THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. Volume VII.—No . 4-.4- ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Jl H, 1896. Whole No . 408 tht'y will not Hiipport lli** ticket because 7413709^ THK NKWM IN HKIKK. NOT HKNKV HKIIKKNOT of the tiiuiiicial platform. There is a F. F Mnrilo(-k sjient Sunday i Wlio was ill Truulile With liU Wife at i HAS LEFT IT stroDK under current #1 feeling, however, troit. u m flcicK I.aiisliiK. and the number of men reported to be .Miss Nellie Darker spent Sunday The Hurry Behrendt, who recently had in .Muir. some trouble at Lansing with nis wife, leaving party ranks and coming out for T. D. Steadman, of Elsie, was in was not Henry Behrendt who has many A. W. DURKEE WITHDRAWS HIS silver is surprising. Thomas Patterson, of Beng:aL y»‘8terduy. tion Committee Wasted No friends in St. -lohns. Owing to the simi­ Miss Stella Baker now rid«‘s a hai. Time. larity of the names Mr. Behrendt thought ALLEGIANCE .ST. .lOHNS I'AKTIKS there might be some misuiiderstunding. Brlngfs Suit. sonn* new wheel. liiteueHted in a Suit in the I'nited Statex Frank Watson (piite severt-ly cn Court. his right foot lust we**k. BUSINESS LOCALS. John W. Clemens has ucet-pted a posi ­ THEIR REPORT TO THE From the Republican Party and Its United States District .\ttorney .V. !'• CHARGING ALIENATION OF HIS WIFE'S E. I. Hull, funeral diret-tor and em- Lvon and Clerk Walter S. Ilarsha wen- tion with the McCormick Co. RD THIS MORNING. Gold Platform. AFFECTIONS. balmer. No. 10, Clinton Ave. Night calls in .\lt. IMeasant last w**ek taking testi­ Mr and .Mrs. (L H. Stet*l arnl Miss Eda answered from my r«*sidence. No. 105. mony ot about 100 farmers who |)ur- are visiting in Ionia this week. Wight St. chased their lands years ago of the Flint E. .\. Travis ami liichard .Moore tool A: I’ere .Manpiette Itailroad Co., the title )0,ooo is the Total Aggre ­ The Milken Truth. Amos Jones, a Nelg:hbor, Is Named as ^t Lape*-r last we<*k, WILL NEITHER SUPPORT MC- to which lands the government is con ­ gate for Clinton. Me might tell a silk story that would testing. The lands were reservation Defendant. Mrs. Isaa«- Holton and daughter Lilli* sound like a fairy tale, yet be but the KINLEY NOR LINTON. lands. They were select*-*! by the rail- have gone north for the summer. truth, \Ye will let our prices do the roa<l comjiany and jirop*-rly certifie*! liy \\ unt(*d —.\ woman for g**neral hous talking for our silk waists. a government official, but his l*-gal right work, Impiire at The News office. Joii.v Hicks . to indors*-those lainls which had b*-en Thirt**en years ago from this wi*ek The Sunday' school of St. Johns chun .d of Supervisors met at the '>.ise Monday morning and L. (L Ladies ’ sun and rain Fmbr«*llas at He Prefers to Remain an Independ ­ h*‘ld in nwt-rve is the question at issue Friday, Thomas I’att*-rson, of B**ngul, will iiicnic at Bound Lake Tm-sday ne> Nearly thirty years have elaps**d since Harriet \'reeliind will giv-*- a bt-ut f Duplain, was elect**d chuirmun. Alliso .v ’s. ent Voter. was joined in (he holy bonds of wedlock ■ anted committees as follows : the transfer, and all over the lands then r**adiiig at Dontiac for tin* (-yclone siiff W ebber M aguer sells 2.4C. suspi-iiders are beautiful homes and splendid farms. with ]ir**tty t'atlierine .Miirpliy at Ionia, ers. itt**** of Eiiualization. —Messrs. Tor lOc. every day in the year. The i-vidence taken is to show the good ^ e -e. West, Hunt**!-, Y«ning and by the Catholic priest. Since that time Fr«*d S. Willinms, of (Jambier, 01; ■ faith of the purchasers or owners, im­ For .Mule or Kent. THE DEBTOR CLASSES MUST CERTAINLY four children have b«*«‘n born to them, the is the guest of .Miss Nelli** Dark*-r t f te<*on Claims—.Messrs. Sehavev, provements madeandgt-neral conditions. oldest being t<*n and the youngest thri-e. week. House, coru«*r Ca.ss and Mead, good BE PROTECTED. The case will lie argued some time this d Butler. barn garden and fruit. For years tin* litth* home life wa.s as B. .M. Sb-el and wife n-turm-d from jtee on Treasury.—Messrs. Mor- summer at l)«-troit. The case has im­ happv as one could wish, so .Mr, I’atter- portant local bearing as many St. .Johns west last night, after a stay of sev 'dwin and Murwiii. Overalls -’loc at the Denny Stor**. jieople are interested. Hiiii alleg**8 ill the bill he has just tiled, wtH-ks. tee on Dublic Buildings. — until, according to his charg**, Mr. .Ion**s .