. Village and most advantageous to day for free estimates. Phone business. 66' x 132'. at 906 E. Main Grr FOR TEACH W6 own. Duras Olin. Lowell Phone tfe ^r ^ and son attended the Van Council and the National Fire Pro- The minutes of the regular meet- both said Village employees and THC LIKES Of Mfc 271-P21, Ideal Plumbing A Heat- FARMERS ATTENTION—We need St. Phone GL 28492. cl2 cream and lemonade. Is the alter- „ rvi.... tection association, farm people WITH N BACH ing. Lowell. cll-16| your dead and disabled stock. SUIl 95-F11. cl2 SANITARY MARKET u, n R unJon 41 I k< 0(1 ings of June 19 and 20. 1950 were the citizens at large; noon the kiddles enjoyrt famea and ® * « ^ sustain approximately 17,500 fatal- paying a little. Can give service FOR SALE—White Rock fryers prixes were given. Sunday read and approved. And Whereas, In order to adopt UltUMVKt GUEST CHECKS for lunch rooms and broilers, dressed. Sam Ryder. FOR SALE—100 19-weeks-old Leg- Phone 23a G. R. (Butch) Thompson 2u:> E. Main ities from accidents. Some 1.500.000 The Clerk read an application for same day called with well equip- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kachaele of Mr. and Mra. L. D. Stuart and such a retirement plan it is nec and restaurants, printed on green ped truck. Cooper Tankage Co., Lowell Phone 327-F11. pl2 horn pullets. Best offer. Leghorn persons are disabled on the farm building permit from Dave A. Clark sary to forward such a plan to His Mllford were over the week-end daughter were Monday evening •very year. An estimated 35,000 safety paper, numbered. 100 Phone Rockford 74551. c46tf hens. John Ruder, first house on and bne from Stanley A. AjOtAnder. Excellency, the Governor of the Wkca Yea Think of Meat or Podlry — Think of Tkoapien's guests at the E. Sheehan home, supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray buildings are destroyed by fire. checks to a pad, 5^c a pad. WANTED —Apartment or small right, off US-16 on Quiggle Road. It was moved by Trustee Chris- State of Michigan, as a proposed Mrs. Edward Wlerenga and family David and son. The annual loss represented by Lowell Ledger, Lowell. p47tf j RASPBERRIES, both black and house to rent, furnished or un- pl2 tiansen. seconded by Trustee Mul- Charter Amendment and upon His furnished. before Sept. 1. Call Dr. were Saturday gueata. V.da Erb. Jack Fosburg, Doris the above accidents and fires totals der. that building permits be is- red. Ready picked or pick them Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Glidden and approval, submit said proposed Wiarda. 110 or 347, Lowell. pl2-13 PINCHED—No need to feel a pinch W'Uette and Victor Foshurg spent about one billion dollars every year. sued to the applicants. Teas 5. Nays yourself. Bring containers If you sons attended the Glidden reunion Charter Amendment to the electors in your work shoes. Or in your Sunday at Grand Haven. Breaking the cost down, David 0. Carried. want to pick. No children. ANN'OUNCEMENT-Otis Bibbler, at Milham Park. Kalamazoo. Sun- of the Village of Lowell; WE HAVE IT purse either. Wear Wolverine Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stuart and Steinicke, Michigan State College The Clerk reported receiving Stegenga's Berry Acres, H mile Jr., has purchased Dave Gar- End Cut Pork Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved. Shell Horsebide work shoes. d farm Safety Specialist, finds that west of Ionia. Phone 1565W. cll-13 field's landing. Will have boats M'r,. Leon Anderson accompanied of Hyatts^lle Md.. apent dividends from the Lee Fund in- That the Proposed Charter Amend- Coona. pl2 the total cost of farm accidents and vestments in the amount of S628.25. FOR SALE- NEW EQUIPMENT— and bait of all kinds. cl2 Mrs Ro^er PlUch and little aon to ^ ^ he home fires would be equivalent to an ment providing for a Retirement of 1 ,uart 61111 The Clerk reported receiving WANTED—Typing to do, or part Lowell Tuesday afternoon on bus- "f/ ' annual tax of S35 assessed on every Plan for the employees of the VU- LOST—Billfold. Tuesday. July 11. family. Monday they motored to $67.00 in traffic violation fines from 1947 Plymouth 2-Door Grain and Bale Elevators time office work. Mrs. John P. FOR SALE—5 acres alfalfa hay In 'age of Lowell, a true copy of Return to Mrs. LaVern Baker, " • • •• ^ Petoskey to see Miaa Lois Stuart farm resident In the country. Justice Howard J. Rlttenger. Freeman, Lowell phone 41&-F4. the field. Louis Sherbinski, 3 which is hereto attached, be sub- $139.00 up formerly Charlene Graham, 810 '.vbo is attending Bible School in Could Be Prevented The Clerk read a letter, addressed 1939 Plymouth Coupe pll-U miles west of Lowell on M-21. mitted to the Governor of the State then one mile north. pll High St. Reward. pl2 CHOPS to the Village Council, signed by that vicinity. The most startling thing about of Michigan for approval; and 1937 Oldsmobile, extre Wagons and 2-Wheel SALESMEN WANTED—For good THE FAMOUS Mrs. Wm. Wachterhauser, In which Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza- these figures is that Aost of the thereafter submitted to the electors paying respectable work in and SAGGING FLOOR INSPECTION CUSTOM BALING of hay and she complained of bicycle riding on good beth Robbins 96. who died Saturday accidents could have been prevent- of the Village of Lowell, Michigan, Heavy Duty Trailers around Lowell. For information FREE—Steel beams and posts In- straw, a new Holland baler. Den- the sidewalk. The Clerk was In- in Pennock hospital at Hastings, ed. The National Farm Safety Week at a special election; Rep. Gerald M. Ford, /r, (rear renter) RtpmUkm, f* Dlatrki, MkUfa*, If tkownhart withha Bat Scaalt $100.00 up call Grand Rapids Regina Agency. stalled. General Construction Co.. zil Pitcher, Alto Phone 3741. clM4 WAKMAIIN will be held Tuesday at 2 p .m. goal for 1950 Is to bring the farm structed to forward this letter to 4241 Kent City. i*-U Box 147 H. Lowell. cl2-16 the Village Marshal. Be It Further Resolved, that the a/ the Grand VaUeg CoweU. Keat CWf. MUtdgan, ^ ^ D.C. from the Beattie funeral home in accident rate down. If farm acci- HARVEST SPECIALS ON FURNISHED APARTMENT for Village Clerk Is hereby directed and Tha baft are enroate home from the Ji held at V 1 LOST—Small black Hampshire sow Clarksville. Mrs. Robbins had lived dents In the nation can be reduced It was moved by Trustee Mulder, SIXTY ACRES OF LAND All Um- rent, near school. Kitchenette, authorized to forward to the Gov- with white marking. Call Henry in the Clarksville area since a by 10 per cent during the coming seconded by Trustee Foreman, that VERY CLEAN TRUCKS— ber, oak, cedar and hemlock, and living room and bedroom. 41 S. WATCH the Village extend the fire protec- ernor of the State of Michigan true USED EQUIPMENT— Miller. Lowell Phone 449-F11. cl2 small child. year some 1.750 lives will be saved, copies of said proposed Charter sawmill for sale. New 6-room Vosper, Saranac Also house for tion agreement to the Township of 1947 Internetionel I Ml house with bath and electricity. sale. pl2 WITH ONE YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanson Sr. approximately 150,000 disabling ac- AmendmenL this Resolution and 6 ft. International Com CHERRIES — For your locker- were Monday evening supper guests cidents will be prevented, and S100,- Lowell for a period of five (5) Good hunting and fishing, locat- the minutes of this meeting; and A Woof Ad Wl Sel That Unwaeted Article ton order now to be sure of delivery. FOR SALE—Team horses, weight 000.000 will be saved. years at a cost to the township of bine with motor ed 8 miles South of Baldwin In Morrell's Riverdale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- upon approval by the Governor, to x We will have some big, extra about 3000, cheap. Elmer Wltten- The National Safety Council con- five hundred (S500.00) dollars per 1947 Dodge \ /i ton Newaygo county. Fred J. Ford, Unconditional ard Lite and daughters. call said special election in accord- large, sun ripened cherries—direct bach, Lowell Phone 189-F3. cl2 Mr. and Mrs. Carol Hammond ceived the idea of National Farm year, and the Clerk was Instructed 7 ft. McCormick Grain R. 2. Lowell. p»-10-U-ll to rewrite the Fire Protection agree- ance with the laws of the State of 1946 Chevrolet I'/i ton from the orchards on Lake Mich- of Lansing were visitors Thursday Safety Week in 1944. The organixa- Michigan. Roll call: Foreman yes. Binder TRXACO MONTMORENCY RED and Wind- ment between the village and the HARNESS SHOP NEWS—Binder, igan and Grand Traverse Bay. Guarantee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray tion Is sponsored by the United Mulder yes. Rutherford yes. Roth 1940 international Panel For delivery during the harvest- sor Sweet cherries are ready BUTTER township to comoly with the above combine and baler canvas re- Davied and son. States Department of Agriculture yes. Christiansen yes. Teas 5, Nays Pick your own. J. R Braman. mentioned specifications. Roll call: 10 ft. McCormick Grain pairing, 4-H show halters and ing season you can buy these ex- Mrs. Ethel Willette, Patricia, and practically all leading farm or- 0. Carried. rm-CBiEF 3625 4-Mile Rd., N. E, 4 mile east Foreman yes, Mulder yes. Ruther- Binder—Power Take-Off stable sheets. Prompt service, tra large cherries for 25Hc per This one year policy Doris and Victor Fosburg were: ganlxations throughout the nation. In accordance with the Statutes OASOLINR lb. (approximately 1 quart). This of East Beltline. G. R. 995862. cl2 ford yes. Roth yes, Cbrlstlsnsen [ Shop at Kroger NEW EQUIPMENT— Kerekes Harness & Shoe Repair insures against defect Sunday evening callers at the home | yes. Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried. of the State of Michigan. Mr. F. J. ICQ Bu. Steel Grain Box Shop, 1 mile east of Lowell on price includes pitting, washing, of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bo rung Rotenone Grown in U. S. A. Most McMahon requested the Council to freezing, sugar and package. The WANTED—To rent a garage for Mr. Al. Roth, the village engineer 6 ft. Combine with motor e Youll like our Texaco Fire- M-21. P1041 car, on east side. Pete Kerr, Low- or damage! and daughters. rotenone-bearlng products are Im- Issue him a permit to stage a 4th of /1 package Is a big 1^4 lb. leaJc-proof lb. explained to the council some of 14" Plow, Double Bottom Chief. It's got superior Pin- ell Phone 465. pi2 62c ported from South America (13 mil- the things that might be encounter- July fireworks display on his own Power to give you lightning VOSBURG Block and Gravel Co.— container. Just right for a Juicy 17 Jewels lion pounds In 1947). However, property. International-Harvester Mortar groove blocks by vibraUon well filled pie. Packed 30 lbs. In ed in putting a sewer along Main 16" Plow, Single Bottom fast starts, rapid warm-up, and MONTMORENCY CHERRIES Another Fine Morreli Produet "devil's shoestring" and related Street over the river. Mr. Roth It was moved by Trustee Fore- ire Refrigerators and and compression. S4n. concrete a case of 24 packages. For home 8c per lb. Bring containers and plants bearing rotenone are being man. seconded by Trustee Ruther- smooth performance. Come in canning you can buy these large save some of the details of the LOW 7 ft. Refrigerator $8S.OO blocks 15c: 8-in cinder blocks lie. pick your own. Timpson Orchards Home Freezers grown in the Ozarks from sends plans for this Job and tha possible ford, that a fireworks permit be «md try it today. Delivery 2c block, up to 20 milea. cherries all washed, pitted and on M-91. Lowell Phone 323-F11 $25 - $30 • $35 liekert Elcrtric obtained from the United States granted to Mr. McMahon. Teas 6. Choice - Young • Plump • Tender ways It might be accookplisbed. Also chimney blocks. Ada Phone sugared In 30-lb. cans for 18!i4c cl2 Department of Agriculture. At the After a thorough discussion, it was Nays 0. Carried. 