PART V. 1 PAGES 1-4. WASHINGTON, D. 0., SUNDAY, MORNING, APRIL B, 1906. JONES' LUNG HIT All EXCITING SI VESJHE GAME STEEPLECHASE With Two Men Out in Ninth In¬ Douro Wins After a Great Race ning He Makes a Two- With Copper.Throng Bagger. at Benning. Tl.' filial game of the scries between the Perfect weather yesterday dr?w out one National rr.-.i 'ivm ; > H«»stun Na¬ of the largest crowd* th. ha- \ r gath¬ tional I.' t tm yesterday afternoon ered on the Benning ra-.-e tut*. Proba¬ wound lip with a sensational finish, the bly 8,00i> peop]« n't-r.' on t! e g >ua.!«., !lli g final sc<>r»- h»ig 4 to 3 in favor of the local stand, club house anil w ilks to repletion, w-.-imi Char!* > Jones was the hero of tne evincing th.- liveliest Int. j. -t In i ti ro- 0 :i for- wth two men out in the last ceodings from first to last. If any oppo¬ t it d tvv«» occupied, lie connect* nents of racing wanted opt al evidence of «a <>a» of P: fftr's curve? and drove it the popularity of the sp< ri In th.- District to tl center-field fence. and public appreciation of the Washington 1 w ,: n id* day for l»ase ball.not a Jockey Club'3 efforts to that end they z< w stirring and it was Ju*t should have witnessed yesterday's dls:ln- enough for tin- players to keep in a gu shed assemblage. On the club house 1 : :. mi* aturc. Although the locals dfd balcony, grand stand and in the paddock were W. ' i ma y hi s all of those made were C. Kustis, K :.,-rt .V vllie It.-r.ier v.n IT* Hi»stuns had their h'ts scat¬ Dulanv, Mr and Mrs NIc .'as Ii- \\ -rt h, S 1". Mi ter 1. and i <->\\y »iit inning was any dam- Woodbury Bl.tir, Knutt, C.i!>-on. Mrs. G. Fortes-, 10 ag.- d'Miiv timith was s«-nt to the rubber Blair, i-, 11 >.au3 sJSfPl an3 wife. Kdward Morre 1. }' 1). McCarr 1 i* th National.-- ai u twirled a fine game. CEO^QETOYKM n, Mi«. Blaine. F. K. Hitch.-ock. Plerr. Lorll- In t! four t.nu.s; 1" performed but two FVAR3ITY CRE.W lard, Perry J- s. I.. Khlnl k. pi ratrh it- >v< »v mail off him. and seven Belmont. George Howard. G. A. II. I' Ox- 1,-ntterv stria-: out. McCoy, who relieved Snpertu*. him, also did good work, allowing but three nard, J. \V. Colt and many ushers. h»*s I 15g i wo !: *ttor*. Pfeffer. the As to the sport of the dry I. wig <>- man whom Manager Stahl tried to land, sorbingly interesting to all hands. T ... w.o 1 ut d tl not. w in on the tiring line for the sti.ke events produced hard-fousht ..Be E and pit< bed a fair gaxM, ai- t<.-ts. In which the is.sii. was in iloulit ai- though at timej he was wry wild. mcat the entire di;=tan .- whil- as tt r ¦¦ or the i'our purse events brought or. wvi!- Lave Cross in the Game. ¦Mk .; 'V-s bamnced fields. Inter-st was maintained all i,ave Cross got back into the game and through. The sprculniv. features of Urn also favore.l the rjl for mad- his p es^nce felt by the tirst hiliS^ day Re public, getting only in one instance, the list race, did 4 hit t< r tl;** Nationals and scoring the first rank outsider set hom in front. i ;n of the game. The one error chalked up Belmont's iinst him was on a ground ball, and Nursery Victory. As Belmont's s ud 1-avt woiild not run the chance of injuring Nursury has for years 1.1s hand again by going for it Williams helped to make American turf history it v' t! slant ti«T i in Kill's place, who w;vS fitting that the star event of the day, the is w ik n< :. r«amd with a sprained ankle. Washington Nurse-y s .tke should faTl to a ma. 1 . "'-.e f U.< v<»-called Joe Cassidy'* t-olt bred by an establishment t:;at has turned s'-nsational stop? of a ground ball and con¬ out so many great rae<- hor-cs t'd ?n ti:* It was natural also for the B< lmoi.t s able second inning for a £ 'J to make !t which scored m every effort to win th. t>- Ize by single. the second run for two <.-... A 1 1 * starting youngsters instead Schalfly, at the keys:one" sack, very fortunate resolve as it turnid out for j V'd a great game?, making one of the .floral tli-e Oxnard Dinner stal victor. Ok- i'.e. stops and tarows to first would not have scored y. --terilay. a--.