STJOHNS NEWS V olume IY.—No. 14. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, .1892. Whole No . 170 T*rlntlnijr IIouso. rnpielly as posHibh* Iseiiig made u Sir .AIKTIIOl) OF TUKATMKXT KOn AAHKAT A.Ml Business Locals . Knight in Newark, New York. OATS. •THE NEWS BURNED TO DEATH He has always lM*en an honoraVile citi­ Thefarmer may use his ingenuity inri*- Go to the Danner He*Htfiuraiit for An ludepeiideiit NewHpa|>«9r, zen uml consistent iiiasoti. The St. gard to the treating of Ids wiieat and Sipmre Meals. ('oiife*(*t)onar.v. Ici* (Veani, Tobacco and Cigars. W. VI. Watts . PubliHheil every Tuendny from the Estee ••t’NCLK” IU>Y1> AND MItS. F.AN- -lohiiH lodg**, chapter and commamlery oats, and use* whatever convenien<;i*H he Block Corner of State uiiu Spring StreetH, by NIK JOHNSON COME TO THEIK are proud to tiiiiik that it avus th«*ir lot has at hand—anyway, so that he nc- O. <i. I‘lunk«‘(t. LOUIS L). GIBBS. l>KATH HY FI HE. to care for HO good u nmii in his lntt<*r cofnpliHhe*M the* di*Hire<I resnitv Wishes all iiersons di ‘siriiig work done Editor and Pntprietor, I .Veal’S. He was oft 1*11 spoke*!* of as the One wa.v we find convenient is to have in |>hotos, eubinets or cra.voii tngiveldiu At 75 cent! a Year atrletl; in Atirance. a cull be*lore going elMe-where, He will The Cleesliiu; Moments eif a Happy Thaiiks- old**st Mason in th«' slfito having bi*en in a kettle in wldch to heat the water quite saA’eyou money. CartlH of thunkH lio centH each. KH'linr Day in .Ale>st lleinn's Itrliii; Sorrow, i tlie order over seventy-thr«*<* yenrs. hot, say lO-n®. Le;;uJ NotlccH at ntatute raten. Marriajce and Heath notIcea free. SiiflA'i'liif; anel Deatli to a Hoiiselmlel Ev- j He was burie'el from the as.vlnm last Near this kettle ithu*e a Imrrel in Avhich AVe make a Sp*>< ialty of 2-"» cent and 50 liuHlneMK localH 5 centH per line eacli time. peetiiiK to 51ake Merry lJ|>e>n the ('online ■ Snndn.v afternoon the servi*;e*H bi*ing con ­ to treat the seed. Fill this barrel about cent Dress Goods. CuAms ik Co. KiiHineHH Directory cardn f 1 a line per ye«ir. l>a.v. TraiiHleiit advertlMiiiK pa.valde In advance. ducted b,y the Sir Knights, Ib'V. \Y. half full of hot water fiom the kettle and <'lioie*«* Farm Fe>r Stilo Yearly advortlnlinr rateH made known on Atl2o ’';iook Tliniikspiiviii^ iiiulit St. application. .Mil'll de'liA ’ering a short seTmoii. then by adding either liot or cold water, TOO acres H. w. of si*ctioii .3, Water- AnonyinoUH coinmniilcatlonH will never re­ .lolnis was aroused by an alanii tiuit tJie the temjM'ratnre of the water in tlie town. Thisis one of the ehoieest farms ceive notice. in Clinton ciAfiity; in line condition, re'Kiele'iice of -lolin .Ioliiise>ii on iiiD'haiii thehot ay .ateh tkeatment fdu barrel ma.y be kept at the di*sired height. LocalH ainoiiK rcadias matter 10 centH per largely seM'ded to clever. Ileasons for Hue each insertion. of oats and stink Into this barrel dip the Hi*e<J. strt'et near llenelorRon llrotliers fiourinj^ SMI’T IN<i sellifig, OAvner too far away to control it. Obitiiar.v p«)etr.v or reHoIntlons will posl- SMI T OF AVHE.AT, The dipping is easily eloiie by ]>lacing tivel.v not "in* liiHerted unlesH paid for at 5 niills wfiK on tire. • Tlie departineiit Avas Farther jiai tienhirs obtained of about a bushel of si'cd into a coarse cents per line. Hk .nuv ,1. I'atteiison , AddiesH all coinniiinIcatlonH to iiamediatel.v *)o luind bat all was a, total gnnn.v sack and fnsten this sack to one .At A A’e'cy Low Kstimate' the Smut I’rop of 8wl 1 Pros. Att’yi 8t. -iohns, .Mich. ST. JOHNS NEWS. St. Johns. Mich. loss of over f 1,000 witli no insurance. Mie‘lii;;Hii Has Cost Hie Fai'iiiers .Alore end of u long pole hung across a notched Tlie residence of Mrs. S. .