3397 or 3393. per lb. Order these tree ripened , COMPLETE end of two years the root stock is moved by Trustee Christiansen, sec- It was moved by Trustee Mul- Htim's cherries now for those delicious large enough to produce a com- der. seconded by Trustee Ruther- FOR RENT—Floor waxer and pol- cherry desserts so popular with Webster's Used Cars onded by Trustee Foreman, that 1946 Chevrolet 4-door RITTENGER ELECTRICAL SERVICE mercial yield based on rotenone Al. Roth be instructed to draw up ford, that the Village pay to the PRICES Ttxaco isner. Roth & Sons Co., LowelL the family. Christiansen Frozen and other extractives. Rotenone Is Lowell Library Fund S50.00. Teas 5. WITTENBACH elOU Food Lockers, Lowell Phone 263- 1939 Chevrolet 2-door the working plans for the project Lowell Phone 616, cl2 Rxtwes — Toostmoster used In Insect and tick control. md submit them to the douncil. Nays 0. Carried. Strvict F3. Alto 3411. cl2-13 STEWINC CHICKENS SARANAC STOCK YARDS—Buy- Roll call: Foreman yes. Mulder yes It was moved by Trustee Chris- Lowell Wr.l nr Uantara ^ 20 OZ. lotVH 29c Phone 1114 ing Monday, 8:00 to 4:00. We pick MONTMORENCY CHERRIES — FOR SALE — 8-weeks-old Duroc Tfarer nearer^ Our modern salads bad their Rutherford yes. Roth yes. Chrl.- tiansen. seconded by Trustee Roth, W. MAIN ST. • • • PHOME227 Hampshire cross pigs. $12 each. that bills In the following amounts KROGER BREAD up. Saranac 2521; other days G. Due to rain we still have lots of origin as early as the fifteenth cen- tiansen yes. Teas 5. Nays 0. Car- SUPER SOFT Rapids 36200 or 90580. c33tf cherries. Bring containers and Ray Banham. R. 1, Alto. pl2 ury but early salad eaters dld not ried. be paid: GLENN RITTENGER PAUL RICKERT pick your own. Sam Patterson. PUPPIES—Part Cocker, about six have the Information about their The following resolution was pre- General < • Lowell Phone 95-F3. pl2 •ented to the Village Council: weeks old. $1.00 each. Lowell 101 E. Mam Lowell Phone 340 912 N. Hudson St value in the diet that we have to- PayrolL S-IS-'SO to 7-3-'50 | 353.0C 2 No. 2 on. 25c day. Resolution By: Trustee W. A. Phone 554-F12. pi2 Payroll, Fire Dept., June.. 140.25 TOMATOES FOUND—At Recreation Park, a Manufacturers Supply Co— RNE QUALITY man's wedding ring. Owner may Lowell Postmaster have same by Identifying It and Star Comers Bixby Office Supply paying for this ad. Call 454. pl2 No 2 car 23c Mrs. Ira Blough Pbom Your Order - We Will Gladly Saw Itay Item FmtoftheFineUnjnJ^ Noah Blough KROGER CHERRIES FOR SALE—100 White Leghorn Lowell Light ft Power RED, SOUR. PTTTED pullets. 11 weeks old. Sam Fred- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dawson of Lowell library Fund erick. Lowell R. 2. Phone 531.F2 Westinghouse Electric What Kind of West Lowell were Sunday evening P12 guests at Freeman Hoffman's. Shop in Lowdl — No Parking Mtf*n ToUl 1 874.20 TWINKLE DESSERTS 3 17c MONTMORENCY CHERRIES — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilsey and ASSORT® - NEW LOW PRICE sons of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Street Young trees. Bring own contain- ers and pick your own. Allison Ray Seese and Carlos Seese of Payroll, /A •*. jar 31C Blough and Ivan. Electric Supply Co 23.64 EMBASSY OLIVES Hastings Livestock Sales We are sorry to hear of the Ill- Bixby Office Supply 220 STUFF® ness of Mrs. Carlos Seese at But- Tlement Electric Co 207.55 ^ Friday, July 14, 1950 terworth hospital. We hope for Gee's Hardware 3.56 Calves Gilmari Drug Store, Alto speedy recovery. ^'l F. J. McMahon, fr'ght accL. 100,00 2 23 oz. cans 29c Mids. It takes a palatable and nutritious good and choice $29.00-$31.00 New is the riiM to ok yourself Little Bobby Seese of Alto spent Roosevelt Oil & Ref. Co. 1.22958 PORK & BEANS medium $26.00429.00 Buttrick's Grocery KROGER Mich. Municipal Utilities.. 1J.75 question. Wi yea have a flock of pdkts ration to maintain appetites and keep light -$26.00-down a couple days with Grandpa and Mich Bell Telephone 43.35 Steers and heifers $20.00428.00 Grandma Ray Seese last week. Furner's, Ada Lt. & Pr. Deposit Refunds.. 5.00 that wfl net start laying uitl lata Ml feed intake levels Mgk, thus promoting common Mrs. Alma Mlshler spent Friday Gould's Garage 5.24 -98c Beef Cows $19.00^22.00 afternoon with Mrs. Wm. Porritt AUTOBRITE or early whiter? Or wfl yo« have a wel continued growth and eariier maturity, also called on Mrs. Ada Thompson Dick's Super Market, Ada F coarse you recognize it. foot-motion and maximum of him hf eager buyers—"to pot yon NEW CAR POUSWNG SENSATION Cutters ..$17.00419.00 o » U Mr. and Mra. Earl Nash spent dmesaving? behind a ROADIf ABTBK wbeeL Total 43.S90.00 developed flock that begins sheltog out the aim of every poultryinan and so Canners .— ..$18.00-$17.00 Harvey's Drug Store, Clarksville Who doem't know that thoae Grand total S6,222.77 Bulls ..$20.00-$28j0 Monday evening at the Clare Por- necessary to prefltaUe egg prodnctioa. Hogs .-H4.00425.00 ritt home. Ever known the good feel of a Roll call: Foreman yes, Mulder 26 02- pk? 0991 early, that are laytog lots of big four Ventiports, that fraeefol Why not see him now—to find oat KROGER SALT Heavies -$20.00424.00 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fox, Mr. and 5e Per Copy yes, Rutherford yes. Roth yes. light and easy wheel, swinging lODtZ® OR PIAM Roughs ..$16.00419.00 Mrs. Ralph Fox and Mr, and Mrs. sweep of fender-chrome, mark what's finest in today's fine cars, Christiansen yes. Yeas 5, Nays eggs during the higher priced M aud Feeder pigi Ted Fox called at the home of ROAOMASTBR —beit of all the almost at a finger's touch—the Carried. ._$ 7.50427.00 On Sole Every Thursday and how little it takes to boy one? whiter meeths. birds with the stamina to Yen can be sure of a palatable and nutri- cl2 Carl Fox Saturday evening. Mrs. Buicks, unquestioned "big boy" souUttisfying lift in a big 152-hp It was moved by Trustee Mulder, seconded by Trustee Rutherford, CIGARETTES ^ $1.79 keep prochictioe at a maxiimim level? Carl Fox and children met with Or have The Ledger delivered by U. S. Postal Service Fireball engine just waiting for the tions ration when you feed ear Growing an accident Saturday morning of the fine-car field? that the meeting be adjourned. POPULAR BRANDS TODAY'S PAY1NO PUCES release your toe-pressure gives it? Yeas 5, Nays 0. Carried. Mash. It contains al the essentM nu- when she lost control of her car SobscriptioM—$2.00 per But have you tried it? PETER SPEERSTRA PresldenL PER DOZEN FOR EGOS and ran Into a tree. Luckily trients, including APF. necessary to pro- they escaped with slight injuries LOUIS W. KINGSLET, Clerk. Hew yea haedk year pafcts right eow Fedtrd-Sluf^ Crodes Ever sampled that famous Buick Approved July 17, 1950. KROGER FLOUR 25»- $1.73 and bruises. Hope they all recover Have you matched this sweet- FWE TEXTURE wfl largely determine the answer to mote fast, sound, economical growth. Large, Grade A 42c ride—steady, level, unperturbed, speedily. stepping bonny against the tall Medium, Grade A. J6c (Too late for last week) Good Conks Foood these questioM. H al other coedtieiis The kind of growth that leads to early Small. Grade A 28c hills, and the rail of the straight- soft with the special gendeness of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. WIngeler at- For Yooog Reoders rod 38c maturity, develops birds with the stam- Large, Grade B 31c away? coil springs on all four wheels, l-commuo* rinbaH vafcw. ANSCO FILM are neriixd, the answer lies in what and Brown Eggs 2 cents less. tended the Blaser reunion at Fal- Build Up Big Layers Capable of sweetly restful in both front and - P*nr h thr— taohf* Many lifiprovemeets 620 ina for heavy egg production. lasburg park Sunday. '363 eafiMisftm •od^jT^T how yen feed. lOTGY IROS. ELEVATOR Mary Lou Smith of Grand Rap- Ever tooled it across town—and Now that It seems "comics" are seats? Alto, Michigan ids spent the past week at the Sustained High Egg Production here to stay, efforts are being seen how Dynaflow's quick surge Prices subject te change Ray Seese home. Sunday dinner There's no reason, really, to made to sort the good from the bad and smooth take-off slip you =*£-**** • vnoc-A—u So this year ask yourself the question... guelts at the Seese home were and even use materials presented Yea have to keep your piflets growing M wait longer for such satisfying Mr. and Mrs. Leon Vaughn. Mr, through traffic with minimum of nA in "comics" style for teaching. "What kind of pulets wfl I have this ^ ' "K.HAHDY ORANGES BACON SQUARES yea want them to matare eerly and be in and Mrs. Robert Host and daugh- experience. Since most of us would find dif- ter of Grand Rapids and Mr. and WITH o*d gangitg, ^ ficulty in sorting out good comics, CAUFOtNIA SUNKIST production during the higher priced Ml Ml?" ... and make your plans to have Mrs. Lennah Backus. Michigan CELLO WIAPfEl lb 25c We Renove Dead Animals Mrs. Phillip Seese. There's a Buick dealer near UAn State College extension specialist, the kind of pnlets you want . . . early Mrs. Bill Vickers and daughter 1 U,CK 100-110 SIZl do*. ' market. Hot, dry summer meather tends you. He delights in showing off amTl I?* * ' ton * offers suggestions to help make 45c of Grand Haven and Mrs. Byron Monarch Brand wise selecUons for young readers to dew up the feed intake of growing maturing, heavy laying birds. For Prompt Removal Weeks called at Ira Blough's Sat- ROAD MASTER. He'll arrange — Hm.. Lettering should be large enough urday morning. ASST. COLD CUTS'S9c of Old. Crippled Mrs. Frank Graham and daugh- unless all his demonstration cars to be read easily with plenty of HERRUD'S space between the lines. Paper Elberta Peaches 2^ 35c Dead Bones ter Colleen of Clarksvllle were last Chick Grower have been snatched away from - fOADMABltJt. —- should be white or light colored so and Cows week Monday dinner guests at Make sore of the propar deveiopment of bone that lettering and pictures stand Freeman Hoffman's. Mrs. Graham structure ... the right body growth to produce *Twm,h HENRY J. JAYLOK. ABC N.fwort. trv, Uomior fyn'S- out well for easy reading. Draw Michigan Celery 10c and Colleen left Tuesday morning high-vitality pullets capable of sustained egg ings should be clear cut and not fiROIRD BEEF lb. 61c PHONE for California. crowded on a page. They should FRESH, CRISP Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Holmes of production—with a new, complete feed con- be Interesting but not disturbing Donna. Texas, were dinner guests taining M-V (Methio-Vlte). Come in. Get IONIA rOUM-WAT rORETMOMfT Cover pictures should represent 3 lbs. $1.79 at Ira Blough's Thursday. • convincing facts, tod ay I truthfully the stones contained in Watemelens 99c Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houghton IIm ntggmi fro* •*! (1) mh *• trh m*. the publication. GUARANTEED RIPE of Detroit spent Monday evening MADE WITH PISTB MIX COMPUTE CONCENTRATES WITI M (2) som on npair coth—tnrtnxi ban an Select comics which contain cor- at A. E. WIngeier's. MMdwly r^ocaabk. f3J arr\ onri I ... reunion of the Kellogg famlly held by Mre. Daphna Cookingham and waa completed. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Callers at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Potter visited can be held liable for accidental case an injury suit Is brouRht at Johnson Park on Sunday after- 0. Injury or death to employees, or against him. Vincent Fays. This Come To Mrs. Katherine Richardaon. Rev. Norman Woon. who la away Richardson and afternoon guests Mrs. fl. T. Seeley Thursday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Goodblood and Mar- were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Althaus, noon. TIACTOIS • COMIIIEt Injury to the public or public prop- policy may also be written to on vacation, la due back on the Mrs. Grace Whaley, librarian at ning were their son Howard and ian In Grand Rapids Sunday eve- Sr. nnd Fred and Diane of Lowell wife of Grand Rapids and on Fri- ning. Sunday afternoon callers at erty, whenever negligence can be protect the farmer for liability Congregation Church News firat Sunday In August. Ada Kent County Branch Library IMPLEMEITS and Sunday supper gueata were Mr. day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank proved. Examples: a hired man 'to the public. It's best -for each attended a staff meeting held last the Potter home were Mr. and The Ladlea Aid Society of the and Mra. Monroe Sweet and two Qulggle of Ada. Mra. Kenneth Anderson. khine •umr-Num nun injured while using faulty equip- farmer to discuss his Individual Ada Locals Monday at headquarters at Wyom- ment, or an accident caused by liability problem with a reliable Congregational church and chil- children of Dutton. