2008 corp list rough 2:2007 corp list 18/3/08 14:47 Page 41 AAOOPPAA WHERE TO FLY GUIDE & CORPORATE MEMBER LISTING BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CAMBRIDGESHIRE CORNWALL British Airways Flying Club Flying Club Conington Cornwall Flying Club Ltd Wycombe Air Park Peterborough Bodmin Airfield Booker, Marlow Peterborough Business Airfield Cardinham Buckinghamshire SL7 3DP Holme Bodmin Tel: 01494 529262 Peterborough PE7 3PX Cornwall PL30 4BU Fax: 01494 461237 Tel: 01487 834161 Tel: 01208 821419/463 BEDFORDSHIRE Email:
[email protected] Fax: 01487 834246 Fax: 01208 821711 Bedfordshire School of Flying Website: www.bafc.co.uk Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Cranfield Airfield Website: www.flying-club-conington.co.uk Website: www.cornwallflyingclub.com Piper Dakota 1 Cranfield Cessna 152 3 Piper Warrior 7 Cessna 152 2 Bedfordshire MK43 0AL Cessna 152 Aerobat 1 DHC1 Chipmunk 1 Cessna 172 1 Tel: 01234 752817 Piper PA28-161 1 PPL, NPPL, Radio Nav, IMC, Night, Robin 2160 1 Fax: 01234 752809 Piper PA28-201 1 Aerobatics, Tailwheel, Instructor, Multi Email:
[email protected] Beech 76 Duchess 1 Cornish Flying and Gliding Club Website: www.cabairflyingschools.com (on request) DH Chipmunk Mk.22 1 Perranporth Airfield PL/NPPL, R/T ‘Safety Pilot’, Night, Denham School of Flying P Higher Trevellas Diamond DA 40 15 IMC, MEP. AOPA Aerobatic Certificate Robinson R22 1 Denham Aerodrome St Agnes Denham Cambridge Aero Club Cornwall Uxbridge UB9 5DE TR5 0X5 Cabair College of Air Training Cambridge Tel: 01895 833327 Tel: 01872 552266 Cranfield