Volume VII.—No . 4-.4- ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Jl H, 1896. Whole No . 408

tht'y will not Hiipport lli** ticket because 7413709^ THK NKWM IN HKIKK. NOT HKNKV HKIIKKNOT of the tiiuiiicial platform. There is a F. F Mnrilo(-k sjient Sunday i Wlio was ill Truulile With liU Wife at i HAS LEFT IT stroDK under current #1 feeling, however, troit. u m flcicK I.aiisliiK. and the number of men reported to be .Miss Nellie Darker spent Sunday The Hurry Behrendt, who recently had in .Muir. some trouble at Lansing with nis wife, leaving party ranks and coming out for T. D. Steadman, of Elsie, was in was not Henry Behrendt who has many A. W. DURKEE WITHDRAWS HIS silver is surprising. Beng:aL y»‘8terduy. tion Committee Wasted No friends in St. -lohns. Owing to the simi­ Thomas Patterson, of larity of the names Mr. Behrendt thought ALLEGIANCE Miss Stella Baker now rid«‘s a hai. Time. .ST. .lOHNS I'AKTIKS Brlngfs Suit. sonn* new wheel. there might be some misuiiderstunding. liiteueHted in a Suit in the I'nited Statex Frank Watson (piite severt-ly cn Court. his right foot lust we**k. BUSINESS LOCALS. John W. Clemens has ucet-pted a posi ­ THEIR REPORT TO THE From the Republican Party and Its United States District .\ttorney .V. !'• CHARGING ALIENATION OF HIS WIFE'S E. I. Hull, funeral diret-tor and em- Lvon and Clerk Walter S. Ilarsha wen- tion with the McCormick Co. RD THIS MORNING. Gold Platform. AFFECTIONS. balmer. No. 10, Clinton Ave. Night calls in .\lt. IMeasant last w**ek taking testi­ Mr and .Mrs. (L H. Stet*l arnl Miss Eda answered from my r«*sidence. No. 105. mony ot about 100 farmers who |)ur- are visiting in Ionia this week. Wight St. chased their lands years ago of the Flint E. .\. Travis ami liichard .Moore tool A: I’ere .Manpiette Itailroad Co., the title )0,ooo is the Total Aggre ­ The Milken Truth. Amos Jones, a Nelg:hbor, Is Named as ^t Lape*-r last we<*k, WILL NEITHER SUPPORT MC- to which lands the government is con ­ gate for Clinton. Me might tell a silk story that would testing. The lands were reservation Defendant. Mrs. Isaa«- Holton and daughter Lilli* sound like a fairy tale, yet be but the KINLEY NOR LINTON. lands. They were select*-*! by the rail- have gone north for the summer. truth, \Ye will let our prices do the roa.ise Monday morning and L. (L Ladies ’ sun and rain Fmbr«*llas at He Prefers to Remain an Independ ­ h*‘ld in nwt-rve is the question at issue Friday, Thomas I’att*-rson, of B**ngul, will iiicnic at Bound Lake Tm-sday ne> Nearly thirty years have elaps**d since Harriet \'reeliind will giv-*- a bt-ut f Duplain, was elect**d chuirmun. Alliso .v ’s. ent Voter. was joined in (he holy bonds of wedlock ■ anted committees as follows : the transfer, and all over the lands then r**adiiig at Dontiac for tin* (-yclone siiff W ebber M aguer sells 2.4C. suspi-iiders are beautiful homes and splendid farms. with ]ir**tty t'atlierine .Miirpliy at Ionia, ers. itt**** of Eiiualization. —Messrs. Tor lOc. every day in the year. The i-vidence taken is to show the good ^ e -e. West, Hunt**!-, Y«ning and by the Catholic priest. Since that time Fr«*d S. Willinms, of (Jambier, 01; ■ faith of the purchasers or owners, im­ For .Mule or Kent. THE DEBTOR CLASSES MUST CERTAINLY four children have b«*«‘n born to them, the is the guest of .Miss Nelli** Dark*-r t f te<*on Claims—.Messrs. Sehavev, provements madeandgt-neral conditions. oldest being t<*n and the youngest thri-e. week. House, coru«*r and Mead, good BE PROTECTED. The case will lie argued some time this d Butler. barn garden and fruit. For years tin* litth* home life wa.s as B. .M. Sb-el and wife n-turm-d from jtee on Treasury.—Messrs. Mor- summer at l)«-troit. The case has im­ happv as one could wish, so .Mr, I’atter- portant local bearing as many St. .Johns west last night, after a stay of sev 'dwin and Murwiii. Overalls -’loc at the Denny Stor**. jieople are interested. Hiiii alleg**8 ill the bill he has just tiled, wtH-ks. tee on Dublic Buildings. — until, according to his charg**, Mr. .Ion**s .-eckwith, Shepard and Sniitn. Sealed Prupusals. Or Submit to the Awful Grasp of the who is (>2 years of ag**, appeur**d too Editor Coleman, of Dontia*-, spent Sm A .MA.-STEK’.S IJKCKKK. lay with his mother and St. -lohns ( ommitteeon .Appropriations. —.Messrs f p to-Iune 25) we will r**<-eiv'e si-aled Eastern Capitalist. fr*-qnently at the family hearthstone and friends. Howe, Sniitn and Burns. inoiiosals for the ere<-tion of a school since that time he avers the donn-stic building on District, Number 4, Wash- Aii*l a L.lf« C<‘rtiti<;ate Uraiite*! to Kiiper- The Chicago Drug store has moved to Committee on Drains.—.Messrs. Shep­ iiiteiideiit felicity that was wont to exist is a thing ard, Butler and Baldwin. iiigtoii, Gratiot <-omity, as jier plans and of the past. He has (•omnienc**d suit in the north store in the Spaulding A t’o ’s Superintendent .J. (L .Monroe of the building The e(|nalization committee did not be­ specriticutions now on liund with James Thefollowing letter sent toTnKNKWs the circuit court asking for 1*10,000, lieve in 11 nsel**s8 waste (jftinie. Theyap- Bandol[ih one mile north and one mile public schools has b*‘en granted a mas­ charging the alienatien grant*-d i*y thesup**- line handed in his report this morning, James Ba .ndoi .dh , point for many years. 11. .V. Dodg»-of .Montp**lier, Indianii, is although the conimittet* had only had a Edwaiii ) Dahlino , no explanation. It will be entirely lucid int«*ndent of public instruction. The eT- fort mvessary to attain this degree and THK .AVKKAfJK .\(iK WAS OVKK <17. visiting St. Jolins ’ friends. He intends day and a half in which toc-omjilete their SA M DEL Sto l{ M F E LTZ, to every reader, it is jis follows: the work which had to be accomplisla-d ernaiiiing a we*-k work. The tota 1 aggregate is 11,1)0(),()()(). Building Committee. to »-arry it to a succ* ‘ssful end outside of .Sixteen 01*1 Kesldeiits Have an Knjoyalile Look out for further particulars of the Tlie full table will appear in next we<*k’s Kditou St. .lon.NS Nkws :— i-oll«-g«‘ and in addition to all oth»*r Time. big celebration July 4th on the west lawn News. While They Last. .Vs I have in the past few days declared work, shows the character and aliility \ party of r**lativ*-H gattn*r*-d in Victor of St. Johns cfiun-h, .At noon today the Board HeU*cted Silk AA aists at pri**es less than y*ju can last W**dni*sduy afternoon at tin* home make them. Everyone a lieanty, both in of the gentl*-man who pn-sides at the Fowler A Ball have had the roof of Judge of r’robute Chas. M. Merrill to that I would not su|)port a gold staml- of Emily Booth, who poss**8S**s a rei-ord repr**s<*nt the comity at a meeting to be style and finish. Joii .n Hicks . head of our eUH Colt (lot Awity From a Volina ent was over (>7 y<*urs. Tln*y took a new schools is sp«-nding the summer vacation I.a*l.v. carp**t with tln*m for Mrs. Booth and with his pari-nts in Du|>luin. The seventh annual n*union of the and Mead. sayingthat I will not snp[)ort McKinley or Miss Emma JeftVrs was ipiit*- seven-ly not only did they present h**r M ith tin- .Mrs. Dr. Sprague has returned from Foerch family occur**d at the home of Linton. 1 have always In-en a republi­ injur* ‘d last W<-dm-sday evening by being tine gift tint ta<*k* ‘d it down on the floor Dortland ami is now r**ady to r*-c»-ive H**nry Miller, three miles west of Eaus- I will sell millinery for less than cost thrown from a milk cart at tin* corner of as well. The followingare tin* iiann-s and patients suff**ring from hernia. ing, on Sunday,-Iline 7. The day was and give a sailor hat with every $2.75 can and would have no doubt remained State strtH*t ami Laurel avenue. She ages : som(*wtmt clouded with thunder storms. worth sold sooner than carry much •Mrs. .Matilda Shaver, of Owosso, ac­ N**arly every one of the family was jires- stock over to another s**a8on. so if the party had adopted the same was holding the colt in front of Dr: Emilv Booth so companied by In-r son Ben, has In-en vis­ •Snrali Ih-ckwllh 77 <*nt, tiien* b*-ing sixty-five of th»*mpri*sent .Alas. S. N. Jo.XEH. Ilav(*n ’s ri*sid(*nce wliih* her iirother was Jaiin-s I'litoii 77t iting St. Johns friends the past we«-k. financial ])lank which they did in .Minne ­ insid*-. A bii-ycle frightened the animal .loslali Fnton 72 altog**ther, and there was joy ami feast­ Big ci-I<-bratioii on tlie *-veniiig of the Our ehoici* for governor —H. S. D.—is apolis in Lsi>2 and ‘had made the tariff and it started to run. Sin* was heavily Hart E. Fpton ijh ing which gave evidence of the goo*- The Bishop Harris (inild of St. Johns Siimlay in June, IS‘,)7. ting along nici*ly ami no si-rious results .1. W. Beekwlth 72 A large assortment of coiicln'sand par­ fasten upon us a gold standanl, under are feared. .1. I’assHKe ehnri-h will ceh-brato th.- Fourth in true J. (L Foeiicii . Nancy Fpton patriotic styli*. Look out for program lor furniture at E. 1. Hull’s. the guise of ]»rot«H:tion. There is no Kxciirslon to .4 i'hiiton •Miss Nt'lli** Darker, of St. .Johns high until .Inly, 1, tin* groatt*st bargins in .Johns public schools will be hi'ld at tin* sion to (Irand Bajiids Thursday, -lum crats will vote with the party on the school, was the happy recipit-nt of sev- 22, on the oecasion of the Snmlay si-hool clothing A' fiiriiishings **ver offered in .Methodist i-hurch tomorrow evening. I'ontiac (iazi-t t<*:—Hon. nti.s Fuller, ol *-ral beautiful gifts from the latin ami St. -lohns. money issue and will remain with it in St .lohns, for the hmt year warden of the rally. Tniin will l<*uve St. Johns at .Vn admission f*-e of ten cents will be junior class**s. 7:0H a. Ill., urrive at (Irand Bajiids 0:1(1 (-liarg**il to defray i*x|)*-ns**s. 1Tn* pro ­ Ionia Ib-formntory, came t*> the city Sat­ ItiirKHiiis that Will Hrlp Voii. the fut lire to assist in its rnaintainance. urday, and WHS the guest of Cashier B**v. Bruy of Dortland, will prt-ach iit Ill., leave at .■):-‘J0 p. m. Fare for gram is as follows: A Oil will find tiu-m in every department I prefer to bean independent voter rather Dower, of the Oakland County Savings th** M. E. ehiin-h m-xt Sunday morning round trip .'fl.OO. ChilD,(M)() and In* has hail ."ilurriiiKe Llconses. Essay. “Tin- I’o*-try of I.ifc" Bessy .V. i’lilfn-y Mrs. M. .V. lliilseof Eiin-ka, sp*-nt last AYork Daiits 45*- at the Denny Store, demonetized. 1 am tirm in my convic ­ M.'i per <***nt more pt-rsoiis to suiiport. w*-*-k in St. Johns visiting her eliildren. The fullowing marriage license's have Essay, ••'Tis Ever Xoon-tiile ('has. and .M. A. Hiils*-anil Mrs. Dr. Dost liet'ii granted during the jiast w**ek by tions and shall fearlessly maintain that Sonn*wli<*r«* ”...... Sai«l*-** V. Wooilinff CAN HK.\H IT NOW. and .Mrs. W. W. llodg**. Nninty Clerk (i**o. 11. .Marshall: AA *• can save yon nioin*y on your plow til*-common jicojile an- enfith-d to the Oration, "The Critk-al I’erfoils of repairs. -’I7tf St. Johns 1 kon AA' oiiks . Hctter Service From tl>*- Water Works .lohn F. King of Hillsdale, visited his Iiiiic 11—Jno. HciiKt-sbeck. Westphalia...... ">2 Anu-rican History"...Win. .S. Stiulters Clara .Siiiitli, Westiihalia...... 27 d(.>llar given tlit-m by the founders of this Telephone. eousin Dr. S. .M. Diist, last we<-k. He ■Mlisle, Class.Sonn: ...... Senior Class luiu* 12—Jaiiit*s E. Cram*. Ovid ...... 2!f First Class. I'lass Poem, "The \ ision of V**ars" Considerabl** difficulty ist-xin-rit-need at says crops h)ok mu*-h better h**r*- than in .Mary I-. Shralt, Lake .\lk-hiKan...2() nation. .Mom-y is a jiower and knows tin-soutli(*rn part of (hesrate. Tlios** wisliing the servic**s of a first ...... I.iiela K. Fry tin* wilt**! ’ works in h**aring the telephoin* liiiiel."—Frank Folaiid. Hath...... 37 class painter and jmper hanger cannot no men-y, as many a man can vouch for, Class Brojihi-ey...... KIcliaril E. Baylis b*-lls. esin*«*ially from the iniiler room. The balam-e l»-ft after <]<*fraying the ex- Nora Winy, Hath...... ‘lo do better than s**cure the servici'sof l-'n**! Val«*illetory...... Flora B. Sperry To obviate thisdifliculty Engine**!- Vr****- p*-nH*-s of th** .Memorial day di-i-orations lane 17 —Henry D. Ilalst-y. Olive...... 33 wlu) is in d*-bt. .Viiiia \’. .Morton, llenjfal. Tatro. His work is miiform and always l’*-esntatlon of Diplomas, ih-nbiirg has pla<-*-d a large gong in tin* ami ex*,*rcises has b**<-n turn**d ovi-rto tin- w**ll done. Leave (jrd<*rs at Travis A I *'Xpt-< t to be ridicul<-d for th«‘ste|) 1 I’n-slilent of Board of Education boiler room whii-h will sound when there monumental fund by the (i. .\. B. jiost as Attention Siimlay Selmol Snpt-rintenilenl.s! Bakers or drop a line in the postoffi*-e. havf- tak«-n but just as sure as the sun .Music, chorus...... HIk Ii .School Choir is a t**leiih()ne call and the engim** ‘rs will was arraiig***!. .\t the Clinton comity Sunday s*-hool Bein-diction. also In* abl* ‘ to H-ll whether the eall is (Jeo. Bolt, son of C. S. Bolt, formerly convention held in St. Johns the first Tims*- IJresiIeii Hihhoiis. rises just so sure tin- rich will rule this from tin* Crowley or B**ll system. of St -lohns, was niarii*Ml at the home of (•I.F.VNFIt OFT. w<*<*k in .April we vot«‘d to i-olhnct 1*2.") for .At -lohn 1 licks are just from the looms <-ountry with an iron hand unless w*- ja-o- No H*-rry I'h-ki-rs. his father, at ■i'J.A Center avenut*, Lans­ state work. The amount was to be and nr* “ sold at half their value. ing,-Inne Hitli to -Miss Lenora Sinclair, <)ll(*<-t<*d by all the Sunday schools in tin* te* t tin- debtor as w<-ll as the creditor Tfie Itliiica Hall Team ](<-ateii liy the lli|;li For the first time in many years ther** of Dii(*k Lak**, Calhoiiii (-oiiiity. ouiity, using on** Sunday ’s colU*t-tion School Itoy.s .Holiday. is a si-arcity of In-rry i)i«-kers in many .Always in st'iison, Hopkins ’ Steamed class*-s. There is but one saf*-cours*-to or that pnrjios*?, and s»*mling it to tin* One of the |ir*-ttiest ball games of tin- parts of tin* lakt* shor** fruit In-lt, iiiid Do yon think mncli of your wife’.’ You Hominy (Hull***! Corn). Elegant lunch do'. ’ W(-ll tli*-n r**nd Fowh-r A Ball’s ad- omity treasiir*-!-, AY. T. Bair, St. -lohns, pursm-. When fin-rich want a gold stand ­ season was filayed at .\lhl«*tic Dark growers hav«* b:-H*n comjn-lled in soiin* in- .Mich. 1 take this way of letting siijn'r- in .Alilk. ()t, can, IDc. stain-es to s****!!!-*- th*‘ir rn-ei-ssary help v*-rtisem*>nt on page four ainl profit by anl tin- (-ommon p*-ople must ris*- uit .Monday afternoon l)i-tw*-«*n the Ithaca ntendentsof the different scliools in the and St. .lohns high school nines. 'I'h*- from distant villag**s by fin* off*-r of con ­ it. 