




" It '" the most ~ulland that eyes ever beheld." -CoLUMBUS.




TELEGRAPH UNES ON THE ISLAND OF . CENTIlAL Duuu:r LINIl, to Bemba, Villa Clara, Sancti-Spiritu, Ciego de Avila, Puerto Principe, Guaimaro, TWl38, Bayamo, Jiguani y Santiago de Cuba, with DETACHED LINK, to BejucaJ, Batabano, Guines, Union, Bemba, Cardenas, Colon, Santo Domingo (colony oC) y Villa Clara. WESTERN LINIl, to San Antonio, Guanajay, San Cristobal, Palacios, Paso Real, Consolacion y Pinar del Rio. . BRANCHE5, to Matanzas, branch from La Union; Cienfuegos, Sagua, Remedios, Boca de Sagua y Caibarien, branch from Villa Clara; Trinidad, branch from Sancti·Spiritu. LINES READY TO OPEN, to Cauto de los Dorados, Sibanicu, Nuevitas, Matemillos, Manzanillo, Holguin, Gibara, El Cristo y Cauto Embarcadero.

TARlF'F.-From I to 10 words inclusive, 12.12; 10 to 20 words, $2.28 j 20 to • 30 words, $4.25 ; 30 to 40 words, k-so j 40 to So words, $6.75. From to Santiago de Cuba, Ja.so for the first 10 yords, and 25 cents fur each additional yord. From Havana to Jamaica, '5.00 for the first 10 yords, and So cents for each additional yord. The tolls, in a1l cases, are payable in gold. Despatches are received for points beyond telegraph statio~ and forwarded by special messengers at the rate of about '1.00 fer every three miles, except the first tbree, for which the charge is '1.50. fhe telegraph offices are open from 6 in the morning until 10 at night. Havana time is kept at all the stationa.

COMPANY INTERNATIONAL, OCEAN - BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND HAVANA. Onu", No. aa MUCAD"RBS ST1lDT. HAVANA. TAJl.IFF.-From Havana to any point in the United States east ofthe Mississippi. . river, including Sto Louis, I to 10 words, '5.00; every additional word, 40 ceots. From Havana to any point in the United States west of the Mississippi river, 1 to 10 words, '7.50; every additional word, 75 cents. From Havana to Cayo Hueso, Florida, 1 to 10 words, 'I.7S j every additional word, 18 cents. (557) I 558 APPENDIX.



------Year. 1111m. F~.... Total Malea. 'F...we.. ---Tllbl L Mal....-----1-...... TaaI. 1774 55,~76 40.864 96Mo 16,152 14.6c}5 3(',847 28.77 1 15056: i4-333' 1792 72,299 61,260 133,559 25,211 21,941 540 152 47.424 37,166' l!o4.S901 1817 13~519 10l},311 239.830 55,SS5 55,173 114.058 124.324 74.&21 19901451 1827 168,653 142.398 311,°51 540962 55,532 106.494 183,2C}O 10],652'286,1 183°1 332,352 112,365- '310.97S l8.p 227,144 191,147 418,291 77,703 77,135 152,838 281,250 155,245'436.495 1846230.983 1%784 4250767 76,65 1 76'H5 1490 226 201,011 122,748 32],159 1849245,6c}5 2IIo438 457,133 84,623 84, 7 164.410' 19I}, 177 124.720'32],897 1858 328,065 261,712 5&},777 9Ot421 C}O, 53 1750 274 220,999 14],2S4'364,2 11860 61502J4 2090497 1367.7 1861 468,0871325,397 793,434- I18,806¡II8,687 232,493 218,722 151,S31 370-5531 0 8 11867 764.75 225,93 , 37'9t523 MORTALJTV OF HAVANA COMPARED WITH THAT OF OTBER. CITJEs. The number of deaths, per aMuro, is :-In Havana, 1 to nery 24-3 iDJaab­ itana; in Paria, 1 to every 36.3 inhabitanls; In Madrid. 1 lo cftl}' ]O ..... tants; In New York, I to every 40 inhabitants; In LandoD, 1 lo evcry 41.2 inbabitants; In Vienna, 1 to every 31-4 inhabitants.


LINEAL I Cllban Yardo. Spmisb Yudo. ElII!ish Yarda. 11_--1 Cuban Yard, l. 1.014 0.927 0.848 I Havana Yard, 0.995 1·009 0.922 0.844 , Cord, 24- 24-336 22.128 20.3S2 ' League, 5000• 5°70. 4635- SQUARE. Cor¡¡;---- ~i=1 576- 24 494-97 Caballeria, 186.624 -1 191,m:05 160,371-41 I 1,14.202.06 ! One arroba,. •• •• 25 lb&. A boJ: of sugar contailll from 17 lo 22 arrObu. A sack of coffee" lO • •• 6" 8 lO A hogsbead of mascabado lugar contains from 40 lO 60 .. A sack of coal contains from • •• 9" 8 .. A (borse) load of tobacco contains •••• 2 büea. A load of bananas contains. •• 275 Iarge or 325 amall ones. A 'bogsbead of molasses contains from • •• 25 to 33 barrds. A barrel of molasses contaiDl •• • Si AmericaD ~ A pipe of wine contaius • ••. 600bottIca. A garrafon of wine contains • • 25 lO Cuban money has beco described in the mt chaptcl'l ol thia YOIame. b addltioD to the coins mentioned tbere, tbere are some infinitesimal c:oiDs, aadi • '. _nlrtii, .,lúi..tU, etc., which tbe traveler ncver seeL 11Ie peopIc ol tIae iDIerior UIe, in emergcociea, even chickC1l bonca and bita oC woocl. •



Tbe commerce o( Cuba has ell:perienced great changes during the last century and tbe first quarter of tbe presen!, in consequence of the partial immunities conceded at various times from successive restrictions and freedom from tbe evil results of wars hetween Europe and America. Thougb in 1817 tbe Cuban ports were definitely opened .lo general commerce, it was not until 1825 that its new era of success hegan. From tbat date tbe commerce of Cuba has made great and •rapid strides forward, as will he seen by tbe following table..

P.... c:t. Inause Perct. Increase Porioda oí &"" yoan. Importa. Exporta. olImpo<\$. of Exporta 1826 to 1830 $lo412,68I) $12,717,929 00.0 00.0 1831 to 1835 1 756,448 12,887,~ 8.7 1·3 1836 to 1840 21,662,766 18,50 3, 29·3 43.6 1841 to 1845 220472,355 24.099,646 3'¡ 3°·2 1846 to 1850 27,150,754 24.828,986 20. 3- 1851 to 1855 3°,498.390 3 1,498.516 12.3 26.

Taking one of tbese perloda as an example we find tbat of this commerce there was done under tbe Spanisb flag $8,945,989 importa, '3,545,818 exports; foreign fIags, ~I,5520401 importa, ~7,952,6c}8 exporta. Of tbis there was Gone "6y the United States, '7.395,754 imports, '12,263,511 exports ¡ England, $6.398.234 imports, ~,612 exports; France, '2,27°,944 imports, 12,092,011 exports; Germany, $1.427,396 imports, $1,894,171 exporta. In the importations of the island tbere appears tbe (ollowing percentage al artic1es :

PIlOVISION5-- Spanish wine.'1, 4-95 per cent. Spices, •.• .• .34 per cent. Spanisb oil, ••• 1.87 .. Fruits, dried & pressed, .81 .. Rum, vinegar and al1 Wheat flour, ... 10-20 u other liquora, • Grains and other fiours, 5.91 Meats, ...• .. Fisb,. .•• •• 2.37 !,.aJ"li, •••• ti Other provisions,.. 2.1)8 42.43 per cent. MEIlCHANDJ2B-­ Cotton goods, 8.62 per cent. Linen goods, • 9.62 .. Woolen .. 1.66 " Silk .. . 2.58 22.48 per cen Coined Gold, • • 1.6 per cen!. Coined Silver, . ··09 .. 2.5 per cen!, Skins or leatber, 2.03 per cent. Animala, .• ·72 " Woods, •••. 8.05" Railroad stu1fs, 1.00 te Machinery and ironmongery for ingenios, ••• 1.30 Crockery, paper, jewelry, meta1a, etc, • • 19·57 .. ... 100.00 per cent. •


In the Ezports of the Ialand there appear the fODowin¡ utida ud per­ centage:

Sugar, including IDO- Was. ••• .!Jo percent. lasses and rwn 82.46 per cent. Bees' houey, .25 : Tobacc:o, mauufu:tured, 4-55 lO Fruits, etc., • .28 Tobacco, in leal; •• z.8O lO Animals, •••• .01 .. (chocolate)s~ Copper, J.4S lO Caa.a. Cotree, 3- 17 preserves, guano, etc, .70 .. Woods, 1·53 .. 100.00 pu·ccaL

The sugar interest is one that has grown enormously with the ne" machinery. and the percentage o( tobacco hu also vastly increased. TAHur. SHOWING PEllCItNTAGIt 01' '1"HB COIUIEI.CB DONE BY THE DIFFU· ltNT PORTS 01' '1"HB ISLAND. Ravana, • 6z.64 per cent. Jibara, . .. o. 76 per cellt. Matanzas, • 11.69 H kemedioe, •• 0.71" Cuba, .. 7.95 Manzanillo, 0.61" Cardenaa, . 4-16".Baracoa.. Ga26 Cien~egos, 4-02" Saneti Spiritu, 0.10 .. Trinidad, • •• 3.50 Santa Cruz,. 0.14 Sagua la Grande, z.z8 lO Guantanamo, . 0.10" Npevitas, • •• 1.02 lO MarieJ,... 0.01"

In late years the commerce o( lOme of these places has "el}' much ~ ia tbe amount o( business done at their points, particularly the new tOWIIS (campal'­ atiYe1y), o( Matanzas, Cardenas, Cienfuegoe, Nuevitas, and GuautanamG. le. not possible to tell with euctitude what is the amount o( busi_ doae in die Ialand at present, but the increase in the aboYe figures has been en~ die annual amount befare thc rebellion reaching the sum el nearly sizty miJ6~ el dollars o( uports and the same o( imports. EYerything is done to favor Spanish trade ud place obstacles ia tbe way 01 that of othe:r nations j in fact their duties are a1IIIOIt prohibitory.gaiDlt .., artieles that the United States raises in peat proluIioa. altboa¡h tbe la1aIId woa1d, othenrile, be a aplcndid market for our people. APPENDIX.


