抱負 Mission 使命 Values 目錄 Contents 價值觀

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抱負 Mission 使命 Values 目錄 Contents 價值觀 Vision 抱負 Mission 使命 Values 目錄 Contents 價值觀 抱負﹒使命﹒價值觀 Vision . Mission . Values 2 顧問及委員會 Advisers & Committees 3 執行委員會 Executive Committee 管理委員會 Management Sub-Committee 財務委員會 Finance Sub-Committee 我們的抱負 Our Vision 籌款委員會 Fund Raising Sub-Committee 追求卓越的服務,倡導及維護兒童的安全、健康 To lead and to excel in keeping children healthy, happy 和 快 樂。 and safe 機構簡介 About HKSPC 5 主席報告 Chairman’s Report 8 我們的使命 Our Mission 致力與社會攜手向兒童及其家庭提供照顧、關懷及 To provide for and promote the care, education and 服務報告 Service Highlights 教育服務,促進兒童身心健康發展。 social development of children and families in partnership 日託嬰兒園 Day Cre•ches 11 with the community 保 護 及 倡 導兒 童 的 福 祉。 幼兒學校 Nursery Schools 13 To protect children and promote their welfare 兒童住宿服務 Children’s Residential Service 17 兒童及家庭服務 Children & Family Services 19 課餘託管服務 After School Care Service 23 我們的價值觀 Our Values 「同心同fun」幼兒發展計劃 Child Development Project 25 追求卓越 Excellence 支援兒童教育的資源 Children Educational Resources 27 •• 啟發創新 特別活動 Special Events 28 • Stimulation We wish to deliver our services to • 優質服務 我們以關懷和專業的態度,照 • Top quality high standards in an appropriately 籌款委員會報告 Fund Raising Sub-Committee’s Report 31 •• 專業精神 顧兒童及家庭,並回應兒童之 • Professionalism caring, professional manner to • 安全環境 需 要,以 求 達 到 兒 童 全 面 發 展 • Safety contribute to the development 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 37 • High standards of the children in our care in a • 最高標準 的 服 務目標。 • Proactivity stimulating yet safe environment. 服務單位總覽 Directory of Service Units 39 •• 多元進取 關懷、忠誠、全人關懷 Care and Dedication 我們(董事會、員工及義工)上下一心,竭誠為兒童締造一個 All of us (members, staff and volunteers) are dedicated to providing a caring and loving environment for our 充滿愛與關懷的環境,並維護員工及家長的福利。 children. We are also concerned for the welfare of both our staff and the parents of our children. 建 立 伙 伴 關 係、增 進 溝 通 Partnership and Communication 我們致力與各階層人士包括家庭、員工、捐助者、社區及 We wish to work in partnership with all elements of society, including families, staff, donors, community 政府攜手合作,為香港的兒童及家庭提供適切及有效率的 and Government; to provide our services effectively 服務。 and ensure they are relevant to the needs of Hong Kong children and families. 2 顧問及委員會 Advisers & Committees 贊助人 PATRON 籌款委員會 FUND-RAISING SUB-COMMITTEE 特首曾蔭權先生 The Honorable Donald TSANG Yam-kuen GBM 高恆夫人 主席 Mrs. Peggy Cohen Chairwoman Chief Executive, HKSAR 周李琳女士 副主席 Mrs. Veronica Lee-Chou Vice Chairwoman 包華思女士 義務司庫 Mrs. Victoria Powers Honorary Treasurer 會長 PRESIDENT Mrs. Jocelyn Endean 義務秘書 Mrs. Jocelyn Endean Honorary Secretary 利子厚先生 Mr. Michael T.H. Lee Miss. Helen Chai Miss. Helen Chai 陳美蘭小姐 Miss Anna May Chan 顧問委員會 ADVISORY COUNCIL 周梁麗芬女士 Mrs. Mona Chau 張伍瑤芝女士 Mrs. Eleanor Cheung 張儀玲小姐 Miss. Catherine Cheung 莊鍾賽玉女士 Mrs. Florence Chuang, J.P. 張伍瑤芝女士 Mrs. Eleanor Cheung 方黃吉雯女士 Mrs. Nellie Fong, G.B.S., J.P. 方王昉女士 Mrs. Helen Fong 霍士傑夫人 Mrs. Betty Forsgate 方陳珮汝女士 Mrs. Terry Fong 劉智傑先生 Mr. Edwin Lau Mrs. Julie Fried Mrs. Julie Fried Mr. Shum Choi Sang, S.B.S., O.B.E., J.P. 岑才生先生 Ms. Teena Goulet (2007年4月離任) Ms. Teena Goulet (resigned effective April 2007) Mrs. Flavia Somerville 森瑪菲夫人 Miss Lydia Ko Miss. Lydia Ko Mr. Peter H.Y. Wong, G.B.S., O.B.E., J.P. 