'I'liis old relinbl** firm will repn-st-nt The fiiK'st assor(m«*nt of I’ap**r Lan- tln-ir goods to you just as they an*. -omity wlio do b(n-s who infest that n*gion «*m-hsnm- spad»*s visit***! .Maphi Ba|)ids last w**ek do ask you to ix- trin- to your convic ­ \vith disdain on the local t**ani. The m»-r havt* showed mon* williiigin-ss to and tin-local jiapcr said, by his ajipear- STATE TKACHKKS’ INSTITl'TK .It*lly Glasses 25*- a doz. D**nnv Ston* labor this s**a.s<;n tlian is usual among ain-**Miid nctioiiH. In* ch*aned the flue in tions and if yon beli*-vi* in silv**r, under Hcon* was .s to -t in favor of th**St. .Johns boys as follows: tin* frat* ‘rnity, a emidition of affairs that Ins throat more than lit* did *-hinineys. i>i' <'liiit*>ii County Will he Helil in St. Dlymoutli twine is the strongest and no cin.-umstances vote for gold. 'I'li*- A. B. It. If. I*. I). A. E. has **nabli*d growi-rs to market large L*))i Travis wlio rt*<-cntly clost-d n siic- -lohns. runs tin* furth**st to the pound of any Bradner, p t L’ o 1 1 1 i|naiititi*-s of bfrri* ‘s which otln*rwise c»-ssfiil y*-ar of H*-h(7()l in Hn* Lamb dis ­ Tilt* Institute will *-omna-m-t* at ID twin** manufactured. tinie is coming ami not far distant when Fowler, 1 h f :f 1-J O 1 would hav** ln‘**n l**ft on the vin**s. .\hl)ott,ss 4 11 'J I 'J trict has In-t-ii n-taint-d by theboardfor o ’clock a. Ill., .Alonday, July 1and C*)KinT A A'alentine . jiarty ti*-swill not Ix-sostrong f hat a man .Sti-wart.c .I O 1 ii o 1 |{|{«IKFUS .VN.\l«>l.S. the coming year with an iiicreas** of sal­ lo8*-s at 4 p. III. Friday, -Inly 1 7. Fans for Cniniiieiieeiiient Bavlls. r f ." 0 1 (I 0 1 ary, niiicli to the delight of tin- ]>n|)ils. \ gocnl institute is ot iia-stimablevniue will vote for that wliichhe l)*-li*-v<-sto be St«-*-l. ;{ h ."ill 1 O O Choi*:** and s**le< ‘te*l styl**s at «\«» \\ i-itlcn Country Ituiiks lo ffci *) the teacher and to the person jir«*]iar- Baldwin, '2 h ." o O 2 O 2 \Yln-nt will In* cut nnusimlly *-arly this -loiiN Hk ks . wrong in order 1*1 vot*-part.v. If a new Boucher, e f ." O o o o o Their Co-operntIon. y**ai- and as a consc*|in-in ’e many fnrnn-rs ing to ent*-r tlie profession. It givi-s in­ .Stephenson, Iff 1 .’f O o O Tin* banks in St. .lohns n-i-i-iv*-*! * irrii- hinl tln*ms* ‘lv*-s with a tloiibl** task on spiration mid suggestion to (he jiro- S**<* Hit* KB.AFS wheel cultivators at party istormed it issure to growuntil the Totals s '.I 27 IM K grtssiv** teia-lier ami leads the novice to liirs .Mondny from Harry Fisk A Sons, their hiiiids, that of harvesting tln*ir I7tf St. JtiiiNs Ikon AA' okks peofih-that need itrot*-ction are {)rot*-<-t**d. f thaea A. B It. If. E. .\**w York, bank br<)k*-rs wlii(-h contains wfn'iit ami hay cro|)s at the sann* (inn*. pn-pare more thoroughly and holdhigln-r liood'.vln. e "i 11 2 id*-als of tint t**ueher’8 work. A good in- W. Di kkki ;. Baker, 1 h .5 O 2 tin* following s* “<-tion: "'riie unqimlith-d .\rtliur Miinzer, who was sent from De­ AA'hen l*)oking ftir a baby carriage it Itlnp-le, r f and nil Jmt unanimous d*-*-laration of tin* stitut*- is a g<-nial, liv**ly, methodical,sys­ Seott, 1 1) troit to Ja<-k.s-on fift* ‘en y**ars for high­ will In* t*) your interest t*) call on E. 1. Tkk .\f,ws has inl*-rview*-d many n-- St. Loins convi-ntion in favor of main­ tematic, orderly, enthusiastic school. Mull, No. KJ, Clinton .Av»*. I'etit 8 s way robb* ‘ry, made his<*s<-apefrom Ionia Instructors have JnH-n seh*ot<*d who have publicans in St. .lohns and from diff*-n-nt Swe*-t, 2 h taining tin* pr**s<*iit gohl stainlard is ii when* In- had b**»*n trnnsf**rn*d last Tiies- I’arlsli. 1 f great triiimpli for tin* right, ami itsgood had much practical (*x|n*rien(-e in the Fire works ami (lags nt Dt'iiny Store. parts of the county on the qu«>stion of .Mc.Mannis, I *lay. He wa.s fornn-rly from Wacoiista. school room and know how to give f’arker, p eff*H-ts an* aln-ady being felt. Tin* buttle .Miss .Marie .Mi-ott who has Ins-n t*-ach- f*n- an lion* “st- dollar is, how**v<*r. only oth*-rs a portion ot what th**y have tliiis Dictiire frames made to onler nt E. L the St. Louis platform and a larg*-num ­ 'I'ot als lo ing school in (irainl Ledg** during tin- leariii-d. It is *-onfi It just ln*gnn. It must In* k«-pt up iiiire- past s**ason rod** ov«‘r to Ionia on h**r ber frankly and plainly exjiress tla-ir St. .lohiiH 2 O ;t 2 1 (I O (I O M mittingly until the silver heresy is en- this will In* tht* b**st institute ever held Ithaca O (I O (I O 10 0 4 wlns'l iiinl was met then- last l-'riday by n the county. ria* fim'st line of In'tlroom suits in the dis8atisfa»-tion and d»-<-lar«- th»-y c-annot tir* ‘ly stamp*-*! out. ’’ It goes on to urge .Mrs. Fn-d Swain who in*oonipnni(*d lier Two has*-hits, Stepnenson ; Stoh-n liases, tin- bank**rs to tight for gold. No lll,I.ION.\lKK IIOI.TS. Wall Htr*-* t “fri*-nds." tomorrow for Ellenbiirg, Washington, pose of n-viewing some stndi* ‘s, and also where Mr. Daliner will spend alnint a to illustrate certain ni«*thods of instruc­ him p*-rsonally but say tla- princqih-s ,\ large line of si*l«*-l)our*ls ami tlining A File Foil); Hepiihliriin 4VII1 not V<*te A Fine Dirt. month and .Mrs. I’alnn-r int<-nds n-main- tion. Tin* worki*rs hav*- Inn-n nrg*-d to chairs at E. 1. Hull’s which he is to n-jin-sent on the mom*y for (iolil .Stiiiidard. E*lit«)r Harry Coleman, editor of tin* ing until fall. They go up tin* Inkt-s on arrange for calist h**ni*- exercisi-s, singing, Jn convt-rsiition with J-nlitor (’ol*-man the‘‘.\lln*rta ’’ and will take the Canadian man-lyng, ajid the lik**, so as to make tin- Win. Crloli qm-stion will bar th*-ir support. Oakland C*mnty Dost has donated to the of IVmtiac Siimlay, he said timt lJ*-nry l)iili**H ’ library association, of that city, Dm-ifle west. work mov<- of chfH-rily and without Days cash for Bags, Copp**r, Zinc, Leati •J list as the political pot is in-ginning to I M'ard, a lif(>-long reimblican, f he Doutiac a tra(*t comiirising l.’l.’J M*-n*s of land, lo- 11. E. (loettc forim-rly of St. Johns has fatigue. anti Biibb**r. Faxon A Bichniontl Block. millionaire, who is reiiuted to In* worth B<- thinking and studying along Ha­ boil the hardest, the situation is getting U2.-,.0()H,D0D Mnd who is consider*-.! the ciit**, by Rev. Chas, BINDERS binder this year and will cut wheat out ­ Corman, .Mr. Henr^' Halse.v, of (ilive, to ICARTERS side of his own. lady who was struck by lightning at the .Miss .\nna .Morton, of Bingham. Fariiu'i’n who intend to iiivcHt in a time her fatluT was killed. She isregain- IITTLE binder for the comiiift; harvent should not Uichard and Elsie Smith closed school ing her usual h(*nlth. .Vs Mrs. Walt<“r Xewman and child, of fail to examine the new Steel Empire last Tuesday by having a school picnic Riley, were returning home from St. Binder before placing an order. to Round Lake. Johns last Sunda.v evening, when near IVER It is nieelj’ balanced, eaHil.v operated, Geo. Smith, of Rath, closed a very suc­ Grasshoppi’i’s might be numbered by Rad Cn-ek thej’ collided with another is of lig;ht draft and does excellent work. cessful term of school in the Fighting the millions. They havecomeinswarms. carriage and were crowded off the bridg* PILLS Tlie company have two mammoth fac­ Five District. He will probably teach Josejih Lake was home from Cleveland and their carriage turned iij* side down tories wliere the Enqiiri* Binders are liere in the fall. the first of the week returning Monday in the ditch with .Mrs. .Xewman under ­ _ _ ___ mamifaetiired, one at .\kron and one at M'heat will be tit to cut m a week if with his family. neath. The horse broke away from tia Doylestown, Ohio. .\nd no binder coin- the jiresent w eather keeps up and conse ­ Theyoung friends of Willie Lake gave carriage and ran. Mrs. Xewman was lUiy no Weeder whieh is I jtany operating in .Michigan is in better quently the merry hum of the binders him a surprise Friday evening to cele qiiib* badly hurt but is imjiroving under shape for taking care of binders and will be heard everywhere. brate his eighteenth birthdaj’. the cure of Dr. Knapp. SICK HEADACHE offered \’on as lieing “asgood mowers, there being at the present time Rew base ball team is not doing very .Mrs. .1. R. Randolph of We.stiihalia, was Positively oitred by tbese as the Z-Breed Weeder.” $(58,GOO worth of repairs in tlie state, good work for the beginning, losing two the guest of her old time friend .Mrs. E LONDON’S OLD DIARISTS. l^ittlo Pills. $.40,000 of wliich are at tlie thr«‘<‘prin- games out of three, but it j)romises to do X. Steward, Wednesday night. She was There is not one sueh on eifile distributing jioiiits, Grand Rapids, better hereafter. The games betwe«*n accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. 11. OI>ierv«ek, “revels” at the inns of court, the fc.s- A TIVl* To iirejtare teaelierK for thelrrenpee- All tive eertifleateH and to tit them for strongest and simplest made of pork and ami tierce barrels. tlve dinners, the promenade In the better work In tlieclaHH room. $ The foot race betwwn E. P. Everett parks and public walks, the recreations RD ANPHT hQ • Beview of all HtmlleK re- and when furnished with graph­ and Paul Murray has not come off yet. in tho Mall, the diversions of Fox hall • <|nired for Seeoiid anil When it does, you will hear of it. The Third Grade (’ertiUeateH, alHo hegiiining and Mulberry garden, the savage sports eliiHHeH In PliyHlcH and Algebra. ite hearings will run twenty-five race between E. Scott and Hardy was of the cockpit and of Scuthwark fair, run. Hardy coining in winner. Iletter P'ivp DollarH In advance. not give odds next time S. R. the cruel sighi: of Tyburn and at Tem­ TUITION: years without oil, therefore needs Wm. (.'lark, of Relding, unloali« & OSItOKN. Ortlce over ll«tw«0n the Srxea for Kdueatlon. W AlllMoirH J jvvelry Htore, Ht. JubiiH. Th« UrosM More Than a Match for plan the party leaders, gathered here Health Inpaired by InceMaut Study. ^PAUI.lHNN lb OOOL.1NO, Attoriieya at Law, Principal Town of Crete. on a change in the slate for delegates- xatioD is to-da> very close. I J St. JotiMH. 1 23 at-large. General Lewis B. Parsons, Ambitious girls work inees.santly the veteran democrat of Flora, is to j^KUKWA & WALBKIOGK, AttorneyH Constantinople, June 22.—A dispatch •Ter their studies, and are often I' at Law. OtHce over Corner Druic Stlt. OOlXxK. Teacher of I'lano. Or- 2. The Illinois delegation will go to appetite, nerv­ BKST G0014S AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Satisfaction Guaranteed M' Kan, Vocal .Mualc and Harmony. curred on May 22, in Canea, the prin­ or Money Refunded. All Quods Uollvered Free within 100 Miles of Oetrult. .\lualc rooma over Spauldinjt ’a Hardware. Chicago iinlnstructed for president. ousness and cipal city of Crete. In this fanatical blues, with lack crusade against Christianity an attache _ IMIYSICIANS. SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORKERS. of contiileiice; of the Russian c-onsulate and another t. .V. J. WIGGINf?, I’liyaiclan and Siir the.seai'(> ptisitive of the Greek consulate were murdered I)(‘li‘gHt<, OlHce over K. dered by the Cretans. The rumor row, is already on the ground. The and asking advice. She was ill »nd in .T I .1. W'oodrurt'a atore, St. Johna. OlHce caused a panic, and in fear the Chris­ lira: U to 11 am and 2 to 5 pm. 1 sessions of the eighth international great distress of mind, feeling she tians closed their shops and ran home and thirteenth national Sundaj' school 44’ould not hold out till graduation, and ( J.TKAVIS, .41. I>. OlHce at Kealdence for safety. The firing could be heard •J over Klldew n .Millman’a drnit atore. gathering will be held in Park Stro.?t the doctor had advlsi'd her to go home. • aeaiea of Women and Children a apeclallty. outside of the town. The gates of the Church and Tremopt Temple. Dwight ------College, Mass. K. S. K.i;lI.LA.4I, PhyalclanandSiirKeon town 4vere closed to prevent the escape L. Moody, the Chicago evangelist, will You dear Woman: — D Ortlce and reaideiice vveat aide of ('t>iirt of the inhabitants, and a military pa­ have charge of the opening services I should have 4vritten to you before, Hoiiae aiinare. Ortlce hoiira 1 to o every af­ and will also speak for twenty min­ ternoon except Wedneadaya. 22 trol was at once established by the but you said wait a month. We are are all l-cincis of Turks, and in the massacre that fol ­ utes every noon during the three day.s. taught that the days of miracles are U. .1. V The international Icsimns committee and Surgeon, .St. .Johna, .Mich, Ortlce lowed it is estimated that 1,000 persons past. Pray what is iny case ? I have overD State Hank. fell. .All the bodies were mutilated, has established headquarters at the taken the Vegetable Compound faith­ and in many instances the eyes of the Brunswick Hotel. Yesterday special fully, and obeyed you implicitly and, DENTISTS. victims had been gouged out. Such a exercises were held in many of the am free from all my ills. I was a very, KTlfUU COKIIIN, I». 1>. S.—Crowna reign of terror existed that 500 women principal churches throughout New very sick girl. Am keeping well up in A •‘Hrldife Work ” (teeth without platea) and children ran to the churches to h^ngland relative to the origin, growth lid all the Lati*at Proceaaea. my class, and hope to do you and my.self escape the infuriated troops. Their and plan of Sunday school work. credit at graduation. * * My gratitude and at all tcinds of food supply had lieen shut off, and had HNDEUTAKEUS. caunot find expression in not the English and F'rench warships Do*** Not 44jKiiit AtntirlfanK. words. A’^oursincere I. HULL Undertaker, .No. l(> Clinton come to their aid and furnished them Paris, June 22.—The Marquise de prices E, Ave. Ueaidence lOo Wl^ht St. friend, Mauy with the necessities of life, they would Mores has declined offers received from P. S. Some have perished from hunger and thirst. •American explorers to search for the of the other ‘ remains of her husband, who, accord ­ girls are now o sTATK it.ANK OK ST. .;OHN.S. FAVORS SENATOR TELLER. ing to a generally accepted report, was using the Com- ° BUT CO.M.MEKCIAL A.Nl) SAVlN(iS massacred with a party of thirty-five pound. It ben­ Jndge r»l(iwell Thiiikit lie Ik the Heat CAPITAL $.’>(),000.00. men while proceeding south from Tri­ efits tliein all. Man for the I’reaiilrncy. poli toward the Soudan in order to Lydia E. Pink- If You Want a First Class Article at Denver, June 22.