Withont the assistance oC rai1road and steamboat rontes, tbe communlcations on the Island oC Cuba would be the worst in the world. The nature oC the earth, and t\¡e abundance oC the rains, that produce frequent inundations, and a1mOllt perpetua! mud, in wbich hOrBes and conveyances get stuck fast, do not pcnnit of the construction oC other roada than the expensive ca/Nátu or cam;1fQS rc'!Ús. OC these there are many, like those from Havana to Guinea, or to Gua:íta. bacea, and particularly those outside the walls oC Havana, whicb by the increase of population, and advance oC city limits bave become really atreets to tbat part of the town. On a11 such roada the jonmeys can be made in the volante, but the momeot these principal roads are left it becomes a matter oC imperative necea­ sity to go on horseback, as with other .means tranl would be impossible. Upon a11 these roada, though there are few or no inns or hotels, yet accommodations, though, perhaps, oC the humblest, cao always be had at the ftmtla.r, and at the te_ fIIÜt4, a 80rt oC eroSB·roada store. To the principal pointa on tbe island, however, access by easy and pleasant travel is obtained from the ateamboatland railroad linea, and these are numerous, namely :


Litu 1Jdf«6I H_ lUIi/ CartInuu.-Every Tuelday and Friday, leaving al sU: o'dock in the evening, retuming from Cardenas 00 Wednesdays and Saturo days. Oftice, No. 110 Calle de San Ygnacio. H_ ID SatIIiago fÚ CuIitI rÑI lile NDrlA CtJa.rt.- A line of steamers runa once a week, stopping al Nuevitas, Jibara, and Baracoa, reaching Cuba in about five days. Thia ia a pleasant trip, afl'ording the only meana oC seeing this pul el the is1and pleasantly. Oftice, No. 6 OficiOll street. FrDrll Cu/Ja ID SiZND DDrII;"K'tI aNl St. llúmas.- There are severa! Bteamer lines tbat touch at Cuba coming and going, afl'ording easy means oC reaching tbe British West Indies. H_ ID CailJarim aNI SagIlQ la er-de.-A steamer lcaves Havana e.ery Thursday at eleven o'dock in the moming Cor the ahove places, arriving on Saturday. Leaves Caibarien every Saturday, retuming touching at Sagua la Grande, arriving at Havana on Monday. Oftice, No. 7 Baratillo street. Carfimas ID Cai6arinJ.-A steamer lcaves Cardenas every Saturday alter the arriva\ oC the steamer tbat leaves Havana Friday night, or the railroad train, stopping at La Teja, Ganuza, Sierra Morena, Las Pozas, Sagua la Grande, Boca de Sagua la Chica, arriviog Sunday moming at Caibarien, which place it ·leaves, returnlng, the moming oC Thuradays, reaching CardelW on Wcdneadays. • 36 •


H_ k1 BaAia HtJNi4, de.- A Bteamer makes weekly triJlll betweeu RanDa, Babia Honda, Rio Blanco, etc. Office, No. 28 Calle del Obispo.


Tbere are quite a number oC theBe, aailing at dürerent times, oC ...hicb ÍIIfonDa­ tion can be obtained by inquiring at the ofticea oC the respective linea. TbeIe are all firat-class boats, their appointments being complete in eyery respect, aod by them the trayeler can reach CienCuegos, Trinidad, Las Tunas, SalIta Cruz, Manzanillo, and Santiago de Cuba. Oftices, No. 16 Calle Amargura, Calle de los Oficios, Nos. 10 and s+

H_ fIia Bal4lJallD lo Is'-d 0.1 Pittu.- Steamer'B lave BMabano eVerT Thuraday, and retum the Collowing Monday. Leaving Hayana at 5-45 o'dock ~ the morning the trayeler can by night, with the aid oC these Bteamm¡, be al Suta Fl!, in the !sle oC Pines. Ollice, in the caCl! Dominica. (For lteaJDerB lo poiatII in the United Statea aee Cb:lpter L)

CUBA ro ¡PAlR.

Line oC Ocean Mail Steamera lcave Havana Cor Cadi% thelSth and 30th 01 each month. First cabin passage, t...o hundred dollara, gold; second cabin, ORe hundred and sixty dollara. Ollice, No. 2 Baratillo street. Sailll NaNir~ k1 Vtra CruL-Making stops at Havana and Saint nomas. Ollice, No. 16 obrapia street. H__ lo Sailll T!uItIuu aIId SouIna-ptDII.-RoyaI line df English ateamen" leaving about the 5th lo the 7th oC each mOllth. Passage lo Southampmn, _ hundred and ninety-two dollarw and fiCty cents ¡ tD Puerto Rico, fifty dollan. H__ lo Ham6ur~ _ti HI1Vr~.-Hamburg American Line oC Steamers 10 ahove place leave Havana aboat once • month. Pusage, cae handred ud My dollara, gold. Office, No. S Baratillo street. H__ lo BrtllUll.-North German Line maltea regular triJlll to Northampt~ and Bremen. Passage one hundred and twenty-five dollan, 1Old. 0fIice, Uppmann &: Co., 64 Calle de Cuba. The llrincipal railroad lines on the Island oC Cuba bave ~ mentioned already In the dift"erent chaptelll oí thia worlt. A complete list ol the principal lines, with their connections, mnches, ete., can be Cound in Ma,.s" MerCUllil Almanaque," elaewhere mentioned. GAZETIEER OF' THE 15LAND OF CUBA Tbe laIand la divideGuanabacoa, Santa Maria del Rosario, Santiago de laa Vegas, Bcjucal. Guincs, Juuw, Carden ,Colon, Hagua la Grande. Villa Clara, Cienfucgos, Trinidad, Santo Eapiritu. MoraDo ud San Juan de los Remedios. The Kastem Department la divided into the Grand Districts oC Santiago de Cuba and Puerto Principc. and into the Civil Uistricts of Nuevitas, Las Tunas, Manzanillo, Bayamo, Jiguani. Holguin, Guantanamo, Baracoa. The Civil or Sub-Dilltricts are again divided into Districts (Partidos), oC which therc are on hundred and 'x -(I(le in the island. The Head.quartefll ( u6t.tr.u) ¡¡re th e towns and cities which give their names to the Distrieta. Tbe princípa ones are Havana, Puerto Principe, Ma n=, ' nti go de Cuba, Trinidad. Santo Espiritu, Guanabacoa, Villa Clara, CienCuegos, Cardenaa, Bayamo, and San Juan de 1011 Remedios. The Collowing Gaultccr gives, opposite the name oC each place, ita el... the Sub-divisioD or Civil District (Tmmd4 tk Ct16ier1Ul or DiJlri/o) and District (l'an;¿o) to which il belongll, together witb ita populatioll.

mPULATlON. JloUI&. a..ua. SUBDJYJSIOH. DtS'n:IC'9. Whitu. Free Col'd. SI.v... Tot.1l ABUUS, Town, Cienfuegos, y a~arama.~, 1,040 100 1, r52 2,292 AouACATE, ViJlafe, ~aruco, Bainoa, JOJ AOUADA DEL CURA, Ham el. 'anliago de las Vegas, Bauta, ALACIlANES, Dbtrict, Guines. 6,894 943 8,8¡~ 16,690 ALACItANES, VilIage. Guines, Alacranes, 414 IJI 632 ALFONSOS (Los), Town, 1IoIguin, Guabaciabo, 198 14 17 229 ALONSO ROJAS, Uttle bamlet, Pinar del Rio, COllllOlacion, ALQUIZAR, District, S. Anlonio de los BafiOll, 3.468 461 3,05° 6,979 ALQUIZAR, ViIlage, S. Antonio de los BafiOll, Alquiur, 452 206 757 ALTILLO, Town, Holguin. Mayari, 40 49 ~ 95 ALVUEZ (Narciso de), District, Sagua la Grande, " 1,291 liS 258 1.664 "', ALVAkEZ (Narciso de), Little hamlet, Sagua la Grande, Alnrcz, a. AMAIlO, Disuict, Sagua la Grande, 3,242 196 1,g:z6 5;364 ~ AItANGO, Jlamlcl, Cienfuegos, Padre las Casas, 643 51 601 1,2C)S C) AUNAS, Town, Tunas, Unlque, 257 AktMAO, VilIage, Cien{ucgOll, Cumanayqua, 1,182 401 1,488 3.°71 O AkllOYO ApOLO, tmI O üttle tówn, "./IM subu,bJ "./Havar.a, AakOYO AIlE:'fAS, Town, Santiaa:o de loltI Ve~as, Cano, 361 S2 2S 438' 00....- rv "'PVLATlOII. ~ . CI.A& IIUJlDIYIIIOIL DmTaICT. Wbita. Free Col'eL sm- TocaL 'f AuoYO BLANco, Town. Santo Espiritu. ~~CO, Auoyo HONDO, Town, Holguin, yan, Auoyo N.u.ANJO. District, Havana, 1.~ 96 635 1,985 AuoyO N.u.ANJo, Villafe, Havana, , 40 70 593 AIlTUlISA, District, Guanaiay, 3,793 2,862 7,2~ AaTUlIaA, Village, GU&na¡ay. Artcmiaa, 593 ~ 116 787 AuLU, Town, Holgwn, Gibara, 114 20 19 153 BACUIlANAo, District, Guanabacoa, 1,734 127 432 2,293 BACUIlANAo, Sma11 'fi1lage, Guanabacoa, Bacuranao, 123 4 20 147 BACUIlANAO (Playa de). Town, Guanabacoa, Bacuranao, 110 BAD, District, ViDa Clara, 1,247 501 211 1,959 BAGAZAL, Ham1et, Cienfueg~ Yaguaramas, 947 18¡ 607 1,741 BABIA HOKDA, Civil District, 5,840 81 6,115 12,773 BAHIA HONDA, Vi11~e, MtMJ-IjJMIrln'.r o/1M CifIil Dútrid oftfu ItJttU tIIIIrU. 480 83 152 715 P; BAILD. Smal landing, Pinar de Rio, Consolacion del SUJ. BAlNOA, 3,021 3&4 2,213 5.618 BAlNOAo ~Sma11 villap. r~arvco, . Bailloa, BAlO, District, i·. 7,200 2,278 302 91780 5... BAlo, V:illafe.'8UaD! Baile, 232 58 567 !'t BAJA, Distnet. ~:ieI Río, 1,~ 107 807 1,994 BAJAo Smal1 vi11a&c. Pinar del Rio, Ba" 81 6 52 139 BANAGUISUo Sma11 tOWD, Colon, M~ BANAo, Sma11 hamlet, Puerto, Prinápe, Cubitaa. BAN'" Town, Guanaja,.. Guayaba). 110 99 24 233 BüACOA, Civil Distrlct, "'799 10471 10,800 BAIlACOA, Clt,..luaJ.,-m-.r o/1M CifIil Dütrietoftlu __• "'¡JO12 1.155 397 2,Ñ BAIlACOA, Little Town, Sántiago de lal Vc¡aa, Bauta, BALUlDIJ.U, Town, san~o do laa Vepa, Cano, BürAy. Distriet, HoI n, • 90 292 206 .& BAaUNc.u, Dlmiet, Bayamo, 40333'1 3.633 434 (700 BAAUNc.u, Town, Ba~o, Barrucaa, 13 11 ]a B4TALUlo, District, Be~ucaI. 20423 ~ l,lI97 ",¡26 BATA'AMo, ~. Batabuo, 572 211 94 77 &TAlAJIo, .. Be=.Be 1 Batabuo, 541 108 9J 741 ~LAnoar. .AMa. eua DII'ftUCT. 'WbiceL Free 'eL 511_ TocaL BAUTA. Diatrict, Sutiago--de laa Vega, BAvAllo, Civil District, 15.834 12.g¡1 30651 31.336 1 BAvAllo, City. 1urMJ-t¡-*'1 of1M CirJiJ Distrid of1M - _. 2,3;1 2, s 93 6.u9 BAVATa, Town, Sala Criatobal, • Candelaria, 9 u 56 BFJUCAL, Civil District, • 14.718 1.97° 7.040 23~ BItJUCAL, Cirr.1urMJ-t¡-*'..~ 1M CirJiJ Distridof1M _ tutrU, 2.5 2 49S 3 5 BUllA. Vil e, 0100, J~= 2,152 70 :i 2,43° BU.MJl,fA (Vieja), Town, M~ Ca 119 3° 152 BLAJCQulZAL, Town, CieufuegOll, Santa Isabel de laa Lajas, 678 S 3i 7al BocA (La), ToWll, Cardenaa, C-wea, 79 S 34 118 BocA DEL Rlo, Town, .".1M "--of.sa,- /a. GnMiú, BoLONDIlON, Little viUap, GuiMa, • AIcranea, sao Bovuol, Town, __~Ü It.rs V"." 190 7 6 203 BIlAGUaTUDOI, Town, olguio, Ma~. 60 8 132 BUUAVZNTURA., Town, Beju<:a\. QUlvican, I~ 24 12 172 BUENA VISTA. Small tOWD, Colon, Pa1millu, CABACU, Diatrict, Baracoa, 1'16c) 1.372 ~ 3.081 CABAGAN. Diatric:t, Trinidad, 71 420 1,375 I... CABAJfIGUAJf, District, Tunas, 845 215 t4 CABAlAs, Diatrict, Guanajay. ;::a 464 S,I~ t;U CABAlAs, V~ Guana,ay, Cabaflaa, 382 125 565 CABEZAl, Diatrtct, Katan&aI, 4.~ 330 2,936 8,011 CABEZAS, V~ Matauu, CabelIu, 27 330 CACACUII, Diatrid, Holguin, 1.517 3Ps 86 1,998 CAlBAIlIU, Di,trict, :R.cmedioe, 1.916 425 737 CAlBAIlIU, V~ Remedioe, Caibarien, J0427 311 139 ~~: CAlGUAJfABo, S town, Pinar deJ Rio, COIIIOlaciOll del Narte, 37 CAlMAJfUA. Small town, Guantaaamo, Tiguabos, CAIMITO. Small village, Colon, Hanaban&, 58 48 19 12 CAIMITo, Village. S. Antonio de loa Baftoe, Vereda Nueva, 4i~ 20 39 511 CAIMITo, Town, Guines, San Nicolu, 41 J23 CALU.uA1o Diatrict, Sagua la Grande, 5,027 4J3 z,841 8,3°1 • CALABAZAL, Small tOWll, Sagua la Graude, Calabual, CALABAZAJ" ViIJap, SantiIBo de lu Vega, Ubajay; 410 95 132 637 ! '"

