
Black to white hole tunnelling: an exact classical solution

Hal M. Haggard Physics Program, Bard College, 30 Campus Rd, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504, USA

Carlo Rovelli Aix-Marseille Universit´eand Universit´ede Toulon, CPT-CNRS, Luminy, F-13288 Marseille

We present a metric that describes conventional collapsing into a , bouncing and emerging from a white hole, and that satisfies the vacuum Einstein equations everywhere, including in the interior of the black hole and the subsequent white hole, except for a small compact 4d “” zone. This shows that a black hole can tunnel into a white hole without violating classical , where it can be trusted. We observe that can affect the metric in a region outside the horizon without violating causality because small quantum effects might pile up over time. We study how quantum theory can determine the bounce time.

Black holes are now normal astrophysical objects, but sense that there are distinct regions isomorphic to the we know surprisingly little about what happens inside same Kruskal region. them. General relativity (GR) appears to describe well A number of indications make this scenario plausi- the region surrounding the horizon [1], and this is also ble. H´ajˇcek and Kiefer [18, 19] have studied the quan- likely true of a substantial region inside the horizon. But tum dynamics of a null spherical shell coupled to grav- classical GR must fails to describe Nature at small radii ity and shown that an in-falling wave packet can tun- because nothing prevents from af- nel (“bounce”) into an expanding one and Ambrus and fecting the high curvature zone, and classical GR be- H´ajˇcek[20] have attempted a calculation of the bounce comes ill-defined at r = 0 anyway. The current tentative time. Here we show that the H´ajˇcek-Kieferexternal so- quantum gravity theories, such as loops and strings, are lution can be extended to include a classical portion of not sufficiently understood to convincingly predict what the interior of the black hole, as well as a later portion happens at small radii, so we are quite in the dark: what of the interior of the white hole. The existence of this happens to gravitationally collapsing matter? solution of the Einstein equtions shows that it is possible Here we explore the possibility that when matter to have a black hole bouncing out into a white hole with- reaches Planckian density quantum gravity generates suf- out affecting in the regions where we expect the ficient pressure to counterbalance its weight, the collapse classical theory to be good. ends, and matter bounces out. This is similar to the way A distant observer sees a dimming, frozen that the wave packet representing a collapsing universe tun- reemerges, bouncing out after a very long time, deter- nels into an expanding universe in loop cosmology [2]. A mined by the star’s and Planck’s constant. The collapsing star might similarly avoid sinking into r = 0, importance of studying this scenario cannot be underes- much as a quantum electron in a Coulomb potential does. timated, because, if realised, it could yield directly ob- Such “” [3] phenomenology has been consid- servable quantum gravitational phenomena [21, 22]. ered before [4–14]. The picture is like Giddings’s rem- For this scenario to be possible, genuine quantum nants [15], with a macroscopic remnant developing into gravitational effects should appear outside the horizon. a white hole [16]. (For a similar global setup, but quite These are suppressed in the approximation provided distinct interpretation, see [17].) In particular, we study by local quantum field theory on a curved geometry. whether this picture is compatible with a realistic metric Their possibility, however, cannot be ruled out in a satisfying the Einstein equations where classical GR can non-perturbative quantum theory of gravity, and is in- be trusted, which includes regions inside the horizon. creasingly considered plausible by a number of authors, Surprisingly, we find that such a metric exists: it is on the basis of diverse considerations [23–26]. These an exact solution of the Einstein equations everywhere converge in suggesting that local quantum field theory including a portion inside the rs, might fail to account for quantum gravity phenomena. except for a finite—small, as we shall see—region, sur- In the following, we give further arguments in this rounding the points where the classical Einstein equa- direction, we construct the metric describing this physics tions are likely to fail. It describes conventional in-falling explicitly, then we discuss how quantum mechanics can and then out-coming matter. The reason this metric has describe the bounce across the non-classical region. so far escaped notice is that it is locally isometric to the We also estimate the radius at which these effects are Kruskal solution (outside the quantum region), but it is stronger (which could be relevant for [23]) and the order not a portion of the Kruskal solution. Rather, it is a of of the bounce time, obtaining a result portion of a double cover of the Kruskal solution, in the more realistic than the one in [20]. 2 0 0 = = r r