-eckwith, Shepard and Sniitn. Sealed Prupusals. Or Submit to the Awful Grasp of the who is (>2 years of ag**, appeur**d too Editor Coleman, of Dontia*-, spent Sm A .MA.-STEK’.S IJKCKKK. lay with his mother and St. -lohns ( ommitteeon .Appropriations. —.Messrs f p to-Iune 25) we will r**<-eiv'e si-aled Eastern Capitalist. fr*-qnently at the family hearthstone and friends. Howe, Sniitn and Burns. inoiiosals for the ere<-tion of a school since that time he avers the donn-stic building on District, Number 4, Wash- Aii*l a L.lf« C<‘rtiti<;ate Uraiite*! to Kiiper- The Chicago Drug store has moved to Committee on Drains.—.Messrs. Shep­ iiiteiideiit felicity that was wont to exist is a thing ard, Butler and Baldwin. iiigtoii, Gratiot <-omity, as jier plans and of the past. He has (•omnienc**d suit in the north store in the Spaulding A t’o ’s Superintendent .J. (L .Monroe of the building The e(|nalization committee did not be­ specriticutions now on liund with James Thefollowing letter sent toTnKNKWs the circuit court asking for 1*10,000, lieve in 11 nsel**s8 waste (jftinie. Theyap- Bandol[ih one mile north and one mile public schools has b*‘en granted a mas­ charging the alienati<jn of his wife’s ter’s dt-gns-liy the Olivet college. This The Hue rains during the jiast week pli**d themselv**s closely to the arduous west of Eureka . Tin- committee will re­ from A. W. Durkc'c who* is chairman of affections. The purtiesare w**llknown in have iniprovt*d the condition of all task before them and Chairman Caster­ serve the right to rej*-ct any and all bids. entitl*-d him to a life certificate in Michi- St. .lohns as this has b**en their trading growing crops. the rejmbHi'an townshijicommittm' nt ‘eds gjin, which has b*>en grant*-d i*y thesup**- line handed in his report this morning, James Ba .ndoi .dh , point for many years. 11. .V. Dodg»-of .Montp**lier, Indianii, is although the conimittet* had only had a Edwaiii ) Dahlino , no explanation. It will be entirely lucid int«*ndent of public instruction. The eT- fort mvessary to attain this degree and THK .AVKKAfJK .\(iK WAS OVKK <17. visiting St. Jolins ’ friends. He intends day and a half in which toc-omjilete their SA M DEL Sto l{ M F E LTZ, to every reader, it is jis follows: the work which had to be accomplisla-d ernaiiiing a we*-k work. The tota 1 aggregate is 11,1)0(),()()(). Building Committee. to »-arry it to a succ* ‘ssful end outside of .Sixteen 01*1 Kesldeiits Have an Knjoyalile Look out for further particulars of the Tlie full table will appear in next we<*k’s Kditou St. .lon.NS Nkws :— i-oll«-g«‘ and in addition to all oth»*r Time. big celebration July 4th on the west lawn News. While They Last. .Vs I have in the past few days declared work, shows the character and aliility \ party of r**lativ*-H gattn*r*-d in Victor of St. Johns cfiun-h, .At noon today the Board HeU*cted Silk AA aists at pri**es less than y*ju can last W**dni*sduy afternoon at tin* home make them. Everyone a lieanty, both in of the gentl*-man who pn-sides at the Fowler A Ball have had the roof of Judge of r’robute Chas. M. Merrill to that I would not su|)port a gold staml- of Emily Booth, who poss**8S**s a rei-ord repr**s<*nt the comity at a meeting to be style and finish. Joii .n Hicks . head of our e<lucational d*-partment. th*,-irstort* building substantially squared ard candidate for president or for con ­ for ag**H <jiiit* “ unusnnl. There were six- lip \vith new brick and tin. held at I.ansing by the State Board of .st.,vi.r it.voi.Y ci!T. t«?en present and a little muthematics Equalization. TheCranson place on Oakland St., 12 gress, I beg to confirm my remarks show that tne av**rage age of those pr* ‘.s- Drof. L. (i. Holbrook of the .Muir lots, goo*l hou.s**, barn, water, fruit, etc. A fIctyoiiH Family K«uiii<tii. Call on .Mils. (J. S. Duk -e, corner Cass through the colums of your paper by Fra<-ii«>UH Colt (lot Awity From a Volina ent was over (>7 y<*urs. Tln*y took a new schools is sp«-nding the summer vacation I.a*l.v. carp**t with tln*m for Mrs. Booth and with his pari-nts in Du|>luin.
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