I'OP\lLATlOII. CLAIa. _'\'ISlOlL D'STalCT. Whi'e&. FneCcl'd. S1aYa Total. ¡ CALVARIO,-- District, fIIfIIw lIu~f1/ H-, 1,068 125 30S 1r498 CALVAlUo, ViIlage, avana, Calvario, 378 75 512 CALvt>, Town, Guanabacoa, Bacuranao. 163 13 A~ 241 CAMAjUAIU, District, Remedios, 30437 397 1,800 5.6 CAMARIOCA, Diatrict, Cardenu, 40~ 9 2,613 6,7ta1 CAMARloeA, Vill Cardenas, Camariqca, 21 no CAllAltONES, Dis~ Cienfuegos, 40~ 8:l 3.267 8,391 CAllARON'" ViI~ Cienfue~ Camaronee. 157 722 10479 CAMUGI&O. District, Puerto . 'pe, 2.321 236 1,164 3.721 CANASI. Little viliage, Matanzas, Corral Nueva, 175 7 4 1216 CANASI (Boca de), Little town. Matanzas, Corral Nueva, CANDELARIA, Diatrict, San Cn.lobal. 2,590 45 1 1,S44 40585 CANDELAIUA," ViIl~~ San Crislobal, Candelaria, 165 29 33 227 CANEY. Diatrict, Santiago de Cuba, 1.320 10404 1.297 40021 =-- CANEY, Village, Santiago de Cuba, Caney. 334 239 107 680 "Il CANGU./UAS, Town, , Bauta, 60 CANIM.U. Little town, -,llu /IUIfII" í llu rirJd CaIIi_, ~ CANO (El), Diltrict, Santiago e las Vegas, ... CANO (El), Village, Santiago de las Vegas, El Cano, 735 122 19 876 t4 CANTAUANAJ, Little town, Santiago de las Vegas, El Cano, 34 4 38 CANTEL, Little lowJl, Cardenu, Camarioca, CARAS, Little town, Matanzas, Ceiba Mocha, 71 CARAS, Town, Guanaja)'. Artemisa, 124 24 16 164 CAlABALLo, Villlp, ~co, &inoa, 3&1 CAlACUCKY, Town, 'nidad, Guinea, CARDIlNAJ, Civil Diatrict, 1,460 ~~ CARDENAS, City, !utMJ"flltlrlmde llu CifIi/ DUmd f1/ lIu _t-. i:m 461 ~ CUTAOENA, Dúitrlct, enfueaos, 5'¡~ 681 2,799 902U CARTAOaNA, VI~, CieniJeaos, " Cartrlgena, 1I9 S95 1.554 CAlARLAICCA, W of HaYlU, 2,ClllO CAlCORRO, Town. Puerto Prlndpe, Slbanicu, CAl/GUAS, Diltrid, ~aruco, 2,618 237 1,274 40 1:19 CAIIOUAJ, Town, IfUCo, Cul¡uu, 32 2 7 41 C.uILlMo DIatrIct, rInIdad. 1,972 817 1101 30700 "'ULATlO•• .~ CLAa IV-..uO•• DI!ITII1CT. Whita. Free CoI'e1. Sin.... TOI&I. CASILDA, Vil~ Trinidad, Cuilda, 797 C)2 1,298 CATALINA (La), Dilct, Guines, 3,273 m1,578 5,117 CAUNADO, Diatrict, Puerto Principe, 1,242 78 I,~ 2,572 CAUNAo, Town, CienfuegOl, • Padre las Cuas, lb7 IOJ 1, 2,21 3 CAUIlItGE, Diltrict, Bayamo, 916 1,697 472 3,085 CAUTO AB-"Io, Town, Santiago de Cuba, Palma Soriano, CAUTO, Diatrict, Bayamo, 1,374 1,462 3,01: CAUTO (Embarcadero de), VilJage, Bayamo, Cauto, 342 IC)2 ~ 620 CAUTO DItL PASO, Town, Tunas, Unique, C AY-"IA lOS, Diltrict, Guanaja" 2,947 418 :z,815 6,~¡: CAY-"IA.BOB, Village, GuanaJ&/riua Cayajaboe, 171 54 81 306 CAYOllllONCAJfo, Island. Puerto . 'pe, CItIBA. (La), Uttle town, Havana, , CItIBA DltL AGu.... Diatrict, San Antoniode los BaftOll, 2,261 18 653 2,932 ~ CJ:IIA DJtL AGUA, Vi1~ San Antoniode losBalloe, Ceiba del Agua, 69 457 CltllA MocHA, Diltrtet, M!uanzu, 3,~1 J46 I~t .5,61 5 Vi1~ CItIIA MOCH.... Matanzu, Ceiba Mocha, 744 27 119 lI90 ~ CEJA DIt PABLo, Diatnet, Sagua la Grande. 40590 449 3,1~ 8,168 =... CERCADO, Littlo town, Puerto Principe, Cubitas, te Cnllo GUo'YABO, Littlo town, ",. tIu lIarlJtw t1f G~(J, CHA.BALJtT.... Town, Holguin, Mayarl, 59 52 IU CHAMBAS, Diatrict, Moran, CHIIlIOOTA (La), Town, San Criatobal, Santa Cruz de los Pinoe, 12 :10 8 100 CHOIlllUA (La), Town, tnukr tlujlWÚdielitm t1f H_ 36 S 48 CIEGO ALONIO, Hamlel. CienfiqoS, C~ 1,D24 Id 1,184 2,366 CIEGO Da AVILAo District, Mor~ 20436 J26 264 3,026 CII:GO DIt Avlt.A, VilI Moron, Ciego ere Avila, lS9 151 41 CIEGO MONTUDo H:f:t. Cienfuegoa, Cartagena, 10 132 I~ M~ CIItN roaoos, Civil Diatrict, 2907°1 7,:107 17,1 ,54,034 CnuuulOOs, Town, Hmi/-parlW1 t1f tIu CifJü Distriel t1f 1M - _, 6,086 2.387 1t477 9>950 CIPUltNTa, Town, Sagua la Grande, Amaro, CIMAaAOIfa, Diabict, Cardenu, :z,706 n8 7,719 CUIAIl&ONJtB, Cardenaa, Cimarrones, 40rJ . 725 U'I COlO (El), = Santiago de Cuba, J: 407U 6,25 1 1],639 ~ roPUJ.ATIOIf. 1fAMa. CLA.IS. 1I17BD1YJlII0IL DISTIUCT. WIútea. Free CaI'eL S1aYa Total. ""~ COBU (El), Town, ~~~Cuba, El Cobre, 1,190 1,553 8z8 3,571 COOIIIA" Town, Bacuranao, 241 15 17 273 COLl'!EO, Town, Matanzas. Guamac:aro. <40 24 64 COLOIIA (La), Ship'ping tx»nt, Pinar del Rio, CoasaIacion del Sur, COLON, Civd dilllnet, :zll,862 20481 32,871 64,214 COLO", Town, H«Ui"f'lOrlerl fIj 1M CifJi/ Distri&t tif tAl _ _ e. 1,037 158 76 1,271 COLON, Shipping point, Pinar del Rio, Consolacion del Sur, CONDADO (El). Town. Trinidad. Sipiabo, 154 111 17 CONSOLl\CION DEL NoaTE, Diatrict, Pinar del Rio, 2,716 333 865 • CONSOLl\CION DEL SU.. District, Pinar del Rio, 9»231 3.100 4t047 It~~ Coaolo, Little town, Puerto Principe, Cubitu, CoaRAL FALSO. Village, Colon, Macuriges, 1,021 156 248 1r425 COaRALILLO, Little town, Sagua la Grande, - Ceja de Pablo, CoaRALlLLO. Town. Santiago de las Vegas, Bauta, 48 15 27 90 ~ CoaRAL NuEVo, Dilltrict, Matanua, 4tl!9s 575 40439 !),819 CORRAL NUEVO, Village, MataDzu, Corral Nuevo, I~ 7 20 69 ~ CORUL NUEVO, Village. Guinea, Catalin:z, as 18 U4 l:' Corono (El). Little towII, Santa Mariadel Rosario, , ... CaucES (Lu), Town, C~, Camarones, g8 135 356 1,029 t4 Cl11Irr.u, Diatrlct, Puerto .ncipe, :a,110 172 :a,689 CUJlANAYAGUA, Diatrict, CienCuegoe, 4054% 1,596 :a,:l 36 CUlIANAYAGUA, Vill..-e. Cienfuegos, Cumanayagua, 1,350 314 146 s'X1, 10 C17nYU, Diatrict, Moran, DATIL (ElI, District, Bayamo, 1,804 1.328 a64 3'~ DATlL (E1I. Town. Bayamo. Datil, 63 I~ 33 DAYAN IG17.u, Sbi~ng polnt, San Criatobal. San Diego de loa BaIloe, DUaOCAL, Lit! to,"" Puerto Principe, Guaímaro, DoMINICO. To,"" Hol~n, Mayarl. 61 las ENLUlADA (La), Diatrict, Santillf:0 de Cuba, l,ta6 3': :a,a70 6,692 ENRli1ADA, TOWD, Guana~, Cllbaftu, 33 19 sa • ENTUDA (Lal. Littlo tOWll, Puerto rincipe, Cubil...... Ila.ANZA (Lal. DIIarict, Villa Clara, 50827 1,538 1,0$9 B.4a4 Ea,allANZA (La). VII. Villa Clara, 894 S44 '74 1,71a ElQUINA Da T.,AI, UtIIO towII, CardeIIu, ~1.. 11411& CLA& IO~. roPULATlO... Dta'ftlC'I'. WhiIa. r_CaI'el S1a.... TocaL FuYBalTO, Di8trict, Holguin, 403 9 149 597 5,105 PullO, Town, Holguin, Guabaciabo, 11 3 4 167 GALA'U. Shipping point, Pinar del Rio, San JIWI YMartiaez, GIBAaA, Diatrict, Holguin, 6,61 9 836 8,~70 y GIBAaA, Porto Holguin, Gibara, I,olla 346 ~C 1, 10 GoHGOJASt Town, Cienfue¡OlI, Cartqeua, 532 6J5 1,209 GUA, Diatrict, Manzamllo, 1,731 2'3t: 79 40194 GUABACIABO, Diatrict, Holguin, 6,65 1 483 563 7,697 GUADALur.. Little town, Santo Espirita, l:atibonico, GUAGUUCO, Hamlet, Cien~ umanayagua, 158 21 7 1<40 el1 GUAIWAAo, Diatriet, Puerto 'oope, 3,239 523 574 4033 GUAIWAllo, Little village, Puerto PriDcipe, Guaimaro, GUAMACAllo, District, Matanza.s, J,380 2U 6,083 ~~ GUAWUTAS, Diatrict, Cardenas, 5,220 331 7,3°7 12,85 GUAMUTASt Little town, Cardenas, Guamutaa, ~ ." GUAHABACOA, Civil Diatrict, 1~2S3 40096 6,834 l6,213 GUAHABACOA, Town, MtId-parllrI t1/ tlu CirJi/ Dútrid t1/ Jiu _ -. 817 3,593 3,992 16,4ln GUAHABAHA, Small town, Matanzas, Santa Ana, ...t=' GUAHABO, Diatrict, ~uco, :1,090 265 817 3,°72 ?'I= GIIAHABO, Village, aruco, GU2nab'.l, 199 26 27 GUAHABO (Boca de), To,"" aruco, . 2i; GUANAJA, Little hamlet, erlo PriDCÍpe, Cubitaa,' GUAHAjAY, Civil Dlatrict, 1~177 3,~ 17,145 3~843 GUAHAjAY, Diatrict, Guanajay, 40°71 1, 2,022 7,~ GUAHAjAY, Town, 1utMJ~1t tIu CirJi/ DUtrid t1/ tIu --, 2,654 881 45 1 3, GUAHAjAY.uo, Du.trict, Car nas, ~3 115 40508 GUAN" Dialrict, Pinar del Rio, 79 1,059 1,190 t~ GUA"" Town, Pinar del Rio, GIWle, GUAHIWAa. To,"" S. Antonio de los BaIlas, A1quiar, 125 4 11 140 GUAHlWAa, Town, San Crlatobal Lu Maupa, 4 16 7Z GUANIQUICALo Diatrict, Trinidad, . J: 154 406 10042 GUAHTAHAWo, Civil Di,triet, s.268 50515 8,6,38 1~4 GUANTAHAWo, Port, M tIu BIJ? i1f tIu - -. VI GUAIlA, Di8trict, Guinea, 2,538 284 751 30573 ~ I'OPVLATIOIf. VO ..... a..us. aoaolYlUOII~ DI8TIUCT• Whi_ Free CoI'do S1aftlo, To&a1...... O GUAU, VilI~e, Guines, Guara, l4 91 27 4]2 GUAIlACABUYA, Dislnct, Remedias, 2,a]1 43 1 711 ],973 GUAIlACABUYA, Lillle town, Remedios, Guaracabuya, Gu.uuus, Town, Cardena.s, Camarioca, 59 GUATAo, Vill~e, Sanlia~o de laa Vegas, BilUla, 129 61 SI 241 GUAYABAL, • Dislnct, GuanaJay, 2,346 273 2,040 ...659 GUAYABAL, Town, GuanaJ~ Guayabal, 110 7 117 GUAYABAL Town, Puerto "ncipe, GuaJmaro, GUEIBA, District, Reme9,ios, 2,563 191 I,SJS GUlSItA, District, Trinidad, 2,449 238 171 t~ GUINItll, Civil District, 227 8 6204 2 3t "'13 2S'~ GUISEs, City, Ñati-parlwl ,,/IM CirIi/ Distr*1 ti¡ 1M la,," _e, 820 1,413 2J 10,619 GUINIA, TOWD, Trinidad, Cabagau, 559 115 27 701 GUINIAO District, Baracoa, 1,272 840 199 3,]11 GUIllA DE BOLONDI.ON, Lillle lown, Guines, AlacranC8, GUIllA DE MELltNA, Dislrict, S. Anlonio de loa BailOB, 3,800 567 3,764 8, 131 GUIllA DE MIlLltNA, Village, S. Antonio de loa Bailos, GlIira de Melena, J,1)12 391 J,606 ~ GUIllO BoNINGIlll, l"OWII, , La Salud, 189 36 ":t "IJI]I • GUillO DIl MAuuo, Town. BeJucal, La Salud, ~ GUISA, District, Bayamo, ],273 1,197 ...534 GUISA, Town, Bayamo, GuiA, 211 195 ~ 412 HABANA, Grand Diatrict, J22,8gJ 4Q, 144 27,296 19G,~ HABANA, City, Capillú o/ 111I 1sIaNi, Jo8,7~ 37,623 22J807 161),1 IlANABANA, District, Colon, 2,1 311 893 3,4GQ HAro NulIVo, Town, Cardena.s, Guamutu, 166 23 14 303 HUMrrA VI.,A, Llttle to,"" Puerto Priblr' CUbilllll, HnUDUM (La), To,"" San Cristo , San DielO de loa Balloa, 100 25 ISO HOLGUIN, Civil Diatrict, 4Q,8p 04 40~ 51,13- HOLGUIN, Cily, AMá-'lI4run ti/ IAe CÍf!;/ Diltrid o/ 1M stl.e 1 7' 1 Na.', .,95 I~ 56¡ 409ft HOI.Ho, DWrlct, Bayama. 1,531 23 ·04' HoaNo, 9mal11oWD, Bayamo, HorDo, • 7 SO Hoyo COLOL\DOo Vil~, SaDt~ de lu Ve¡aa, Bauta. ~ IU 609 I,~I' IOUAlA, Dlat ct, Santo piritu, 30463 2.}4 587 la.4 DIl 1'11I01, Civil Diltrlc:t, J,S19 aoS 3JJ ~ MPllLATION. ·~ CLA& ""1"..,0•. DllTlUc:T. W1úua. , .. QlI'd. S1a"e-. TocaI. AlAco, Town, Colon, ~'luimas, 39 4 AUIANrr", Town, Santiago de las Vegu, auo. 55 8 1; AMAlCAo Town, , San J oIIé de las Lajas, 27 9 t 43 AIlUCo, Civil Diatrict. 230431 3,063 11,071 370571 , AIlUco, City, '-4..,-'"s o/ 1M CifIi/ DUtrid o/ lile s_u _, 1,069 270 260 1,599- AIlUCO (Boca de), Town, ~aruco, Guanabo, 90 ATIBOlflco, District, anto Eapirita, • 3,996 861 3°3 5,160 IBACOA, District. ~aruco, 2,210 1°3 1,145 3.458 IBACOA, Vil1~e, aruco, Jibacoa, S49 59 112 720 IBAIlO, Distnct, anto Eapirita, 2,293 290 1,938 4.5:n IIAllo, famlet, Santo Espirita, Jibaro, 242 93 4S 383 ICOTUJ, 'ltle town, Moroa, Ciego de Avila, IGUAIU. Civil District, 12,312 4.658 602 ' 17,572 IGUAN" Town, 1utuJ..,IIIIrlers o/ tIu Civil Districl tI.f 1M __, 735 49S 114 1,347 ~ IQUIABO, Little 101m, Sagua la Grande, Nasciao de Alvara, .. IQUIABo, Town, ]aruco, Guanabo, 33 12 . 13 58 IQUIIIAS, Diatrict, Colon, 10,823 770 11,20] ~796 IQUUIAS, Little town, Trinidad, Guaniquical, 9... OjO, Diatrict, Baracoa, 210 530 40 780 t4 UCAIlO, Little town, Cardenas, Laguni1las, U/llAGUA, Little lOWD, Sa~ua la Graude, Sagua la GraDde, UMENTO, Little towD, Trinidad, Guaniquii:al, USTINICU, Santiago de Cuba, 1 Dialrict, I.~ 5,9 2 7,890 It846 GUNILLAS, Di.trict, CardelWl, 2,55 145 Sr468 17· LAGUNILLAS, Vil'" CardelWl, Lagwüllas, 433 40 S°l 974 LAzAIlO Lo~ Little t01m, lIoron, Ciego de Avila, LIMOlfAa. Town, Matanzu, Guamacaro, 89 28 81 198 LrMONAIlU, Little towD, Puerto Príncipe, Cubitaa, LIMONES, Town, CieufUegOll, Camaronea, 803 96 500 ·,399 LIZA (La), Town, ~antiago de las Vega Cano, 197 61 39 297 LoMITAS, Town. CienfuegOll, Camaronea, 645 131 201 977 LUYANO, ViIlilfC, .,o/ tIu ~I o/ H-, MABUJADO, Diatnct, Baracoa, 728 7,85 1 53° '"'1 MACAGUA (La), Diatrict. Colon, 3,556 243 8,= 12.498 ... ""VI.ATIOII.-- ..... CLA& 1V8DIYlUOII• IlIlftlICT, Wblla. , ... <.:ol'd. 1Ia.... l'ouL '"';: MACAGUA (La). IJttle towa, Colon, La Maa¡ua, 28 33 MACUIlIGES, Distriet, Colon, 7,837 434 I,~ 16,'11 , Diatriet, Guinel, 41 2,618 MADIlUGA, Vill Guinel, Madrup, 406" 171 147 7'm MAGAIlABOIIBA, Dia~ Pueno Prlndpe. I.I~ 17° 93° l,t08 MAOAIlABOIIBA, Town, Puerto Prindpe, Mapr.bombl, 41 5 4 50 MAISI. Diatriet, Baracoa, • 397 174 1 MAJANA, Town, San Cri.tobal. LuMan.... 