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in miiwm - m ' ns"arWSeB"ssssj ii Mk 1 TO-DAY- 'S Part Tr bPrfatcdin - 8 PAGES. j . THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC! EIGHT PARTS,J



Of course It Is the ambition of seven or than any of the present catchers under "Billy" Keeler and Dave Fultz. and from the eight teams In the American League Griffith's wing. what he has shown so far, Anderson Is There Is no comparison between the St. due to prove a better fielder than he was to lead tha Johnson organization. But McGulre, ki2ifJ i . .- -i , - Louis man and "Straw foot" or a first baseman. . jos. only one can accomplish that Teat, and Bevllle. O'Connor has cither of them The New York management has spared m&h&i&t-- j - : one will not 'be Washington. Any beaten, but that docs not mean that no efforts nor money to give the metrop- -- 'V Sliiftrt.l.' V that .ii?r"s. r - McGulre not good back- '". $ - critic could tell this by a glance and Bevllle arc olis a great ball nine. . r;. . .. stops. They are. They have .1!TJ ". ." , at tha pcrcentajsc tables. annexed star after star, until O'-i- Not to be as good a catcher as O'Connor It has been openly charged that there was i Ono team, however, that longs for the Is no disgrace, for thera Is only one O'Con- a conspiracy on foot In the American !W, honor, perhaps more than any other Is nor left, and that Is Jack, who is now League to maka New York the pennant tS'J- - catching for the Browns. winners. :.t 'j(l ' The outfield of the "Invaders" Is almost But wouldn't Griffith et al. be a bit dls-- tv a&'&i SI&F:? SI as strong as Its pitching department. vtv tmm Skilled every 'y--. &u :&lfrS&m. -rf53S ES at angle of the game are ifchaAMMj53fcXi fc&S&SYisSsSSrz '" J the New York "Invaders." They have many reasons to wish to land the bunting '& in the American League, but perhaps the rxzm Mi foremost is to sain In favor with the base-be- ll wemi&' public in Gay Gotham. J.. v?-'tTf.-:, . As a drawing card, "Muggsy" McGraw's .. a"- rUjT, V V Vr" "Giants" refetiS&i r VWVA&' have an edge on Griffith's men, . but If the latter can do better in the yrrf2 x-.y American League handicap than the New -- rrftUfi VS. mmml ,1,j X-'- Tork Giants do In the r'JVr'.1 l iWi-M- l y. as well race It will mean the switching of popu-larit- t ?tu on the rubber this year as over J" lie did. mm ' - -- VfM "I know of no reason why my arm the Is fickle , ri&aM For fan a personage. He e.r-Ls- ,.'...;a J should bo better than that of any other must have the best brand of ba;ball 53SJS pitcher." said Nichols., "except that I that his money can purchase. He rlays ri?sszi take better care of It than do some of Zi.'!.. fe&mmM&aom the boys no favorite. IUs standard is merit, and '. x who have tho reputation of hav- tvr ing Iron arms. While I have suf- he generally backs up his principles by "WTLL CONROY, fered with a soro pitching arm at time?. his patronage. Fsviin?. DAVY PITT 'V It , a recruit from Pittsburir rr ;7.. uv One of the greatest college player?, has never been sufficiently out of con- and fast player In field u pupil of i, dition to Frank Farrell and the rest of the men un at bat. the and ncr.in Johnson's organizationY and bcst base--r lead me to beileve that the end the bases. of my pitching days was In command of the New York American SHESSi appointed at hand. is of undoubted Quality. tLLi" W;?Y!m if their team fails to land one. the greatest "Even to-d- I have no Idea how soon League team realize this fact and have Ganzel has two? And there Is a good attendance In the history of. shown Improvement, on flr?t. Williams chance that this the game when they I will be compelled to give up pitching, nut together the best at will happen. battled for the title talent they could second Is an flrst-da- as of world's for my arm feels as good strong excellent and galaxy champions." and as procure. hitter. That of stars undr Griffith may It did fen ycas ago. I have never taken shine no brighter than they did last year, This season they have landed two pitch- At short "Gamecock" Elbcrtlcld Is as MAXAGEIt .MCHOLS S.VYS anything but the simplest exercise In the when tha best they could do was to land WORK spring, ers, "Brave Jack" Powell, and "Long good as any of the great short stoos in IS RESlEnr FOR SORE AIUI. nevtr having the aid of a masseur tho fourth position In the race. to keep my arm from getting sore. When Tom" Hughes, whom they expect will American League. And he has more 2aE3 But with nerve than any their additional pitcher and There Is no doubt there was any soreness I would resort to have strength enough in their sturdy of them. Not much larger the acquisition of that Charlie Nich- right