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDiarmid Tom Morria and Clyde Pearaon ing and selected books for this Mr. an€ Mrs. Sherman Reynolds straying stock on the highway. Insurance apent and others fam- uredren oufi thiiiec Sunday School an-—d • - , Mr. and Mra. John Adrlanae and spent Thursday with their daugh- attended the Odd Fellow assocla month's reading. The group of li- C. H. Here are two |{t>od means of iliar enough with insurance to their mothers are Invited to a pic- of Grand Rapida returned home aons returned home on Saturday ter, Mrs. Merle Aldrlch and chil- tlon picnic at Cafedonla Sunday. brarians enjoyed lunch at Johnson There IS •omething you can protection suggested by Vincent. help him decide his needs. after spending the past week on dren of LeRoy. The children, Helen, Jerry Wells Is spending this week RUNCIMAN 00. Park. at Camp Vlning as 4-H counselor. do about cutting the faim|y First he urges farmers to write a vacation trip to Heaa Lake. Members of the Miller-Morris Joanne and Tommy camo home lowell, Mlohlran Russel Prys is visiting his grand- food bill.. , you can do like the best insurance policy them- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert DcVrlea families gathered at Townsend with their grandparents for a short selves—that of taking every safe- Pheasants Increasing visit. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Wells millions of othor American nnd Sharon and Donnlc of Bailey Park on Sunday for their annual ty precaution to avoid accidents Assured that pheasants are now Drive and Mr. and Mra. Tony family reunion. A bounteous picnic I this week. families and sorre money of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole, Mr. • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Estes and on their farms. The next is to buy staging a comeback after several The Village Store Ortowakl and Marie and Donna potluck dinner waa enjoyed Thoae well as oat better wtth a reliable farm liability insurance. and Mrs. Lawton Cole and daugh- family were Sunday afternoon REDUCE lean years, the conservation com- CTH0M/J5 STORfS [enjoyed a weiner roast at Yankee attending Included Mrs. Anna frozen food locker. This type of insurance Is not ters attended f.he Cole reunion at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon tITHOUT DIETING mission has approved a 22-day sea- Springs on Sunday and they also Yardley and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lake Odessa Sunday. flatly recommended for all farms, son In the lower peninsula, October Chaffee of Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Estes. he advises, but In many cases the SELF SERVICE visited the Bird Sanctuary at Gull The 2nd annual Reynolds re- The SouJ\ Lowell Circle will uply eat this delicious Vita- 15 through November 5. John Boorsma and Dolores and kin and Mineral Candy farmer's risk Is too great without Lake. union was held Saturday at Fallas- I meet In the fining room of the Checks of pheasant populations Richard, Mr. and Mra. Adrian Jled AYDS, before meals as protection. The fire truck at Ada Kent Coun- burg Park wit h» twenty-nine mem- Alto Methodist church Thursday If you lire oo a farm, you can etore your own meat \ In recent months Indicate Increases. ty garage was called out on Thurs- Vereeke and Denny of Grand Rap- berDCrHs presentprmviivt. A bountifutsvsumaaual vaaaaaawdinner* | ted. AYDS check your Workmen's Compensation On the Villase Square Ids. Mrs. Lewis Tlcknor of Alto, rnoon, vegetablee. fruits, and poultry until needed. D you tite—you automatically -X m ' ' Friday and Saturday Specials day to assist with a fire on Beld- waa served at noon and the groupl Kare,® n 0rw_ n 0 . „ Workmen's Compensation In- Send your news to the Ledger. ing Road where two large barnsnnd" Mrs. Lao Jaaperse. Mrs. decided to meet again on the! { Hartford City, lire in town you can purchase moat at wholesale, ' tt less—lose weight natu- Mil- second Sunday in July 1961. All 'Illd- to ^tinf her grandparents. 11 y. Absolutely safe—con- owned by C. H. Krause were des- KnthfT HaiTll Mra Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dennie. have it processed and placed in your lodter. You J in no reducing drugs. Money Top Value Peas 3 cans 29c troyed. The cause of the fire Is Ier hnd E1(rln Mmer of Adm officers were re-elected. Mr. and Mrs. David Sterzick en- funded if you don't lose PAY ATrcNTION unknown, loss. $10,000. [ Mr and Mrt Kenneth Fox went Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent and Joyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and can buy fruits, vegetables, and •eight with first box. Month's 'pttHcttesuU 'pit Mrs Tom Morris entertained with cascade this past Sundnv to to children of Hastings spent Sunday Mrs. Allen Roth of Vergennes. other frozen foods at low quan- •pply S2.89. ndlnner on Thursday evenlngfor ,^ Mr and Mrs evening with Mr. and Mrs. Claude at ADA, Mich. Did you ladles know that the TO SI6HS! Mrs. Glenn Chaffee whose birthday ^ ttty prices. Glendale Cheese 2-lb. box 69c and on Mond even| the Cole. Charles and Alden Vincent common wild flower or weed. by Globe' functional body- was on that date. Delicious north- |ted Mr and Mr> ^ Ingersol| remained for a visit with their Queen Anne's Lace, makes a very NATIONAL SAftTY COUNCIL RED SOUR ern pike caught by Tom Morris on cascade line shorts and "T" shirts al80 of grandparenta. pretty bouquet if you'll put red Chnstionsen Drug Co. a Canadian fishing trip were veryj ^ . Why spend leverd hundred ow K tho||e Ad4 attend yellow or blue vegetable coloring LOWELL, MICHIGAN of year-round weight fab- much enjoyed. TTiose present werel Lowenshow- |ngamatuer nlKht for in the water? The color goes up dolors for o freexer phis ol cll-18 Pitted Cherries K can 20c Mr. and Mrs. Glenn CbanM of g^tunjay i Moseley—Murray Lak# ric afford comfort and j heId on n fht were I the stem and into the flower color- Mrs. Eva Engle Grand Rapids. Dan VanWormer Mr and Mr> Walter Sr t the motntenooce cost when long wear. "T" shirt suit- and Mrs. M. Covell also of Grand ing it. tMr and Mrt Rob#rt Mo|Ti8 and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Purdy, Mr. you con rent o locker for os Food Poisoning Rapids. Mrs. Eugene Morris and ;Mr8 0rilwn Weaver Mr. and Mni. NEW ^ able for both outer wear Delrich Oleo lb. 29c — • »» - .41- and Mrs. Verne WIngeler spent Sandra of Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shea, Mr. end Mrs. Kenneth low as: and as an under garment. Homer Morris and Joanne. Fox, Mrs. Frank Richardson and Saturday evening in Freeport Sodas • Sundaes - Sandwiches - Sundries Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Klumpp • BATHROOM? Mrs. Hattie Adrianse announces Miss Alice Richardson, Mr. and Cm Be Prevented 81 lx Jr., and children spent Sunday at Hale's Piitry or Bread Flair 5-lb. 29c the approaching marriage of her Mrs. Clark Nellist, Miss Chearyl Clara M. BrandT^nry A • KITCHEN? Picnic food poisoning can be pre- Sizes 28-44 daughter Miss Gertrude Adrianse] Nellist and friend, Mr. and Mrs. the Lee Keech home. Susan re- Price UnU^lliCl •i^riuav Bert Kelm and wife with Charles MONTH vented, the Michigan Department to Eugene Huiringa. The marralge 1 , Kellogg, Mrs. Katie Smith, mained for a few days. • HEATING UNIT? 0rv es Schwab and wife of Lowell attend- of Health aaid today. 98c will be an event of Friday evening . Harry Fitch, Mr. Mrs. William Purdy and JoAnn ft. jar 23e Mr and Mr8 ed the funeral of their former All that is required Is cleanli- Dill Pickles July 21 In the Ada Community and Mra. Bernard Rooker and spent Friday In Grand Rapids. Come in fodey .... let our experienced We Hoodk the Best! Mrs. Verne WIngeier's uncle and Campbell neighbor. Perry Trow- ness and carefulnesa in preparation T" Snlrt Reformed Church. Jlmmie. bridge at Lapeer recently, Bert and coldness from the time the large jar 33c Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Anderson and aunt from Ionia spent Sunday p. m. frozen food handlers show you the fine facil- Sizes 36-48 Salad Olives and wife were overnight guests at CRANE—KOHLER food ia prepared until it Is eaten. Price George, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth with her and her family. the Schwab home In Lowell. ifies for handling your meat, fruit and Food poisoning Is caused by the Anderson were Sunday dinner Sooth Boston Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meade of $1.29 Lansing were Sunday truests at the John Mlshler left Monday morn- LINE growth of germs in food. The germs 46-ez. caa 39e guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlaa BeHe Yo^n" ing for Marshall where he will do vegetables. Oraige Jnice Frank Reugseger home. get into the food from unclean Open Daily and Sunday Kitson of Bostwick Lake. Dr. and Mra. Nell Stuart and two Mrs. Mary Lulham of Carson bowling alley work. hands, unclean sandwich or meat QioU On Sunday afternoon a Chevrolet Mrs. Banch Deming with her son, Free Estimates 46-ez. cai 37c daughters will return this week to [City, spent a week with her daugh- Lockers available for supplementary storage boards, unclean towels, unclean firapelnit Jiice car overturned at the Junction of their home In Hyattsvllle, Md., after Eldred and wife and Mr. and Mrs. dishes, unclean meat grinders, from Ada Road and M-21 west of Ada ter, Mrs. Frank Ruegseger. Mr. Hyall, nee Eleanor Deming, at- a visit with their Michigan rel- and Mrs. Frank Ruefeseger took space if your home freezer will not hold all flies, mice or roaches, or from bridge. The car was quite badly tended the John Deming family re- liy N. OmriftSoi coughs or sneezes in the kitchen. Taigeriie Jiice 46-ez. caa 35c atives. her home on Sunday. PRICES INCLUDE damaged, however, except for a Miss Sue Platte of Holt is spend- union at Tyden Park, Hastings, on your meat, fruit or vegetables. These germs multiply so fast at 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. fractured wrist the driver and his Joyce and Leola Rueg- Sunday. Lyie WOVCTTi WIQIrOyf-r ing two weeks with her grandpar- ara spending a week with room temperature that an unre- TAX 46-oz. caa 38c two passengers escaped without John Bowers and Miss Marilyn frigerated dish qf food or a slice of Bleaded Jiiees ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Noyes. their sister, Mrs. Larry Rich, In Residence Phone 313 s other Injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Condon made Martin of Kalamazoo spent Sunday meat may become deadly in one Beldlng. Mr. and Mrs. Rich have Mrs. Webb Ward was a lunch- a trip to the Traverse City vicinity at the home of Marilyn's parents hour's time, without any change In Belly Madisei Pears la. 2| caa 29e eon guest on Saturday of her sister Thursday and enroute home visited purchased a home In Belding. here In the city. appearance or taste. Miss Mildred Averill who is enter- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson (Zella Week-end guests at the Ed Pratt Frank Martin, wife and Mary Christiansen Among foods which are purticu- taining her friend Miss Esther Ransom) near Buckley. home were Mr. and Mrs. Haren Kay were In Lowell last Tuesday lary dangerous when not refriger- Aatomatic Soap Chips box 15c Symor of Grand Rapids. Norman King was re-elected as Knapp and children of Amble, nght to see Mrs. Martin's aunt. Mrs. ated are any soft foods made with Callers at the home of Mr. and moderator In the South Bell district Mrs. Lea Purdy of Grand Rapids Elsie Gabel. