Congressional Record—House H5480
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H5480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2002 strengthens investor rights. Until we do this, Hulshof Millender- Schrock The result of the vote was announced Hunter McDonald Scott the American public will not be adequately Hyde Miller, Dan Sensenbrenner as above recorded. protected. Inslee Miller, Gary Serrano A motion to reconsider was laid on For our capitalist economy to function suc- Isakson Miller, George Sessions the table. cessfully, corporate responsibility must remain Israel Mink Shadegg Stated for: Issa Mollohan Shaw paramount. In its absence, capitalism and the Istook Moore Shays Mr. JEFF MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, free market system ultimately fail. Jackson (IL) Moran (KS) Sherman on rollcall No. 348, I was detained from return- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Jackson-Lee Moran (VA) Sherwood ing for the vote. (TX) Morella Shimkus Had I been present, would have voted SWEENEY). All time has expired. Jefferson Murtha Shows Without objection, the previous ques- Jenkins Myrick Shuster ‘‘Yea.’’ tion is ordered on the conference re- John Nadler Simmons Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 348, port. Johnson (CT) Napolitano Simpson I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Johnson (IL) Neal Skeen There was no objection. Johnson, E. B. Nethercutt Skelton present, I would have voted ‘‘Yea.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Johnson, Sam Ney Slaughter f question is on the conference report. Jones (NC) Northup Smith (MI) Jones (OH) Norwood Smith (NJ) BOB STUMP NATIONAL DEFENSE The question was taken; and the Kanjorski Nussle Smith (TX) AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- Speaker pro tempore announced that Kaptur Oberstar Smith (WA) CAL YEAR 2003 the ayes appeared to have it. Keller Obey Snyder Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I object to Kelly Olver Solis Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I ask Kennedy (MN) Ortiz Souder unanimous consent to take from the the vote on the ground that a quorum Kennedy (RI) Osborne Spratt is not present and make the point of Kerns Ose Stark Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 4546) to order that a quorum is not present. Kildee Otter Stenholm authorize appropriations for fiscal year Kilpatrick Owens Strickland 2003 for military activities of the De- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Kind (WI) Oxley Stump dently a quorum is not present. King (NY) Pallone Stupak partment of Defense, for military con- The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Kingston Pascrell Sullivan struction, and for defense activities of sent Members. Kirk Pastor Sununu the Department of Energy, to prescribe Kleczka Payne Sweeney personnel strengths for such fiscal year The vote was taken by electronic de- Kolbe Pelosi Tancredo vice, and there were—yeas 423, nays 3, Kucinich Pence Tanner for the Armed Forces, and for other not voting 8, as follows: LaFalce Peterson (MN) Tauscher purposes, with a Senate amendment LaHood Peterson (PA) Tauzin thereto and concur in the Senate [Roll No. 348] Lampson Petri Taylor (MS) amendment with an amendment. YEAS—423 Langevin Phelps Taylor (NC) Lantos Pickering Terry The Clerk read the Senate amend- Abercrombie Carson (IN) Ferguson Larsen (WA) Pitts Thomas ment, and the House amendment to the Ackerman Carson (OK) Filner Larson (CT) Platts Thompson (CA) Aderholt Castle Fletcher Senate amendment, as follows: Latham Pombo Thompson (MS) Senate amendment: Akin Chabot Foley LaTourette Pomeroy Thornberry Allen Chambliss Forbes Leach Portman Thune Strike out all after the enacting clause and Armey Clayton Ford Lee Price (NC) Thurman insert: Baca Clement Fossella Levin Pryce (OH) Tiahrt SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Bachus Clyburn Frank Lewis (CA) Putnam Tiberi Baird Coble Frelinghuysen This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National De- Lewis (GA) Quinn Tierney fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003’’. Baker Combest Frost Lewis (KY) Radanovich Toomey Baldacci Condit Gallegly Linder Rahall Towns SEC. 2. ORGANIZATION OF ACT INTO DIVISIONS; Baldwin Conyers Ganske Lipinski Ramstad Turner TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ballenger Cooksey Gekas LoBiondo Rangel Udall (CO) (a) DIVISIONS.