BASE BALL TOPICS tificates, and each had nbout $10 worth THEATRICAL TOPICS. crncfn'ng them than she, and when NOTES OF have n roadway miltabjo and snfo for nf Interest In the club. At this meet- he so suddenly retired from Augustln THE WHEEL his transit? If a horseman or driver ing I speak of one of those stockhold- Dfily's stock company after making Id prosecuted for going upon a slde- CURRENT ers, who Hi- NEWS AND NOTES was n highly respected SAYINGS AND DOINQS OF THE nn Instant succeoa in "Tho Groat MATTERS OF INTEREST TO DEV- wnlk and shows that nt tho time he which OF THE GAME, bernian citizen of the burg In PLAYER FOLK. Ruby," all lookotl forward to better OTEES OF THE BICYCLE. so went tho roadway was obstructed tho club was stationed, got up and things. As Mlladl In tho version ot or not fit for his snfo pnasngo ho has isald: 'As Oi was pashln' down tho "Hie Three Musketeers" made by Syd- n Judgo tho Only n mndo n good defense nnd wise Inin Clmncru llintnn I.cnEtio Tho KnccrM of .ancultr Drnmnttzn-lio- rorclRit Inv.i-.lo- n llcgliin Clinniplon, n utreet last night I saw dls ycro ball ney Grundy, sho was well liked, and will dlschargo him. This Is also n Team tu rinluli the Bcaiou of 1800 of Ills "Children of tho Chclto" FrcnchuiHii, player his face with lobster. then camo n summer, tho greater part Arrive In th United good defense tho bicycler. Ho n It IIcrkii It AiivnutncM of Hold- Mrs. for He fed his face wld trco lobsters. And I.oillo Carter Tallin of Iter Sue of which wns spent In nnd Olnlei for n SrtMon of Monny (IctllnK courso being ing on to 1'laycM. . must of show nlso that phwnt do ye suppose happened, den? ecu In tho Chnmcttr of Kuril, San Francisco with tho Frnwlcy stock Others Arc After Our l)illnr. compelled to uso tho sldewnlk he used Ghurc, nn didn't he mnko five errors company. This was thu organization due enro; nnd n scorciter would not bo Ten tu Clmyccn. today, nil becus ho chewed trco Kh- These nre the days when the author with which sho won tho first success using due enrc. But the enreful wheel-mn- n Torclcn Invnolnn Of nil the National Lenguo teams, utors Ins' night. Dercfur, I move ye, ot a successful novel may well con- In the west nnd her reappearance was Ilech". 1b to n good rondwny, Champion, middle dis- entitled the Do3tons were the only one thnt cor, dnt dls man bo folnod folvo dol- sider himself among the most fortu- mado n memoroblo one. In tho courso the French nnd If Is none ho may rldo care- tance tho thero ended the season with the same team lars fur entln do lobsters las' night. ne to of men, for whnt J. M. Barrio did of the summer a wide rango of char- crack, arrived In New York fully on tho sldownlk. My opinion la day. He was tho of a with which they began the season. This motion went and tho player was with "Tho Little Minister" nnd Hnll acters was essayed even nn Ibsen play other forerunner based upon tho duty of tho court to string sprlntct8 Victor Urcyer Brooklyn bejan with Jennlnga nt lined. Ab I say, I will stnnd for tho Calno with "The Christian" promises being attempted nnd ns n result Miss of which mako n rcasonnblo construction of n of Lo Valo on St. Paul short, Dahlcn nt third and McGnnn at big Lenguo or tho Western or even to bo repeated by everyone who has Bntos obtained nn experience which sailed with the general law of prohibition; that It docs on 18. sprinters first; Baltimore had Mngoon nt short, tho Epworth League, but I pass up tho printed n story nnd had It received was of distinct valuo for her Imper- November With tho not apply to speclnl enses. camo long vete- certain find O'Brien nt second; Cleveland had minor circuits." with favor by the rending public. Tho sonation of Hannah In "Chlldron of a sextette of distance There Is no tho power of rans, as follows: doubt nbout Tucker on first, Sullivan nt short and ndvertlslng, nlraoat like thnt of n cir- the Ghettd." divided into teaniB tho stnto or town or city to frnmo n Fischer Chevnller, Mnrlus The and Cross on third; Pittsburg had Clark at A riiynlcnl (Hunt of Courage. cus, which Mr. Calno received