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS milk, eggs or gelattn, any foods Mrs. Ira- Teeple and Mrs. Jennie at the annual meeting last week, spent the past two weeks at the Mrs. Lena Shultt was at Pennock made with mayonnaise or salad y hospital In Hastings last Thursday ALTO 3411 LOWEU 263-F3 Grant this past weenk were Mrmi.. ; South Boston Farm Bureau mem- Frank White home and also call- McMaliofl Appliancesdressings , all meats and fish. They Fr«»h Fruits, Vcgctablci & Cold Meatf nnd Mrs. William Fancher of Grand hers and their families had a picnic ed on other friends and relatives. to see her sister, Mrs. Keith Dan- are dangerous because germs mul- Here s POWER that hHs home niOM 250 Next to riw Strand TbMlre Lewti tiply readily In them. Once the food has become con- taminated, heating it or refriger- ating it will not make it safe. Heat FOR or refrigeration may kill the germs but they will W destroy the poison which the germs have created in Monday thru Saturday the food. ow Plan Now To Attend MORE NET DOLLARS Be sure that hands, utenslla^and containers which touch food are CONSIGN YOUR LIVISTOCK scrupulously clean. Keep picnic foods at temperatures POWERl below 50 degrees, from time they TO THE are brought from the store or cooked in the home until they are eaten. You don't need an expensive pic- VOU CST IT OWIY IM Lake ffdessi Livestock Auction nic hamper. If you thoroughly chill fried chicken, sandwich spreads, JULY 24- EVERY THURSDAY cold meats, baked beans or potato salad In your refrigerator and then pack them in sterilized quart orj 1 9 S 0 Operated By two quart cans and set them In aj tub of cracked ice. Insulated with The Wolverine Stockyards Co. and ARen Behler newspapers, you can keep them cool Power tint's right fir yis jik! for several hours. Once these foods Your Dodge truck will have plenty of LOWELL SHOWBOAT Phone 6361 have been set on the picnic table and have become warm, do not try power—and then some! Eacn Dodge BIG ACTS to save them for another meal. engine is a high-efficiency engine— Food poisoning is always un- "Job-Rated* to providpi e ample f t AT U^l N d • pleasaiTt and It may be violent or power for the weight range o[>fthf e even fatal. AMERICA'S MOST UNIQUE model in which it's used. To give you COHtDiAH. FOTURSP IN BCTTyflMfHX'S SURGE Teaf Cups Don't CHEEP this Voft-RatoTpower,Dodge makes V*. Pww PICTUM. "Momm WO*A V6MTS' ANO CWtt • • ••• •• 5TA6E HOSCKO* HTS. KtUHTlSSThWO available 8 different truck engines. l-HheC-* AT CASINO, UDNPOW, tMGLAHD Medical Men frarn exntAcupwAity OAMCC AMP MUSICAL ami. ACT. nATUMO IN F. G. H-lVt-too. HH 2 In 109 HP m t U ^ mmmAHeeo. 4 StVBRAi. WOACn«»y Mrrs AND mms i wKCM uNivcRSAwmvwau.i ficnmncruus 'W'/*voonn Mywywn- Against Direct Son To sun or not to sun, is the ques- Power that's tips for ecomiy fk WHITNEft&Ca 4 Us Show You Why tion at this time of year, whether R-2V-ii 'tis better to look cool as a cucum- and long life! Dodge tmck ftovxtf a*(py JMIUR, MUMCS lAoes ber or as hot as a boiled lobster. gines are "Job-Rated" to give W/W 5KIU. PflUCT PROM Rojcys, NtW**K HLaJL« wm I l Alfred E. Roth One wants to return to the office you high compression, better V'fr "• Phone 148 Lowell, Mich. showing a beautiful coat of tan. carburetion, and efficient igni- HWTKFUt mSiCAl i xytopnoNs Tan looks well on womenfolk with tion for low operating ^ GRAY SISTERS 4;ARTIST S wrm PANCS ANO COMSPy sun-back dresses. One wants the vitality that comes from the ultra- costs. Valve seat inserts, , 4 Dooffliy Poeew MNCHS violet rays that are so beneficial. four piston rings with r* CM«X PNASS, CHICAGO Too bad that so many of us are the top ring chrome- so thin-skinned that the tanning plated, and many other business results in a sunburn that advanced features, con- results In pain and blisters. If you are highly nervous, have tribute to economy and hltrh blood pressure, overactive long life. tuberculosis or heart disease, the DI.. CHORUS OF 90 VOICES In a Rich, Wholesome direct rays can result In toxemia and shock. In weakening your phy- rlUS Minstrel Show sclnl condition. Some of the liquids and com- • SIX BOUNCING END MEN With TOP AMATEUR ACTS pounds advertised ror preventing ...fir low-cost tnnspirtitiin Lively Gags and Jokes sunburn may prevent some burn- DRAMA AND BEAUTY OF THE ing, but so far science hasn't found Bond Ploying ... Hogs Rylng ... Abkne with Al Colors of the Roinbow ... The 1950 Showboat Comes • INTERLOCUTOR ADM. C. H. BOAT ON THE RIVER a way preventing It entirely. All of POWER:... g great truck engines EASIER HANDUNG: sharper 'Round the Bend Each Evening, Monday Through Saturday. July 24-29. Don't Fall to this is heresy to those resorts that —etch "Job-Rated" lor PLUS turning! Parks in tight placcs. RUNCIMAN advertise their brand of sunshine power "Job-Rated" maneuverability! 'See This Great Spectacle! as curing everything from dandruff COMFORT:... widest seats ... to fallen arches. ECONOMY:... priced with the windshield with best vision of anv But medical men advise that lowest. "Job-Rated" for dependa- popular truck. Air-cushioned, We Don't Miss getllng the Indirect rays of Old Sol bility and long life. adjustable "chair-height" scats. Is beneficial, that you don't have to SAFETY: ... finest truck brakes WW! ml FLUID DRIVE! Available on all K-, Reserved Seat Tickets Now On Sale — $1*20 incl. tax A 'Single Trick' sit in the beating sun to gain from SIOOER PAYLOADS:... carry in the industry . . . hand brake >a- and 1-ton models. Saves wear on over 80 Us rays. You can get the radiation more without overloading axles or operating independently on vital parts; lowers upkeep cost, prolongs truck Indirectly, though you may not get 0,,m L GENERAL ADMISSION — 75c Incl. Tax CHILDREN FREE! Wbee we soy Valley Lea Is good those various shades of tan that K'Sdt" ° " life. Ask for interesting Fluid Drive booklet. milk, we mean It ... no detail you covet on others. (Under 12) is overlooked to provide the finest A peeling back doesn't look good In a summer dress nor a blistered milk possibls; from healthy cows On Sole At: L. E. Johnson Pontiac Garage, 423 W. Main, Lowel; Wurxburg of Grand Rapids; Perrone's, nose sitting behind a desk. properly processed and double in- Sunburn results in an annual Ionia; and Roth Furniture, Hastings loss to the U. S. Industry of over mkAtrnvta Vite ]| (HI pp U [IBltg Opening Night, Monday, July 24 7 million work days a year, reduces Vslley Lm Dairy Prwisst* efficiency of workers an equal prvMme by Dslrylssd C«- number of days. So let us take our When Accompanied By Parents •Hrathrs Crt««ry C«. fsr ultraviolet rays with a few grains SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 P. M. dtitrlbatlen by: of salt tablets this summer. LOWELL CREAMERY Gould's Garage Speeding on U. S. streets and Pcttr Sptcrstra Phone 269 Lowell, Michlgen highways laat year injured 398,700 3I9E. Main St. Lowell men, women and children.


600 Less Forest Fires WILLIAM •. FOSTER BEGINS Kent Aft. Topics PUMJC NOTICES Sfofe Parti C—Mm park manager to return tc the The atate's forest fire record PUMJC NOTICES TRAINING AT GREAT LAKES Notae from Kant County Extanaloa same park later in the year and THE LOWELL LEDQEW. LOWELL. MICHIQAH THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1950 continued low for the week end- NINE Office by Richard Machiala William B. Foster, seaman rec- Pay Fee For Services be credited for the unused time. Watar W«l Mbg ing July 2 with only seven fires R. E. Springatt, Atty. Edward M. McC«rm|ek. ruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell. Mich. Recreotioeal Use Free A fee of 50 cents per day is Alto Locals and 4.81 acres burned throughout Agriculture Ada. Mich. Floyd W. Foster of Route 2. Low- chsrged campers for water, gar- Alto Locals I Alto Locals day evening were Mr. and Mrs. the state, the conservation de- Camping fees at state parks 17 Years *f Experience ALTO NEWS Henry Kaufman of Grand I Harvest time means more acci-1 ANNUAL ACCOUNT bage disposal, and use of toilet Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flnley of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Watson and Mrs. John Poetma of McCords Rapids partment reports. This brings the and recrsation areas must tafe Guaranteed Materials Mrs. Fred Pattison an,, Mr and Mrs Ern,e Wlll,OI, dents, unless everyone is especially; State of Michigan, The Probate FOR HEARING CLAIMS ^ Center m buildings. Electricity is an addi- HESCHE FARM MARKET Kalamazoo were Monday lunch son Merle and Mr. and Mrs. Clay- and Mrs Ray Linton gave a mis- - - total forest fires so far this sea- paid In advance, when camping tional 20 cents a day for those Fr*e Estima Phon* 3231 mHL son to 574 which have burned careful. There are many ways in Court for the County of Kent guests of Mrs. Myrnla Haskins at ton Dygert drove to South Bend, cellaneous shower at the former's *** . „ Slate of Michigan, the Probate Upon completion of hia training permit la obtained, for the num- who use it No money down, up to th W. Main St.—Across from For*man's Hatch*ry — Op*n Evenings and Mr, Ernle Witaon can 4,030 acres. 4 which accidents can happen, but I * sesalon of said Court, held Campau Lake. Ind., Sunday and spent the day home for the pleasure of Miss Mar-' - Court for the County of Kent William will be assigned either to ber of days to be spent In the No fee is charged for admit- y**ra to pay. on To the same date in the 1949 generally only one causa—careless- th® Probata Office in the City At a session of said court, held ualta of the Fleet service or to a American Legion Auxiliary Meeting Sllcox of Lake Odessa, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Dan WIngeler had with their sister, Audle Yelter, at jory Doezema of Grand Rapids ^ Eldridge. who is at park, conservation department tance to state parks or for any P»aee your order tod*y for y. the ol,feopathlc ho,, itaJ season. 