PART V. 1 PAGES 1-4.

WASHINGTON, D. 0., SUNDAY, MORNING, APRIL B, 1906. JONES' LUNG All EXCITING SI VESJHE GAME STEEPLECHASE With Two Men Out in Ninth In¬ Douro Wins After a Great Race ning He Makes a Two- With Copper.Throng Bagger. at Benning.

Tl.' filial game of the scries between the Perfect weather yesterday dr?w out one National rr.-.i 'ivm ; > H«»stun Na¬ of the largest crowd* th. ha- \ r gath¬ tional I.' t tm yesterday afternoon ered on the Benning ra-.-e tut*. Proba¬ wound lip with a sensational finish, the bly 8,00i> peop]« n't-r.' on t! e g >ua.!«., !lli g final sc<>r»- h»ig 4 to 3 in favor of the local stand, club house anil w ilks to repletion, w-.-imi Char!* > Jones was the hero of tne evincing th.- liveliest Int. j. -t In i ti ro- 0 :i for- wth two men out in the last ceodings from first to last. If any oppo¬ t it d tvv«» occupied, lie connect* nents of racing wanted opt al evidence of «a <>a» of P: fftr's curve? and drove it the popularity of the sp< ri In th.- District to tl center-field fence. and public appreciation of the Washington 1 w ,: n id* day for l»ase ball.not a Jockey Club'3 efforts to that end they z< w stirring and it was Ju*t should have witnessed yesterday's dls:ln- enough for tin- players to keep in a gu shed assemblage. On the club house 1 : :. mi* aturc. Although the locals dfd balcony, grand stand and in the paddock were W. ' i ma y hi s all of those made were C. Kustis, K :.,-rt .V vllie It.-r.ier v.n IT* Hi»stuns had their h'ts scat¬ Dulanv, Mr and Mrs NIc .'as Ii- \\ -rt h, S 1". Mi ter 1. and i <->\\y »iit inning was any dam- Woodbury Bl.tir, Knutt, C.i!>-on. Mrs. G. Fortes-, 10 ag.- d'Miiv timith was s«-nt to the rubber Blair, i-, 11 >.au3 sJSfPl an3 wife. Kdward Morre 1. }' 1). McCarr 1 i* th National.-- ai u twirled a fine game. CEO^QETOYKM n, Mi«. Blaine. F. K. Hitch.-ock. Plerr. Lorll- In t! four; 1" performed but two FVAR3ITY CRE.W lard, Perry J- s. I.. Khlnl k. pi ratrh it- >v< »v mail off him. and seven Belmont. George Howard. G. A. II. I' Ox- 1,-ntterv stria-: out. McCoy, who relieved Snpertu*. him, also did good work, allowing but three nard, J. \V. Colt and many ushers. h»*s I 15g i wo !: *ttor*. Pfeffer. the As to the sport of the dry I. wig <>- man whom Stahl tried to land, sorbingly interesting to all hands. T ... w.o 1 ut d tl not. w in on the tiring line for the events produced hard-fousht ..Be E and pit< bed a fair gaxM, ai- t<.-ts. In which the is.sii. was in iloulit ai- though at timej he was wry wild. mcat the entire di;=tan .- whil- as tt r ¦¦ or the i'our purse events brought or. wvi!- Lave Cross in the Game. ¦Mk .; 'V-s bamnced fields. Inter-st was maintained all i,ave Cross got back into the game and through. The sprculniv. features of Urn also favore.l the rjl for mad- his p es^nce felt by the tirst hiliS^ day Re public, getting only in one instance, the list race, did 4 hit t< r tl;** Nationals and scoring the first rank outsider set hom in front. i ;n of the game. The one error chalked up Belmont's iinst him was on a ground ball, and Nursery Victory. As Belmont's s ud 1-avt woiild not the chance of injuring Nursury has for years 1.1s hand again by going for it Williams helped to make American turf history it v' t! slant ti«T i in Kill's place, who w;vS fitting that the star event of the day, the is w ik n< :. r«amd with a sprained ankle. Washington Nurse-y s .tke should faTl to a ma. 1 . "'-.e f U.< v<»-called Joe Cassidy'* t-olt bred by an establishment t:;at has turned s'-nsational stop? of a ground ball and con¬ out so many great rae<- hor-cs t'd ?n ti:* It was natural also for the B< lmoi.t s able second inning for a £ 'J to make !t which scored m every effort to win th. t>- Ize by single. the second run for two <.