Inst year nnd law which would prohibit a bicycler Pnstnlro, Rogollet. Al- first and Reltz nt second; Cincinnati "Big Mlko was Intended by was qulto enough to turn tho head of Mrs; Lcsllo Carter will play Zaza nnd Garln nnd from riding upon n sldewnlk oven It Sullivan together will mnko tho had Stelnfeldt nt thlru; Philadelphia nature fa? a pitcher, ns he hnd tho every othor nqvollst, nnd tho result Is this season, ns Longfellow might say, the aggregation the roadway Is bnd, this must bo of nil nround but had Thomas nt first; Washington had nrm, physique, endurnnce, nnd to be seen upon .the Amcrlcnn stngo In every Middlesex village and town. most formidable phalanx dono In express terms. 'No cycllat the tho cyclo Europo hna yet Hulcn nt short, Davis at first, Casoy on In fact, evey physical requisite to fit this season, and roally It Is a show- Boston will bo among tho first citlos racing invaders shall rldo upon a slucwnlk even when sent us, for Tnylor, tho hour third; Chicago had Wolverton at him tho rolo of tho middle of the ing thnt Is remarkable Interesting. to witness the new rival of Bernhardt, Edounrd tho loadwny Is for his uso' would for and defeated Lin- unfit third nnd Demont nt short; Louis- diamond nrtUt," says Tom Brown. Foremost among all the productions, tho woman of whom Dusc says: "Sho record holder, who has do the business, but none of tho lnws ton three tlmcn since the latter's re- ville had Decker ut first; St. Louis "But Mike's heart was novcr In his In tho opinion of nlnety-nlu- c out of Is. greater than I." Cortaln It Is that arc mndo that way and nono will be. turn to Europe nfter his single victory had McKcan nt short; New York had work. Beneath his 42-ln- chest beat every hundred readers, will bo tho all critics agree that Mrs. Carter has This opinion may sound dogmntlc, but hero over Hikes, Is nlso with them, Wilson on first and Hartman on third. n heart ns ns of a None "Children of tho Ghetto," by Israel achieved tho greatest histrionic tri- I think It Is good law." soft that child. will, course, Elkeo. Boston played 27 different players of us over doubted his nerve. He would Znngwlll. Theso wonderfully vivid umph of tho last decado nnd that and of meet Is, however, to tho sprinting rnc-cr- B (luring the Bcason, of which 11 were fiaro up nt the least sign of trouble, character studios of the Hebrew quar- nraong American actresses sho has no It Telescoping rump. Parisian Jour- rocket root pitchers and five . Baltimore nnd was sudden and quick In quarrel ter of London made their Impression, equal. Now York went Zaza mad last thnt tho well known nalist promoter will devote his at- The convenient lnllator hero Illus- 24, seven pitchers nnd four catchers; If ho thought ho had a grievance, I but nobody thought thero was n play year, this season tho man'a continued ami tention, he will have a triad of for- trated was put on the market .last Brooklyn 27, 11 pitchers nnd four havo seen him carpet the Hoor of tho lu them possibly nobody Mr. to such nn extent that other thoators and but eign champions well worthy of his month. Tho construction nrid'op'cra- - catchers; Chlcngo 24, eight pitchers, United States hotel lobby In Boston Znngwlll nnd tho astuto of suffered. Mrs. Carter says: "My man- care and pride. Tommnsolll, the fast- threo catchers; Cincinnati 28, nine Lloblor & Co., nnd each of them Is duo ager has planned n tour which, after est man In Europo, will head tho pitchers, our catchers; Clovelnnd 31, to havo a share In of tho New York nnd Boston, Includes a the honors string. Ho was tho winner of tho 13 pitchers, six catchers; Louisville 31, ptoductlon. Mr. Znngwlll had always western and southern trip, and nlso de Paris this year, has won 10 pitchers, six cntchers-- ; New York 34, had a fancy for dramatic writing, nnd tho New England circuit, We go to Grand Prix more races nnd money this season than 12 pitchers nnd five cntchers; Phlln-delph- la nt his off London in April, to the Garrlek, and leisure ho had dashed little any foreign rider, for three suc- 24, eight pitchers nnd threo one