1,167 fires had burned ,n the parks officials have ruled. Mrs. Otto Dygert of Kalamazoo Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wittenbach as the children's orphan home where Saturday evening. Sh# received P - Monday b n dec r d '5 r*. V ^ C"? I service achool for socialised traln- recreational use other than for well wbrk. Tuesday evening:, July 11, MM. !ven,n and found him about th 18,765 acre*. — " " ' - JOH££N £ DALTON of Grand Rapids, in aaid countyl,no, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawley their Sunday dinner guests. Mr. she is asslsant superintendent. many lovely gifts and dainty re- • « ® [on the 7th day of July, A. D., 1950. Refunds cannot be made ex- camping. J SPECIAL THIS WEEK Gerald Ashley opened her cottage ,reBhin,!nt .» v and brother of Lowell. Due to the and Mrs Dave Washburn and sons Audie returned home' with them| » were served. Marjory ^* . „ . cept In case of illness, death in at Big Wabasls Lake for the Alto forTner| average cost of 135 per year to, |n th# Matt#r of th# EBtllt# of Present: HON. RICHARD w. ORSON MELLI to spend a few day with her moth-, y resided at McCords and . Mrs. N evens and chll- Fresh fruits should be stored In Remember that odor Is the best the family or other emergency. tudden showers some of the food of Flint called at the WIngeler every farm resident In the country. Velma Cram, Mentally Incompetent. BRYANT. Judge of Probate. It takes a lot of determination Your Well Man American Legion meeting. Eight er, Mr Jennie Yelter, will be married Tueday, Aug. 22 t," l0*! Robert Cox a cool, dry place. Berries should In th* Matter of tha Estate of guide In buying melons. Color, Campers who can't stay the Chicken Fryers, reidy for pan lb. SSc got water logged but they called home on Saturday enroute to the Most of this could be prevented.] Robert E. Sprlngett having filed to mess up our own Uvea and the Phene 1t7 members and two guests attended t0 be spread carefully on trays, sorted, Patrick J. McCormick. Deceased. plumpness^ ,, OT««**odor ana«s\d* aaCOTJUUfreedomI froi FVIIlml whole time paid for, for reasons L w it good and all had a fine time. Straits, will visit their former Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton and Genitt Post of Grand Rapids. "J ^ thr^ thinLTn*J"tT! Remember that animals and ma- in aaid Court hia Second annual lives of those who depend on ua. « ®" 410 N. Jacki Soon after arriving a bounteous 1 but not washed or hulled until pre- it" '•nn"fl'.ri'nr"t77hl bruising should be considered In other than emergencies, may neighbors at ,. themen to Oshv^n--• visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnny Wakefield spent a few f" If ^ pared for the table. chines can be dangerous, if care- account as guardian of said estate, but apparently all too many of us 0*11 from 5 *. m. to 9 p. m picnic supper was served on picnic d P y the time for presentation of claims buying all fruits. Size may affect make arrangements with the Now... JOPPE'S HELLO "D" MILK, In Cartom White Circle Meeting koah. Wis. to visit Mr. and Mrs Overholt at Green Lake Sunday *y' burt week with his coualn, n "" . i—-ilessly- handled. and his petition praying for the can do it tables in the yard, after which C h against aaid estate ahould be limit- the price of fruit but does not al- ntetahflher and son. .evening. Jlmmie. son of Mr. and Mrs, Grant ^ °* °™ S? JLtw and 'allowance thereof, for the allow- we retired to the cottage where The White Circle met at the Alto Home Economics ed, and that a tim* and place be ways affect Its eating quality. Homogenized qt. 17c Regular qt. 16c Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roark had, Mr and Mrs. Ken Lyon accom- Harrison of Grand Rapids. ML ! ance of fees and for the allowance appointed to receive, examine and — our president, Mrs. Gladah Ander- Community Park Wednesday and Mr 11 rs Picnic time is here and the lady of all things therein contained. 2S members and friends enjoyed IJr. and Mrs Macey Ellis as their panied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rlt- an M - Lew Skinner and „ u.-. eveni ir Nfr* adjust all claims and demands| Dr. W. A. Large son, conducted the business meet- dinner guests Sunday. .tenger. called on Mr. and Mrs. J«y Brew of Caledonia called on ^ L " RODGERS & LYONS of the house will probably be en • It Is Ordered, That the 8th day against said deceased by and be- 3 qfs. 50c 3 qfs. 47c a bountiful picnic dinner, after a d thused about preparing the meal if of August. --- ing. After a period of visiting we Georg'- Shaver, age *59, passed Oliver Simpson In Saranac Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brew Friday . ' ' A. D.. 1960, at ten|fore said court. CHIROPRACTOR invocation by Mrs. Bolitho. Prea food that requires a minimum num- T*1® forenoon at said | thanked our hostess for a very y ,or It Is Ordered. That creditors of SOS W. Main St j pleasant evening and started for PLUMBING ber of dishes is used Hot dogs. | Probate Office, be and is hereby said deceased are required to pre- Grand — Office Hours — FRESH RUnS and VEGETABLES In Season meeting and Irene- Fairchild gave *^ rr- ?' iV ^ ., , „ „ *, ... ZTrZ.iZlMr ™nd w™ Tr, rv , i The trouble with people who do sent their claims to said court at our homes. a " S" 0 Steam A Hot Water Heating hamburgers, steak, and fried fish ltd ind Serine' 2:00-5:00 p. m. and 7:00-9:00 p. m. secretary report for Florence Rich- ***"?"* Shav-Und of Caledonm. Mr. and Mrr| M^and Mrs^ Ira Fryling enter- nire thing3 for ^ that they are old stand-bys for picnics and Sn* u!,n- * said Probate Office on or before, fid tl Phon* 42 Lowell. Mkh Banana* lb. 10c Tomatoos lb. 29c ardson A motion was made and ** * **ent here many Wm. Blodgett of Grand Rapida and ^^ Mr and Mrs. Gerard Fry- pect ^ much voluble appreciatioB. % Sunbeam Furnacea the 20th day of September, A. Dj Summer Bible School r d ea a of f nd Mr and rightly so. but if you want to try, It jTftnher Ordered, That pub- Black and Red Raspberries seconded for each member to p,iy|y" " " ' ™ ^ ?* ' Mr.. Albert King of Lyons ^ of Byron Center for dinner O Eavestroughing and Sheet 1950, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,! New Cobblers peck 59c who something a little different, cook ijC notice thereof be given by pub- Dr. H. R. Myers The summer Bible School started «i nrt k~>-» mi* nf «*tend sincere sympnthy to were callers during the week of sunoay. Metal Work said time and place being hereby Transparent Apples 2 lbs. 2Sc Sweet and Sour Cherries the some kabobs over an open fire. lication of a copy of this order, appointed for the examination and OSTEOPATHIC Monday at the Alto Methodist c _ «tnvf» inntwuf nf hivinir wMow Mary who assisted him Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fairchild. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johncock Shirley Allen of the foods depart- for three successive weeks pre- fa,th a y and 900 ot adjustment of all claims and de- Phytlcian and Surgeon j Church with an attendance of 70 .nt/ w* hnvA no mpotinf' ' " his faillne health.i Susan Blossom of Pheonix, Ariz. Delton spent Sunday Lowell Phone iment at Michigan State College vlous to said day of hearing, In v mands against said deceaaed. til E. Mein St ;and closed Friday with an attend- Vr* BV-M n «.o, Mr. Shavers was at the Roth Fun- and Jimmie. Bocky Kerschenman « «ning with Mr. and Mrs. James says you can make them easily the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper Whitford's Quality ICE CREAM 001 4 n 240-F2 or 64 It Is Further Ordered, That pub- Phone 296-F2 WORKING DOLLARS: Amtrkam in all ance of 105. It was necessary to nrniTim rh.irm«in atul Mrs CUud H ' ' I^well and services of Portland are spending the Green and Mrs. Beulah Hayward. Just put the children or the male printed and circulated in said w r St count lic notice thereof be given by pub- Office Houre—10:00-12:00 *. m. , put chairs In the aisles to acc ao- -ihi. •««l«tant lfi.iii»! * * ** - Mary's Church in Low- week with their ijrandmothtr, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg 'members of the picnic crowd to y- tn.t lication of a copy of thia order for walks of life, who invest their savings in Qt. 39c In 2 /2 Gal. Packages, Per Sal. $1.45 11 at 8:30 Dale Rodgers, Phone Aft*rnoon*—2:00-4:00 p. m. date the crowd at the fine c. elud- T.rn«o^ ,nd vrr^ii ^vnhiuti* Momiay morning and E L Timpson. are spending several days with three successive weeks previous to w:u at the,r fa,ni, ,ot at their work finding some long stick. J^d^of P^obat'e! Thur*d*y*—10:00-12:00 a. m. telephone securities, make it possible for ns For parti**, picnica, reunions Phone your order 60-F5 ing program Friday night. The von first orizes All had a Wasant ' y Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chlrgwln. slster-ln-law, Mrs. May Ros- Barryton 60-F2 ' about a quarter of an inch in diam- said day of hearing In the Lowell iSa naw Mr9 Robert Slat ar arie nd eter on which to skewer the In- A true copy. Ledger, a newspaper printed and 7:00-9:00 p. m. —Mon, Wed, Frl to give you more and better telephone serv- teachers deserve much credit for Z do faT?o ^ " - M ' Martin. Jr. of Grand « of Benton Harbor. r>*' m • PAvnhmt or ,- ri»tarv CSI*pe«1ed Mrs. Shaver to Saginaw Rapids were Thursday night din- Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sllcox ac- igredients. These ingredients can FRED ROTH, Iclrculated In said county. the success of the meetings and r ice. Their money is used to expand the tele- Ri^rH^n Z May Bowman. 77 years, passe.l „ quests of Mr and Mrs Fran- companled Mr. and Mrs. Valda ! vary, but Its hard to beat squares Register of Probate C12-14 RICHARD W. BRYANT, Dr. R. D. Sieafe the children were made happy n en ' away at the John Young hom«». els Wakefield. Chatterdon and Barbara Cummlngs 1^1 k|/M|| Tf\ t der beef, bacon, onion and Judge of Probate VETERINARIAN phone system . . . increasing the valne of Ledger Want Ads Brinq Results — Try One when the Alto business men treat- the Post Office with Mildred wh 1 11 Gerald M. Henry, Atty. A true copy: her life-lonjc home in Gaines Sat-| Mrs. Katherine Curley returned o are spending several days aP] rLHrl'-nUUJ I Uw btt l ^ Slices alternated on Alto, Mich. your telephone by providing more tele- ed them to Ice cream. Leona Wle- Tobias. Several have already given 660 Michigan Trust Bldg. FRED ROTH, Alto Phones: land will have charge of the young urday morning. She resided In home Sunday from Lansing where tbe Lake in their trailer house. ^ • - - —| the stick for sbout eight or ten Grand Rapids, Michigan Register of Probate cll-13 their dollar. inches. These are then held over a Offio* 2391 Rm. 2393 phones that yon can call. people's group for the next two Alto for four or five years and 8he attended the lovely wedding Mrs. Ruben Neargarth of Iron Gerrit Baker, made a host of friends. Mr. and f her granddaughter. Roberta. Mountain. Mrs. Leslie Hobbs and good bed of glowing coals and cook- FINAL ADMINISTRATION 6907 Cascade Rd. 8. E. Sunday evenings and Enoch Carl- Alto Community 4-H Club 0 led slowly until the bacon is trans- ACCOUNT son will fill the pulpit. Rev. and Mrs. Herp i-nd children of Detroit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robe^ daughter Evelyn of Morse Lake. | Grand Rapids, Mkh. D. H. Oafley The Alto Community 4-H Club . , - . — ;•estate of Michigan, the Probate For A Care-Free Mrs. Bolitho left Monday morning came Friday and were able to Curiey, Saturday, July 15 at two Mrs. Anna Yardley. Mr. and Mrs. Biy Tbit rent nd 0 i0 DENTIST met at the Alto school Monday, O P* ® tJl® " * Court for the County of Kent for a two weeks' vacation on Old visit with May. Mrs. Hero and 0'Clock at the Presbyterian Church Elmer Layer and daughter of Low- • are tender. The beef will be about At a ^ggjon of said court, held APPOINTMENT OF Cor^W. M*in and Rivarald* Drive July 17. Mission Point, Green Haven cot- „ ^ children remained with her sister on N Lo-an st,. Lansing. She was Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keiser I right when the rest of the things ^ the probate office. In the City of ADMINISTRATOR 50 R**. 49 President Shirley Colby, conduct-! j brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. arriar* by her father and mother, Mrs. Maud Keiser of Watch Yn'te ^ are ready. Slip these off Into a j Rapids. In said County, on tage, near Traverse City. an( ln m * Ilon longg hot-dohot-doge bubunn anandd yovnun hav« »«i Gran<- in RaJd on statStatee of Michigan,, ththe PProbatn a ed the regular business meeting.. Metternirk. to attend the -rw. 250 ruests who attend- Campau Lake called on Mrs. Ida h 2>tb June D Dr. K. A. Phelps B Ch rch ^ j wholwholee meal.. It^-ouIf yo u nZurprefer nr7not ttoJ | . ' ^ 1950. Court for the County of Kent. VOICES WITH A SMILE - Many Michigan "" " " .h. ^10^ ^ Surch Brown « th. Dintam.n hcm, | Always Wanted Present: HON. RICHARD W. At a *easion of aaid court, held DENTIST Rug Maker's Party ^ j put them in long sticks you can use mt th^ ^e^ OM h€r lM5me 0n KalamaZ00 Ave- Parlors, following the ceremony. we«k BRYANT, Judge of Probate. at the Probate Office in the cityi Christiansen Building Bell operators have attended meetings Mrs. Fred Pattison entertained 7 regular meat skewers and wrap In tha Matter of the Estate of of Grand Rapids in said County on GWc* 244 Vacation iTuesda ^temoon. Mrg Emma Moffit and Mrs Mrs. Ruben Neargarth of Iron R**id*nce 614 recently to hear themselves talk — in wire- eight guests, besides her mother, ... ION! the kabob in heavy aluminum foil. John R. Beukema, Deceased the 7th dsy of July A. D, 1950. jkh^nrh hw rnmmir I CorvtcUon: Mrs. Merle Rown- Fred Patt^on called on their Mountain, called on Mrs. M A. Then bury them in the hot coals Mrs. Emma Moffit, the honor guest A lunch waa served by commit- 4.H Section Is the "CUck" zr,n(l90n Richard Pattison. at the Watson Monday. She and Marie Gerald M. Henry having filed in Present: HON. RICHARD W. Dr. J. W. Trumbfe recorded conversations with other girls who tee.