-... A 1 1 * starting youngsters instead Schalfly, at the keys:one" sack, very fortunate resolve as it turnid out for j V'd a great game?, making one of the .floral tli-e Oxnard Dinner stal victor. Ok- i'.e. stops and tarows to first would not have scored y. --terilay. a--.| th m»; tl -e grounds for some time. Joe decision to start Curriculum as well W*S .. v seat In tr» bat for Smith in the lucky one indeed. .'« nd w**«'l that he has a good to the was not ens iere i ) *. r Opposition pair judging brills, ;:s }< drew a pass very serious, &nd although Ln.iy Vera, «nd -e. d fine of the runs recorded in the r> last C.'-tmpaig:..-i and Allen.. vv .- a'l w tim-i inning. Imem_ mmm the bookmal-. rs offer..! s.i.-h -t.o t odds Sent to the Hospital. against th. I>. I .r i pr-> j:r For hibitive in n..--' :--s. mtsal.- .f tho the visitors Jack O'Nell started to Jo the g icri' I all the I £ 4%" plungers pair p: iye receiving. but was forced to ret're In CPOCCjCTOVVM round the i;elm. rt pair. .. > 11 v i.i the first In rung when a foul from books. tip rtr yy The Belmont to win with Hit kmati s bat -put his thumb. He 5K0^d |*#pri stable declared went to Okenite, lik«- < re ... in the first I i <* hut. cedmen Hospital, where several stitches Kentucky Derby. he il.l nil gaway w- re put in It. The Bostons will be with- from his opponents, and l-is st.ih'e com¬ « tit his s< vice- for several wn'ks. Fred PHOTOS BT A 5TAFF panion. Curriculum. 1 i.i to save the day. i at PHOTOGRAPHER This the black colt did in handsome f -ilii a. «'f)ny, the inlilal corner, ' played in his 'VARSITY EIGHT.Froui Left to Bight (First Row.Poy, Baokes, Scott. Stuart (stroke). From si i :-l idlrk ohl-st \ io the tit ir.lip form. but could do nothing with SECOND ENJHT.From Loft to Bight (First How).Dowd, Lynch, Hfllur, Jeffs (substiiute-i.I>c.uglass. head showed lis front. with the Virginia filly. the >..!. k Hraln, the youngster .it second From Left to Right (First Row).I>owd, Lynch, Hellar, Jeffs (substitute). Douglass. I-ady Vera, at his h.- Is and the others Second . for t. visitor*, played a good frame. Two Row.Edmunds, Deguon (stroke), McLaughlin. >Voom ll -everltv of the PREP. EIGHT.From Left to Jeffs. Okenite was In in the long running catches were off Right (First Row).Lascelles. Hayes, Nash, pace. Close .piarters pulled by Second Rot..Chapman, LeCompte, Glblin, Ivers. Coxwaln.Duff. r«ar. unable to close on tl two leaders. HateR In the lert garden. Strobel did lots' toward stirring up the scare of defeat Two-Year-Olds Heads Apart. which Star. <1 the Nationals in the face in tils wonderful stunt of driving the ball past Hodgeman, 7.- ® usual brilliant ^rame at second, and Mc- The Belmont bha k an 1 th.. Garth chest¬ the ninth tuning. He seeur.d three outs Good for two and Duff and Stanley C*andle«s. who nut had It hammer anil round Into and off bases, Bag*. « iS "|j played the second game of tongs pulled a trijl. through Charley scored, thus winning the game. The score: L< uren J25 his career, made a very creditable show¬ the their closest at¬ Jones J'®* stretch. Campaigner, territory In the seventh inning White. < ing at first base. Score: which started the WASHINGTON. R. IB. I'O. A. BOTH Pilt.bard, 8 "i JI® SHUT tendant, and the issue narrowed down to of GEORGETOWN OUT MUTES run-gcttlng the vis- cf 0 ltors. Join-*, O 2 1 Ot«y. 2 GALLAUDET. AB Jl. II. TO. A. F.. the pacemakers. Curriculum held his bad, ffchlafly. 2b (> 0 1 8 Robinson. bowS-1 u' 1,1 Leitch. 3b 3 0 1 2 0 I to "ie bi,: a"d Hickman. rf o n 1 0 but Lady Vera began to wear him down in a,, lilt nt..!,rst made 1 1 Doherty, coxswain. Matzner. en 4 0 1 2 2 0 but Smith was there with thefoods Cross, 3b 1 2 Maguire, rf 4 0 1 O o 0 the last hundred \ards. and, closing lnc'u and fanned i wo Anderson, If 1 0l 1 GEORGETOW N SECOND CREW. batters, which, with an O 0 1 (t and Cooper (f*apt. I, 2b 4 0 2 6 2 1 by inch, just failed to reach his head by a t,y lnniself to Stall], lb Name position. Weight. Russel, c 4 0 0 3 0 1 "**!.