54 4 7 51J MALIZAS, Diatriet, Villa Clara, 6,1J4 1,237 1,079 1,,4C? MANAc.u, Hamlet, CienfuegOl, Padre lu Caau, 560 419 1,1.1 MANAGuA, Diatriet, S. Maria del RoarIo, ·.511c} ~ 1,170 4oJ41 MANAGUA, VlUage, S. Mari. del RoarIo, Managua, 132 47 33 .12 MANATI, ToWD, Holguin, V.rigua, 30 5 MANGAS (Lu), District, San Criltobal, ·,047 4JI 2,012 4oJ~ MANGAS (Lu), Vü1 San Criltobal. LaaM.n.... 101 6 J8 MANIABON, Dia~ Holguin, ..,618 432 478 S,,IU MANICAIlAGUA, Distrlct, Villa Clara, 30791 1,327 247 5,365 MANICAIlAGUA, Litl1e town, Villa Clara, Mulcarapa, i " MANTILlA, Towa, Habana, CalY&rIo. 85 16 101 te • MANTVA, Distriet, Pinar del Rio, 2,8J4 290 474 3,S88 MANTtIA, Vll~ Pinar del Rio, Mantua,· 56 74 6,S37 MANZANILLO, Civil iatrlct, 13'~ 1I,IOS 1.713 MANZANILLO, Towa, Mtu/'pJriwl o/ tAl CifJiJ DiIIrid o/ tAI _ _ • 3to6o 1.962 611 2~ MAIlAGUAN, Vil~e,Distrlet, Puerto PriDd ~S 2oJ46 MAlllAJfAO, liabaaa. pe, Quemadoa, ~= S40 MAIlID., District, Guanajay. 2,8S2 65~ 20902 ~ MAIlID., Vü1:f¡ GuanaJay, Mariel. 617 229 111 957 MATANZAS, Gran Diltric:t, 7,067 32,119 79>913 )fATAIfZAI, City. MU~I o/ tAl GNIIII DiIIrid-f tAI __, =~ 6,116 30¡~ )lAVAJIOUA, Dililrict, Júmedloa, 2,354 s.: 255 3, 1 MAYAJIGUA, ToWD, Remedioa, ar.,.jIpa, MAYAJfAIO, DiIIrict, NUOYitu, "373 10455 40'. MAYAII. DI.triet, Holguln, 3tJ4O a,~ a77 s.8oa MAYAJU~ VIUap, Ho", Mlyut, aso 11' sa 519 10__ __o rwvLATIClW. CIJIII, • -.- ~ r_ CoI'cL S1a.... TOI.II. Kmm.u, Tcnm, 10497 247 Seo 2,244 M.,IA, Tcnm, ~~ i~ 90 15 105 linDA, D1atrict, GIÚDea, 2,IU 1,900 40394 MnDA, Guinea, M.leu, Sao ~ 506 1,532 MouNos (Loe), ~ Matanzas, Ceiba Mocha, 7 9 ·77 MONnzU&LO, Little tOWD, Piaar del Rio, MaDtua, MORDAZa, TOWD, Cic:nfuegOl, Cartagena, 21 5 54 29 298 MORDAZa, Little toWD, ~=GraDde, Nuci80 del Alftl'elo - MORDAZa, Hamlet, Puentea GrandeI, 48:1 40 592 MORON, Civil district, 6,268 ~ 7oS~ MORON, Vil1age, Iwd~~ o/ 1M CifIi/ Distrid D/ 1M stI1fU --. 1,278 U~ 33 1,5 MoUlu.o, Little town. Bahía Honda, Las Poua, MULATA (La), Littlc:toWD, Bahía Hcoda, Las Pozas, • NAVAJAS, Little town. Coloa, Macuriga, NAZAUHo, Little tcnm, RemediOl, Guaraeabuya, • NAZARUO. VUJase. Santa Maria del RoIario,Mana¡ua, 113 82 6 26r N&lv,4, Distriet, Santo Eipiritu, 2,229 205 341 2,ill ~ NIGUAS, Distri Villa Clara, 40066 580 10442 6, ... NUp'A GUONA, Tcnm,~.par1n'~-1 1M e--nrtD/ 1M I~k t1f Pi_, 1,000 ~ NUIVA PAZ, Distri G 40~ 436 3,891 8,673 , VUlagC:: G= Nueva Paz, liS 227 1,004 NunrrAS, Civil District, 40 189 S6S 2,187 6,941 NuEVITAS, City, MtMI~ 1/'''' C- I JJútrid D/ 1M -_. 1,816 225 167 2,208 PADUL.UC~ Diatrict, I nf • 2,612 561 3,3S3 6,S20 PALACIOS, Dlatrict, r' t bal 2,934 706 9~ 4oS7S PALACIos, VIllage, San Criatobal, PalaciOl, 7S SI4 PALMA (La), VUlase, Piaar del Rio, CODIOladoa del N arte, ~~ 12 32 170 "', PALMARJ,Jo, DiIItrict, Trinidad, 668 416 2,~ 3,139 a. PALMA SoUAJeo, Diatrict, Santiago de Cuba, 2,864 40078 2,3 3 9-326 ~ PALMA SoUAJeo, Santia¡o de: Cliba, Palma SorlaDo, liS 48 SI 214 C) PALMIu.AS, Colon, 3,041 S31 2,8~l 6.407 PALMILLAI Colon, PalmIllu, 210 O PAUURA, Clenfuegoe, Padre lu Cuur S82 2~¡ I,oSO lA = l;a ~ O PAUAI, Tcnm, Hol¡ulD, Guabadabo, 71 3 14 ..... 00....- = rv , roPULATIOII, -.. llAlla. a..us. avaDIYJIIOII. DIITIIJCT. • WhI_ ...... CoI'el. S1avIL Total. ~ PASO REAL DE GUANE, Little town, Pinar del Río. Guane, PASO REAL DE SAN DlllGO. Hamlel, San Criatobal. San Diego de 101 BaJlCll, 305 58 ~I PEPE ANTONIO. District, Guanabacoa, 1,68$ Il~ 1.093 PJ!.pE ANTONIO, Village. Guanabacoa, Pepe Antonio, 115 37 17 1,= PEnos (Los). Little town, Remedios, Mayajigua, PIJUAN. Lillte town, Colon, Macagua, 39 1 3 43 PINAR DEL Rlo, Civil Distriet, 43.52:1 10,408 15t404 PINAa DEL Rlo. District, Pinar del Rio, 11.104 3,111 40419 rt$ PINAR DEL Rlo. City, /uad'fII4r,"s (JI 1M Civil Distrid Dj l/u sa"" tumU, 2,000 6]1 457 ], PIPIAN, Hamtet. Guines, Madruga, 1,.6 7 30 173 PuYA DE , Little town, Havana, Quemados, PoI.CAYO, Distriet, Puerto Prlncipe, 568 148 647 I'~ PoRTILLO, District. Manzanillo. IBa 674 13 PoToRILLO. Llttle town. ilta " ra, luan de !al Yar.., POZAS (Las). Distriet, hl 11 ,nl1.\, 2,~ AII g86 .109r, PoZAs (Las), Village, ahí. Hone! Paz... 74 33 5 7 PI.INCIPE ALFONso, Tow", uin Nueva Pu, J52 JO 39 :I:IJ PuEBLO NUEVO. Little town, I' rto Pr1ncir.e. Santa Cruz, • PuEBLO NUEVO• Town, ' n ri toba. LaaM:'it.: 59 4 9 71 PuENTE DE ALMItNDAUI, Little town, liabana, Arroyo Manjo, I PuENTES GI.ANDa, Di triet, Habana, 1.457 124 370 1.950 PUItl'lTE5 GI.ANDa, m'lge. Habana, Vu nle rande , 1,000 PuUTA DI. LA GUJI.A, 1II ~e. Guanajay. r\ mi 17 :10 160 PuUTO PRINCIPE, • n Di met, 10,786 13, 185 62.517 "', 58,;;t , PUERTo PRINCIPI., Il)', Af"'(''1I(,'''f''tr, ll1t Gra"" Distrid o/ 'lit la",t rf4t1U. 18,216 8,0]4 40355 12,369 a. PuNTA DE CARTAS, hlPPlll int. nar del Rio. Sjln Juan kMartinu, ~ PuNTA DE PALMAS, Jt I to n. Pinar del Río, Pinar del io, I 2 C) Gu,.a, 1 tri t, Sagua la Grande. 40009 J40 2,7 5 6,883 O l1F.lIoIAOO DE GUINa, lJI I 111 e, S~a la Grande, QUCDl&do de Guinea, iUItlIoIADOS....'" ..(Loa), ri Ha ana, 2,467 830 1,605 40901 O 00 UDCADOI \,Lo.), I own. Habana, Loe ~uemadCll, ....- I1I.J1ADOI I~ Uttle town, Habana, Loe uemadCll, rv 11..IlA HACHAo Gu-:iay• )larie 109 55 13 • I1IVICAIC. ~ Deju • 30435 4*) 1,633 ~ aAJl& CW\II, SUaDIYlIIOIf. rorvLATlClJI. DIITIIKT. Whita. Free Col'eI. S1aYD. TocaL ~mcAH, VII1:rct Bejacal, Quivlcan, 737 218 237 1,1:13 NCHO VELOZ, D1ac:t, Salraa la Granae, 1,297 221 30721 s.:a89 RANCHU&LO, Little town, Vil a Clara, San Juan de Iu Ueras, RICUO (El), Little town, Cardenas, Guanajayabo, REGLA., Village, ",. 1111 BUJ "1 UtnJallQ, 8,000 REMEDIos, Civil Diatriet, 40924 90Ut 4207040 REMEDIos, Town, /uad'guarln-' of 1111 Civil Dillrid o/ 1111 same 1I4IIU, ~~ 1,881 95 7,637 RINCOIf, Town, Jarueo, Guanabo, 86 24 16 136 RINCON, Town, Santiago de Iu Vegas, Santiago de lu Vegas, 29 85 Rlo DE Av, District, Trinidad, l.el 451 2,953 40490 RIO 1I0Noo, Little town, Pinar del Rio, Conllolacion del Sur, ROQUE, Village, Colon, liquimaa, 2:16 41 36 3°3 SABALO, Little town, Pinar del Rio, Guane, • SABAN. DEL COII&HDADOIl, Distriet, Matanzas, 2,°79 21 7 6,068 8,3~ >-"11 SABAN. DEL COII&HDADOIl, Vll1age, Matanzas, Sabanilladel Comendador, I~ 14 SABAIf ILLA, Villa¡e, Cienfuega-, Cumanayagua, 1,4 ~ 183 I,SA5 SAGUA DE TANAIIO, Dilltrlet, Guanatanamo, 2,526 1,664 594 4.784 i SAGUA DE TANAIIO, VII1~ Guanatanamo, Sagua de Tanamo 173 17~ 90 SAGUA LA GRANDE, Civil istrict, 30,420 2,41 19,15° 52,~ ~ SAGUA LA GRANO" Town, !uad-guarlw.t o/ 1111 Civil DUtrid o/ 1111 sa".~ IIQ"'~, 7,000 SALAD, To"n, Cienfuegos, Santa Isabel de lu Lajas, 518 29 106 SALADO, Town, Cienfuet,os, Cartagena, 527 23 :a~ SALTADEIW (El), Village, /uad·guartrrs o/ I Civil DistrKI of GUIlIIIQIIQmt1, . 529 790 ~t 1,735 SALTO, :ro"n, Cienfuegos, Santa Isabel de las Lajas, 767 91 457 1,137 SALUD (La), Distriet, Bejucal, 2,782 1119 1'94 40;1 SALUD (La), Village, BeJucal, La Salud, 62:1 28 231 SAN AUGUITIN, Town, Habana, Calvario, 15 30 45 SAN AUGUITIN, Lillle town, Holguin, Yarigua, SAN ANDIlES, Town, Holguin, Guabaciabo, 127 24 160 SAIf ANTON, To"n, Cienfuegos, Cumanayagua, 175 24~ 127 55° S. AlirroNIO Da LAS VEGAS, District, Bejucal, 2, 131 19 1 709 3,°31 S. ANTONIO DE LAS VEGAII, Village, BeJUcaI, San Antonio de Iu Vegas, 5°5 160 47 S. ANTONIO DE LOS BARos, Civíll>iatriet, 21, 127 2,022 10,737 33.~ \11 .r_~ ~ S. ANTONIO 0& LOS BARos, Town, !uad·guarl",s o/ 1111 Civil DistrKt o/ tIu IIQ#IU. 30741 367 139 40247 \11 POPVLATlOK. -.... CLA& svmmnu... DISTIlICT. Whita. F_ CoI'eL S1aYeL TcaL ""~ S. ART. R. B. DU. Noan, Disbiet, 2,018 154 1,256 3,428 S. AHT. R. B. DU. Noan, Vlllage. t=~aru~ S. Antonio R. B. del Norte, 60 60 444 5.ut CAYnANo, Town, . del Rio, Conaolacion del Norte, 3:t 6 3 35 5.ut CI.ISTOBAL, Civil District, 17.917 3.289 7.77 1 18,977 SAN CI.ISTOBAL, V~ l;"oJti-<¡lJaI'úr's o/ l/u Civil Dútridtif tAl _ ~, 379 80 44 503 S. DIICO DIt LOS BABos, Diatrict, o Cri lobaJ, 6,~ 1.234 2,090 9>461 S. DIICO DIt LOS BABos, Villa¡e, :San ri lobaJ, San Diego de loe Baftoe, 147 242 1,1$8 S. DIICO DIt LAS NIGUAS Town, 1lI lara, Niguas, 81 4 99 S. DI&AO DI. NURIZ, Di.bict, hi Honda, 2,113 195 3,1~ S~ S. DIICO DI. NuRIZ, Vl1l:fe, ahia Honda, San Diego de NuJlez, 671 99 72 SAN FltLIR, Hamet, 1\1 1, ~iv.ican, 325 30 37 392 SAN FItlulANDo, Little lo ¡ I Clara. amcaragua, SAN FuNCIJeo, District, Trinidad, 935 194 I~ 1,260 SAN FUNClICO DIt PADIA, Town, Guanabacoa, S. Miguel del Padron, 272 39 371 SAN FUNCISCO DIt PADIA, Town, Matanzas. Ceiba Mocha, 199 15 18 232 SAN GUONUIO, Town, Puerto PrInclpe, Uraba, 65 6 100 SAl( od. Town, HolguiD, Mayari, JO ~ 3 ~ '1 SAN DIt L.U Di.bic:t, ost LAJAS, Jaruco, 3.¡;: 739 6,007 5.ut od DIt L.U LAJAS, Villa¡e, aru~ S. J0IIé de las Lajas, al5 I'm 1,234 Fe SAN ost Da LOS RAMos, Town, Colon, Macagua, 37 6 43 SAN VAN, Little town, Habana. Arroyo Naranjo, SAN VAN, Vi11~ Pinar dellUo, S. Juan '1 Martinu, SAl( u AN DI. L.U LLu.u, Diatríc:t, Villa Clara, 50366 10491 1.457 &.314 SAN UAM Da LAS 1.L&Lu. Town, Villa Clan, S. Juan de las lJerp, 5.ut UAM y M.uTINIZ, Diatrlct, Pinar del Rio, 8,078 1,777 2,737 12,529 "'N ro SAM LAz.uo, Little town, Puerto Principe, Camugiro, a. SAM LUII, LittleYiJ1a¡e, Pinar del Rlo, ~'luaJt l Martlnu, -S! SAN MATIAI, Vil1a¡e, S. ntoOlo R. B. del Norte, 3~ :a 189 571 C) SAM Mloua., Town, ~-=-. Guamacaro, 153 SAN Mloua¡., Vllla¡e, Numtu, M~n.ba, 493 I:J ~ 635 O y gua, O SAN MIOU&L, Unle town, HoIpiD, 00 SAN MIOUItL DItL PADION, Diatrlct, Guanabacoa, ~~ 106 806 2,190 ....- SAN MIOUItL DItL PADION, G_bacoa, s. M1p1 del Padroa, 7 115 rv 84If NIClOL.u, = Gul.... .51 ~ "713 So·,· I'OrULATIOIl...... ~ CI.A& Il1ID1Y111lllf.. IIlI'nJCT• WIlila rne CoI'cL S1a-. TcnaL So Nlcor..u, ~tennI, GaiDee, SanNlco.... 225 52 I~ 381 SAN NICOLAS Da IIOAO". Santia¡o de Cuba, LUltiIlicu, SAN PATalClo. HamIet, Nlleritu, ayanabo, 136 8 I~ SAN PaDI.O, . Littlc tennI, de \aa Vepa, Ubl.jay. 17 SAN PaDRo. Little tennI, San:TriDi Palmarejo, SAN PaDRo. Little tennI, Trinidad, GuiDea. SANTA ANA, Diatrict. Matanzaa, 3.062 309 41641 8,012 SAHTA ANA, Villa¡e, MataDzaa, Santa Ana, 112 30 15 157 SAHTA ANA, ToWD, Sant~o de \aa Vepa, Bauta, 45 5 SO SAHTA CLAaA, Little toWD, Pinar el Rio. COD80laciOD del Sur; SANTA CRUZ, Town, ~aruco. Jibacoa, 137 3 20 160 SANTA Cltuz, Diatrict. uorto Principe, 1.543 603 1193 2,939 SANTA CRUZ, Vil~ Puerto Principe, Santa Cruz, SOO SANTA CRUZ Da LOS PUfOS, D1ltríCt, San Criltobal. 2,201 338 922 3,461 SANTA CRUZ, ToWD, San Criltobal, Santa Cruz, 23 12 6 41 SANTA Ft. Towu, lile of Pinea, 400 m S. IsA.BEL DE LAS LAJAs, Diatrict. C1enfuel0ll, 2 2 382 1.930 64 21 S. ISABEL DE LAS LAJAs, V~ CieDCuegOl, Sta. babel de lu Lajas, J,1.2i7 1,329 S'i ...l:' S. MUlA DEL RosARIO. Civil . 'ct, S,04~ ~ll 2,173 ~:1 ~ S. MARIA Da. ROLUIo. City, MtMJ~1 D/ 1M CñJi/ DistridD/ 1M _~. 2,45 I,~ I,OO~ 3,80S SANTA RrrA, Diatrict. I'¡uani, 4t~~ 13 6,333 SANTARrr.... ToWD, i~i, Santa Rita, 97 3 SAHTlAGO, Town, CicnCucgOl, Cartapna, 415 63 190 ~ SAHTIAGO- DE CUB.... GrandDlatrict, 23.789 36.480 31,082 91.3S 1 SAHTI4GO DE CUB.... City, lutIII-parlwl D/ 1M Grllllli Dútrict (1/ 1M __• 13.377 15,349 7·775 36,491 SANTIAGO DE LAS VEGAs, Civil Diatr1ct, 9t302 2,041 41507 15,850 SAHTIAGO DII LAS VIlO..... City. MtMJ"P",161 D/ 1M CñJi/ Dútrid ".1 llu la., ~. 1.2S0 865 722 5,837 SANTO (El), Little lown. Sagua la Grande, Calabazal. SANTO DOMINGO, Diatrict. Sagua la Grande. 5. 131 271 1,333 6,735 SANTO DoMINGO, Linle vil. Sagua le Grande, Santo DomiDgo. SANTO Es'IItJTU. Civil Diatrict, 25,188 5.808 8,685 42,681 SANTO Es'I1ITU. City, 1utIII"""161~ tAl CñJi/ Dútrid D/ 1M __ ~. 7.293 41 172 1,873 13' 38 SaIBABO. D1atrict, iIIa Clara, 2,230 1,262 ~ ~~S '" 6IaANIC17. Diatrict. Puerto PriDcipe, 30968 210 '"