—Kenneth Merriman, Sec'y. for about 15 minutes. You may aaid court his final administration BRYANT, Judge of Probate ifor a one o'clock luncheon at her club and not the Chick Club as home of hia parent8 Mr and Mrs Watson Metzger both reside In We have a fine selec- E E WI ARIA W Drive In for Our have to check them and continue account and hia petition praying In th* Matter of" thi^Ertiite of ..Y Z . * . took the part of customers. They're learned home Wednesday. Guests were Nel- printsd. Clicking pictures their Edw>rd pattiaon in Grand Rapids Iron Mountain, which claims the ,la,n 8t tion of cooking in this fashion because it for the allowance thereof and for Agnes Beak, Deceaaed. C^y Limits lie Timpson, Mrs. Nye and mother, Alto Merchants Softball a rr a m . Phnna KJ I •• u, . that the tone of their voices often can make hobby. Wednesday evening. It being Dick s ski jump In the world and is difficult to set a time which will the assignment and distribution of S. H. Metcalf A Company, by Lowell, Mfoh. Mrs. Aldrlch. and Jennie Telter The Alto Merchants lost to the Mrs. Ems Moffit and Mrs Fred oute home they called on 4 ^ey put on Ice and the residue of said estate. a big difference in the, quality of telephone birthd Enr 'fTlithigan's Greatest Outdoor £.e cover all sizes of meat and vege- Made W. Holt having filed in said of Morse Lake, Lena Wood, Ida Freeport Merchants Wednesday r'at?*nrr• ^ Mr. ^and Mrs. O. E. Meyer and a chemical and had a thrilling ski tables. It Is Ordered. That the 25th day court their petition praying that Dr. R. H. Sluifer service. Perhaps you've already noticed an Clark and Jen Williams of Mc- night making three straight losses VV*d Sterzick and Noreen Sunday ^ Tom at Ala3ka contest Mr. and Mrs. Clare Win- of July A. D. 1950. at ten o'- the administration of said estate Tunc-Up Elgin - OPTOMETRIST Cords and Myrnla Hasklns of to them. Freeport V. F. W. is in clock in the forenoon at aaid pro- be granted to Gerrit Baker or to improvement in your service as a result of Mr and MrS 0rtoB a nt 0Vernl ht of Ey*c Examin*d Campau Lake. Ten rugs were on ItaJTbut1 rime^out^of"^ to 1* « Watches bate office be and is hereby ap- some other suitable person. 1 first place and there Is a 4-way "g. ** Friday and Saturday fi-hing off Mr and Mrs. Don Metzger on a 4-H'ers Hove Free Day th pointed for examining and allow- It Is Ordered, that the Ist day Located in Dr. Myers Office, Lowell these meeting!. display, some completed and others tie for second which Includes Lake Sn * P'" at Grand Haven and re- recent trip north, reporting a fine Phone 55 At Chicago Aq. Fair ing said account and hearing said of August A. D., 1950, at ten o' — W*dn**days — in the making, materials and meth- Odessa Pump, Lake Odessa Auto T100?3; bart and T® port a irrand catch. ""e there. The Wlngeiers also Priced , petition. 1:30-5:36 and 7:00-9:00 p. m. , a e David clock in the forenoon, at said pro- ods of work were disenssed. Laura Parts, Freeport Merchants, and the ** ie ^! vTo ^!e T Thev !^' Gardner of California sent visited at Mackinac Island. What promises to be one of the It Is Further Ordered, That pub- bate office be and ia hereby ap- Friday avsnings, 7:00-9:00 rr a From $25.75 110 Sydnam. Anna Fairchild and Addle Alto Merchants. For Service largest gatherings of 4-H Club boys! notice thereof be given by pub- pointed for hearing said petition. Ph*ns 216 ,h r B rt < d r Il Campbell were unable to come but The Alto Merchants will piay th* «ll«l on M„ Alvln W.ll, Mr. J." '• * ^ " ?" " ri* -• and girls ever assembled in the c®tlon of a copy of this order, for It Is Further Ordered, that pub- SPECIAL Otorte Shmver »r.d Mr. Id, Brown "" ^ V.""! N. McConk—£. Cascade Why wait . . . enjoy a three succeaalve weeks previous to the latter sent her lovely braided City Service Team of Lake Odessa ON ALL MAKES OF city will celebrate 4-H Day at the lic notice thereof be given by pub- little • said day of hearing, in the Lowell lication of a copy of this order, for \ rug and Myrnla Hasklns dlspplayed Friday July 21 at Freeport. July 26 M™. H.nry L-nrford and ^ fine nationally known Chicago Fair. Wednesday. July 26. , her blue and white quilt and some son All 4-H ers wearing 4-H uniforms, Ledger, a newspaper printed and [three successive weeks previous to 9 Adjust Tappets they will play the Clarksville ere Saturday over-night 'r^tu7n^l home with a fine bass, circulated in said county. beautiful old lace. Mrs. Nye group- guests d brand watch now! Ranges, Washers caps, patches, or other indentlfica- said day of hearing, in the Lowell MORE JO IS—Twelve years ago, only one-tenth 9 Adjust Carburetor Glenn Store at ClarksVille. of her parents. Mr. ^ i weighing nearly 3 lbs., caught in Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wilson and RICHARD W. BRYANT, ed the ladies on the lawn and took Mra. Alvin Bergy and Mable tion, will be admitted free. They Ledger a newspaper printed and Ptiebiisaid Heatiig ^ Tighten Manifold the channel of Campau Lake. son Phillip spent Sunday at Kala- Judge of Probate circulated in said county. of the telephones on Michigan BeD's rural lines colored picture of them and are requested to enter the Fair at # Clean and Space Pluga Alto Locals Uj«ford jolwd them on Sunday;" sundly";'tt,raoo„ M7 a^d Mra. naazoo Hoover Vacuums A true copy; RICHARD W. BRTAlfT, I the 23rd Street entrance. were diaL Today, more than two-thirds of the 0 Adjust Fan Belt their rugs. Fonr ladles were over and Mr and Mrs. \\arren B* Ty|LawTence Richardson drove to Gull Mr. and Mrs. A. Houseman of, FRED ROTH, Judge of Probate SHEET METAL WORK 80 years old, Ida Clark and Emma Mrs. Joseph Taravella and son A special 4-H talent program has Register of Probate. clO-12 Parts 9 Clean or Replace Points Joe of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Mrs. were also Sunday dinner Jfuesta- lAke where they visited the bird Grand Rapids spent Monday after-! Refrigerators A true Cppy: rural-line telephones are dial. And yet Michi- Moffit, each being 86. It proved j Mrs. Esther Johnson of Casnovla . hn Cox home and been arranged by the National Com- FRED ROTH, ^ Clean Fuel Pump Bowl 3anctuary noon at the Jo AVERY a very pleasant afternoon and thej^n Wright of Dowling, Dee Bry- W a even,n mittee on Boys and Girls Club gan Bell now employs more than twice aa many 0 Clean Air Cleaner "V . t « ^ Georgia Bunker Is visiting her also called on Mr. and Mrs. Qlnton USED HBOONDITiONED Roger O. McMahon, Atty. Register of Probate cll-13 rugs were a work of art. Busvian* and Susan, Mrs. Eugene Bry- JEWELERS APPLIANCES Work in cooperation with County Lowell, Michigan operators aa twelve years ago. # Teet Coil guest at the Brannan-Wakefleld Mi39 CbMtUrtkm of Lowell; Thomas. Switches for power machines flneers keep one's mind in good ant and Victor Porritt of AJto Extension agents and Extension ORDER APPOINTING TIME and Mrs. Lawton Cole of Snow 'this week. 1 Callers at the J. Cox home Mon-! '• • • should Se placed out of reach of PHONE «1 order. specialists In music in Illinois. In- FOR HEARING CLAIMS were Friday callers of Mrs. Wm. diana. Iowa, Michigan. Ohio and children or should be the type ALL KINDS OF Wisconsin. State of Michigan, the Probate that can be locked. A good way to 4-H Livestock Club Picnic Fairchild. Court for the County of Kent Mrs. Verle Eardley and daugh- First on the day's program will solve the problem Is with a master fstsnr & Hahn Hardwarel ' «— o * *•*• * aaa i At aa a aeaslowuawana owf* aaiBCUdU courtX, Lf helUCId U The Up-to-Date South Boston Iter Jean of Grand Rapids left Sun- Cenerdal Reiriferatioe U. a ?arvfl o{ th® vWting 4 at the probate office, in the City switch for the whole power circuit, 0 advise MSC agricultural engineers. Lowell, Mich. Livestock Club had their annnal day to spend a couple of days with . ^''Y the Jackson coun- ' Grand Rapids, in said county picnic dinner at the Ionia Fair ty. Michigan. 4-H band of 40 pieces, on the 6th day of July, A. D.. 1900. Mr. and Mra. Robert Blackburn SB4 Air CeettioHBf Carburetor Overhaul Grounds Sunday, aa all space was from the south gate of the Fair to Present: HON. JOHN DALTON. and family of Montague, then they taken at Bertha Brock Park. Din- CLARKE FLETOmCB the Central Special Events Stage, Judge of Probate. WITH TUNE-UP will have a week's vacation at starting at 12:30 p. m. In th* Matter of th* Estat* of ner was served In courses, between Harbor Springs. At the Central Stage, starting at Myrtie May Erb, Deceased. $3.00 PARTS ADDITIONAL showers, and no one seemed to Russell Swartz and L. Ammor hth I SOBS C*. 1 p. m.. a 4-H Talent program will It appearing to the court that mind. of Caledonia; Luther Sterzick of the time for preaentation of claims be held, which will Include Instru- Freeport: John Stesson and wife FURNITURE against said estate should be ilmit- Lion Tam«rs Club Picnic mentalists. soloists, duets, trios, led, and that a time ***jJ^J* of Hudsonville and Miss Beatrice ai l quartettes, square dance teams. appointed to receive. ^ ^ ° d The Lion Tamers Club held a Coburn of Hastings were callers Among the program's features all c^^d d^anj picnic dinner at Fallasburg Park last week at the Peter TUklns will be a 15-plece 4-H orchestra by and be- McFall Chevrolet home. fo Sunday to celebrate several birth- LOWEST-PRICED r.1a«fromr Holland* ., Michiganj,——,f whic— h wilWilll ™ days occuring in July. Guests were Midshipman Ronald Watts, a play popular numbers, as well as It Is Ordered, That creditors of 508 W. Main Phone 298 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keiser and member of the Naval Reserve Offi- said deceased are required to pre- furnish accompaniments for the In- grandson and mother, Mrs. Delia cers Corps of the U. of M. left dividual and group participants. sent their claims to said court at recently for Little Creek, Vs, for said Probate Office on or before Also from Michigan, a girl marimba Announcing...the Beautiful I two weeks training In Amphibious WITH OIL FILTER, the 25th day of September, A. D. player, a girl baton twirler, and a Landing Operations. He will also boy accordionist, from Branch ooun- 1950, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 1sai mudu timlime e anoddq placpiaoe e beinDCing g herebncrcoyy spend 4 weeks In additional train- ty. and a boy harmonica player, appointed for the examination and ing at the Naval Aviation Station vocalist and a square dance team adjustment of all claims and de- at Pensacola. Fla. OIL-BATH AIR CLEANEI from Cass county, are scheduled to mands against said deceased, Little Janet and Judy Burgess appear on the program. i It I* Further Ordered, That pub- of near Caledonia spent three days ffPICKUP The Junior Leaders' 4-H Club in £ notlce thereof be last week with their uncle and entered a ••b- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rich- • No other full-sizs Pickup truck in America ardson. Their parents. Mr. and Profession! y 0f 1 I Iowa counties will be represented ^g^ m nJlIjS« "printed Ind Mrs. Ray Burgess and little sister. has a lower suggested Ifst price than b>- a baas baritone, ^a contralto— v. , l4AT- -clrcSiated in said county. |year-olyear-old blind boyv accordionist«r/«f.^Hi—i-', an-- d-• 1 county Joyce came after them Saturday the 6-cylinder Ford F-l Pickup shown here. Camera Shop Qiility a cornetlst. 