-1 Stahl. broke the visit¬ Williams. ss 1 1 2 4 CREWS stroke ft RUN few Inches. In another couple of strides DEFEATED Dcgnan. WITHOUT ors Start. The locals did o O H o 1JJJJ Hinch, If 4 0 01 2 she would have nailed him. nothing In the Heydon, c I,jon, 7 McCandl^s*. lb 4 0 1 7 0 0 opening Inning hut on their turn up In the Duff, c 1 1 4 1 Edwards. 6 Cheers that would have almost waked the second tonmvtcd 0 <» O 2 Harper, rf 4 0 0 2 1 1 safely for three drives. Smith, p Mclaughlin, 5 Dillon, 3 0 0 0 5 1 dead greeted the game youngsters as they Which resulted In two McCoy, p 0 0 O 1 Heller, 4 p runs. t.ave Cross 0 0 0 0 J&J rushed past the JudgeH almost on e\en wa.« first up and placed a good one to lefr .Stanley Midshipmen Began Their Row¬ Woods, 3 I65 George Washington University Total* 34 0 7 24 10 C terms, and It was not until the numbers garden ?..r a IKuplass, 2 15n single. "Long" John Ander¬ Totals 4 « 27 13 Ihfwd. bow 150 GEORGE WASH TON. AB. It. H. PO. A. E w-sre hoisted that the bulk of the spectators came to the rescue with a hard drive R IB. If). A. cf 4 2 1 2 0 0 knew which had won. It was a sont a BOSTON. ing Season at Landry, coxswain. Had No Trouble in Defeat¬ Price, stirring -nter field for two bases, and Cross Good, cf 1 1 1 « by Winning Brarllpy (capt.), 2b ft 1 3 1 0 0 that will live long in the scored A few minutes afterward Ander- TVnny, lb 1 O 1^ 1 GdiupLell, ks ft 0 1 2 1 (J memory of the son I 0 1 1 2 1 spectators. Stole second, malting a fine slide. Man- Dolan. rf 0 Annapolis Yesterday. Gallaudet. Senior. If 3 2 0 Of the beaten youngsters Campaigner got g**T otai:! was Brain, 21) 0 1 1 2 ing Moriasey, 3b 4 0 1 2 3 1 not equal to the occasion, 0 0 STAR'S EDITION OF third place, but the whole five were well as h, was -cut Bates, if 0 2 Burkett, rf 4 1 1 1 1 1 down on strikes. Williams sm " ^ 2 B lb 4 1 2 7 0 C bunched at the outcome. Okenite was fifth .line with his Brldwell. Beard, op timely line drive to cen- Strobel. 3b 1 1 3 1 ¦Special Dispatch to The 8t«r. SPALDING'S B. B. GUIDE George Washington University had little Stevenson, c 4 1 2 9 2 0 and young Jones did not persevere with the tei field, and Anderson scored. Duff filed O'Nell. <> n " 0 Thomas, 2 0 0 0 1 0 cclt when he found was T. . The mid¬ p pursuit hopeless to .Strobel and Smith fouled out Bnowii. 0 0 8 ANNAPOLIS, Md., April trouble In piling up eight run", to Gallaud.t's 2 1 0 1 2 C closed a ran a fair race. to Brown. 0 1 © 2Jt lluteliinson, p Manila gap and Pfeffcr, p shipmen began their rowing season here none at the university .field yesterday after¬ The Spring steeplechase produced a most Lead Obtained Boston. The Evening Star's ed'tion of Totals 87 8 13 27 10 3 by Totals H B tM 12 1 this afternoon, winning with both their Spalding's noon. Gallaudet was outplayed at all points interesting and exciting contest between A hit was recorded for the Base Ball Guide for 1906 is a most Gallaudet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 and Phantom. All three "Bean Eaters" .Stanley Iratted for In ninth. flrst and second crews over like crews valuable of the game and did well to keep the uni¬ 0 3 1 0 0 1 x.8 Duuro. Copper In each run scored G. W. U 3 0 chasers had the market be¬ of the fourth and fifth innings, tTu-o (.iit when wliinltur from All the crews publication, embracing as it does the official Gal¬ heavy supporrt, " ° (t ** f> Georgetown University. versity team from running up a larger First base by errors.George Washington. 3; an active one, but no damage resulted. In Boston. o and G. W. ing especially layers having the fourth, Wa-'tilnKton 0 2 0 0 1' 0 o 2-4 entered the one race, and the Annapolis batting fielding average of every league score. laudet. 