BASE BALL TOPICS tificates, and each had nbout $10 worth THEATRICAL TOPICS. crncfn'ng them than she, and when NOTES OF have n roadway miltabjo and snfo for nf Interest In the club. At this meet- he so suddenly retired from Augustln THE WHEEL his transit? If a horseman or driver ing I speak of one of those stockhold- Dfily's stock company after making Id prosecuted for going upon a slde- CURRENT ers, who Hi- NEWS AND NOTES was n highly respected SAYINGS AND DOINQS OF THE nn Instant succeoa in "Tho Groat MATTERS OF INTEREST TO DEV- wnlk and shows that nt tho time he which OF THE GAME, bernian citizen of the burg In PLAYER FOLK. Ruby," all lookotl forward to better OTEES OF THE BICYCLE. so went tho roadway was obstructed tho club was stationed, got up and things. As Mlladl In tho version ot or not fit for his snfo pnasngo ho has isald: 'As Oi was pashln' down tho "Hie Three Musketeers" made by Syd- n Judgo tho Only n mndo n good defense nnd wise Inin Clmncru llintnn I.cnEtio Tho KnccrM of .ancultr Drnmnttzn-lio- rorclRit Inv.i-.lo- n llcgliin Clinniplon, n utreet last night I saw dls ycro ball ney Grundy, sho was well liked, and will dlschargo him. This Is also n Team tu rinluli the Bcaiou of 1800 of Ills "Children of tho Chclto" FrcnchuiHii, player his face with lobster. then camo n summer, tho greater part Arrive In th United good defense tho bicycler. Ho n It IIcrkii It AiivnutncM of Hold- Mrs. for He fed his face wld trco lobsters. And I.oillo Carter Tallin of Iter Sue of which wns spent In Milwaukee nnd Olnlei for n SrtMon of Monny (IctllnK courso being ing on to 1'laycM. must of show nlso that phwnt do ye suppose happened, den? ecu In tho Chnmcttr of Kuril, San Francisco with tho Frnwlcy stock Others Arc After Our l)illnr. compelled to uso tho sldewnlk he used Ghurc, nn didn't he mnko five errors company. This was thu organization due enro; nnd n scorciter would not bo Ten tu Clmyccn. today, nil becus ho chewed trco Kh- These nre the days when the author with which sho won tho first success using due enrc. But the enreful wheel-mn- n Torclcn Invnolnn Of nil the National Lenguo teams, utors Ins' night. Dercfur, I move ye, ot a successful novel may well con- In the west nnd her reappearance was Ilech". 1b to n good rondwny, Champion, middle dis- entitled the Do3tons were the only one thnt cor, dnt dls man bo folnod folvo dol- sider himself among the most fortu- mado n memoroblo one. In tho courso the French nnd If Is none ho may rldo care- tance tho thero ended the season with the same team lars fur entln do lobsters las' night. ne to of men, for whnt J. M. Barrio did of the summer a wide rango of char- crack, arrived In New York fully on tho sldownlk. My opinion la day. He was tho of a with which they began the season. This motion went and tho player was with "Tho Little Minister" nnd Hnll acters was essayed even nn Ibsen play other forerunner based upon tho duty of tho court to string sprlntct8 Victor Urcyer Brooklyn bejan with Jennlnga nt lined. Ab I say, I will stnnd for tho Calno with "The Christian" promises being attempted nnd ns n result Miss of which mako n rcasonnblo construction of n of Lo Valo on St. Paul short, Dahlcn nt third and McGnnn at big Lenguo or tho Western or even to bo repeated by everyone who has Bntos obtained nn experience which sailed with the general law of prohibition; that It docs on 18. sprinters first; Baltimore had Mngoon nt short, tho Epworth League, but I pass up tho printed n story nnd had It received was of distinct valuo for her Imper- November With tho not apply to speclnl enses. camo long vete- certain find O'Brien nt second; Cleveland had minor circuits." with favor by the rending public. Tho sonation of Hannah In "Chlldron of a sextette of distance There Is no tho power of rans, as follows: doubt nbout Tucker on first, Sullivan nt short and ndvertlslng, nlraoat like thnt of n cir- the Ghettd." divided into teaniB tho stnto or town or city to frnmo n Fischer Chevnller, Mnrlus The and Cross on third; Pittsburg had Clark at A riiynlcnl (Hunt of Courage. cus, which Mr. Calno received Inst year nnd law which would prohibit a bicycler Pnstnlro, Rogollet. Al- first and Reltz nt second; Cincinnati "Big Mlko was Intended by was qulto enough to turn tho head of Mrs; Lcsllo Carter will play Zaza nnd Garln nnd from riding upon n sldewnlk oven It Sullivan together will mnko tho had Stelnfeldt nt thlru; Philadelphia nature fa? a pitcher, ns he hnd tho every othor nqvollst, nnd tho result Is this season, ns Longfellow might say, the aggregation the roadway Is bnd, this must bo of nil nround but had Thomas nt first; Washington had nrm, physique, endurnnce, nnd to be seen upon .the Amcrlcnn stngo In every Middlesex village and town. most formidable phalanx dono In express terms. 