. POPULATlo•• \lO ...... CL.UL SUBDmSICJII• DISTa1CT. Whitu. Free Col'd. SlaftS. ToW. 00 SIBANICU, Little village, Pueno Principe, Sibanicu, "'" SIEIlRA (La). Hamlet, Cienfuegos, Cumanay: 201 ISO 214 S6S SIERRA MollUlA, Little town, S U I (,r nde, Ceja de Pa lo, SIPIAIIO, District, IlDld d, 2,6c)o 362 SS8 2,610 SIPIAIIO, Little town, Trinidad. Sipiabo, SOt.:.\PA (La,) Town, Santiago de Cuba, El Cobre, 81 91 12 184 SOL"UAU. Town, CienfuegOll, Cartagena, 1,076 36 400 I,S12 TAt.:.U1AKA, District, Holguin, 2,299 SI 177 2,S27 TAGUAY.\DON, Diatriet, Remedios, 6,9Ss S24 1,810 903 19 TAGU.\y.\DON, Little t01m, Remedios, Taguayabon, TAI'.\SfE, District, Jarueo, 3,740 S4S 1,312 S,~ TArASTE, Village, aruco, Tapaste, 622 121 66 T~A (La), Town, Cardenas, Guamutas, 279 56 47 382 T~ERIA (La), Town, Pinar del Rio, Guane, ~ TIARRIBA, TOlm, Santiago de Cuba, Justinieu, S2 22 210 "ll TIGUABOS, Diatrict, Guantanamo, 1,639 1,~ 2 l'l 40847 8,3S 2: TIGuuos, Little village, Guanlanamo, Ti~aboe. t::l TOABAGUItY, Little town, Pueno Príncipe, Cu itas, ?C.... TIlINID.AD, ivil D' tri 17,Q36 900]4 I~~ 37,~ TIlIl'ID\o, ¡ty." J.., ,,!,., o/llu Cn';l Dútrid of lile _ -.u, 7,003 S·972 IS, 5 TUINUCU, DI In t Santu Espírilu, 425 40~9 TUNAl (La.~), Civil Diatríct, t~ 2,2S4 ~ 6, 3 TUNAS (Las), Village, ANd-parlw,s of lile Civil DioStrid of l/u ,sa"" -.u, 675 167 1,840 TUNAS (Las), VilIa¡re, Santo EspÍlilu, Jibara, N ro UBAjAY, Diatrtct, Sóultiago de las Vegas, 1,3 19 641 2,174 a. 2~ UBAJAY, VilIage, Santiaso de laa Vegas, Ubujay, / -S! 246 17 359 Ul'IIO:'l, (La), To,"" Guina, Alacraneto 91 111 O C) UICIQUI, Dialrict, Tunas, rs: 6]4 9S 1,U7 O Uuao, Diatriet, Pueno Príncipe, S43 170 ]49 1,062 O VItLA'M:O, Liule IOwn, IloJguin, Maniaban, 00 VILAZQI'EZ. Litllo town, Baracoa, Cabacu, ....- VUP.IIA Nu.vA, Dlau-ict, San Anloniodeloe BaIlOl, J,4I)8 304 1,184 40986 rv VUP.ltA Nllr.vA, ViII~~. San Anlonlndeloe Balice, Vereda NtWn, •,:liSO 1.:1 154 I,S:lI5 VICA~A, Uulc lown, Sillua la GrllJldc, Ca1~bual, POP.LATION. llAlla. CLAIL SU_VI.ION. DIIITIUCT. Whil- ... •'r.. CoI'd. SlaftL ·foW. VICANA, Distrle:t, Manzanillo, 1,°78 1.309 9 2,396 VICo\lfA, Town, Manzanillo, Gua, 120 210 47 VILLA CLAIlA, Civil Distriet, 340579 11,200 6,865 52,m VILLA CLAIlA, Citr. Alad-p4rlws of tAl Civil .()iItri&t of tAl sa"., _, 5,098 2,753 740 8.591 VUELTAS (Lu), Little town, Remedios, Taguayabon, YAGUAJAY, Diltriet, Remedios, 1,741 114 1,3 17 3. 17:1 YAGUA)AY. Town, Remedios, Yaguajay, Ig: 16 20 190 Y AGUARA..A!, Distriet, Cienfuegos, 3.1 784 2,002 5,950 YAGUAIlAIIAS, Vil\a~e, CíenCuegos, Yaguaramae, 668 258 148 1,074 YAGUAS (Lu), Distru:t. Santiago de Cuba, 80g 1,704 3,210 5.7a YAIlA, Diatriet. Man.EaDlllo, 3,007 1,061 100 40 1 YAIlA, VilIage, Manzanillo. Vara, 323 182 44 549 YAIlItY, Little town, Holguin, Yarigua, YAJtEYAL, Distriet, Holguin, 371 2.596 >- 2,°7° ;~ "ll YAIUBACOA, Distriet, Manzanillo, 3.808 3,011 7,61 5 "ll YAIlIGUA, District. HplguiD, 3,028 425 268 2,721 tr.l YATItIlA5, District. Guanatanamo, 6 :z: 574 1.195 2.7 1 40~: t::l ZAItZAL (El), Town, Manzanillo, Vara, 366 312 4 ~ ID tbe aboye Gazetteer, Cor Cuba, vid. Santiago de Cuba; (or Narciso de Alvarez, vid. Alvarez; (or Nueva Filipina, vid. Pinar del Río; Cor Palos (Los), 'fIid. Nueva Paz; for Paso de Cauto, vid. Cauto de Paso; COI San Gregario de Mayar!, vid. Mayari Abajo; Cor San Juan de los Remedios, vid. Remedios; (or Santa Catalino de Guasa 6 el Saltadero, vid, Saltadero; (or Santa Clara, vid. Villa-clara; (or Vieja Bermeja, vid. Bermeja.