1. Left on bases Gallaudet. 8; U.( all they could do to attend to patrons. wltft two on bases, Smith hits Arderano. Jones. Three-base nit in 7. First base on balls.Off Hutchinson, 1. In¬ caused the last Two-ban* Ander¬ first crew led at the finish by at least four I the country and in addition a splendid hitting counted In ft. Hits two men to arc out on Str»b-I St n 1 :i-es Brain S hlnflr. Opportune heavilj' nings pitched.Thomas, 4; Hutchinson, An easy chances. Mc¬ I*onble Brldwell to Tonny. lengths. The was sec¬ write up of the Washlngt">n amateur leagues favor of the victors and enabled them to made.Off Thomas, 5; off Hutchinson, 2. Struck Exciting Steeplechase. was son Williams. plav Georgetown 'varsity Coy substituted for Smith at the end ^ bed *uilth 4. MrC .r. 5. Itrst base accumulate runs in bunches. Twice bv Thomas. 1; By Hutchinson, was a wild horse, having so much Innlnj tilt, lilt ond. and a length ahead of the Navy's sec¬ with numerous good half-tone pictures of they out.By Dillon, 2; Copper of the Ot, 'tff rfelTcr. Smith. 1: McC.>r. 3. ft. Two-l>asc hits.Price, Burkett. Hit by pitcher fourth inning, and In the seventh balls Smith. ond which in the different teams and officers. This valu¬ got three hits in an inning and on each of G. W. U. foot in the earlier stages and fencing so bv hed ball Hickman. Struck out-Ry crew, turn led the Georgetown as runs. one .By Dillon, 1. Umpire.MeMahon, li ning Boston pulled off two hits, one ot 4: bv M.-C-.V, 2- Time of jranv 2 able In occasion scored many Every Time of hour and thirty minutes. cleverly that his backers were In ecstacies. 8" bT I'f-fr.T second crew by three lengths. The winning little book much sought after each of the men the game.One which was for three sacks, and with the h-Mii« Attendance, 1.500. Umpires-Messrs Man. George Washington except The handsome gray went over his fences and N'Mtlliani. time was 10:."0%. more than a minute more season by the base ball "fans" of the coun¬ pitchers got one or more hits, and Capt. help of errors by Cross and Williams se¬ lie] like a a or two at than the course's record, but considered try, and the Star has decided to make a Bradley had the honor of le cdlng his team GIANTS DEFEAT YALE. swallow, gaining length cured three runs. Strobel a of almost to the admiration of the picked out good for so early in the season and under free distribution of the same, the only re¬ with three safeties, two which brought every Jump, g<«id on« and drove It to the center Held Base Ball. in runs. entire steeplechase colony present. And as Trin¬ the conditions which prevailed. quirement being that the reader of today's Collegians Were Outclassed From the fence for three sacks. Brown went out. At Cambridge, Mass..Harvard, 13; Brilliant Fielding. ha held his advantage to the las', half mile There was a strong quartering breeze paper cut out the coupon, fill in his name Start. his victory looked certain. Bchslfly to Stahl. Pfeffer hit to Cross, who ity, 0. and address George Washington's fielding was bril¬ le* the ball 14: New York from astern, but the water was not par- and present it at the business NEW YORK, April 7..The base ball sea¬ But Douro, ii great racehorse on the flat, get through his legs, and Stro- At New York.Columbia, liant at times and sparkled with several was his at the next ticularly rough. The crews got away to¬ office of the paper. Washington followers son of 1900 was at the Polo only hiding time, and lx-1 scored. Good singled to left and went University. star catches executed by Price and Senior. opened to the last jump he was a; Copper's flank, gether. but the Navy's second crew led all of amateur base ball will find-the guide un¬ Grounds with an exhibition game be¬ to second on Tenny's fielder's choice. At Danville. Va..'Brooklyn (National), 10; Twice Center Fielder ran out of today the one tn the air as the other landed. On Pfef¬ ethers un to the quarter of a mile. usually as it Price far fer, who started home on State). 