V olume IY.—No. 14. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, .1892. Whole No . 170

T*rlntlnijr IIouso. rnpielly as posHibh* Iseiiig made u Sir .AIKTIIOl) OF TUKATMKXT KOn AAHKAT A.Ml Business Locals . Knight in Newark, New York. OATS. •THE NEWS BURNED TO DEATH He has always lM*en an honoraVile citi­ Thefarmer may use his ingenuity inri*- Go to the Danner He*Htfiuraiit for An ludepeiideiit NewHpa|>«9r, zen uml consistent iiiasoti. The St. gard to the treating of Ids wiieat and Sipmre Meals. ('oiife*(*t)onar.v. Ici* (Veani, Tobacco and Cigars. W. VI. Watts . PubliHheil every Tuendny from the Estee ••t’NCLK” IU>Y1> AND MItS. F.AN- -lohiiH lodg**, chapter and commamlery oats, and use* whatever convenien<;i*H he Block Corner of State uiiu Spring StreetH, by NIK JOHNSON COME TO THEIK are proud to tiiiiik that it avus th«*ir lot has at hand—anyway, so that he nc- O. KATH HY FI HE. to care for HO good u nmii in his lntt<*r cofnpliHhe*M the* di*Hirehotos, eubinets or cra.voii tngiveldiu At 75 cent! a atrletl; in Atirance. a cull be*lore going elMe-where, He will The Cleesliiu; Moments eif a Happy Thaiiks- old**st Mason in th«' slfito having bi*en in a kettle in wldch to heat the water quite saA’eyou money. CartlH of thunkH lio centH each. KH'linr Day in .Ale>st lleinn's Itrliii; Sorrow, i tlie order over seventy-thr«*<* yenrs. hot, say lO-n®. Le;;uJ NotlccH at ntatute raten. Marriajce and Heath notIcea free. SiiflA'i'liif; anel Deatli to a Hoiiselmlel Ev- j He was burie'el from the as.vlnm last Near this kettle ithu*e a Imrrel in Avhich AVe make a Sp*>< ialty of 2-"» cent and 50 liuHlneMK localH 5 centH per line eacli time. peetiiiK to 51ake Merry lJ|>e>n the ('online ■ Snndn.v afternoon the servi*;e*H bi*ing con ­ to treat the seed. Fill this barrel about cent Dress Goods. CuAms ik Co. KiiHineHH Directory cardn f 1 a line per ye«ir. l>a.v. TraiiHleiit advertlMiiiK pa.valde In advance. ducted b,y the Sir Knights, Ib'V. \Y. half full of hot water fiom the kettle and <'lioie*«* Farm Fe>r Stilo Yearly advortlnlinr rateH made known on Atl2o ’';iook Tliniikspiiviii^ iiiulit St. application. .Mil'll de'liA ’ering a short seTmoii. then by adding either liot or cold water, TOO acres H. w. of si*ctioii .3, Water- AnonyinoUH coinmniilcatlonH will never re­ .lolnis was aroused by an alanii tiuit tJie the temjM'ratnre of the water in tlie town. Thisis one of the ehoieest farms ceive notice. in Clinton ciAfiity; in line condition, re'Kiele'iice of -lolin .Ioliiise>ii on iiiD'haiii thehot ay .ateh tkeatment fdu barrel ma.y be kept at the di*sired height. LocalH ainoiiK rcadias matter 10 centH per largely seM'ded to clever. Ileasons for Hue each insertion. of oats and stink Into this barrel dip the Hi*elacing tivel.v not "in* liiHerted unlesH paid for at 5 niills wfiK on tire. • Tlie departineiit Avas Farther jiai tienhirs obtained of about a bushel of si'cd into a coarse cents per line. Hk .nuv ,1. I'atteiison , AddiesH all coinniiinIcatlonH to iiamediatel.v *)o luind bat all was a, total gnnn.v sack and fnsten this sack to one .At A A’e'cy Low Kstimate' the Smut I’rop of 8wl 1 Pros. Att’yi 8t. -iohns, .Mich. ST. JOHNS NEWS. St. Johns. Mich. loss of over f 1,000 witli no insurance. Mie‘lii;;Hii Has Cost Hie Fai'iiiers .Alore end of u long pole hung across a notched Tlie residence of Mrs. S. .\. (.’ook ne.xt ael- IliHii $l,l>f>l>.t>01> this A’ear. post. Don't you hn.v a [ilnsh sacqne Avithoub Oats nm.A’ be tre ated just beforesowing. first K»*eiiig what Ave offer, Business Directory . j'oiiiinji-c*nne n«*ar, the roof be- ICniToit News: Dear Sir—The sfiint of •After taking them out of the tiarrel of ClIAFIN A- Co. .VTTOIiNKYS. iiiD' badly scorcln'e! and tin* interieir wheat an*l oats is atiraiding a great hot wati'f it is bi'sf to throw cohl water j^reatl.v daniaD<*el by AvaD'f. It is co\ ’- deal of al tent ion among the farmi'is of overthe*m to (mo I them off, ami tlicn let Floor Oil OlotliK. rf'lI.NKIIAM A- CI.AKK,Attorne.VM at Law, them stand anel drain two or three'honrs I St. .JohiiH. Oftlce In ()i»era lloiiHe lllock. e*r<'d by an insurance of ^tidOO. this ami other stall's. H has b**conio For stoA’es, both by the yar*! and in I'lie most sael anel shockinfr part of the after which tlic.v ma.v bi* sown broadcast. patterns .\t .Ioh.n Hu ks'. ALItltllx;!: & OSIlOKN. OlUce over very serious, »*specially in on ts,5521' One* cuntioii to lie* obM*rA ’i**l is that of W Allison's Jewelry store, St, .Jtdiiis. affair is that .Mrs, Fannie* .lohnson, A\ife destroying more than one-tiftli ot the using no hags or e]ishe*s for fn*ate*d se*eel For the Dt-st ^2. shlM'S go to ('ifAl'fN A Co.’s. OItTON & WKl.UKIt. Olfice over .\l.\on of .lohn -lohnson, and Fncle Hud Ii Ho.A’d crop. ,\t a A’er.v Ioav estimate bas***! upon that have biH*n nse*d for the untreated & (io’s. hardware, opposite The Steel. se*<*il, nnIe*SH tlie'.v Iiave* b*'i'n s(*alde ‘d. Shoe Department. K lost tlu'ir lives ill the Ik nie*.s and Mr. actual couuls in fields in v.irionsparls of The waten* shonhl be at Avli**n the A'DN a IXXH.INO, -Attorneys at, -lohnson was badly bnrne'ei. The stoi.v St. Johns. 12:1 tlie state the hiss this .year trom the two whe*nt or oats are put in. .Allow the* Finest line of ’Fancy N’cstiiigs in town L is hs follows : smuts ex*'**<'ds :?!,J{G0,()(Kl. It is not grain to re*maiii in the* wate*r five minutes At -Irmrs. .M. II. CASTLi:, Attorney and Money Dnrinj^ Thankspiiv’inp: day Mrs. -lohn­ generally understood among oni furmers Mild ke***p the te*Mii)er;itnre above 1-‘I()°. Till* AA’iiift- Svn ’iiit; Macliiiie. W Loaner, St. JoIiiih.' If it is difficnit to k(*<*p the temp(*ratnre son had b«*<*n inakin;^ preparations toeu- that both tlie-’e smuts may be entirely The White Sewing .Mmrhine is i»ro- KDEAVA .MKUKILl., Attorneys ut up as re*qniri*d it ma.v be fonml conve ’iii- F Law, St. Joiitis. joy a Thunks;;ivi!»p: dinner njion the fol- {iieA’i'iiti'd by the .l(*nseii or Hot Water f'lit to tliji ttio w.'d into o Ituri‘i‘l ooiitiiin. i o *'0 o! , * **' '"'J*' lowifi^ day, hfiviniu: invited a number of ioK ttntn- ot lail” toftlio ,,ut|;o»,t of 1 » 'oocloo... I.ou-o, St. II.I. H. ItItl’NSON, Att«)rney at I.,aw, Treatment. M’e have carefully i*r(*pai ’***l St. Johns. 121 friends auioiiD' the'tn .Mr. and Mrs. .\1- the following ahstract frfim bulletin No. warming the s*****l l)«*f()re putting it into W the barrel in u l!i*;h it is to be treat***!. inerion Hole'Ofiib, of .Madison, Liviiiyrston H7 of onr e.xjK'riment station whi*.'h ,von New fall ami winter .Im-keis, •MONEY LO.LMNG. TVh**at, dries much moi-e ria*lil.v, s*) if county, .Mrs. tlolcoinb be‘ing;aii aelopted mH.y wish to publish for the bem-Ht of the -At ( IIAI’I.N A Co ’s. ichigan MoimiAt^K cd -hi’Any . dany;htcr of Ihe* late Waller Doly,former sjn-oad oiit imm<‘*liatel.v aft**r treating (IJndted.) Capital $75,000. (.'orner of furmers in your AMciiiity. and left to dr.v a f»*w hours, it ean ‘then Excelsior lJiari<>s for DSO-’f at MWalker and SitrliiK St rc.'ts, St. Jolins. .Mon ­ hnsbaml of .Mrs. -lohnson. .\s »*V(*nin}i; Yours Siiici'iel.v, be sown bnjadcast or in a fore** f**e*l . F. E. .A I.omen A Co’s. ey to loan, Divestinciits nwide, inortKUKes for ai>preiach(‘d she coininence'd dr.viiif; wooel Hale. A few i)le<'cs of land for sale. 1 (). I’l.'. TK .A well assort*.*ns parts ot the state, calling j Flffy Ct'iifs. Gill- Dollar. u. .\. J. TVI<;(;IN'S, I’liysiclan and Sur­ it in the woo(» ca'iifs and DStore. 4Stf suppose**! to haveoiijAinate'dlier**. About We shall mak*; a disjila.v of onr Holi- .00 will be fonml the former) and asking for ri'inedies. *la.v Fancy goo*ls Saturday, Di*c. ."ird. 1*. .AI. .Mrs, -lohnson aronse'd h**r M. IM•OST M. I). IMiysIcian, Snrjceon nn. OfHce overil. east eloor of the front room into Avliich until the Holidays. for the pric**. At t iiafix '& Co.’s. .1, Woodruff’s store*. St. Johns. Ottlce 000. in nil the communications which Ij Mhours; it to 11 uni and 2 to .5 pm. 1 thedoors of he'i- be*droom amlMr. lloyeFs Respectfully .vonrs, have ri'ccivcd this year from different | .). 'J'. (!oi.k «.k Co. Full dr**ss suits and Finest Goods for U. .1. AV. roi.I.AKD, I’hvsicinn and .Sur­ opened. He die] so ami then proct*eelee] I»iirtsof the state* where actual counts i Trous**rs, .Vt-li nn’s. geon. Ofilce oA’er AVilson s clothlnjcstore'. through the dining room to the dooi- iiave be*en maile tin* p<*r(;(*nrage of snint, i Holida.v goo*lK at lowi*Ht jirices fit DHcsldence corner Cass and Ottawasts. 117-1 lilKxl l.ll-l AA illltfll, le*ading into the kitchen. Fpon opeming n no case*, has bfH*n less than 8 per cent., I Travis ik Rak(*r's. T ,J.'ritAA'Is, M. 1>, I’hyslcinn and Snr- and in man.v cases it r**ach*,*d ns high as I'oi G**ij**ral H()n.'.«*work. Impiire at tJ fceori. Ottlce <»ver Flhlew & .Millman’s this the flames enveloncd hiH bo*ly burn- op j,e,- c-ent., averaging about 1-*) per; Gi’i*al lineof booksut TravisA' Raker’s. The News * )tficf*. drufc store. Kesl(h*nce, Wljflit st. near Cass. ing his left hand, head ami face fearfully. (*«*nt. Disease's eef Weniie*n aiiel (’hilelren a spwlality. Tin* Whit** is King. AA'aiitf(>ot styi*'H, it is a pleasure to I). H. roWED, Cashle-r. at Kansas, Indhiua and oth<*r *'Xp*'ri- .■"iiijw goods. -loH.N' Hicks . could not opcti it, cither from loss of ment stations with tre.'ite.l and nii{r**ate*l Ruy your dmu ’s *;t 'rravis A Rak**r a:i*l niDKCTODS: strength or bewilderment, falling upon seed sown side l»y sid«* have shown tlie lmvetli«*m jmt up by gra*luaT* ‘tl regis- Kii]>tiir< s < )*.|« «I or no I'a.v for .Servlres. C. (lrnle*r. Mlchaed Splt*le*y, D. H. Power, her back close beside the wall Avithin practical A’alu** of this method. ter**d jilmrmai'istH, I Dr. Miller, tin* c**l»*brat«*(l rnjiture •lejscph (’oe)k, Otis Fuller, arm’s reach of the door. Thorcasonsfor Prof. Swing!** and Prof. Arthur tell im* Fine nssortnn'iit ot the newest i tin* i). F, -Miller Rujiture that tin* furmers who have tried it in her being behind Av**n* handed in from At F. F. Ai.nui* n A (\) ’s i * t'A' * lb- to lOU.Michigan Ave. Intere*Kt jiald eiii all time* ele*noHits. Kansas and Iinliana an* *'ntlinsiastie in Detroit, Mich., Avill be in Ionia at the Mone*y loune*d ein note's iinel nu>rtjf«Xes. every source but all are too vague lor its favor. Had all the iarmers of Michi­ OrKiuiH Hinl I‘Ihiii>h j ihiile Hons**, bom Thni*s*luy morning, repetition here. gan treat***! their st^d last spring, then* Sold by .\. R. Ralcom. If you arego- NoA ’embi'i"’ 24tli to M'«**lnesday night, ^TATE HANK t»F ST. .lOHNS. Upon being aAvakeiK'd Mr. Roy*l seems wonhl have be**n saved to the state more ing to buy it Avill pay yon to get juices. NoA ’ember .’loth, ainl in at the tlmn a million of ilollars. The farm**rs CO .M .M E DC 1A L A N I) SA V1N G S. to hav’e gotten up immediately ’ l;)ut in Wildermuth House from D»*cembei' Istto who raised twenty acres of oats with Onr $10.00 Cloaks 7th inclnsiA ’e. The Miller comjiuny is the the darkness lost Ids Avay, more easily CAPIT AL $.>0,000. straw promi.sing fifty lajshels per acre, Are jiositively niatehle.s.s. largest organization in the Avorld de- bewildered than a person of younger jige, r**years in Travis A Raker haA’e the largest and ferent state.s with a combined cojiitol of PODTED K. PEDDIN, Pre*slelent. where farmers actually connt«*d the finest line of holiday good.s in Clinton Co. 881,5,000. The doctor imikes this A’isit GEO. F. MAKVIN, Vlce'-I'resldent. a death most agonizing. V-fforts Avere snintt'**! stalks *11*1 the j»er cent, fall be­ for the b**npfit of all i njitiiriHl jiersons, J. AV. FITZGEDALI), Cashier. made by jieople outside the iinrning low 8, and in many cases it rea*;ht*d 20, Finest line of Avail jiajier being reci*iA ’**d I'specially those unable to visit tini De­ H. II. FITZGEDALI), Asst.C. building to reach him through iv window Do not *!onelu*le that you ha\’e no at Travis A Raker’.s. The b(*Ht jiaper troit offic**s. He gives written guarantee hangers fnruishe*!. DIDECTODS: smut b**wn, Ge*e). Sullivan ’s Clothing Stor<* on Friday, AA’. Eminoiis, C. .S. Alllseiii, human forms wen* found about 2 o ’clock not obs**rved. business. Consultation and examination Dd'Pinber 2, Thursday, De«'ember H, ninl free to all. If yon can not call write to G. E. Corbin, .Jesse and convey***! immediately to S. W. .AIETMOI) OF INFIX TION OF WHE.VT AN1> OAT.S. every day thereafter during tk** niontii the heail office for full information. II- Snilivan. Ingraham's undertaking rooms. The spores (seed of the smut) attach for the of I'ct.eiving the tu.xes themselves to the kerneksof Avheatoroats Instiat***! iiamjifilet ami Michigan refer­ 4 Per Cent. Intereeit Pulei on Time IteDoetlts. Mrs. Fannie-lohnson, aged (ill years, of Ringham townshiji. ences free to all. and Jire sown with them, Wh<*n the l-tvv.’l PeTED CltA.AIEH. was born in -Sennea county, New York. Heal Kstate. k»*rnel of Avheat or oats germinates tin* For good wt'Hring shoes, go to Had resided in St. -Iohns over twonty- smut spores uls AA’ l.ebe*.v, le>t 27, thri*e yenrs, suffering the loss of her the .young plant, growing and .subsisting lde>ck H, Dreiwii’s sub ellvlsieeii, e>ntle)t J St. Carpets. .lohiis, $50. on tlie insi*Je of the plant until finally, Big Line former husbfuid, Walter Doty, in this wlieii the head appears, it issmutinsteaii DIcharel Dayles by Exs te) Frank Dtxe)n, Of Winter Hosiery just r**- Rig bargains in Carpets Innel on see IS. AA’aterteiwn. $700, A’dlnge, .Vngnst 22, 1880. She was mar­ of wheat or oa-ts. It has cost nearly or At JoH.N Hicks ’. P E AA’Hlswe>rtli te) Cyrus A anel Arvlla *,*eived. At Chapi .v A Co. ’s. Caster, lanel e)n sen* J), Olive. $.HOO, ried to .Mr.-I oil nsoii, Avhom residents of (piite ns much to grow the affected plant Edwarel Drown to Hnirh AA' .Alorrls lots 1, St. -Johns hav’c known for years as a us a h**althy one. We ask for breai of .soil sujijilies furnishe:! Drejwn’s snb-eliv of out lett .1 St .Tobns, $200. Travis & Rak**r ’H. market gnrdner, February 5, 1890. or weather may b«* more favorable to the .Vt A. R. Raix 'om ’s. Mary I) Re)blnHe)n te) Ge*e>rue A Archer,lanel Tlie funeral services Avere held in the on sec S, Dapleis, $.500. growth of smut tlian others, but let it be Buy tfie Wfiite sewing niachiiio oils. Cloaks, Ilnrilsetn Culver te) .Aurelia Culver, land on Congfegationnl church, Sunday ’ after­ distinctly nii Frank .1 Darnbnrt. lot noon, at 1 o ’ckock. by Rev. AV'. C. not due to any condition of soil or l.’l. t)le)ck 4. Dreewn’s snb-dlvision e»f e)ntle)t J weather. We sow smut an*l we reap A Raker's, just received .Vt John Hicks ’. Ht .Ie)hns, $.50. Allen, the remains being interred in St. Himit. In th** case of oat.s the wind may h Henjis of 25c Dress Goo <1h EIIznl>eth G Feewler te) Dheeein .1 Dnlelwln, -Johns cemetery. One of thesad incidents carry the loose, powdery smut ov*>r the K<' <1 ulul Profit. lot C), t)le)ck 7. Feewler, $100. Greater bargain.s than ever are given .At Chapin A Co's. Aeleelphns .Moyer to AA'iisblnKtein Tntts, Avas that out of the vast concourse of ttelds and the spores bfrs. f). (-an- people present none Avere relatives of tlie the kernels of oats. These spores are so A Beaiitlful Tobias Foreman te) AVIllarel .f Daln-ock, 87 small that they eannot be seen Avith the fifild ’s. Come, if only to look at the acres s«*c 18, Ea(;le, $4,12.5. diHiensed. Mr. -Johnson Avas unable to fieautifiil Trimnie*! Hats at the lowest Silk Senl Sacque, standard style, for .Tf>lin II Feelewa te) .Snniuel H AVilliainR 200 naked eye unless there are many to ­ I1G.50 At Chapin A Co's. acre's see* S, Dlley, $S00. attend the funeral and the dead Avns left gether, but they are there ready to grow j)ric*)8 evf out lot J. ble)ck 2, St. Johns, alone save with the sympathy of friends. when the oats are soivn. Rut probably Spring Suitings the most st.vlish and Resp<,*ctfnlly, good quality. Geo . H. Ji dd . $50. Sir Knight Hugh Royd was l)Orn in the threshing machine is the most affec­ Chnrleitte L Merrill to Phehe A Hells, le)tB tive way of bringing the spores of smut Mhh. f). Cankiem ). 