| th m»; tl -e grounds for some time. Joe decision to start Curriculum as well W*S .. v seat In tr» bat for Smith in the lucky one indeed. .'« nd w**«'l that he has a good to the was not ens iere i ) *. r Opposition pair judging brills, ;:s }< drew a pass very serious, &nd although Ln.iy Vera, «nd -e. d fine of the runs recorded in the r> last C.'-tmpaig:..-i and Allen.. vv .- a'l w tim-i inning. Imem_ mmm the bookmal-. rs offer..! s.i.-h -t.o t odds Catcher Sent to the Hospital. against th. I>. .-.it I .r i pr-> j:r For hibitive in n..--' :--s. mtsal.- .f tho the visitors Jack O'Nell started to Jo the g icri' I all the I £ 4%" plungers pair p: iye receiving. but was forced to ret're In CPOCCjCTOVVM round the i;elm. rt pair. .. > 11 v i.i the first In rung when a foul from pb.ee books. tip rtr yy The Belmont to win with Hit kmati s bat -put his thumb. He 5K0^d |*#pri stable declared went to Okenite, lik«- < re ... in the first I i <* hut. cedmen Hospital, where several stitches Kentucky Derby. he il.l nil gaway w- re put in It. The Bostons will be with- from his opponents, and l-is st.ih'e com¬ « tit his s< vice- for several wn'ks. Fred PHOTOS BT A 5TAFF panion. Curriculum. 1 i.i to save the day. i at PHOTOGRAPHER This the black colt did in handsome f -ilii a. «'f)ny, the inlilal corner, ' played in his 'VARSITY EIGHT.Froui Left to Bight (First Row.Poy, Baokes, Scott. Stuart (stroke). From si i :-l idlrk ohl-st \ io the tit ir.lip form. but could do nothing with SECOND ENJHT.From Loft to Bight (First How).Dowd, Lynch, Hfllur, Jeffs (substiiute-i.I>c.uglass. head showed lis front. with the Virginia filly. the >..!. k Hraln, the youngster .it second From Left to Right (First Row).I>owd, Lynch, Hellar, Jeffs (substitute). Douglass. I-ady Vera, at his h.- Is and the others Second . for t. visitor*, played a good frame. Two Row.Edmunds, Deguon (stroke), McLaughlin. >Voo<ls. Coxwalo.LuAdrey. trailed out a bit fr.>m ll -everltv of the PREP. EIGHT.From Left to Jeffs. Okenite was In in the long running catches were off Right (First Row).Lascelles. Hayes, Nash, pace. Close .piarters pulled by Second Rot..Chapman, LeCompte, Glblin, Ivers. Coxwaln.Duff. r«ar. unable to close on tl two leaders. HateR In the lert garden. Strobel did lots' toward stirring up the scare of defeat Two-Year-Olds Heads Apart. which Star. <1 the Nationals in the face in tils wonderful stunt of driving the ball past Hodgeman, 7.- ® usual brilliant ^rame at second, and Mc- The Belmont bha k an 1 th.. Garth chest¬ the ninth tuning. He seeur.d three outs Good for two and Duff and Stanley C*andle«s. who nut had It hammer anil round Into and off bases, Bag*. « iS "|j played the second game of tongs pulled a trijl. through Charley scored, thus winning the game. The score: L< uren<?«. f> J25 his career, made a very creditable show¬ the their closest at¬ Jones J'®* stretch. Campaigner, territory In the seventh inning White. < ing at first base. Score: which started the WASHINGTON. R. IB. I'O. A. BOTH Pilt.bard, 8 "i JI® SHUT tendant, and the issue narrowed down to of GEORGETOWN OUT MUTES run-gcttlng the vis- cf 0 ltors. Join-*, O 2 1 Ot«y. 2 GALLAUDET. AB Jl. II. TO. A. F.. the pacemakers. Curriculum held his bad, ffchlafly. 2b (> 0 1 8 Robinson. bowS-1 u' 1,1 Leitch. 3b 3 0 1 2 0 I to "ie bi,: a"d Hickman. rf o n 1 0 but Lady Vera began to wear him down in a,, lilt nt..!,rst made 1 1 Doherty, coxswain. Matzner. en 4 0 1 2 2 0 but Smith was there with thefoods Cross, 3b 1 2 Maguire, rf 4 0 1 O o 0 the last hundred \ards. and, closing lnc'u and fanned i wo Anderson, If 1 0l 1 GEORGETOW N SECOND CREW. batters, which, with an O 0 1 (t and Cooper (f*apt. I, 2b 4 0 2 6 2 1 by inch, just failed to reach his head by a t,y lnniself to Stall], lb Name position. Weight. Russel, c 4 0 0 3 0 1 "**!.-1 Stahl.
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