0. entertaining, embraces the tween the world's champions of this city the fiat Douro collared <"opper and beat the hit, was run Danville (Virginia Than the first Navy forged steadily ahead, of all the his territory and hauled down long, high down hetwen the third At Richmond.Randolph-Macon. 13; Rich¬ with the averages local leagues and pic¬ and the collegiate team from Yale. The hlni home rather cleverly. Had Gallagher sack and home by Georgetown 'varsity and second tures of hits. The work of the rest of the team in use lie Cross Williams and Duff on even the Fifth Presbyterian, the Metro¬ men arrived from their not made somuch of Copper might Dolan hit to mond College. 2. Navy struggling along very terms, the field was of the and have beaten the veteran brown. \\ illiaiiis. who let the ball get through New York ".he second Georgetown gradually falling politan Baptist, Calvary Baptist, Mount superior cla^s, kept and. al¬ iilm. and flood At Atlanta. Ga..Atlanta. 1; Gallaudet's efforts to score down to a min¬ southern training trip yesterday, But Douro had something left and ought and Tenny trotted home. 1. ;o the Vernon, First Congregational. Fourth Pres¬ were Brain flew out to Hickman. This ended (American). 5. Georgia Tech., 5: Trinity. imum. though they not called upon to play to make his marrk at this game. It was the scoring for the visitors. At I.ynchburg, V*..Brooklyn, substitute Struggle Between Three Crews. byterian, Foundry, St. Stephen's. Agrlcul Gallaudet's loose fielding helped George up to their best, they exhibited at times his first success over timber, and marked to two o>f its but other¬ a over In their turn the Nationals pulled off an¬ team (National), 4; Lynchburg (Virginia Navy increased its lead gradually to the tural. Foundry Printers, Post Office, Li¬ Washington runs, flashes of championship form. The game decided reversal his poor handling other hit. was of wise did not have much to do with the win¬ on the third when such third-class but Jones caught at second State). 3. end. and the real struggle centered around brary Congress, Commerce and I-abor, was rather onesided, as the collegians were day. 011 an attempt to steal after two were St. ning team's fine victory. Pitcher I>ilIon, jumpers as Garter Knot and Life Buoy de¬ St. I outs.Americans. 3; Nationals. 2. the other three crews. All of them hit Martin's, Cowboy Printers, St. outclassed at all stages, the local profes¬ down, which ended the lnnlr.g Tuscaloosa. Ala¬ Paul's, for Gallaudet, seemed to have few curves to feated him. On that occasion his Inexperi¬ At Ark..Vanderbilt, 1). the stroke un when about a third of a mile Trinity, Epiphany Chapel, Christ fool his with and was batted sionals the score of 10 to 3. enced rider rode him as if was he Jones in Two bama, 3. Church, opponents winning by he afraid Brings Runs. from the finish, but no change could be Aloysius, Christ Church of Georgetown. hard, especially when hits were needed. The weather was very cold and the enthu¬ would fall off, while yesterday Bay always Columbia Athletic one or hits It In the fir.. 1 inning, when the Nationals made in the relative order. Bagg, number Club, Western High. George Washington got more siasm of the 4,000 spectators was not great. kept him close up In the race. Certainly pulled out of the rut Stahl led off, but Scanlon Stays With Brooklyn. Georgetown Preparatory, Central High, the nearly every inning. was not the horse's fault that he made such six of the Navy's second boat, pulled his Carroll Thomas box for McGlnnlty