William F. Martin, Mayor

Eric Twarog, AICP, Director of Planning & Development

Date of Issuance: Wednesday, June 4, 2012 Submission Deadline: Thursday, July 26, 2012 @ 2:00 PM

Department of Planning & Development, Town of Greenfield, 14 Court Square, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: 413-772-1549 Fax: 413-772-1309 TABLE OF CONTENTS


Department of Planning & Development, Town of Greenfield, 14 Court Square, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: 413-772-1549 Fax: 413-772-1309


The Town of Greenfield, acting through its Department of Planning & Development, seeks proposals from professional planning consultants to undertake a public planning process to prepare a new comprehensive sustainable Master Plan for the Town. A budget not to exceed $120,000.00 has been established for professional services associated with the creation of a new comprehensive sustainable Master Plan.

Proposers may view or obtain documents and specifications after June 4, 2012 at the Greenfield Department of Planning & Development, 114 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.

Mailed proposals shall be mailed to: Eric Twarog, AICP Director of Planning & Development 14 Court Square Greenfield, MA 01301

Hand delivered proposals shall be delivered to: Eric Twarog, AICP Director of Planning & Development 114 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301

All proposals must be endorsed with the name and business address of the Proposer and submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked "SEALED NON-PRICE PROPOSAL – COMPREHENSIVE SUSTAINABLE MASTER PLAN FOR GREENFIELD, MA”. Price proposals must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked “SEALED PRICE PROPOSAL – COMPREHENSIVE SUSTAINABLE MASTER PLAN FOR GREENFIELD, MA”. These sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 pm, Thursday, July 26, 2012. Any proposals received after the specified time will not be accepted.

A pre-proposal conference is scheduled for 2:00 pm on Wednesday June 27, 2012 at 114 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301. The purpose of the pre-proposal conference is to assist prospective consultants in the interpretation of the Request for Proposals, and other technical and contractual matters. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, but is highly recommended.

The Town of Greenfield reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or to waive any informality in the proposals if it is judged by the Town that it is in the best interests of the Town.

The schedule for this solicitation is as follows:

June 4, 2012 Advertisement of the RFP within the Goods and Services Bulletin and local newspapers.

June 27, 2012 Pre-proposal conference 114 Main Street @ 2.00 p.m.

July 26, 2012 Proposals Due by 2:00 p.m.

July 30 – August 3, 2012 Review of proposals and selection ranking of proposals.

August 6 - 10, 2012 Interview Applicants

August 10, 2012 Notification to successful proposer(s)

August 15, 2012 Execution of Contract



Pursuant to MGL Chapter 30B, the Town of Greenfield is inviting qualified candidates to submit proposals for the completion of a new comprehensive sustainable Master Plan. The Master Plan is to be prepared and completed in accordance with the requirements of MGL Chapter 41, Section 81D. Sustainability shall be the over-riding theme for the new comprehensive sustainable Master Plan. Each of the required elements of the Plan shall be based on sustainable principles and shall discuss how sustainability is factored in. Moving towards sustainability will require a new consciousness and commitment to do things differently than what has been done in the past. It will require the Town to: 1) develop new programs and/or change existing programs, 2) establish new priorities, 3) commit resources to sustainable causes, and 4) collaborate with other jurisdictions within the region to achieve sustainability.

From concerns over climate change, to drought-related water shortages, to air quality, society faces serious environmental issues locally, regionally, nationally and globally. These issues will affect the quality of life today and for generations to come. There is a growing body of evidence that a major shift in human behavior is necessary to overcome the destructive tides of over-consumption and environmental degradation. Our existing economic systems, agricultural systems and automobile- oriented infrastructure are inherently unsustainable.

The strategy for moving the Town of Greenfield toward sustainability focuses first on changes the Town has control over. The Town has the most control over its internal operations. In addition, the Town has jurisdiction over changes to the built environment (land use, infrastructure, and permits) within its boundaries. The comprehensive sustainable Master Plan is intended to be a means for creating a sustainable Town. The plan will be a tool to guide future operational and policy decisions. To proceed in a sensible way to change long-standing unsustainable practices, it is necessary to develop focus areas, goals, and targets to be achieved.


1. Proposal Submission

a. All proposals must be received in the Department of Planning & Development, Town of Greenfield, 114 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 on or before 2:00 p.m. Thursday, July 26, 2012. The clock within the Department of Planning & Development shall be the sole determining factor of time.

b. If, at the time of the scheduled proposal submission deadline, the Town Hall and/or 114 Main Street are closed due to uncontrolled events such as fire, snow, ice, or building evacuation, the proposal deadline will be postponed until 2:00 p.m. on the next normal business day. Proposals will be accepted until that date and time.

c. Each proposer must submit Six (6) copies of their proposal.

d. The Department of Planning & Development will hold a pre-proposal conference at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 114 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301.

Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 4

e. Each proposal must be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “Sealed Non-Price Proposal - Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA”

f. Price proposals must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside, “Sealed Price Proposal - Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA”

g. The submission of a proposal will be construed to mean that the proposer is fully informed as to the extent and character of the supplies, materials, or equipment required and a representation that the proposer can furnish the supplies, materials, or equipment satisfactorily in complete compliance with the specifications.

h. Qualified minority and women owned business enterprises (M/WBE) consultants, HUD Section 3 businesses, or consultants using qualified M/WBE or HUD Section 3 businesses as subcontractors are strongly encouraged to apply.

i. The Town accepts no financial responsibility for costs incurred by any applicant in responding to this Request for Proposals. All responses to the Request for Proposal will become the property of the Town and reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the confidentiality of the material provided. The applicant is responsible for any and all risks and costs incurred in order to provide the Town with the required submission.

2. Required Submittals

Please use this checklist to ensure you have included all required submittals with your proposal. All proposals shall include:

____ Six (6) copies of a completed Non-Price Proposal in a separate envelope labeled “Sealed Non-Price Proposal – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA” _____ Two (2) copies of the Price Proposal in a separate envelope labeled “Sealed Price Proposal – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA” ____ A completed and signed proposal signature and addenda acknowledgement page. ____ A completed and signed non-collusion affidavit. ____ A completed and signed affidavit of compliance. ____ A completed and signed attestation of taxes. ____ All other documentation as listed under Technical Proposal Requirements.