arms to swing than a wildcat, he Anderson to play the ols, manager tho method of giving .tha the pennant pendu- resemble that haiiti. outfield, the men from the City Sights and pitcher of the St. Louis lum toward New York. ful creature In fighting way. of arm lots of work under favorable weath- a should give Boston. Cleveland Phila- National League team, possesses Undoubtedly the "Invaders" have Conroy at third has and the er conditions to bring it back to Its form a shown himself to delphia a hard for first honors. most wonderful pitching staff that should rank socond to bo a masterful ball player, and one pitching arm In profes- again. Of course, pitching Is a great that If they do they will certainly shake sional y. none In the country. Powell. Hughes, will help tha New York the baseball Nichols started in strain on the arm. At the same time. If Americans to foundation of McOraw's popularity, unless his career in Grtffln and Chesbro. Certainly this realize their ambitions. Conroy fast company fifteen years the muscles are kept in a good, healthy sounds Is fast that team wins the National League pen- ago, yet there Is like tha "Wg four" doesn't it? Of course on his feet, a great fleldor n not a tr.lrler In the big condition, and one is in other ways phys- and r.f. nant, and the chances for them doing so League to-d- Boston has mighty t for whom batsmen have ically sound, there Is no reason why tha its "Cy" Young and class sticker. Sit-- are no better than are the chances tho greater the Dlneen, ikttvM of respect .than they have for Nich- general run of pitchers should not but this pair can Now York was weakened hv ih. tn. PagPJ i Irxaders for landing the bunting In John- last hardly Mfa.w.x, ols. In the ganej he has pitched so longer they do. I hopes be said to outclass tho "big four" of "King" O'Connor, who Is now with h son's organization. far than have that In this spring ho has shown all his old-tim- e shall busi- New York. Browns. CHESBRO. New I be able to continue In the Whom O'Connor calls "Cheere Bro." one o pilches In Should both York teams land the strength and cunning, and there Is no ness some years come, see Tha infield of the New York Americans Tha "King" was easily a better man fthe test pennants leagues. for to and I the League. of their It would mean reason to believe that he will not perform no reason now why I should not."

O'Connor and "Dutch Mike" Kahoe are a Hurst. "We were playing the Phillies." steadily Improved. His work on ground trio hard to beat. said Duffy, SIX.EABKmSLCATCHEB8 OF THE. "and Tim called me out at Jalls was his principal weakness.las(sum-me'- r. MAJOR LEAGUES. Chicago-tirthe - T-KutUvan' White Sox" first after I had beaten out, a to Lave appreciated 'when best man. and comes close to being as Collins this he Cross. Of course. I made .the usual song pitched his training "camp at Macon, and good as the best man In tha American and dance, and tho music wasn't set to gave bajt-tlri- g- League. he explicit orders to the men ragtime, either. Tim threatened, to make to 'outfield to Strange to say. Drill and Klttrrdge are the keen Douihertr me contribute C3 to the Nick Young con- busy with ground balls. Colltnx's orders, .good catchers, but It docs not follow from science fund and offered to remove my tall-en- d aie BiwajrB Diicra, aiiu jcruunurr aiier this that. a team needs good back- block with "a Fitzslmmons hook. stops grounder went skimming out to left field. as well as the leaders. Had not the "When he foi-n- that the bluff wouldn't Senators Drill and Klttredge to backstop Improvement In Dougherty's handling of & work, he switched from tho vinegar num- them they would probably have fallen out them was noticed In a few days, and that ber on the 'con' menu to molasses, and he wCI not only lead In the American SI of the pennant race entirely. Tim sugar-coate- finished at shooting the d League hitters, the top OLD-TIME- WERE BEST. hut also stand at con.' 'Hushcy. my boy he said, 'I know In fieldllig. his teammates feel certain, That the catching department has. not you're right and I was wrong. You were progressed with the other departments ot now that the regular play has begun. To i safe, but I got twisted. Go and sit down see Dougherty hit Is a treat, and since he the game can easily be seen from a com- like a good fellow y began to play ball his ability to swat parison of the nresent-da- receivers with gave first "Then I Tim's wheels a push in the the ball has given him his advancement. the backstops of fifteen years ago. wrong direction. 