'No cycllat the tho cyclo Europo hna yet Hulcn nt short, Davis at first, Casoy on In fact, evey physical requisite to fit this season, and roally It Is a show- Boston will bo among tho first citlos racing invaders shall rldo upon a slucwnlk even when sent us, for Tnylor, tho hour third; Chicago had Wolverton at him tho rolo of tho middle of the ing thnt Is remarkable Interesting. to witness the new rival of Bernhardt, Edounrd tho loadwny Is for his uso' would for and defeated Lin- unfit third nnd Demont nt short; Louis- diamond nrtUt," says Tom Brown. Foremost among all the productions, tho woman of whom Dusc says: "Sho record holder, who has do the business, but none of tho lnws ton three tlmcn since the latter's re- ville had Decker ut first; St. Louis "But Mike's heart was novcr In his In tho opinion of nlnety-nlu- c out of Is. greater than I." Cortaln It Is that arc mndo that way and nono will be. turn to Europe nfter his single victory had McKcan nt short; New York had work. Beneath his 42-ln- chest beat every hundred readers, will bo tho all critics agree that Mrs. Carter has This opinion may sound dogmntlc, but hero over Hikes, Is nlso with them, Wilson on first and Hartman on third. n heart ns ns of a None "Children of tho Ghetto," by Israel achieved tho greatest histrionic tri- I think It Is good law." soft that child. will, course, Elkeo. Boston played 27 different players of us over doubted his nerve. He would Znngwlll. Theso wonderfully vivid umph of tho last decado nnd that and of meet Is, however, to tho sprinting rnc-cr- B (luring the Bcason, of which 11 were fiaro up nt the least sign of trouble, character studios of the Hebrew quar- nraong American actresses sho has no It Telescoping rump. Parisian Jour- rocket root pitchers and five catchers. Baltimore nnd was sudden and quick In quarrel ter of London made their Impression, equal. Now York went Zaza mad last thnt tho well known nalist promoter will devote his at- The convenient lnllator hero Illus- 24, seven pitchers nnd four catchers; If ho thought ho had a grievance, I but nobody thought thero was n play year, this season tho man'a continued ami tention, he will have a triad of for- trated was put on the market .last Brooklyn 27, 11 pitchers nnd four havo seen him carpet the Hoor of tho lu them possibly nobody Mr. to such nn extent that other thoators and but eign champions well worthy of his month. Tho construction nrid'op'cra- - catchers; Chlcngo 24, eight pitchers, United States hotel lobby In Boston Znngwlll nnd tho astuto manager of suffered. Mrs. Carter says: "My man- care and pride. Tommnsolll, the fast- threo catchers; Cincinnati 28, nine Lloblor & Co., nnd each of them Is duo ager has planned n tour which, after est man In Europo, will head tho pitchers, our catchers; Clovelnnd 31, to havo a share In of tho New York nnd Boston, Includes a the honors string. Ho was tho winner of tho 13 pitchers, six catchers; Louisville 31, ptoductlon. Mr. Znngwlll had always western and southern trip, and nlso de Paris this year, has won 10 pitchers, six cntchers-- ; New York 34, had a fancy for dramatic writing, nnd tho New England circuit, We go to Grand Prix more races nnd money this season than 12 pitchers nnd five cntchers; Phlln-delph- la nt his off London in April, to the Garrlek, and leisure ho had dashed little any foreign rider, for three suc- 24, eight pitchers nnd threo one act plays which been given a thence to Paris, whero I will piny and had cessive yenrs hna held tho champion- etchers; St. Louis 29, 11 pitchers, six hearing In London setting the Znzn.' " "Znza was first played In without ship of Italy, which country produces cntchers. Totnf, 344 players; 127 Thames on fire, and this was his first Paris by Rcjanc, but It wns nt that Bomo of tho fastest sprlntors in Eu- pitchers, G3 catchers. nttompt. ho wroto tho time too decidedly Frcnchy to suit tho serious First rope.
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