pitched for live Innings and a on March 2)S. went out, Brain to Williams a NEW YORK. 7..President Ebbets Commissioners, Institute, Sf. Vin¬ started in the George poor showing Tenny; hit April outrigger away and became a helpless cent. Trinity Washington and to finish four Taylor for four. Yale's first tally came In one to of the Base Ball Episcopal. Chesapeake and managed A1 Powell is Consistent. high deep center, which tjood got Brooklyn Club today an¬ passenger an eighth of a mile from the fin¬ Potomac, the Nationals, Business High, innings without being scored against, al¬ the first half of the seventh mainly through m ui der. Duff went to the bat and was hit nounced that Pitcher Edward Scanlon has ish, but the boat kept Its position. Technical High, St. though Gallaud'et twice filled the bases dur¬ A1 Powell, wll'h a good Jockey up this In fairness to it Bloomlngdale, John's Dahlen's error. The college team scored on the hand by a pitched ball, but I'mplie decided to remain with the Brooklyn club Georgetown, must be College, Treasury, Progress, ing his service on the slab. Hutchinson the other two runs in time, showed Ills class again and smothered bv about nine mail. Pressmen, the eighth aided by hum It a and he to and will sign a contract before the season weighted pounds per War, Navy, Blankmen pitched the other five innings for George s Need called foul, had a Printers, Justice and Donlin's muff of Smith tly. such good youngsters a.« Woodwltca and v opens. They pulled game and creditable race, Interior teams. There are also and let the mutes down with :t but a few myites when he picked out however. C'o.ich of of the officers good photos Washington Town Topics. Backed against the field, a f 'one ..nd It to left for a single. Dempsey Georgetown of the different leagues and only two hits, besides striking out five ot St ihl then called Joe to said of the Navy's first crew that it was individual players of miirked them. ATHLETICS WIN SERIES. Powell led all the way and easily secured ,V unitei Stanley Soccer even ability. The 1 t for McCoy, and he. with good Judg- Played at Cornell. more powerful than last year's un¬ edition is limited, and those the verdict. defeated desirous of Made. « t. nt, looked tour b.-d ones over and was ITHACA. N. Y.. April 7..Haverford de¬ eight. The Navy boat contains securing a copy of the guide How the Buns Were two of last season's crew. time should lose no National League Team at Philadel¬ Jack McKeon, In the opening event, won ; el to first. With these two tin basis feated Cornell at association foot ball to¬ only presenting the coupons at The Price, first man up for George Washing¬ The official time was: office. Star Defeated. his third consecutive victory in four days . d two men out Charley Jones pulled off day by the score of 3 to 1. ton, business by "Cracking out a phia and enriched his backers to a corre¬ First Nayy Crew lo.Bo-14 began doing many FSiut Georgetown 11.05 two-bagger. Bradley followed with a PHILADELPHIA, April 7..The Philadel¬ sponding degree. This horse Just now Is In Setond Navy li.uu^ Rifle Practice at Harvard. single, scoring Price. Campbell filed to phia team won the local t :ie best form of his career and he runs Sc< una Georgetown 11.20 championship today by the Na¬ r ght back to the same notch day after Special Dispatch to The Star. Hinch. Senior was hit in the slats, moving defeating duy. The Officials and Weights. Bradley up a peg. Morlseey went out on a tional League nine by the score 7 to i:. The stable also furnished the BOSTON, Mass.. April 7.