'You know In those days "King" Kelly. "Buck" that fellow, It .ym only a few years ago thaz" Steve O'Donnell, that Poter Mahcr put to Dougherty wrote to one of the managers Ewlng, Charlie Bennett. Jim Clements, sleep In Phllly last night. TlmT said L Doc Bushong and Dick Buckley vied with In California, asking for a chance to play. Know him very well.. Hughey. What In his letter Dougherty wrote that he the test of the players for fame as stars about hlmr asked Tim. iWell. you green have could bat at a .MO rate. The earnestness of the diamond, and have no equals a .bigger streak of yellow than Steve has. In the present generation ot catchers, un- of the letter made the manager decide to There Is enough in you to decorate give him a tryout. much against his con- less It be Kllng and Crlger. Orangeman's day, you Mick science, for a few ball players can bat .330. VIyl said I. Dougherty was sent transportation and TIM HURST "You could see Tim's little golf cap Jack he did what he said he would. THE SUBJECT OF STORIES. up on his sorrel locks' and you could have something Dougherty:! cigarette There Is behind fPl lit a from the Quctnsbcrry flames determination to lead the American flared In eye. that his His Irish temper League in batting this season. He has crept In his throat and swelled the cords keep secret, but. like Incident Related to Illustrate the big tried to It a a womam' Wit of n Fnrnnns Handler of the of his neck as ns a crowbar. When he a ball player has hard work to keep anyJ recovered his tongue he took refuge In to Bnseball Indicator. flowery thing himself. figures of speech, and his IUU4 Last, week' Doujherty --won tho hand legs de- 0$My!u &OmtaY2ILZ(0 C&C160 arched heaved with emotion as he heart of ov ot .upper New York, sr:iirill scribed circles around ma and fanned my .and Tim has had a stormy career State's fairest daughters and In this Hurst nose fist. me fact with his I think Tim fined mill' of tbe cocbanut. All last on the baseball diamond. His home Is In J10). but tho fine only went In conversa- lies the years, easonDougherty tried' hard to beat out Ashland. Pa., and sixteen off and tion." LajoieCfor batting Jioprs. The success of thirty-eig- ht One of quips was brought out on, ot his have been spent In Hurst's depended 8n-hl- beating out La- In very hls'sulf the sport, mainly as an umpire. It was in a Baltimore name. It was a close jole. He failed and Vas Ibid to wait an- contest, and In the ninth. Inning a Cleve- tha "- ltSS game other year. Tlds he refused to do. .' - JoEIk'sSs-I-JJ- that he broke Into the as an player V-.- run- Catching Department Has Grown lilt ir -- v 'SgBMIIHMW 3 land slid home. ball and same refused, to continue In minor Ti(vt Pennsylvania League, deci- as he umpire for the and ner reaching the olate together. The league He "was obstinate: so was' in Importance Since Adoption sion given circles. the next season ho went to the Southern mlzht be either way. and Tim's In cases, a compro- opinion the girt As all such of Xew Rules Browns Have Leasue. was: On his solemn promise "Safe!" mise was made. Excellent Backstops. In 1JS1 he joined the national body, to lead all the league batsmen'ln 1501 tho be- The players where he remained until 1S8, when he Baltimore outdid' themselves marriage data was set. '111 . came manager ot the St. Louis team. Aft- In rowdy orotestlng. but the official never knfew will happen If I don't." budged. High rose "Ton what 4HiBHBil9i er two years' lay off he was again reap- above the clamor the said Dougherty, and his teammates gladl- pointed for a season. Tim Hurst Is in- voice of Catcher Robinson: y" volunteered to use their Influence with The importance of a first-cla- ss catching disputably the bright particularly star ot "I had him froze. Tim! I had him pitchers to throw' up swift meaning player the opposing department under the new rules Is dally the baseball profession. froze!" that he hsd the straight halls, the kind that Dougherty thick-se- blocked off plate 'with his root when, Hurst is a short, t young man, the eats," as one of the players ex- manifesting Itself. he put the ball on him. Robbie's energetic' "Just with a deadly cold pair of blue eyes set pressed It. That no team can win a pennant with- close together, a pug nose a.nd a most ag- claim, "I had him froze" at length at- out one or two high class receivers has gressive chin. Tim learned to take care tracted 'Hurst's attention, and 'he raised JEXimGS'S KAT1XG OF WALLACE. come to' be accepted as an axiom by of himself when he delved for the dusky his hand for silence. Any you Says Is as Good as of modern baseball tacticians. diamonds In the Pennsylvania mines, "Did have him froze, Robbie?" Great Stars. looking at the player search-ingl- y. Tha records of ten years prove this. many years ago. and Is a match for the asked Tim. That gossip