—The News prints a raise some Arab chiefs against the ham's Vegetable long interview with Judge Henry C. POKTKK IC. PUIIUIN PreHldent. British. The marquise adds that the C ompound is the only <). IV. .M U.NG KK, Vice-l’reHlde/it. Caldwell of Little Rock, who is spend ­ expedition which it Is proposed to dis ­ safe, sure and effectual remedy In such J. W. FITZGKKALI), Canhler. ing his vacation in Colorado. The patch will be ccnipo.sed exclusively of cases, as it removes the cause, purifies a Bed Rock judge expressed the hope that the free Frenchmen under the leadership of M. and invigorates the system, and girea silver forces will be united upon one Four JUT cent. IntcrcHt paid (in certlflcatcH de Puisaye. energy and vitality. of ilcponit and on wavIngH hook acconntH. candidate. Regarding the man most IVice Call on DraftH iHsncd Kood In any part of the United Stales and ('anada and In the principal cItleH likely to be selected he said: May Iteelect I’re-Od**!!! Diaz. of Kurope. .Vecounts of farnierH inerehantH “I think the populists and silver re­ City of Mexico. June 22.—.A great FOREIGN. and inechanIcK received on favorable terniH, and everv accoinodationexteiided conHiatnnt publicans will support Mr. Teller. Mr. popular demonstration took place in with Mate hankini;. Superior facllltieH for Bland, or any pronounced and reliable favor of th(‘ re-election of l^resident A dispatch from Constantinople to ainkliiK colh'ctloiiH of all kiiidH. silver man who is known to have the Diaz. There wa.s a procession of work ­ the London Chronicle says that a fresh SHINDORF&SON, DIKIX’TGKS: requisite courage and resolution, with­ ingmen and rural clii’os, nianv being mas.sacre of Armenians is reporte KikH ii Kentucky fense of the rights of the southern peo ­ The liberals have Introduced into Ih-' chaise that couldn't l)r(>ak down, “is PUOVKI) HONDS A.Nl) HEAL F.S- Middlesl>oro, Ky., June 22.—Prof. Spanish Senate a motion censuring the ple. I know he Is univer.sally regarded tc make the weakest spot a.s strong as TA'l'U SKtiUlHTY. Jack Turner, aged 80, and Nellie Van United States and its attitude toward by the leading democrats of the south Bebber, 11 years old, were married in the rest.” This is what Johnson ’s SI as an able, courageous, patriotic, and Cuba. .YLHFUT J. HAl.DWIN. PreMldent. I .lonesville. Va., Saturday. This is Belladonna Flastehs do to the hu­ broad-minded statesman, and that upon A dispatch to the London Times G. PKN.NF.LL, Vicc'-PreHldeni . Prof. Turufr’s sixth matrimonial ven­ from Rome says that it is believed In man vehicle. They touch the weak, P. K. W.V I.SWOHTH, TreaHiirer. the supreme issue now before the ture. Ho is the father of 40 children, well-informed circles there that Mgr. sore, aching, tender spots, and make American people is the acknowledged j 30 of whom are now living. The mar- leader of the right,” B. Lorenzelli, internuncio at The them /strong as the rest. S(H‘ the Red riage unites the Parton-Tiirner fam­ Hague, will be appointed apostolic del ­ Cross on the pkwter- the sign of gen ­ R F. F. MURDOCK ilies, who, 12 years ago, were engagenl egate to the United States to succeed f>(il>ii<{iie S«eiicerfesl Will lie a llij; One uineness and merit. in the most deadly and bloody f-nid Cardinal Satolli, but this Is not finally .lOlfXSON &. .lOlIN.SON, |no\v nicely situated in Dubuque, la.. June 22.—.All the ar­ that was ever waged in the mountains. settled. Mniuifactsriiu; CheiniHt*, New York. vSti rangements have been completeil for John Beverly Robinson, ex-lieuten ­ 'eel’s double brick build- the Northwestern Saengerfest to bo M ^ l.«Kt MoiiiliHr of »he Dxltoii (iniif-. ant governor of Ontario, dropped, dead two doors cast of his held In this city July 24 and 25. while on the platform at the Massey ' iLP for^'i- Saengerfest hall, the largest entertain ­ Guthrie, O. T., June 22.—Dynamite •nier (juarters, where Dick, alias Dan Wiley, the last mem­ Music hall, Toronto, in attendance on PARKER’S CINCER TONIC ment hall in the state, built especially sbttef Lud ^ Troubles, Debility, distrotting fttomteh strI ...THE... you wAill find a lar^c va­ ber of the notorious Doolin and DaUon a political meeting held by Sir Charles feniftUlllt, and is noted for nitRing lures when all other for this occasion, is completed. It has Tupper. Mr. Robinson was 75 years of treatment faiis. Everv mother ami invalid fhoiild hove it. riety o"f Marble and Granite a seating capacity of 4,000 and chorus gangs to be captured, was lodged In the federal jail here yesterday. He has age. PARKER’S I work, a^ud more eoustaut- of 1,200, in which German singing so- The news that a Cuban flag was HAIR BALSAM I will be represented. This chorus has been constantly chased by officers foi ClcKTiicf Knd beKutiricK tho hair. ~ PINGREE several years, a reward of $.3 000 hang- <^he St. Louis convention and I’roniotet K laxurianl (frowth. Iv com inI * llis new Imild- been in training two years. Bach’s Never Fk IIk to Bestore Orayk ingover his head. The charge’on which greeted with cheers has excited Hair to its Youthful Color. I orchestra of .Milwaukee will be the I Cures iclp diieaarf At hair fullloe. I iug will be C lead}' sometime he is held is the murder ! unfavorable comment In Madrid. iOcjKnd^lXxt^it^lnijgirt^ “ leading attraction, while famous so ­ of Deputy in May. I^11 the meantime, Marshals Housen, Speed and Shadley I Minister Andrade of Venezuela has HINDERCORNS The only eure Cure fnr loists from various jiarts of the coun ­ Corns. Stop* .11 pain. Makes walking e.iy. 1>>C. atPrui^gK.a in the Ingalls battle three years ago. received advices from Caracas as to you can buy T\ auythiiiLi: of try will take part in the jirogramme. I the final ratification of the conatitu- liim that vou can 111 v an V- The Dubuque society has expended I tional amendment by which Venezuela $12,000 in preparing for the fest. 1 Hill Hr. Cklche.ter'a RaclUh Diaaond Brand. A Shoe With a Record. wh(,*re, and at a [>rice, Cali am ! adopts the gold standard. President London, June 22.—The grand jury i Crespo advised congress some months Pennyroyal pills what Ilf lias to off( ‘r. ■ _ Orlcl*>l >na Only Oeanlne. ▲ For Men, Women, IIIh llRni-iiiii: Ik I’OKtponed. found true bills against Dr. Leander I ago to meet the prevailing agitation eKrc, alw.y. reliable, utoica ..fe Nearly Oposlte Postoffice, ST. JOHNS. Starr Jameson, MaJ. Sir John Wil­ Drasgliit for Ckieketttr t Knalith Dta-^W St. Louis, June 22.—Noble Shepard, I for a depreciated currency by a consti- moM Brand In Ked and (laid metalllaXwK' Boys and Girls. who was awaiting execution in jail loughby, Col. R. Gray, Maj. R. White Ibeze*. aealed with bine ribbon. Take YV FARMERS’ GALVANIZED j tutional enactment. Congress passed |ao other. Refute dangeraue euketUu- w III nil sizes, widths niitl styles; fiiit and here for the murder of Thomas Mor ­ Col. F. White and the Hon. Henry F". the law, and it has now been confirmed in rtaropsand imitatlone. for pvtleul.r*. At Druggist*, lestlmonl.]. er Mtnd and4e. Conventry, who were held for trial at t'Jtellef for Ladlea,” In letter, by retarn rriediuni grades. BOILERS. ton and Lizzie Leahey, escaped from ; by all the states. ■ sr.w STEEL TANKS his cell some time between midnight the Bow street police court June 15, 'Ckichcater Caea ilcal Co.,Madison Koaare. j At the international fire tournament Sold hy ail Looal Dri'ggifVi, Khllada.. Ka. IL and 4 o ’clock this morning, Hr j charged with violating the neutrality , at Ixindon the Canadians made their ii crawled some twenty feet through a laws by invading the Transvaal repub­ I appearance twice, and, with the Amer- sewer, climbed to the roof of the gal ­ lic. I leans, had a most cordial reception. lows on which he was to hang, thence 1 An extra budget has been submitted to the high brick wall surrounding .YnierlcHn Sculler IIock Good Work. I London, June 22.—.A dispatch from I to the Spanish Cortes for the purchase the jail yard and then to the street. i of two additional cruisers and 60,000,- The Quality The I’iiigrec “Ncvernliii ’’ \Viiit«*r SIioch He was probably aided by friends on I Henley to the Fall Mall Gazette says I that Dr. W. S. McDowell, the American j 000 pesetas’ ($15,000,000) worth of wa* for men, tuive weiiring rubbern, do uot Buy direct IVoni us and the outside, and the jail aMthoritiea i material. lieut the fwt, prevent duiiipneHH Htrikiiig and the police are trying to unravel I champion sculler, went over the course Of Hardness I Herr Wlsser, a former member 01 through Molen, untJ make walking in Save Money. Write for the mystery of the escape. I twice to-day and did half of it inside the German Reichstag, charged with I that refuses to wear out, no matter how Hli|(j)ei\v jilaceH, comfortable and Hafe. samples and prices. Weship of five minutes. Later he ran twice perjury, has committed suicide in Jail constant the use or rough the hand­ I into the piles. The second time he AIho iiHed extem>ivel.v in Bieycle ulioeH. subject to inspection. Thirty ThoiiKHiid Killed. at Erfurt. ling, belongs to Washington, June 22.—The first offi ­ I damaged his boat and was upset. ItliiK'ii grii(lii)it«-.vm STAR MFG. CO., cial report that has reached Washing­ ; biHt iiiy Hi*cnrel.v inserting a CEO. H. JUDD. ever, makes the calamity out to be dent, began its twenty-r.inth annual piece of t-Hjieeially jirepared rubber in, much worse than heretofore reported: meeting in this city to-day. The re­ Imt not through the oiifersole by the "Deaths causey by tidal wave estimat­ ports of Secretary Angus Sinclair of .MeKav I’atent Proet'HH. ed at over 30,000 in reports up to date. New York city and Treasurer O. Stew­ Much in Little No mortality among Americans.’’ art of Old Town, Me., were presented. Is especially true of Hood ’s Pills, for no medi ­ Merchant Tailor, Committee reports were then taken up. cine ever contained so great curative jiowcr in Quick Bakers, Actor t.entry’K Trial llegun. so small space. They are ■. whole medicine Philadelphia, June 22.—Actor James Indiana Town Storm-Swept. Superior Cookers, Op])ositc “The Steel”. B. Gentry, who shot and killed Mar­ Rldgeville, Ind,, June 22.—.A minia­ Powerful Heaters. garet Winifred Drlsdale, whose stage ture hurricane struck this town late name was Madge Yorke, In this city Sunday afternoon. No lives were lost, Made in a variety of styles—all unques ­ tionably good. Feb. 17, 1895, was placed on trial to ­ but there were many narrow escapes. Hood’s te All the chest, always ready, al- ■ ■ ■ A written guarantee with every one. day before Judge Yerkes. Before en­ Several buildings were struck by light­ ways efneient. always sat- nil tering the court room Gentry had a ning, seme houses were unroofed, a FOB SALK HY I Isfactory ; prevent a cold III FOR SAI.K BY pathetic meeting with his mother In i multitude of chimneys were blown or fever, cure all liver ills, the cellroom. After a jury had bsen i down and nearly all shade trees were sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. UGKHIT A VALKNTINK ChAIlK A IIChSK BUGS Latest Novelties. impaneled the case was continued | destroyed. ST. JGHXS, MICHIGAN. ST. .KMIXS, Mil’ll. The only Pills to take with Hood ’s Sarsaparilla. Johns op**nly declare their intention to OVID. E. N. Keys was in Detroit Tuesday. The St^ Johns News. bolt the ticket. The letter from W. Mrs. J. E. Taylor is on the sick list, U. U. FITZOKKALU, I'L'llLISHEK. Durkee which apiiears on the first page Cass Moyer, wile and little sou of De­ SEVENTH YEAH. of this edition is only a samjile of the troit, Sundayed with his parents. jThis Warm sentiment entertained by a large num- Miss Lizzie .V'obott has beim visiting Fculication Office, lOU Walker St. Khhc. friends in St. Johns the jiast sveek. l)er who make no effort to conceal their Miss (itrtrude Eatou went to Vernon SL’IlSCUlI*TION KATES dissatisfaction at the action of the St Tuesday to visit relatives for a few days. One Year, (Outnide Clinton Co.) One Year, (In tlie('ounty) Louis delegates, and who have resolved Mrs. ('has. Clark of Ruffalo, N. Y., vis­ Six MuntliH, .... ited Ovid friends Friday and Saturday. W eather Three .KontliH, .... to supjiort any fit candidate who may itessie Edwards of Owosso, is spending Hluifle C'pleH, nominateil for the presidency on a the week with relatives and friends here. All Payable in Atlvauce. Doesent seem so warm when you are clad in the coolest and most ^ free silver platform. No one can predict Harry Raldwiu of Detroit, sjient Sun­ day with his parents, James Baldwin and The Newh hnvliiK h liirne clrculutlon with any degr«*e of safety, succt*s8 for wife. throuKlioiit Clinton county furnlHlicH u ine- comlortable apparel. A Straw Hat, a jaunty ^ diuin o( the inoMt (leHlriible character for ad* any ticket this fall. The jirevious ex J. W. Walsh and son Frisbie, of De­ ▼ertlHcrB. troit, Hjient Sunday with Miss Laura isting conditions have biHui so modi The Nkwh ha« every facility for execiitliiK Walsh. Cap, a Negligee Shirt, these are established re- ^ hiKh claHH Job work, ItH inatcrlalH are new fled by “internal strife” that the out and embrace the latest styles of type and Tom Hj'slojt left today for a two work. come is a dt*cidedly unknown quantity wt*ek ’s visit with friends in Hillsdale and (Quincy. (juisites lor Summer wear and weather. You ^ AVednesday, .liine '.{4, lH9

