
Type-II Weyl semimetal vs

G.E. Volovik1, 2 1Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland 2Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, acad. Semyonov av., 1a, 142432, Chernogolovka, Russia (Dated: July 19, 2021) The boundary between the type I and type II Weyl semimetals serves as the for the ”relativistic” . The interior of the is represented by the type II Weyl semimetal, where the Fermi surface is formed. The process of the filling of the Fermi surface by electrons results in the relaxation inside the horizon. This leads to the and to the reconstruction of the interior vacuum state. After the Fermi surface is fully occupied, the interior region reaches the equilibrium state, for which the Hawking radiation is absent. If this scenario is applicable to the real black hole, then the final state of the black hole will be the dark with the event horizon. Inside the event horizon one would have de Sitter space time, which is separated from the event horizon by the shell of the Planck length width. Both the de Sitter part and the shell are made of the vacuum fields without . This is distinct from the gravastar, in which the matter shell is outside the ”horizon”, and which we call the type I gravastar. But this is similar to the other type of the vacuum black hole, where the shell is inside the event horizon, and which we call the type II gravastar. We suggest to study the vacuum structure of the type II gravastar using the q-theory, where the vacuum variable is the 4-form field introduced for the phenomenological description of the quantum vacuum.

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The energy spectrum of electrons in Weyl semimetals There are different scenarios of the development of the becomes ”relativistic” in the vicinity of the Weyl point. black hole in the process of evaporation by Hawking radi- In its simplest form the Hamiltonian near the Weyl point ation. In particular, the end of the evaporation can result at p = 0 is: in a macroscopic from the black hole to the white hole, see Ref.1 and references therein. An- H(p, r) = cσ · p + v(r) · p , (1) other scenario is the formation of compact object – the vacuum star. In particular, the black hole event horizon where σ are the Pauli matrices; c = 1 is the analog of can be considered as the boundary separating different the speed of . In the more general form, the Weyl phases of the quantum vacuum.2 Such consideration was equation −i∂tΨ = HΨ for the Weyl spinor Ψ is written based on the condensed matter analogies, which in par- µ in terms of tetrads ea , as the parameters of expansion at ticular are presented by the superfluid phases of liquid the Weyl point: 3He.3 Topological materials such as the Weyl and Dirac semimetals bring a new twist to this analogy. They pro- µ a a e σ pµΨ = 0 , σ = (σ, 1) , pµ = −i∂µ . (2) vide new support for the scenario of the formation of a a vacuum star after the end of Hawking evaporation. The tetrad fields describe the effective gravity experi- enced by the Weyl fermions. The effective metric in this arXiv:2106.08954v4 [gr-qc] 16 Jul 2021 The analog of the event horizon emerging on the tetrad gravity is the secondary object obtained as the bi- µν µ ν ab boundary between type I and type II Weyl semimetals linear combination of the original tetrads, g = ea eb η . is considered in Section II. In Section III we compare the In the simplest case of Eq.(1), the vector v(r) is the ana- black hole in semimetals with different types of the vac- log of the shift velocity in this effective metric:7 uum (). The comparison gives the pref- µν 2 2 erence to the gravastars with well defined event horizon. g pµpν = −(p0 − v(r) · p) + p = 0 , p0 = E, (3) 2 µ ν 2 2 which we call the type II gravastar. This compact object ds = gµν dx dx = −dt + (dr − v(r)dt) . (4) contains three regions with different realizations of the quantum vacuum. These are: the Sitter vacuum inside Here the contravariant metric gµν describes the Dirac the Cauchy horizon, the vacuum in the thin shell sepa- cone in momentum space in Fig. 1, while the covariant rating the Cauchy horizon from the event horizon, and metric gµν describes the corresponding light cone in the the vacuum outside of the event horizon. In Section IV effective . This metric is similar to the acoustic there is an attempt to describe all three regions using metric,8 which emerges in moving liquids and superfluids, the phenomenological theory of the quantum vacuum in where the velocity of fluid plays the role of the shift veloc- terms of the 4-form field.4–6 ity. But the analog of shift velocity in Weyl semimetals 2

