Alain Ballereau

Alain Ballereau was born in in 1956 and has lived and worked in Verdun-sur-, since 1991. Alain majored in Art at the School of Arts appliqués et Métiers d’Art, Paris, France.

From 1990 through 1997, Alain's work explored a sign world, lyrical and graphic, with an emphasis on neutral colors. From 1997 through 2003, he moved from classical framed canvas paintings to structural grid acrylic paintings on free frabrics (linen, cotton, worn sheets), representing wandering, unfinished stories. From 2004 to 2008, Alain's work evolved onto large format craft paper with vibrant layers of paint and pattern, quiet territories and geometric levels. From 2009 to 2013, his works became less abstract and more flexible and allusive as vast ideal landscapes with human presence. Every step of the way, Alain's painting requires the accident to determine the adventure. Harmony and balance is found between the unpredictable and the controlled gesture, spontaneity and sacrifice, between shadow and light, opacity and transparency.

Private Exhibitions

2015 “Unfinished Stories” Veronique Wantz Gallery, Minneapolis (USA)

2013 Veronique Wantz Gallery, Minneapolis (USA) Peyrou Gallery, Sarlat-la-Canéda Cayrou Castel, Puy-l’Evêque Sainte-Croix Collegiate church, Loudun

2012 Head office of ARAPL, Chapel of White Penitents, Gordes

2011 Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Cordes-sur-Ciel Le Sm’art, Aix-en-Provence Café Durand, Montauban

2010 349 Gallery, Beauzelle Avatar Gallery, Montauban

2009 Chez Jean Vidal, Saramon

2007 Le Carmel, Un Toit une Toile,

2006 AC/APA/CPP Gallery, Bordeaux

2004 Croix-Baragnon area, Toulouse

2002 Cégetel services, Toulouse

2001 Cultural space, Verdun-sur-Garonne Acadie Gallery, Cajarc Liberty space, Crest

2000 Arts Walkway, Riguepeu

2000, 1997, 1994 Eiffel/Branly space, Paris

2001, 2000, 1999 Astarté Gallery, Paris

1999, 1997 Brigitte Griffault Gallery, Montauban

1997 Gustave studio (‘Astarté’), Paris Gallery of the Port, Crest

1996 Les Lumières Gallery, Claudine Legrand Gallery, Paris

1995 Afrikaans Baaz’Art, Montauban

1994 Art 50 Gallery, Paris Espace Variétés Gallery, Saint-Gaudens

1993 Kandler Gallery, Toulouse

1992 Muscade Gallery, Paris

1992, 1991 Grand Palais, Paris

1990 Cultural space, Paul Ricard, Paris

Collective Exhibitions

2013 D.X Gallery ‘Prints and Desire’, Bordeaux Ingres Museum, Contemporary creators, Montauban Acadie Gallery, Cajarc The Ceramic House, ‘Black is Beautiful’, Giroussens

2010, 2009 Avatar Gallery, Montauban Acadie Gallery, Cajarc D.X Gallery, ‘Crossing Gazes’, Bordeaux, Group show J.-C. Blais/C. Vaillat/A. Ballereau

2006 City Hall, Le Bouscat Arts Walkway, Lectoure

2003 Detours’03, Billère Artists Wishes, Toulouse, Paris,

2001 Bonetti Gallery, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val Diagonal of the Arts, , Region Council Prize

2000 Studio of the Lavoir, Sarlat

1999 Jesuite Chapel, ‘Balthazar’, Arles

1999, 1997, 1995 Former High School, ‘Great Formats’, Montauban

1997 Brigitte Griffault Gallery, Montauban Kandler Gallery, Toulouse Poudeous Castel, Verfeil Ingres Museum, Montauban Exhibition 'Recent paintings and ', Courbevoie Contemporary Art Salon, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val

1996 Detours’96, Billère and Contemporary Art Salon, Verdun-sur-Garonne Theater of the Sea, ‘Les Commun’Arts’, Sète

1995 Exhibition ‘Time, the Work and the Instant’, Saint-Quentin-en-

1994 Ingres Museum, Artists meetings, ‘Le proche et le lointain’, Montauban Beaux-Arts Museum, Pau

1993 Castel, ‘Balthazar’, Tours, City of Saint-Gaudens Prize Artgument Gallery, ‘Balthazar’, Montbazon Askéo Gallery, Paris Montparnasse Station, ‘Paris-Washington’, Paris, October Salon Prize, Montauban

1992 Daphné Benh-Williame Gallery, Citadela Gallery, Prague Wetherhold Gallery, Washington D.C. Annie Mouilleron Gallery,

1991 Grand Palais, ‘Grands, Jeunes d’aujourd’hui’, Paris City Museum, Seoul (Korea) Contemporary Art Salon, Bagneux

1990 Grand Palais, ‘Jeune peinture’, Paris November Salon, Vitry