those with fixed incomes, are jiretty apt have jeopardized the republican partj-’s PRICE. to ally themselves with the Uepublican chances of suecess in this campaign Children’s day next Sunday at Price. No party, however glorious its past may party. On the other hand if Senator Born, to Stejihen Price and wife Satur­ have be<*n, can carry this country against day a son. Teller shall be nominat'd at Chicago, a united onjmsition. Should the demo ­ Mrs. .lames .McTaggert who has be«>n there is no doubt of his polling an enor ­ crats take a liberal view of the situation quite sick, is better at this writing. mous Republican vote, or more jiroperly and nominate a northern or western re Dame rumor says that the wedding bells will soon ring again at Price. speaking a vote which has heretofore publican, nothing could prevent his elec tion. This would consolidate the west J. D. A'anburger and Eph, A unburger been rejiublicau but which would swing have gone fishing at Pine lake. Look and south for the free silver clause, and over to the Colorado man on the silver out for fish stories. the west and south united carries the Mrs. Fred Sholtz of Owosso, who has issue. The farmers who own lands which election. Should the opposition, how­ been visiting relatives in this vicinity, re­ are mortgaged are not going to seriously ever be divided iuto two or three differ turned to her home this morhing. consider their former party offiliations ent factions, McKinley would be elected The Price school will close next Friday. even on a gold standard platform. The The district will be sorry to lose Mr. when a chance is given them to vote for a Knajip. He has been a faithful teacher peojile are in no temiier to be held uji system which jiromises to r<‘store the old here for fourb'en months. longer by the foot jiuds of Wall strt'et, and James Gregory met with quite an ac­ price of land? and produce and jdacethem it is a game which itij likely to jiut them in cident last week. While mowing hay one in a fair way to clear themselves from debt; a hole. wheel of the machine dropjied in a hole and threw him off and injured his back a condition which the present prices will so that he has been under the doctor ’s neviT allow them to attain. The com ­ It is said that .Mr. Fairbanks, who care. lately’ presided over the temiiorary de ­ ing issue is jierfectly clear even though .Mrs. Carrie Shaffee and little son and liberations of the St. Louis convention, .Mrs. Goodfellow and baby, who are vis­ many old {(oliticians refuses to admit it. makes the final “s” on his name particu­ iting there, were taken violently sick after dinner last Saturday. They think The producing classes, who are growing larly jilain when he signs it on hotel it was something they ate or drank but annually poorer, are to have an oj^ior- r<*gisters and elsewhere. He does not don ’t know exactily. tunity to register a count against the in- want it to be confounded with the Mr Fairbank who played “angel ’’ to Mrs NORTH A ICTOR. iipiitious s3‘st«?m which counts their labor Leslie Carter.—DetroitFrei* Press. Fool ­ Mrs. Colvin Gre«*n and sons will sjiend and [irosperity at nothing, and how well their vacation in A'ictor and St. Johns. ish Fairbanks; after the manner in which .Much jdanning has been done to make they will combine against the grasjiing he was treated at St. Louis, it would the convention held here the 2Gth and giants of Wall and Threadneedle streets, Avould seem that he would be only too 27th, a, success. glad to cover his identity under the guis* No services were held in the church the history of the next few months is to of the theatrical “angel ” or any other June 21 because of the Sunday school record. The farmers would in a few cover which might jiresent itself. convention.held at Shejiherdsville. years, with ju-ices where they are today The friends of L. H..AIlen are jileased to know of his rajiid imjirovernent and be reduced to a state of peasantry and I.N a little sp(*ech on the subject of ar­ look forward to his being with us again. counties like Clinton and towns like St. bitration to a London audience yester .Mrs. A’. Burdick closed a very success­ day Lord Salisbury is reported to have .lohns which are almost entirely depend ­ ful year of schoolwork last Friday. She said: “There is every reason tohojH'that has endeared herself to imjiils and jia- ent on thefarmers for prosperity, would England and the I'nited States will give trons and it was with regret that we bade her goodby. await in vain for any betterment of the the first instance of triumidi of a princi­ Last AA’ednesday about twenty of the jiresent condition. With no adequate ple which would tend more than any­ community gathered at the church to thing else to abolish war.” If Salisbury return for the seed sown and time and clean and jait to rights. .As we viewed (l»*orK<’ Siilllviin, wlui shot I.ckIk- really holds to his opinion it is a good the effects of the m*w jiaper, water and energy exjiended, the farmers have any­ IiikIkihsc Kwpv " - n. LHiiipmiin, at (irand time for him to call off the (iiiiana col willing hands, we caught the insjiirntion Ua|ilds, Is piittliiK up a ifood dvftMiH*'. Wit­ and were glad. thing but a bright outlook until some onial military police from the disjmted nesses Identified a heavy oak stick, loaded with nails, that was used by Laiiipiiiaii In Fireworks. We Live substantial change is accomplished in Venezuelan territory. FOAVEEK. t he fatal flKkt. their behalf. The monitary system, Dr. Dunn spent Sunday in town. Faiimeks and home owners who, if they .Arthur Frisbie is visiting in town. .After meals you should have simjily a which is satisfactory to the arrogant f»“eling of comfort and satisfaction. You desired, could not borrow over half of H. .M. Hoemer was in town Monday. millionaires, the one for which they sliould not feel any sjiecial indications the money on their holdings that they Frank Gellar wheeled to Ovid Sunday. tliat dig(>Htiou is going on. It you do, We have a com])lete line to Eat. have worked so hard and are so ready could twenty j-ears ago, in looking 1). Rochon sjient Sunday in St. .Tohns. you liave indigestion, which means not to aid in pushing to a successful end, is around for the cause will do well to study Miss Kittie Kinley has bnai visiting in digestion. This may lie the tiegimiing of for the Muir. so many dangerous diseases, that it is on its face one that is diametrically op ­ the history of gold monometalism and best to take it in hand at once amt treat And when a ^ou eat wli\' AValter AA’hitten was in town visiting posed to the interests of the common its effects upon jiroductive industry. Its it with Shaker DigestiveCordial. Eoryou pathway is blazed with the wre<-kage of Friday last. know that indigestion make's poison which not eat the best of everv- people. Jinnies and the ruin of business and in­ .Matt Ott has bought a half inter»‘st in causes pain and sickness. .And thatShaker Glorious Fouitli Hay’s livery barn. The purchasing price of money has dustrious effort. Its central is con ­ Digestive Fordial heljis digestion and Peter Ferlewa and Peter Flrich sjient cures indigestion. Stinker Digi'stive Cor ­ I thing. We handle a full been doubled within the past twenty trol of the debtor and producing classes Saturday and Sunday in Lansing. dial does this liy jiroviding the digestive and have marked them wav 11- r i i i- years and the man who is jiaying iiiter- to their jiracticnl enslavement. E. J. Bullard is working in Hick’s ele­ mat(*rials in wliich (he sick stomach is * line ol table supplies at vator at St. Johns. wanting. It also tones iiji and strength­ erest on his holdings must nw'ds be the It was insisted by some of the dele ­ ens the dig«*stive organs and makes down and are The L. O. T. M. had a very jileasant looser. Human nature is about the gates nt St. Louis, who were opjiosed to them jM*rh*etly healthy, '['his is the ra­ right prices. time Saturday. .After the review the tionale of its method of cure, as the doc ­ going to same the world over and it is no more the fri'e coinage, that the word gold he K. (). T. M. were invited uji and they all tors would say. Sold by druggists, enjoyed refn'shrnents and icecream. than could be expect<*d that the class omitted from the financial jilank of the jiriee ID cents to jier bottle. jilatforrn. It is jilain how shallow minded Sweet Pickles, who live upon the interwt of their money HI PI.A IN. Peter Ilelaney, pri>|)rlet<»r (if the I'nlon SELL THEM ALli they sized uj) the average voter ns being, Herbert Holmes is vi.?iting at Dewitt. hotel nt .lackHon, was ftIni(lammed out off 89."i should seize ujmn an opportunity which Vegetables, and this one fact brands them the most I. emuel Holbrook is home during va­hy four “ron” men, who, with a idaiiHlhlo So come in for your will still enhance or at least maintain superficial of reasoners. cation. yarn, neifotlnled a loan of nion(*y and fled. the purchasing price of their yearly in­ Edward Hazel and wife sjient Sunday share and enjoA’ the fun Fruits and W’liK.v the father of the chairman of at Shejiardsville. The Ideal I’anaeea. comes. What care they for the pro ­ James L. Fraiieis, .Alderman, Chicago, thorejiublican national comrnitlei* named Elder A'oung immersed several candi ­ at a small cxjiensc. his jiromising youth, he proudly turned says: “I regard Dr. King's .New Diseov«‘iy ducer or his condition. The only course dates Saturday afternoon. ns an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds Canned Goods. open to him, to In'!' himself from the to the mother and said: “Mark this Miss Ethel Cook came home Saturday and Lung (’omjilaiiits. having used it in Hanna; he will make one. ” from Owosso where she has b«“en attend ­ my family for the last five years to the bondage in which he is sinking, is to ing school. exclusion of jihysicians’ jirescrijitioiis or The best Ice Cream and Ice Call and See Us. have silver restored to the place Heim heii a .ns can felicitate themselves The tojiic for Christian Endeavor other jirejiarnfions. ” on the fact that the jiersonal charaebTs meeting Sunday evening is “true manli­ R(W. John Biirgiis, Keokuk, Iowa, Cream Soda in St. I where it was prior to 1878, a time when writes; “I have b**eTi a .Minister of the of their randidates for jiresident and ness and womanliness, ” leailer, John prosperity was apparent at every turn. Kesby. Methodist Ejiiseojial Church for 50 years Johns. Pure vice president are above the reach of or more, and hav«* never found anything Thelocal effect of the adoption of the The social nt the Discijile church Sab "mud slingers. ” rday evening was well attemled. Pro ­ so beneficial, or that gave me siiehsjieedy Syru])s gold plank in the nation b1 jilatform ceeds fll, to go towards buying new relief as Dr. King's N**w Iiiscovery. ” Hupt. .1. W. .Simmons, of Owosso srhnols, singing books. Try thi.-» IdeaK'ough Bemedy now. Trial C. A. PUTT, could not have been imaginwl a year lioitles fn*e at Eildew (.A .Millman's drug nnnonnres his cnnsent them in tlie (iraiid Army ol tlie Uepiibllc.comniander- ooDi Has noil. the national convention of that orgjui- lii-cldef of the Loval Lejtlon ; tliese positions are forgetting how to smile or yodel. I ization to be held at Washington, D. mark the line of fils niarcli In his care«*r, but saw a statement In a Swiss paper the it Is ratlier as an lioiiored member of our or ­ July 4, 5, <*> and 7. der anil as the pure aiicl neiitle patriot, tlie other day which leads me to think that Miss Inez Kotiklm closed a very suce<*ss- Unlit of tlie camp-tire, the life of the Post room, the nlor.v of theeiicampiiient, that he these people keep all their Jollity ful term of school June 24, in Bengal, will hold the warmest place in our hearts, themselves during the^tourist season district No. 2, with general satisfaction. and will ever he to us the endeared and for fear It may interfere with their ac­ Thn“«* of her jmjiils re-eived county di ­ cherlslieil Comrade. II. The prescrihed hiidne of iiioiiriilnn will quisition of wealth. This paper said plomas. be worn h.v oflicers when on duty, for a that the authorities of the Canton The state convention of the Xatioiml period of tldrt.v days from the receljit of this \ order, as a token of resiiect to the iiiemor.v Berne recently gathered to discuss, \ jiarty of Michigan will he held at Star of Comrade Pulrcldld. Ilv command of theatre in the city of Lansing on Friday 1. N. WALKKK. among other things, the question of and Saturday, July 4 and 4, beginning I. Itoniii.NS, Conimaiider-ln-(.'ldef. ‘dancing and other jaiblic amuse \ Friday, .I lily 4 at 2 p. m., for the pur­ .\djiitHiit-^>(<1 ~>H his hill on leaving the congressman ’s The jieach growers in Kent eounty So 2 Ked wheat...... r>‘J6to(> belt buckle. Our 48c S-piwe Water Sets have found a new jiest to <•ontend with. I lats...... 1 7 displeasure found vent in wortLs. It is tin* cut worm, which attacks the Kye...... ^....'lO "I was never so uncomfortable in my an* well worth ^1.00. t)ur Kerry Si'ts C>.rii in ear...... 1.5(^1 7 leavt*H of in*wly-set Jieach trees and des ­ Corn.slielled ...... 42 life,” he said to the clerk. “Your hotel at 28c would be a bargain even at oOc. troys them. One man dug uji half a Deans...... 50 is the worst in the country, sir, and Cornmeal, bolted per cwt...... #1 OO bushel of <‘arth around thefoot of one tree I want to tell you one thing—one thing, Our decorated Dinner Sets at ;f4.1>0 are Dran, per cwt...... 70 Tlie follow ing long ainl exjilieit letter If we all led out-of-door lives, went and look out eighty-four of the worms' .Shorts per cwt...... 70 sir—I am never going to stop at tliis j goiiiK like hot cakes. They beat any The Daughb'rs of Rebekah will give a Hay...... OOfftJfs OO Laril...... s house again —never, sir.” from Hon. .\. .V. Rennett tells its own i to bed at sundown, and had 1*8.00 set ever sold in this town. Our literary social at the odd Fellows'hall Butter...... !• A quiet-looking man who happens to on Wednesday evening, July 1st, iHllb. stor3'. I no consuming cares nor hard work to Kiors ...... 1' run that hotel was standing by. decorated Chamber Sets at prices that All are invited. RiJreshments will be Potatoes ...... HO Reail it: bring down the health, there might not served. Admission 10 cents. .Apples...... #1 OO “John,” said he, calmly, to the clerk. will surjirise you, Whatever the Kenny Pork, live perewt...... #2 7.5()...... 7(a.H Paine's celery comjjound. ting amanin the field toorganize schools Turkeys dressed per Ih. (live (Ifa.CiVv)...... 7(ttH ‘‘M’ake uji, Jacob, da.v is breaking! ’’ so Wells, Richardson A: Co., Rnrlington, Vt: Laces is complete. Only about 40 doz ­ wherethere are nonenow. Thisamount Wool,'washed iier lli...... 1 0(Imen have ceased to wear .\nnie Stehle, 2(525 Cottage drove .\ve., fine clothes on Sunday. On the other celery comjionnd, with the result that back nerve strength and rejdaco jioor, Chicago, was all run down, could not «*nt A haiMiuef was Riven at Hart last iiIrIiI lii thin, pah* blood with a rndd.v, health­ hand, the jirofits of the rubber men last honor of the RraduatiiiR class. Toasts were m.v strength has steadily imjiroved, and 3’ear were over ^.4,000,000. nor digest food, had a backache w hich making stream. never left her and felt tired and wear.v, resi»onded to h.v eItT/ens and students. I find myself in far better health than I A Mar^'land judge has (hn'ided that but six bottles of Elwdric Ritters restored have la-en for years. It is the one great ja actical remedy ad ­ aft<‘r a young man has called on a young her health and renewed her strength. Small in size, but great in results. STOP THIEF! DeM’itt’s Little Earl.v Risers act gentl.v I believe also that it has enabled me to vocated by all physicians. lad.v twent3'-f1ve times the presnmjition Krice 50 cents and .00. (Jet a bottle that he means bnsim'ss has b<*«‘n estab­ at Eildew it .Millman's Drug .Store. (5 but thoroughly, curing indigestiou, dys- e.scajie my jieiiodical attack of rheuma­ It drives away the feeling of utter ex­ pejisia and cons1i|)atioii. Small i)ill, 13068 BICYCLES lished. This warrants the 3'oung woman tism, as every season since that time haustion that is socomnion in thesjiriiig, The new Harbor Point hotel, at Harbor safe |)ill, best j)!!!. to demand a di-^'larafion of intentions. with the advent of tlie cold, damj) but no less dangerously be­ STOLEN IN ’95. This being leaji .v«*ar. the ipiestion now Springs, has been Inforinall.v opened. It has a capacity for 400 K'lests. Kalamazoo eounty populists adopted reso­ weath(*r, I have suffered severally from cause it is so common. It makes jieojile arises, would the man have the same lutions roastiiiR both