filled electron pocket empty electron pocket pr electron pr pr


p p⊥ p⊥


electron r p Dirac cone overtilted Dirac cone empty hole pocket filled hole pocket

v = 0 v > c FIG. 2: Fermi surface E(p) = 0 in the type II Weyl semimetal inside the horizon. FIG. 1: The energy spectrum in Weyl semimetals, which Left: Nonequilibrium state in the first moment after forma- follows from Eq.(3), is E(p) = prv ± pc. It forms the Dirac tion of the event horizon. The positive energy states in the cone. newly formed Fermi surface are fully occupied, while the neg- Left: In the type I Weyl semimetal one has |v| < 1. Figure ative energy states are empty. The relaxation of this highly shows the Dirac cone with v = 0. For 0 < |v| < 1 the cone is nonequilibrium state is accompanied by Hawking radiation tilted. and reconstruction of the vacuum state. Right: For |v| > 1 the Dirac cone is overtilted. This is called Right: Final equilibrium state after reconstruction. The pos- the type II Weyl semimetal. The overtilted Dirac cone crosses itive energy states are empty, and the negative energy states the zero energy level, which gives rise to the Fermi surface are occupied. There is no Hawking radiation after this final E(p) = 0, which is conical, pr/p = c/v < 1. At large state is reached. momenta, far away from the Weyl point, the Fermi surface becomes closed due non-linear corrections to the linear spec- trum, see Fig. 2. superfluids the Hawking radiation and the corresponding filling of the Fermi surface lead to the decay of the ”black hole”.29,30 In the process of Hawking radiation the flow is not related to any real motion of the substance, and velocity either decreases until the horizon disappears, or this leads to the important consequences. increases due to momentum conservation until the in- In the Weyl semimetals, the black hole horizon and stability threshold is reached and the flow collapses. In the corresponding Hawking radiation can be simulated both cases the final equilibrium state of the fermionic su- by creation of the region with overtilted Dirac cone,7,9–15 perfluid does not contain the horizon. Contrary to that, where |v(r)| > 1 (see Fig. 1 right). The event hori- in Weyl semimetals the fully equilibrium state is finally zon is situated at the boundary between the region with reached, where the negative energy states in the Fermi |v(r)| < 1, which is called the type I Weyl semimetal, surface are fully occupied in Fig. 2 (Right). In this state and the region with the overtilted Dirac cone, |v(r)| > 1, the horizon is present, while the Hawking radiation is which is called the type II Weyl semimetal,16 see also absent. This is the analog of the equilibrium vacuum. Ref.17. For the spherical horizon, the corresponding effec- In spite of the absence of Hawking radiation, the prop- tive metric has the Painlev´e-Gullstrand(PG) form:18,19 erties of the event horizon can be studied by scattering of quasiparticles at the horizon, which is also determined ds2 = −dt2 + (dr − v(r)dt)2 + r2dΩ2 . (5) by Hawking temperature Here we consider the nonequilibrium situation, when In the type II region, where |v| > 1, the overtilted the type II region is formed after the rapid variation of Dirac cone E(p) = prv ± pc gives rise to the Fermi sur- the parameters of the system, for example by applying face E(p) = 0 in Fig. 2. At p = 0 the Fermi surface the local pressure. Then at the first moment of creation is terminated by the Weyl point, while at large p the of the horizon, the state of the system in the overtilted re- Fermi surface is closed due to the modification of the gion has inverted population: the negative energy states spectrum in the corresponding ultraviolet (analog of the are empty, while the positive energy states are occupied, Planck energy scale), where the nonlinear corrections to Fig. 2 (Left). Such ”vacuum” state with inverted pop- the spectrum of fermions become important. In semimet- ulation corresponds to the negative temperature and is als this scale is typically determined by the interatomic highly nonequilibrium, though in some cases it can rep- distance. resent the ground state.31 Such Fermi surfaces also appear in superfluids and The initial stage of the process of equilibration is the superconductors, where they are called the Bogoliubov filling of the negative energy states by the fermions oc- Fermi surfaces.20–28 cupying the positive energy states. This process is in It is important, that as distinct from fermionic super- particular accompanied by the quantum tunneling from fluids, in Weyl semimetals the shift velocity in the ef- the occupied positivie energy states behind the horizon in fective metric is not created by the flow. In fermionic the type II region to the empty positive energy states in 3 the type I region. This corresponds to the creation of the particle-hole pairs at the horizon. This is the analog of the Hawking radiation, which is regulated by the Hawk- 0 0 ing temperature TH = v /2π, where v is the derivative of the shift velocity at the horizon. Finally the equilibrium ”vacuum” state is formed inside the horizon, in which all the filled negative energy states inside the Fermi surface become occupied, Fig. 2 (Right). In this final vacuum state behind the horizon, there is no Hawking radiation, while the horizon still exists.