act plays which been given a thence to Paris, whero I will piny and had cessive yenrs hna held tho champion- etchers; St. Louis 29, 11 pitchers, six hearing In London setting the Znzn.' " "Znza was first played In without ship of Italy, which country produces cntchers. Totnf, 344 players; 127 Thames on fire, and this was his first Paris by Rcjanc, but It wns nt that Bomo of tho fastest sprlntors in Eu- pitchers, G3 catchers. nttompt. ho wroto tho time too decidedly Frcnchy to suit tho serious First rope. He Is n handsome fellow, dis- Twelve players released found berths piny ho came to America to Paris taste, nnd it proved a failure. and then tinguished in bearing nnd comes from with other teams. Hill and Magee sco It produced, and was not contentod "Zaza"' Is what they term n problom n family Meyers, chnraplon ; played with three teams during the of rnnk. two years nnd nccount-c- d TT season. Subtracting for players du- of Holland for to Tnmmnsclll, 1b nlso In tho plicated, of pitch- next makes the number to Tnnimes-ell- l ers employed during the season, 120; team. Ho finished third In tho flnnl ot tho Grand Prix. catchers, 52; grand total, 329, or al- Some say Momo, who finished second, most 28 per club. Interfered with him or he might havo been tho winner. George Banker, last l'rccdman nnd Dlvver. year's world's champion nnd n very New During the recent campaign lu MIKE SULLIVAN. successful performer this year, needs York Andrew Frecdman's oratorical no Introduction to Americans, who will nmbltlons wen rather rudely squelch- with the figures of a pair of prlzo fight- bo glad to wclcomo tho gnllant nnd tlon nro self-evide- nt In tho drawing. ed. In campaigns heretofore Con- ers, because they said that populnr fellow home. Chnniplon will Tho design Is to oupply a pump that gressman Levy and the baseball man- wasn't on the level. Mlko's speedy ball bo under tho Bicyer management. Ho while folding Into snapu nnd size not ager have had n thinking part to and fast curve fitted him to shine In Is a find of Choppy Wnrburton, who too bulky for tho pocket or tool bng, play. After the last fall campaign the front rank of pitchers, but he was took him up after Jimmy Mlchnol will render the Inflation of n tiro on it wns promised Frcedman that ho afraid that one of his speedy shoots camo to this country. He uob beaten tho road a loss lnborlous" task than with shoulu get an opportunity to make a might amuck and tho bats- Elkes' hour record nnd enmo within the ordinary hnnd pump, it la mado speech In the next campaign. When man. Wo could never get him to bluff notwlthBtnndlng In threo ncctlona ot brass tubing J 200 ynrda of Tnylor's, the campaign opened the question a young hitter by driving the new- a fnll. Ho has won many mlddlo dla-tan- which telescope into each othor, 'tho arose: "In what district shall the comer away from the plato with ono matches this year. outer tubo forming tho handle. When manager of the rjlants be placed?" It of his close-rang- e fast curves. That's closed It Is but CYj Inches long by wns suggested ho be to tho why 1 ex- that sent he was nn easy mark for such TwO'I'olnt Hearing Hanger. Inched In dlnmcter; when Second hurt It," 10 long. Weight district. "He can't batsmen a3 Scrappy Joyce and Kecler, Tho crank hanger Is made under tended It la inches was tho comment, until Paddy Dlvver 1b 7 is sub- or any hitters who cover the homo patents granted on a two-poi- nt bear- complete but ounces. It It, was n nickel heard of and then there plate. Mike's dread of Injuring tho ing. Tho balls, of which but five nro stantially mado and durably protest. "Keep my dis- him out of batsman was his only weakness, and In rnco, nro plvotnlly held plated. goes used each trict," said Dlvver. 