1, 2, 8 , 4 and 5. blejck 7, Ovid, $100 e| c. County Down, Ireland, Noveinlier 1*2, The greatest line of Hfty-cent all-wool Eelwarel Dre)wii to .leeseph Bersetle. le)t 20, intocontaxit with the wheat andontseeil. 1798. (’oining to America in 1810, he Try a-liottle of Travis A Raker's Fa\’- storm serges is .At Chapin A Co. ’s block 8 , Dre>wn’H siib-ellviHie)n of eiutlot J, Ht .V single kernel may have thousands of orite Cn'ain for clmppisl haml.s. The best Johns, $.50. these spores attache*! to it yet not be ob ­ Francis .1 Hells to I’hels* A Hells, lots 1,2, settled in Dulilin, Senai'a county, Ncav preparation made. I have an elegant line t)f OA’en’ootings. 8 , 4 anel 5. ble)ck 7, Oviel, $IOO epc, Y ork, where he liveil for several years. served. The thr**Hhing machine becom«*H Judd , the Tailor. Zelia A Ilells te) Phel)e A Hells, le)ts 1, 2, 8 , a ready means of carrj’ing the smut from In millinery we are making swisiping 4 anel .5, block 7, Oviel, $10O e| c. His ne.xt home Avas in Clyde, New York, one farm to another. It has been found .AlarKnret McCeenileee) to Michael S De)yle, reductions from now until closeof season. We have Undenvenr enough to supply ot 20, block 1, Elsie, $0OO. and finally in St. -Johns, in 1805, where that these a*lheriiig spores may be killed .Ml days are bargain days. you all; come and get it. Chapin 'A Co . .AI H Dovie to Win D I.,ettH, lot 20, block 1, lie lias since made his stay, working most by dipuing the H»H,*d iuto hot water for *v .1. T. (!oi-k a Co . Elsie, t7fto. few niinutt*H, ami yet not injure the vi­ See Our $S.OO John r Martin to Je)sepa J Martin, land on of the time at the shoemaker's trade. s<*c 2*1. Dallas, $l,HOO, tality of the see*!. This method, known P'or cliapiietl hands, roughness of skin Shoes, Chapin A Co , Shoe Dep’t. .fnreil) Elchele te> Frank Elchele, 80 acre's He was made a Mason in Clyde lodge, as the Jensen or hot water method, was use Travis A Raker’s Favorite Cream. sec 82. DeAVItt. $ 2,000. New A'ork, immediately upon coming to discovered by .1. !>. .leiiHen- of Denmark, 15c jier bottle; guarunt**e*l to give satis­ The b<*st flO Cloaks are to be had oI William Meneiows to John I^Meaelows, lanel on see- 4, EnKle, f 1,>500. majority and pusheil up the ladder as in 1887. faction. Chapin A Co. TIIC FIFTY-THIRD CDNCIRKS.*:. TO FIX. THE STANDAKD. ENORMOUS HU.M FOR PENSIONS. MANY LIVES IN PERIL. THE NEWS |t Will Cuiivciie I>«H'. li—Cuiuplexlou of Neoretarjr Fo«t«r Thinks the Amount llotli Houses. 0remler, M. Heernuert, In tho average citizen, but a personal tax Is miners In tho niuuntalns e;ist of Snohotitlsb riic K.x-Srri’»-tt»ry Ivikhvm to I5«' SiidVrlii;; sun and other experts that the Pouplo’s tho murhlu hull uf the Palais des Acade­ e.speclally obnoxious and cun rarely be reached Seattle. Wash., by E T. Kelt and I'oHHibly I-'Htiil llliirsH—S<»nn'tlnn'i* l>«*- party would hold the balance of power In mies. M. Hconaert gave an elaborate collected.” “What means, then, of raising Fritz Ellingstorie, who had boon for fifty llrlous—Th4« rhy<*U>l'.iii» Won’t T.klW—(Jol«t tho House The prosent Peuato stands 47 resume of the history of tho precious met­ revenue would you suggest?” Here Mr. hours without food. The freshets bemtned fur I0ur<‘. Republicans, 3t* Democrats, and two I’eo- als during the present century, clearly In­ Foster ceased to bo comiaunlcative. He the miners In and on account of their ple’s party. The terms of 20 Senators ov- dicating by Ills Interpretation of events replied: “I am preparing a report In which exhausted conditiuu they were unable Itiuy Not lt«T«»v«‘r. piro March 4, lHt)3, and Uupubllcaii losses early in the ’70’s that he sUiod firmly upon I shall dual with this subject, and it is a t>j get to t’.Jo transport and obtain .lames (J. Hlaiiitf lies In his bed crillrally and Domocrtitlc and People’s party gains the plutforiii of bimetulllsm. Tho prin­ matter of doubtful propriety to anticipate a now supply of food. Kelt and Elllng- 111. lie may lerover and be able t) ;:et which will result from the change of politi­ ciple of tho Latin union ho re­ that report by a verb il and lufurtiial stono are the only men out of fifty miners around ii'.;aln. and ho may nevt>r leave his cal control of legislatures elected this year garded as Invulnerable. In con.- stutemonU” who started for Snohomish four days before bed alive. In cliher »>vcnl his physician will make the Seaate stand after M;irch 4 cliislon M. Heoriiaert expressed tho hope \Vliol«>s:i|e Slaughter. lo get in. Tho others dropped :ilong tho ■will not bo surprlaod. SociirliiK Infonna- as follows: Democrats, 4:t: Republicans. that the delegates would reach an under­ North Paulina street, Chlc:igo, was route from sheer exh:iustlon and want uf tloa of a reliable character concernlm: 40; and People’s party. 6. Tho People’s standing us to tho best means for tlio re- the scene of a tragedy Sunday morning food, and It Is feared they are lost In the Mr. Hlalne Is attended by the very greatest party will therefore have tho balance of hahlliatlon of silver and th:it to this end whlc!» resulted in tho killing of two poi­ wooda The survivors had .scarcely any diniculty, and one must be cont«Mjt with a power In the Fiilted States Scn:ito. and Is to roll his eyes Ohio llotiseliold. struck by a stray pellet on tho nose. Other i:\TKA .SK.SSIDN TALK. o’clock lust evening an explosion occurred Jind sigh and shake hit head when fiues- Six weeks ago William Crawley, who lives were In danger till a lucky bullet tloiKsl by nawspaper men. Hut all t.'r.< to that shook this city from center to clicum- llvos near College Corner, Ohio, and hls C'.ilile’s PropoKlttoii Not Well Kecelvcil — from Officer Simonson’s revolver found a their frlcn Is, and the^o friends talk t*) foreuco. For several years three China­ wife and child wore taken suddenly sic { Many Favor h Piihlle I.i>uii. lodgmont In Slogler's side, but even then whom they pba^e. Accordlttg to one rf men have been running a laundry here. under peculbir clrcumitancos. Tho syini>- Tho suggestion of Congressm:in Hen T. be was only caplurod by Officer Dan T. them, a very pr.tmlnent (Jovernment (»II1- About one month ago EJ Davbs c:imc here toms pointed strongly to poison, and Dr. Cable that an extra session of Congress bo MeCarlliy after bard .struggle, Slegler clal, Mr. Hlalne’s condition Is serious, The from Kentucky and started a steam hiun- Kell, of J.lborty, di.scoverod, to tho groat culled In March for tho purpose cf author­ was Insane. e.xact iiat lire of hls <-om[>ii'nt Is not known. dry. Ho hud secured a good part of the surprise of tho family, that tho drinking izing a loan to replenish tho tro:it.ury is Ttstai’ted with a cold, which was followed Crespo’s New Treaty. Chinese trade. Within tho last week two water which they had bo3n using not popularly received In Washington. by a fever. Hut hls cold :ind fever have Tbo new cabinet of tbo Venezuelan re­ attempts have been made to burn contained oxide of arsenic. A few The few Democrats who favor :iddlngtotho entirely dlsappearetl. leaving him, how­ public has just made public Us action as Davis ’ building. Suspicion pjlnted to the days ago tho f:imny was stricken down Iwiidod debt of tho I'nited States argue ever, entirely iircstratcd. The family re­ to a reciprocity treaty with this country’. Chinese. '1 hey were watched, and last and tho symptoms for a second Mnie re­ that $200,000,030 could bo borrowed on long gard his condition as ihe result of a eom- Crespo :ind hls council are In sympathy evening, just before the exploilon, one of sembled poison. The sulYcrlngs of tho time at 2 percent., and that this ii'.ethod of pllcation of aliments, and they fear that It with tho North American policy of reci­ them was seen running toward the depot father and son were terrible. Tbo little supplying tho deficiency In tho treasury moans the lH>ginnlng of the end. There is procity. and when Dr. I'Tanclsco Husta- :ind has not been seen since. Tho explosion boy died. Among those who attended the would be loss ohjccttonablo to tho people not the slightest doubt that the family is moiite, tho new Envoy Extr:iordlnary and Was c:iusod by a largo dynamite bomb be­ funeral were Monroe Hlas, wife and two than any system of direct taxation. “I do greatly alarmed and apprcheii'ivo of tho children and Mrs. .loscph Haker and .Minister Plenipotentiary to this country, ing tlirown into tbo building. The entire not think there is likely 10 ho any such arrives liere next month ho will bring a building was wrecked, valuable machinery worst. her ‘wo grown-up tlatightor.-!. all movement on tho p:irt of tho Democracy,’' of cJiloge Corner. They all re­ copy of tho treaty between the United smashed, and the sleeping-room of Davis SHIP (iOl.O T<» IiritOI’K. said Secret try Charles Foster on. Tuesday. mained at the Cr:iwley rcsidonco States of Nf>rtb Amorlc:i and the United totally demolisbed. Davis was not lu tho “I do not think any political party would Stales of Venezuela. building at the tima Excitement is high Men in Wall Street Speeiilitlug 4»ii tl-.c for dinner and partook freely of the mc:il. bo bold enough at this time to add to the J-'oiirth National's Intentions. Hy 0 o'clock, when tho p.arty arrived homo, here and everything points to tiio guilt of bonded debt of the Cnlted States, even for Jewelry* Store Itlow'n Cp with Dynamite. all three of the Chin amen. Every effort Is Indications are that the SCOO.OOO gold Mr. HIiis and his t.vo daughters were very so small an :imount as S:'>0.000,090. Tho At Searcy. Ark., the jewelry store of A. being made to find the missing one. His withdrawn from the Suh-Treasury hy tho sick, remaining so until the ttoxt morning, Idea of adding to tho public debt would not A. Hallard was blown up by dyn;imlte. two usiuciatps aro under a close guard. Fourth National Hank of New York will bo when they recovered. It Is believed that bo as popular with tho people, no matter poison got Into tho Crawley Hour barrel, c:vuslng :i loss of $25.00.). TTio Court House Lyncblng has been tbreatoned. shipped to Fniope Groat I itercst Is mani­ what excuse w:is offered, so long as there also suffered several thousand dollars’ fested in Wall street over the transaction, and an investigation will result. Mr. are so many other ways of meeting a de­ Crawley died. damage, and window glasses for a distance I’ROTEST AGAINST ELECTION RILI.S. as shlpinenls of tho yellow metal at ficiency by reducing expenditures or add­ of four blocks were broken. The dwelling this season arc most unu>ual. The troub.e I’KDTFCTKU IIY .\ Fl.Ot K OF SIIKi:i*. ing to the res e sues. >» of K. .1. ( row was destroyed by fire at the Ropreseiitative Fitch Desires to Examine is that while this lountry has been same time. I’ersoiially Davenport's Acroiints. exporting vast amounts of g''alii and other How the I.lfe of a Schof>lglrl, Who Was WHOLE F.V.MILY CKEMATKD. Tho Secretary of the Treasury has re­ products, tho pi ices realized have boon so l.ost III a Storm, Was Saved. .Mrs. Deacon a Winner. .Mr. and Mrs. Danaliuiir and Daughter ceived a letter from Representative Fitch, low that a heavy balance of trade has plied A lieavy snow-storm prevailed In South­ In Paris, tho first chamber of tha Court Hiirned to Death In Their Heds. Chairman of tho speoliil committee Investi ­ up against us. At the same time tho Ini- ern Idaho for several days. Nellie Logan, of Appc:ils liande I down its (h cl-lon in the Near I’lttsbnrg, tho llvos of one entire gating election methods, piolesting against perts of general merchandize continue on a tho 6-year-old daughter of .lames Logan, I) mean case. Judgment was for Mrs. Dea- family were blotted out by fire early tho the payment of any bills of John large scale, partly in c Collin Trust Indicted. settlement The secretary declined to dis­ tination It WHS knowi> that she was lost TtH'tJilS ANI> TIIAINMKN FIGIIT. green heuso In tho hasoment of their home At Jackson. Ml*s., forty-three Indict­ cuss ibo letter except to say that the com- Her dog was found Wednesday frozen stiff. ments were found In tho Federal Court municutiou will receive tbo siimo careful Tho little wanderer was found alive and and placed a furnace In It, It Is pre­ 81x I>esp€*rato Itrothcrs Ar«' Thrown Down sumed that tho furnace became overheated against as many members of tho coffin 1 nttcntlon :iccordod :ill communications an I'biibankiiicnt. well, hilt terribly weak. In :in old stock trust, recently organized in that State. ' from Congressional committee.s. It is shed, wlih no com)>aiilons save a dozen and set fire to the woodwork. '1 he family Oalllpolls. Ohio, (-p'clal: Six brothers died before their neighbors know of tbelr The Indictments are h:ised on a Federal , learned from another source that Mr. Dav- named Williams, de-p'-rato characters, lleecy sheep, among which she h:id snug­ statute recently passed, aud charges a enjiort’s uccjuiits for tho period in question gled, and thus oscapoi death hy freezing. danger. When tho fire svas discovered tho boarded an t)hlo Ulver Uallroad train at house had been burned to tho ground and conspiracy to raise the price of coffins. have not yet been jirosented to the account­ Huntington last night. All were drunk, She said she had boon attracted to the cat­ ing officers and aro not expected for seve ­ tle shed by tho bloats of sheep. tho charred remains of father, motlier and I’owder Exploiles in a .XIliio, aud they soon precipitated a fight daughter were found among tho ruins. ral weeks. A powder expUtsion occurred shortly with the conductor and brakeman, Danahaur was a tinner by occupation and IHSINKSS IS IIK.ALTIIV. after noon Monday at tho Hlunch coa, AVORKMEN IN DEADI.Y FERIL. who;n tbey cut and boat serious­ (juito well connected. mine, locatod at the west end of Colliers, ly. Tho train was stopped, and tho TJiere Are No Important CiiaiigcH In tlie Coal Mines in New Mexico in Flames—.Min­ W, Va. Twenty-live kegs of powder ox- engineer and flromaii. armed with clubs, Markets. HAVOC IN W.ASHINGTON. j ers Dellevejl t»> Have Eseaped. ploded. causing tbo instant death of thret j took a hand In tho affray. Several passen­ R, G. Dun & Ca's weekly review of trade Fire broke out in the Rlcssburg coal minors and tho serlou.s wounding of clgh; j gers also assisted, and after a furious fight says: Houses Swept Away and Valleys Turned mines, situated four miles south of Raton, Into I.akes liy the Storm. others, throe of whom will probably dla I the Williams brothers wore beaten Insen­ No important change appears in tho N. M. Sixteen mules were burned to sible, drtiggod from the train, and thrown condition of business. Tho dlsii lbution of Tho reports of tho storm throughout tho Tivo D<*mTterK 'iiirreiuler. death. About one hundred men were at State of Washington stale that there will down an omhankment. Tho trtiin then products continues enormous. Production Albert S. Hall and Charles Hniiier walked work In the 8 ubw;iys In entire ignorance of bo no railroad communications for several proceeded. It Is not known whether any of by manufacturers is gro:itei' on the whole 'Into tho office of tno Houston. Texas, Clilel tlielr peril. A messenger was at once dis­ than in anj’ previous ye:ir, :ind while some days at least. A numberof deaths are also tho desperadoes were fatally hurt or not. of I’ollce and surrotideroil. They de.serted patched to tho mouth of this shaft, a liesitation is seen about entering into new reported as a result of the fiood.s, while the from the I'iftli Fnltcil States Infantry, distance of three miles over tho mouu- accounts, tho gcncr:il tone of business and loss of property In the share of f:irm buiUl- C’.VNADA’S NKW C.VHINFT. Industries Is reimirkably healthy. Tr:idliig h;ivlng left J:ickson Hurracks, New Or­ Inln, to notify tho miners of their d:inger, Ings carried :iw:iy and wrecked will In cotton was much the largest ever known leans, Nov, 12. and it Is thought that all o*c:ipcd. Tho Change Nccessltafcd l>y the Hoslgirition of 111 :inv week, hut stock dealings have been make a very formidable item. The output Is seventy-five cars of coal a day. CUnlcra llreaks Out .Again the Premier. Sir .lolin Ahliott. hut mofloralc. At Hoston Im.slnoss coiitbi- v:illeys of Diiwanislui, White, Green, It Is thought that the mines will be de- Cholera Is ag.aln showing Itself In Hol- Hon. George I'ostcr. Minister of I’biance. ues large, collections good, money easy. Hlack, Ftyck. Cedar, and I’uyallup Itlver* itroyod. Tho origin of tho lire is unknown. giiim. There have l>een two deaths frorr has loft England, carrying in hls pocket In gcnwrnl. the situation is unchanged, ex­ to southw:ird, and Snohomish, Stilli- cepting ih:it wool Is more quiet. tho dlsc;ise in Hrussels, and several cti'sei the resignation of Picmicr Abbott. This guamlsh, and Skagit to northward aro Gray ’s I’lare in tiie Cabinet. are reported In Hruges and Mons. will lead to a reorganization of vast lakc4. Styck Valley as far as the eye Sen:itor Voorheos of Indiana Is one of A Fainilj- Wlpe0,0er bn ...... 