Guo, Ning Et. Al. Complaint
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hon. Cathy L. Waldor v. NING GUO, alk/a "Danny," alk/a "Peter," alk/a Crim. No. 12-7060 "The Beijing Kid," GUO HUA ZHANG, alk/a. "Leo," alk/a "Alex," WAN PING REN, alk/a "Helen," CRIMINAL COMPLAINT YI JIAN CHEN, alk/a "Kenny," JIAN ZHI MO, alk/a "Jimmy," YUAN FENG LAI, alk/a "Leo," YUAN BO LAI, alk/a "Paul," KONG BIAO WANG, alk/a "Karl Wang," HUI HUANG, alk/a "Rick Wang," MING ZHENG, alk/a "Uncle Mi," GOU QIANG ZHAO, and BASSIROU ISSOUFOU, alk/a "Butch" I, the undersigned complainant, being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. From at least as early as in or about August 2008 to in or about February 2012, in Essex and Union Counties, in the District of New Jersey and elsewhere, the defendants listed on Attachment A, did: SEE ATTACHMENT A I further state that I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that this complaint is based on the following facts: SEE ATTACHMENT B continued on the attached page and made a part hereof. ent ation Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, March 1, 2012, at Newark, New Jersey HONORABLE CATHY W. WALDOR UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE Signature of Judicial Officer ATTACHMENT A Count 1 - Conspiracy to Traffic in Counterfeit Goods From at least as early as in or about August 2008 to in or about February 2012, in Essex and Union Counties, in th~ District of New Jersey, and elsewhere, defendants NING GUO, a/k/a "Danny," a/k/a "Peter," a/k/a "The
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