黃匡源先生 李嘉莉小姐 Miss. Elina Lee 梁靳羽珊女士 Mrs. Yu-San Kan Leong 執行委員會 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 梁徐海珠女士 Mrs. Henrietta Leung 梁國權先生 主席 Mr. Lincoln Leong, J.P. Chairman 梁鄭秀敏女士 Mrs. Josephine Leung 夏穆先生 副主席 Mr. Robin Hammond Vice Chairman Mrs. Kim Lintern-Smith Mrs. Kim Lintern-Smith 羅素律師 義務司庫 Mr. Richard Russell Honorary Treasurer 廖坤成夫人 Mrs. Jacqueline Chow Liu 林棣權先生 義務秘書 Mr. Timothy Lam Jr. Honorary Secretary 呂佩文小姐 Dr. May Lui 布簡瓊女士 Mrs. Elizabeth Bosher 文陳妙蘭女士 Mrs. Christina Man 高恆夫人 Mrs. Peggy Cohen 梅韋袓蒂女士 Mrs. Judy Mui 傅善廷夫人 Mrs. Davina Francescotti 包立德夫人 Mrs. Louisa Paul 馮玉麟博士 Mr. Allen Fung Ph.D Mrs. Sara Taseer Shoaib Mrs. Sara Taseer Shoaib 何鳳蓮女士 Mrs. Irene A. Heffernan Ho 森瑪菲夫人 Mrs. Flavia Somerville 黃元彬律師 Mr. Stephane Hui Bon Hoa 杜陳瑞蘭女士 Mrs. Sheila Chan To 羅穎宜小姐 Miss. Eva Law 蔡幸施小姐 (2007年4月離任) Miss. Aspasia Tsoi (resigned effective April 2007) 李吳伊莉女士 Mrs. Elizabeth Li 溫岑賀恩女士 Mrs. Janet Wan 梅韋祖蒂女士 Mrs. Judy Mui 王宋美玲女士 Mrs. Brenda Wang 施孫靜謹女士 Mrs. Jean Seabrook 王冬勝夫人 Mrs. Camay Wong 范浩宏先生 Mr. Frank J. Slevin 黃詠棠夫人 Mrs. Mary Wong 黃詠棠夫人 Mrs. Mary Wong 管理委員會 MANAGEMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 行政 MANAGEMENT 夏穆先生 主席 Mr. Robin Hammond Chairman 蔡蘇淑賢女士 總幹事 Mrs. Susan Choy Director 布簡瓊女士 Mrs. Elizabeth Bosher 林志輝先生 副總幹事 (財務及一般行政) Mr. Steve Lam Deputy Director (Finance & General Administration) (2007年9月上任) (since September 2007) 何鳳蓮女士 Mrs. Irene A. Heffernan Ho 黃元彬律師 Mr. Stephane Hui Bon Hoa 李江潤冰女士 副總幹事 (財務及行政) Mrs. Sally Lee Deputy Director (Finance & Administration) (2007年9月離任) 梅韋祖蒂女士 Mrs. Judy Mui (resigned effective September 2007) 盧超群先生 副總幹事 (服務) Mr. Jackey Lo Deputy Director (Services) 財務委員會 FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE 羅素律師 主席 Mr. Richard Russell Chairman 永久會員 / 顧問 HONORARY MEMBERS / ADVISOR 林棣權先生 Mr. Timothy Lam Jr. 利子厚先生 Mr. Michael T.H. Lee 陳廷驊先生 名譽永久會員 Mr. Chen Din Hwa Honorary Life Member 范浩宏先生 Mr. Frank J. Slevin 蔡克剛律師 義務法律顧問 Mr. Herbert Tsoi Honorary Legal Advisor 黃詠棠夫人 Mrs. Mary Wong 李奮平醫生 義務醫療顧問 Dr. Affandy Hariman Honorary Medical Advisor 4 機構簡介 About HKSPC 一 起 為 孩子創 造 一 個 健 康、快 樂 和安 全 的成長環 境 KEEPING CHILDREN HEALTHY, HAPPY & SAFE 香港保護兒童會於1926年成立,是香港其中一間歷 Hong Kong Society for the Protection of ratio of one staff to every 8 babies. One of 史最悠 久的非牟利志 願機構,亦同時是同類 服務中 Children (HKSPC) was established in 1926. our nursery schools offers day crèche service It is one of Hong Kong’s oldest charities and for babies from newborn to 2 years old. 最具規模的機構之一。 among the largest in its field. ● Over 2,100 children, aged between 2 and 香港 保 謢 兒童 會是一 個 註冊的慈善機構,由執行委 The HKSPC is a registered charity, governed 6 years old, attend our 18 nursery schools, by an Executive Committee and supported 員會統轄,籌款委員會協助籌募經費。本會部份經費 where the ratio is one staff to every 14 by a Fund Raising Sub-Committee. It is children. Places for Integrated Program 由政 府資助,但由於 我們並非公益金屬下的 會員機 partially subvented by Government, but is not are provided at our 14 nursery schools for 構,日常運作及發展工作之費用,實有賴社會人士的 a member of the Community Chest. We rely children with mild disabilities. on direct donations and fund raising among the ● 直接捐助及透過籌款活動所籌得的款項支持。 