1 COLORan .&OPL&. WHITa. TOTAL Free. Slav... I Western Department. 601,656 129,880 313,288 1,0440824 I Eastem Department, 163,094 8 66,235 325,387 ----- 96,°5-- ¡ Grand Total, 764.750 . 2:Z5.938 379,523 1,370,211 •

'J'AJJL.. 'HltW""¡'J'... (.II.."A"A·IlV .... VA .." .. " IN '"II.I.AI"11I1" 'llllllllllHN "NI' A"IIII'I'II'I'II\I l'"""~"llll~ IN 111\10· "11 '''LAMO (J' CUIIA,l.O"""."." "le"'" III'A'II""111I "'111"1"1"'11 llV '"~' "INIl'NIII NI'I.\Ii~N"'4"'" ~"H "., lJ -- , .. ll'I"I'"II~N t'NIlI'I1M 1' ••" 'AUA:·· 1 ""'AI WtAtern nep~rltn('nt, ],(>4'), ,(O) 11 1.107 ('0.\1,.\ 117,~"l\"OO I '\~,\'~\,\ll" 1l~I',lflIllCIII, 3,~.17,UII . E.lNlclI\ 3.047.1,(")\ '7.1"4f\lIUI I ::"I\~.I\" [ (irand Tulal, §,~K('.11\cl 'f\~Il(l,(I(K' "-,,.l\."7.\'O1 1:('-4..1,1.''''

