Showboat Toots Lawrence Rutherford states that the effort to enlarge the seating haa brought out every known type THE LOWHl I i ^ of engineering problem, but goes on to say that Ed. Johnson will be sat- Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THTHURSDAYSRS . JULY 20. 1950 isfied If all additional seats can be Number 12 placed In the first 18 rows directly The ducks at the King Mills are in front of the stage. Wotson Drug Store Is • of ever-increasing interest both to New Main Street Firm 1 Lowell residents and to the visitors John Roth said when he noticed Showboat Eodmefl Six All-Star Acts Will Feature over 4,000 aubki 'and tourists who pass through the one of the acts In the Showboat had Laurence L. Wataon of lonlp Helping Form Program j village. This spring tfwo of the been featured In the movie, "Mother has purchased the Henry Drug Mallards crossed the bridge and set Wore Tights," he wondered how In Important Role Store and will lake possession of- At last week's Rotary luncheon Amateur Night Shew |up their nests slde-by-side on a many of the mothers and grand- ficially on August 1. The date of the This Year's Lowell Showboat Seymour Heache, president of Kent 'letige back of Bernle Bedell's barber mothers of the boys and girls In this formal opening la to be announced County Farm Bureau, was the shop over Flat river. Here they re- year's show, sang In the chorus in Down Thru Years | later. speaker. He explained in detail the Acts, Queen Chosen mained on their nests all through past years. GI Bill of Rights and On-the-Job the period of hatching until now the Every year when Showboat time j Mr. Watson who Is a graduate Training program for boys and men The Showboat amateur talent proud mother ducks may be seen approaches, the question of how I of Ferria Pharmacy School was InteresteAcacswcdu I14n1 farmingicsiiuttig. --nightc ,• held —at- th—e stadium last Sat- with their ninlittle uuraones, swimming A representative of a national ad- many past performances there 'connected with the Smith ft Smith urday evc lng reW thc lar e31 Mr. Hesche stated that there is al 1 I " ' ? , u K , around in the river and those duck- vertising agency called on Elmer have been, pops up. Now we know Drug Store In Ionia for 21 years. hll,tor of good program available which in-'" u y event-lings are already very proficient, Schaefer the other day. He com- there have been 57 performances. Four and one-half years ago he eludes 200 classroom hours and 200 It. looked Ilke a We the mothers were "setting" plimented the citizens of Lowell on One more boat run was made the bought a partnership In the Ionia outside classroom hours, to teach iV , . approximately 4.000 In on their nests they were convenient- their ability to advertise the Show- first year, but the show did not j store which has since been known the proper handling of livestock, '•"L, stan(ls- ! 'y located where they might watch boat throughout the length and take place because of a rain storm, jas Huber A Watson. repairing and adjusting farm ma- Preceding the evening's regular |the Showboat workmen on their an- breadth of the state. He says talent which had dispersed the audience. | During these years Mr. Watson chinery. and a general education in search program was Lowell's nual Job of getting the Robert E. you've got everybody talking about 3 performances were given In 1932, first Mis3 i has been widely connected with . the modern methods of farming. America contest which Lee and the stage ready for Low- the thing. ^ 3 In 1933, 3 In 1934, 3 in 1935, 3 In )rovc,J wall paper and paint business as I The object of the training course.. • ^ be very Interesting and ell's big event of the year. 1936, 4 In 1937, 4 in 1938, 4 in 1939, iwell as drugs, and haa acquired Isays Mr. Hesche. is to equip these ~®c e3,,f"i- Seven girl, partklpated^ Admiral Ttuncrman states that 4 In 1940, 6 in 1941. War Interlude— v a great deal of knowiege and ex- when the S>iowboat comes down the 1942, 1943, 1944. 1946. Then there |l»y. tor th. full-time. :! D,,,,., appear, .Aav. hit upon perience In these lines. > a m river on Jmy 24 It will be the 58th were 5 shows In 1946, 5 In 1947, 5 in jing business of farming which '3iQodwin Heights Joan Priebe Jean ethod to reduce the number of trip, or irayoe only the 57th. 1948 and 6 In 1949. I The store will continue business ifa. becoming more complicated.^.'deaths and accidents from automo- There have been six End Men in the same Main Street location I^..?C^pa.t.lon.