3. Questions Concerning Request for Proposals

Any prospective consultant requesting an interpretation of specifications or terms and conditions must do so in writing no later than five (5) business days (Saturdays, Sundays, and Legal Holidays excluded) after the Pre-proposal Conference. Any request for interpretation of specifications, and any inquiries related to technical or contractual matters must be submitted in writing to: Eric Twarog, AICP, Director Department of Planning & Development 14 Court Square Greenfield, MA 01301 [email protected] Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 5

4. Addenda

If any changes are made to this RFP, an addendum will be sent via certified mail or by fax with return acknowledgment to all proposers on record as having picked up the RFP. All addenda must be acknowledged on the bid forms. Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection of bid.

5. Modifications by Proposer

a. A proposer may correct, modify, or withdraw a proposal by written notice received by the Town prior to the time and date set for the proposal opening. Proposal modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “Modification No. ___.” Each modification must be numbered in sequence, and must reference the original RFP.

b. After the proposal opening, a proposer may not change any provision of the proposal in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town or fair competition. Minor informalities will be waived or the proposer will be allowed to correct them. If a mistake and the intended correction are clearly evident on the face of the proposal document, the mistake will be corrected to reflect the intended correct proposal, and the proposer will be notified in writing; the proposer may not withdraw the bid. A proposer may withdraw a proposal if a mistake is clearly evident on the face of the proposal document, but the intended correct proposal is not similarly evident.

6. Cancellation of Request for Proposals

The Town of Greenfield may cancel this Request for Proposals if the Town determines that cancellation or rejection serves the best interests of the Town.

7. Proposal Pricing

All proposal prices submitted in response to the RFP must remain firm for sixty (60) days following the bid opening.

Pricing proposals must include both a total proposal price and breakdown of cost by task and team member.

Failure to submit the Price proposal in an envelope separate from the Non-Price proposal will result in rejection of the proposal.

8. Signatures for Proposal

Proposals must be signed as follows:

a. If the proposer is an individual, by her/him personally;

b. If the proposer is a partnership, by the name of the partnership, followed by the signature of each general partner;

c. If the proposer is a corporation, by the authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and the corporate seal affixed. Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 6

9. Assignment of Contract/ Project Manager and Key Personnel

The Consultant shall not assign, transfer, sublet, convey or otherwise dispose of any contract which results from this Request for Proposals, or its right, title or interest herein or its power to execute the same to any other person, firm, partnership, company or corporation without the previous consent in writing to the Town. Should the consultant attempt any of the above without written consent of the Town, the Town reserves the right to declare the Consultant in default and terminate the contract for cause.

The Consultant shall dedicate the Project Manager and key personnel (“team members”) presented in the Non-Price Proposal to provide the Scope of Services. Consultant may not change or substitute the key personnel without the prior written approval of the Town of Greenfield.

10. Project Funding

The Department of Planning and Development will manage funding. The stated amount of the budget for this master planning project is $120,000.00. Any proposal that exceeds $120,000.00 will be considered “Not Advantageous.” Funding for this comprehensive master planning effort is from the following two sources: 1) $40,000.00 awarded to Greenfield through a partnership with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments which received a Sustainable Communities Grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and 2) $80,000.00 approved by the MA Department of Housing and Community Development in the Town’s FY2012 Mini-Entitlement Community Development Block Grant application.

The Consultant shall perform the Scope of Services requested in accordance with all applicable Cooperative Agreement provisions of HUD as outlined in the Cooperative Agreement between the FRCOG and HUD (Contract #MARIP0016-10) with an effective date of February 1, 2011 By submitting this proposal, the Consultant confirms that it has reviewed the Terms and Conditions of the Cooperative Agreement Provisions and will comply with them.


The Town of Greenfield, acting through the Department of Planning & Development, seeks proposals from professional planning consultants to undertake a public planning process to prepare a new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for the Town. The Town’s objective is to develop a Plan that:

 Is a concise, yet comprehensive, document designed to provide a basis for decision-making about the Town’s future sustainable development.  Articulates an easily understood vision of the Town’s future, which is crafted from a wide and varied range of community perspectives.  Contains a specific, realistic and cost-effective implementation plan to achieve the goals of the plan.

The new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan will provide a basis for decision making about Greenfield’s physical development. The selected consultant will inventory data, analyze development trends, facilitate the public participation process, review the Ordinance, Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 7 recommend any ordinance changes necessary to implement the Plan, and prepare both draft and final Plan documents.

The short-term goals of this comprehensive planning effort include:  Foster community and governmental buy-in of the necessity of the process.  Review background on all related projects currently in the planning stage or recently completed (i.e. Bank Row Urban Renewal Plan & Upper Story Development Project) and prepare a summary of work relevant to the Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for the Master Plan Advisory Committee.  Determine how to engage the public through traditional and nontraditional methods (i.e. neighborhood meetings, mailings, survey, blogs and other social media) with input from consortium members.  Review Greenfield’s zoning and ordinance code and research other model or town bylaws which incorporate sustainability.  Incorporate to the extent possible information and recommendations from the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development for Franklin County.

The mid-term goals include:  Develop final draft of vision plan; shaped by broad based community input, which integrates other town planning efforts and development projects.  Continue civic engagement by meeting people where they are (i.e. attending neighborhood and Friends groups meetings, PTA events, going into the schools to engage the students, etc.).  Undertake public review of the draft comprehensive sustainable Master Plan.

The long-term goals include:  Complete the Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan including next step recommendations for implementation.  Incorporate to the extent possible recommendations and strategies from the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development for Franklin County.  Identify parties that can implement actions of the final plan, including zoning and ordinance revisions.  Develop the framework for action plans in specific areas (i.e. education, historic preservation, neighborhoods, public safety).  Identify ways to utilize the completed comprehensive sustainable Master Plan to market Greenfield to residents, tourists, businesses, and others.  Identify benchmarks to evaluate the plan at regular intervals to assess progress.

Background/Greenfield’s History

Nestled on the edge of the Berkshires in the Connecticut River Valley, Greenfield was founded because of its rich agricultural land in 1753. With a on the Connecticut River, it soon became a commercial center, and in 1811 it became the county seat. Today it is home to the district and superior courts of Franklin County, county jail, and many other county agencies. It became a Massachusetts in 2003, but likes to be referred to as “the town known as the City of Greenfield”.