'If he down It cost him n Job In the big league, In separator having oblong sockets, be a there somo of those guerrillas will otherwlso he would bo In fast com- as shown, by which menns frlctlonal Ilroiulcnlnir tho Scopo or Cycllne Clulu asking him to Ruslo pany. what ho did and Ho was tho only pitcher I ever between tho balls Is prevented. Following close upon tho heels ofTrio why way he contact he treated Gleason the knew who was so conscientious, gal- Tho balls havo a true rolling motion announcement that the Englcwood did. a speech soft-heart- And Instead of campaign lant nnd to tho batsmen. on pivots, which hnve been ac- Wheelmen of Chlcngo haVo closed v.w argu- their will bo having n baseball I have known of n few who tool: a curately designed to come nt the re- their club house nnd dlsbnnded comes may .loso us district. ment that the flenaish delight In pumping tho wind spective polea of their nxes. All of tho iiewo that tno Woodlnwn Wheel- New York Times. from the bellows of tho heavy hitters tho balls have been staggered In this men havo decided to mnko their club with an lnshoot in tho vicinity of the oepnrntor, bo thnt no two roll In cx-nct- ly n soclnl organization and havo ap- IJIlluid Called hj St. I.oulu, vermiform appendix." tho snmo path on tho cones, pointed n committee to drnft n new set Pat Dlllard, the of thereby distributing tho wear. Tho of s, tho ofllcers of tho nsaocln-tlo- n the Detroit club In 1899, who will ,be Kcllcy' Ciircer, benrlng parts nro mndo of Jcssup's having como to tho conclusion given a trial by the St. Louis club In It may not be generally remembered tool steel, hardened, ground absolute- that If tho club 1b to retain lis pros- the preliminary season of 1900, is con- thnt Capt. Joe Kclley, who has led tho ly true, nnd then polished. Tho crnnks perity It must broaden Its scopo bo no sidered a comer by experts. In 1898 Superbas to the championship this and shnft arc of the two-piec- e vnrlety to Includo other athletic sports and his batting average for 117 games was season, started his professional career with poaitlvo fastenings; Bprockct Is social functions us well ns blcyclo rac- .289. In 31 games as n first baseman as n pitcher an' In Lowell, detachable, and the entire hiingor lo ing nnd club runs. This sonalblo rec- ho had a record of .959, and In 78 Mass., which was then In tho Now easy to assemble. Bracket Is electric- ognition of tho needs of tho hour hna gamc3 at third base ho was credited England League, during tho season of ally welded, sprockets nnd crnnk are begun to tnlto root throughout tho with a percentage of .867. Last sea- 1891, under Dick Conway's manage- drop forged, nnd workmanship nnd country nnd tho cycling clnba aro more MRS. LESLIE CARTER. son he was the Tigers' regular third ment, a former pitch- qunllty of the goods Is unsurpassed. and moro devoting attention to bowl- baseman and In 121 games made 1G3 er, identified at ono tlmo with tho Tho chnln pull comes directly over ing, Indoor baseball, football, dancca, put outs, 208 assists and 65 errors, his Bostons. Kellcy finished tho season until this offspring of his brain hnd play, from Simon and Borton, but tho tho balls. Sprocket sizes run up to and other fall and winter aporta and percentage of chances accepted being of '91 with tho Boston National League had its hearing in Washington In the American version, toned down by Da- 30 teeth. Brackets aro made for both amuscmcr.t3. If tho cyclo club la to .S69. He ranked eleventh among tho team, and nfter tho Lowell club be- mlddlo of September. The play was vid Bclasco, is bo different that tho flush and outsldo Joluo, with lugs do- - retain Ita popularity among. Intelli- players of that position. His batting came defunct, taking part In 24 games, well received thero and tho way In Parisians will scarcely know It when gent and nm.bltloua wheelmen It record was 144 hits in 529 times at In most of which ho played an outfield which tho novelist had arranged his they see It nt exposition time. Zaza is must devoto lc33 energy to promoting nverago cred- bat an of .273. Ho is position. Ho began the season of 1892 material In a logical play cainc In for i masterpiece, n mnrvel. "Sho la a UBclcsa nnd detrimental century' runs ited by President Johnson with nine with tho Omaha club, of tho Western comment everywhere. Thcslmplc lovo most benutlful character," exclaimed and club Bcorchcs and mako