TABI.K SHOWINO 'rilE NUMnRR O" LANIlKn PRorKR1'IKS ON THIt ISI,AN\I, IN '_1 - ."- - - -- "ATnl l"a.uINU "'''¡A. m,.. '''''111011. -'.'1' ti r~--'A.N'" ..4 ...... bTATD. "TAfta, "".,'".1, """""'"~"'M" - . - .- - WeAlern Ileparlment,.. 53,475 2,034 .,16l 4S4 ~, ,tIQ IU,n," ","11 ¡':ulem 11("l'arlmcnt, •• 9,995 1 '1) .,~, .. ___ -0- _. . ',35 5'" .. raJ ",.~ .. I '1'01,,1, 0 J1I ~, ' -- 1>.347-- . - ,1, 5 10,\'1\ !,1M 7111 .1,14· u,..",

In Iddillon lo.he IIlt Rlven at the clOMl or Ihll prllfll"1" Iherll a", I 11111111"" IIf v~ll1.hl. '.II,hl ,.Iall". 111 lh~ 1.1""', l",hltlh'l' at dlfl'erenl thnC"A, and to be plrklld "1' .1 th. '.llIlullllrl IIf II~Y.II~, vl',1 I'NHAYII IIIHI'III1'11I 1111 I.A hl A 1'" \ 1111", 1'11I Peluela. 11""101 el Gobierno del n("nrral TaCUil. ()un vllllllltr, "v~. \1" lA lilA 11" \'III1A, 1'''1 1't1l11h"l., wllh l11umlnated drllwln.... Ono follo yolunll". -IIU'I',nNAllllI l'AMI \lA,..",,,,,,. 1111 VIII'" 1'111'''''''1, 1',1/ 11, ~.l~l"," 1\' I~I"" ODa yolunll. -- ~h:MoRIA' !'Ina..: KI, 1~'I'''r.1 l'ul,I'rll'lI, IlllhlrllNlI V AIIMI"'IHI"A' 111'" "11 1" l., A 1111 1'1111", 1'11I 1, III.ti de 1aCOllCIt3, (;""l'rllOI C;,'nrrnlln IR~1.--(jl/1I1HA"'~ 11" lA hlA ,," ("'IlA, 11"1 11, Irll~h~n 1'¡'h~lltll, '1111". vIIIIIII'~1 TOPOOUPlA r.Ultll'A 11" I,A 1.1.011 1JI("'lIltA, I'm 1"1 111, 11, k~lIlllll, l'lnl y I'"nll.. la. - IAI IJI" "11111I11' V 111 'JIIII hllM"1 '1 LA HAB'NA A""'IIIIIA v MOllaIlNA. 1'", Ilun rno" M.,la d. II "'IIr1'" - MlllolUlIlAH lIa 1,0\ ""' 1111101111 "'IINII"'I A, ~lltl 1lI'''Y punphletlland lH',¡..,III.1. I'"hll.h.. c1 •• ,fU,.,lIn( lillll"l "1"111 Hllhlllll IIr 11I.1111. ", hl'.1I0' ,"lIllnlll. \11 Iho 'ol~llll, Altlll 11I141' 01 lhe.. can br ¡n'IM",••1 Ihrn"Jlh .n,. r.o"lI' I.hl. b""k hnu... APPBRDIJL

A UST 01' SOIlE o.. THI: PRINCIPAL CIG.U MAN11l"ACTUJtUS, Their residences, and the brands for which they are specially celebrate4,~ ueful for dealers, and those smokers who, accidentally, come across any of these brands, and wish to order direct from the muers.

ACOSTA, FACUNDO (Bejucal).-Cleopatra, Facundo, Maravilla, Palmito, Tres Gracias. --ALONSO, VALItNTIN (Ha\"ana). - Alonso Femandez, Flor de Mi gusto, Flor de Rio Seco, Flor de Valentio Alonso, Mis dOll Hijas, Whitman.-­ ALVAB.JlZ, CASIIURO (Santiago de las Vegas).-Celeste Imperio, Flor de Casi­ miro Alvarez. --ALVAREZ, JULIAN (Havana).-Camilo Muro, Flor de Franco P. Alvarez, Flor de Julian Alvarez, Francisco A. de Grande, Henry Clay, Primera Diana, Selecta:--ALVERJlZ, MYANO (Bejuca1).-Clay, Calhoun and Webster, Nueva Empresa, Recreo.--ALLONES, ANTONIO (Havana).-Confederacion, Confederacion Suiza, República Argentina, República de Chile, República Peruana, Rey del Mondo, Uruguay.--AMARO y CA., F. (Havana).-General Grant, Johnson, Orotava. --AIIAT, PAGUAGA y CA. (Havana). - Avilesina, Boa, Gloria, Recinto de Nervion.--ANDIlEU y CA, JOSÉ (Havana).-Angelita, Designio, Inesita, San Francisco. --AIlANGO, VALENTIN (Havana). - Aguila Especial, Caliope, Cautiva, ¡'10r de Solon, Flor de Valentin Arango, Stars and Stripes.--ARGUELLES y HERMANOS, JOAQ. DE (Havana).-Argüelles y Her· manos, Flor de Argüelles y Hos, Flor de Joaq. Argüelles, HumboldL-­ ARKIGUNAGA, FltB.NANDO (Havana).-Flor de Arrigunaga, Flor del Arte, Jockey Club. --Bocl[' y CA. (Havana).- A. Bacallao y Ca., Aguila de Oro, Fausto, Flora ApiÓ;1na, Moscovita, Perla del Pacifico, Príncipe de Orange, Raleigh, Royal Engineers.--BÁllCENA5, RAIION DE LAS (Havana).-Churruca, Lord Nelson, Manco de Lcpanto, Sena. --BASTARRKCHEA, L. - Cachucha, Flor de Bastarre­ chea, Vega del Jagüey.--BKCI y HUMANO, MANUEL (Havana).-Antoflica, Ermita, Rey de Würtemberg. --CABARGA y CA., A. (Havana). - Albertina, Cabarga y Lopez, Carona. --CABARGA CA., J. DE (Havana). - Flor de 1011 Tobacos Haltan08, José de Cabarga y Ca.--CANDEMIL, JosÉ L. (Havana).­ Coloso, Encanto, Encanto de Matilde, Estrella Fija, Gota de Agua, Know Sorne· thing, Moctezuma, Plenty of Room, Reina de las Antillas, Reina del Golfo.-­ CAIlBAJAL, L. (Havana). - Camelia del J apon, Carmjal y Carbajal'; Dos Carba­ jales, Horcon, Pefia la Deva. --CARUNCHO, ANTO. (Havana). - Intimidad, Marqués de Caxia, Super Omnia. --CASO y CA. (Havana). - Flor da Cuba, Superior de Cuba.--CAST1LLO y SUAIlEZ, J9st (Havana).-Aguila Francesa, Fígaro, Noriega, Primor Habanero, Pruébese, Rosa Habanera. --CLISEN, Jod J. (Havana). - Esmero, Fuego, Maria Antonieta, Vuelta al Rio.-­ CODINA, JAIME (Havana). - Cinto de Orion, Flor de Codina, Lirio, Redowa, Rü1e. --COIIAll y CA. (Bejucal). - Corina, Cosecha de 186], Flor de Aroma, FlIDdada Esperanza, Habana Industrial, Idea, NiiIa, Nue,'o Mundo, Quinta Eseocia.--CONILL, JUAN (Bejucal).-Juan Couill.--CORDlltll, ISIDRO (Pinar del Río). - ADela de Rio·Hoodo. - CORUJO, LUIS (Havana). - Camaríoca, 582 Al'PENDIX.