In the nineteenth century, Greenfield became an industrial center with expertise in machining and was one of the wealthiest communities in Massachusetts. Taps and dies, munitions, cutlery, and Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 8

other tools were manufactured in Greenfield. It’s east/west and north/south rail lines also attracted tourists - urban dwellers seeking year-round recreation. For many decades, Greenfield boasted a bustling downtown with locally-owned businesses and entertainment including two theaters; banks; and hardware, yard goods, and clothing stores; eateries; and a large department store, which today is the only family-owned department store in the country. In the 1960s and 1970s industry closed or moved away, and the town center became very quiet.

In the 1960’s a renaissance began with the birth of Greenfield Community College in 1962, which eventually settled on the edge of town in 1974. Interstate Highway 91 was completed. Affordable housing was built in abandoned mill and occupied. Young people seeking an alternative to living in megacities and suburbia moved to the area and started new businesses, such as a food coop, which is an anchor store in Greenfield today. In the 1970’s and 1980’s big box stores created a new just west of town at the intersection of Interstate Highway 91 and Route 2.

Over the last 15 years, a new wave of young people and young retirees arrived. They were drawn to the walkable downtown, the beautiful and rich surroundings that offer recreation and the opportunity to farm, contra-dancing, the community college’s forward-looking energy and agricultural programs, proximity to other colleges in the area, an exploding arts and entertainment scene, and inexpensive real estate. Like much of the United States, Greenfield also has a growing number of seniors, with over 5,000 seniors today, who live on average incomes of $14,000.

In the late 1990’s Greenfield launched a downtown redevelopment plan led by both the Greenfield Redevelopment Authority headed by William Martin, who is now Mayor of Greenfield, and the Department of Planning and Development under William Gran. That effort focused on Bank Row, which had vacant buildings for over 30 years. Today many of these buildings have new owners, have had major energy efficient rehabs done, and are fully utilized. The Franklin Regional Transit Authority and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments secured funds to build a first-of-its kind zero-net-energy multi-modal transit station, which was recently completed. North/south rail will return to Greenfield in 2013, and the Town is seeking funds to build a 4-story parking garage across the street from the new transit station.

Greenfield is located at the junction of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute’s (MBI) existing fiber optic network along I-91 and the proposed Route 2 corridor fiber optic network. In addition, there are two existing privately owned fiber networks. A recent market and feasibility study, sponsored by the FRCOG, MBI and the U.S. Economic Development Administration, concluded that the business economics for an interconnection facility and data center in Greenfield is an attractive economic development opportunity. Proposed for the former Bendix site near I-91, such a facility would leverage the extensive investment in fiber optic networks in Greenfield and would create a vital asset for developing information based businesses.

Greenfield is proud to be the first community in Massachusetts to apply for and receive Green Community designation and the recipient of Governor Patrick’s Leading by Example Award. Greenfield also has a quality Community College taking the lead in courses supporting a more sustainable future; the first-of-its-kind near-zero-net-energy affordable housing development with 22 units; a new 2.3 Mega-watt Solar Farm; a new Greenfield Community Farm and two community gardens. The Town completed an Energy Audit in 2008, and adopted two ambitious goals that aim to revitalize our economy by cutting to zero by 2050 the amount of money that leaves the region to purchase energy, while at the same time cutting climate change emissions by 80%. The Town has participated in the Franklin Regional Council of Government’s (FRCOG) efforts to develop and Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 9 write a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development for Franklin County which will be used to inform this master planning effort.

Quality of life is a key to both the heritage and the future of Greenfield. Affordable housing opportunities, economic competitiveness for businesses both locally-owned and nationally based, strong educational opportunities, transportation improvements, and cultural and recreational attractions are the strengths upon which Greenfield’s future quality of life will depend. Local businesses and in-town shopping areas must be supported. New growth in appropriate areas must be promoted. Preservation of the pedestrian-friendly urban fabric and the many diverse residential neighborhoods is important as is the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of existing roadways and infrastructure systems. Continued preservation of existing open spaces and natural areas is important, and enhancing access to such areas, particularly along the Connecticut, Deerfield and Green Rivers, is a priority. Affordable housing for all must be a priority and well maintained. Renovation and rehabilitation of existing housing should be encouraged with a goal of reduced energy use. Public schools must be regionally competitive and be the source for a technically skilled and well-educated population.

The Master Plan Process – Yesterday and Today

The Town has a long history of planning. It adopted zoning in 1957 and control in 1966 and undertook comprehensive planning efforts in 1964, 1974 and 2001. There are numerous long- range planning documents and studies that can serve as valuable resources and/or components for the new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan. The Zoning Ordinance was recodified in 1989 and has been regularly updated since that time. A comprehensive update of the Town’s Subdivision Control Regulations was completed in 2008.

The Town’s existing Master Plan was updated in 2001, at a time when the Town was considering a change from a Board of Selectmen and 26-member Town Council form of government to a Mayoral, thirteen-member Town Council city form of government. This change of governing structure was done in 2003. While many aspects of the plan have been implemented and continue to provide valid guidance, there is a need to undertake a new comprehensive planning effort reflecting current government structure and planning practices, as well as the utilization of the Town’s geographic information system (GIS) that was not available for the 1974 plan which was updated in 2001.

Greenfield’s new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan will be about preserving small-town heritage while embracing changes that will allow the sustainable renewal of Greenfield as the economic and cultural hub of the region. Greenfield’s commitment is to preserve the richness of small town life by restoring some of the lost economic vitality to its downtown, by protecting its natural environment, by providing housing and educational opportunities for diverse groups of people and by seeking to attract jobs and industry sectors compatible with both small town life and the economic realities of the 21st century.

The selected consultant will inventory data, prepare population projections, analyze development trends, guide the public visioning and goal setting process, help define and facilitate the public input process, provide examples of best management practices or bylaws used in other communities, develop and help prioritize specific strategies, develop an implementation plan including recommending ordinance changes necessary to implement the Plan, and prepare both the draft and final Plan documents.

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The Department of Planning & Development will provide general policy direction and day-to-day oversight for the project.

The Town of Greenfield under the direction of the Greenfield Planning Board will form a Master Plan Advisory Committee to provide input and guidance consisting of representation from various Boards, Committees and the general public. The Planning Board has the statutory authority to develop the plan. The Mayor will appoint the Master Plan Advisory Committee based on the Planning Board recommendations, to guide the development of the Master Plan process. The committee will also be structured to facilitate public participation in the planning process.

