For the Championship of the Entire Base Ball World
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Volume 46—No. 6. Philadelphia, October 21, 1905. Price, Five Cents. is every reason to believe that some im portant deals will be pulled off in the next few mouths, which, it is hoped, will insure SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., A STRONGER TEAM for next year. Quite a lot of new pitchers have been tried out, and one or two look A PRESIDENTIAL EIGHT IN THE 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. very good. Of those who have not been seen on the tiring line, McCoy and Shirk el!, of the Montgomery Southern League team, l.-l.-l. LEAGUE. Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated have been winners in that organization. the former bavins won 14 games©out©of l-> pitched, while the latter has doue almost base ball player ______________________________________ as well. Ale-Coy is quite a batter, too. Edward Holland Re-elected to the The Washington players batted this year for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense as follows: Tate .80S. I.lickman .278 (with Washington .:!12), Anderson .277 (with Presidency on the Fortieth Ballot I Washington .L©SI.©tV. Iluelsman .238, Stanley of printing, postage, packing, etc. j . -©,»;;. Stalil .251. Mantlet .2~>0. Cassidy .221. The Magnates Decide to Make | Hughes .220. Jones .lU,~i. Hill .212. Knoll I; .20.",. Kill©.H>::, Ileydofi .TS.t. Kittridge .107, f.iuid the other seven-, ©all pitchers, below No Change in the League Circuit that figure. .Tones made the most runs, 70, fjjiul Stahl and CJass^ely 68 each, while Nil! made the highest percentage of runs to Dubuque, la., Oct 10. Editor j times at bat. It is probable©that President "Sporting" Life." President Edward I Bit 11 Johnson and Manager Stahl are in llo©Uui©l, of liloomingtqn, 111., was vc- executive session with twirler ele©cted in the annual AUTHUK meeting of the Indiana- to-day, try in £ to .induce him to work hero IHiiipis-Iowa League to day after forty ballots h©ex©t year. It is likely that Hillebraud had been taken. The would fine] it greatly to his advantage to circuit «fl the league re do feo, besides being; in an agreeable place mains unchanged for and one that is convenient to his home. the next three years. The concensus of expert, opinion seems to ]©Hve candidates were be that none of them have anything on nominated for the pres Hillebrandi and he is the man needed here. idency. They were: Kd- With one or two strictly first-class pitchers, ward Holland,; Bicring, Celebrated Base Ball Players. and a hole or two in other parts of /the of Dccatur: Bartscn, of team plugged, the outlook for next year Pcovia; Kirisella, of "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of celebrated baseball would be promising. Washington is always Edward Holland Springfield, and Belden strong at third base during the winter, for Hill, of Cedar Rapids. players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of their favorite base ball players by Captain Bill Coughliu." of "©Detroit, is here The last named was not in the race. complying with the conditions named in the coupon above, 0 ceuts for each photo; by the then. The popular, third baseman is look When the meeting opene©d the ques dozen, 5U cents. Only one coupon required with an order. ing as Well this fall as ever in his life, tion of a new change in the circuit The photos are regular cabinet size (5i x 7i inches) mounted on heavy Mantello mats and is wearing as a watch charm a hand came up. / ?A resolution was offered and racked carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. some jeweled badge of gold and enamel, to have the league remain intact for 11 ere is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your favorite base ball with an appropriate inscription, presented the next three years. Mike Sexton, players at small expense. Each photo in a separate envelope to protect and keep it clean, to him by his teammates as a of Rock Island, was opposed to the One coupon and three 2-cent stamps entitles you to one photo. You can, however, TOKK.N OF UBUARP, idea, and fought it. On the vote, how and of their appreciation of his able work ever, the resolution carried. Then obtaiu as many photos as you desire by sending three 2-cent stamps for each photo. as team captain. Coughlin seis the pace came the fight for the presidency. The following photos are now ready lor immediate delivery. Others will be added. and has never learned how to quit. Some Uutauque, Cedar Rapids, Davenport managers who are counting on lauding and Bloomirigton remained by Hol NATIONAL LEAGUE OF 1905. AMERICAN LEAGUE OF 1905. some Washington talent in winter trades land. On the fortieth ballot a switch