tho blcy- sacrlflco hits and 16 stolen bases. Man- League, but was sold during tho sea- story of tho Hebrew maiden, whose Mrs. Carter, enthusiastically, "and I clo serve tho best purposes of Ita na- hopes will ager Tebeau that Dlllard son to tho Pittsburg club, which later childish wedding and later lovo far one mver tiro of talking of her, sho is so ture by encouraging fenturca that will on exchanged him for Van Haltcrn, of whoso rank as a Cohen forbids him to grand, so human, still so lovoly, nnd tend to broaden tho mental uud physi- the Baltimore club and n bonus. Kcl- marry a divorced woman has been tak- so lovablo. Tho people expect no much cal life of tho members and glvo them ley soon proved that ho was a star In en ns the theme for the piny, and Into of a successful actress," she went on In something moro Instructive and fasci- the profession, and he assisted n great It havo been woven tho episodes of the a changed tone. "They expect that nating to talk nbout than tho blcyclo deal towards winning threo consecu- other dwellers In tho slums whoso she can go on with success after suc- and Its equipment per bo and tho last tive pennants for Baltimore. Ho was Identities are so vivid to all who havo cess. They are not content that she century run or club Bcoro, Amateur transferred to Brooklyn this season, visited the Ghetto by aid of Mr. Zang- - can do another play Just as well as photography 1b ono ot tho easiest and and made captain of the Superbas. her last, but expect something bettor. most pleasurcablo pastimes to com-bln- o cycling, Let her fall bo'.ow tho standard set with nnd thero should bo n camora division In every cycling The Hoaton Idea. In her success, nnd shu Is quickly for- homo-run- club. nogutlvca by tho Thirty-on- e of Boston's 37 s gotten for what she has dono In the From secured members tho camera section were made In their bandbox at failure, which may not bo nttrlbutablo of lantern slides can bo made nnd during the South End.. Visiting teams mado two wholly to herself. That Is why I al- entertainments can ar- more, but as they wcro divided among ways put my best Into overy winter little bo endeavor ranged to draw attention of tho the 11 teams, tho renewed argument play; I hard. Nothing comes entire work club to bltn of pretty scenery along that the short fences do not help Bos- unles? from on tho real hard work, country roads nnd ton's battiug Is a lamo one. Boston stogo or off. Why, In I 1 'Zaza,' havo nrouso interest In touring. Sclenco plays 77 games there all others se- 28,000 words to speak. Of course no- 11-to- studies such ns natural history, bot- fiiii venan -l percentage In favor of body but a woman could llvo through WW any and geology nlso olTer opportuni- Boston, thnt cannot bo lessened by ar- you such a flood, think, and havo her ties for broadening club PAT DILLAUD. gument. Cincinnati Post. tongue the Interest whole; but It Is n tremendous and .raising fruitful subjects for my 13 Vh 1V4 develop sufficient strength to warrant strain on vocal chordH, nnd Blgncd for use with V,i by and winter discussion. his being made tho Porfectos' regular A II d Ilnblt, Indeed. enough to tiro ono without tho omotlon by tubing. Threo lengths of first baseman In 1900. It Is not re- Tho cigarette habit, which ruined Incident to them. No, Boston has cranks aro furnished, 0, GV& and 7 tho batting prowess of Mlko 'Za'za.' IltMr Hard Tiro Bhnulil Ito 1'unipeil, garded probable that ho will supplant Kelly, has never seen Wo open after New inches. How much tires uhould bo Inflated la a firm hold on certain players In tho Year's nt tho Hollia. Critical, you Lave Cross at third. n question upon which thoro hna ya big league, including several Phlla-delphlan- s. spy? 1 reallzo that Bostonlana are n Physicians (onti I or't Interpretation of tho Lnir. been difference of opinion. Tho declare that great art lovers, I am miro Mun-uheste- 1,1 fo In tho Minor Leagucx. and that A recent ponce court case lu r, polnta generally agreed upon by expe- tho cigarette Is moro Injurious to n 'Zaza' will please them as a "You can count mo out when it bit of real N. H In which a cyclist was rienced riders uro thnt tho Urea ball player's eyo than a dozen ci- I conies to Rubo baseball circuits," aild black art. look forward to my Boston riding on sldewnlk, pumped hard are faatcr, whllo thoy nro gars, and tho Insidious prosecuted for the Bert Davis, manager of the Denver thnt little weed engagement with great pleasure. 