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7KB STANDARD m , SOUTHERN NEWSFAPEK HE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dally ««• »«»*«T. carrier 4«ll»ery, 1J cent* weekly. Vol. 2LLVI.—No. 356. ATLANTA; GA_ SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1914. —FOUR-THEN PAGES. llBSIe e*»to» «m the •»*««» «na «t mtitmmtmmOm, s eeyte. PANAMA COLONISTS VERDICT IS VOID, MAY SOON LOCATE AMERICAN VESSEL YACHTSMAN SMUGGLES ARMS TO ULSTER IN SUMTER COUNTY ANTI-TRUST BILLS Amerious, Ga~, June 5.—(Special.)— DECLARE LAWYERS That the 300 Panama -colonists desir- ALLOWED TO LAND ing location In Georgia will be brought to Sumter county seems certain in view of the fact that the colonization FOR LEONL FRANK committee has just purchased options ARMSJTTAMPICO PASSED BY HOUSE upon the Huguenln plantation, near Americus, containing 5,000 acres. The committee authorized to effect the John L. Tye Stresses Ad- purchase came here recently accom- Schooner Unloads Ammu- Interstate Trade Commis- panied by C. F. Jackson, agricultural vantages to the Defendant representative of the Central railway, nition for Rebels Without sion Bill, Omnibus Anti- and carefully Inspected the Hug-uenin in Being Present When a lands. Interference From United Trust Bill and Railroad Se- One hundred and fifty thousand dol- Verdict Is Read. lars Is the price put upon the Sumter States or Huerta. curities Bill Pass. plantation now owned by Carolina in- vestors. ASSERTS THAT JURORS BLOCKADE BY HUERTA LARGE MAJOR/TIES MIGHT HAVE CHANGED YOUTHFUL ADAIR WOULD CAUSE TROUBLE ARE GIVEW MEASURES Peeples Scores Mobs as America Would Maintain Opposition Melted When Cowardly—Says That It That Tampico Is Open Final Test Came and Vot- Would Have Been Easy Port* It Is Believed—No ing- Went Through Quick- for Frank to Be Present. WHITNEY TODAY News From Carranza. ly and Without Opposition "We are attacking this verdict as Washington. June 5 —Information II> John Corrljcnn. Jr. feeing void," said Attorney John L. Tye .Atlanta Boy Golfer Defeats reaching- Wasnl-ngton late today that Washington, June "> — <Special>— yesterday afternoon before Judge Ben the American schooner Sunshine, from RepresentalKe Adamson, of Georgia, Hill In the arguments which, followed Texas Champion in Semi- Galveston, had landed ammunition at chairman of thp house committee on Solicitor Dorsey's move to demur the Tampico for the [Mexican constitution- interstate and foreign commerce, had snotton to ' set aside «ha verdict of Final Round 4 Up and 3 alists without interference on the part charge of two of the three administra- guilty In the Frank case. of the United States or ttie Huerta tion -anti-trust bills that \vere put "It Is not an irregularity, not a dis- to Play. government, was received in official througtli the house with nourish this crepancy," he continued. "It is a void quarters there without comment. State afternoon , verdict. This Is a constitutional Issue. and navy department officials declined The raili o;ul st«x U and bond1* pi n- The right of a man to be present at to verify the report, but from other vislon ~n as passed b\ <i \ ote of 325 to the time the verdict is delivered ROT AN WAS THREE UP sources It was learned that the pres- 12. and the other unanimouslv Thu egalnst him Is not trifling nor frivo- AT END OF SIX HOLES ence of the Sunshine off Tampico with trust bill, -with a pi ov Mon aimed at lous. It is a constitutional guarantee arms aboard had been known to the interlockin ™- d irei_ tor ates, w as in that must be fully observed if we are Washington government for several charge of the i h airman of the judicia- to have law and order In our lan«2." ry committee At the opening of the proceedings days. In view of the fact that there had Representative Bartlett, of South Friday morning. Solicitor Dorsey Adair Came Back—Nelson been considerable apprehension re- •Carolina, was one of the four demo- moved to demur to the motion to set Whitney Eliminated Rec- garding the attitude the United Statea crats to \ole ag-.ii list the stock and aside the verdict which had been filed might take toward the landing of am- toy John L. Tye. of the law flrm of Tye. 'bonds bill This meamite WJLS a.tta< ked ord Maker Jacoby 4 Up and munition at this Mexican port tJhe de- because it \\ ould gi\ e complete control p-eeples & Jordan. His argument oc- livery^ of the munitions without inter- cupied all of the morning session, and over the big trunk lines to the intei - 3 to Play. ference was regarded with signficance. state tommerce commission, it wa« lasted until 3 o'clock in the after- To Preflerve Open Port. said, and deny the states anj power in noon. With the Cuban steamer Antllla en regulate their securities. Cites LrC&al Authorities. Memphis. Tenn., June 5.