05 ({8 .76 palgc, stating authoritatively that ex-Gov. Costly I'uriii.sliiiigs, Destroyed. until noon. Hinder died almost InsUintly. INDIANAPOLIS. run up to $80,000 or $8.5,000. Sinclair Is a Cattle —Shipping...... 3.25 ^ 6.00 Gray was to bo Postmaster Gener:i!. The Hroukors, the elegant tind costly Attempt at Train-Wreekliig. member of a Now Vork family. Three H ook —Choice Llglit ...... 3.60 C<8 6.76 Newport {It. I. i summer r< sldenco of Cor­ Train-wreckers placed olisfructions on yoar.s ago ho was married. Hls wife lives Sheep—Common to Prime...... 3.00 ^ 4.00 To Restrict Itnuiigr:itit>ii. nelius Vanderbilt. Is a smouldering ma-ss M’heat —No. 2 Red ...... 07 ft* .OS tho track of the WcsU'rn and Atlantic Rail­ in Harlem. They have two children. CouN —No. 2 White...... 40 (<5 .41 Tho protest of the passengers of the of ruins. Hlackeiied and crumbling walls road two miles from Atlant:i. Gii. The en­ O ath —No. 2 White...... 30 (3) .30?^ Htoumcr Weimar, deljilnod in quarantine, of brick and heaps of ashes are all that gine niid four cars loft tho track. Engi­ Says It Is Not Itlelii’s. ST, LOUIS. has had little effect upon Secretary of tho now remain of the palatial vlll.-v which for Cattle ...... ^ 6.00 neer Sijulres and hls fireman were seriously, Father Fearlo, of tho Catholic University H ook ...... 4.00 ({9 6.76 Treasury Foster. He says the regulations years has been numbered among Newport’s perhajis fatally. Injured. A train was at Washington, has made Kome observa ­ Wheat —No. 2 Red ...... C7 ‘atfl9 must bo enforced strictly, even If hard- largest and finest residences. Tho loss Is wrecked at tho same spot a year ago in tho tions of the comet and decides It Is not Corn —No. 2...... 40 (qi .41 Blilp Is caused In some cases, and believes 8 :100,000. ____ O ath —No. 2...... 31 .31 samo w;iy, by fastening an Iron band across Hlola’sL It was ncaiest tho hud on Oct. 11; Rye —No. 2...... 40 .48 tho Government ought to bo as careful and Commend AmiTlean tho rails. Tho purpose of tho wreckers is Is receding from tho sun and earth and Is CINCINNATI. take, as m:iny precautions against cholera supposed to bo robbery. getting f:iinter. It Is now about 1.50,000,000 Cattle ...... 3.00 orbit, moving around the sun in about six Wheat —No. 2 Red ...... 7i (a .7114 cholera or any other epidemic raging in The Northwest has got Its first cold spell years. Tbo least distance from tho sun Is Corn —No '2...... 44^(f9 .45)a Eitrope, Mr. Foster says, Is to enact legis­ the persecution of tho Russian .lews and O ath —No. 2 Mixc (tc 6.50 In 8 t. Paul It was 6 below at 7 o’clock, “arose from a mistake of ton minutes of which details are noted, and they advise Sheep...... 3.00 («4.'25 Dlack Diplitlieria .Among I.iimhcrmaii. England to take :i lesson America while In b »th tho Dakotas It was below zero time In the original telt'gratn.’’ Wheat —No. 2 Rod ...... 73 .74 but grew warmer. The cold wave pro­ (tons —No. 2 Yellow ...... 44 (<9 .45 Six lumbc'rmon have arrived In Ottawa, and to consider whether the time has not Dank itohliers Senteneoil. O ath —No. 2 White...... 37*4(£9 .38)^ OnL. from the lumbering shantlos and re­ gressed southe.'istward and over tho lake TOLEDti, yet arrived to doctor her own immigration At Erie, I’a., tho Keystone Hank robbers, port that black diphtheria is making neri- f eg Ion. Wheat —No. 2...... 7l .75 laws. who shot Asslst.'int Cashier Kopicr Get. 3, Corn —Nt). 2 White...... 43 (4 .44 ous havoc among tbo men employed In cut­ Illi'd ill a Mll//.aril. were sentenced as follows: .lohn Court­ O ath —No. 2 White...... 3,0^ ting timber in the M:idaw.ska camp, many iloliert Itarixiiir Deail. Rye ...... 63 ({9 .55 —Robert Harbour, President of tho Rar- Charles F. C’hrrcli, traveling ropre.sont:i- ney, fotirleim years; Charles W. Hawloy, HUFFALO. death having already i:ikcn placa The bottr Flax Spinning Comiiatiy, died at tlve of Sanford &. Co., a Winnipeg, Man., seventeen years In the penitentiary; Cattle —Common to Prime...... 3.00 (f? 6.2.5 people are without medical aid. The men dry goods house, was found dead on tho Daniel T. Evars and Charles W. Smith, to H ooh —Rest tirades ...... 4.00 ^ 6.25 who arrived In Ottawa escaped from tho Paters )n. N. .T. of apoplexy. He left a Wheat —No. 1 Hard ...... h2 ("i .H3 fortune variously estimated from $.'>, 000,000 prairie near MeLood. Ho was frozen to the reformatory. CoR.v —No. 2...... 48 <{9 .434 camp and tramped their way to tho city, death. MlIiWAUKKE. to 110.000.000. ______Little tJIrl Diirneil to I>e:ttli. several hiindrn 1 miles. Tho government Wheat —No. 2 spring ...... f>7 0 .AS h:is just sent up a numl or of doctors In tho Norwalk Secures an Klertrlo Ko.'iil. Tho llttlo daughter of Henry , of Corn —No. ;i...... 41 (9 .4114 Dug Their Way to I.lherty. hope of chocking the disease. Norwalk, Ohio, Is sure of connoetlon with I’neblo, Cola, vas bunitsl to dc.atb. She O ath —No. 2 White...... 35 (r9 .36 There was a Jail delivery at Decatur, Rye —No. 1...... 60 (^9 .61 Sandusky, Huron and Milan via oleclrlc and her brother were playing in front of Harsh Treatment of n Thief, Ga.. Friday morning, m iven prisoners es­ Harley —No, 2,...... 66 (fa .67 railroad. Citizens have suhscrlbed nearly tho stove when the girl’s clothing caught Pork —Mess...... 14.00 ({tl4.60 caping. The men had ts),dlg forty feet Perry lhaw was arrested at Dunksburg, 115,000 toward the irrojcct. NEW YORK. Ma. for siealliig a harness. Fifteen masked und( r tho wall of the Jail yard. Cattle ...... 3.60 6.25 _ men appeared at the officer’s house and, Fatally Cut Ills Throat with an Ax. Four I'ersoiis Kllleil. JlodH ...... 8.00 (rt 6.2.5 Sheep...... 3.oo yt 6.00 with shotguns as an argument, were given Ilrig Wrecked: Crew S;>ve«l, John Johnson dlcrl at Ashland, Wls. He A dispatch fri m Alda. NoK, states that Wheat —No. 2 Red ...... 77 e? .78 the prisoner, who was returned about an The brig Charles Purvos, from Phlladel- cut hls throat at Mason with an ax. He an accident has occurroJ on tho Union I’a- Corn —No. 2...... 61 (lA Death of Knn;ineer Kaliiey himself to ask. If directed at the right point. A com ­ varro —HtoektierKcr Kuew ll ton Brinsley, but it is unmanly for you will reveal it more distinctly. To as­ la Very Coatly. to I'.uve mo betray my friend." sist the ordinary observer .■Ystrononier “Speak!” oidered .Marshall, fiercely. Hale has niarlo a diagram that will aid From Far and N<*ur. “Do you not see that thi.s su.spenso is in locating the vagrant comet. Ho has St. loNAt'E and NcAvborry liquor hand as If they were the false heart of killing mo? ” omitted the leaser s'urs' and Indientod dealers have organized. tlie girl who hatl jilted him, and tliat of “Tluii knoAV th(' worst, ” answered the rornot by Uik 'h drawn through the AV est ILay City ’s police force ia the man av Ijo had stolen away lier love. Beatrice, bulking all her luncied poAver fixed and . For good going to drive ail gamblers out of town. zz> T. A \ \ ^ on a final venture. “She wrote to Bur­ measure the of .\iidromeda has “1—1 will kill him! ” he choked out, his One ward school has been closed at soul ablaze. ton Brinsley. This morning ho lolt been fhroAvii Bito the diagram. AVest Bay City on account of the prev­ And then, realizing the folly of such Hopedale. .Miss Chandler says ho lias “This bright spot near the milky alence of diphtheria. a sentiment, the right of any man to gone away on business, l think it is to way,” ITof. Hale says, “is easily mla- honorably strive for e. Avoman ’s preD’i- soo Edna ’s new relatives and j ress his tiken for the comet itself and might as­ A SciOTA man lost 1,400 bushels of enco, Avith the bitterness of death com ­ suit there, Mr. Marshall, oh, wliy Avill sist in finding the wanderer. Beginning potatoes lastAvoek. A cold night did It. prehending that the Avoman Avaa the you force me to toll these bitier truths.'’ Avith the first in the* belt of Orion — The man couldn ’t find tinie to dig them. deceiver, remembering his mother’s Forgot her—sho is uiiAvoJthy of you. and the belt may bo located by the The crop of clover seed in the “Thumb” taunt once made that ho had better She never knew her own mind. Tlioro throe bright stars close together and In turned out splendidly. A Bad . firm ('IIATTKII II—('oiitliiiird. marry soruo one besiiles “a nameless, are truer iieurts, hearts longing for a a straight line—draw an imaginary line I paid $93 for six of clover seed last, nobody," ho calmed down, love they Avould eherisii and novef be­ Aveok. Ono liour went by—two. The supper with the eye passing through Touri, a put on his hat, and Avalkod from the tray “ bell ranj;, bv>t Beiitrice never left ner little to the loft and a little below the Bea ’eka Tj attempts at incendiarism house like ono in a dream, Ids lips His hca I liad sunk on his breast. Ho Pleiades; miss the Pleiades and run the have lately been made at A'ernon. and task. She w'as writinj? now. A siiiKo- firmly set. but sick at heart. boL'evod noAV, and hisJieartwas broken, lar feature of chirography, liers, it line through the principal star of An­ people will now ’ engage a night-watch- Ho Avent straight to the seminary. Beatrice had druAvn neai'er to him. dromeda as far beyond Touri as Touri j man. Heems. for she wrote witli a coarse pen. There Avas that in liis heart so manly, Her eyes aglow, her < heeks throbbing, is beyond Orion, then carry the lino a in a bold, masculine hand, and then Pkof . M. O. Gkaves was at Cheboy- 60 straightforward, so Inclinod to doubt lier hand upon h s arm, heart and soul little farther and find the comet. If I gan bound ov ’or to the Circuit Court on with a lino ono in delicate Itahan the falsity of the woman lie liad so breathed fortli the secret that had made characters. this is not coniplicuted, taking the big ; a charge of falsely certifying to nom- blindly trusto l, despite the terrible evi­ her life one great void of misery since star in Andromeda and make the base ' inations. She manipulated, tlie two letters, so dence in ids hamls, tliat, Hiough tlio she had first soc'n his hand.some, earnest of a right angle triangle with the dissimilar in appearance, folded them, meeting killed him, he was determined Geokoe Leininoek , a German resid ­ placed them in an envelope, carefully face. first of the lesser stars above. The to have the matter settled noAv and With a sho.'k ho lojkod up. Wonder- perpendicular at an erjual distance Avill ing near NIt. Clemens, took a dose of added the superscriptions, and then, finally. strychnine in a fit of despondency. Ho stamping the envelopes, put on her j ment, intelligen o in his glance, it drove rest on the comet. In a straight line Ho Avould demand lo see Edna —ho her buck abaslied. Avas 70 years of age. cloak and hat and stole from her room. Avith the base of this triangle is the An­ ! Her face betrayed her secret, she D. NI. Neatj E, an .Yustrallnn, noAV Down the dark hall, through the front Avould show her tlie letter.^. His pldlan- dromeda nebula, and this is half way throplc Iriendsliad more than once told loved h nil His face told unmistakably beloAV the lower lino of the visiting Bay City friends, has in his portals, out into the road, aiul town- him that all AA'omankind were changing that ho read that secret aright. possession the watch Avorn by Lord wards she sped. At the village post- butterflies of sentiment. If slie liad otllce she paused to drop the letter into “Oh! how couhl 1? But 1 pity you so! Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar. indeed only played Avith his heart ho Think me iiii vs omanlv, but if your heart The Gratwick, Smith k Fryer Lum­ the bo.K there, and a faint gleam of a AAOuld leave her presence an 1 the place is breaking so is m no. Ho, .Mr. Mar- lamp near by showed the address ber Company, of Oscoda, still has forever; Av.tliout a word accept llio bit­ i^liall—Baymond —go! and leave mo to enough In that section to keep plainly —“Mr. Kaymond Marshall.” tlie Avreteliediiess of the i-ocret your “Done! ” she murmured, breathlessly, ter lesson as a Avarning against trusting the concern busy cutting till Aug. 1 all humanit}’, and in silence and dis- ! sulTering has wrung from my lips.” as she hurried homewards. “Cirenm- next. stances, accident, all are in my favor. tance Avait lor ttie end of a life blighted, 1 Sho \sas sobbing, shrinking, iioa '. In Ex-Gov. SwiNEFORD saj’s ho would profitless, unenduratile. eonsternalit n her eompanion regarded I could not have endured the confidences not accept another ap(>ointment as Goa '- that broke my heart, much longer. A servant admitted him ami took Ids her. She loved him! This had been eunl to the lady principal. Miss Chand­ ernor of .Alaska, unless backed by peti­ Edna will never write, her lather’s let­ the secret of lu'r Avayvvurd moods. ler lookee serious as she entertMl the Despite himsidf a great AvaA’o of })ity tions extensively signed by inhabitants ter tells mo wh3'. She will never see room, but greeted him with the geniality j swej)t his eliivalrous lieart. of that territory, her old friends again. Ilaymond Mar­ James McDonald , a prisoner in the shall will forgot her in time—I will be she alAvays bostoAved on Edna s friends. “i am sorry, ’ he said Inokenly. “.Y She started at tlic sight of his wretclied true woman ’s regard is better ihan a Sault jail, tried to commit suicide by Ids friend, hiS consoler, and then----- ” face, liowcAcr. ! false friend's treaclury. .Miss Mercer, the laudanum route. He may recover. The dark eyes glistened, the fair face “Miss Chandler,” he spoke, in his mis­ I whoa I li'iive you, it is never to know He has been in jail about two months Avas sentient with viviil emotion. Then! ery and agitation neglecting to take her ; hajipiiiess again, but J may know the on a charge of larceny. Ah! balm for the hungry lieart, love for the starvecl soul, peace for the self-tor ­ proffero.l hand, "1 wish lo soo Edna — : peace of having done my lull duty if I .