The Master Plan Advisory Committee will be composed of approximately 15-20 residents with a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. The role of the Committee will be:  To guide the development of the vision, goals and policies to be used in determining how the Town’s use of its land resources will support the Town’s efforts in getting from where it is today to where it wants to be in the future.  To advise the Mayor, Planning Board and Town Council during the development of the Master Plan.  To guide the preparation of the Master Plan, with the assistance of the Consultant, the input of town residents, businesses and Town Boards and Agencies, including as appropriate chairing subcommittees formed to foster public input and gather pertinent information.  To advise the consultant in taking a comprehensive look at the individual and collective financial and resource implications of proposed policies and implementation priorities.  To reconcile differences among elements, and set priority to the goals to guide the Town’s implementation of the Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan.  To help with outreach to the general public.

Members of the Master Plan Advisory Committee will be tasked with overseeing specific elements of the plan. With the assistance of the Consultant, they will define and manage the ways in which information is gathered and public input is facilitated during the development of each planning element. The Master Plan Advisory Committee, with the assistance of the consultant, will provide periodic updates on the Master Planning process to the Mayor, Planning Board and Town Council.


The Town of Greenfield has issued this Request for Proposals (RFP) to select a Consultant and define and undertake an innovative approach for preparing a new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan, as outlined in the introduction that will best suit the Town’s future needs and challenges. For the proposing Consultant, demonstrated prior experience in conducting community visioning processes, conducting outreach to communities traditionally underrepresented in planning processes, and preparing Master Plans with a focus on sustainability will be considered an advantage. It is anticipated that the development of the Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan will be a dynamic process and may require several iterations to complete; therefore, the Town is looking to the consultant to assist in prioritizing elements of the Plan and related planning activities.

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Conceptually, the Town has structured this public planning process into four parts. This structure is designed to emphasize the issues of most importance to the Town, take advantage of local expertise and resources, and maximize public input while also addressing all of the elements of a Master Plan as defined by MGL, Chapter 41 Section 81D.

1. Development of Community Vision, Goals and Policies

The Town anticipates the first step of the public planning process will be the establishment of an overall vision for the Town and the establishment of goals and policies by which future growth and sustainable development in Greenfield will be guided. It is expected that the Master Plan Advisory Committee will have a significant role in developing the vision, goals and policies and in determining the methods to be used to facilitate public involvement to ensure that the vision, goals and policies established are consistent with the values of the Town.

The vision statement and goals will be presented to various elected and appointed Town bodies for endorsement at the beginning of the process, to encourage interest and support for the planning effort.

2. Development of Plan Elements

a. Land Use and Development Patterns: This component of the Master Plan defines optimum sustainable development patterns, density, and other standards for each land use classification and location in Greenfield. The allocation of land uses shall identify the distribution of existing uses and specify the locations for new residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use growth while protecting agricultural land, open space, and natural resources. Noted corridors of concern are Main Street, Federal Street, High Street, French King Highway, the Meadows, and Mohawk Trail. Specific recommendations shall be made regarding land use changes required in order to be consistent with the sustainability goals of the Town as defined in the Master Planning process.

The land use element shall include an existing land use map, relevant population, housing history and growth projections, with build-out analyses for both residential and commercial uses that are based upon proposed zoning regulations resulting from implementation of the recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Map. This element shall also include evaluation of land use tools such as low impact development standards, mixed-use allowance, design review standards, and sustainable development principles.

b. Housing: This section shall identify current and future housing needs in the town, based on economic and demographic trends, and shall identify programs and policies by which Greenfield can meet the housing goals established in the Plan in a sustainable manner.

The housing element of the Master Plan shall include:  Inventory and analysis of existing housing stock, including age, type, location, and costs.  Future housing needs based upon projected census and demographics.  Specific programs to encourage housing which meets future requirements such as affordability, economic diversity, sustainable energy efficiency practices, and providing for special needs and senior housing.

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 Strategies to aid the Town in maintaining MGL Chapter 40B 10% affordable housing requirement.  An analysis of neighborhoods to determine the risk of gentrification and/or deterioration of properties, particularly historic properties, and proposed innovative strategies to address these issues.

The Housing section will also review the housing work compiled as part of the Town’s Executive Order 418 comprehensive planning process, incorporate what is learned from the regional Fair Housing Equity Assessment, and identify opportunities for preserving the town’s diverse housing stock. This element shall also include evaluation of land use tools such as development, inclusionary zoning and incentives to encourage mixed use development and the development of affordable housing.

c. Economic Development: This component reviews the Town’s economic status, plans and strategies, inventories and identifies programs and policies for expanding and diversifying Greenfield’s economic base with sustainability in mind. This includes an evaluation of the economic resources available to the Town, as outlined in the Land Use element, economic development incentives, and tax rate considerations as set forth in the Plan’s Goals and Policies. Elements of this component shall be coordinated with the efforts of the Greenfield Redevelopment Authority. Areas of emphasis to be considered by the consultant shall include but not be limited to:  Enhanced use and redevelopment of the I-91 Industrial .  Enhanced use of commercial and industrial zoning districts.  The expanded development of the Central Commercial District and Town Common area.  The expanded development of the Federal Street and Main Street commercial corridors.  Suggested opportunities to utilize the Economic Target Area designation.  Suggested ordinance and policy changes to improve and streamline government permitting.  Continued enhancement of our emerging creative economy.  Continued enhancement of our food production, processing, and distribution systems.

d. Public Facilities & Services: This part of the Plan inventories and forecasts needs for public facilities and services, including water system, sewers, storm water drainage, libraries, protective services (i.e., fire, police, and emergency), roads, sidewalks, bike paths, municipal offices, and other community facilities. This Plan element shall include an inventory of existing public facilities and services including:  Analyses of each facility and service, specifically noting any deficiencies that may exist currently or in the future.  Recommendations to address each deficiency in a sustainable manner.  Recommendations to coordinate the long-range planning efforts of municipal departments and the creation of a user-friendly capital improvement program with a corresponding budget. e. Education: This part of the Plan inventories and forecasts needs for public educational facilities and services. This Plan element shall include an inventory of existing educational facilities and services including:  Analyses of each facility and service, specifically noting any deficiencies that may exist currently or in the future. Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 13