This event horizon is physical, it represents the bound- 2 ary between two topological phases: the type I and type FIG. 3: This figure is from Ref. . The black hole event horizon is considered therein as a continuous quantum phase tran- II semimetals, which have different topology in momen- 32,33 sition of the vacuum of space-time. The function γ(r) = tum space. The type I semimetal has point nodes in 1 − v2(r). The ”horizon” – the interface between de Sitter the electronic spectrum (Weyl or Dirac points), which and Schwarzschild – is at r = rh = 2M. In Weyl 34 are the Berry phase monopoles. These monopoles are semimetals, this is the boundary of the topological quantum described by the π3 topological winding number in the phase transtion – the transition between two different topo- momentum-frequency space. On the other hand, the logical vacua. spectrum of type II semimetal has surfaces of zeroes in momentum space – the Fermi surfaces, which are 32 protected by the π1 topological winding number. The with the homogeneous vacuum energy density, that is boundary between these topological quantum vacua con- the de Sitter state. One of these configurations is the tains the nodal lines in the electronic spectrum (some- gravastar discussed by Mazur and Mottola,42–44 see also times this intermediate state with the nodal lines is called Ref.45 This gravastar does not have the event horizon. the type III Weyl semimetal, see e.g. Ref.35). The thin shell of exists outside the ”event horizon”. Let us call it the type I gravastar. In the other possible state, which we call the type II gravsatar, the shell of exotic vacuum is inside the event horizon, III. HORIZON AS A QUANTUM PHASE 46–48 49 50 TRANSITION IN QUANTUM VACUUM see e.g. Refs. , the review paper and recent Ref. . This shell exists between two horizons, outer (event hori- zon) and inner (Cauchy horizon). Applying this scheme to the black holes (BH), one 36 Both firewall objects can serve as an alternative to the comes to the following ”circle of the life of a BH”. conventional black holes, and they can resolve the in- At the beginning of its formation, the BH appears in formation loss problem,51–54 and the puzzles found in a non-equilibrium state. This is the conventional state the recent observations.55,56 There is the so-called ”pair- of a BH with the singularity at the origin. This state instability” effect, according to which no black holes be- is quasi-equilibrium, since it is accompanied by Hawk- tween M = 52 and M = 133 solar are expected. ing radiation, which leads to relaxation. The interior of However, the gravitational signal GW190521 shows that the horizon, if it is described by the PG metric, con- 36–39 there are compact objects within the forbidden range. tains the Fermi surfaces. This determines the fur- First we consider the intermediate state between the ther stage of the black hole, when particles start to fill type I and type II gravsatars with the singularity just the energy states below the Fermi level. Since the Fermi at the horizon, which corresponds to the phase boundary surface is not confined, it is in principle impossible to fill between two vacuum states, see Fig. 3, which reproduces all the negative states, which exist up to the Planck en- Fig. 1 in Ref.2. The shift velocity in the PG metric (5) ergy scale. That is why the vacuum inside the black hole for the singular gravastar has the form: must be deformed. The filling of negative energy states will be accompanied not only by the Hawking radiation, rr v(r) = − h , r > r , (6) but also by the back reaction of the gravitational field r h inside the horizon, which again will be followed by the r v(r) = − , r < r . (7) reconstruction of spectrum. As a result, the black hole r h interior arrives at the equilibrium state with essentially h different properties than the original state. What state Here rh = 1/(2M) is the horizon radius, and H = −1/rh is that? is the Hubble parameter of the (collapsing) de Sitter vac- Here we discuss two possible equilibrium states of the uum inside the horizon (in units ~ = G = c = 1). black hole (if it is still not evaporated by Hawking ra- There is the jump in the velocity gradient at r = rh, 1,40,41 0 0 diation or by tunneling to the white hole ). Both i.e. v (rh − 0) = −2v (rh + 0) = −1/rh. The jump 0 configurations contain the de Sitter quantum vacuum in ∆v = 3/(2rh) at r = rh gives rise to the singularity 1 the core of the black hole. The analog of the homoge- in the curvature at the horizon: R ∼ δ(r − rh). The rh neous ground state in the type-II semimetal is the state equation of state, which includes the de Sitter vacuum 4 and the region of jump, is anisotropic.48,49 Applying it to So, if the analogy works, it is in favour of the type II the singular metric in Eqs. (6) and (7) one obtains:48,49 gravastar. In the type II gravastar there is the horizon (even two: the event horizon and the Cauchy horizon). ρ(r) = −pr(r) = ρ0θ(rh − r) , (8) On both sides of the event horizon at r = rh there are the 1 0 rh vacuum states without matter. The interior of the black p⊥(r) = −ρ(r) − rρ (r) = −ρ(r) + ρ0δ(r − rh) , (9) 2 2 hole contains the thin vacuum shell at rh(1 − ) < r < rh 3 3 with   1, and the de Sitter vacuum is at r < r (1 − ). ρ = = H2 .(10) h 0 2 Within the layer, the shift velocity slightly exceeds the 8πrh 8π speed of light, |v|−1 ∼ , and the vacuum state represents The shift velocity is the occupied Fermi surface with the proper ultraviolet cut-off. The Planck energy cut-off E determines 2 Planck v (r) = 2M(r)/r , (11) the thickness 1/EPlanck of the shell. The small excess of the shift velocity above unity within the shell is v2 − 1 ∼ where the mass of the object comes from the energy den-  ∼ 1/(rhEPlanck); the singular part of the transverse sity ρ(r) of the de Sitter vacuum: 3 pressure in the shell in Eq.(14) is p⊥ ∼ EPlanck/rh; and 2 Z r the surface tension of the shell is σ ∝ EPlanck/rh, see also 2 4π 2 rh 2 M(r) = 4π dx x ρ(x) = ρ0r θ(rh−r)+ θ(r−rh) . Ref. . 0 3 2 (12) The singularity in the transverse pressure compensates the thin shell curvature singularity in Einstein equation: IV. VACUUM STAR IN q-THEORY