r(l Keeper Watson will dedicate (la* new reduction in i>rice from $1..5rice. Its one of the spirits and pinned fiphtly to a Heiitoii Ilarlior and St. Joseph is estimated man who took a drink from the river I hat eaimot beenred b.v Hall's Catar' '. motto is: chair, King liimself. nnd then looked along the shore to sp«* Is the up town Grocery store at f 200,000. '’ir.e. ,‘r(H’iate .vour juitronage, so we Imve .M.v wife and child had dijththeria. work. It is sujiposed that the animal, which all are invited to attend. hit on this plan. We will give all our Thomas’ Eclectric Oil cured them, I while nosing in an ash barrel, got a cart­ E. IL Dki kl . (Jen’l .\gt. Custotm*rs on Saturday m*xt and ..otild not b(* withotit it in the house for .Folm Buchanan, of Ha.v «’ity, Is iyliiRat the point ol death, from, it Is nileRcd, the exces­ The successful farmer has ridge in his mouth nnd began to chew it. throughout the following w«*t*k, an.v consideration. ” Rev. E. E. Crane, The cartridge exjiloded in his mouth. The .Iiirkson M". C. T. P. conducted tiower sive use of ciRarettes. learned by experience that dfiy HcrvIccH In prison .vesterdii.v. Miss Mnr- Dunkirk,N. Y. The bullet that was discharged flew James Hicks, of Eaton Ilapids, aped 2.5, tlin L. Cloud of Union City, Kiive the prlnel- some grains require far differ ­ across the strw't from the animals ’ A class of 47 Rradnnted from Flint's hlRh yesterday committed suicide by takinp mor ­ p«l address, whicli was responded to b.v one MILK TICKETS, FREE mouth, whizzed jiast a man’s head and school Inst w«H*k. President Sperr.v of Oil vet phine, Insane over rellRion. ent soil than others. He of the eonvicts. Kvery eoiivlet w as Riven a went through the balloon sleeve of a colleRe, spoke. knows that a great deal de ­ badly frightened girl. text ciinl. M'ith ever.v one jiound of our best nn- colored .lapan Tea at 25c jier [>ound, we “Dr. Fowler ’s Ext. of Wild Strawberry Awarded pends on right planting at the .lohn 11. Kinne.v of (Iratiot Co., the considert'd a n(.*cessit.v in our house, other da.v jilowed uj) an old gun barrel give two I’int Milk Tickets. With ever.v Highest Honors—World’s Fair, right time. No use complain ­ one jtound of our 4D and .50 cent Tea we is an excellent remedy for summer which had formerly b<*en a jiart of an comj)laints, esj)ecially with children. ’ ing in summer that a mistake old-fashioned flint-lock. Tin* barrel was give the same. Please bear in mind thes»* Wm. Ri<‘«l, (50 College St. Rnffalo, N. \. •DR.’ four fe«*t and two inches long and was Nervous are o ’lr regular lines of Tea and no ad ­ was made in spring. Decide Peoiile wonder why their nerves are so weak; badly riist-eaten. little fnrf her on he The total nml raised for the relief <>f Mt. why they Ret tireil so easily; why they do not vance in i»rice on the Teas hnsb<*(*n made before seed-time. The best found the remains of a man who jirobabl.v flemeiis cvclone sufferers Is .s4.h4 1.10." time to treat coughs and colds owned the gun, consisting of a f<“W bones sleep naturally; why they Iiave frequent head­ to cover exj)ense of tickets. We believe so old that the.v crumbled when touched. aches, IndiRestion and by adojiting this metlaal our increasi*erfect diRes- follow neglected colds. liver Oil, with Hypophos- tion, I.s the true remedy for all nervous troubles. Heavily Plated Silver Teaspoons Mason Inst nlpht orpanlzed a McKlnle.v phites, promptly cures lung I’etp Conklin nnt. . .*Witt ’s Colic Ac Cholera Pure will con-| Insist on Scott ’e Rmulelon, with trade-mark o( The .Snnlt Ste. Mnrle innrHhnl line over 20 vim^ him of its jtower to ufford fnstjint i from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant man and fish. Put up in so cent and fi.oo sires. The small sira trnmiiH nnd toiifths In hall nnd chain, work- „ , r-k*!! L'ver Ills; easy to relief. It kills jiain. JO YEARS THE STANDARD. may b« enough to curt your cough or help your baby. inn on tlie streets. riOOCI S rills take, easy to operate. 25C. KC. M. JOHNSON. j that your lake is all treo.4 and meadows. “You have, but as long as I thought LKUAL NOTICKM. i was when I wanted him tu do anything that you yourself might have committed To begin, then. About 4 o ’clock it be- , fur me. It made him feel like one of the uardian HALK.—Notice Im hereUv trlven AKTIST j gun to cloud up. That was very inter- the crime, how could I come to you to that tty virtue nn*i In piirMiiunce tiriireiiHe ! family. Well, tu tell you about my bet. ask you to assist uio? ” Ganti autlairity granted tu me, theiinderHlKued. ' eating. The sun wus slrtiing brightly ' You see, sumetimes, when Emily was *>n the 4th (lay of June A. !>., IhUU. by here, bat we could see lliat it wa.s ruin- “Then I um to understand that at the proliate court of Clinton *-oiint.v, Miate df j j out. Bob would play make love to me. Cancer Ml*-hiirnii, to ***-11 the real estate Iteloiifzlnff to By RODRIGUES OTTOLENGUI. present you do not suspect me?” ' log hard over in the direction of Lau- Ho said it would be good prm'tice fur Wllllani Klseler and Frank KlBeler, inlnorM. j castor. Slowly it btygan 1o come toward “1 have come to that conclusion at I will Hell at p(il>lic auction, to the hlxheHt \ me; would teach me the ways of the lust and wisli now that I had dune so bidder therefor, on the 2Hd day of July. Ct»|*yrlt{tite»l IHU."*, hy *i. I*. I’lituianH Skiib I u.s. Some of the boy.< mu«lt> wagers as to I world and all that sort of thiug. Oh, A. 1>. IHIMI, at **ne o ’clock p. m., at the pr*,- I huw soon it would rain here. Thtui one Boouer. " Of the Face. bate oltlce In St. JohtiH, Clinton county, and piibliMtH'd by HptM'lul iirruiiKfiiitMit with I Bob SB a curious man, but he is great “Would you mind telling me why MichiKuii, the undivided two-thlnlH of Ioih ^ of the proprietors came ont and sur- sport! Don ’t you like him?” Mrs. Laura E. Mims.of Sinithville.Ga., thlrty^elKht and thirty-nine InOlblmadditlon The X ewm. ! pri.sed ii.s all by saying that it would yon have altered your mind? You have says: “A small pimple of a strawberry to the village *,f St. JohuH. CllntonVouiity, In “Immeusely. But you have not told Michigan, a*-*-ording to the r«**-orded plat of “You urt( quite riKht, Mr. MitcheL 1 I probably rain over on the PrtwiUeutiul told me HO much that seemed to impli­ color appeared on my cheek; it soon me yet alnjut your bet. ” began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ­ Huld addition. Said sale will la* made Hultjc-t recognize the face perfectly, TIuh ia the j range before it did here. This seemed cate mo that I am enrious to hear the to the unaMHigniHl dower liiten'Ht therein of “I um coming to it. Well, one day other side. ” ing all efforts to check it. My thewldow of John Adam Klaeler, dr Clinton countv, in ^ comes from Lancaster way, the clouds whistled and culled me a little gambler. hausting their efforib Ml*-liigan, on February lOth, iH'.Ut, In Liber leaves the dear little girl without the ruby, for in doing that youeommitted a : when they get here are divided by the But I don ’t think it was gambling be­ without *ioiug me 70 of mortgagea, on page }{7r»; on whl*-h danger of hereditary taint.” Pliny range and pass on either side, crime for which you could not be pun ­ any good,they gave niortgnge there la *-laiine*l to l>e due at tl e cause I was to have a certainty. Of * , *** thia notice, ten hundred and elglity- “Come, Mr. Barnes,” said Mr. Mitch- ished, especially since yon have married up the hopeless. When in­ leaving us dry. Then they strike against course I wanted the stake to be a large nlne dullarH und thirty-eight centa, beMitbm an el. “What have you to say now? ” the sides of the Presidential range and the lady. Even before she W’ould will­ formed that my father ha*l *iied from att<»rnev f**e of thirty-tive dollnra, ati|(iilate*H*n inatltiitcd to re<-over any little effect. He said ; ply a trick to win u wager. Is not that flying in exactly oppiisite directions. ” Inffore tlie 1st of January, Bob will have S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer part of the de^,t H*‘*-ur***l by Hubl mortgage; “Mr. Mitchel, who do you think “Well, Imt, after all, tlieio could not correct logic? ” ther*!for<* by th** virtu** of the powerof ant** in to pay me #1,000. ’’ began to discharge ami continued t*) do H*ild mortgage *-i>ntained, and «>f the Htntnte killed Mitcheli"” “Correct logic? Yes. Of course I ad ­ have been any great beauty in the rain. “And you mean to win that bet?” so for three months, then it began to In Miu'li cuKe made and provbb-d, iiotl**** la “I don ’t think I am bound to answer, ” mit nothing us to facts.” hereby given that on .hily IH, 1 K'.ni, at one It must have blotted out all the view.” “Indeed I do. I am young and can heal. I contimiefl the medicine a while replied Mr. Mitchel quickly. “Either or tioth of robberies are longer until the Cancer flisapprared en­ o ’clock in till* i;fri‘riio*>i>, at tlie w**Ht front “Yes, but tliink bow odd it was to afford to wait that long, 1 am sure. tioor of t li(‘Court Ilona*- for Clinton county. “I wlsn you a good afternoon, ” said Bocoiidary to the iiinrder. Tliat I have tirely. This was several years ago ami In Michigan, In tin* village of St. .lohns, in find all these tremendous peaks .sudden ­ There will be time enough afterward to the deter^tive dryly. “Will yon go with determine*! to unravel if lean. At pres­ there has been no return of the disease. ’’ Haiti county, tifer*- will be aoltl at |)Ublic ven- ly gone. Not a mountain in sight in get a liushand. ” tine to the higheHt bidder, tin* iiremiaei* ile- me, Mr. Neuilly?” ent I think tlie train robber and the Hcrlbed la Halt! mortgage, viz.: 'I'lie west any direction. But, then, the thunder. “Then it would not make any differ ­ Before the old gentleman could reply mur*l**rer was one and the same person. A Real Bipod Remedy. Imlf of the nortliwcHt i|narterofaecti*>iieight ; Oh, that was grand ! The way it rolls ence how anxious u suitor might be to and the Hoiithwi-at (piarter *,f the Hoiitliw* ‘Ht Mrs. Mitchel interposed : Now, tliere is on hundred ibdIarH due February for his answer, I should think myself “And that is?” manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, lO, 1S117, anti Hve buiitiretl dollarH due l-'eb- tion tonig!: .” (Uvseribe. It was after the storm had Rheumatism or any other disease of the riiary lO, with IntereMt t)ayHt»li* *in- well rid of him. Besides it would give “The button w’hich I found in the niially at hIi anti *>ni ‘-lialf p**r t-ent,co!nputetl “Ha, lia, Mr. Barnes! Is she not pa.s.n*lle, Ita*-h<*l V. believed that you had lied when you not? ” brilliant double rainbow. One end of it said rather curtly, and Mr. Thauret’s Deatlle, Etlwartl Drown anti Klla Drown to seemed to come up right ont of the val­ said that the seventh bnttou of the set Porter K. Perrin ft)r the nae t>f Thomaa C. “Certainly. You are right to stay. I holies sank, hut rose again to fever heat lluggett nntl Abraham TenKlck, dated Dec­ ley tliere, while the other disappeared W’as the tihukespeare pin which your will leave you all to your happiness. as she said very softly; “There, I did wife had. That is why I thought it of DON’T ember 11. IHHH. and rtH*ortl**d in the office of the DeglHter of Deeda for Clinton county. In And I hope it will last. Good day.” behind Starr King muautaiu. The fly­ not mean to hurt you. Yon must not .Snff«*rfrom Hernia wlien y*)ii can b** ing clouds, still black and heavy, whirl^ importance to recover it; sufficiently so .Michigan, on D*H-ember 2(>. ISHS, in Liber 72 With which he left them. think me hard But I must w’iu that of iiiortgageH on page 212; which mortgage to send my sjiy, Liicette, into the house permantly can**! without loss *>f time w-„a iliily aHMigiied December 2«, IHSH, by “Really it is to»i had, ’’ said Mr. Mitch­ swiftly along, hanging low, and, with wager. Not so much for the money as i the sun approaching the horizon, made with instructions to obtain it if possi ­ ami without surgery, for a few *loIIarH Haiti Porter K. Perrin lor the UMe of Thomaa el, “but these detectives are always so for the gratification of proving to Bob ble. Now that I believe you innocent of ('. Ilnggett anti Abraham TenKlck to Miner sanguine. Just think of it, Queen, he ! shifting sliadow acrexss the base of by .Mrs !)r. Sprague. D. Krink. by a written aHHignment which wan that I have some control over myself. the murder, this thought has recently recorded Decernb**r 2«’>, IHHS, In the office of thinks, or he thouglit ijerhaps would bo i Mount Wasliington, while between the Surely if you truly love me yon will the D(*glHt*r of DeetjH nrt>r**Hui*L In Liber 7« come to me. When I first told you about WONDERFUL of iii*trtgng(*H, on page MOl, on which iiit)rt- more correct, that you were a murder ­ j rifts the red rays of the sun striking dif ­ not liegrudge me that satisfaction? ” ferent parts made beauteous tintings this button, before you would speak Il«*sults seenr***! during the past twenty- gnge theie la clainieil to be due, at the ilate er’s wife. What do you say, eh?’’ “No, no, sweet one. Have your ow ’u alxint it, you asked me to allow ’ yon to of thla n*»tl«-e, aixteen huntiretl anti nlnetv- For answer she kissed him gently on among the green and the brown of trees way. I’ll wait. Only say tliat there is five years. Consultation fre*-. Cull at one dollarH anti forty-eight centM, beHideH an and roi-k. Oh, if an artist could only examine it. After doing so you gave it attorii**y fw of thirty.five thdlnrH, Htlpulnted the forehead, and then went out and some chance of my succeeding. ” back to me, with a cheerful smile. If h«*r residen**!