u u

t = 0 t = 0 τ τ v v R R a a = = = r = r

r r

(a) (b) FIG. 2. The portion of a classical black hole spacetime which is reproduced in the quantum case. The contours r = 2m are FIG. 1. (a) The spacetime of a bouncing star. (b) The mir- indicated in both panels by dashed lines. rored ball is in grey, the thick lines represent the bouncing shell of . The dotted line is the observer and the bounce time τ is indicated. Region I is easy: the Minkoswki metric in null coordi- nates (uI , vI ) is given by F (uI , vI ) = 1 and rI (uI , vI ) = vI −uI 2 . It is bounded by the past light cone of the origin, We search for the metric of a bouncing star by glu- that is, by vI = 0. ing a collapsing region with its time reversal [27]. This Region II is a portion of Kruskal spacetime. Consider describes an elastic process that disregards dissipative the darker portion of Fig.2 bounded on the left by an effects, which are not time-reversal symmetric. In par- ingoing null shell. The point ∆ is a generic point in ticular, we disregard . As we shall see, the region outside the horizon; we take it on the t = 0 the process we are studying could be faster than Hawk- surface, so that the gluing with the future is immedi- ing’s (extremely long) evaporation time, so that this can ate. Crucially, E must be inside the horizon, because be disregarded in a first approximation (see [28, 29]). when the shell enters the horizon the physics is still clas- We start with a spherically symmetric spacetime with sical. Therefore the region II is isometric to the darkly an in-falling spherical shell of (for simplicity) null mat- shaded region of Kruskal spacetime depicted in Fig.2, ter. The shell moves in from past null infinity, enters which includes a portion of the black hole’s interior. In null Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates (u, v) the metric of the its own Schwarzschild radius rs, keeps ingoing, enters 32m3 − r Kruskal spacetime is given by F (u, v) = e 2m with the quantum region, bounces, and then exits rs and r r r  2m moves outwards to infinity. We assume that there are no r the function of (u, v) defined by 1 − 2m e = uv. event horizons: the causal structure is that of Minkowski The region of interest is bounded by a constant v = vo spacetime, and we demand that the quantum process is null line. The constant vo cannot vanish, because v = 0 quasilocal, i.e. confined to a finite region of spacetime. is an horizon, which is not the case for the in-falling shell. Because of spherical symmetry, we can use coordinates Therefore vo is a constant that determines our metric. (u, v, θ, φ) with u and v null coordinates in the r-t plane. Matching regions I and II is key to what follows. The The metric is then determined by two functions of u and v coordinates match simply by identifying vI = 0 with 2 v: ds2 =−F (u, v)dudv+r2(u, v)(dθ2 +sin θdφ2). We take v = vo. The matching of the u coordinate is determined the t = v − u = 0 hyperplane as the surface of reflection by the requirement that the radius must be equal across under time reversal and represent it in a conformal dia- the matching, that is rI (uI , vI ) = r(u, v). This gives uI 1 uI  − u(uI ) = 1 + e 4m . If the induced 3-metrics on gram by an horizontal line, see Fig.1(a). By symmetry, vo 4m the bounce must be at t = 0. For simplicity, we assume the boundaries agree it turns out that it is not neces- that it is at r = 0. The two shells are represented by sary to impose further conditions [30–32]: the extrinsic the two thick lines in Fig.1(a). Two significant points, geometries also match. ∆ and E lie on the boundary of the quantum region. The The matching condition between the region II and its point ∆ has t = 0 and is the maximal extension in space time reversal along the t = 0 surface is immediate. But of the region where the Einstein equations are violated. note that the ensemble of these two regions is not a por- Point E is where the shell enters the quantum region. tion of Kruskal space, but rather a portion of a double Thanks to time-reversal symmetry, it is sufficient to cover of it, as in Fig.2: the bouncing metric is obtained construct the metric below t = 0. The spacetime splits by “opening up” the two overlapping flaps in the figure into three regions. See Fig.1(a): Region I, inside the and inserting a quantum region in between. shell, must be flat by Birkhoff’s theorem. Region II, Finally, it is easy to give an ansatz for the metric in again by Birkhoff’s theorem, must be a portion of the the quantum region III. We do not do it here explic- Kruskal-Szekeres metric of a mass m. Finally, region III itly because a credible effective metric for this region, is where quantum gravity becomes non-negligible. The including a determination of the points E and ∆ and the only requirement we impose about the (effective) metric line connecting them, requires a better understanding of here is to join smoothly the rest of the spacetime. quantum gravity. We take E to be the point that has 3