should remember that Detroit has a player was made, presumably by Springfield, NEW YORK CLUB John J. McGraw, Jos BOSTON CLUB-Charles Stahl, Denton or two whom the local club would particu and Holland was elected. James eph McGinnity, Christopher Matthewson, Young, George Winters,Frederick Parent, Hayes, of Davenport, was elected vice larly like to get, and the National material president, and the following commit Samuel Merles, WilJiam Gilbert, D. L. Mc- John Freeman, James Col I ins, Charles may get away from them in that direction tee was appointed to revise the con Gaini, JJoger Bresnehan, George Browue, Farrell, Albert Bel bach, Hobe Ferris, if they don©t "watch out." By the way, stitution and report at the January Frank Bowerman, Luther H. Taylor, William Dine©eu, Louis Crijjer, .Norwood the 1!)05 stock of excuses was packed in meeting: President James Hayes, of William Dahkn, Michael Doniin, Leon Gibson, Jesse Tanueliill, Thomas Doran, moth balls at the. beginning of this letter, Davenport; Manager Belden Hill, of Jesse Burkett, Robert Unglaub. so it©s too date to get out any of them for Ames, Claude Elliott, George Wiltse, the Athletics. It is best to say, then, that Cedar Rapids; Director J. P. Hunger, William 11. Marshal, Arthur Devliu, NEW YORK CLUb jame* Williams, David of Rock Island. they lost the series because of the evident Samuel St.rang, William Clark. L. Fultz, Clarke Griffith, William Keeler, superiority of the Tlie Financial Showing". Jack Chesbro,Norman KIberfeld, William GIANTS, WORLD©S CHAMI©iONS. CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance, James P. Conroy, John Ganzeil, John Powell, While it would be assuming entirely too Bloomington, 111., Oct. 14. The re Casey, Joseph 13. Tinker, James Slavic, much to say that the final result would port of President Holland, made to Albert Orth, Patrick Dougherty, James the Three-Bye League at the annual John Evers, Carl Luudgren, Jacob Wei- McGuire, John Kleiuow, Ambrose Putt- have been different if Waddell and Hoff- meeting held at Dubuque, will riot mer, John Kling, .Robert Wicker, John man, Joseph Yaeger. mau had been in the games, it is certain McCarthv, John J. O©Neil, Mordecai that the contest would not have been so bring much joy to the club owners of CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jonos, E Iwaril unequal. The only bad defeat in the series the circuit. The receipts from the Krown, Herbert Briggs, William Maloney, McFarland, George Davis, Wiluam D. was caused by having to pitch Coakley, games for the year under the circum Rank Pfeitfer, Frank SchuJte. Sullivan, James J. Cnllahan, Daniel stances were not of the sort that who was so overworked in his brilliant would give one the impression the Green, Frank Isbeli, Hoy Patterson, Lee string of victories earlier in the year that CINC1NNATICLUB -Joseph J.Kelly, James Tauuehill, Frank Oweus, William Holmes, he was all in for the sea son. towards its fans had been enthusiastic. The net Sebring, Harry Steinfeldt, Charles liar- gain for the year was §6980, the at- G. Harry White, Nick Altrock, J. end. In the last week of the season he tendance.for the season being 323,247, per, J. Bentley Seymour, Robert Ewing, ©("Jiggs") Donahue,A.ugustDund6n,Frank was knocked out twice in Washington, as. against a total "reported for 1904, Thomas W. Corcorau, Edward Phelps, Smith, Edward A. Walsh, Ernest Vinsou not lasting more than two innings either when poor old Rockford was in the John C. Barry. CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon Lajoie, time. The result of the games has fully league, of 316,267. The average re WilJiam Bernhardt, Fred Buelow, Frank .justified the claim made for Mathewson by ceipts per game this year was $160.33, pITTSBURQ CLUB Hans Wagner, Fred Jus friends, that he is doing the best pitch as against $153.36 for the previous Clarke, Claude Ritchey Thomas Leach, Douohue, Harry Bay, Elmer Flick, Earl ing. Tom©Hughes© great shut-out record iii year. Samuel Leeyer, Clarence H. Beaumont, Moore, Harry Bemis, Adrian Joss, Will Cleveland this year furnishes the nearest THE ATTENDANCE. Charles philippe, Patrick Flahertv, Henry iam J. Bradley, R. S. Klioades, Will L. approach to Matty©s Work. Of course, the Of the seven clubs making up the Lu^h, Charles C. Carr, Otto Hess, Ter- fact that the world©s championship games circuit this season who were in in Peitz, David L. Brain, OlisClymer, George were all shut-outs will be commented upon Howard, Homer Hillebraud, George Gib- reiice Turner, Geo. Stovali, Otto Jordan. 1904, only two of them show a gain PHILADELPHIA CLUB Connie Mack, by everybody, as will the point that not in attendance, these being Decatur son. Harry Smith. tin earned run was scored against the New .and Rock Island.