Schiff Is Heard in Money Probe Wall
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Devoted to the Interests of A CLEAN, FEARLESS Belmar and Wall Township F A M I L Y WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH IS THE COAST ECHO) V O L . XXII, No. 3 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1913 THREE CENTS Miss Rae Gasn Charming Bride WHO IS GOING TO Belmar Council WALL TOWNSHIP HOME NEWS Of Mr. Abraham Bloom WASHINGTON? Will Open Streets NEWS COLUMN BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST SISTER TO BE MARRIED SUNDAY In South End TXT HAT good, kind man Coast Advertiser To Give Ticket To is good enough B. F. Benner of Philadelphia was in Miss Rae Gasn, daughter of Mrs. town yesterday. Annie Gasn, of 13th and Ocean ave Belmar’s Most Popular Fireman To be so good lie’s not Locals From Several Districts. Mrs. Emma VanNote is visiting nues, Belmar, was married Sunday Great Importance To Property Owners— friends at Lakewood. evening at 5 o'clock to Abraham Bloom mere stuff. A Large Increase In Values Is Predicted Dr. Fred T. Haberstick was a visitor of New York. The ceremony was per MUCH INTEREST APPARENT ALLENW OOD. formed at the bride’s home by Rabbi —Homely in Newark Yesterday. Morris, of Long Branch, in the pres- Outline Of Improvements Miss Alice Williams has returned Some local fireman is going to have a Evangelist Long is expected on Sat er^^of a number of friends. Among from a visit to Trenton. nice trip to Washington and the ticket urd ay . w lH ^vas Mr. M. Eisner, of Pittsfield, isn’t going to cost him a cent. Mr. John McCormick was a Free At a meeting of Belmar council The revival meetings were begun M&siJT The Coast Advertiser is going to give hold visitor on Wednesday. Tuesday evening the propositions of on Tuesday evening. Miss Gasn was attired in white silk, him the ticket. opening streets in the newly annexed D. N. Wehrenberg of New York was Mr. Dean Smith made a business charmeuse, embroidered with lilies, We do not know who will be the lucky Thirteenth avenue district was dis- a visitor in town on Tuesday. trip to New York on Tuesday. carried white roses and lilies. man. It all depends on you. You and cused and was finally settled on as River and Harbor Bill Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hurley, the Belmar residents will decide the matter. SCHIFF IS HEARD Mrs. Pheobe Frazee visited her sis She was attended by Miss Anna Krei- follow s: left for a visit to Washington, Sunday. nick, of New York, and Samuel Bloom, Each week during the contest there will ter-in-law, Mrs. Edna La Fetra, who Thirteenth avenue to be opend from Miss Mertil King is visiting her brother of the bridegroom, was his appear on the front page of this paper a Nearly $3,000,000 is very ill at Red Bank on Friday. D to B streets; Fourteenth avenue sister Mrs. E. L. Haight, of Red Bank. a tte n d a n t. " Ballot ” to be used by you in deciding IN MONEY PROBE A very interesting meeting was held from B to E street; Fifteenth avenue Mr.- a n d M rs. O. A. H e lb ig a n d d a u g h Mr. and Mrs. Bloom left Belmar yes who shall receive the free ticket. Each in the church on Wednesday evening. from F street to line of Bennett es WILL SURVEY MANASQUAN RIVER ter or Newark were in town Tuesday. terday for Niagara, where they will "ballot” will count as Ten Votes for the tate; E street from Thirteenth to At the close of the meeting a praying Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Bloomsburg of remain two weeks. After their return Fireman whose name is written on it. Sixteenth avenue; D street from Thir band was formed. Jersey City have been spending a few they will reside in New York City. If you are not a yearly subscriber to teenth to Fifteenth avenue; C street The rivers and harbors committee Not Good Form For Bankers At the election of officers for the The Coast Advertiser you should send us days in town. The marriage of Miss Sadie Gasn, from Thirteen th avenue to Bennett es of the house of representatives, of Sunday school for the coming year: your subscription during the contest as it a sister, to Philip Bunin, of this place, tate line and probably thru to Six which Congressman Thomas J. Scully to Compete. Dean Smith was elected superintend B. F. Champion will open the River is worth 520 votes to your favored candi which was to have taken place at the teenth avenue. of this district, is a member, has just ent and Harold Frazee, ass’t supt. Road Inn on the south shore of Shark date, and the sooner the