*, Ottawa stre**t. St. Johns, in Haiti mortgage to be paitl, aboultl any pro- brought buck Roso. have seen that! But then it would have “Why, of course, every one has a Mich. ceedlngK be taken to forecloa** Haiti mortgag**; been useless, for the hand of man con Id that bnttnii liad be* ‘u evidence against and n** nnlt or ]>roceeding at law or In e*piltv chance. But I must not tell you how you, I see now that it wouhl have re having b* ‘**n iuHtltiited to recover any part tit not paint such grandeur. It was in the the tiebt M*H-ured by Haid mortgage; therefore, CHAPTER XVI. great yours is, because if I did I W’ould EDWIN C. STEVENS, foreground that the re.seinblance to the quired a powerful nerve to apjiear so l>y virtue *•! the |iow*-r of Hale In nald inort- MR. B.VRNES DISfOVKItS A VALUABLE CLEW, not bo winning my bet fairly. And I unconcerned, and es|xxrial]y to return it of Clinton County, ch«***i-fully makes the gttg<> Contained andoftheHtatutelnHiich caHc battlefields was to be seen again. Every made and provid***!, n*,tlce Ih heretiy given Immediately after the wedding Mr. mnst say good night,” with which she to me. The «iiie.>>ti«)ii, then, tliat I w’ statenu'nt that his two sons w**r** ♦*!- that on .Iiuy225. ISU*;, at one o'clock in the here and there stray bits of clonds dis ­ afternoon, at the went frtmt tioor of the Mittdiel and his bride started west, in­ left him. Her last word.s lingered with you to answer is, Wliat was it that you ftM'tiially cured oi bad *)l riiptur** entangled tliemselves from the tree tops him, and lie took comfort. For what Court lIouHc r<,r Clinton county, in .NIichlgan, tending to spend their honeymoon in tlie and up smokelike till one could im­ saw on that button w’hii’h satisfied yon by .Madam Sprague, ami tluis** wh*i an* In tb** village of .St. .fohtiH, In Haiti countv, could she mean but that his chances that it W’as not of your si't’r” there will be Htdtl j,t put>lic ventliie to tfie Yoseniite valley, having promi.scd Mrs. agine them to bo from thousands of Hflli*!ted should s*>e .Mr. Stevens and higlicHt bitltler, the prf‘mlHt‘H tlcMcrlitt-tl in Haiti were good, since if otherwise how could “Ill the lirst jilace, Mr. Barnes, I Reuiseu atid Dora, however, to join cami)fires. Oh, it was simplv wonder ­ *‘nrn ofthecur**s. (.’IHwTp) inortgage, viz; The west half of the *>nHt half them in the White inoimtuins before the the telling prevent her from winning knew that there were hut tliree like it, t>f the H*>utli-**aHt (piarter *>f He*-tlt),j twelve, ful!” her wager? Nevertheless, as the weeks anti the eaHt thirty *icreH t(f the went half t)f eml of tlie season. About the Ist of ^ “It was indeed. ” said Mr. Thauret, the other three having *littereut Jieads, theHDuth-enMt tpiarter ofHaitl K«-ction twelve, July the Rein.seiis and the Van Rawl- w’cnt on he tried many times to get a ami the seventh b**iiig the tihakesix?are HIRES Rootbecr con ­ all ill towiiHhlp hIx , north ol range tbri*e “and your description brings it all hack more definite reply from her, but never went. in Michigan. stons wont to Jelferson, N. II., a small ; again to me. ” button. Tims as I knew tJiat all tlio tains the best herbs, berries D*ifetl .April 21. town along tlie liase of the Pliny range sDceeeded. Still he hugged the cherish­ buttons were in niy jiossession I felt MINKD D. FDI.NK, “Th<‘n the beautiful long twiliglit, ” ed hope to his heart ami waited as pa­ and roots nature makes for Pkiiiu .nh A: Dai .kwin , AHHlgnet*. of mountains, from v, hich a magnificent Dcjracuntiuned, almost unh(H'ding, “tlmt safe. ” :{<;wl-* .AttorneyH for .VHHlgn****. view of the Presidential range, only ten tiently as man could. “But in the second place,” said tlie rootbeer making. Take no . was lovely, islowly these stray bits of Randolph was simply miserable all mile.s away, is to he obtained. About j mist met and joined others, till a.s the detective, “ther*i was a distinct ted on alighting often u.sed tender tones that thrilled liis right ?” all your lake is real water—accumulat- heart. But lie, too, failed to get any­ Detroit and Milwaukee Division. from the stage, which rc:M.hcs the i ed, and tlien* it is At least you can en­ “Mr. Barnes, you tlo.serve to sm^eed, ^ TATi: OF .MH'IIIOAN— Wannibec'k hotel about 8 o ’clock at thing from lier, save f lie old reiiuest that and 1 hope you will. I will ai*l you all I.\ KKFKCT AIA Y llli., fSIMJ. joy that. ” lie should be patient and wait. He, too, night, to be greeted tamiliarly by Mr. He did. But what he enjoyed more that I can. Y’tii| .lu- I - >. bis rival did not intend to lose any her. After a sliort time, however, he yours with you? ’’ -ilfbil Clri'iilt: 5^.2 z c * s c,, • z w’us still burrowing into everything that “Yes, here it is,” saying which he STATIONS. —. = --i 5?-- bte’i: chouco towin the hand of Dora Remsen. was dejirived of that, for Mrs. Remsen 1 lit, iierehy fix ami .Apiiolllt tin* tlmcH of = -3=^5 s C “3 If one has anything of tlio aitistic in seemed to have any coniiec^tioii direct or took it fnini his p*H‘ketbook. holilliig tin* Hfveral Termn i>f Court within claimed his attention, and took him up otlierwise with the mystery or mysteries Halil Circuit for the .vearn IMfn, ami 1MP7. an his nature, ho could scarcely fail to en­ to the ballroom to introduce him to “Keep it a inoiuenr. When Mi-ssReiii- followH; that ballled him. Of one thing he had seii order* *1 th*‘se buttons, she *lin ‘cte«l CLIN'l’ON COUNTY—Flrnt Momlay In Feb- joy himself at JefTenson. The town is some of the many young women who niarv; I'oiirtli .Momlay In April; Lant .Mon- a. III. p. III. p. in. I>. ni. satisfied him.self beyond all doubt. That that a tiny initial .'•liouhl he adroitly DKTDOIT... Lv in.'t AO.!-, H OO 104.6 practically a single road, well up the were dancing with eacii other and with diiy in .lime; Sei-oml Momlay In November. Mil waukee.lct.. side <»f the mountain range. Thus the was that Mr. Fisher had not been im­ carvetl in the hair of eueli of the Romeo (’JD.A’I'IOT COU.NTY—S«-coml Mtmilay in ll.’I’J 4 2.’’, s I.!", 11 o.*; boys of 14 for want of la^tter partners. plicated ill the train robbery. His spy Mari-li; Flrnt .Momlay In .lune; SeeomI Slon- p. III. a III. hotels all look out over a long and beau­ ami Juliet button.s. In the former she ilay in Septeiiibi-r; Flrnt .Momlay In Decem­ Pontiac ...... 1217 .->07 8 .'H 1 21.6 If Mr. Thauret annoyed Mr. Ran­ had found tliat he had been absent from tiful valley From the pi.i//a of tlio order*!*l an ‘R. ’ She calls me Roy. And ber. Holly ...... |i. III. dolph by being at this re,sort, tiie latter the city during three days at the time S. D. DADOf.L. 1 .M P ;ip 1 14 Waumbeck,* on a ch ar day, no than gentleman was none the more pleased at in the others a ‘Q. ’ I call her Queen. Clri'iiit .1 mige. 2'.M b .1 mlit-ialCIri'iilt, .Michigan Duraml...... 2 (Ml (1 .Ml 2 1.1 of the crime, hut this very fact had been Dateil tlctoher 2S, IH'l.-i. 1 1 OwoHHO .let...... ; 36 mountain peaks can bo easily count ­ This would e.scape onliiiary observation, St. JobiiH ...... ■J 7 :io _ - ^ a 0.6 his arrival. Being left alone with Dora, shown to be his safeguard. a O.’’, M (M zCz: .1 .68 ed, the (irecti mountuius over in Ver­ and construing Jier pre.sent mood to be bat once seeing it with a lens one may Ionia ...... a ’>7 s.'A.'A .6 08 mont l)(‘ing visible as u distant lino of By some skillful work the man dis ­ readily fiml it with the nuked eye after one favorable to his wooing, he deter ­ covered that during that time ho had Lowell ...... 4 2.- P 24 =“ 9 blue and not in the total. mined to spj'uk to her before the other w’ar*l. Now take this lens ami examine Grand DafildH.. r, or, loo.r-, - ^ J Of course tlie conspicuoits and simply been oft ’ shooting ducks in a part your button, just at of the hair, G. D. & I. Jet... 10 loop * man might find a chance. Moving his of the country where it would have THE AKIHReOfl ROAD Ferrynbiirg ...... *■> H> 11*10 t3 most admired peak is Mount Washing­ chair nearer hers, he began, getting to near the ms’k. So! What do von find? ” Grand Haven... <■> 1.', 1 to.', -7. ’^ ton. One who has not visited the region been impexssiblefor liim to bean accom ­ •-FOR— Chicago .St'r lv p. Ill. his subject without much circunilocn- plice. This simple fact should not liave G. Hav*-ii p <10 might suppose tliat he would soon be­ tion. Chh-ago .St'r. ar a. III. come sated with the siglit of the same been hard to discover were it not that Northern Michigan, Ohio and Chli-agi, t> 00 “Miss Dora, ’’ said he, “do you recall Fisher had kept his trij) a .secret. This .MIIwa'k**eSt ’r fi. la mountains day after day. This is a great u conversation that I liad with you one lv G. Haven I P 00 error. All the mountains, ami esiiecially for some time puzzled the dotective, but all Southern Points. day? I mean about loneliness and the flnaliy he followed him out of the city, r*>uld Not Weaken Such Testimony Mount Washington, are ever jiresetiting longing one has for companionship? ” Dlri*<-t Co,iiK*<-tloiiH at OwoHHo ,liin(-tlon ami new aspects. All cliang( ‘s of atmosphere and practically accompanied him on a As This. Duriimi with D. O. II. At .M. D y Tralnn. KASTAVAHD. “Oh, yes,” said slie frankly ; “why? similar outing, after which he learned produce corre.sponding variations. The (From thf Kalamazoo Telegraph.') Tln»« Tal>le. Do you wish to continue it now? ” that his si.ster was morbidly opposed to shadows of pa.-sing clouds, the effects at “If you You remember you The following statement is one of gr*/Ht Ill effet-t .November .’Iril. 1 HP.",. all killing, whether for sport or for a to many a citizen of Kalamazoo, or at sun-ct, the moonlight, the said you would be better able to do so (IftINti NOKTII—Lv. Diirniiil. STATIONS. liveliliood. It was to humor tliis idea jiiul a man as well known as Mr. Walla*-*- ;»:IO .4. AI...... Mild...... «:.*iO I*. >I partly cloudy weatlicr when the top of after your sister’s marriage. ” that her brother made his excursions in should carry more than onlinary weight For Klsle, .AHliley, Ithaca. ,St. Lou Ih, .Alma, the mountain is hidden, the mists ami “ I thought that I would witli our r*-a*lcrs. Here it is as taken .Mf. Pb-aHiint, Clare, Cailillac ami Frankfort the rain, all offer such totally dilTnciit secret. The spy learned from the man ill. in. miss her so mucli and be lonely myself, from wlioui the dogs were liired that I*. .A| |Milwaukc(* ...... ! p OO was not that it? Well, of course I have Mr. Fisher had used them in December. arti.stiu eye is never liretl. missed Queen very much, but I have a iiieiuher of the firm *»f J. A. Wallace *.tr For Howell, .Ann .Arbor, .Milan, Ttdeilo anil a. Ill, a. ni. a. 111. p. III. Dora was an artist in every fiber of So that left him ont of the .score, or at Co., doing as tinners, etc., at 106 all Southern PoiiitH, Granil Haven 1. 7 10 ,6 40 P OO 2 lO 0 OO scarcely been lonelj\ You have taken least so it seeim'd. It was still possible 11. DKNNKT'r. G. I*. A, Tol**tlo. Old* Ferrynbiirg ...... 7 1.* .644 P 0.6 2 1.' *> 04 her being, as one would know who lis­ care of that, and I am sure that I am I J* ‘imor Street, Kalamaz*x>, in which city 1 that he was implicated in the ruby rob ­ r* ‘sid*-. For the past nine *)r t**n moiit lis G D & I Jet...... I H 12 0 100.6 tened to her talking to Mr. Hamlolpli very grateful to you. You have been Grand DapIdH..! , 0 4.6 1020 bery, though, save that he was present, I have Ih**‘ii having attacks of kidm*y *-*»m- half an hour after his arrival, as they I.OW*‘ll...... ' 7 1.6 10.66 very nice to me. ’’ [ilaiiit, the pain in my ba*-k over my liips fhe COAST LINE to MACKINAC sat together on the ])ia/./.u. In his (io- there seemed notliing against tiiin. Mr. “You think so? You admit that?” Barnes did not entirely leave him ont was very .severe at times; my urinary .sys- TAKE THE Ionia ...... 4 28 light to be with her and to hear her, he He spoke eagerly. t*'in was als*> in a had state of *l*-range- would have forgotten the very existence of the account. St. .lohiiH...... ; .6 20 “Why, yes! Why not, since it is Tims practically the detective made iiient, sometim*-s the urine was.s*-aiity and OWOHHO .let...... <5 OC of Mr. Thauret were it not that ho .sat true?” tlien again tiie amount. w*>nl*l l)*!ex*M'ssiv*;, a. no progress, and was chagrined to bo anti pa3.sag*i Dura ml...... : .6 p ;l6 near tliem in the rotunda at tlio end of “Of course, but then you know bo a ilitllenlty *)f always c.xisted. Holly ...... i .6 1014 the ]iiaz7,a, and .«o .sliared tlie eiitertain- compelled to admit it. Finally, how­ I heard *)f Dixan's Ki*ltiev Fills at a time Pontiac ...... ’ 0 io.6a many young ladie.s hide their feelings. ever, ail idea occurred to him, upon nient that she offered. I mean suppression of all emotion is when i felt that I was going to lx; sick, I .Alll’kee .fcf...... 7 1 l.S2| which the more ho dwelt the more fas­ hut tli* ‘ir warded off an attack, and I DKTDOIT....Ar‘ 7 11.6()l “ Wliat a pity, ” she wiis saying, “that considered bo ueccBsary in a woman in cinated ho lH*came with it. To put it am n*)W feeling very much Ixitter; the I sa*-ChnlrCar, Duffet Car and Sleeping Car yon did not come up yesterday. Yon these days. ’’ .ServI e. into practice, liowever, lie felt that ho urinary organism has regained a normal have missed the grandest sights that “Suppression! ” and she laughed Kantward, No. 12 liiiH Pullman .Sleeper and mnst await the return of Mr. Mitchel. rondition, an*l tlic terrific pain in my hack CLEVELAND DutTet .Chicago to Detroit. .No. 14 han Parbir mortal ever beheld. I suppose on your heartily. “Now ’ do yon think that I TO Ho thought he would injure his cause is much reduced in severity, while ills now I IhifTet Car, Grand Hav* ‘n to Detroit. trip up you saw nothing bountiful in could ever be suppressed? ” fast going away altogether. I am con ­ I No. 18 IwiH Parlor Car, Grand Dnpida the rainstorm that we had this after­ by seeking him and so disturbing him tinuing tlic use of Doan ’s Khliiey Fills, MACKINAC. (to Detroit. No. 82 hiiH Hh*eper from flrand “No, indeed, and certainly I hope daring his pleasure trip. Daiilda to Detroit noon? ” that yon never will be. But if you have with |x>sitive feeling that they will effect Weatwarfl, No, 11 Iihh Chair Car. Detroit The Mitchelsdid not keep their prom ­ to Grand DatddH. No. 1.6 haa Parlor Dufret “Nothing whatever, ” said Mr. Ran­ not been lonely, perhap.s yon have *111 me a permanent and sixictly cure. I ise to go to the White iiiountaius, but, have unlxiunded confidence in Doan's 2 New Steel Passenger SteamersCar. Detroit to Grand Haven .No. l-y dolph. “However it may have been here thought some of that other subject, love, haa P1111 in a n DII fT«*t .Sleejier Det rol 11 o Cli Icago . on the contrary, prolonged their west­ Kidney Pills as a remedy for all ki*lney haOrcstatt Perfection yet ■ttalne*! In BonI .No. 81 haH Hleeper from Detroit to Grand among the mountains, the rain did not I mean. ’’ ^nctructlon— Luxurious liquipment. Artistic ern travel, so that it was November be­ ailments; have good reason to be, as they ItapIdN. make the valleys more attractive. In­ “Oh I That!” ^urnletaing. Decoration und Etiicisnt Service, K. H. HCGHKS, DKN. FLKTCHKD, fore they were at home again and tem­ have done so much for me.” nauring the highest degree of AHHt. <}. P. and r. A. Trnv. Pnaa, Agent. deed I thonght it simply a beastly day. ” “Y’es. That is one question, snprome porarily quartered at the Fifth Avenue. (’an you ask any m»)re than this? Doan ’s ::onFORT, speed and safety . Chlrago “What a mistake that you were not to me, about which I wish to have yonr Kidney Pills are relieving more hacks of THOMAS HDOM LEY. Agent. St. Johns, A few’ days after, Mr. Barnes sent np Fouo Trips pfr WtiK Betwien here instead of in the horrid cars. Why, 111*! burdens they have been for*'e*l to h**iir views. Do yon think you would be hap­ his card, and, as usnal, was cordially I tell you that I haven’t words with pier or unhnppier—if you were ruur- through the kidneys than all other means received. Foledo, Detroit / Mackinac which to down be the magnificent pic- Ded? ’’ devise*!, annu AND DULUTH. tnres that I have enjoyed. Yet I am “That is a question. It wonid depend F*»r lM06-f)fl. ed Mr. Mitchel, grasping the detective wlio lias ever taken them an*! sec what th*!y LOW RATES to Plctureoque Mackinac end upon —my husband, would it not? ” Datum. Including Heala end Bertha. Prom Schedule of Teacher’e KxamlnatlonH In about to try. You must not lose it all, warmly by the hand. will say. yon know. May I tell you about it?” “Suppose that we were”— Cleveland, Si8; from Tuleda, Sigi from Oatrolti Cllnt*>n county Ih an followa: “No, Mr. Mitchel. I am sorry to say Doan ’s Kidney Pills for sale by all d*>al- lij.So. High Hchool room, St. Johnn, third Tlinra- “Assuredly. I shall be delighted. ” “Don't call names, please. I conldn ’t that I am utterly nuable to prove any er’s, price, 60 cents. Mall***! by Foster- EVERY EVENING day and Friday, AugiiMl lb and 1*1, 18P.6. “Well, then, to liegin. Look ont over suppose such a thing I have promised High Hchool ro*rm, iH-AVItt, third Thnraday of my theories about that. But I have ^lilburn Co., Buffaki, N. Y., 8*)le agents Between Detroit and Cleveland and Friday. Octoher 17 ami 18. 