^u,r_ef .a ence Schreur of Lowell and Patricia »>lle driving, says the Fremont 1 investment in stock and tools as ® ^ In trying a new color for the under the name Watson Drug 1 . Times-Indicator. It is simple but playing blackface roles each year. well as good land to make a sue- Rockford. boat decnrailons, Chris explained to Store, and the personnel In the effective—at least the experience of It la Interesting to find that only cessful venture. Stormy that It was chartreuse. 23 different men have done all of store will remain the same. Mrs. Michigan's metropolis has brought Stormy said It looked like a green- the entertaining, and this la the 15th Wataon will also be a member of The state agriculture department 'good results. Speeders and reckless ish yellow to him. Chris explained year. The 1950 End Men are John the ataff. has charge of a training course of and drunken drivers are sertt to that According to the label on the Roth, who leads with 9 years' ex- Mr. Watson la affiliated with the ' from one to four years. Ijail instead of merely being fined. • tjpS# can it waa chartreuse. perience, Forrest Buck who has Masonic Lodge and the Benevolent m Mr. Hesche told or several cases | During the past two months had 7 years, Walter Gumser and Order of Elka. He plans to move In which, with proper training and traffic fatalities have been reduced Tha mother duck, with her baby Carrol Burch with 8 yeara each. hla family here a» soon aa a house guidance, young farmers had made 32 per cent and traffic injuries ducklings, is around again for Bill Jones 3 yeara and Jack Howe Is available. Besides Mr. and Mrs. good even though having had to 1 have dropH^d nearly 16 per cent. Showboat, as she has been for sev- 2 years. Watson, who waa the former Ger- borrow large sums of money to get i | In the same period. 729 drivers eral years. Other End Men have been Bruce trude Hughes, a nurse, whose girl- started In their agricultural project. | have gone to Jail for a total of 8.050 days. McMahon 7 years. Walter Kropf 7, hood home Is Portland, there la a One of these, he said, borrowed Joan Priebe, Jean Swan and Gerald Flnels «, Frank Newell 6, daughter, Lynne, 12, who will enter J20.000 to buy the farm and then The Judges and traffic experts .believe that the full effect of the Nancy Townsend were selected by George Pappin 5, D. D. McDuffee Lowell Junior High School In the .made another loan of $10,000 for! the Showboat cast as the repre- 4. Ted Dlott 8. Dr. J. R. Stryker 8, j new policy Is Just beginning to be fall equipment, and with his knowledge sentatives of the chorus In the Miss Clint Hall 3, George Sterken 3. Row- of correct feeding, regularity In 'felt, "because It takes from six to America contest. land Crane 2, Richard Leater 2, milking, breeding stock at the right j j eight weeks before the impact of 1 a new program strikes home." Peter Finela 2, Wendel Emery 1, time and other good farming prac-| The neighboring city of Jackson Ed. Quick 1, Roger McMahon 1, tlces. along with study made pos- In April, the month before the policy was in effect, 21 persons is to be well represented at the Sat- Frank Sullivan 1. Aimnal Farm Tour 0 sible through routine Inventories; urday night show. Latest reports were killed. This dropped to 12 In Those Who Hava Served and efficient bookkeeping, he Is are that seven Greyhound busses iMay. It Is interesting to note that Here are all of the End Men, and making good and paying off the have been chartered and that 52 Occurs in August 4 loans. (iin analyzing the 422 drivers sent private cara are coming to town the year each served: | to Jail in the first month, the Traf- bringing passengers to see the 1950 1932—Walter Kropf. Bruce Mc- Farmers wbo wish to find out i fic Safety association discovered Mahon, George Sterken, Rolland K Showboat. the "inside story" of successful that 76 per cent of the violators Crane, D. D. McDuffee, Dr. J. R. farming should plan to attend the were u^nder 30 years of age. Frank McMahon claims that Stryker. second annual state farm manage- Vic Hyde Longs For The winner was Elaine Hoffman, A reckless or drunken driver is while It Is quite a Job to move In 1933—Walter Kropf, Bruce Mc- ment tour, reports John Doneth. attractive brunette, who is 19 years | a potential murderer and those in Mahon, Frank Newell, Rolland Michigan State College rarm man- of age, 4 feet 11 inches tall, and a this class cannot he adequately extra transformers and erect the n! 5 aKe' 4 f-e-et 1.1--i~che8 .ta,.I'/n^ a't-hlr, /la,sl ca.nnot _he adequately big lighting equipment for the Crane, D D.
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