better, as the completed the rivers and harbors bill river this week. same time, was deferred to next Sun A motion was prepared to have an Miss Elsie Wright of Trenton is person who obtains the lead at the very to be acted upon at this session ol day night. After the ceremony they engineer prepare a map and present visiting Mr George Parsons and sis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prior of Tenth beginning of a popularity contest usually co n g ress. SPEYER IS A COMPETITOR will leave for the West, returning same at the meeting. ter-in-law, Miss K. Burns of this town ivenue, have gone to Miami, Fla., for stays in the lead to the end. home about February 15th. Mr. Bun This matter has been before coun Mr. Scully has succeeded in havin; he remainder of the winter. This contest will close at 7 p. m., Wed incorporated in the bill the 25-fot A valuable collie, owned by Wm. B in is connected with the Guarantee cil for a year or more but not until Morgan & Co., However, Never Has Sherman disappeared from home on C has. L ev iso h n le ft tow n on Mon nesday, February 26th, 1913, and the channel project from Perth Ambo.. Painting company, of this place. Tuesday night could a. reasonable ad Invaded Kuhn, Loeb Field, Banker day for extended trip to Bali ore, Fireman receiving the greatest number of through Staten Island, the estimatea Thursday, January 9, and though the justment be made between the owners Tells Pujo Committee—Talks of Risks Washington and points of intei st in votes will be awarded the Ticket to Wash cost of which is $2,130,000. By the owner has tried to find it no trace oi of the Bennett estate whose property Assumed by Syndicates. it has been found. The dog has one .he so u th . ington. > is affected, and the boro officials. bill the work will be commenced un The bollot will be found at the bottom w atch eye. Installation of newly elected c fleers Council received a letter from the der an initial appropriation of $500,- W ashington, Jan. 17.—Jacob H. Schifl BRANDT LIKELY FREE of this page—For additional instructions, Miss Grace L. Post, this week re- of the local Odd Fellows will fc : held Long Branch hospital asking that the 000. It will require four years to of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & voting places, etc., see announcement on eived her appointment as postmistress on Tuesday evening, January 2 . boro make an annual donation to the complete the job and the money will Co. described to tbe Pujo Investigating back page. committee the method of issuing secu of the Allenwood Post Office. Mrs. Newly elected chiefs of Ammo: oosue MAN BY NIGHTFALL hospital. The matter was referred to be appropriated as needed. rities for corporations as practiced by Post is making needed interior alter tribe, I. O. R. M., will be rai- ed at the boro solicitor. Among other terms that Mr. Scully succeeded in,getting in the bill is the his house. He said after his firm had ation and expects to install a tele their meeting next Wednesday e-.'lining. Councilman Stines of the highway agreed to issue the securities syndi 20-foot project to Newark and Pas phone booth in the near future Union Fire company had th: mem Governor Sulzer Has Confer committee reported that all the sewers cates were formed to underwrite the ARCHITECT HELD from Fifth avenue south in the boro saic, the estimated cost of which is risk assumed by the bond Issue. A number of the members of the bers of Wall Fire company a: their ence With Imprisoned Valet. had been flushed. $1,059,800 with an initial appropriation “The object of the syndicate is to Allenwood Grange visited the Glen- :uests at a pinocle contest las: even- Chairman King of the fire commit of $400,000. Thru Mr. Scully’s efforts take over the securities if you fall to dola Grange at their installation meet- ng. UP BY “ BANDITS” tee recommended that a fire box be the Elizabeth river, which had been sell them?” asked Mr. Untermyer. inw on Friday evening. Lydia Ellen and Viola Rogc.s of nearly wiped out, was restored to the “Yes, that’s it,” said Mr. Schiff. At the last meeting of the Allenwood Jcean Grove have been spenc ug a Albany, N. Y„ Jan. 17.—Foulke E. placed at Seventh avenue and D street m ap. Banks and trust companies, he said, Grange the following officers were in vacation with Mrs. James N. Thomas Brandt, former valet for Banker Morti and that the box at Eight avenue and The bill calls for a complete survey were the participants in these under stalled for the ensueing year: of Thirteenth avenue.