 Recommendations to address each deficiency in a sustainable manner.  Recommendations to coordinate the long-range planning efforts of municipal departments and the creation of a user-friendly capital improvement program with a corresponding budget.  Recommendations to increase and retain student enrollment at all grade levels in order to plan facilities and services for future school generations. f. Transportation: This component of the Plan analyzes the Town’s current and proposed future traffic circulation system, focusing on its major streets and roads, public transportation, pedestrian circulation, parking, and bicycle paths. This section shall include:  Major streets and roads, with capacities and projected traffic volumes.  An analysis of overall traffic patterns both locally and regionally.  Identification and assessment of circulation system problems and requirements.  Identification of cost-effective traffic calming techniques and suggested roadway systems for deployment.  An analysis of, and the suggested routing of, the establishment of designated truck routes through the Town.  An analysis of how to reduce automobile use, including analysis of infrastructure for alternatives to the automobile such as pedestrian and bicycle routes and facilities, park- and-ride lots, mass transit, etc., and recommendations as to how to enhance these alternatives. g. Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources: This part of the Plan inventories Greenfield’s natural resources, and identifies policies, programs and ordinance changes necessary to protect those resources that are identified as important. This part of the Plan should be coordinated with, and integrate with, the 2012 update of the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan.

h. Open Space and Recreation: This part of the Plan inventories Greenfield’s recreational resources, and identifies policies, programs and ordinance changes to enhance and promote these resources. Emphasis shall be placed on identifying potential locations for recreational fields (soccer, baseball, skateboard, etc.). This section of the Master Plan should be coordinated with, and integrate with, the 2012 update of the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan with recommendations for updating the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control Regulations.

i. Management: This element shall develop growth management tools that are most likely to achieve the Town’s objectives in a sustainable manner. These tools will likely include a combination of regulatory and non-regulatory measures. The Growth Management Element will include: objectives for preservation and growth management; appropriate tools or measures specific to the Town; how each recommended measure addresses a specific condition or opportunity in the Town; an outline of the specifics required for each tool; and preparation of zoning ordinance recommendations. j. Sustainability: This element shall discuss sustainability and how each element of the Plan addresses sustainability. This element should also address how to measure the Town’s progress toward its sustainability goals. This element shall consider, but not be limited to, the following:

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 Practice “Restorative Redevelopment”  Retain, improve, and expand the Town’s Green Infrastructure  Increase the resource efficiency of Town facilities  Reduce pollution from Town vehicles  Build and Buy Green  Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions  Reduce the Town’s use of pesticides  Protect and restore the Town’s Urban Rivers and Creeks  Promote Environmental Stewardship  Encourage Town employees to drive less  Improve and optimize Transportation Infrastructure  Support activities that increase local food security.  Support activities that increase renewable energy.  Support activities that encourage “green business” development.

k. Municipal Department / Board Relationships. This element shall analyze the Town’s regulatory, review and governmental structures as they relate to the successful implementation of the goals and policies of the new Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan. This element shall specify the process by which Greenfield’s regulatory structures shall be amended to be consistent with the new Master Plan.

3. Public Participation

The Town of Greenfield will establish a Master Plan Advisory Committee with a diverse membership with various representation from Town Boards, Committees and the general public. The purpose of the Master Plan Advisory Committee will be to provide valuable input for the desired goals of the Town and aid in guiding the Consultant through completing the subject areas in the Master Plan. The Consultant will prepare a public participation plan using traditional and forward-looking methods of public contact to ensure broad participation and community awareness of the planning process. The Department of Planning and Development will play a role in the implementation of the public participation plan, and will serve as the primary Town contact to the Consultant throughout the master planning process.

The Consultant’s response to this Request for Proposals should include a narrative regarding participation techniques successfully implemented in past projects, techniques successfully implemented to outreach to populations traditionally underrepresented in planning processes, and provide an approximation of time to be spent meeting with the Master Plan Advisory Committee, various stakeholders, and public meetings. Before the first meeting of the Master Plan Advisory Committee, the Consultant will meet with the Planning Board to solidify the public participation plan and the schedule of Master Plan Advisory Committee meetings.

The Town desires to make the process as community-based as possible, providing opportunities for learning as well as engaging community discussion. The Consultant’s response shall provide evidence of their experience in consensus building and negotiation among interest groups.

Attendance at all Master Plan Advisory Committee meetings, as well as facilitating a minimum of two Town wide meetings and a presentation at a Town Council meeting after completion of the plan will be required. Attendance at other meetings may be required. The proposal shall Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 15

contain a public participation component that ensures widespread opportunity for public involvement.

The consultant shall be responsible for providing documentation regarding public hearing announcements, status reports, drafts and other pertinent information for posting on the Town of Greenfield website.

4. Development of Implementation Plan

This element lays out those actions that the Town must take to achieve the goals of the Master Plan, the estimated resources needed for high priority recommendations, and which of the Town’s departments or agencies or other parties should be responsible for implementation.

Based on the Town’s perceived needs and the challenges, it is anticipated that implementation will take place in several phases, representative of the most urgent issues, practical realities, availability of funds, and legal constraints. It is required, therefore, that the consultant recommends the priorities with which programs should be addressed. For all high priority programs, the consultant shall recommend specific activities, plans, etc., and when appropriate provide examples of documents, ordinances, etc. that have been adopted by other communities.

5. Products

The consultant shall submit one electronic (in pdf format) and one loose reproducible paper print of all interim and draft reports. The consultant shall submit one electronic (in Microsoft Word format), twenty-five (25) bound copies and one loose reproducible original of the final report, the executive summary and all other final printed materials including maps, charts, tables and photographs. All written materials shall be on 8 ½” x 11” paper format, except for maps, which to the extent feasible shall be 11” x 17”. Copies of all presentation materials including displays, overheads and slides used by the consultant at meetings shall be provided to the Department of Planning & Development in reproducible form. In addition all materials shall be submitted in electronic format compatible with the Town’s current and proposed computer hardware and software. All maps shall be compatible with the Town’s Geographic Information System.

6. Time Line

The consultant shall submit a detailed scope of services and schedule illustrating milestone dates including, at a minimum, when each task will be completed. The proposer is encouraged to provide a schedule with a completion date no later than October 30, 2013. Time periods may be extended by the Town if, in the Town’s opinion, circumstances warrant an extension and if possible given grant funding deadlines.