4-H talent from Illinois. JOHN DALTON. evening. Judge of Probate This Ford price includes oil filter. Indiana and Wisconsin also will Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dyke and June A true cofy: t the week-end In Blue Island, Air Wing ventilators, oil-bath air deaner FOR YOUR SNAPSHOTS take part in the program. FRED ROTH, Register of Probate cll-13 Everything You Need For Summer Comfort rvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and many features available only Tweeter and girls. Eddie Wester -My Son Is INNOCENT"' at extra cost in other trucks. Local tax** Regular Prints 5c MEETING OF BOARD OF assisted with the chores. Read the dramtic story of a boy DETERMINATION Mrs. Claud Sllcox accompanied freight and handling charges extra unjustly accused of stealing and 4 Mrs. R. D. Bancroft and Jean to In Albums Prinfs-_.6c expelled from school, a disgrace to State of Michigan. In he Officj Ust This Comfortable Chaise Anywhere of the Drain Commissioner of the Hastings Tuesday evening and all eTrppt his mother. Read how Jean pitched for the Freeport FILM DEVELOPED FREE her grim determination turned him Ponnty of Kent , In the Matter of the Parnell and Specialy Purcjiased team. Into a hero, as told In "Let Right Parnell Branch No. 1 Drain Clean Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Colby of Be Done" in The American Week- Out etc. to Save You McCords and Mr. and Mrs. Earl ly with this Sunday's (July 23) is- Leonard Studios Notice is Hereby Given, that on Colby called at Mr. and Mrs. Wal- sue of Detroit Sunday Times. the 14th day of January, 1950 a peti- ter Wieland's Saturday night. Lowell, Michigan Phone 9101, Showboat Inn, for tion was filed with the undersigned W delivery. adv 'County Drain Commissioner for the Tom Meyer of Alaska S" « County of Kent praying for the It adjusts three ways . . . supper and overnight guest of his cleaning out, deepening, widening, doubles as a guest bed. You grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred straightening and extending of can adjust it to three differ- Pattison. Parnell and Parnell Branch No. 1 Mrs. Ola Condon spent last week Drain in Grattan Township. ent lounging positions with- with her sister. Mrs. Frank Fair- That upon the 14th day of July. out g*tting up. The mattress child. and Sunday the latter and 1950. the undersigned filed with the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairchild took HONORABLE John Dalton. Judge •is thick and sturdy, and its a new car of Mrs. Condon to her home In Mose- of Probate, a petition asking for fram* has a resistant whit* ley. the appointment of a Board of *nafn*l finish. Its plastic j Determination; Mrs. Henry Slater was taken That said Judge of Probate hav- coat*d mattress won't spoil to Blodgett hospital Friday for ing appointed Ray L. Dickinson. in a shower. observation, friends hope she will Harm Alles and Edward Newland soon be home and well. A DOZEN REASONS WHY AMERICA'S NO. 1 •ILUOk DOtiAl CAI with door-glass Air as such Board of Determination; Chrysler Imperial unrivaled distinction Dr. and Mra. H. Dudley Smith Win^ ventilators and Level Action Be a guestj>f th^Hotel Sherman at the Now, therefore, said Board will and daughter Constance spent sev- suspension. meet at the corner of 5 Mile Road TRUCK VALUE WILL DO MORE PER DOLLAR! eral days last week at the Edge- spectacula^Chicago Fair of 1950, and Parnell Avenue on the 2nd day 3 Big Values In Summer N«c*iiitief STHattO-SlUNf TIAMSMISSION for easy, quick of August 1950, at 2:00 o'clock in water Beach Hotel In Chicago, re- n—II fS4S. Sll-CTUMMI I NCI Ml for all- AUrSTHl NOT with spacious 45 cu. ft. of around performance in the 4,700 lb. and quiet shifting. STOP...LOOK...LISTEN the afternoon of said day to deter- turning home Friday. loadspace. mine the necessitv of Parnell and TMt Is the Chryslw hiyiial.. new running mate of America'sfinest car. , the great Mrs. Frank McElvaln and daugh- G.V.W. class. 100-h.p; V-8 available at KTMUUtK IIA US with true and easy stop- Here*s how you get your free tickets Parnell Branch No. 1 Drain clean Chrysler Crown Imperial. With the same luxurious interiors—unmatched in auto- ter Bemlce visited Mr. and Mrs slight extra cost. 0TI0-6IIP ClilTCN for better clamping out, etc. ping action. action. » to the Chicago Fair: motive history! With built-in value all the way through unrivaled today! With the Geo. Skidmore, Sunday. 10AMMUTK IMmOH saves gas by providing Therefore, all persons, municipal- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stsuffer DUKMINTAIli HAII OIIMU simplify main- ities and highway officials inter- quality of materials, the workmanship, and engineering that put every Chrysler spark advance for changes in edgine load HYPO ID IEAI All! with integral type hous- * Slay al the Hotel Sherman when you visit Ihe visited Mrs. Albert Stauffer of tenance. Drum can be bought separately great Chicago Fair of 1950. ested in the proposed clean out in a dass by itself! From new Clearbac rear window to the soft, satiny butler- and speed. ing. Shafts removable from wheel end. deepening, widening, straightening, Hastings Friday evening. Mrs. for replacement. * When you register ot Ih* Hotel Sherman, finished chrome of interior appointments... this car is excitingly new! Deliberately Stauffer suffered a severe stroke niCHTUarr mrONS save oil. Cam-ground say Ihe magic words, "Chicago Fair," and extending of Parnell-end Par- SHOCK AISOHItS, airplane-type, suodard I0U ACTION STUIIN6 with needle bearings ell Branch No. 1 are requested to built as a challenge to all former standards of what a fine car should be ... and recently. aluminum alloy for true fit and better oil * Then. Ihe Hotel Sherman gives every control. front and rear. for easier control. be present if they so desire. should do for you! Come take the wheel. Then carefully compare the built-in Lawrence Richardaon and Dick member of your family a free ticket to Dated at the County Court House Fairchild were supper guests of the great Chicago Fair of 1950. this 14th dav of July, 1950. value with what the others offer. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ashley Tues- Say "Chicago Fair'^^ BYRON J. PATTERSON, This is the Hotel There's buill-in volut oil lh» way through without day. Ford Trucking Costs Less because— County Drain Commissioner Here b dittlncticn In f . Sherman's way of wel- •quaI . . . Waterproof Ignition Sytton . . . High cl2 of the County of Kent in aa y other cor, regardleu of price. Amtocratic Comprettion Spitfire Engine . . . Fluid Drive . . . Say "Chicago Fair' coming you to the gr*ot color harmonies combine exquisite wool brood- Full Flow Oil Filter ,. . foam rubber teat boda ... 1 Chicago Fair of WSO... j-jj.eiciOTT,i Taona, trop-^roi tn- teornen . /-wnriMI M U• ImlTosivremdmli METAL PORCH CHAIR that a Bootter Brake . . . Chrome Wheel Covert—While METAL GLIDER with thr** WOVEN FIBRE RUGS to just remember Ihe magic butler-finished. Window Dfh are electricuBy oper- is as decorativ* as it is use- A British chemical company now Sidewall Tiret . . . many other (maiyim* tbat, wbss big comfortable cushions cov- save your good rugs during words, "Chicego Fair." ated . . . era m**, f™' and rear, art doeble fORD TRUCKS LAST LONGER produces a polythene sheet that available ot all, ore extro-cort on other can. ered in weatherproof material the summer. A wid* choice ful. In gay colors, completely Say "Chicag^Fair makes the best lampshades I have width throvghovt of color combinations. Sixe rustproof Wskif latest r*flstr*H*a data m *,592,000 trveks, IH* *xp*rfs pir*v* ford Trvcks last l*at*« I (f^ ever seen. With an attractive pat- 9x12 ft terned crepelike surface. It comes in a variety of colors. It may be purchased In 28-pound rolls. 84 222 WEST MMN STREET HOT E I SHtfWAN PAN; r : F H Inches wide. Being polythene, fin- Chortes I. ished lampshades can be washed MeQVEEN MOTOR CO. with soap and water. ... LOWELL, Roth & Sons Co. Office: 381 Clarksville C. H. Runciman Co. Motor Sales Res.: 3421 Alto JAY BOELENS, Manager LEE PITSCH, Service Mgr. FURNITURC and FUNKRAL DIRECTORS PHONE 222 COR. MAIN AND HUDSON STS. LOWELL. MICH. PHONE IS W. MAIN ST, LOWELL Eori Y. Colby — Alto Office: 2421 Res.: 3151 THE LOWELL LEDQER. LOWELL. MICHI TEM Out-State Travelers Appreciate YOUR ' jl We Have Moved! Will Your Wheat Our Fabulous Upper Peninsula » WASHINGTON :! > 1 REVIEW ; > NEW LOCATION Become "Sick"? Selection of th« Upper PcoIjmuU a glance or two at the Canal and as the location of the 1980 National Locks who** Centennial will be ob- Convention of the Outdoor Writers served ia 1905. 517 East Main St. High moisture grain (above 14% moisture content), in stor- Association of America la a timely Tour trip west should Include a reminder that thia region of ap- day to viait the Tahquamenon River s proximately 18.000 square miles, fall* near Newberry, accessible Now! ... In our new location we can give you age, increases the likelihood of infestation with insects, dam- larger In area than any New Eng- either by boat from Soo Junction or land state except Maine, la perhaps by highway. At Munising be aure befter service than ever before. age from mold growth resulting in musty or sour grain and better appreciated by out-etate to take a boat ride to th* Pictured travelers than by many natlre sons Rocka. Thence weat to Marquette excessive heating and bin burning. Good bins should provide and daughters of Michigan. for a view of th* huge or* loading Everyone in th* United State* FLOWERS AND GIFTS Thia obaervatlon ia prompted by docka. Iron depoefts were discover- haa hla mind cent*r«d on the mil- an enthusaatic letter written by ed in 1844 near Negaunee by Wil- itary development* in Korea. The means of ventilating or turning and fumigating grain. Clay Perry, author of Cheshire liam R Burt. North of Marquette news to date is grim and discour- FOR ALL OCCASIONS Mass Perry, a native of Wisconsin are the Huron Mountains, unde- aging. Most military experts ad- and a long-time resident of Massa- veloped a* a future acenk center, vise that the situation is to be chusetts. has made five trip* to the similar to the Porcupine Mountains. worse before It becomes better. This Visitors Always Welcome Moisture Is Added to 'Fabulous Upper Peninsula." He may even mean the loss of Korea wrote an article for the Saturday Continuing west you arrive at entirely Just as we lo** China to Kvening Post in 1941 entitled. "As L'Ans* and Houghton, entrance to the Communists. This la under- Easy As Falling Off A Log." deal- the picturesque Copper Country standable for several reaaonfc. In Grain by Combining ing with the log-blrling event at This is tbe land of the beautiful th* first place. It take* time to 's Greeikoises & fiilt Skip Gladstone, held annually around the Keweenaw Peninsula and the one- move ground troops and supplies 517 E. Main WE DELIVER Phone 225-F2 In combining wheat, the moisture can be held down by rais- Fourth of July. lime center (1889) of the greatest from our advance base* in the Pa- — ^ copper producing region in th* cific and from our military Installa- Perry writes; "I dsubt that there United States. ' The Cahimet and tions In this country. Second, we ing the cutter bar to cut above as much green material as have found that our military lead- Is a similar sportsman's paradise Hecla Company financed with $10 diplomatic bungling of the Admin- Mr. and Mrs. Merre Hardaker, ail In the middle of the United SWHsi»™on capital, produced over 1160 er* undereetlmated the role of ar- possible. mored tanks in present day warfare istration's Pacific theatre foreign of Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. that can compare with th* Fabulous millions in dividends from the meet Po*^0*^ McArthar wffl do Wendell Miles of Holland; Mr. and Upper Peninsula. Kowhere I ever productive and richest mine ia the Job, but you cant expect him Do not combine grain too early in the morning or too late in visited In this country and Canada of air power. It will take time to regroup and reallocate our forces to overcome overnight the immense is there so much to offer a* flleb-1 Drive oat