Comerciante. F1or' de Corujo, Hija del Regimiento, Punch. --CosrAUS, BBRI'UlO. (Santiago de las Vegas).-Clavel de Santiago, F10r de Mayo, l i lor de Recio y.COlItales, Ubano.--Curro y Hll.lUlA1"lo, LU1S (Havana).-Aleázar. Aromátioos, Caímana, Chata, Chilena, Delicias TropicUes, Diamante, Elía, Emilia, F10r de ]osé Cl1eto, Manl1el Reina, Granadina, Merrimac y Monitor. Peninswar.--CH1NCHURllETA y DUARTK (San Antonio de los B:üí~j.­ Aralar, Cabinet,.Chinchurreta y Duarte, Diógenes, F10r de Duarte y Ca., Flor de Manrico,]uan de Chinchurreta, Para la Grimdeza, ¿ Qué sé yó? Resaláa.-­ D1Al, BANCES y CA. (Havana). -A No. J, Almirante de Ruyter, Bel1amar. Carulina, Flor de Diaz, Bances y Ca., F10r de P. Bances. lilur de Tomás Dias, Gen. McClellan, Mariscal Villars, Old Abe, Princesa Dagmar, Un grano fuí. --D1Al., LU1S (Santiago de las Vegas).-Arabe11a, Chile, Flor de Lu!s Dial. Florida, Modelo de la Antigüedad.--EsTRADA y CA., A. (Hayan¡¡). - Espe· cialidad, Flor de Castelló y Ca., Luisa Miller, ¿ Para mi? Paseo.-- FDLl'IA.'\;l)El TUNON, FRANC1SCO (Havana).-Constancia, Pájaro del Océano, Torre de Tawira. --FKRRE1UA y HERMO, (Havana).-Eleccion, Orbe.--Fos y CA., V. (Piuar del Rio).- Catalana, Eldorado, Emperatriz Carlota, Ultramar.-- GAIlAJIAL.OS.A, D. (Havana). - Anda, Babilonia, Coloso de Santiago, Flor de D. Garbaloea, Flor de José Rionda, Gibraltar, Gues8, lslí, L'mgreo, Legalidad, María StlWt, Mejor de la Habana, Opera, Pensilvania, Perla de Santiago, Silistr1a.-­ GARCtA y MAZA (Havana).-Andrew ]ohnson, Rubl, Sultan.--GARclA y CA.. FKLlX (Havana). - Alvaro de Bazan, Capitolio, Flor de Arroyave, Flor de El1ropa, Flor de Royales, Flor de Vigo, Júpiter, M. P. Mirat, Niña AdcWu., Niñu Eduardito, Victoria Regia.--GARclA, ]058 ANTO. (Havana).- Flor de ]. A. Garda, Gobernador Stanley, Great Eastern, Iberia, Ingenuidad, J. A. García, K.ladderadatscb, Legitima Ambrosia, Legitima de Garcla, Nicori,a,u, Ponton, Raql1el,' Rosa de California, Telémaco. --GAllC1A y LLERA, M. (Havana).-AlfoDlO, Apostólica, Aprobacion, Católica, Consuelo, Dl1que ErDtalL\ Manuel Garcia, Monitor, Nilo, Reina, ~ey del Mar, Rivera, Romana.­ GONZALEZ, CAn"110 y CA. (Havana).-]ose1ina, Manola.--GoN:tAU2, EULOGh) (Havana). - Africana, Ella, Erost Merck, Incógnita, Mi Madre, Mi Suqn, Mozart, Ramillete de Aromas, Rapidez.--GoNZALEZ,]. H. (Havana).- A¡uiIa de Diamante, Central Park, Curiosidad, Dos SolLas, Florida Blanca, Mensagero, Scotch Fusilier Guards.--]AN8 y GKNER) Havana).-Cruz de Malta, Escep­ cion, Monopoliucion, Vuelta·Abajo.--UllllAÑAGA y CA. (Havana).-Alexander 11., Guipuzcoana, Por Larraftaga, Ready and Rough. --LoI'EZ, ANT\lN10 (Havana). - Flor de Anto. Lopez y Ca., paz; de China, Prototipo, Rosa del Valle, Sublime de A. Lopez.--LoPEZ y FAJO (Havana).-Esmero de Arroyave. Eaquisitos, Flor Agricola, Flor de Fajo, Flor de Mata y Garaa, Flor de Torra y Lopez, ]óven América, Sirena, Tiempo. --LuPEZ y T"UJ1LLO, DlaiO (Santiago de las Vegas).- Diego Lopez y Trujillo, Flor Chinesca, Flor de SaÍltiago. Julia, Mina de Oro, Turca. --LLERA, Vl':NANC10 DE LA (Havau).­ Consecuente, Flor de la Moda, Flor de Recalde y Llera, Popl1lar, RectitucL­ MAR1NAS, MANUEL (Havana).-Flor de Bengoechea, Flor de Marinaa, GuiIIenIlo Tell, Incomparable, Inmejorable, Judit, Manuel Marinas, Montalleaa, Perla dtl Tabico, Primavera, Real, Reina de la HabaDa, TÍJlo. - MAuuo, JúKuIt. ApPENDIX.

(Bejucal).-Aroma del BlIsamo, Bálsamo y Aroma, Black Warrior, Conchita, Palmeta, Para los Aficionados. --MARTINEZ lBOR, VICENTE (Havana).­ Criolla, Fin, Mas Selecta, Mina Cubana, Mis Tres Medallas, Príncipe ne Gales, Tres Diosas. --MATO, PEDRO (Santiago de las Vegas). - Dos Hermanos, General Grant, Pefton, Pureza de Mató, Sol de Santiago, Venturina, Visitadora. --MENK:'IDEZ y SUAREZ (Havana).- Boschetti, C¡unagüeyana, Flor de Rendu­ elas y Menendez, Flor el Todo, Flor Tropical, Infiesta y Castro, J. Menendez, Pedrera, Rio Feo.--MESTRE, A.·H. (Havana).-Elvira, Estrell de Chile.-­ MORALES, M. A. (Havana). - Encanto de Cuba, Flor de J. Arés, Flor de J. M. M. Realidad. --MORALES, Jost, (Havana). - Aguila de Rusia, Celina, Flor de Canela, Flor de Morales, Lord Rivers, Matilde, Mayerbeer, Pellcano.-­ MURI.lS, GARCIA y CA. (Havana) - Balmoral, Flor de los campos de Cuba, Meridiana, Palacio de Cristal, Reserv3, Walter Scott. -- PANDO Y CA., J. (Havana). - Acuerdo, Alba, Caoba, Crema, Danubio, Dulzura, Fina, Flor de Aibuerne, Lira de Oro. -- PARFI'S YC.... , SALVADOR, (Havana). - Army and Navy Club, Broderick, Caminante, Coloso de Rodas, Cometa, Cotorra, Crea­ cion, Esperanza Realizada, Jardin, Jenn)" Lind, Magnifica, Parets y Pons, Perro, Postres, Rhin, Ritilla, Sancho Panza, Sebastopol, Tomeguin, Yumurri.-­ PARTAGAS, JAIME, (Havana). - Balsámica, Flor de Tabacos. -- PEREZ DEL RIO, Fo. (Havana). - BJasan de Tabacos, Bouquet de Tabacos, Flor Escep­ cional, Flor de Inés, Flor del Sevillano, Flor de Tabacos de Gusto, General Prim, Legitimidad, Mérito, Rio ·de la Plata, Sevillano, Tabacos de Gala, Unica Flor de Rio. -- PRI'.5MANES y SOBRINO, (Havana). - Araucana, Flor de Presmanes y Sobrino, Fortuna de Navajas. -- PUMARIEGA, J. G. (Havana). - César, Flor de José G. Pumariega, Flor de Un dia, Incógnito, J. G. P., Palo :'.Ito, Reformador, Rio Sella, Sublime de Pumariega. -- RICO MANUEL, (Santiago de las Vegas). - Benigno Rico, Habanos, Lima, Luna, Luna llena, Manuel Ri((), Media Luna. -- RODRIGUEZ, ANDRtS, (Havana). - Earl of Dunmore, Flor de S. Juan y Mar.tinez, Granadier Guards, lslefiita Cubana, Tica de Bolton.-­ RODRIGUEZ, ARIAS y CA. (Havana). - Almendares, Felicidad de R. Rodriguez, Flor de R Rodríguez, Ocasion, Puente de Agua Dulce, Relámpago, Rico Habano, Union Universal. -- ROGER y CA., PEDRO, (Santiago de las Vegas). - Ramo, Rosa de Santiago. -- ROMAY, JULIAN. (Havana). - Adela, Cisne, Competencia de Romay, Flor de Romay, Ria de Vigo, Rudesinda, Tres Primos. -- ROMERO, JUAN B. (Havana). - Cosmopolita, Española, Filántropa, Occi· dental. -- ROSALES y TUERO, (Havana). - Australia, Comercial, Flor de Creta, Flor de Ramon Rosales y Ca., Flor de Tuero y Rosales, Indio, Ninfas del Parque, Rist:lri, Traviata. -- SALA, MANUEL DE LA, (Havana). - Bayamo, Buen Aroma, Dignidad, Eclectic, Engafia Bobos, Extra Mallsima, Extra Super­ ior, Flor de las Antillas, Flor Inesperada, Flor de lo Malo, Flo. de Sala, Guiller­ mo 1I, Infea Omnia, Limefia, Malfsima, Mejicana, Nada hay peor, No. m'" Olvides,Our SI. John, Si me compras te diviertes, Venenosa, Venezolana.-­ SALAZAJ. y CA., TOMAS, (Havana). - Buen Gusto, Feliz Habana, Flor de b Habana, Flor de Llavina, Flor de Salazar, Imperial, Laureles de la India, Haris­ cal, Regina, Rosa de Georgia, Rosalfa, Serafina, Trieste, Verdi. -- SOLAIl, FJlAHco. G. (Hanna). - Flor de Solar, Risita. - TEMES, Jos4 C. (Havana). APPENDIX.

- Bella Union, Firmeza, India, Pocahontas.-TJluuA, DIEGO (Hayana). ­ Belencita, Bella de San Luis, Cometa Viela, Diego Trueha, Dolce Fanúente, Sol Habanero, Suizos, Torre de MalakotJ; Ultimatum, Vicálbaro. -- UNÁNUE y Ho. (Havana). - Arroyo Hondo, Flor del Valle, Irurac·Bat, Lealtad, Pinar del Rio, Por UnáÍ..1e, Rio San Joaquin. --UYMAJlIN y CA., H. (Hayana). -Con· stelacion, Flor de la Lel!a,Flor del Pad1ico, Francia, 1L Upmann, ]apon, limpia Bandera, Mil Hermosa. -- VALDÉS, JosÉ PABLO (Havana). - A&n, J. Pablo Valdés, Resolucion. -- VELllZ, MAXIMINO (Havana). -Espafta, Flor de 1, Patria, Flor de Velez, Lord Palmerston, Pabellon Prusiano, Patria, Slug.­ VIDAL y CA. (Hayana). - Aurora, Bustamante, Florentina, Napoleon m, Nueva Empresa, Peñeccion, Pretension, San Roman. -- Vn.LAIl, A~ANDRO (Havana). -A. de VilIar y Villar, Flor de Villar y Villar, Jorge Juan, V'uialo. ZELLEJI, AMANDO (Havana). - Anzuelo, Columnas de Ambos Mundos, Fiel, Flor de Amando, Pilotos, Recuerdo, Znayo. -- ZUIlALACAJUlEGUI y CA., JUAN M. (Hayana). - Fatimita, Buenos Aira, Flor de Zumalacarrcgui, lDtro­ dllCCiollo Modelo, Palmila, VuampdQ,