18<.».6. the valley. What do you see?” not to. ” for the U. S. R<'memlx:r the name, iMin’s, High Hchool room, St. .lohiiH.laMt Thnraday come to a set determination, and one Connecting at Cleveland with Karlieat Traint "The moonlight shedding a beautiful “Promise*! not tex I don ’t under ­ and take no other and Frblay. March 2d and *27, 18pd. that to yon may 8e<*m a iieculinr one. I for all points Kaat. South and Sonthweat and a| Court hoUHc, St. Johna, Inat Thuradny and stand? ” Detroit for all points North and Northwest, ray over the laj^e. ’’ have come to ask your assistance in the Friilny, .liinc 2.6 an*! 2*5, 18P<5. " Exactly,’’said Dora, laughing heart­ “I mean that I have made abet. You iundai Trips iuna, luly, Auguti and Septambtr Only. My order of the boarcond graii|ih Syrup. 'f»*t«*i* tiood. Ci grar. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infauts fore the artilicial break ten days ago, gress. So here he is. w'ere badly shocked. The building w'as some weeks past that (he time was not wheat and cotton are in better de ­ far distant when the United States, in Well, in his younger days Cy rather and Children. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor badly damaged. mand, and there Is more confidence in w'andered from the path that led to the other Narcotic substance* It is a harmless substitute A terrific rain, wind and thunder the interest of its citizens and human­ monetary circles, and the tendency to ­ church in which the rest of the family storm visited Toledo, Ohio, at 2 o ’clock ity, might find it necessary to inter­ for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing S>Ttips, and Castor Oil. ward shrinkage in great industries w'orshlped. He had wild cats to sow Sunday afternoon. Victor Monimee, a vene. seems In some measure, at least, to be “Ever since congress adjourned I’ve and he sowed them. While engagexl In It is Pleasant* Its guarantee is thirty years* use by well-known farmer, was instantly checked. While the outcome of the been keeping my eye on the adminis ­ this occupation the salvation-army Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays killed by lightning. Grove Collins and democratic convention Is uncertain, tration, expecting It to play a card in family sought refuge in a shed, and people came to town. They held their feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, the Cuban affair so It could get entire and the great crops aie not yet wholly were knocked unconscious by a bolt meetings upon the street corners and of credit for the results. The reports cures Diarrhoea- and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve.s beyond danger, a sure and strong im­ striking the building. A great deal of course they gathered crowds. Thus it said to be en route to the United States teething troubles, cures constipation and liat^iieney. provement could hardly be expected, damage to buildings, orchards, fruit happened that one day the police came from Gen. Lee may hasten the com ­ but the tone in business circles has trees, etc., is reported from all sections along and a^ested the;n—carried off Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach mencement of the game. ” This state­ grown distinctly more hopeful. of the county. lads and lasses to the station house. ment was made by Senator Morgan, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas­ “Wheat receipts at the west, 2,418,- More than twenty passengers on two The news of the arrest ''ame to Cy as chairman of the subcommittee of the toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. 766 bushels for the week, against 1,- open trolley cars were Injured Sunday he sat up in his bam of an office, and it foreign relations committee of the sen­ 113,143 bushels last year, indicate no night in a peculiar accident at Frank- made his big heart feel sad. He wasn’t Blackening of supply, nor fear of farm­ ate. Senator Morgan is bitter against religious, you know, but he had enough Castoria. Castoria. ford, a suburb of Philadelphia. One of the president because he does not think ers for the future. Atlantic exports, 2,- the cars was returning from and the sympathy to take in all the world. “ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil­ “Castoria Is sowed adapted tochilclr'n ‘hat 406,496 bushels, flour included, for the that official treated the senate fairly in “It doesn ’t seem to me to be quite dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend it as superior to any prt.i.. i. r-on other going to a near-by pleasure park. the Cuban matter. The senator con ­ week, against 1.393,781 bushels last They ran on parallel tracks. Both were right,” n'i”=ed Cy, in his quiet, honest good efifeet upon their children.” known to me.” tinued: II. A. A rc::-:’. V.. I\, year ,are large for the season, but with so crowded that many of the passen­ way. “These people liave as much Dr . G. C. Osgood , “In any event all the president can f ____ Lowell, Muss. 111 So. Oxtord St., brookr a. Y. new wheat just beginning to move, the gers stood on the sideway footboard right to worship God in their way as supply is ample. lawfully do is to grant belligerent •* Castoria Is the best remedy for children of and when the cars attempted to pass rights to the Cubans. He can not di ­ I have to worship him in mine. I think "Our physicians in the ctnldre:-, & d. “The advance in cotton had no vis­ each other at a rapid rate of speed a I will go down and see them.” which 1 am acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their f ible cause in crop prospects of move ­ rect armed intervention without au­ far distant when mothers will consider the ence in their outside practice witli jam resulted. thorization by congress. If he diI^I farm. At school 1 learned an early habit, which tion, makes his position clear as re­ of Floyd county for congress. is gone, all of June 19 and 20 taxes. ease among his patients to parrots, felt • weakened me) physically, aezuallysexually and men tally. Family doctors eaid 1 was going The democratic congressional con ­ into ‘decline ’ (cousumption.) Finally ‘The Golden Monitor, ’ edited by Dre. Kennedy gards his decision to remain in this The county clerk’s safe was not constrained to reopen the old contro ­ A Kergan, fell into my banda. 1 learned tbe TRUTH and the CAUSE. Self-abuse country instead of going to Europe, vention of the first Georgia district re­ touched and his records were saved. versy and so effectual has been his had sappM my vitedity. I took tbe New Method Treatment and was cured. _ My friends think I was cutm of consumimotion. I have sent them many patients, of and concludes by saying that he is not nominated Congressman Rufus El. Les­ It will cost Sheridan county about demonstration of this channel for con ­ whom were cured. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and a presidential possibility; that he ter for a third term. $20,000 to rei>air the loss and put the tagion that the love of the Parisians manhood.' “would not run if nominated and The executive committee of the dem ­ records where they were. No clew' has for their gayly plumaged pets has un­ “This terrible blood disease was in my system for eight ocratic congressional committee of the years. Had taken mercu^ for two years, but the disease would not serve if elected. ” On the been found to the perpetrators of the dergone complete revulsion. The sale S5 returned.SYPHILIS Eyes,1, pimplpimples and blotches on the skin, ulcers in the month and on financial question he says: fifth district has called the nominating deed and excitement is high. of perruches has consequently dwindled tongue, bone pains, falling ont of bai^ weakness, etc. My brother, who had been curra of Gleet and Stricture by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. recommended them. “Is is a question not what we wish, convention for July 29 at Brazil, Ind. down to next to nothing and to make They cored me in a tew weeks, and 1 thank God 1 consulted them. No return of the but what we are able to do. A strong IlPHvy K4iiHas \>liett Crop. matters worse the desire to get rid of disease in six years.’’—W. P. M., Jackson. crime . man may undertake a task too great Chicago, June 22.—E''rom returns the discredited birds has led to im­ I 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. for his strength and break down. It Two of the three men who murdered furnished from every county in Kan­ mense numbers being thrown upon the Q|^a|>rni Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplating cannot be denied that the feeling Jacob Hayes and Edward Paul at sas, in answer to inquiries, the total market, causing an unprecedented glut. nilrlLlifbni marriage? Has yoor blood lieon diseased? Have yon any weakness? OoT New Method Treatment will core yon. What it has done for others it will do for among our people is that this free Wyoming, Minn., Saturday morning w'heat yield is found to amount to —London Lancet. yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest coinage by the United States alone will are now lying in the Minnesota state about 43,000,000 bushels. That is al­ opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.—“The Golden Monitor” Miniatures on Dinner Cards. (Qlastrated). on Diseases of Men.Inelose i>ostage, 2 cents. Healed. not .give us the gold and silver money prison and the third is dead at North most double the quantity produced in EF-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI­ at a parity with each other (which is Branch, having been killed there by the same state the year previous. It The miniature craze has gone so far VATE. No medicine sent C.O. D. No names on boxes or envel­ the assumption upon which it is that today even the dinner card has a opes. Eve^thlnff oonfldentlal. Question list and cost of officers while trying to escape. also exceeds the average yield of the Treatment FREE. ______taken), but will bring us to silver mon ­ In the case of the State of Nebraska last five years, which include the phe­ miniature head for ornamentation. ometallism and a change in our stand ­ against J. C, Williams, president of the nomenally heavy crop of 1892. It is Some cards are about four inches NO.I48SHELBY ST. ard of value, and that change, it is be­ Blue Springs bank, the jury, after 9,000,000 bushels more than w'as re­ square and have in the upper left-hand DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN, DETROIT, MICH. lieved, means immediate ruin to our being out seven hours, returned a ver­ ceived during the season of 1894-95 at corner a miniature head in colors to industries and no permanent good to dict of guilty. The charge against Mr. the four principal winter wheat mar­ match the decorations. The name is anyone. This feeling is general and Williams is that of making false en­ kets and 16,000,000 bushels in excess of written across the card in gold. When the decorations of the dinner table are intense. tries upon the books of the bank for the quantity reported at the same four “Personally, it is my opinion, if the fn delicate colors cards are made of the purpose of defrauding the stock ­ principal winter wheat markets since democratic party goes on that platform ribbons harmonizing in tint, about holders. There are four other indict ­ July 1—almost a year ago —to the pres­ at this time, it will meet the most dis ­ eight inches in width, with miniaturr ments against him, on which he is to ent date. DR. HATHAWAY & CO.^ astrous defeat that any party has ever be tried. heads occupying the upper portion and The RELtABLB SPECIALISTS Regular Graduates in MedMtie, Authoriaed by the SteOis ^ had in this country. I undersand it is The butchers of Omaha, Kansas City the name written vertically below. A Six National Banks for Financial Reference, thousands of Cured Patients all aver the United States Npw Trlul fop Khitfrpr. sa to our professionlal ability. All businesa conducted on a strictly professional basis and strlctl]F honestly believed in and people think and Sioux City held a competition skin­ pretty idea was carried out recently confidential. Consultation Free at office or by mail. Treatment sent everywhere free (rosi Peoria, Ill., June 22.—Judge Worth­ it will bring relief from their present ning match at Council Bluffs Sunday. at a reunion dinner given by a Scotch Chservetlon. No interference with businesa wnile using medicines. 4 troubles, but between now and election Several thousand persons attended. 