tbe Keweenaw Penln- handicaps the State Department CUdm's Day Camp the afternon. Keep the grain as cool as possible—less likely igan'a Upper Peninsula. to be used in Koran. sula to Eagle Harbor, take the handed him four weeks ago. The Last week marked tha closing of "There is fishing unequaled any- Brockway Mountain Scenic Drive General aaid months ago that For- where else In Its variety for inland Is the struggle in Korea a local- the first half of the Day Gamp and to get out of condition. Store your graiff in bins that have to Copper Harbor, visit Fort Wil- mosa had to be defended; President there waa no lacking of enthusiasm waters. Trout, bass, lake trout kins State Park, and return by the ised situation or In reality the first Truman and Acheson said NO. Now wall-eyed pike, pickerel, perch, etc. central route back to Houghton. step toward a global war? Initially In the 125 youngster* who were been deoeed and when time and equipment are short. present Friday, as they have been Thence to Ontonagon and Silver It was nearly the unanimous opin- General McArthur is ordered to City where you can drive to the ion in Washington that the aggres- on the three days at each week. "You can Find more deer in the protect Formosa as well aa Korea. Wednesday they staged a circus, Upper Peninsula than almost any- Porcupine Mountain State Park sion by the Communist forces of As a good soldier he will do his WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH REUAMJ FUMIGANTS AT adn climb by easy trail to an e*- North Korea was a local action making all of their own masks with where else In the United States. As best, but remember this, Hve years papier-mache, improvising costumes for scenery there are aeven won- carpment giving a breath-taking similar to the Rod China aggres- of grievous errors aren't redeemed NOMINAL COSTS IN iULK. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAIN- view of the Lake of The Clouds. If sions in the last rout yeara. How- and materials for side shows, cloe- ders of the Upper Peninsula to see. in a matter of weeks. Some con- ing with a parade. The older group Among them is the famous Big time permits, continue west to Iron- ever. because of the recent success tend we shouldnt spend time point wood and visit th* fall* along by the Communists in Korea there had a cook-out using the hobo ER. REMEMBER — We wl gkidhr test your grain for montere Spring. KitchltikippL near Manis- ingamt the responsibility for the atovea which they bad made, bak- tique. the Pictured Rocks at Mu- Superior. Otherwise, you can go is a growing feeling that Stalin may disaitera of the past. Gcod sense, southward to US-2 and go back now be encouraged to try further ing pancakes. The younger group ANY TIME. The Year 'Royiid, FREE OF CHARGE. Inlsing. all of the beaatlful shores however, demands that we expose baked biscuits on sticks. of Lake Superior and Michigan. eastward to the Iron ranges at Iron attacks elsewhere throughout tbe our weak links and express our River. Crystal Falls and Iron world. If the Kremlin does make They have also bad lessons on Mackinac Island—historic, scenic, faith in those who now have the locating th* pressure points fdr luxurious as to its Grand HoteL no Mountain. other military moves, thinking the tremendous responsibility of bring- United States and it* allies are tourniquet use, and this week they automobiles allowed, only hocpt- ing order out of chaos. practiced artificial respiration in drawn carriages and bicycles." On your way back be sure to visit weak, then World War HI is defin- itely on its way. the health teason* Evidently the Outdoor Writers the Big Spring. Kltchltlklppl near Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Interest Is still keen in the crafts, Association agreed with the en- Mania .kjue at Indian Lake. Thence DenBraber and daughter Joan. Mr. dramatisations, and fun with songs. thusiasm of Clay Perry as they ac- eastward over the US-2 Shore Drive Is the United States and Its and Mra. John R. VanAmdel and Mra. E. M. Weston of Sparta cepted an invitation of the Eata- \o St. Ighace. This stretch of pave- European allies secure from Rus- TfingWISng Cmpaiuj naba Chamber of Commerce to bold ment Is ndw and It affords one of aian aggression on the continent? the 1951 National Convention at the moot beautiful views of Lake Russian forces, if an attack were Escanaba, central headquarters for Michigan in the entire Upper Penin- made on France, the Netherlands the Upper Peninsula. sula. or other countries in Western Europe, would meet atlffer resist- =-• REUNIONS CARD OF THANKS We would not (suggest that you We wish to express our thanks Th* writer of the "Michigan Mir- attempt such a circle tour In only ance than that offered by the South BIRTHS Blaser Family and appreciation to friends, neigh-'ror" Is also not a native aon of one week's time, two weeks would Koreans. Stalin and hia Communist Lowell be ideal We will guarantee that armies would make advances snd i Forty-four members of the Blaser bors, the American Legion, V. F. W., Michigan. We have traveled exten- and all others for their kindislvely throuarhout Mirhigsn, per- having made the circle, from the possibly overrun parts of Europe To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heming- family gathered a: Fallasburg Park Sault to the Copper Country and but any such attack would be the thoughtfulness In our recent be-1 ticularly In the Upper Peninsula, Friday - Saturday sen Thursday. July 13, a 7H lb. son, Sunday. July 9. coming from Low- reavement and we frankly share Mr. Perry's thence southward by way of go-ahead for relentless air attacks July 21-22 Donald Robert, at Blodgett hospl- ell. Hastings. Freeport. Vergennes. George Rogers spirit of friendUnees to this vast canaba to St. Ignace. that you will with all weapons against Russia tal. Mrs. Hemingsen is the former Grand Rapids. Aho. Saranac and Helen Barnett North Country region of Michigan, join Clay Perry in an acclaim for itself. The United States through Helen Christiansen. Jackson and enjoyed a big potluck ell Ann Gate*s If you have not visited this region Michigan's vast North Country, be- the Berlin airlift met one Soviet . dinner, games and pleasant assod- yond the Straits of challenge in Europe and I believe To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vosburg * In many years, or possibly not at alIon t0Kel all. we would like to suggest that s ahould and would meet any (nee Alma Stiles) of Ada. July ll.i CARD OF THANKS you begin your travel through this Tou can't check on a cow's pro- other thrust by the necessary means at Blodgett hospital, a daughter.' and methods. Jackie Lynn. Marriage License Application* I wish to thank my frienda and Fabulous Upper Peninsula" by a duction if you dont have some neighbors who sent me flowers. I visit to historic Mackinac Island. kind of record. MSC dairymen say To Mr. and Mrs. Fay Johnson, nee Eugene L. Huizlng. 33, Grand cards, candy, fruit and food while thence north to Ste. Marie to take weighing milk from each cow As the cold war oetween Com- Donna Thorne. of Cascade, at Blod- Rapids; Gertrude Adnanse, 31. Ada. at Pennock hospital and at my dally will help to give an Idea of munism and Democracy gets warm- gett hospital. Thursday. July 13, an daughter'a. Also those who kindly =* the coWa annual production. Then er there is even a greater need for 8 "4 lb. son. Michigan enjoys a traceable re- assisted with the haying. Tour COMING EVENTS you can decide whether to keep the an alert calmness on the part of turn of $128.00 apent In the state kindness is deeply appreciated. our citlxcns. At the moment the There were 93,000 more persons by tourists for every dollar invested cU Watt Thomas United States is paying heavily for Injured In U. S. motor vehicle acci- in advertising by the Michigan Choosing the right varieties now the terrific diplomatic blunders by Annual picnic of members and can make a big difference In the dents last year than in 194& Torrist Council. friends of all Masonic orders al State Department under Secretary quality of froxen foods you take out Acheson and his predecessors. Un- oiftit Cot" and To Yoor HooM* Fallasburg Park. Thursday. July of your locker next winter. Be sure 20. Games for children. 4 p. forutnately the President up until Eijiy GOOD you freeze only the recommended June 31th apparently believed in the prizes. Bring own service, a dlah varieties of fruits and vegetable* to pass and sandwiches, also table erroneous and unsound theories of Sunday July 23 this summer. the Department of State. Since linen. Picnic dinner at 8:90. Out- ONE DAY ONLY door movies.—Committee. pll-U Jane 2«ih the military leaders have Radio Receptioi In 1M9, 9.350 pedestrians were been assigned the salvage Job in killed ia the United States. The annual picnic for the South the Far East resulting' from the I don't claim there is Boston Grange will be held Satur- day evening, July 22, at 7:30. B own service, sandwiches and going to be any short- for own family and a dish to INFANTILE PARALYSIS age . . . . but if you Lowell high school claaa of 1M4 will hold their reunion Sunday. Aug, m have a 6. at Fallaaburg Park, beginning at m sm radio that Polio Policy 5:30. All Lowell Alumni and (amillea needs repair ... I ad- are welcome. pl2-14 For YOUR Family Loinol and Hardy in And Radio's Ladles' Missionary Fellowship of PAYS UP TO $5,000 FOR EACH AFFLICTED vise having it serviced the Alton Bible Church will meet this Thursday. July 20, at 8:00 p. m. PERSON in NOW! Why not enjoy at the churcL Mrs. Paul LaBota "Way Got West" will be tbe speaker. Mrs. LaBota PAYS: top radio reception? and ber husband are highway mis- ^ Hospital Bills "fte FablMS Joe' slonaries working In the South. AH # iron Lung Expenses Only $10 ALAFFHIT! ladles are invited. # Doctor Bills # Nurae Covers Enttrs Family In Color Tha W. R. C. win meet at the 9 Trsnsportstion For 2 Yi SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RADIO SERVICE City Hall Wednesday evening. July # Ambulsncs Service Yon SIkmM Rtoly Soo TWs Fon-Tlmo DonUo OFFER Company 19. at eight o'clock. $5.00 For The Store Where You Feel The W. S. C. S. of Lowell Metho- ROLLIRS roNcy "Americae" Rig 8V2" POWER SAW At Home" dist Church will hold their regular meeting on Friday. July 21. with a INSURANCE Phon* 206 20S E. Main Three Million I Regalar Price $140.00 potluck dinner at Fallasburg Park AGENCY Already insured By RELAX'•'•GOOfeCOMFORr Lowell, Michigan at 12:30. Bring own table service, Msin St Phone 404-F2 drink and dish to This Policy July-Auf ust Price $99.50 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. July 24 - 25 - 26 Includes Metal Carrying Case aed Saw HEADQUARTERS FOR 3 — BIG DAYS — 3 1 COOL BERRY BOXES — BERRY CRATES COMFORTABLE BUSHEL FRUIT BASKETS POLIO INSURANCE CMNNS One or a Thousand S NEWER AND iETTER •ILL LAMTON

SISALKRAFT PAPER THREE YEARS COVERASE FOR THE s 6 ft. wide — For Covering Hay and Grain Stacks AVERAGE FAMILY SLACKS Added: 2044iMrte Comedy Short. Tm a Mon- ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS key's Undo". Cartoon, News Full count gabardines, fine 3 ft. Long — $18.00 Pr. $1000 wool & rayon lightweights J Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. July 27 - 28 - 29 PAYS UP TO $5,000 Double Feature Program REDUCED PRICES ON POWER for summer comfort! Covtrs Children in the Famfly Up To LAWN MOWERS Nl 25 Years of Ago

ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES Think of It! Three Years Instead of Two Priced Fi $6.50 Covers children up to 25 years instead of 18- $11.25 per sg. LOUIS UYWAM - IfMIE UIKS rjrn crrvvrrriNr CUST:: - kassmnt Includes Backer Strips and Face Nais CALL 144 TODAY FOR PROTECTION MeMINON nd — And — Compare, Buy and Save REYROLDS TM WMOM b RITTENGER Lowell, Michigan PALACE CTLANIRS Lowell Linker & Coal Co. Insurance S«rvlce MS Main Bt The Fargo Phantom' Phon* 18 UnUCE WALTER Lew*ll W. Main Bl.