\n old soldier near Harbort is train­ doAvn to ture, for word and feature betrayed the Miss Deane.” ■ iraee this iifiair ihe last. 1 ing a turkey for the AVorld ’s Fair. Ho secret of a woman who could suffer, “Edna? ” ejaculated the lady princi­ ■ must so<^ Edna —slio shall tell me from has already aocornplishod so much that pal, Avomleriiigly. "\\liy!diIET. link, of Kalamazoo, knocked a leg out t H.VI'TKU III. “Tnat she is gone?" . gone.” TWO I.KTTKIIS. from under a rod-hot stove. The stove “Cone! ” he rejicated,blankly. “Cone? There Avas no reply. Only the sub­ and the comet. The comet is located struck a child’s head in falling. The “Two letters, Mr. Marshall." When, Avere, Avith Avhom.''” dued sobs broke' the waiting silence. on a straight line betAveen the planet infant was badly bruised and hurned. IJaymond Marsh dl took the tendered “She left us lust evening. Door, dear "Yo': knoAV whore Edna is?” persisted Jupiter I’lnd the polar star. To better missives from the hands of the aiiti- Edna; lu‘r liapiiy si hoot life is over, Marshall. At Escanaha, it A\’as reported by cap­ understand the dia'-ram hold it almost tains of aniving vessels that the wreck «|ua'ed postmaster of Hoped ale, thrust and —Avhy, Mr. .Marshall!” "ie.s, J knoAv!" cried Beatrice, lifting above the hea'l and face the east.” ono, an ordinary business missive, into Ht' had arisen to ids fei't at her first her face, fiashiiig with jealousy ’ and of the steamer Gilcher, Avhich foundered The Holmes ’ comet, the name Avhich in the recent gale, has been washed his pocket carelessly, but the other— startling A>ords. Ho felt his senses reel­ , emotion; “but do you Ihiiiti I Avill tell has finally been a.;reed upon by astrono ­ his brightened and his pulses came ing now, and swayed where lie stood. ' yon —senfl you lo b<*g at the feet of a ashore at High Island in Luke Michi- mers in the absence of any other def ­ glHl. <}uickor. 'Tlie sight of sir h vivid emotion in a AAomau uriAVoithy of you? Leave me! inite name, Avill reach its perihelion “Erom Edna, ” he murmured, reeog- stiong man alarmed the gt'iitle lady. I If you are sulTering, 1 am tortur d. Dec. 27, Avhen it Avill be as near the sun The Calumet and Hccla Mining Co. Jiizing the humlwriiing on the envelope. “»ioon!” he choked out, waving Ids j Oh! cruel! cruel! crut'l!” as it can get, tlien will i)ass around and at Boston declared a dividend of $5 per ■■ Someth ng al out the reception to ­ linnd agitatedly. “It is nothing. 'I'lie ' Her frantic, hands swoj.t the open go back on its journey into space. sliare, i)ayablo Dec. 1(5. Ibis makes night. I hope that tire.somo Mr. Brins­ sho: k, the suddenness ----- ’ portlolio across tlie desk as she shrank In regard to the assertion of Professor $2,(iOiJ,flO() paid in dividends thi.s year, ley is not to be her escort. It is too “Surely sho wrote ^ou that she Avas I from him, hiding licr humiliation, her Colbert that the earth is liable to collide and a total of dividends of $38,850,000 precious, too sacred to read here.” going.' ” i jealousy, lier love in hot, burning tears, Avith the comet. Prof. Wiggins says: to date. Ho reacn<‘d homo and went to his “.>(). That is----- You say .-h ' Avent j .Ybouo to speak reassuriagiy ’ to her, to “You can judge as to the danger of that Huron County boys will bo taught room with a gay song on liiA lips. The last evening? ” ! plead Avilh her ancAv for the knoAvledgo i when I say that Father Sechl, the cele­ that it doesn ’t pay to have “fun ” in memory of the girl he loved was al­ “ Yes. ” I lie so i raved. Baymond Marshall started brated Italian astronomer, a fcAV year.s church. A deputy sheriff arrived at Bad ways with him, the possession of a ‘‘.Vloiie? Why did she Ioua 'c so ab­ as if di'alt a smideii blow. ago Avas looking thro;igh his glass at Axe with four kids from Huron. They sliy, dainty epistle from her enhanced ruptly? ” I His ('y’cs happened to fall to the open this same comet Avlien he saw it burst were arrested on a charge of disturbing its sweetness. His lieart hung on the rc'pl}-. Miss pordolio. He i t coiled, stared closer, in tAvo, thus bi'coming two electrical a religious meeting. “Bather bulky," he commented, as he Chaiuller’s face fell. i and then siuang to his loot Avith a Avild, comets. These ha\’e since gradually AV. ,V M(’Arthur , of Cheboygan, carclully out open the envelope, as if “.Mr. .Marshall,” she said, in a low, ; inlcllig 'iit, hopeful cry’. receded from each other, and are now have just purchased enough timber in every scrap of paper her liands had subdued tone, “you must not a-k me. I I For upon a sheet of j aper, writt<'n considered two distinct comets and Canada to run their mill ten years. touched was precions. “Mr Marshall— liaA’e plodg*;d myself to imiKe no expla­ , tliore indubitably by the woman Avho have periodic timc.s cut rely dis ­ This is ono of the best points on tho why! what is this.'* Oh, Edna! a joke, nations. In fact, I know very liit.e. j bad just so shame-faeo'ily confessed her similar. There is no danger of lakes to cut Canadian timber into lum­ SI cruel hoax, surely." She leit in safe hands, of Hint i am as­ I love, was tlu' reconi of hatred and their running upon each other ami Avhy ber, as rafts are not exposed to tho The words died in a gasp. With star­ sured, and she will never return to IreaclH'iy that had so near.y blighted should they run against the earth? fury of Lake Huron more than twenty- ing ej’e.s Marshall surveyed the letter Hop<*dale. It has depressed us all; but ■ his life. Moreover, some of the asteroids, as for four hours in transit, before him. Thou staggering to a seat, surely she Avill soon Avrite lo you and ■ There Avero the first experiments of instance Molpoinonc and Nyassa, are he sat glaring at it Aviili colorless face ! the clever forger to simulate Edna George Stockruroer five years ago explain. ” continually crossing and rocrossing the left his home at Marino City for the mid ehille 1 heart. "Miss Chandh'r, I must know wlier.' Deane’s handAvriting. Tiiere A%as a path of Mars, and never collide Avith A formal dismissal, a cold, precise copy of Hie he had received that AVost. P’our years asto last .August ho Edna Dome has goiu'. You must tell that planet. Comets, hov^ever, may do sent a letter from AV’ashington slating disavowal of all the past, the cruel I morning. Tlu're, too, avus the mc hidden dream! What is alone know Avliero Edna Deane has largest number of resignations thus far, given and tho engine stopped, Avhen the .\mi the principal opened the door ami victim was found to be Bainey Novarre, this?" closc'd it upon Baymond Marsluiil and gone. 1 know that sho will iiev*r tremu- i noA ’or to rest fill I tin I the Avonian 1 ters to make an agreement with the in Mundy. Avilh it by a hasty, careless hand. Ions emotion, tlie l.alf-represse 1 fright ] love. Hie victim of some dark plot, if 1 most prominent candidate for the office Daniel Finch , aged 93, was picked It bore writing —not Edna ’s Avrlfing. that his iiostess betrayoti pursue her half Hie Avorld over! ” by which the former resigns and opens up at Saginaw after he hail slept out of A dagger seemed driA'cn to Bay Mar- “ Mercer,” he sj oke, lionrsoly, ' He strode from the r.ioni and the the way to a political opponent lo suc­ doors for throe nights. Ho halls from tiliall’s heart as lie tore it fro', and the “I have come to ask of >ou tin* ip tor- i presence of the woman of whom he liad ceed him, provided that the latter pur­ Grand Knpids. bold, masculine chirography danced be­ matioii tliat Miss Cliaridlcr rofuHes. made a releiiHi'ss enemy as he spok*', chases the office outfit. The resigna ­ AirousT AV ett, aged 20, died at Sag ­ fore his vision. Wliy dii o rcs^ onding to his ardent ex­ useless." u plot that would daunt, appall, and The Council of .Ar'hbishops decided to do great bodily harm loss thaa pressions of dcAotlon her iiypoeritlcal “ Dseless?” ba’fie even his bold eourago and try his thatthe faculty of the Catholic Univer­ murder. thinking sity at Washington shall bo reorganized. iieart Avas of Barton Brinsley. "Yes. hhe has left the seminary, loyal soul a A by an onleal of fire! Nothing has ns yet b. cn heard ol Thti complication was maddening. Hopedale, her friends, forever. She has ITO HK CO.NTI.Vl.'r.I). 1 The steamer Bose Lee, loaded with John Braniff and John Sodorstroni, tht! With eyo-< da-ho I with the insanity of gone lo her relatUos under a vow never cotton ami merchandise, was destroyed two missing Grand Marais fishermen

.\ndrew Durke<^ and wife visited the Legal. family of C. C. Gregory, hi Owosso, last THE NEWS Thursday. Schedole of Teachers’ EiamiDations Dutcher’s Cash Shoe House, L.OUIM D. (iiuns. Kditor and IToprietor. Afiss Alberta Stevenson ate turkey with For ('lliittui ('ouiity, Governor Winans ill Ids home in Living ­ The mone\'-savin^ place to buy all kinds DcWItt. KrtUny, SepteiiitsT «0. 1H92. TUESDAY, NOVKMDEU 21), 181)2. ston county. Ovid. Krtdnv, OrlDher *iH, IHDg. Kt. Jolins, Tliui-Htlity mid Friday, ^Iim li 2 of reliable Footwear. William Driinson is again at his tuisi- and a. ismi. For the beet watch ropairinjr to ness ottlc*t*, having bo<*n confined at his DeWItt. Frlilsy, Mareli *21. IHPJI. Warm Li.ied .Shoesin abtinduiice. At the n'Kiilnr exmidiiiitliiiis.exHininutloiiH y'''Tht ^ Y Kn‘i>j)H, DeWitt & Co. We defy coiniRdi- home for six we«*ks jiost. for First mid .Second (irmle willroiiiiueiii-e at n o’clock A. XI. on tlie first dny, mul for tlie Mishawakee, Pontiac and Grand tion on fine etijfravinur. Tlilril Grades at 1 o’clock I*. M. on tin* first dav. All otlier exaininations bcKiii ut N THK SCHOOL COLC.MN. lVr2WWi:..ETM. o’clock .1. M. It. .M. WlNS'rON, Dujiitls Knit Doots ns low ns the Essays due Friday. (’oiinty Coimnissioner of Schools. lowest. lleineinber Major Uenderehot at New­ Loa Travis is imjiroving. Duy Dullam’s Great German 1.') cent ton Hall, Dec. 7. Liver Dills 40 in eiu*h jtackage, at Travis Dohert Duck is gaining slowly. A Daker’s. We sell the good ohl Dost on ,Iohn C. Hicke in contined to bin home .Miss Kinne sjient Thanksgiving at her Duy I)ulhim’s Great German Lo cent with sickneHH. Liver Pills 40 in each package, at Travis Dubbers to wear over tiiem. home in A’jisllanti. W. C. Lyon went toConway, Mich., last A Daker’s. The class in A’irgil have finished the Duy Dullam’s tlrcat tJerman 2.o cent WAVEDLY School Show still Tuenday ni>;ht. second book of the .\eneid. Cough (hire at Travis A Daker’s. J. 11. Fitt^ and family were visitorn in Th<* greatest worm destroyer on earth lea«l all otht'rs for service. No m(‘<*tiug of the L. L. \. was held OwoHHO Thursday. is Dullam,s (in*:it (lenmin Worm Lozen- last Friday night on account of the gi'rs, only 25 cents jier box, For sale by DEAIE.MDED, the Money Saving Mias Loretta Key non was home from Thanksgiving vacation. Travis A Daker. I Ypsilanti ov»;r Thaiiksgiviiif^. Dny Dullam’s Great (h*rman 15 cent ' jiluee is' • Paul Jamison, John Gkm 'ii, and Charles Llv<*r Pills 40 in each package, at Travis C. S. Allison and wife enjoyed last Patterson, of the junior class, art* the A Dakei-’s. Tliursday with relatives in Owosso. color bearers for the next two weeks. Dny Dnllam's (ii**nt Gi*iimin 25 cent Mrs. K. 11. .titken. of Flint, is visitinj; Cough cure at 'I'l nvis A Daker’s. The sett»*<*s with arm rt*sfs, ordered Duy Dullam's Great Gernmn 2.5 cent Airs. Thompkins Abbey, of this villap:e. some time ago for tin* high school room, Cough t’ure at 'I'ravis A Djik<>r’s. tv. F. (Jaidner, of ()wos^<'o, made St. Diiteher’s Cash Shoe House. have ai-rived to take the jilace of the old Johns a business visit last Wednesday, Now Try This. nH'itation chaii-s. It will cost you nothing timl will stirely Itobert Liimbie and family was the Miss Jennie Neil, of Grand Haven, a do you good, if you hav**a Cough, Cohl, jjjuest of his biMther. .\1., in Ovid Thurs­ friend of Miss P.romh*y. was a visitor or any troubh* with the 'I'liroat, CIn*Hl or Lungs. Dr. King ’s .n 5‘w Diseovery for day. .yesterday. (p’lvis. (’ouHumjition, Coughs uiid Colds is guar- ORBIT - & - VALENTINE, TIMETABLE Dorn, to .Mr. and .Mi-s. Ed. Dost, of uut(*<*n in number, went to tiranil Raiiids.. l'0(")O O 40 Newton Hall uiion that evening. Ithegranery to bi* weighed. The total heard of or nnti ied article w hich you an* Call and examine onr G. R. & 1. .Fct... 1025 7 20 told is as good, but be sure and get j Ferrysluii-jr...... 8 ;5() Alarried, at the .M. E. iiarsouage, Nov ­ I W4>ight of the.sevenl<*<*n was 1,987 jiounds. Dnllam's. All druggists ki*i*|iit. , Grand Haven... 8 .*55 .Milwaiiki*e))y H ember 22, in this village, by the pastor, ! The iu'jiviest was T. C. .\very, wiiight h'or sale by'ru.vvis A Dajx KK. j Empire Chicnjfo l)y St C. O. Ttifuuas, .\ll)t*rt E. Dobson to Miss I 212 jioumls; tin* light*>st gramlnught«*r, Spe<*lni«*ii <'*s, | Before buying elsewhere. EASTWA Itll, Sar.ili .Shersvood. both of Diugham. I Carrie Lii, the youngest of the comjiany, S. . liffonl, New Cassel, Wis., was| .Married, by Dev. \V. Aihm, at the j weight elevi'u juuinds; averagi* weight troubled with Neuralaganiiil Dheumatism ! We will sell the BUGGIES residence of the bride ’s parents in Diley, 1 1 Hi |(oun‘’, 1892. i'lilipill Ciiillltv CIiriHtiaii i:n(l«‘iiver GARDLESS OF COvST. ion duci*d in flesh and strength. Threi'j .1 udget'ranson i(>-ndjudged Mrs. Emma botth*H of I'J'*i*trie Ditters cured him. 5. Q a. in. II. 111. )). 111. F». in. The lifth semi-annual eoiiveulion of I Edward Shejiherd, Harrisburg, HI., had GORBIT & VALENTINE, Grand llnven L r*Z...... 9(1(1 2 10 8 0.5 llamilton, wife of .\iarii>u iiamilton, as tin* Clinton County Clirisfian Emh*avor a ruiiiiibg sore on his leg of eiglit years' | Ferrysbui,;...... xS ...... ‘*>05 2 15 8 15 insane, on .Monday, and for the third WulKoi* Wlrool , W<*wt. -5 h Cnion will b(‘held at St. .lo'ins, on Fri­ standing. Csed three bottles of Electric i G R & I .Fct...... ii= ~ 0 -FO 1005 :i .52 1025 time she was letunieil to Kalamazoo Ditters nnd seven boxes of P.ncklin'sj (»rnnd Ra))lds..-r 0.50 1020 :5‘2.5 1055 day and Saturday, December 2 ami .\niica Salve, and his leg is sound and | Lowell...... 7 20 1055 R 58 1150 asyiuir.. = — a. 111. well. .lolin Sjieaker, Catawba, O., Iiail , Ionia...... '< 7 45 11*25 4 27 12.'17 Degular meeiing of the K. C). T. M. Tin* ••fuivenlion will o]»*n at 1 r.’lO i*. five large fever sores on bis leg. doetorsl The New System of p. in. said he was ineiirable. One bottle Elec-| St. .Fohiis...... 8 ,”,(> 1217 5 20 2 14 Thursday evening, D»s*. 1. Nomination .\i., I)ccemb«*r 2. at tin* Congregational 1 Owosso .Fct...... 9 02 1 15 0 00 8 10 of oflicers and othei- bu-'-iness to come be­ trie Ditters and one box Dnekh*n’s.\rniea j a. ni. cliui'cli, and <-los(* Sundny morning, Salve cnr'*d liim entirely. Sold by I'ildew ! Diiiand...... 5 20 9:5.5 1 47 0 55 85.5 fore 1 he :i.. ..ling. .Ml membeiv. reiiuested 'rin* eonveniion nddrees will In* deliv- Hollv ...... 0 05 1014 2 20 7 40 4 47 A Alillman Drugstore. • ' i 1 I’ontlac...... 0 45 105:5 :5 05 H 25 5:57 to be lUVe'cnt. ! cred Friday evening Ly Dev. L. D. T(‘m- .Mll kci* .It t...... 7 :50 1 1 :50 .'5 45 9 05 O ;5() Mi.s.s .Inlia .Morey, a sophomon* at tin' I |)le. jiastor of the First Dnjitist church. .Mothers A ml Daiiglitei's. | I)I-:TR()IT.....