—This Act is organized into Barcia Costello Gephardt Lofgren Regula Udall (NM) three divisions as follows: Barr Cox Gibbons Lowey Rehberg Upton Barrett Coyne Gilchrest (1) Division A—Department of Defense Au- Lucas (KY) Reyes Velazquez thorizations. Bartlett Cramer Gillmor Lucas (OK) Reynolds Visclosky Barton Crane Gilman Luther Riley Vitter (2) Division B—Military Construction Author- Bass Crenshaw Gonzalez Lynch Rivers Walden izations. Becerra Crowley Goode Maloney (CT) Rodriguez Walsh (3) Division C—Department of Energy Na- Bentsen Cubin Goodlatte Maloney (NY) Roemer Wamp tional Security Authorizations and Other Au- Bereuter Culberson Goss Manzullo Rogers (KY) Waters thorizations. Berkley Cummings Graham Markey Rogers (MI) Watson (CA) (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- Berman Cunningham Granger Mascara Rohrabacher Watt (NC) tents for this Act is as follows: Berry Davis (CA) Graves Matheson Ros-Lehtinen Watts (OK) Biggert Davis (FL) Green (TX) Matsui Ross Waxman Sec. 1. Short title. Bilirakis Davis (IL) Green (WI) McCarthy (MO) Rothman Weiner Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table Bishop Davis, Jo Ann Greenwood McCarthy (NY) Roukema Weldon (FL) of contents. Blagojevich Davis, Tom Grucci McCollum Roybal-Allard Weldon (PA) Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees de- Blumenauer Deal Gutierrez McCrery Royce Weller fined. Blunt DeFazio Gutknecht McDermott Rush Wexler Boehlert DeGette Hall (OH) McGovern Ryan (WI) Whitfield DIVISION A—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Boehner Delahunt Hall (TX) McHugh Ryun (KS) Wicker AUTHORIZATIONS Bonilla DeLauro Hansen McInnis Sabo Wilson (NM) TITLE I—PROCUREMENT Bonior DeLay Harman McIntyre Sanchez Wilson (SC) Bono DeMint Hart McKeon Sanders Wolf Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Boozman Deutsch Hastert McKinney Sandlin Woolsey Sec. 101. Army. Borski Diaz-Balart Hastings (FL) McNulty Sawyer Wu Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps. Boswell Dicks Hastings (WA) Meek (FL) Saxton Wynn Boucher Dingell Hayes Sec. 103. Air Force. Meeks (NY) Schaffer Young (AK) Sec. 104. Defense-wide activities. Boyd Doggett Hayworth Menendez Schakowsky Young (FL) Brady (PA) Dooley Hefley Mica Schiff Sec. 105. Defense Inspector General. Brady (TX) Doolittle Herger Sec. 106. Chemical agents and munitions de- Brown (FL) Doyle Hill NAYS—3 struction, defense. Brown (OH) Dreier Hilleary Collins Flake Paul Sec. 107. Defense health programs. Brown (SC) Duncan Hilliard Bryant Dunn Hinchey NOT VOTING—8 Subtitle B—Army Programs Burr Edwards Hinojosa Andrews Knollenberg Stearns Sec. 111. Pilot program on sales of manufac- Burton Ehlers Hobson Clay Meehan Watkins (OK) tured articles and services of cer- Buyer Ehrlich Hoeffel Gordon Miller, Jeff tain Army industrial facilities Callahan Emerson Hoekstra Calvert Engel Holden without regard to availability from domestic sources. Camp English Holt b 1209 Cannon Eshoo Honda Subtitle C—Navy Programs Cantor Etheridge Hooley Mr. DOOLITTLE changed his vote Sec. 121. Integrated bridge system. Capito Evans Horn from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Capps Everett Hostettler Sec. 122. Extension of multiyear procurement Capuano Farr Houghton So the conference report was agreed authority for DDG–51 class de- Cardin Fattah Hoyer to. stroyers. July 25, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5481 Sec. 123. Maintenance of scope of cruiser con- Sec. 236. Compliance with testing requirements. Sec. 349. Engineering study and environmental version of Ticonderoga class Sec. 237. Report on implementation of Defense analysis of road modifications in AEGIS cruisers. Science Board recommendations. vicinity of Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Sec. 124. Marine Corps live fire range improve- Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 350. Extension of work safety demonstra- ments. tion program. Sec. 241. Pilot programs for revitalizing Depart- Subtitle D—Air Force Programs Sec. 351. Lift support for mine warfare ships ment of Defense laboratories. and other vessels. Sec. 131. C–130J aircraft program. Sec. 242. Technology transition initiative. Sec. 352. Navy data conversion activities. Sec. 132. Pathfinder programs. Sec. 243. Encouragement of small businesses Sec. 133. Oversight of acquisition for defense and nontraditional defense con- TITLE IV—MILITARY PERSONNEL space programs. tractors to submit proposals po- AUTHORIZATIONS Sec. 134. Leasing of tanker aircraft. tentially beneficial for combating Subtitle A—Active Forces Sec. 135. Compass Call program. terrorism. Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces. Sec. 136. Sense of Congress regarding assured Sec. 244. Vehicle fuel cell program. Sec. 402. Authority to increase strength and access to space. Sec. 245. Defense nanotechnology research and grade limitations to account for Sec. 137. Mobile emergency broadband system. development program. reserve component members on ac- TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, Sec. 246. Activities and assessment of the De- tive duty in support of a contin- TEST, AND EVALUATION fense Experimental Program to gency operation. Sec. 403. Increased allowance for number of Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Stimulate Competitive Research. Sec. 247. Four-year extension of authority of Marine Corps general officers on Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. active duty in grades above major Sec. 202. Amount for science and technology. DARPA to award prizes for ad- vanced technology achievements. general. Sec. 203. Defense health programs. Sec. 404. Increase in authorized strengths for TITLE III—OPERATION AND Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Marine Corps officers on active MAINTENANCE Restrictions, and Limitations duty