community which we serve, to support our daily Occasional Child Care Service is provided operation and service development. on an hourly basis at our day crèches and nursery schools for families who must leave Children in Danger their children for brief periods to attend to 兒童活在危險中 family affairs during the day. In Hong Kong, it is not uncommon that both 香港的家庭,父母雙雙均外出工作的情況非常普遍; parents go out to work due to the strong work ● Our After School Care Centre serves children 由於香港人對工作投入,或者因為沉重的經濟負擔, ethic or the heavy financial burden. Very often, from primary 1 to 6, who would otherwise return from school each day to an empty 因此他們每天早出晚歸,將子女獨留在家,導致兒童 they leave their children alone at home all day, ● 我們的童樂居為初生至3歲的嬰幼兒提供24小時的 home until their parents return from work and unsupervised and in danger of neglect, injury 短 期、中期 及 長 期 託管服務。這 些 嬰幼兒分別為棄 乏 人 照 顧,身心 受 創,因此 意 外 傷亡 的 事件 時 有發 or perhaps even death. are in lack of study guidance. 生。 嬰、孤兒、經法 庭轉介、或來自有問題的家庭。童樂 Until a tragedy hits the newspapers, an ● Our Children & Family Services Centre aims 居亦有提 供暫 託住宿服務 小 時 ,為有緊急家庭 unsupervised child falling out of a high-rise (24 ) to enhance, strengthen and stabilize family 每每當報紙上報導兒童獨留在家缺人照顧而從高處 building, or a child was locked and injured in an 問題而暫時未能照顧其嬰幼兒的父母提供服務。 ties, to provide our children with an enriched 墮下,又或被鎖在家中造成慘劇後,公眾方知每天均 apartment, do we know that many children are development environment and to promote racial harmony. 有很多兒童被迫獨留在家,因沒人照顧而發生意外, left alone each day, either totally unattended, ● 本會的5間日託嬰兒園接 納初生至2歲的嬰兒,而職 unsupervised, exposed to potential danger, 造成不必要的危機,令他們身心受創;又或兒童因受 員與嬰兒的比例為1:8;另有1間幼兒學校提供日間 ● Our IT Learning Centre and Reading Room physically and mentally or in the care of an provide our children with a more enriched 託管服務予0至2歲的嬰兒。 託於缺乏經驗或不合格的褓姆,而造成傷害。 inexperienced or unqualified child minder. learning environment. The HKSPC is working very hard to help those 一直以來,香港保護兒童會努力不懈,致力幫助社會 ● 本會有18間幼兒學校共容納了超 過 2,10 0名2至6歲 families whose children are in need of our Our crèches and nursery schools are bright, 的兒童,職員與兒童的比例為 : 。與此同時,本會 上極需要協助的家庭,為兒童創造一個美好的前景。 services. 1 14 cheerful places, designed to provide a safe and 其中14間幼兒學校更提供兼收弱能服務,讓輕 度弱 caring environment, and staffed by qualified Our Works 智弱能的兒童入學。 child care workers or kindergarten teachers. 美好的工作 We offer lots of stimulating equipments and The HKSPC currently runs 26 service units a curriculum that is both educational and 香港保護兒童會現有26個服務單位,每天照顧著超 throughout Hong Kong, caring for more than ● 本會的日託嬰兒園及幼兒學校更提供以小時計算的 stimulating, which our children need to prepare 2,600 children and their families everyday. 過2,600名兒童及其家人。 暫託服務,讓家長日間可以短暫外出,處理家事。 them for life. Our children’s activities include ● We run a Children’s Residential Home, big and small muscle play, learning to read and providing 24 hours care, on a short, medium ● 課 餘 託管中心的服務 對象 為 小一至小六的兒童,讓 write, and all kinds of skill training which will or long term basis. The Home serves children 其無需在放學後至家長回家期間獨留在家及為其提 enable their normal and healthy development, aged up to 3 years, who have been abandoned both physically and intellectually. Some of 供合宜的學習及生活指導。 by their parents or they are orphaned, referred our nursery schools and day crèches operate by court order, or whose families suffer acute flexibly earlier hours or close at late hours, to ● 本會的兒童及家庭服務中心旨在促進、強化及鞏固家 social problems. Places for Occasional cater for parents who need to work long and Residential Child Care Service (24 hours) are 庭生活,並提供更豐富的成長環境予兒童及促進種族 inflexible hours. also available for parents who are temporarily 間共融。 unable to look after their babies due to family Counting the Cost emergencies.
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