—Perry Mr. Dorsey cited volume after vol- Adair. a 15-year-old Atlanta youth, route to Tanrplco with arms consign- ChnnKes Kxpeeteel In S canto. 'ume of legal authority bearing on his will meet Kelson Whitney, veteran of ed to Carranza's fbrces, there has been These measures will be under con- argument. Speaking from behind a many a hard-fought tournament fight much speculation as to what the United sideration for monGhs in th*> senate barricade of law books, he kept a and three times amateur champion- of States would do if the Huerta govern- That body is expected to change 'he number of assistants constantly bring- the sou*h. in the final -round tomorrow ment should attempt a blockade of the (i) DORSET REGIMENT MARCHING THROUGH BELFAST; (2) SIR EDWARD CARSON; bills materially, just as it altei cd the ing new volumes and carrying others for the 1914 championship of the port Every Indication tonight, how- trust and currency bills which were Southern Golf association. ever, was that the United States wooild (3) ULSTER UNIONIST VOLUNTEERS. sent to the senate marked "Rush " When the hearing adjourned at 5 Adair won hie match in the semi- maintain its previously announced po- Belfast, June 5.—The armory of the sixteen miles from Belfast, but most ly quiet. British troops from Irish Senator Hoke Smith is a member of o'clock in the afternoon two argu- finals today over George V. Rotan, of sition that Tampico was an open port. Ulster "volunteers" was strengthened of the rifles were delivered on the quay garrisons were hastened to the city the judiciary committee which will today by the addition of 3,000 Mauser at Belfast, and the cases -were re- in anticipation of an outbreak. The ments had been heard and a third was "Waco, state champion of Texas, 4 up Admiral Badger yesterday was order- rifles, as the result of a daring1 gun- moved under the eyes of the poli-ce by Ulster unionist "volunteer army had perfect all the trust bills except the in progress. The argument of Henry and 3 to play; and Whitney, holder of ted to keep w atcili upon Huerta gun- running feat of an Irish yachtsman. specially selected volunteers. long threatened war in case home rule trade commission measure He has C. Peoples, of counsel for the defense, th« southern title, disposed of Ijouis boats at Puerto Mexico and Alvarado. A portion of the consignment was After the final passage of the home waa forced upon them. A serious out- promised to see that the interlocking ded to the south of IDonas'hadee, rule bill, Belfast at first was ominous- b rea k is expec ted at a ny m omen t. will be resumed at 10 o'clock this Jacoby, of Dallas, Texas, by tbe same Tonight there had been no report to the directorate provision is r hanged M( morning. Most of the early part of score. navy department that the boats had that men in Georgia, who ai e building his speech had been devoted to cita- The playing of the youthful Geor- made any move towaTfl, Tampico. up tJh-eir towns and sections by exer- tions from legal records. gian over Rotan today was sensa- There have been widespread reports cising control over a number,of bmall Mr. Doraey dwelt at length upon the tional. He drova with the accuracy of that the South American medtatona had OLD CHURCH DESTROYED concerns shall not be molested. a. veteran, hl» a»proach,BlK>ts weco al- decision in. the -case of. the State of protested - against- tto»-*1firtt*er~St9reteB MAS-WILL NOT FELDER COMES OUT The possibility of the disruption of Georgia v. Cawthorne. which, ~"B as- most perfect and his putting T«J> con- permitting the delivery of ammunition small business concerns as the result sistent. On the other hand, Rotan, .serted. was similar in nurfCrous re- to the constitutionalists at Tanrpico. of this legislation is bringing protests spects to the Frank case.^Cawtho-rne who towered over his opponent In Secretary Bryan tonight declared, how- BY SUFFRAGETTE BOMB from all sections of the country having been absent from the court- statue and almost doubled him in ever, that the state department Qiad re- Voting Done Quickly. room at the time the verdict was ren- years, was plainly off his play. He ceived no protest. He ^.Iso denied re- FORJWBITION Opposition melted away when the hooked his approach shots repeatedly ports that Mr. Riand, tne Spanish am- Explosives Placed in Dudhope He 'declared that Judge Hill's decl- final test came and the votins' went eion in the Lyons case, which has cre- and in putting was weatt. bassador, w2i<? represents the Interests In the other match Whltnsy iras Gives Out Statement in Castle Also by Arson Refusal of Griffin Minister through quickly and without incident.