In addition to the Town’s existing Master Plan, updated in 2001, there are a number of other existing and on-going planning studies and activities that will be made available to the consultant for use in developing the Master Plan. In order to achieve a cost-effective product, the consultant is strongly encouraged to utilize all resources for existing data and studies and to avoid

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duplication of effort. Copies of these municipal and regional documents are available for review and include, but are not limited to:  Greenfield Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map []  Subdivision Control Regulations []  Historic Inventory  Town of Greenfield’s Land Use/Growth Study (1999)  Downtown Master Plan (2003) []  Executive Order 418 Community Development Plan (2004) []  Bank Row Urban Renewal Plan (2008) []  Planning Board’s Plan for Long-Range Economic Development (2007)  Open Space and Recreation Plan (2012)  UrbanRiver Visions 2 Greenfield Charrette (2007)  Greenfield Reconnaissance Report – MA Heritage Landscapes Inventory Program [http://www.greenfield-]  Mohawk Trail Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan (2009) []  Hillside Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (2008) []  Greenfield Energy Audit (2009) [ June09.pdf]  Town of Greenfield Green Communities Designation Energy Reduction Plan (2010)  Greenfield Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (2011) [ 0185AF3B.0/GREENF~3.PDF]  Town Hall Annex/Municipal Office Complex Feasibility Study (2010) []  Regional Plan for Sustainable Development for Franklin County Plan – HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant (in process – est. completion 2013) []  Franklin County Regional Transportation Plan (2012) []  Franklin County Bikeway Plan (2009) []  The Greater Franklin County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2010) []  The Pioneer Valley Plan For Progress (2004) []  Valley Vision 2 – The New Regional Land Use Plan for the Pioneer Valley (2007) []

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Non-Price Proposal

The non-price proposal shall be formatted as follows:

Title Page Show the Request for Proposal number, subject, and the name of the principal consulting firm, address, telephone number, name of contact and date.

Table of Contents Clearly identify material by section and page number.

Statement of Project Requirements State in succinct terms the Consultant's understanding of what is required by this RFP. A duly authorized individual who may bind the firm shall sign this cover letter. If multiple firms, excluding subcontractors, submit the proposal all parties must sign the cover letter.

Response to RFP Describe in narrative form the Consultant's approach and technical plan for accomplishing the work listed above. The Consultant shall provide a detailed summary of how the Project will be accomplished in accordance with the RFP, including describing an overall approach to performing the work.

Deliverables Identify specific products to be delivered and when. All documents should be provided in both paper and digital format compatible with Microsoft Word. Spatial and/or geographic information must be developed in a manner compatible with Town of Greenfield’s GIS system.

Team Provide names and complete résumés for all professional members of the Consultant's and sub- consultant's (if any) team. Each member's educational background and professional experience shall be provided. Special skills should be summarized, including recent seminars and relevant courses. Identify the person(s) who will be the Project Manager(s) with ultimate responsibility for the work. Team members must be available throughout the duration of the project to actively participate.

Similar Experience The Consultant and members of the team should be familiar with the MA Clean Energy and Climate Action Plan for 2020, the MA Climate Change Adaptation Report, and ICLEI’s Sustainability Planning Tool Kit. The proposal shall provide details of experience and past performance of the Consultant and members of the team on comparable work for government entities. This section should cover, as a minimum, the substantive nature of comparable engagements, the experience of members of the team in working successfully in matters of similar complexity and the record of the members of the Consultant's team for timely performance. Consultants are requested to give sufficient information of their experience to permit the Town to understand and verify the exact nature of contribution to other projects and entities. Samples of at least three of the most recent Master Plans prepared for similar towns and , with sample materials illustrating how planning efforts were communicated to the public including public surveys and their results. Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 18

Schedule Identify the specific schedule you propose to follow in completing the tasks and benchmarks for evaluating progress. A chart should be included to present proposed time lines by tasks and milestone dates. The proposer is encouraged to provide a schedule with a completion date no later than October 30, 2013.

Person Hour Task Matrix A matrix should be included which identifies the person hours to be provided by task for each key individual.

Competing Commitments Consultants shall discuss the means by which adequate and timely attention to this engagement will be assured.

References Provide the names, titles and telephone numbers of three persons who can substantiate the Consultant's summary of qualifications and the Project Manager and team members experience relevant to this project. Indicate the linkage between the persons listed and the professional work of the Consultant.

Provide a list of similar projects (e.g., sustainability and comprehensive Master Plans) completed since 2002 with names and telephone numbers of contact persons in those communities.

Writing Samples At least two writing samples (not to exceed 10 pages) prepared solely by the Project Manager and team members within the last five years, which reflects the respondent’s master planning recommendations. Please redact all information identifying the community for which the writing sample was drafted. If the respondent does not have a writing sample of this length please include an excerpt from a longer writing.

Detailed Cost Proposal The Consultant shall provide a detailed cost proposal identifying the work to be performed and the contractor or subcontractor responsible for said work. The proposal shall also identify the person hours by task, including personnel, for each section and subsection.

Additional Forms The following forms must be completed and submitted with the non-price proposal:  Proposal Signature and Addenda Acknowledgement  Non-Collusion Affidavit  Affidavit of Compliance  Attestation of Taxes

Proposal Submission All proposers shall submit the required information formatted and delivered as follows:

1. All interested parties responding to this RFP must submit an original non-price proposal document and six (6) complete copies, along with a certification signed by the respondent’s

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authorized representative under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided in the proposal is correct

2. The non-price proposal must be submitted in a loose-leaf binder, spiral binder, or other fully bound edge booklet;

3. The size of the pages should not exceed the standard 8.5" x 11.0", unless they are folded to a maximum size of 8.5" x 11";

4. The six non-price proposal documents must be submitted in one sealed package with a label marked as follows: “Sealed Non-Price Proposal – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA”, along with the name, address, and telephone number of the proposer.

5. The price proposals must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with a label marked as follows; “Sealed Price Proposal – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA” along with the name, address, and telephone number of the proposer.

6. Sealed proposals are to be submitted to Eric Twarog, Director of Planning & Development, 114 Main Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts 01301 by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 26, 2012 and the non-price proposals will be opened in front of one or more witnesses at that time. The price proposal will be opened after the non-price proposals are evaluated and ranked according to the criteria identified in this RFP. The contract will be awarded to the most advantageous proposer(s) with a responsible and responsive proposal within forty-five (45) days after the proposal opening. If a contract is not executed within sixty (60) days after notification by the Planning Board of the selection, the Town reserves the right to designate another proposer(s) as the consultant.

7. If any changes are made to this RFP, an addendum will be issued. Addenda will be mailed or faxed to all proposers on record as having picked up the RFP.

8. A consultant may correct, modify, or withdraw a proposal by written notice received by the Town prior to the time and date set for the proposal opening. Proposal modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “Modification No. ___ together with the name, address and telephone number of the respondent.” A consultant may not change any provision of the proposal in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town or fair competition.

9. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if it is determined to be in the public interest to do so.


Price proposals must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope, clearly marked “Sealed Price Proposal – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan for Greenfield, MA”.

The price proposal shall contain the following:  The fee for the entirety of all services proposed in the non-price proposal;  A detailed breakdown of the professional service fees by task and sub task and by team member; and Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 20

 The hourly rates to be charged by the consultant and its sub-consultants for services performed by each team member.


1. Minimum Evaluation Criteria

The proposal includes all of the items listed under both Required Submittals and Technical Proposal Requirements, and meets all submission requirements set forth in the Request for Proposals.

2. Comparative Evaluation Criteria

The purpose of the comparative evaluation is to weigh the relative merits of all the competing proposals that have been determined to be responsive and responsible. The evaluators will review all of the responsive and responsible submissions against each of the comparative criteria and assign one of three values, as follows; "Highly Advantageous" (the highest value), "Advantageous" (the middle value), and "Not Advantageous" (the lowest value). Once the evaluator(s) have completed their review of the proposals against all of the comparative criteria they will review all of the values; assign a weight for the various criteria and then assign an "overall value" that they feel best represents that proposal's evaluation against all of the comparative criteria. If two or more proposals are determined to have the same overall value, the Planning Board shall determine which of these proposals is the most advantageous to the Town of Greenfield. The Town may choose to interview one or more Consultants to make this determination.

Table of Comparative Evaluation Criteria Comparative Not Evaluation Highly Advantageous Advantageous Advantageous Criteria The experience of the The Proposer has provided The Proposer has provided The Proposer has not Proposer in successfully verifiable evidence of verifiable evidence of provided verifiable completing having successfully having successfully evidence of having comprehensive planning completed at least five (5) completed at least three (3) successfully completed at documents in or more similar projects in similar projects in the past least three (3) similar Massachusetts of similar the past ten (10) years. ten (10) years. projects in the past ten (10) size and scope. years.

The experience of the The Proposer has provided The Proposer has provided The Proposer has not Proposer in successfully verifiable evidence of verifiable evidence of provided verifiable completing sustainability having successfully having successfully evidence of having planning documents in completed at least three (3) completed at least one (1) successfully completed any Massachusetts or or more similar projects in similar projects in the past similar projects in the past surrounding states of a the past five (5) years. five (5) years. five (5) years. similar size and scope.

The number of years that The Proposer has ten (10) The Proposer has five (5) The Proposer has fewer the Proposer has years or more of to nine (9) years of than four (4) years of operated in the field(s) of experience consulting with experience consulting with experience consulting with Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 21 community municipalities on projects municipalities on projects municipalities on projects comprehensive planning of similar size and scope. of similar size and scope. of similar size and scope. or similar field. The experience of the The Proposer has provided The Proposer has provided The Proposer has provided Proposer in outreach in evidence of experience evidence of experience evidence of experience general and to with at least three (3) or with at least two (2) or with at least one (1) or communities more projects in the past more projects in the past more projects in the past traditionally five (5) years highlighting five (5) years highlighting five (5) years highlighting underrepresented in outreach in general and outreach in general and outreach in general and planning processes. specifically to communities specifically to communities specifically to communities traditionally traditionally traditionally underrepresented in underrepresented in underrepresented in planning processes. planning processes. planning processes. The quality and depth of All tasks are thoroughly All tasks are addressed in All tasks are not the Proposal and addressed within the the Proposal. Proposer’s thoroughly addressed technical approach to the Proposal. Proposer’s responses to tasks are within the Proposal. “Scope of Services” in responses to tasks are clear, minimal. Proposer’s responses to response to the Request thorough, and timely. tasks are not clear, for Proposal. thorough, and timely. Proposer has All three of the Proposer’s Two of the Proposer’s Less than two of the demonstrated their references indicate that the references indicate that the Proposer’s references ability to complete project was completed on project was completed on indicate that the project projects on a timely basis schedule or with minimum, schedule or with minimum, was completed on schedule and to provide excellent insignificant, delays insignificant, delays or with minimum, deliverables. attributable to the Proposer attributable to the Proposer insignificant, delays and that the Proposer and that the Proposer attributable to the Proposer provided excellent provided excellent or that the Proposer deliverables. deliverables. provided excellent deliverables. Proposer’s submittal of a The Proposer’s writing The Proposer’s writing The Proposer’s writing quality writing sample. sample is clear, organized, sample is fairly clear, has a sample is unclear, thoroughly covers the few organizational unorganized, does not topic, and contains little to problems, covers the topic, cover the topic, and no grammatical errors. and contains minor contains many grammatical grammatical errors. errors. Qualifications of key Résumés demonstrate Résumés demonstrate Résumés demonstrate very staff within field(s) of exceptional qualifications moderate qualifications of minimal qualifications of community of key staff within field(s) key staff within field(s) of key staff within field(s) of comprehensive planning of community community comprehensive community comprehensive or similar field. comprehensive planning or planning or similar field planning or similar field or similar field and and knowledge of lack of knowledge of knowledge of principles of principles of sustainability. principles of sustainability. sustainability. The immediate The Proposer’s key The Proposer’s key The Proposer’s key availability of key personnel are immediately personnel are available to personnel are not available personnel to begin the available to begin the begin the project soon and any time soon to begin the project as well as their project and are available may be available project and may not be availability throughout throughout the project. throughout the project. available throughout the the project. project. The Proposer is a State The Proposer is a State The Proposer included a The Proposer is not a State Certified Minority or Certified M/WBE or a State Certified M/WBE or Certified M/BWE or HUD Women Owned Business HUD Section 3 Business. a HUD Section 3 Business Section 3 business, has not Enterprise (M/WBE) or a as a subconsultant or included a State Certified HUD Section 3 Business. subcontractor or Proposer M/WBE business or a will commit to hiring one HUD Section 3 Business as or more HUD Section 3 a subcontractor and will Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 22

Residents. not commit to hiring one or more Section 3 Residents.

Quality of Interview The Project Manager and The Project Manager and The Project Manager and team members team members team members did not demonstrated a thorough demonstrated an adequate demonstrate an adequate knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and understanding of understanding of understanding of accomplishing the tasks accomplishing the tasks accomplishing the tasks or and gave an excellent oral and gave a satisfactory oral did not give a satisfactory and visual presentation and visual presentation oral and visual which demonstrated their which demonstrated their presentation. ability to effectively ability to effectively communicate with communicate with municipal officials and the municipal officials and the general public. general public.