of 's about Instances can be multiplied where teams rowdies of the ball field. Fred Parent being able to play rings landed first were specially gifted His nimble tongue and biting sarcasm "I did. Tim. honestly." said the back- that not V' --v?r" JyPyy lieA v&B&EW&SSEmStiMn t5 'KSSBSrSSju around Hans Wagner as a shortstop is all in the box, had only fair hitters or were are too much for them, and when they re- stopearnestly. Hugh Jennings while "Well. then, all decided the um- bosh." remarked handicapped by weak spots In the infield sort to billingsgate and threats Hurst rlsht." discussing the merits of the two players. or outfield. But In no case can be shown meets them more than halt way. Hurst pire, "one froze for the Baltlmores." and hall player Wagner tha players went back to the field laugh- "As an a championship team that did not possess Is of Irish extraction, and his witticisms has Parent beat to death, for he is a first-cla- ss ing. at least one receiver. ore flavored with a sweet touch ot the much harder hitter and can cover every The reason Is obvious. The modern sys- old brogue. Just perceptible. leg MUST LEAD LEAGUE TO WIN bit as much ground. No one would ever tem makes the catcher the general. He a early In the season and was able to He can , besides being a good Newspapers have printed columns of hi? or comparing two men In games. hove thought these may not bo the captain, but he directs catch only seventeen receiver, and is perhaps Kling's closest original aylngs. and he has been quoted HAND BEAUTIFUL In. With OF GIRL If Wagner had not struck a bad streak the play. He not only takes care of tho Farrell out. Crlger had it all to do. rival In the parent body. more than any person connected with the championship series, where but he rose gallantly to the world's pitcher, he dominates the Infield, and the situation. Smith. Phelp's partner, la only national game. His effectiveness as an him. But ono series In the departments Is an ordin- Parent outplayed even extends his sphere of influence to mechanical there ary performer. Dooln and Roth CfiTCFZER BEAtrj umpire is directly due to his utter fear- ot several years. perhaps only In country of the Pat Dougherty, Boston's Great Hit- cannot blot out the work the . ona catcher the Phillies are about as good as the BLUBS CZ.EUE& lessness. Tim would not be averse to my now with tho who has anything on is rest of ter, to Aid Capld'a Arrow "In opinion, Dahlen. GAME ALWAYS IN SIGHT. Qrlger. This the players .of that team. They too "trying It on" with the biggest player In Is one1 great throwing are BaCKSTOP Wltn Willow. New York Giants. of the The catcher Is tha only member of the Kilns. In backstopplng and to fast for miser leagues, but none too the business and they all know It. He age, and Bobby Wallace bases the big Chlcagoan Is probably the fast of the nine who. has the whole game In front of for Philadelphia. They can be rated as never permits - mutinous, player to set of St. Louis la another that can compare him. Excepting to go In pursuit of a foul best In the business, the successor to very mediocre backstops. in the first word, believing In making the Bennett Kelly; Is hard ir Pat Dougherty doesn't lead the bat- with any." fly he never has to turn his head to see and Kilns also a attack. Accordmg to .Jennings, Sheckard of and fine base runner. CARDINALS HAVE FAIR CATCERS. ters of the American Leaguethls season, what Is going on. hitter Schreckengost has few superiors, and as Thus when a known bully llko Captain Brooklyn Is the greatest In the But Kilns and Crlger are not the only The Cardinals have fair men In Grady, first-clas- s. Being closest to the batsman, he can an backstop Is Anson of the Chicago team came tum- his teammates will be bitterly disappoint- world. "There la not nn outfielder living first-cla- ss In leagues. Zearfoss, Starnagle and Byers. study tatter's intentions, and then catchers the major McLean as McGulre of the "Invaders" was always a bling In with frenzied shrieking to protest ed. tall CO suits says the Nearly possess one or more yet Is In the experimental stage. Grady Bets of hats and, of who can touch Jim Sheckard." to own vaaA what all the teams is great hitter; Possessing decision which could not be changed un- base-run- communicate his the undoubtedly the most receiver and fair a clothes have been freely made by the Hughey. "As an outfielder, hitter, is most likely to attempt. fair performers. seasoned of the local a good arm. pin head and straw feet, he der tha rules, Tim met him .half way on Dougherty's ability to everything overtops hitter receivers. Mike can hit and world beaters and else he than thl3 the catcher can keep NATIONAL LEAGUE BACKSTOPS. catch with can still be rated with the cracks, al- with a dangerous gleam in the cold blue beat out Lajole and the other star bats- Is great outfielder, Further the best of them, and Is not slow on the them all. Dave Fnltz a an eye on tho base runners and tip oft In the National League the "Giant" though he has been In the business nearly eyes and fairly hissed: men. Dougherty's ambition lies in the but Dave is not the man that bases, but It Is no Injustice to him to say - to throw to catch a man first-cla- ss two decades.