New York Black Librarians Caucus Newsletter
SUMMER 2020 NEW YORK BLACK LIBRARIANS CAUCUS NEWSLETTER THE NEW YORK a powerful torch of strength, INSIDE: BLACK LIBRARIANS enthusiasm and imagination. NYBLC offers scholarships, CAUCUS (NYBLC) is a books awards, and a host of ser- President's Letter 2 collection of professionals, who vices provided for Caucus mem- Our History 3 believe that they are the “culture bers including programs, job Did You Know 3 keepers” of history, tradition and listings, and so much more. You 2020 Election Results 4 community. We represent the Celebrate NYBLC's 50th 5 can benefit tremendously from library community’s collective 50th Anniversary Gala 6-7 the numerous executive offices, interests. The Caucus works to Upcoming Event 8 committees, presentations, and expand professional, economic Member Recognition 9-10 professional development work- and networking opportunities Honoring Phyllis G. Mack 11 shops. for librarians, library support NYBLC @ NYLA 2019 12 staff, board of trustees, institu- Dr. Lucille Cole Thomas 13 The CAUCUS needs your sup- tions and those that love Scholarship Renamed 14 port and energetic involvement Member Updates 15 libraries. as we continue working to make Scholarships 16 progress in the library commu- Committees 17 By joining the Caucus, you will nity. Together we will make a be united with professional men difference. and women, who together ignite 2 SUMMER 2020 SUMMER 2020 3 Our History PRESIDENT’S LETTER n 1970 a group of Black Librarians met to address the problems resulting from wide- Ispread racism in their profession. The problems fell into two major categories: • Librar- ies in Black communities were most often inaccessible, had neglected facilities, and inad- With that said, there are some exciting things equate staffing and resources.
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