(uI , vI ) coordinates (−2, 0) and ∆ the point that has τ = τ(m) which predicts the (mean) decay time for a Schwarzschild radius r∆ = 2m + δ and lies on the sym- black hole. metry line u + v = 0. The value  is determined by the Since there is no classical solution that matches the in onset of quantum effects on the collapsing shell. The and out geometries of this region, this calculation is con- point ∆ must be outside the point where the two shells ceptually somewhat similar to a tunneling calculation in cross in the left panel of Fig. 1. Therefore δ is positive quantum mechanics. Formally, this is the path integral and its lowest possible value is determined by v0. over internal geometries, contracted with the boundary The parameter vo codes the time it takes the full pro- state representing the boundary geometry. Concretely, cess to happen. This can be seen as follows. Consider an this is precisely the form of the problem that is adapted observer at fixed radius R > r∆. A straightforward cal- for a calculation in a theory like covariant loop quantum culation gives the of this observer between gravity [33], which is defined to give amplitudes associ- its encounter with the ingoing shell and t = 0 ated to boundary states of the geometry. This calculation has not yet been performed. But we r 2m  R − 2m  can still estimate τ = τ(m) using a simple model that τR = 1 − R + 2m ln − 4m ln vo . (1) R 2m mimics many features of the external metric of a bounc- ing hole, and to which we now turn. This model allows If vo is very small, the last term dominates all other scales us to address also a key conceptual point: the possibility in the problem, and for a distant observer (R  2m) we that quantum theory affects a region outside rs. can write an “asymptotic bounce time” τ = −4m ln vo. Consider a ball of radius a with a reflective surface Remarkably, the duration of the process seen by an and negligible mass, at rest in flat space [20]. A shell of outside observer is arbitrarily long in comparison to light, with total m centered on this mirrored ball, the one measured by an observer inside the collapsing comes in from infinity, and reflects off it (Fig.1(b)). An shell: the proper time between the two encounters with observer sitting at a reference radius R will measure a the shell, measured in the interior Minkowski metric, proper time 2τR between the shell’s inward and outgoing in the frame of the shell, is only 2R. Therefore the passes. For a2m, relativistic effects are negligible, and process we are describing can be very fast seen from the τR ∼ R − a: the time it takes light to reach the mir- interior of the star, but very slow, due to relativistic time ror. As a approaches 2m, we enter a general relativistic dilatation, viewed from the outside. An astrophysical regime. The metric outside the shell is Schwarzschild and black hole could be a bouncing star seen in extremely a straightforward calculation gives [20] slow motion because of its colossal relativistic time r dilation. A metric describing the quantum bounce of a 2m  a − 2m  τR = 1 − R − a − 2m ln , (2) star is thus defined. According to an external observer, R R − 2m the entire process is characterized by two numbers: m and v0, or, equivalently, m and the bounce time τ. which can be compared with (1). For an observer at large radius R  2m, this expression simplifies, to τR ∼ a−2m Understanding what happens in region III requires a (R − a) − 2m ln R . In addition to the non-relativistic quantum theory of gravity. To begin with, this must de- light-travel-time (R −a), there is a logarithmic, relativis- termine , the radius where the shell starts to be affected tic correction. When a → 2m the bounce time becomes arbitrarily large: τR −→ +∞. This divergence is real- by quantum theory. Conventional arguments suggest a→2m that this happens when the curvature becomes Planck- ized for any fixed value of R > 2m, hence observers agree 1 ian; this gives ∼(m/mp) 3 lp [3], where lP is the Planck that the bounce time becomes arbitrarily long. length and mP the Planck mass (we use c = G = 1 units). Notice the strong effect of general relativistic time di- Note that for a macroscopic m this radius is much larger latation: near the bounce, R ∼ a, the bouncing proper than the Planck length [3]. time is short; the shell reaches the mirrored ball and More importantly, since the initial data know only bounces out always moving at the speed of light. Seen about m (due to the time translation invariance of locally the process is fast. But since the bounce happens ), the quantum theory must establish close to rs, the slowing of the local time with respect to the (probabilistic) dependence of τ on m. How? The an observer far away is huge. This, we stress, is standard quantum region is bounded by a hypersurface whose (in- classical GR: classical GR is compatible with an incoming trinsic and extrinsic) geometry depends on m and vo. null shell that then expands out at a much later time. Given a classical boundary geometry, we can in prin- The classical theory predicts that when