\r 7 4.5 1150 4 0.5 9 25 7 00 Over 1 welVI* years 1 was afllietei] with i The Sealed Bottle. fr*trf'hnlrCar, I5iiflVt Car and Sleeping Car I'liiversity t)f Michigan and her sister, Lansing. .Subjt*ct, “.Snj)n*me Greatness ” a very serious female diflieiilty and for' .Service. Ali.sH I’earl .Morey, of Ladrange, Illinois, .M r. T**m|)h! is an easy, tor(*iblc s|n*aker, l-:nstwiird, No. 12 Fins Pnllninn Rleejier, tiiepuist sixteen nionl hs was under treat-| THE ^ILK IS MGHE CLEANLY, Chieago to Detroit. .Vo. II lias Wagner spent the festal day in the home of Mr. ' and th«‘ ojijiortunity to ln*ar him should mciit of lliri*!* of the v(*ry best jJiysicians | CFiaIr C’ar, Grand Rapids to I'ltrolt. and .Mrs. E. E. White. ! not be missed. All young ji(*oi»le not that money could cnqjoy. Cnilcr thcii'l No. 18 has Chair Car, Grand Rajildn skillful I l•l•atlncnt 1 gradnally grew worse j Not being cxjioscd to the to Detroit. No. 82 Fins Wagner Sleejier ] regular church atb'udniits, are «*sjM>eialy (irnnd Riqiids to Detroit. Aliss .Mamie .McEcheran, of Detroit, until t hey decided tliey could render me I odors and contaminations Wi*st ward. No, 1 1 has Chair Car, Detroit was the guest of .Miss Mary Hunt last invited to atti’inl this im*etin,g. iiojiei iiiniii lit helji. One of my friends to Grand Rapids. .Vo. 15 has Wagner Par­ . Following the a(blr(*ss the local so- of city air; to the moving lor Car, Detroit to Grand Rnpiils. .No 17 has we(!k and Sumhiy. Aliss Hunt f young ladies No. 81 has ’A agner Sleeper. Detroit toGrnnd visitors tiiid d* ‘l«*g;it( s. taking three bottles, can say 1 am in to the rain; to the drip from Rapids. last U’edne**sday evening, in honor of her better hecith than I have 111*1*11 for twenty .FNO. W. r.OT’D, KEN. FLKTCHFK, Traffic .Manager. Trnv. Pass, Agent, friend. Tak** Notici*. years and am now sixty years old but the soiled handsofthe driver. THO.M AS P.RO.MLEV. Aarent. St. .Fohns. The Dolitical Farce, entitled “.'''hall the Dr. Hess, of Gram! Dnjiids, is emiuent- fi*el as Young as thirty, Juiie2. 1890. Mks .,s. E.C.\iM*i:.\'rKi:, Liijner, I men be allowed to voti*? ’’ given at New­ ; l.v siK'cessful ill tin* treatiinuiT of cainnirs, WILL KEEP SWEET LONGER. i coiisumjition, and m fact, all long-stand- For sale by Ta.wis A Dakk .u , ton Hull, D<*r;ember 7, should not be I ing diseases, us many resi(h*titH of ,S|. When drawn from the ud ­ -THE- missed by politicians. I’oimlai- juices, i.lohiisand surrounding country can tes­ \'«*cy :iliicli Siir|>ris«*il. der of the cow to the Milk 10-2."*-.‘{H cents: r»*served seat sale at tify. I have 1)1*4*11 atllictei] with neuralgia for Protector the cover of the Littell’s. j Th**doc'or ’s skill is woiidcrfnl, how- nearly f wo years, have tiied jihysiciaiis ^ ' ev**r, ill the treatment of cancer and lung and all known remedies, but found no j pail kec])S out all hair and .Misses (Irace Hunt, Leah Fowler, ; troubles for many stubborn <-ases that lieiimineiit relief until I tried a bottle of! dandruff, also filth and odor {^unclay {^un. Florence Wilson and Alyrtie Wise, and ' have b(*ermaiii*nt relief, I from the stable. The milk I cur(*il. ing sjieiit 'riianksgiving with jiarents 2.5 cents jier liotth*. Signed by A. D. j is then removed to the milk i This se<*mH murv<“lous yetis neveithe- 5iii*ll, Hainillon, Alich., .\p»ril 11, 1891.1 $2,00 a Year. and friends, home from .Vnn .\rbor and j less true. For sale by 'I'ravis A Dakei- | house, cooled and bottled Yjisilnnli. I Dr. 11 (*ss, of Grand Dajiids, will aguiti ' be in St. Johns Alombi.v of ii«*.\t w«*ek, immediatelv. The I’olitical Farce will be presented at I Dec4*mlM*r 5tli, and can In* consnlte4l in Hnrklln ’s Arnica Salve. Newton Hall, Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, I the jiarlors of Tin? Sti'cl. 'I'lie best In the world for cuts, Druiscs CHAS. MORELAND. Containing more reading Major Hendershot, the Drummer Doy of Sores, Fleers, Salt Dlieiini, Fever Sores, j K<‘><4tIlltil>IIH. 'I'etter, Cha|iin*d Hands,C ’hi!l)laiiis,Corns, j matter than any magazine the Kajtjmhannock, and his son will nnd all Skin Erujitions, and jiositivel.v lliuhlishcd in America. a.ssist. Thes<‘ gentlemen have a world Di4*4l, ()ct.4)ln*r 'll, 1892, Airs. Alary cures Piles, or no jniy reijuired. It is wide rejuitation as the greatest drummer I Gibsqii. a charter m4*mber of DeWItt guareiiti*i*d to give pei-fi>ct satisfaction Machine Repairing or money refunded. Price 25 cents jier and tifers of the day. Graiigi*, No. 459. OF ALL KINDS, WI»4*P 4* 4iB. ill vlfw i»f till* IfiHH iiiir DPiler lias box. For sale by Fildew A Alillman, .\d(li*<*Hn In an attemjit to loosen a stick which siiHtaliii*4i by tlieileatii of sfst4‘r. anil the St.Johns and Fowler. had biHiome lodged in the saiider at the still greater loss Hiistaliieil by those iieapi's! Snglxie and Soilor THE SUN, j mill ilenrest to her. that It Is ii'jnst triluite to factory lasc Tuesday, U. (J. Dejude had I the memory of the ileiiaxteil one, mill also to .St. JohiiH .^larkcts. j the family to expri*ss our sympat!iy. 'I'liere- ISTorls, etc. New York. his right hand caught betwis'ii the feed fori* be It (Corrected this niornln:;, Xoveinher 29.) rollers. Ib was drawn into the imvddae I !b*solv(*il. that while we eonilole with the White whent, new or old,...... U7 I family of the ihn-easeil in this tlieir great sor- No ‘2 Ited W’hent, new or old...... 117 Done Promptly and until the resistance threw off the belt I row, weeominenil them to Him who orders Outs...... aa Fred . F. Murdock . I all things for the best mid who enlletli Ids Alsyke (lover ...... "»o warranted at stojijiing the machine. The joints of the children hnine ns he has need of them. Clover .Seed...... $7-t7.2."» fiiigei-s and knuckles are crushed to the Iti'solvod, that n copy of these ri'soliitlons Kiirley, per cwt...... H0-$t .1 .T —DKAI.ER IN— he forwarded to the family of onr di‘ceiised I’ye...... 4." e.\t«‘nt that he will jirobably loose the sister; also, to the Grange Visitormideonnty Uorn in ear...... 20<'i/.2o papers for niihlicatlon and that the Grange ('orn, shelled...... 40(n:4.'> use of the memlier. charter he ilratied In black IIO dnvs. Ilenns, iiii|)icked...... 900f 1 ..*{0 mriRBLE AND GHHNITE. .MltS. VAU.NKY PEAUCK. Kenns, hand pirked...... l.a.'Cd.l.90 The following ajijieared in the Ellens- .MUS. GKOItGE SIMMO.NS, Hny...... ■f.‘i('iif7 burgh Cajiital under date of Thursday, MltS. wii.lia .m holt, I’otlitoes,...... 40(ir oil (’oinmlttei*. Hidi*s, No. 1...... awaiA HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMETERY WORK. November. ’!: “Mr. Rodney I’almer and Hides, No. 2...... 2(

Miss Sadie Ryan returned to (Jeary's YOU CAN HUNT business eolle^e in A'psilnnti Monday iinvin 4<: sjient T'hanksjfivinj? at home. .Miss Mattie McCall, preceptress in the schools at (irand Haven spent Tlmnks- Kiviiif? wei'k with Rev. and Mrs. W. C. m Allen. T. Danister, one of St. Johns former photo>?raphers. is now eny:af?ed at Ithaca having!: fomed a jiartnor shij) with Ihm. Daniel field. Mr. and .Mrs, Sam. Knilfin, and .Miss MiifiKie Dowerman, all of Driton, werelhe Thanks^ivin;? f»uests of .Mr. am] .Mrs. (). L. Vreeland. .Married at tin? home of the bride's parents in Duplain. Nov. IHth. .Mr. TO BE GIVEN AWAY! Frnest W. Foot of Diiij^hum Mich, nnd Miss Nejiie .V. Drown ot Duplain. Volume 1, No. 1, of the .Morley Tribune is at hamJ. It is a f^eat iiilprovement over tin* piwious issues of The llubburd- ONI-JFIXE ston .Vdvertiser of the sume parentage, Joe Tneker, Wallace D(>ldiiig ^'a.vlor Stockton, Vet Jason, Kd. nnd (M;ar (’ase, .Mvin Staples and Wat Denton, re­ THIS SEASON turned from hunting near (laylord, last SILVEITGOFFEE urn Friday. The Whipple harrow company are to make the frames and tt*eth used upon YALlIIvD .\T .$25. their as soon as the new building, 40x()() feet in size, is comjileted in the rear of the nuinufacturing sh'ip. D. II. lN)wer will bo assistant cashier igh and low and you of the Oakland County Savings Dank One ticket will be given on this won ’t find elsewhere in newlv organized in Pontiac. His po ­ Fine Urn to every purchas­ H sition with the State* Dank of Fowler town another stock of Cloth­ will be tllhHl by a gentleman from Lowell. Do not fail to hear Itev. li. D. Temple, er to the amount of $1. ing and Furnishings ecpial to pastor of the First Daptlst church in lain- slng, who will speak upon the subject of that on our shelves and “Supreme Hreatimss’’ in Newton hall WE HAVE THE next Friday evening, Dwember 2. This tables. We alwa3"s consider will be the convention address of the Clinton county Christian Kndeavor Union Largest Stock, ([ualit\' first, prices next. held Fridny and Saturday. All are in- Investigate. vitcil. Best Goods and The Kings Daughters reaiize<]f20from their well-attended party. Thecostnmes Lowest Ph of the daughters, most ancient in origin, wer*f worn witli a grace which added IN CLINTON COU.NTY. greatly to the charm of the evening. Miss Hattie S<>nmnn carried off a knm- mor, theprize given to the lady driving o, the most nails into a block in a given time. Rev. W. (\ Allen in-esented it with a pleasing impromtu spe«y;h that would havewon applause for (Jiancey Dejiew or Mark Twain. H. H. Fitzgerald won a |etween spring and the blooming SILVER IS THE ISSUE. Work of the Agrlrultural Department Re* d'lSe 1 let tne trade go by. 1 was period. The novice will note that viewed by Kunk. ’ WILL Bi: FOUND IN THIS DE­ feeding 100 head of liogs on corn and this fall pruning applies to late bloom ­ CONFERENCE NOW IN SESSION IN BRUSSELS. The report of the Secretary of Agri- PARTMENT. slop made of wheat middlings, J fed ing plants. Spring blooming slirubs cultuto has been submitted to tho Presi­ turnips Instead ofslopand found they should receive their main cutting dent. The report begins with a com ­ (ioiue Well let'll I’l'iiiclplen uf did as well on corn and turniiis as soon after blooming, in order that the Itosulta Hoped For from tlio ristherliiK;— parison of the ex­ Krpeiliiig: —A Natvbiifik—I'ptMl they had done on corn and slo|), I young wood on w'hich will come the Ameriraii CouiniWiilouerM and Tlieir port trade of tho \’lew» -Secretary Fouler llopeit for a So ­ the lIoK-H Turiil|>H —Itiiy titMxl Cuttle— cut with a corn.knife a bushel bask­ following season ’s llowers may have last liscal year etful of them twice a day and fed to an opportunity to get the reijuired lution uf tlio Frol>lom. with that of form ­ ITurifl uiid lIouHoliolii Nuteit. er years, and em- four milch cows. There was an in­ growth. Serious mistakes are often For a Nrw Standard. crease in the milk. 'I'lie flavor of the made on the season for pruning, as I haslzes the fact ItretAliiit Mutelieil l{orHi>«, The Tntornutlonal Monetary Confor- that of tho more milk from three of the cows was un ­ the thousands of llowcrless slirubs There are few men, even among once, which has begun at Jfrussels, Hel- than $1,1)00,000,- changed, while that from the fourth throughout the country bear muto gluin, will doubtless be the most im­ 000, represent ng those actively engaged in the hort>e- one fa greedy eater) was considerably witness. So-called landscape gard- portant gathering of recent years so far the exports of our hreeding industry, says a corresjiond- tainted by the turnips. With a fa­ ners (.self-styled) arc at the l)ottoiu of as its effects upon tJio fiscal policies of A domestic products ent of the American Agriculturist, vorable fall a good crop can bo raised the mischief, going over grounds in the world are concerned. It will be of for tho last year, who fully realize the long and ex- if sowed as late as September. the early spring and ruthlessly cut­ especial consequence to the inforests of nearly 80 per cent, Iiensive searches that arc made by the United States, for this is the chief consisted of agri ­ ting without regard to the season for silver-producing nation of the world, I horse dealers and by the agents of Tlie Mii\vl>iick. blooming. cultural products, wealthy men to secure well-matched and upon the results of the conference this not only mak- This cut. Fig. 10, shows asawbuck Itny tiouki <'utllo. will depend in a largo measure the ma­ sKCRKTAuv HfSK. iug tlio United jiairs of horses for carriage driving. extension, useful where the timber is terial prosperity of several States of the We have advised dairymen who States tho creditor of tho world lor a It is not essential in a great number long. The same principle of con ­ Union, whoso chief wealth consists in sum exceeding $200,000,090—the excess of these cases that the horses be fast struction is shown in the ordinary wish to improve their herds to at­ their mines of argentiferous ores. of our exports over imports —but re­ trotters, but it is of the tlrst im­ tend public sales of pure-bred dairy The conference was first proposed by lieving our homo niarkets from a surplus portance that the pair match well, stock and buy cows or bulls, if they the Congress of tho United States, and product which would otherwise have re­ and after tliis that tliey move witii a can do so at reasonable price.s. At after consultation with representatives duced prices to a point below the < ost stylish, high-stepping and high- a recent sale of (luernsev.s, in Phil­ of tho leading foreign pow'ers its details j of production. For a largo share in spirited gait. Such horses, matched, adelphia, the average made was about were formulated and delegates appoint ­ bringing about tho conditions which ed. These consist, on tho part of tho have made these gratifying results pos ­ are worth very much more than $80 , some cows selling much below United States, of ox-Comptroller of .Hg IQ) that figure. A good pure-bred dairy sible tho Secretary claims credit for his double their price wlien sold alone, tho Currency Henry W. Cannon, department. owing to the diHiculty that is cx- cow is worth from $75 to $100 if she Senator William H. Allison, of In regard to imports ho finds e.icour- j)crienced in atlemiiting to cater to buck. Fig. 11. In Fig. 12 we give is fed and cared for as she ought to Iowa; Senator John 1*. Jones, agoment for tl>o farmers in the fact that this desire on tlie jiart of wealthy an improvement to the ordinary buck be. 1 his is not mere say so, hut of Nevada; President E. Benjamin In spite of an aggregate increase there jicople to indulge their fancy in an that will be apparent to any one wlio can be jiroved by figures from actual Andrews, of Brown University; Con ­ is a reduction in tho proportion of im­ attractive pair of carriage horses. would like to work his big two man practice. Wo don ’t advise anyone to gressman McCreary of Kentucky; and ports consisting of protluets which com ­ Edw'ard O. Leech, Director of tho Mint. pete with our American agriculture, for, The following of the well recog ­ buy a pure-lued oil! no on “Tho Gold Dol ­ as still far too great. He instances $40,- lar,” and ills viow.