'The ington this morning granted a new family. In place of the cards there Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility; trial to Simon Shaffer, the Chicago (Spermatorrkaaand /mpofenry) caused by youthful follfesandexcesse^j day it will be pretty thoroughly sifted affair culminated in a riot. The entire were tiny booklets, decorated on the producing nervousness, losses, pimples and blotcbea on tbe face, rushes and the people of this country will not police force was required to quell the Democratic representative in the last cover with purple Scotch thistle and of blood to tbe head, pains in tbe back, confusikl Ideas and forgetfut-, legislature, who was found guilty last ness, basbfulness. averslo'^ to society, loss of sexual power, loss oi man- face the disturbances of values, the affair. Thomas Brown was fatally the family coat of arms, the inside ho^, etc., cur^ for life. We can stop night loasea. restoro lost sexual loss of confidence, the general distress month of attempteank Kane dangerously hurt cover being used for the name of the parts and make you fit for marriage. .-■■■■ . • and ruin which would come to their and probably two dozen more or less grounds for a new trial are a defective guest. The autograph of each of the CvrrtfvflSc that terrible disease. In all its forms and stages cured Indictment, the admission of improper oypilllla, forlife. Blood Poisoning. Skin Dlseasea. Ulcers.Swel­ business interests in such a change in injured. party was written in each of the tiny lings, Sores, Oonorrhoea & Gleet, and all forms of Private Diseases cured- their standard of value as would arise evidence, etc. Shaffer’s former bonds ­ booklets and taken away as a souve ­ Q4-«*lr*d'i*t4Al>s(teanUy cured without caustic or cutting. Nqpain. City Marshal Scott Reese of North wU IVI.aUi 4r Qo exposure. Patient can use the treatment at home. from such action. And it will, in my Baltimore, 0., was killed instantly men asked to be released, but he furn ­ nir. I saAteas ve euri those delicate diseases peculiar to your sex. at opinion, overwhelm the persons who early Sunday morning while attempt­ ished a new Imnd for $2,000, w'hlch was lisitUlvd, your own home without Instrum^pls.* Many cured after Maine tllrl’s Pet Pig. other doctors have failed. Can give you proofa ws ^ undertake it.” ing to arrest three robbers whom he accepted by the court. The case will DfsAtsma'f 2erk«Tbc Great French Rheumatic Cure.^A SURE CURE. The greatestdlscov- be heard at the October term. A Saco, Maine, girl hex? a pet pig TvI1vlllllQl>l9lll ery in the annals of medicine. One dose gives relief; a few doses remove silver Is DofAMtAd In Florldn. caught in the act of breaking into the which she leads about the streets of tiiat fever and pain fn Joints —a cure Is boUnd to take place. Send staicmcnl of case. . R/wvl^ for both sexes, 64 pages, with full description of above diseases, the cnMts and cure, In the Florida democratic state con ­ village postofflee. He ordered them to town as other girls sometimes lead a DvUlk gealM In plain wrapper free. Read this little book and send for Sytqptoin Blank. No. 1 Triimitiill V«ry vention at Ocala, Wednesday, the threw up their hands, whereupon one poodle. The pig is young, and pretty or Men L no . 2 for Women : No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. - 4 Chicago, June 22.—No specific change ‘■td no chancet obtain fho best by conwltinglho Leading Soecialists in thoUnilodStatM free sllverites were beaten on of the robbers fired. Bloodhounds as pigs go, and wears a broad bow of 5 from Kenton, O., were places! on the W'as noted in Judge Lyman Trumbull’s point, though by a narrow margin. scarlet ribbon about Its neck. It ambles DR. HATHAWAY & CO. T skillT 1 scent within a few hours. The scent condition to-day. Dr. Holmes, the fam­ HONESTY The committee on resolutions voted 23 along contentedly as a poodle would, 70 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL, li—i—aasnlJ led to a swamp a half mile out of town, ily physician, called at an early hour to 22 sigalnst free silver and in favor of except when its mistress’ walks take where all trace was lost. this morning and found his patient referring all financial questions to the it past an inviting puddle, when there very low', but could discover no indica ­ national convention for determination. After but a few momenta deliberation is usually a sharp and noisy struggle tion of any change either for the better a jury in the Campbell county, Ky., for a minute or two before the porker or the worse. ST. JOHNS LAUNDRY, Flnmbenn Parade at Cblca^o. Circuit court Thursday adjudged can be persuaded to pursue its prome ­ S. W. II The Topeka Dem. E'Hambeau club Alonzo A, Walling guilty of the mur­ nade. K. W. AXdKR. Proprietor. will attend the national convention at der of Pearl Bryan, and fixed his pen­ Servli»ii4 Hii'l Montenegrins Klcht. Chicago, accompanied by a band. The alty at death. BolRrade, Juno 22.—A Berlous ronfilnt Cnln Dxy for • Vetrritn Fqnine. OLDEST IN CLINTON COUNTY club has accepted invitations to join In a jail delivery at Greenville, Ohio, Yiafl’taken plane between Servian offl- UNDERTAKER. tbe clubs of Springfield and Kansas clals and Monteneg:rln.<: at Kursamllja. There is a horse in Greenville, Ohio, two dangerous criminals, Edward that has been driven between the town Kin?* work on City, Mo., Denver, Helena, and Ot­ Bathwlck and John Cutllpp, made Several per-sons were killed and wound- and the railroad station to carry the I.ACK CIIKXAINJS tumwa in a grand parade in Chicago good their escape. ellnl4ter l{N IIOMK .Miss (!(*rti** .Mahan of (Jre**nville, is vis- only attached to printed Money Box July 4th to July Mi>. Kr»*il Kutipii in Ktciif her brothers here. loth. f l*ruyt*r ito “‘‘tiiivr ut Mr. Shroyrr'n \\t*ii- Fdwin Fenin*ll of St. .lohtis, was an iirndiiy eviMiiiitf. Klsie visitor Saturday. riiililreirn day han Ih***u postponed .Mrs. T. Steadman and childien are vis­ until Sunday, -Inly '<111. iting her parents in Lyons. Semi-Annual Invenlorv Sale. Aid nociary iiiaf'tH with .Mrn. Fanny c Doty Thuiniiay. July 2d. Frank Doling of .Vlma, visited his uncle. L. D. Dounie, last we<*k. Mary Howard liun noia* to Ovid for a Bargains ill Hvcr\' Dcpartniciit, Stock Must he Keducetl liy Ju In ’ 1st, One Ke\' with lyvery Fifty two \v»***kM vinit with n*lativt*«. .Miss Ded»>Sickh*s of Owosso, is spend- ini' tin* vacation with her parents. Cent purchase until July 4-th, which entitles the liolder to as many clianccs Kzni Finch and family, of Ovid, wen* calling; on frieudn .Satiinlay and Sunday. Kev. A. .McKwen and wife of ()\id. on oiir $100.00 money prize as lie liolds Keys. spent Sunday with friends in Klsie. .1, T. Thoinpnon went to Tol**do, Ohio to wf F. O. I.oomis. The!. O. O. F. hold their im*morial servic(*s at tin* Daptist church m*xt Sun­ yard. 1 nventory price until July 1 st per vard ^1 ^1 ^1 12'j and 1 ."m*. The Y.I’.S.tM'. will meet at seven p. m. day. Castors Whitaker and llolnn's an* Sunday. .Miss Lulu Uussell It>ader, .Mil- the sp(*ak«>i‘s, dreil \V.*idmau. r> adiim. I’rt'achinj'aftcr league serviee. .Mrs. C. W. Hill n*<*eived word .Monday Laundried Shirt Waists-^"^^ oftln*d**ath of ln*r sister livimt m*ar Mr.-. It. I). Vntema returned to her Davidson. Sin* w(*nt the first of tin* Could take up our entire ad vertisiiijj: space telling yon alioiit tlicm and then not do justice to the stock. home in Holland last Thursday, aceom- W(H*k to atfend the funeral. (mmpanied by lier sister, .Miss Doll The kimh*r^art(*n was oji(*m*d .Monday A ten minutes’ inpcctlon will impress you more tlian columns of description. Just lour lots, however, this Imomis, who will r«*mam for several niornini; with about a dozen litth* tots time thev’ll talk. wwkfi. in attt*ndanct*. It is worth omy tinn* to The new sexton will he lound at Henry step III mid look the little om*s ov(*r. Lot 1, Choice of any ode waist for Saturday Inventory Price...... d5e Darrett’s with a stout jiair of hands and H..L Fatter.son and H. Walbridi'i* of Lot 2, Choice of any $1.00 waist for Saturday Iiueiitory Price...... 7oe a williuu heart. .\ll his work will be St. .iohiis. address»*d the piMijile here on done jiroruptly ami satisfactory. .Mother bimctalism Saturday eveiiiiu'. .V club Lot d. Choice of any $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 for Saturday Inventory Price...... and babe .loiiiK well. has not y(*t be«*ii ori'aiiiz(*d but a (Miin- Lot 4, Choice of anv $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 lor Saturdav Inventory Price...... $1.49 mittei* was appointed to se** about such lll'|{||.\KI>.sTON. an organization. This is away beiow cost. .Miss Ksther Wells is on the sick list. Val. 'riiomas, our ^'eiiial druK derk, Miss Nora .Mitchell is in Detroit this mad(* a visit to Jackson Sunday and' Choice of any Summer Cape, worth $5.00 to $0.50, inventorv I Vice...... $1.4*9 this week. .Monday returning Tin*sday evening, Ladies’ Bicvcle Sweaters, worth $2.50 ...... $1.39 Kdd Fulmer of .St. Louis, called on bringing with him a new lady whom he friends in tviwn Friday. e.\]»e< ts to be his ln*lpniate through lih*. 'Phey will make tln*ir home in the house Mrs, .\. 11. I’olby and daught<*r Hattie, just south of -Mrs. D. Fulh*r’sresidem***. T. BROMLHY, Jr. Wni. 11. FIELD. vi.sit«*d in Lyons last week. 1). G. vSTEHL. Hinl Cliirk of t'arson City, was the Kl'KKKA. ( LOTHIXi; l>El\\irniENT. puwt of .\da llou)^htolin|i: last week. Clara Dark orn* of Kiireka’s most Mr. North of itwosso, was the);uest of estiniabh* young ladies died .lune 2oth Mrs. .Mary Lusk .Saturday and .Sunday. after a most painful and ling<*ring illm*ss Miss Kttn .Stoddard of Ca«t- of whooi>in>; eouj 4h. were h(*ld at the Kvangelical church, kind tlie economical huyers desire. Durial at ID a. ni. Tuesday. U(*v. F. Schiirer assist**'! bs D**vs. Henry .Miss .\llie Dennett went to Fortland and .'SH ami pric** (•*)Uibiii**ularitv is th** foumlatioii of our imm* ‘iis(> trail**. 'Phose <*rcis«‘s .Miss Hope and .\nna 1'homas, with a fine boy Saturday last. .Moth»*r former 11 iibhardston K'' l'‘» jtraduated ami child doing well. i)r. Cost, of.St. there this year. .lohiis was in att**mlaiic(*. 'I'll' .Methodist church was struck by MEN'S BLUE liifhtiiiiiK Satiird.iy. .Vlthoiiirh the jia- SOI Til Oi.IVK. )ierund phist-r .'iiound the chimney is .\ much needed rain visited this jilace badl\ torn, no ureat damajre w;is (lone .Sunday morning. SUITS AT $ 10.00 as the heavy rain prevented fin*. .Miss (Jrac** Norris, of Lansing, visit**d For iastam***. b*>at th*'world for worth. \V** guar!•** 's any fading wt-’ll .Married, at (Iraml Dapids, at thehoim* In-r part*nts in Oliv** .Sunday. r**j»Ia***' t In* stiif. W ** mr*aii the 1D suits. of tin* brid(*'s p.irents, Mr. and Mrs. The farmers will hav** to hustle to g**t Hamilton, James Dedner and .Miss Mary tln*ir haying dom* before wln*at harv(*st. SPCJTLXTVJCEn OXJTr-ITS. . . Hamilton. .\t nofui Saturday .Mr. and .Mrs. l{»*dner came to Hnbbardston for a .Mr. and .Mrs. .leroiin* Dills attended few day's visit with the parents and the |»ioin***r gathering at Ledly Fark 'Ph<* kiml III >fh**rs delight in. Fr**tty wash suits, so **ool ami c.mifortfibl**. iiiaki*s th** liltl** f**llo\v happy, too. friends of the irrouui. \ r(*c'*ption at th(* Saturday. (hDTIIINb Fri«***s HO l*»w **v**rv l»oy should h.ive *»m*. In furuishiiigs w** offer tfi** tim*st line iiiuigitiab!**. Kv**ryt liiiig in t h** hoiin* of Doyd Ifedrier was j;iv(*n in th(*ir .Mrs. Will. Dills went to Dattle Cr(*ek lf or lioy, you Had it lu'ie, and save yoarsi'lf im)m*y. ami bananas wi :• serve.1. .Mr. and .Mrs. lM*ing treated at tin* sanitarium. I{»*din*r's many friends wi.-h tln*m joy Your scrilM* att<*mle(l tin* graduating without end in tln*ir futun* home at **X(*rcises at Di'witt 'I'uesday «*vening, (ii!D('Ei!V i»i:i’.\iitmi:nt . Datth* t ’i(*ek. .liiin* D*. 'Pin* program was nic**ly<*ar- ried out. .Muchcr(*dit is dm* tin* teacln*rs KlI.KV and Frof. Smith, and D(*witt nin^ ’ wt*ll Subscriptions for Tin; Ni:ws can 1m* feel proud of the high school juipils. h*ft at t h»* postottice. Doy .Millar, of Wat*rrown, visited at \VACOI ST.V. Well, well, well Mr. Farmer Henry Doss ’ Sunday. Dorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Kdward C*>oley, Charh*s Dane and wife, *)f Fowler vis­ .1 line 2(1, a boy. I ited fri(*mlH in Kilcy >''iind,iy. Haying is most ov**r in this m*ighbor- How do you do. Vou didn’t know that we had moved our ofiiec n«,dit up in ^ Most of «nir farim*rs are haying. hoad. amoii'; our customers, did vou ? we have just the same, so now when you come into > 'Phoiigh b«*tterthan h st y**ar it is not a Our new neighbor, a mil** and a half our store we are liaiidv hv and ready to ^j:reet you and answer your (piestions as to S big crop. W(*st from Wacoiista, is building a m*w iirices etc. and we waiit vou to feel tliat we are tryiii^^ to do you^d)0(l in many ways. ^ William Durl<*y who has be(*n sick for kitcln*n on his lions**. Hoiiii* time lias g.aie north f' Childn*n's dav at tin* Fratt Sunday .Mrs. D**rbyshirt* has r**turned to h**r school was a succ<*ss, thanks to the home in (irand Ledge. showing, ment. Itev. . \ fn- i). T. (■.]!"Mi.i;v, .rr. Wm, II. 1-11:1,11. luisfortuin* but t tliis -eason of tin* yt*ar in-inii, of .N'ew iirk, .\. .1. |)ortUMity. 'Pin* film* is limi***d. w** havt*ciif th** pric**s to COMBINATION s**ll th**iii *pii<*k, so buy now, *lon ’t put it off. Ready :?.’1,.">D Ludi<*H ’ Oxfords, liinck or tiiii, now ...... '^.'l.DD Lmlii's’ Oxfonls, blm'k or Ian,now ...... S2.2.> 24 pound H. E. Gran. Sugar $1.00 .'?2.."»D La*li**s ’ Oxfonls, bim k or tan, now ...... #2.DD #2.DO i.,adi* ‘s' Oxfonls, black or tau, now ...... ’ For Our .'*1..'»D Ladi**s' Oxfords, tdack or fan, now ...... 7 bars Acme SoapH!- - - - .25 ifl.DD Ladies ’Ovfords, black or fan, now ...... •'?

?4.DD La«li**s’ Sho**s, tdack or tau, now ...... ^.‘L.aO Lmlics’ Sho**s, black or tan, now ...... Semi-Annual li pound pure ground Pepper .10 #.‘LDD La*li**H ’ .Sho**s, black or tan, now ...... ?2.'b) :?2.riD Ladies ’ Sh*M*s, black or tan, now ...... ?'2.Dd .'*2.00 Lmlics' Sho**s. black or tan, now ...... 'sl.b.i 1 pound Signet Baking Powder .25 ifl.oD Lmlics’ Sho**s, tdack or tan, now ...... !fl 2(» Inventory.

$1..">D Mi'ii’s Shoi's, tdack or tail, now ...... 1 pound best Tea in town for .40 .^I.DD .M**n ’s ,Sh*)**s, tdack or tan, ...... ■"»(» Men’s Sho**H, tdack or fan, now ...... ^f.'l.DO M**irs ,-shoi's, blai’k or fun. now ...... -*2.*'b) To the Lower Prices of $ 2.00 #2..oD .Mi'ii’s .ShiM'B, tdack or tan, now ...... ^“•*1*.* !s2.DD .Men’s Sho**s, Idai k or tan, now ...... BoysX Girls' and Children's Shoes Reduced in FURNITURE. Same Proportion. Substantial Reduction in the Whole Stock. u