-J. W. The McLaughlin The officials were: Referee, Mr. I*. H. Jr. a Pattlson, bunt that Russell ferried to first In the neck Americans have won four of five games winner o' the maiden race In Kuro, who FRE£ SPALDING'S championship shoot of the Rifle and of time. Burkett filled the bags .When with two to be Th-; won with ease from the backed OFFICIAL Magruder, Severn Boat Club, Annapolis; Pistol Club at Beard played, yet dec'ded. heavily Lieut. J. S. Harvard recently, broke the Leltch slipped up on his hit. Then ¦core: Frills. Doth were heavily supported, but starter, Graham, U. S. N.; club's rifle record was on the with a single at the Mr. Milton by scoring eighty-one "Johnny spot" B.n.E. tiie colt was much the best Base Ball Guide judges finish, Jeffs, oui. of a possible 100 points. The that scored both Bradley and Senior. Ste¬ Philadelphia 00 0 1 0 00 1 0.2 3 3 The day wound up with an upset, Caronal, and and shoots venson was third out on a to Harper. Athletic* 00400003 x.7 7 2 Georgetown, Midshipmen Page are being held twice a week fly a 20 to 1 shot from the Daly stable, sur¬ Danenhower; timers, and will con¬ Only three men went to bat for, George Batteries.Kane and Dooiu; Waddell and Sehreck. the crowd by his unexpected form. for Midshipmen Humph¬ tinue until May, when cups will be In the second and two Attendance, 8,011? prising 1906. reys. Carpenter and Bernard. to those who given Washington Inning Vet uo entirely unexpected, either, for The with and have scored the greatest num¬ singles netted the winners nothing In the column noted on the occasion of his crews, position, weight ber of points with either third. this The Star Edition of Official Base height, are as follows: fire shoot weapon. A rapid- CHALLENGING TEAM NAMED. previous race that Caronal ran better than Evening Spalding's Ball with -action revolvers, Beard auspiciously opened the fourth ses¬ he had shown yet. And since then he has NAVAL ACADEMY FIRST GREW. when each contestant will be sion hit of went Guide, over 400 besides 70 of Name and Position. required to wRh his second the game, Four Tennis Selected to Go worked well. Few were aware of this lat¬ conta'nmg pages, pages Special Weight. Height. shoot at the rate of once every two sec¬ to third on Stevenson's single and both men Players Ingram, stroke 174 f.lo'-i onds, will be held this ter fact, however, or he would not have Local Base Ball matter, fully illustrated, will be given to any Sleveuson. 7 100 8.10*4 month. scored when Cooper made an error on Abroad. started at 20 to 1. Bradley. Capt., 11 «.i)177 Thomas' hit. Thomas tried to reach third NEW YORK, April 7..Four lawn tennis one this filled at 5 on the but was out. Price Caronal' presenting coupon, properly out, the office oi Ueighton, 174 5.11V4 The International misplay, put will compose America's Surprise. Montgomery, 4 0. 171 Hockey League. reached first safely, went to seoond on players challenging Caronal has shown form on both Dreutser. 3. 180 Ml team this year. Beals C. Wright of Bos¬ good Speolal Dispatch to The Star. Bradley'* out and scored the third run of sides of the continent, but since last fall the BorkweM, 2 172 this inning on Campbell's single. Senior ton, Holcombe Ward and Raymond D. Lit¬ McKee, bow 176 CALUMET, Mich. April 7.-There will veteran has failed to give even a flash or Head,H *.1.1 coxswain.AAVItnl was third out. tle of New York and Krelgh Collins; Chi¬ e i- -nt by mail. teties, in two Innings, but failed to get one at a France, Australia and Austria will meet NAVY SECOND CREW. regarded as very likely that ninny Cana¬ moment whan it would do the Americans In the series or Water Dog should win the opening- event, Name and dian amateurs critical them any preliminary position. Weight, Height. will join the professional good the cup matches. These contests will begin with Delphle and Judge White next best. Elliott, stroke . 145 e. ranks. Captain Cooper of GaUaudat played his June 1, the Americans sailing May la. Tlie second race should go te A1 Powell, -