Home Computing Weekly Magazine Issue
siw A'L^JSfmoneP'°?!T' use SimP'e to GAMES Garner|M SoftwareOUIIWUIfctOIULJU-'OSRJDIOS Designer ^^J Bv John Ham Invaders format Asteroids format Defender format & Beserh format BGREATGAMES INCLUDED: TurboSp/aerTanks 3 lot-Halloween- .mil Attach ofthe MutantHamburgers] Cyborg-Reflectron- | SplotandQBix Marketed exclusively by Ouicksilva Name Games Designer £14.95 Address Time Gale (48K Spectrum) Aquaplane (4BK Sped rum) Meteor Storm (1 6K Spectrum} Cheques payable to Quicksil lenclosecrieaue'P.Ofor - . Send to Software Studio, S* Ouicksilva Mall Order, P.O. Box 6, X^$s» Wlmbome, Dorset BH21 71 Telephone: (0202) 85 \WM***** December 6-12, 1981 No. 40 24 PACES OF BUY THIS SPACK SPECTRUM BEST uratnairJ . 5,6.12 m Hews, One Man's view, U.S. Scene Three new games for the Colour Genie are out from ihc Ipswich VIC-20 program IS Software Factory. Costing £8 Don't look if you hate spiders . each, they are A-IO Bomber, Geniepede and Martian Rescue. Software reviews IT Arcade games for BBC, Dragon, Texas IPSY SO/IY, Three IK zxsi programs 18 Software reviews 21 Games for Commodore 64, Spectrum, Texas I . 22 around for quite a while. Lniiilci Metro Blii/, Cosmic Split. Mobi Dick. Krvstals of Zong ant Neoclvps, thev cost £7.95 each. Dragon software reviews 24 Letters 27 Software reviews 28 Games for BBC. Commodore 64, Spectrum, Texas Computer Buyers' Guide 29-60 All ilie tact, in a kaiuii pnli-orii upplemeni Spectr There's a vic-20 program Come to the cabaret . and gel in a spin v available for Ihc software reviews e: £6.50.
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