\. (.’ook ne.xt ael- IliHii $l,l>f>l>.t>01> this A’ear. post. Don't you hn.v a [ilnsh sacqne Avithoub Oats nm.A’ be tre ated just beforesowing. first K»*eiiig what Ave offer, Business Directory . j'oiiiinji-c*nne n«*ar bnrnin.tc, the roof be- ICniToit News: Dear Sir—The sfiint of •After taking them out of the tiarrel of ClIAFIN A- Co. .VTTOIiNKYS. iiiD' badly scorcln'e! and tin* interieir wheat an*l oats is atiraiding a great hot wati'f it is bi'sf to throw cohl water j^reatl.v daniaD<*el by AvaD'f. It is co\ ’- deal of al tent ion among the farmi'is of overthe*m to (mo I them off, ami tlicn let Floor Oil OlotliK. rf'lI.NKIIAM A- CI.AKK,Attorne.VM at Law, them stand anel drain two or three'honrs I St. .JohiiH. Oftlce In ()i»era lloiiHe lllock. e*r<'d by an insurance of ^tidOO. this ami other stall's. H has b**conio For stoA’es, both by the yar*! and in I'lie most sael anel shockinfr part of the after which tlic.v ma.v bi* sown broadcast. patterns .\t .Ioh.n Hu ks'. ALItltllx;!: & OSIlOKN. OlUce over very serious, »*specially in on ts,5521' One* cuntioii to lie* obM*rA ’i**l is that of W Allison's Jewelry store, St, .Jtdiiis. affair is that .Mrs, Fannie* .lohnson, A\ife destroying more than one-tiftli ot the using no hags or e]ishe*s for fn*ate*d se*eel For the Dt-st ^2. shlM'S go to ('ifAl'fN A Co.’s. OItTON & WKl.UKIt. Olfice over .\l.\on of .lohn -lohnson, and Fncle Hud Ii Ho.A’d crop. ,\t a A’er.v Ioav estimate bas***! upon that have biH*n nse*d for the untreated & (io’s. hardware, opposite The Steel. se*<*il, nnIe*SH tlie'.v Iiave* b*'i'n s(*alde ‘d. Shoe Department. K lost tlu'ir lives ill the Ik nie*.s and Mr. actual couuls in fields in v.irionsparls of The waten* shonhl be at Avli**n the A'DN a IXXH.INO, -Attorneys at I.aw, -lohnson was badly bnrne'ei. The stoi.v St. Johns. 12:1 tlie state the hiss this .year trom the two whe*nt or oats are put in. .Allow the* Finest line of ’Fancy N’cstiiigs in town L is hs follows : smuts ex*'**<'ds :?!,J{G0,()(Kl. It is not grain to re*maiii in the* wate*r five minutes At -Irmrs. .M. II. CASTLi:, Attorney and Money Dnrinj^ Thankspiiv’inp: day Mrs. -lohn­ generally understood among oni furmers Mild ke***p the te*Mii)er;itnre above 1-‘I()°. Till* AA’iiift- Svn ’iiit; Macliiiie. W Loaner, St. JoIiiih.' If it is difficnit to k(*<*p the temp(*ratnre son had b«*<*n inakin;^ preparations toeu- that both tlie-’e smuts may be entirely The White Sewing .Mmrhine is i»ro- KDEAVA .MKUKILl., Attorneys ut up as re*qniri*d it ma.v be fonml conve ’iii- F Law, St. Joiitis. joy a Thunks;;ivi!»p: dinner njion the fol- {iieA’i'iiti'd by the .l(*nseii or Hot Water f'lit to tliji ttio w.'d into o Ituri‘i‘l ooiitiiin. i o *'0 o! , * **' '"'J*' lowifi^ day, hfiviniu: invited a number of ioK ttntn- ot lail” toftlio ,,ut|;o»,t of 1 » 'oocloo... I.ou-o, St. II.I. H. ItItl’NSON, Att«)rney at I.,aw, Treatment. M’e have carefully i*r(*pai ’***l St. Johns. 121 friends auioiiD' the'tn .Mr. and Mrs. .\1- the following ahstract frfim bulletin No. warming the s*****l l)«*f()re putting it into W the barrel in u l!i*;h it is to be treat***!. inerion Hole'Ofiib, of .Madison, Liviiiyrston H7 of onr e.xjK'riment station whi*.'h ,von New fall ami winter .Im-keis, •MONEY LO.LMNG. TVh**at, dries much moi-e ria*lil.v, s*) if county, .Mrs. tlolcoinb be‘ing;aii aelopted mH.y wish to publish for the bem-Ht of the -At ( IIAI’I.N A Co ’s. ichigan MoimiAt^K cd -hi’Any . dany;htcr of Ihe* late Waller Doly,former sjn-oad oiit imm<‘*liatel.v aft**r treating (IJndted.) Capital $75,000. (.'orner of furmers in your AMciiiity. and left to dr.v a f»*w hours, it ean ‘then Excelsior lJiari<>s for DSO-’f at MWalker and SitrliiK St rc.'ts, St. Jolins. .Mon ­ hnsbaml of .Mrs. -lohnson. .\s »*V(*nin}i; Yours Siiici'iel.v, be sown bnjadcast or in a fore** f**e*l drill. F. E. .A I.omen A Co’s. ey to loan, Divestinciits nwide, inortKUKes for ai>preiach(‘d she coininence'd dr.viiif; wooel Hale. A few i)le<'cs of land for sale. 1 (). I’l.'. TK .A well assort*.*<l line of .'»0 cent all wool in the oven of Ih*'kitchen stov*:, and as Nnmerons l*.*tlers liave been r**(***ived Business Locals suitings At Cn.u*i.\ & Co.’s, _ IMIYSU’I.VNS. fast as it avus tliorouj;hly heat»*d placiiifi: from vari*>ns parts ot the state, calling j Flffy Ct'iifs.
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