3. Post Submittal Interview/Presentation

The Town reserves, at its option, the right to select any number of qualified respondents to interview and/or to make a presentation further explaining the submitted proposal. The Town also reserves the right to contact any submitter in order to clarify any aspect of the submitted proposal.

4. Award of Contract

The contract will be awarded within sixty (60) days after the proposal opening. The time for award may be extended for up to 30 additional days by mutual agreement between the Town and the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder (or, for a contract requiring payment to the Town, the apparent highest responsive and responsible bidder).


1. Consultant’s Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance

The Consultant shall at all times during the Contract maintain in full force and effect Employer's Liability, Worker's Compensation, Bodily Injury Liability, and Property Damage and General Liability Insurance, including contractual liability coverage. All insurance shall be by insurers and for policy limits acceptable to the Town and before commencement of work hereunder the Contractor agrees to furnish the Town certificates of insurance or other evidence satisfactory to the Town to the effect that such insurance has been procured and is in force. The certificates shall contain the following express obligation:

"This is to certify that the policies of insurance described herein have been issued to the insured for whom this certificate is executed and are in force at this time. In the event of cancellation or material change in a policy affecting the certificate holder, thirty (30) days prior written notice will be given the certificate holder."

For the purpose of the Contract, the Contractor shall carry the following types of insurance in at Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 23

least the limits specified below:


Worker's Compensation Statutory

Employer's Liability $500,000.00

Automobile Liability $1,000,000.00 each occurrence

General Liability $1,000,000.00 each occurrence $2,000,000.00 aggregate

Excess/Umbrella $1,000,000.00

The TOWN OF GREENFIELD shall be named as an additional insured under the liability and automobile insurance. The general liability insurance policy should contain a broad form general liability endorsement.

2. Indemnification

The Consultant will indemnify and hold the Town, its officials, agents, servants and employees harmless from and against any and all liability including suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, costs, expenses, and attorney fees for damage to persons or property of any kind whatsoever arising out of any and all activities to be conducted by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement.


The Consultant shall carry out the obligations of this Contract in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by or pursuant to Federal, State, and local ordinances, statutes, rules, and regulations prohibiting discrimination in employment, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and M.G.L. c. 151B, Massachusetts Executive Order 74, as amended by Executive Orders 116, 143, and 227, and any other executive orders, rules, regulations, and requirements relating thereto enacted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as they may from time to time be amended. The Consultant shall not discriminate against any qualified employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, religion, physical or mental handicap, or sexual orientation.


The selected Consultant shall attend a pre–award conference with municipal officials after selection as the successful Proposer. Contract documentation and the selected consultant’s proposal shall be reviewed to assure precise understanding of contract requirements and to review the selected Consultant’s proposal to accomplish all tasks.

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All information, documents and materials — whether draft, incomplete or final — developed by the consultant in the performance of the tasks under this “Scope of Services”, shall be considered the property of the Town of Greenfield and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and shall be delivered upon request. All required information, documents and materials shall be delivered to the Town of Greenfield before the Town makes final payment. No information, documents or materials developed by the Consultant exclusively for this project is to be used by the Consultant for other purposes, or released to others, without the express written consent of the Town.


The Town may terminate, in writing, this Agreement for non-performance of the services required under this Agreement including the progress of work for such services. The Town may also terminate the contract for convenience with 30 days written notice.

Upon receipt of written notification from the Town to the Consultant that the Agreement or any portion thereof is to be terminated, the Consultant shall immediately cease operations on the work stipulated, and assemble all material that has been prepared, developed, furnished or obtained under the terms of the Agreement that may be in the possession or custody of the Consultant and shall transmit the same to the Town on or before the fifteenth (15th) day following the receipt of the written notice of termination together with his/her evaluation of the cost of the work performed. The Consultant shall be entitled to complete payment for any satisfactorily completed uncompensated work performed prior to such notice and for the cost of assembling the material to be transmitted to the Town.

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Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 26


Having fully examined, read, and in understanding of the specifications for this job and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the proposed work, including any addenda for which receipt of is acknowledged below, the undersigned proposes to complete all work as specified in this request for proposals.

This proposal includes addenda numbered: ______

Signature for Individual

______Name of Company Telephone Number

______Name and Title of Individual Authorized to Sign Fax Number

______Signature Date

Signature for Partnerships (must be signed by ALL general partners)

______Name of Partnership Date

______Name and Title of Partner Signature

______Name and Title of Partner Signature

______Name and Title of Partner Signature

______Telephone Number of Company Offices Fax Number of Company Offices

Use additional sheet if necessary



Signatures for Corporation

______Name of Corporation Date

______Name and Title of Duly Authorized Company Signature Officer Corporate Seal (affix below)

______Telephone Number

______Fax Number

______Signature of Clerk

Please furnish the following additional information:

Incorporated in what state? ______

President: ______


Secretary: ______

If you are a foreign (out of state) corporation, are you registered with the Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 181? ______

If you are selected for this work, you are required, under M.G.L. Chapter 30 §391, to obtain from the Secretary of State, Foreign Corporation Section, a certificate stating that your corporation is registered, and to furnish said certificate to the Town of Greenfield before award.

Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 28


The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals.

______Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal

______Name of Company




______Massachusetts Corporation

______Foreign Corporation

______Non-Profit Corporation


______Sole Proprietorship *

Name of Corporation ______

Address ______


As President, or authorized company officer, of the above named corporation, I do hereby certify that the above named corporation has filed with the State Secretary all certificates and annual reports required by M.G.L. Chapter156B §109 and by Chapter 181 §4

Signed under the penalties of perjury this ______day of ______, ______

______Signature and Title of Authorized Company Officer

Corporate Seal (affix below):

*If a sole proprietorship, you must indicate your status as a sole proprietorship; the person signing this bid shall be deemed to be the sole proprietor and legal entity for the purpose of this bid and contract.

Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 30


Any person failing to sign the Attestation of Taxes shall not be allowed to obtain, renew, or extend a license, permit, or public contract.

Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 62C, §49A, I hereby certify, under the penalties of perjury, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am in compliance with all the laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support.

______Signature and Title of Authorized Company Officer


Corporate Seal (affix below):

Town of Greenfield – Comprehensive Sustainable Master Plan 31