a reaches 2m ciple compute its associated quantum transition ampli- the bounce time becomes infinite: the light remains tude. This amplitude is a function A(m, τ) of the pa- trapped forever and a singularity forms. But this pic- rameters that determine the geometry. The parame- ture disregards quantum theory. When and how does ter region where the corresponding probability becomes quantum theory enter the game, as a approaches 2m? non-negligible, |A(m, τ)|2 ∼ 1, determines a relation By analogy with conventional quantum tunnelling one 4 may be tempted to guess an exponential dependence of gravity even if there is no interior of the horizon at all. 2 the bouncing time τ on m /~ as the onset of quantum Let us return to our full bounce metric. Since ∆ > 2m phenomena. This possibility cannot be ruled out, but a the classical equations fail (during a finite time) also out- number of argument makes it less plausible. First, the side the horizon: this is why the black hole horizon is not exponential weight comes from a saddle point approxima- an . As we have just seen, this is not a suffi- tion, where, however, it is balanced by a measure factor. cient reason for excluding quantum gravity effects in this In the case of black holes, this is the same factor that region, as is often done. There is no causality violation, measures the entropy, which is exponential in the mass because the quantum transition outside the horizon is squared as well. As argued by S. Mathur [25], we expect driven by the long time there, and not by physics from these two exponential scalings to cancel. the vicinity of r = 0. We can get a better insight by asking when do we In conclusion, we have found a classical metric describ- expect the quantum theory to fail. Consider an ob- ing (the non quantum region of) a black hole that tunnels server at a small radius R not much larger than a. into a white hole. Indirect arguments point to an asymp- 2 The curvature at the observer’s position is constant in totic bounce time of the order of τ ∼ m /lP . This is very time after the shell has moved in, and is of the or- long for a macroscopic black hole (about 1032 seconds der of R ∼ m/R3. (The Kretschmann invariant is for a solar mass), but is much shorter than the Hawking 2 abcd 48m2 3 R = R Rabcd = r6 .) We expect local quantum evaporation time, which is of order m . Clearly this re- gravity effects to be small, but non-vanishing, in a small sult affects the discussion on the black hole information curvature region. An estimate of the magnitude of these puzzle. In this regard, the firewall argument [34] shows effects can be obtained from the quantum corrections to that under a certain number of assumptions “something the classical equations of motion. These are proportional strange” appears to have to happen at the horizon of a to ~. After a proper time τ the resulting relative quan- macroscopic black hole. Here we point out that indeed it tum effect is of the order q = lP R τ, which implies does, independently from the Hawking process. But, it is that they can drive the classical solution substantially a less dramatic phenomenon than expected: the space- (q ∼ 1) away from the classical solution in a proper time time can quantum tunnel out of the black hole and this −1 2 τ ∼ (lP R) ∼ m /lP . Thus, a cumulative quantum can happen without violating causality because over a effect, can be relevant also in a region of small curvature, long stretch of time quantum gravitational effects can provided that is has enough time to act: there is no rea- accumulate outside the horizon. son to trust the classical theory outside the horizon for More interesting, this phenomenon could open a novel arbitrarily long times, sufficiently close to rs. window on quantum gravity phenomenology [21, 22]. Let us be more general and more precise. Assume the 2−b b classicality parameter is q = lP R τ , with b reason- We thank S. Giddings, D. Marolf, S. Hossenfelder, X. 1 ably taken in the range b ∈ [ 2 , 2]. A straightforward Wu, and T. De Lorenzo. HMH acknowledges support calculation in the shows that the from the NSF International Research Fellowship Pro- maximum value of q occurs at Rq = 2m (1 + b/6) + gram (IRFP) under Grant No. OISE-1159218. O (1/ln(a − 2m)), which is a finite distance, but not much, outside rs. (Notice the nice separation of scales: the result Rq is independent of a in the a → 2m limit.) Quantum effects can appear at a reasonable location in space: a macroscopic distance from the Schwarzschild ra- [1] R. Narayan and J. E. McClintock, arXiv:1312.6698. [2] A. Ashtekar, T. Pawlowski, and P. Singh, Physical dius, necessary for the long bounce time, but close to it, Review Letters 96 (2006) 141301, so that the curvature is still reasonably large. Requir- [3] C. Rovelli and F. Vidotto, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23 1− 2 b 2 ing q ∼ 1 at this radius gives τ ≈ (2lp b k ) m b , with (2014) 1442026, b 3+ b k = 27(4b) 2 /(b + 6) 2 . In the likely case b = 1 the [4] V. P. Frolov and G. 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