M 00 Due to the Planck length scale, the consideration in 8πp = − . (13) ⊥ r terms of the Fermi surface does not look promising. Such scale suggests that the consideration of the shell The singular parts of this equation: at rh(1 − ) < r < rh should be done in terms of the vac- 00 uum fields. One may consider the inhomogeneous vac- Msing 3 8πp⊥sing = − = δ(r − rh) , (14) uum state in the type II gravastar using the variables r 2rh (q-fields) describing the phenomenology of the quantum 57,58 4–6 correspond to the jump ∆v0 = 3/(2r ). vacuum, such as the 4-form field or the tetrad de- h 59 60 This singularity can be resolved by the construction of terminant, which is also the 4-form, see also Ref. . the thin layer. This layer can be either inside the event This approach allows us to describe the deep quantum horizon49 or outside the ”horizon”,42,43 which correspond vacuum without knowing the microscopic theory at the to type II and type I gravastars respectively. So, the dif- Planck scale. The quantum vacuum in this description ference between the two types of gravastar is only in the is the self-sustained system, which adjusts itself to the position of the shell, which resolves the singularity: in- external conditions. The black hole exterior with fixed side or outside the horizon. If the shell is inside the event mass M provides the external condition for the quantum horizon (i.e. between the event and Cauchy horizons), it vacuum inside the horizon. is made of the vacuum fields. If the shell is outside the The action for the vacuum field q interacting with grav- 61,62 horizon (i.e. there is actually no event horizon), it is ity has the form similar to that for the scalar field: made of the exotic matter fields. Z   4 √ R 1 αβ Let us now compare these objects with the Weyl S = d x −g + (q) + g ∇αq∇βq .(15) semimetals. The type I gravastar is horizonless. In con- 16πG 2 densed matter it corresponds to electronic state with the tilted Weyl (or Dirac) cone – the type I Weyl (or Dirac) However, the main difference of the 4-form field from the semimetal. The type II gravastar has two horizons. In scalar field is that in the Einstein equation the energy density of the q-field, (q), is shifted by the chemical po- condensed matter the state between the two horizons cor- 61,62 responds to electronic state with the overtilted Weyl (or tential term , (q) → ρ(q) = (q) − µq: Dirac) cone – the type II Weyl (or Dirac) semimetal. In 1 condensed matter we have the real boundary between the R − g R = αβ 2 αβ regions with type I and type II Weyl cones. The bound-   ary between these regions is the event horizon, where the 1 α = gαβ ρ(q) + ∇αq∇ q + ∇αq∇βq , (16) corresponding shift vector |v| = 1 in the proper units. 2 On both sides of the horizon the system is in its ground ρ(q) = (q) − µq . (17) state – the analog of the quantum vacuum. The Hawking radiation is absent, the temperature is zero. There are This allows to solve the main cosmological constant prob- no fermionic quasiparticles – excitations above the Fermi lem: in the full equilibrium vacuum the huge Planck scale 4 surface level, i.e. the analog of matter is absent in the energy density (q0) ∼ EPlanck is compensated by the full equilibrium at T = 0. term µq0 without any fine tuning: ρ(q0) = (q0) − µq0 = 5