-i art* almost radically Coach, French Coacdi, and Cleveland care as well as feed) he will find the OOO.OOO worth of animal products, $07,- against free silver. Director Leech be­ (I00,()0i) worth of filmrs, $'27,()(.t),Ooo worth Hay, and could make use also of stall­ most profit in keeping the best cow lieves that there is too much silver In he can buy or breed. At the sale of hides, $:i0,li()(),00() worth of fruits and ions that had been thus bred, he tho market, and Congressman XlcCreary wines, as articles of this kinds, and cites could count quite conildentlv on pro ­ mentioned, we noticed that a bull is inclined to side with Senator Jones, tho imports of raw silk, amounting to ducing wliat was desired Hut the < aif sold for $9, which was low enough although by no means as radical on the $25.0(10,000 yearly, as an instance of average breeder has no such facilities to suit the purse of almost anyone. subject. l)roducts irnportotl which could with at hand. He must use such marcs as We don ’t understand why it is that DiitleA of tlio Moiiiborit. proper encouragement be produced in he has, or can readily obtain, but so many dairymen will breed to com ­ The duties of the delegates have been our own country. Ho declares these even under such circumstances then; mon or grade bulls when pure-bred clearly defined by tho act authorizing figures to indicate tho main ultimate ob ­ cross cut saw alone. The sawing arm is an intelligent way to proceed. ones can be .so cheajily bought. It is the confeionco and also by tho Secre­ ject of tho work of the department, into which the saw is inserted is which ho defines, in brief, as “tho A well-shaped marc may be bred about time that the iirejudicc against tary of Iho Treasury, They have au­ slotted, as the saw will reijuire free­ thority simply to discuss and propose, closest study of all markets abroaI11U Doolarod DC. well-niateil pair. If one is bre(‘ding A FtMliH'r I>rH{;. ma.s8 of silver dollars monthlj’ w’ould horses as a part of his farm oper.i- (li'T your grass early; it is more ai>- drive more bullion abroad, and in that The groat strike at Carnegie ’s Home ­ tioMs it is not dillicult to secure mares Take two jioles 1-1 feet long, 2 cross way favorably affect the silver market. stead steel works has been declared off. pieces, 2 standards, 3standard braces, No proposition looking to .an indorse ­ After a live months’ struggle, which for that bear a close re.scnibianco to each (Inow such crops as arc adapted to bitterness has probably never been other, which, if a person is limited to your soil. 2 cross braces from standard to the ment of free coinage of silver will prob ­ runners: another cross stick: all sc. ably be submitted by any of tho .Ameri­ equaled in this country, tho army of the of only one marc, he may, as O.NK can plant more than he can strikers flnaliy decided to give up tho suggested, breed for two years in suc­ cured with bolts. Take the hind can representatives, cultivate. I iiiportiiiicc oft lie <’oiiferonc well mixed parity between the two metals while whore member.s of tho Amalgamated Edl 'cate the lintter-maker and pairs may come when well-built trot ­ with the soil. limiting ihe silver coinage, will be fully Association of Iron and Steel Workers ting bred .'stallions arc used, but the ]*Low deep, according to the char­ slaughter the poor cow, if von cxjiecf represented. India, which is suffering were employed. Tlio hitch was on what financial convulsions because of its sil­ past breeding of such animals usually acter of t he soil. to make any money out of dairying is known as the sliding scale. It is a SiiOKT pasture makes a sliort yield ver basis. Will have Its own representa­ scale which regulates tho men’s wages makes the chance of uniformity of TiiEiiE arc no weed seeds in com ­ tives, although Groat Britain will dic ­ form and qolor in the otfspring de ­ of milk unless supiilcmented with a by the market price of stool billots. mercial fertilizers. tate Its policy. Mexico, which is on a Nearly every mill in this vicinity signed cidedly remote. Attempting to .se­ grain ration and plenty of foudci purely silver basis and has a largo S.MALL farms do best they corn. tho scale, including other mills of the cure such uniformity can certainly they are best tilled. direct trade with Europe, may help in Carnegie Company. At tho refusal of result in no loss, if the attempt be solving tho problem. A CLAY soils needs much care to IlititM to lloiiHckcepers. tho firm to sign the scale for the Home ­ made as suggested, while it may re­ Many suggestions have been made stead mill, a lockout was declared by keep it from baking. Put t«tlt on the hot clinkers in your for the guidance of tho conference. The sult in a quick sale aud a largely in­ stove or range after raking down the tho Amalgamated Assoeiatioii, and they creased profit. It is a great mistake to stint in one which has been most discussed were joined by the mechanics and lab­ amount of grass seed. tlrc^ and it w ill remove tlicm. among financial authorities is tho orers, who struck out of sympathy only, m.V Vear’H I'rollt. O range peel dried .md grated proposition of Dr. Seytbooer, the em­ their wages not being reduced. The My poultry account for 1891 was .Suvi'r/isl'iil IMaiitlii):;. makes a yellow iKiwder that is dc inent Austrian publicist. Ho has sug ­ strikers wore determine 1 to keep non ­ gested an agreement by which the union men out of them! 1 and arloptod mil­ not large, but it shows that iKUiltry A good experiment was made in licions for favoring cakes and i«id- countries taking part in tho conference will pay for itself if cared for in the timber planting by H. Hathaway of clings. itary discipline. Tho sUiry of tho arrival should limit silver coinage to certain and bloody fight with the Pinkertons right way. 'I’lie feed cost $27.01,and Michigan, which lie reported in the Flint glass ground to a powder and small coins, none to exceed in value the July 0, tho subsequent riotous proceed ­ they were credited with eggs .sold to I’ralrie Farmer. He set 150 trees, mixed witii tlie wliite of an egg twenty franc piece. It Is stated that ings, and tho calling out of tho National the amount of (5.79, chickens 2«.2r», alternating with sugar maple and makes one of the strongest cementJ while silver could not thus bo placed Guard, and its departure after three eggs used 2().5.'{ and ."> bbls manure at white jiine, one rod apart, along the known, on a parity with gold, it m'ght be months’ duty, is too well known to re­ maintained at a ratio of about twenty peat. For six weeks tho mill has been 75c, .'L75, making a total income of roadside. They were placed on the a A i.VANi/Ei) at tides may be cleaned (>.‘1.29, and leaving a profit of .‘O'.2.". west or windward side of his culti­ to one. Tho actual commercial ratio Is running almost as w’ell as before the by a solution of one part of borax to now about tweniy-Iovir to one. The The account docs not include the vated farm. They have served as a strike, but until within the last week the eight parts of water. Huh on well coinage ratio in tho United States Is strikers have steadfastly refused to ad ­ chickens eaten, and values the eggs windbreak for twenty years. He has w'ith a hrush. sixteen to one, in tho Latin Union and eaten at 25c per doz.. I have kept 18 also set a line entirely of , mit defeat. To iiE.MOVE bits of from win­ most Uuropoan countries fifteen and a hens most of the time. My hens arc which lie procured from a natural half to one, and in India fifteen to one. RICH FOR ONE DAY ONLY. Harrcd Plymouth Hocks, which 1 growth some miles away. The maple dow glass, put some soda in very hot Dr. Seytbooer ’s plan Is declared by water and wash the glass with it, think cannot bo c.xccllcd for all pur being an easy tree to transplant, very those who have sfudied it to bo too in­ •HoMonKPr Daiflry Taken 9100,000 from poses. It took me only about 20 min­ few were lost. From these maples using soft llannel. tricate to meet with general adoption. tho L'nltotl Staton F.xprrnn Company. O ne of the easiest wavs to catch The whole aim of tho Brussels confer ­ George J. Buglcy, a messenger for utes each day to take care of them, or he has made syrup and sugar for ten ence will bo directed toward practical three hours a week, which gave me years without harm to the trees. lip a superfluity of water on your tho United Stales Express Company, color picture is to lay on a clean sheet measures, without seeking to revolu ­ appropriated a package containing $10(1,- 20c an hour. I set 82 eggs and This reminds us of a plan jiartly car­ tionize tho existing relations of gold of blotting pajicr. (H)0 in paper currency, which had been hatched out 78 chicks. My hens laid ried out by another pi'rson. The and silver, which could only bo done by placed in his care In Omaha Thursday IGOf) eggs, or 1.3.‘H doz.. an average of public road pas.scs through his farm Dark blown sugar slowly dissolved universal remonetization. night to bo dolivcied in Chicago Friday 89 1-0 eggs i)cr hen. The liens were with a slight and uniform ascent. in a little water on Hie stove fur­ The Fi»rel>jii DeleRW^e*. morning. Just twtjity-four hours after kept shut up from April to Septem­ I’lanting a line of sugar maple trees nishes a syrup scarcely inferior to the The delegates from other countries as the money had been missed tho thieving ber and let out a few minutes before ten feet apart along the Ixjrdcr of the prcKluct of the maple. far as announced are as follows: messenger was arrested in Chicago by c ready lor usc'. Charles Frcemantle, K. C. B., Deputy was locko l up in the safe of tho United New York. tree, and thus collect the sap from Wet boots and shoes may be kept Governor of the Mint. States Express Company in Chicago. Turnips InntoMd of Slop. the whole in these successive troughs from slirinking out of shape wlicn Government of India —General Illch- Bagley obta ned tho money l»y a bril­ at the iiottom of the descent into a nrd Strachoy, G. P. 8., formerly liantly laid scheme, but once In his pos ­ A correspondent says: Last j'car drying, if, as soon a.s taken off, they suitable evaporating pan, where the arc tlglitly stuffed witii newspapers. member of tho Indian Council; Sir Guil­ session the weight of the currency was I had an acre that was too wet to pure sap can be evaporated into white ford L. Molesworth, K. C. I. E. too much for his discretion and ho com ­ plant in corn. Almut the 15th of Au­ If the stovepi|>os arc found to be Franco —M. Tirard, formerly Minis­ pletely lost his head. In fact, ho was and crystalline sugar. —Country (icn- rusted when faken down, rub tlior- ter of Finance and President of Coun ­ gust I sowed two-thirds of it in tlcman. ______‘‘scared to death,” to use his own words. turnip seed. I would have sowed all onghly with lard. The good pipes cil; M, L. do Llron, high official in the And his actions subsequently do not be­ of it. Init 1 did not want to fool away I’riiiilii7 .SliriihN. may also l>c prcservcil in tlie same Department of Finance; M. de Favillo, lie them. way. high oflleial in the Department of so much time. Late in the fall I Late summer and fall blooming Finance. “LorRiiABt, I maj’have but a mo ­ pulled 150 bushels of turnips. 1 tried shrubs may be pruned this month.aml OiiA^LOTn.s should never be washed Switzerland —Me88i*8. Cramer, Frey ment to speak with you. My dear, be to sell them in the home market. 1 make a much better appearance in hot 8oaj)5uds; they should first be and I ardy, Minister at Paris. a goofl man, bo virtuous, be religious, One merchant finally offered to take i through the winter. They may tie washed clean with lukewarm water, Italy—Messrs. Luigi Luzzatti, Kamore be a good man; nothing else will give one or two bushels a week at tlftecn I pruned as sharply as desired, for the tlien rubbed dry with a cloth wet in Semonolll and Domenico Zappa, all = you any comfort when you come to lie cents a bushel, provided 1 would take j bloom coming on the vouih : shoots milk. members of tho late Parliament. here."—Walter Scott. Tiik fatnlly physIrJan. Mrs. Helen R Wa«te end tVent. Fhullers, 4:iO Wiilnut .‘•t., Ht‘M(llnK. I*h.. VICTIMS OF A MADMAN. A waste of llcsli and a want of digestion. ‘‘Wo always use Falvutlon Oil for These go together. People who cannot aa- what It Is recunuiiended In pluco of a simllate the food they swallow must, of neces­ physician. It never falls." INNOCENT PEOPLE SHOT BY A “German sity, lose bodily substance. To remedy this, CHICAGO MANIAC. 9? FITS^All Flt8Btopp«'r render digestion easy and thorough with hioi-ve Xeotuier. Nu Fits alter (Iratday'H uim <. Mar^ llostotter's Stomach Bitters, a tonic famed \eluit« cures. lYeatlse ujk I trial bottle (roe to Yvtle of tlt« Murderer and a l*oUre Otltcci Fit caans. beud to i>r. Kliue. *JU1 Arch Ht. I’blla. l’«. tho world over for its strength and flesh- Wounded by tho Frenzied Mini—Follee- yielding qualities. Appetite and sleep are Syrup EASYTOTAKR iiieu anil a lilg Oowd Held at Hay — both Impaired by IndlgeBtlon, wiitch begets Mt)b t'toleiieo Xarrowiy I'revtvnted. JuDGi?J. B. H ill, of leie Superior — Dr. riorco’s nervous symptoms, heartburn, flatulence, Court, Walker county, Georgia, Pleasant PoUeto. irregularity of the bowels and pslpitiYtion of Biimllest, easiest, Heed ol u Dcniuii. thinks enough of German Syrup to cheapest, bosl. the lieart—the hitter often being erroneously They’re tiny, llormun Sioglor, u cabinet maker, liv­ attributed to disease of that organ. All these send us voluntarily a strong letter sufjar-couted, ing at No. 7 ‘2d North Paulina etreot, manifestations disappear when the Bitters Is endorsing it. When men of rank anli-biliou3 gran* Chicago, got tij) curly tho other morn ­ resorted to. Mtlirla, rlieumatl.'mi, liver and and education thus use aud recom ­ ulos, a comnounti ing. Weill lo ills brotlter ’a house and kidney trouble are effectually counteracted by mend an article, what they say is of refined and 1 borrowed a Rliotgun on the pretext that this superb corrective, which is not only ef­ couoontrntod worth the attention of thepublic. ho wanted to go hunting, returned homo, fectual hut permanent. vogotublo ox- shot and killed his father and mother- It is above suspicion. “ I have used 4^ \ tracta. Without disturbanco or ! in-'uw, seriously wounded ills wife, and Tniiisplaiitliig. your German Syrup," hesay.s, "for trouble, Consti- ' llllod a pollconiua ’s nose full of buck­ Sumo interesting results con"erning Airs. Ellzooetu Meiutev my Coughs and Colds on the Throat ttion, Indiga’tion, IlUioiis Attacks, Sick and shot, ho in return getting a bullet In his tlie transplanting of Yvere inen- Baltimore, >Id. and Tungs. I can recommend it for ilioiLs Headaches, and all dorangomonts of abdomen from anotherolllcer ’s revolver. t oneil in a recent paper read before tho "Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is a wonderful medicine. Cthe liver, stomach, and bowels aiH) provontod, them as a first-class medicine." — His Yvork of death was done mainly in Eiliub’.irgii Botanical Society. A iium- For 10 years 1 had Neurnlglu, Dyspepsia and iXelievcd, and curod, Pertnaiicntly cured, Take no substitute. tho house in wliieh he lived, but after b<*r of trees Yvere tmiisplanted at an f’Hliitiug spells. Kometlmes I would he almost too. By their mild and natural nc’tion, those {Kilicemen were suinnionod the buttle stiff Yvlth cold perspiration. I weighed less little Pellets Icatl tho system into outural early age, some later, and some left in than 100 lbs. and was a picture of misery. But AT ways again. Their influonc'o lants. waged between liini from the house and the seed bed. Measurements of their 1 began to improve at once on taking the ofllccrs from the street. He emptied girtli, taken annually since 18i)l>, show Kvcrythiii" cat.irrhal in ib* nrittire, a double-barreled shotgun at them a conclusively tliut tho transplanted oaks dozen times and bullets from thoir re­ Hood ’s Sarsaparilla mtarrii itself, nncl all the trouble.