- McGuirc's steadiness is tha "Well, you big, Swede, are direction, tall, curly-heade- d Many his pitcher when have a man. In Bowerman. and that Kllng Is a better man. same and it the Sheckard Is. Kee!er Is another. napping. a very good performer In Warner. Bow- quality on which he relies and which helps you coming here to make trouble for me? boy from Bolivar. N. Y doesn't do people do not believe that Keeler can The baseman sees his signal and Is erman is the spectacular type of backstop. Moran of Boston Is a faithful performer, him draw his salary. Gwan back to your cage or ril sic the tha trick it will be no fault ot his. place a drive to any place be picks out, there at his post, waiting to complete his Ho possesses a fine arm, can hit, and t but vastly overworked. With a little rest Unless one should rate Bualow as a good dogs on you. You're a fine counterfeit not a single player In the Col- tut I've seen him do It too often not to part the play. sure on foul files. But he is hardly as Pat would play a better game, but at man, Detroit Is without a first-cla- ss re- to be. making bluffs up here. Why, you've lins bunch who is In better shape Just now is true. And this on soma of good hardly know that it In this way the catcher is constantly steady as Warner. that, he Is as as the majority of the ceiver. And Buelow can be called been playing first, base on suspicion for than Dougherty. For the past two months of the greatest twlrlers In the business. doing work which the unthinking "Mike" Bergen, a hrother of the more present day catchers. a star. McManus was good in the Eastern ten he has abstained from both smoking I've seen him tap a short one to left and for League, but has not enough rears" spectator gives him no credit, but which famous Martin Bergen, is also a good re- In Crlger and Farrell. Boston has a pair done work in "But but this " troths Anson. and chewing to better the condition of his' then next time, when the left fielder came the American to be entitled to any great UttU-mo- re is of first Importance to the success. of a ceiver. Ot course, ha'icannot class with that are on a par with the general ex- "Get next to yourself!" advised Hurst. wind. No one In Boston last season wa 'In.'iot on a specd'and snap, very Ihe cellence of great team. Cleveland In amount ot credit. on the bum. and are making- - complain of Dougherty's hitting. his team. his famous"brother, but few'of that - "You're a heard to the ball over head." grand-stan- d your salary-Wh- y fielding When tha Athletics landed first In tha present generation Of catchers can do that. Bemls and Abbott are strongly fortla BROWNS- GREAT RECEIVERS. bluff to earn At times his was not so finished i The Cornell coach says he is not, certain ' you put In exciting race of 1S02 a great share of the Peltz of Cincinnati is a fair catcher, and' behind the bat. Powers and Schrcck of If .the Browns wereas strong In all de- don't Decker there to as that of men of 'the Keeler. Fred Clarke yet whether he will be"able to 'return to say la Athletics are good men. Schreck Is, de- play first? He'd stop some of those low caliber. buUfrom .April 19 ,to,. Cornell as. coach next season.. but that he glory' devolved on the team's two crack the Cincinnati critics SchUl the the partments as they are' in tho receiving andBarrett, In Now, play or you 11 go game Pittsburg. Dougherty win irfuin the fait m catchers, Shreclc and Powers. foods, but If he plays elsewhere u he did perhaps, the most eccentric catcher in the partment. St. Louis would have the pen- throws. ball on the the final with start things off In thecal! practice. m year Boston had only one hero, here they must mean the green goods. American League. He forms an excellent nant won already. bench." batted consistently and hard. . go back, though." added Jennlnes, "ii Last story Dougherty's fielding there Is any possible chance." for its other star backstop; Farrell. broke Phelps of Pittsburg Is rare reottvar. counter piece for Waddell. For sameness "Century" Joe Sugden. "King Jack" Duffy told a characteristic of This spring has ,'i lb m jSTA'WA&t&sStt ' ,fr PMft 7Hf :.,. '" " 'Till l3gjt