0. Such compensation takes place not only in the rel- thermal matter. The interior of the black hole inside ativistic vacuum, but is well known in condensed mat- the event horizon is fully expressed in terms of the vac- ter, where the role of q is played by the particle den- uum fields. The Hawking radiation is absent in this fi- sity n: at zero external pressure and at zero temperature nal equilibrium state just for the same reason as in the 7 one has (n0) − µn0 = 0. This follows from the Gibbs- Weyl semimetals, after all the negative electronic en- Duhem thermodynamic relation, which is universal and ergy states in the Fermi surface emerging inside the hori- thus works in the full equilibrium irrespective of whether zon are occupied. In the final equilibrium state there the system relativistic or not. is no dissipation and thus no Hawking radiation. The The action (15) suggests the following distribution of event horizon (and also the Cauchy horizon) represents the vacuum field in the three regions: outside the event the physical surface, which separates the vacua with dif- horizon, r > rh; in the de Sitter core of the black hole ferent behavior of the vacuum variable. This is also in inside the Cauchy horizon, r < rh(1 − ); and in the agreement with the physical horizon in Weyl semimetal, vacuum shell between the two horizons, rh > r > rh(1 − which separates vacua with different momentum-space ). topology. Outside the event horizon, r > rh, the vacuum vari- Such vacuum construction is distinct from the type I 42,43 able q has the equilibrium value q0 ∼ EPlanck, which gravastar in the Mazur and Mottola model, where corresponds to zero value of the cosmological constant, the layer of positive pressure fluid is just outside the ρ(q0) = 0. This fixes the value of the chemical poten- ’event horizon’. In the type II gravastar the layer does tial µ = d/dq|q=q0 , which is constant both outside and not represent the matter field, and thus its equation of inside the event horizon. state (EoS) may have any form including EoS p = ρ of 63 Inside the event horizon, at r < rh, the deviation of stiff fluid suggested by Zeldovich and used by Mazur 42,43 q from its equilibrium value is small, |q − q0|  q0 ∼ and Mottola. Note that in the q-theory, the space- EPlanck, and thus ρ(q) can be expanded in terms of devi- time variation of the vacuum fields mimics the cold dark ations: matter in expanding Universe.62 It would be interesting to apply this approach to the ρ(q) = (q) − µq (18) fate of the rotating (Kerr) black hole.64 It is possible that 1 d2 = ρ(q ) + (d/dq| − µ)(q − q ) + (q − q )2 (19) the black hole may reach the quasi-equilibrium state un- 0 q0 0 2 dq2 0 der rotation. In this state of the Kerr black hole, the 1 d2 Hawking radiation is absent, while the rotational fric- = (q − q )2 ∼ q2(q − q )2 . (20) 2 dq2 0 0 0 tion will be due to the Zeldovich-Starobinsky effect – the amplification and spontaneous emission of waves by