^ that are aliead at b'ust fifty years of tho and am now perfeetly eiiri'il. I eat yy ’oII, sleep come from catarrh, are perfectly nnil volvers ll<*w’ in Ids direction ni rapidly others. Merely lifting the trees was well, and am in perfect health. Instead of permanently cured by I>r. Sage ’s Ca­ us lingers could jmll the triggers. also found to inaketliein mature rapidly. being dead uoy 4’, I am alive and Yveigh 142 J f AKE tarrh Remedy. Xo ’matter liow bad 'I'housands of jMH)plo attracted by lh< lbs." .Muk . Er.tZABErii .YIesseu , 13 Flast Bar­ ney Street, Baltimore, Aid. your case or of how long staudiug, you fusillade swarmed around tho house, How ’s Tills 7 and w’heti Odxmr Dan McCarthy finally Wo offer (>no llumlrivl Dollars Itoward for any IIDDD’S FILLS ttTe purely vegetable. can be cured. rase of Catarrh that cannot bu cared by Hall a A grappled with and ovet'came the inur- Catarrh Cure. dei'or, lliey in riy howled for his blood. F. J. CHKNKV & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Some one sfarbul tho cry’, “lynch him!" Wo. the underslgifo I, have known F\ J, Che- r.oy for the last fifteen yeara, and bolloY’o him and It Yvus taken up by e.\cited men and ))erfoctly honorable In all buainoflR trariBa'dions ^PLEASANT Yvoinen. -\lthou.’.li four patrol-Yvagon un>) flnanctally able to carry out any obllgationa loads of olllcers were on the ground, made by their ilnn. Wkst Mon fought Yvith each other to get ut the syatem. Price TSc per bottle. Sold by all NEW AND Mr COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Siegler, each liowling “Kill him!” Druggists. TeHtlmonials free. My doctor says It nets (tcntly on the stoinnch, liver “1 ynch tho brute!” Step by step, tlie and kidneys, and Isa pleasant laxative. This drink Is made from herl)8, oud is prepared for use os easily officers, Yvith driiYvn revolvers, loreed White leatl is poisonous to most peo ­ os tea. It is called their Yvuy through tho crowd, and eY’en ple; hut there are examples of individ ­ Yvhen the prlstiiHir was pliic d in tho uals Yvho are unaffected bj’ it. John LANE’S MEDICINE East'Chicago patrol-wagon tho danger Jarvis worked for over fifty j-ears in tlie All druggiMU lell it at !i0c and $1 (mr package. If yuu canoot H, »rfid V(*ur address for a frifC taiitplc.»*** Kainily Mrillrf®# Yvas not oY'er, f<'r tho liorses were well knoYvn white lead « stablishiiiciit of liip bowrl* (’Hfb dav. In ordrr L> U* hraithy, luii ii uece*- L lary. Addrrat UHATGU V. WOODWARD. LiR*»v, N. Y. F thrown back on their hauin hes, Yvhile Wetherlll A Brotlier, rhlladelphia, and !»f£NT10N THIS PAPER wmbn wi.iriatt to apriETiasaa. men tried to elimh over tlie Yvhoels and nlYvays enjoyed good health. He lately steps to get at tlie object of their Yvra'h, died of tdd ago. Thomas McCann yvas Ho was linully rernoYcd in paletj’ to tho anotlier exanjilc. He Yvorked over llfty- East Chicago Avenue Police Station and live years In the same concern. I A Choice Gift V V V^* * sulKsetjuentij' to the County Hospital, Both the method and results when “Voiir Work in IJfe.” It Cures Colds.Cougrhs.Sore Throut,Croup,Tnfhien* Tho result of tho ino.'ning ’s bloody Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant i A Grand Family Educator sayWhoopinfc Cough, Bronchitiiand Atthmo. A Avork was; A series of 13 articles by successful men in and refreshing to the taste, and acta certain cure for Coniumption in firrt itagei, and ns many i-uraults is one of the many strong % A Library in Itself ■.* *.* * lure relief in advanced stagee. TTse at once. Oeti'l. groups of ui'ticles which are announced In The gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Henry Silos, GtJ years old, Xo. 723 youth's Vompnuiou for "The Bravest 1 The Standard Authority You will aee the excellent effect after talcing the Deed I F2ver Saw" is the toplcof another series Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ first doae. Sold by dealers ftve^whcce. l^ge Xortli Paulina street; shot in face, arms, by United States (ieiieral.s. 'J'he prosi>ecFu8 for ^bottlei to centa and $ 1.00. p and bodj-. the coming year of The iUnnimuion is more tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ Mrs. Caroline Silos, 70 years old, Xo. varied ancf generous than ever. Those yy Iio aches aad fevers and cures habitual A haimless posi ­ Mibscribc at once will receive the imper free to Lydia E. tive cure for tho 723 Nortli Paulina street; shot in breast. Jan. 1, 18113. and for a full year from that date. constipation. En ’rup cf Figs is the worst form of I'c- W'uiiiideU. Only 11.76 a year. Address 'i UE Youth ’s Com- only remedy of its kind ever pro ­ Pinkham’s male Complaints, I Bertlia Outlnnau, 8 years old, Xo. 245 FAXION, Boston, Ylass. duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac­ Vegetable all 'Ovarian trou ­ West North avenuo; shot in left hand by John * Whitman *, the man Yvho lifts ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in bles, Inflammation scattering shot. (‘>00 pounds Yvith his teotli, pushed a its action and truly beneficial in its and Ulceration, Jeremiah U’r-onoghuo, police ofllccr; Compound Ireiglit car Yveighing 30,(00 pounds effects, prepared only from tho most Palling and Ids- shot in face uiid neck; not seriously. along X sYY'itch on North street, Bulti- jilacemcnts, also Herman Siegler, ;I7 years oM. No. 723 moro, in tho presence of about 300 peo ­ healthy and agreeable substances, its Spinal Weakness and Pcucotchoua. Xorth Paulina street; sho.. in abdomen; ple. It Yvouhi have required the strength many excellent qualities commend it It will dissolve and expel tumors from the may reooY'or, of elglit ordLnary men to move the car. to all and have made it tho most uterus in .an early stage ol development, and Jleriuan Siegler, 30 years old. popular remedy known. 'Cl.ccks the tendency to cancerous humors. No. 723 Xorth Paulina street; shot in C i.KAyusKSK, exercise and diet are tho It removes faintness, flatulency , weakness face and neck; will recover. rnrdliiul Y-lrtues of good healtli. Take care Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c of the stom.acli, cures of tho first two, and if you know how and and $1 bottles by all leading drug ­ NEW FROM COVER TO COVER. Bloati'Ug, Headache, whattoeat you need never be ill. It Is Fully Abreast of the Times. Siegler made tho folio,YY-ing statement; gists. Any reliable druggist who Nervous Prostration, rluUiied that Garfield Tea, a simple liurb may not have it on hand will pro ­ Successor of tho authentic “Una- Oeneiral Debility, “About 8;30 o ’cloc't this morning 1 Yvent remedy, overcomes the results of wrong ' bridged.” Ten years spent In revising, ^ Sleeplessness, Depres­ to my brother William Slogler ’s liouse, living. ______cure it promptly for any one who 100 editors employed, over $300,0()0 ^ 803 North Hoyne avenin*, to get a gun, • expended. ______sion, Indigestion, that Important to Fleshy I'eople. wishes to try iL Do not accept any as I w'as told by our Lord God up above SOLI) BY ALL BOOKSELLKBS. feeling of Hearing Wo have noticed a page sutlcle in tho substitute. down, cansing pain, . to go and get a gun. I yyuib born to Boston Globe on reducing weight at a very GF'r 'I'llK nF.t4T. realize this oountry. The Lord said CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Do not huy reprinia of obsolete e<1lttons. weight, and backache. ^ small expense. It yv IH pay our readers to Send for free janiphlet rontnlnlne specimen < All *l)rii2;?i»t« »ell il. or ient to me, t i-d.ay is the day of Judg ­ send two-oent stamp for a copy to Betlna SAN FRANCISCO, CAL pstesniiil i ri.I, I'AHTICI’LAHS. t>y mail, iii form of fMlii <»r on r#c€ipl of tin OO ment, and yovi have got to be there. Circulating l.lbrury, 3(> E. Washington __LOUISVILLE. AT. NEW YORK. N.Y. O. & C. MKRRIAM CO., Publishers, Jdrer PlIU, Corr^-Corrr- . ^ I brought the gun homo uud I'ut It in street, Citicagoi, IIL Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. •pt>ndenc« frfFly aiMwcird.i TKNMSON. t AdtlrfM in confidence. tho eJothes clesot, and after aYvhilo I Lv U14. i:. PlNKHAM MKU. C(>m The distance of the horizon is goY’- ’Phe poet Tennyson yy 'hs fond of liis LYMX, AlAbB. took it out. Then my mother-in-laYv came doYvn stairs. Sho is a Yviteh. Sho erned by the height of tho eye above the pi lie, but lie was e.xeecding suseepti- said to me' ‘Vou haY-e got to die, and earth or sea. On the sea, with tlio eye iil(? to the charms of pretty Yvonien, I Yvlll not go wher-e you Yvnnt to send at a height of five feet, tlie distari -o Yvliorn he was willing to grant any Unlike the Dutch Process me,’ and I shot her in tin* hall. The old Yvould be three miles; ut sixty feet in favor to. In his later years he had 'So Alkalies man eaine doYvn-Ktuir^ and I YYas con ­ height, ten miles. the reixitation of being morose and — OH — fused, and I tired at tJio old man and It IS YVKI.I. TO OKT < I.KAH or A COI.I) llkO discourteous, especially to strangers, w shot him. I tlu n cauio out ( n the steps llr.-it week, but it l.s iiiucb better and >afer but this was because he was so bored Other Chemicals aiMl tho patrol YYagons can>e. Then I to rhl yourself of It tiie first forty-eight by them that they became a Y critahle preparation of YY'us dumfounded. I have been sick hours- the proper remedy for the purposu 4iul been le(*ling bad for sometime. ” being Dr. 1). Jayne’s Expectorant. annoyance. He once had an Auht I- ^ W. DAKEK & CO/S It is stxongiy believed that Siegler is in­ can arrested and lined because the sane. Hoyv MANY' pooi'lo Yvlio boast of the latter in his zeal had climbed the 91069021 higli standing of their Jineestry are us poet's favorite tree and cut olf a l.irge Notes of Cnrrent Kv«‘nts. careful as they might be always to branch Yvhich he was going to fasliion Tnr. St. Louis Drug Trust has col ­ susttiin tho chiiraclor of their house For SF.rOND-llAXD rRINTINO M.ACHIN- •r/ife/t <* abaolutelj/ doYvn into a Yvalking-stick as a memento. jtur« aoluble, lapsed, owing to cuts in jn'ices, and hand it uniinpaired to tliolr F.ltY and allow liberal prices for the same in ex- deseendunls? —Boston Home Journal. How many jieople would be willing to chanite lor new. Our stork of Cylinder ITesses, Job i ■ Itliasoioref/ianfArecfime* Thk late .iami's E. Hodge, of New stand admiration to go at sucli Icngtlis PreMses, Paper Cmtcrs and Gas F.iiKines is the largest 11 the strength of Cocoa lui.xed York, has left $1,U(HI to Hope College, to be found in the city. If j-oii wish to trade or buy I with Mtai-cb, Arrowroot of One a night for a week will euro any caso as thi.s. The ikic I's death was caused Mudiigan. of Constipation, Small Bile Beans. let us hear from you. YVe have barKslus to offer. _ Sugar, and is far more ooo- by liis own imprudence. He Yvent CHICAGO N'KYVsI’Al’I'Dt UNION. 87 to B3 fiomical, costing leas than one cent a cup. Fiy r. atternpis luive been made by In­ boiitli Jcfl'ei'Hoii Street. Cliieairo, HI. It is delicious, nourishing, and E.iSiLT The manager of tho ’I’lioatro T.lbro riding insufficiently clad, took cold, digested .______cendiaries to burn tlie viflage of Ncyv - says lliat lie will have no more Ibsen. custJe, I’u- and it settled upon his kidneys, as all Sold by lias disetivered another dramatic colds do to u greater or lesser (*xtont. irxiTKi) Statics Senatoi ; Kexxa , of 'W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Masc> g<<;nius in Spain. The result was an attack of pneumo ­ EPILEPSY OR FITS! West \ irginia, yv Iio has been seriously lano. Die o. I’liELP.s hhoyvn . laoa. ill, is Iw'tter. USE BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES nia, which jiroved fatal to liim. 'ihe noted Herbalist and F.l’lI.FPSY SPECIALIST Ely's Cream B^'m f<»r Coughs, Colds and nil other Throat I’neumonla can he cured by tlie use discovered that Epilepsy ailsts from a peculiar d» c2¥ar V o Haiui Y' Layia N, n joekoj', yyuis crushed 'I'roublcs.—“Pre-t'inlnently the best.”—Jtec. raiiKemeiit ol the strniach. and prepared his Cele- WILL, CUr.K of Reid ’s Geb.yian Couoh and Kid ­ brst>d Herbal Ih medics which remove the above lOiMHtAV b}’ his horse falling on liini at Columbia, Henry Want Hmhrr. conditions and thus cure the disease. Ihey have S. C., and Y\iil die. ney Cuuic, because this great remedy cured thousands of cases. Keiid for Testliuonial} and his “'lYe atlse on the Cause .ind Cure of F^pilepsy.' Siu’KF.TAin' Eostek estimates that HiHD and H bottle in the hand is at once incites the kidneys to action, 47 Gi-hik I Street,.Ier»ey <'lty, N. J. $25(i,()0(l.(i0() Yvill annually be roijulrod Yvortli tYvo boarding house dinners any- and t lius relieves the congestion of tlie roo*»*«*****«a***o* •••••••• ••••*«>• Fric* CO CoiitH. for pensions in a foYv yeais. Yvliero else. RIPANS TA BULE8 re«rulateV lungs. Get this great remedy of any the stomach, nr< •r and bowels. nuri-X i oktion '2i)C, t\ the blood, are safe and etfeciaal Apply Ualni into each no'^tril. A ' of flio Yvall of the Plant­ Snmpir I*ii 4‘kuge .'Vliiiled I'reo. druggist. Small bottles large 50c. the l)eet medicine known for bilious- * LLY blUUil.. S6 Warreu bt_ f. Y. ers’ Press YY'HH blown doYvn at Vicks­ Addiers Small Bllo Beari.s, New Y'ork. ft. Sylvan * Re.yiedv Co ., I’eoria, Ill. ness, constl^tion, dyspepsia, foul# breath, beodache.mciiULl depreosion,* burg, Miss., by a Yvind storm. painful digestion, bad complexloD.A When a belated liusb'ind comes in by and all dlaoosea caused by failure of A FAT FOLKS REDUCED OvEi: 1,70(1 I orsons Yvero converted at tho stomach, liver or bowels to per-# /■> Mr«. Alio# Muple. OrPBoii. Mo., writwi: the rov.val meetings ut Kansas City, the YvindoYV a llaliron is apt to fly out at EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE iform their proper functions. Persons given to over-# 1 \ ul / i “Mt Kel.*ht wan.viO iK)uiid».»ow it (m 1#5, tlie door. that Opo . S. SltiKcr luannfai'tiirra tiio lx's! InciihatorH eating arc benefited by taking one after each neol. ? A redurttoa. of 12b Iha." For circular* addrfiM, with 6c., conducted by the Rev. H, F. Mills. and Brooders ever Itivented lor hatebiiiK and ruiainit Prit-e, ft: fomple, 16c. 4t Dniggiats, or aer.t b\ mall, i iJr.O.W.F.KNYUEU. MoVlcWor'aiiifaira. t.'htcacu.IIU chirks, tiirkpjra, and ducks. Addreiw (iFAIKOf. S. :• KIPANM CHKHICAL CO.. 10 Hpniee 8t.. New York. ? MI-NTIIIN TDIS PAPITR »hi< «>lTi«a to Attouney GEM'.UAL illLLEi: will Eon sick hoadarho. dizziness orswlmmtng hJNtJKK. f'HrdiiiKt.iii. Dbio. lor ('atalnain* practice law at Washuigton after retir­ In the , pain In the bark, body, or rheu­ MkNTlUN Tills rAPKR wmiin warriNa to ADTiBTiaaas. t.tNTION 11118 FArfelK wa.ui wairisu to ADTaariaaas. lENSIONlCSKS^-'S.’o^ ing from President Harrison ’s Cabinet. matism, take Bcecham’s Pills. The Afk’Intn KolmPlNiit. discovered In Coiifo, West "Succe««fuHy Prosecutes Cla^s. .A NEYV llepublb-an morning daily '1'hf. race ie not always lo the horse AsthmaAfrica, la Nature's bure A8ENTS WANTED ON SALARY Cure lor Asthma. <'ur«> Ga»naiit4>^ or Ko or commission, to handle the New Patent Chemirat paper is to be established in Cincinnati j’ou put your money on. Fay. Export OlTlce. 1164 Broadway. New Y'ork. Ink Era.xiiig I'eiicll. Agents making 950 |>er week. LAtcVrlucTpal KzannL.-r U 6. Faaslon Burwau. Yvith $2iMi,0(Ut capital. It YY'ill l o known FnrXjitrM Trlnl FRKI-; by Mail, address Monroe Eraser .Mauiifact'iug C'o.,X8M),LaCrus8e. YVla* . Svraln la^t wwr, IbadJudtca-i ’igcUliu*, attyaluoOk Pains from Indignation qnlrkly rollovod KOLA II^OBTINO CO., 132 VlB*«t.,0lDelaaatt.0hio. t us tlie Tribune. MftN’MON IHiA PAPI lK wusn wmrifiM to AUVflHTiasu. MENTTOff TflfS PAPXIt waaa warr aa to AOTaarMtaa. with one do» 1) r« Klilll.t: UmiiKandH. S4-tidS0.’