'Zaza' to moro comfortablo when loft uomowhnt wrecks fevers tho nervous system. led Senutor William E. Chandler Gulfs, to a Denver Times reporter the and does not resemblo 'Bacchus,' 'Zaza' to following opin- Boft, nnd thnt tho front uhould Philadelphia Ledger. give expression tho tiro other day. "I supposo If I had n will not offend their eyo or their mor- ion na to mo Interpretation tho courts not bo so fully lnllntM na tho rear ono chance to don spangles In tho major als, I hope. New York la n pretty should place on ordinances prohibit- because tlio Inttor enrrlea tho weight. of tho Western League, I would not A I'ltclilnjr Snndnu-- . "REB SHEMUEL." grod Judgo of these things, I presume, ing riding on sidewalks: Tho mtatnko of tho comfort seekcra Is say nay, but I'll not stand for tho "The strongest arm that ever sprout- Children of tho Ghetto, American playors nro being woll re- "A law prohibiting cyclists from rid- in hnvlng their Urea bo soft thnt thoy smaller associations. I heard a good ed from the shoulder of a pitcher 1b will's writings. Thero Is a cllmas ceived In London, and I look forward ing upon sidewalks will bo constructed drag nnd rotnrd progrcaa, whllo tho story on this Utnh Leaguo while I was concealed In Bill Kennedy's sleevo," which la Impresslvo In Its pathoa nnd to my engagement at the Garrlek thero by n Just nnd lcnrued court to apply scorchers often Inllnto tholrs bo hard says with I with the rest of tho Gulfs on our Ne- . "Kennedy has which makes n sonsatlon. So far as tho extreme satisfaction, may play only 'In cnbes where the roadway la lu thnt tho benefit of their being pnou-mnt- lc braska barnstorming tour. Wo ran been pitching ball for ton years, yet players are concerned Mr. Znngwlll 'Tho Heart of Maryland' over thero as condition for use by blcyclo riders.' 1b lost, A man who hna been across n ball tosser, who played with ho never complains of a soro wing, may woll congratulate himself, for tho veil as my now play, but 'Zaza' will The court will presume that such was experimenting nt length to find out go well-uelect- n team that Is located not a thousand and is always ready to In and pitch, managers presented nn especially bo tho opening bill." tno Intention of tho lawmakers, Such what la tho moBt ndvantngeous prcs-sur- o miles from here, and this didn't hap- every other day, If cnllcd on." company to give tho new piece n construction would undoubtedly bo bo fnr ns speed resiliency goes hns pen a hundred years ago, either, Ono an auspicious production, Probably no Tho common opportunity comes, aa given to n lav prohibiting riding on discovered thnt twenty-seve- n pounds Is day this player rolled up nn error col- Philanthropist "How did you hap- ono member had so much expected ot the dlvlnlst opportunity In tho whole horseback or In n carriage on n slde- n Btnndnrd beyond or bolow which umn that looked like a bowling score, pen to become a tramp?" Tramp her as Blanche Bates, who was selected history of tho world came, 'cradled In wnlk. Why should It not bo so con- thoro 1b loss of 11 fo. When Inflated to nnd his case was considered by the "Well, my father neglected to leave mo to play the heroine, Hannah. Few obscurity, structed In favor of n wheelman who this extent only tho slightest Indenta- stockholders of the club, Thero were a fortune, an' I wuz too proud to worlt, young actresses In recent years havo An Incompetent quartet should be Is as much entitled as nn equestrian tion can bo mudo by tho pressure ot about C3 cf thes? holders of stock cer so wot could I do?" TIt-Ult- s. had moro pleasant prophesies mado four warned. or a driver of a horso nnd cnrrlnge to the thumb. New York Sun.