Here we used ρ(q0) = (q0)−µq0 = 0 and d/dq|q=q = µ. any body rotating in the quantum vacuum, including the 0 65–68 In the de Sitter region, r < rh(1 − ), the vacuum Kerr black hole. 2 2 variable q is constant with (q − q0) = 1/rh. This cor- In conclusion, we considered the possible scenario of 2 2 responds to the vacuum energy density ρ ∼ EPlanck/rh, the formation of the equilibrium final state of the black which forms the de Sitter vacuum inside the black hole hole. This scenario is inspired by the consideration of the 2 2 with H = 1/rh. black hole analog in Weyl semimetals, where the analog Let us now consider the vacuum shell, rh > r > of the event horizon separates two topologically differ- rh(1 − ). The shell width is determined by the charac- ent types of the Weyl materials: type I and type II. The teristic length of the q-field. It can be obtained by com- relaxation of the initial state of the black hole analog is paring of the energy density in Eq.(20) with the gradient accompanied by the Hawking radiation and by the recon- term (∇q)2 in Eq.(16). The characteristic length is on struction of vacuum state inside the horizon. In the final the order of Planck length lPlanck = 1/EPlanck, and thus equilibrium state, the event horizon separates two differ-  = lPlanck/rh  1. Since the δ-function in Eq.(14) has ent vacuum states, and there is no more Hawking radia- the Planck scale width, the vacuum energy density within tion. Such final state in Weyl semimetals is analogous to 3 the shell is on the order of ρ = EPlanck/rh. This gives the the dark energy stars discussed earlier. As distinct from estimation of the deviation of the vacuum field from its the gravastar, in such black hole there is the real event 2 equilibrium value within the shell: (q−q0) ∼ EPlanck/rh. horizon. The interior of the event horizon contains the de This deviation is still small compared with the Planck en- Sitter vacuum and the thin singular shell, both made of ergy scale, |q − q0|  q0 ∼ EPlanck. The surface tension the vacuum fields. We call this type of the vacuum stars 2 of the vacuum shell is σ ∝ EPlanck/rh, which is in agree- as the type II gravastar. We suggest to use the q-theory ment with Ref.2. of the quantum vacuum to study the internal structure of such compact objects. Acknowledgements. I thank M. Zubkov for discus- V. DISCUSSION sions. This work has been supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s In this construction of the vacuum star, which we call Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant here the type II gravastar, there is no conventional or Agreement No. 694248). 6

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