(urHuiii- pla and 20 platPM. W'laoti Novelty ('<>.. Latiranv,'.land, occurred IIL at JeliersonY ’ille, Ind. ITIVdlW WITHOUT*A TEACHER ! MENTION Tins PAPER waa- waiTiaw to He.uviRTiaBBa. Yvi'.s W yeari ohl, Tl»«» NFW ^ ORK “WOni.D” says : One of the wntiders of the nineteenth century is Poper ’a Tnstan. taneuUB Guide to Ihe keys of tho piunu or organ - to teach any person to play npi>n either piunoor organ YOUR inCOME: J^pend a few hnnra daily — (’aft . IiiviNO has been relioY'ed of at onee, wlltiont tho aid of n toai her, and the price asked for ft (tl.Wii is a mere trlflo when compared to prolit ♦! ti) g:l —li'.trodiKinu nn',-HhHry tho comnianil of the 'I’eutonic. 'riie tliei>enefit tohederMel^xlon,l Tea publishers from |>er*onB who nro using tho .No|aT Instantaneous niiislc. sp.'ak none too highly of Ha merit. free World Aveiicy ., It.TH, 187 I.aMulle St.,Chicago. steamship company disapproves of his i Btlla. Sant pie freo. UAKriKU>TKA rr> ,S1SY^ BESTMENTION POLISHTHIS PAPKK »INhii - THE tWORLD.<> .dtikti —u .. “record I reaking ” speed. Price, Including Set of Ten (Mb Piece* of either rhurcli .Hus Ic or Popular Ainu Address , SOPER MUSIC, 62 Wdrlo Building , New Y ork . A I’KAiKiK lire in tho Missouri botfnrna Cures Constipation waiTIKW TU swept over a tract three miles Yvido ana >o, 40-0^5 twenty miles 1( ng. Six hmidrod stacks IMorpliino Habit Cared in lO igh FIVE OR euchre parties to 20 r pack for the slickest carrls youe»ershuffle«l. F*or In Ihre lutprr. The contest of tho YY’ill of John Two- f l.ou) you will receive ffn-e li-e hrl>y expressi teu packs. lilg, a banker of Han Antonio, Texas, MLhliu.T mia I'AI'UK WBiriM* TO ADVISTUKM. has l.e» n settled, liio Catliollc Church, to wldeh he loft, liis entire lortune of Illustrated Publications, PISO’S CURE FOR WITH MAPS, dasoribing CwosnmpIlTe* and people $8h0,()0(>, accepting $iO(),nHH. SHILOH^ Mlnnaar.ta.North Dakota. MontsDS, DO NOT BE DECEIVED _Idaho. Waahlagton aad Oregon, th« who have weak lung* or Aath- i ndeh idURE. with Pastes, Enamels, and which C tho (onstitntional amendment REEPRESFREE OOVBRNMBNT ma,should use Plso ’aCurd for Consumption. It baa cured Rtaiiithe hands,Iniiiro tho Iron, and burn adopted at the Georgia election, there is NoLOw price ! ! IklVlffVi off. The Rising Bun Btovo Polish is Bril- atar’Miiwr. r thnnsunds. ft has not Injur ­ doubt as to tho time the Legislature ed one. It la not had to take. liaiYt, Odorless, Durable, and the con- convenes. It Is beliowd that the j'res- It is the beat cough ayrup. guisier pays for no tin or glass package ent l.oglslnturo met illegally, end that Cnren Conanmptlon, Congh.'i, Cronp, Roro Sold everywhere. 85c. with every purchase. Throat. Sold by all Dniggiit* on a Guarantee. f^Thebe*tAgrienI»TiTaI,Qr*iin*TheKTi bMi OrAEfffi#LANDS aha andI Tirobar tho imiugnration of Governor and choice ----- I.andf now open to tattler*. Mailed FREE. Addraa* CONSUMPTION. Fora lame Side, Back or Cheat Shiloh’a Porous UltS. U. LiBROK.1, I*.a« to*,., R, I*. H. U., Bt. Taal, Mlaa. HAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF 3,000 TONS. of judges and solicitors Is ulto illegal. • Platter will xw® creat tatisfactioo .—35 ceota. MENTION THIS PAI'EK was* warns* *• saTaeTueaa. the Alleu distriiit. Miss .\lt4 8cott wil Mrs. Emma Bullard, of Corunna, is soon beyjin her school at Olive Centre. making a two weeks’ visit with her Salesmen Wanted! These four young ladies are all from I)t* friends. Her husband s|)ent Sunday in Hales areshowingaremarkableincrease THE NEWS Witt schools and are very successful town. TIIK.SDAY, NOVKMIiKU 20 1802. t(*acliers ai d are retained in the same aud we want u few more men to push the Mrs. Mcl^aiigh in went to Butler, Ind., busin(>HH now. We are {laying good men Hcliuols several terms in sui^essioii. Frida.v iiioriiiiig to visit her sou Ualpb, The annual family Tlmiiksgiving gath­ from there she will ivturii to hi*!- home The Finept Lino of $25 to $100 per month ering at the home of James Furgasou was ill i’ittshurgli. and exjienses. Commission if preferred. IIICK.—in Victor, Xovwmber a very pleasant one. .\inoiig the gu(*sts 2.*i, Floni, (lauKliter of Theodor** outside the family were Fred C. Keeney, rUEK.\.—.Mr. and Mi-s. Parkinson, p]x|)erience not required. References and Ma);)>ie('nrtiH, of consumption, of North Dakota, Bert Keeney, of Perry, from ii* ‘ar Mason, ai-e visiting the IN CLINTON COrNTY. given and r*M|uired. .Vddress, stating age, na tlie third danjjfliter in h?HH than Herbert E. Keeney, of Cambridge. James Iliilse ramily. H. W. FOSTER 4 C0.| Nureerymen, Geneva. N, Y. thnH* y<‘ars. They fiuve the aympathyKetuiey of and family, of >St. Johns, J. B. E11. Cas(*, of I’oruiiiia, sjieiit Siiiida.v in llw-4 E Ke**ney and J. 1). llolmi's and wife of Euivka. the conununity. Prof. P. Smith’a conwrt Tnenday ni^tit lliley. These family i-eunions ai*<* as the C. J. Dennis is ill Detroit after goods TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION B. F. MILLER, :ivinK at home in this village lust Tuesday, Children’b Chaim, Plush ShaviiigSets (Is the Old RIak.) her home near DeW itt. Oag«*d (>"» 3*eai-s. OITTII OLIVE,—The young ladies ’ Dolls ’ Chaim, Clias. Euriner is building an addition “ Mauicui-eSets The wood l><*e at .1. 1). VanburKer'alaat club, of Detrcdt, will give a iieuiiut Doll Carriage's, Plush Frames, Monday was well attended. to Ids dry goods store. hunt and eiitei-Di.inm(*nt, atgraiige Mra. .Minnie Cobb, of (.'llieaj^o, ia viait- J. W. .Matthew-s and son are refitting Sliail, ill DeWitt, W»*diies(* CoiiHet-riitioii Siindn.v witli flic I'.pwortli l.ciiKUc. Ix'iidcr, Mrs. THE RETAIL MARKET. .Mrs. .John Smith and dtinghtta-, I']thel, Oui- jM'ople are haying plenty of nice butter now at the new cieamery. Those C. (1. Tliomiis. Kttirt .Monday mortting for Conn*H,-tici}t 'I'lie ladles' Ho<-lt*t.v of St. .Folin’s cliiirclt w-|l to spend I he winter. who have sampled it say it is the best tiny ever ate. meet with .Mrs. .f. I). <’(n-ldt. Thursday after­ Pi*rcy (lillett. M'ill Drinkerhoff, Fred noon. Dweinber 1, ZdVery Department is TSTell Supplied. rter and Frank and Will Danmgardner IL H. Hewitt was bruis(*d upijuitebudl.v Tlie HiihJ(-et for the ineetliift'of tlie Y. I*. S. liavegone to th(.*“happy hnnllnggronnd ” in it sniasli ii|» on the railroad jiboiit foiir (’. E. of the ('oratreKnllonnl ehureh, next Sun­ in the bind where game ia plenty. ndU*s w(*stof (loshen, Ind He was going day is, ‘-Kver.v Day .Mereles.” to attend the funeral of Ids fatli('r-in-law-. Everyday Mert-ies.” is the snb|«H-t for tin* In the Line ENCAIi.—Thia community wjia On Wednesday evening Mr. Ion Hewitt Y. I’. S. E. m‘*etlii«: at the lta])tiHi elnirch shocked by the tragic death of and .Miss Cora Denids were married (•■lurch, Sunday evening. All are earneslly DADXDS ’ WJLUM footwdab . Daniel .Mintline, better known as at the resideiK?** of .Kmhrose Hewitt. We invlled to he present. JtanielB Cogswell, The greater jairt of his understand both of the new- iiiurri(‘d life has bti'ti spent in Mengal where he At $90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 or $2.00, \vc can saA^e you couples wen* serenaded on Friday even­ I.U-eiise f—Erank Irer. Iten;;nl...... 25$ BERS. Nothing else in stock and All Fresh, with prices Will ^imer has his new honai? marly (uisioii and showed great thought and .Minnie -M. lllenstendt, Itlh'y...... 21 completiHl. Nov. ‘2(>—fnrlls StntTord, l•:lsie...... '{() much study. I.lhbh* S. fuse. St. .Iidins...... Sl.'i as low as the lowest. N. II. IhikiT ia still unable to use his Dwight Smith is seriousl.v ill with ty­ Nov. 2a—Erederick Welter, llenjrnl...... 'Dl Hjn-ained ankle. phoid hfver. .Minnie f. lllenstendt, lliley...... 2Jl A new invoice of Ladies ’ and Gents ’ Fine Shoes just Mrs. Steward was the victim ofua<>vere C, A. Bussell, ot Detroit, is visiting Du- St. Xb-liolas for Voiiii); I''olks. sore throat last we<*k. phdii ri*lativ(?s. received. 'I'he novelty social at the F. D. parson- .lohn (J. Whittier lonjr nK'> wrote of St. (Jregg Brothers have gone north to Nlcholjis. “It is little to say of tills inntraEine ag* ‘ Wednc.sclay evening prov«-d a very sla.v tile wint(*r w-o.-king in their mill. that it Is the liest clilldfen's periodical in enjo.vable occasion. tile world. ” Eoward l•'^:^J:leston. tlie author Mrs. .Julia .Moire, of Ba.v (.’it.v, is visit­ of'-Tlie lloosier Sclioolinaster, ” says of It, Louis Bandt, who is (‘iniiloyed at the ing her hrotlier-in-law-, Charles Bartlett. “Tliere is not om* of tlie numbers tfiat dcjes water works in .Jai-kson, spent Thanks­ not stir tin* cariosity, inform tlie nit'iuory, giving with his parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. Bi*rt Moore is home from Ids northern stiinnbite tlionnlit. nu'l enliir;;e tlie rnni;e (>f R. J. WOODRUFF. Charles Bandt. hunting trip. He reports one bird and flic imasrination." Eoiinded in IST.'l. ami two w-i*eks of hard labor. from tile first nuiiiber edit(*d by .Mar.v .Mnp(*s Little Miss Nellie Travis is the guest of Dodye, St. .Nicholas is now- entering upon Its her aunt. .Mrs. Chiir-h‘.s Bhik<'slc<* during (’.irds uri* out announcing the mar­ twentietli \car. Ttie most Inmons writers riage of Miss Hattie Colemuii, one of lin ve contrlhnted to its paires in t lie past, Init illness of her sister, Loa, who is now (con ­ never lias its editor tieeii able toolTera better valescing from scarlet fever under the Duplain ’s fairest bells, to W. S. Hull, a proi;rani or n more dist iiiKiiished list of eon- Stick Nm M anil Caplele. prominent farmer of Di]|)laiii. trllmtiirs tlian for IHp.'i. iiK'dical care of Dr. Weller. Tlie Selioid .loiirnal snys. “Place St. <)r'l’H EAST BINHHA.M.—Wniron .Nleliolas in yoiir Iionseludd, nnd you ne(*(l .\(JLE.—.Mont Willoughby has been Iiave 1 o fears for tlie lessons taui^lit your translerred to .MclJrides station Williams is building a new- house chlldreii.” 'file nia>ra/.lue is tlie jrreafest nid and left for that jilaci* Friday even­ on his farm where he w ill move in tliat fill* teaclier ami tlieeonscieiitlousparent ttie spring. .Mr. Williams and wife luive«-nn possibly iiave. It entertains, and nt tlie Eing. E, E. Snyder will sling lightning atS same tiim* edm-ntes and Instructs. The sub­ thia plac(‘. alwa.vs been young peopleof this vicinity, scription jirice Is .it.'l a year. Ileniittnnces and tht'ir many friends hi*re wish them may lie made dir(H-t to tlie imblisliers. Tin* 11. W. Partlow-, of Detroit, spent success ill 1 heir new- and liupp.v voynge. fentiiry fo., it:! East ITtli St., New York, or A FACTSoH Thanksgiving with his family here. tlirongh t Ids otII*-e. .Mrs. Emery Jones has been (juite sick I Born, to .Mr. and Mrs. .Jed Briggs,Snn- but is gaining. da.v, November 21), a twelve-jionml-girl. I DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A IJABYt .Mr. I-'red .Mnttison witli others has Maybe ynn think this la a new biisinefis, 'Pile big store room is Ix'ing cleaned gone north a hunting. pending out babies on applUuitioii; It has been out and rumor has it that it will soon be done hefon*. however, but never have tlmse oiccnpied. .Mrs. (’has. (piay has retunied from furnished been so near the orig-inal sample as Ohio nccomiianied by her mother-in-law-, thl.s one. Everyone will exclaim, “ Well ! D. T. Eddy, ot .McBrides, willrenioveto .Mrs. Map(“s. that’s the sweetest baby I ever saw-1” This our village ne.xt w-eek. lie will occnjiy little black-and-white cnffravini; can 41VO tin* 11 ill residence. Miss Marie Olcott closed Ih'I- first term you butu faint idea of tbecxciuisiteoriiripal, ol school Friday in the Krepjis district. Ed. Frost, who wtnt to .MonDina re­ Miss ()lcott has given the Iwst of suti.s- cently for his health, has returned satis­ faction. j fied that so tar .Michigan isthi*b(*st j*la(ce. .Many of oiir young men and youths! .\ light tracking snow- fell last night sjtent th(‘ir Thanksgiving hunting Tluf! and to-day it is woe to the luckless “cot ­ ipiestion is, did our forefathers thank ' ton tail" who leaves a broad trail b(‘himl 'tv him. (iod that way or not ’.* Wurreii Williams is building a new- (iiorge Cooi»er has severed busim*aa boiise on Ids farm where he will move in r(*hitions with .\1 Partlow and has his in tlie spring. Mr. Williams and wife \V~ barber chair in K. W. David ’s office foi- have always l)(*en young people ol this the pre.s«*nt. vicinity, and their many triends here wish , Toil liiti* for liiHt wiH-k, • them suce(*ss intlHur new and hajipy voy- j ______I l'WlTT.—.\s .Mr. Koher jind wife wen; on tlieir way to tin* home of OWI.EB.—.\s last Wednesday was ' .Mr. Favier they came in collission (’has. Welh*r’s twent.v-first birth­ Dw-itlia tejim near .Mr. Scott ’s and the day his friends ]>hinn(*d a pleasant X, buggy waa overturned, tlirowing Mr, Fsui-ju-ise for him. The (•veningwas pleas­ and .Mrs. l{oln*r out la-eaking Ida colhir antly spent in dancing, r(;freshments be­ bone and otlierwiae l)ndaing liim. Mrs, ing served. His moth(*r la-esentc'd 1dm Uoln r escajM'd witli alight iiijuriica. with a idee gold watch. At a late hour / ** I’M ▲ DAISY.” F. .1, Furga.son spent two dji.ya home they took their dejiurture, wishing him a long and happy life. which WO propose to send to you, transpor­ / with Ida parents. tation pui(f. The little darlinK rests uKuinst F. L. Fuigaaon Sumlayed with Idr. Mr. Can-»*tt still continues Ids cloak ! a pillow, and is in the act of drawing: off Its sale. I pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled parents in DeWitt. off and Hungr asido with a triumphant coo. (’lias. Weit/.(.-l is assisting Mr. Power in The fl(?8 h tints are perfect, and the follow It is quite necessary to the bank. | you, no matter where you stand. Theexqui- Earl S(colt Jind .M,.L Bedell,of Ypsilanti, sltereproductions of this greatest painting of spent Thanksgiving at home. Mrs. ,\i-b()ur and daiigliter arrived here j Ida Waugh (the most celebrated of mor of Theo. Miller, the world for its beautiful illustrations and Mark Brush to anriuiae him and to re­ aged five months, (liinl Sunday, surviv­ subject matter, that will keepeveryone iKist- ing its mother one week. od on all tbo topic's of the da)-, ond all tlie gained by buying of mind him that Ida birthday waa coming fads and different items of Interest aiiout the on Thanksgiving day this year. The IL N. Stone, .\ss’t. Cashier of the Stati* household, besides funiisbing interesting bank of Lowell and family, Sundayed reading matter, both grave and gay, for the evening waa passed very pleaaantl.v by whole family: and while Demorest’s la not tripjiing the light fantastic toe and nil with .Mr. and Mrs. Poiver. • fashion Magazine, its fashion pages are per­ left hoping the evening waa a fore run ­ Iveagne me<*ting next Sunday evening fect, and we give you, free of cost, all the pat­ terns you wi» to use during the year, and ner of joy for the next year. at 7 o ’clock. Subject: Tlie League, in any size you choose. Pend in your sul>- .\IisH Maggie (libson is ajiending hervn- lender, .Miss Hattie Lance. scriptlon at once, only and you will really ROCHESTEE CLOTEmS CO get oyer |25 In value. Address the puldisiier. (catlon ill town viaiting her many frienda. Miss Myra Sjierry, of St. Johns, was W. Jennings Dcmorcst. 15 East 14th Pt.. New Miaa Luln (loss is s|H>nding her vaention the guest of the Miss**s (’ordie and Aggie York. If you are unacquainted with ths Jit home. Mias Floy .Moon is teaching in Sage, a part of last we«?k. Magazine, tend 10 cents fur a specimen copy XO, 17 CLINTON AVE. ST. JOHNS, MICH.