A Discussion of Differences Between Hand Shao Yin and Hand Jue Yin
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March 2014 NAJOM A Discussion of Differences Channel treat its own disease symptom patterns? eye system,” the Divergent Channel “travels along Is there a difference between the indications of the throat, and emerges to the face.” Between Hand Shao Yin the Heart and Pericardium channels? It is a meaningful exercise to conduct a compara- and Hand Jue Yin Channel An answer to these questions can be approached tive analysis between the channel pathways to Indications from two perspectives – a theoretical perspective, understand the disease symptom patterns, and and from the standard textbook explanation. From the indication and actions of the points of these these two sources, the indications for the Hand two channels. by Wang Hong Min Shao Yin and hand Jue Yin channels are very similar and are related to the heart, chest, and psycho- Advisor: Wang Ju-yi 2. Anatomy and Physiology of emotional disorders, including illnesses related the Heart to the channel pathways. In addition, from recent clinical research there are reports that use both The heart is a hollow viscera and the cardiac wall Abstract Heart and Pericardium channel points to treat heart is comprised of three membrane layers – from the disease. Rarely is further research conducted to interior to the exterior they are the endocardium, The Nei-Jing cites indications governed by the distinguish between these channels. myocardium and epicardium. The structure of the Hand Shao Yin Heart Channel and Hand Jue Yin endocardium includes the endothelium, subendo- Pericardium Channel. The author developed an Wang Ju-yi’s descriptions of the unique structures thelial layer, endothecium, and subendocardium. understanding of the indications governed by of channels include the concept that each chan- The subendocardium contains the branches of the these two channels from an integration of Applied nel has its own specific pathway and that each heart’s conductivity system. The endocardium Channel Theory and modern medicine. Analysis of channel is a crevice existing between different protrudes in the internal cavity to form the heart modern medicine’s anatomical descriptions of the tissue layers. Channels are thus connected with valves, which prevents reversal of blood flow heart’s structure, its connections with channels, a specific Zang-Fu, and have a related regulatory between the atrium and ventricle. and unique characteristics of the physiology and effect. Dr. Wang proved these concepts through The myocardium is comprised of myocardial fibers; pathology and from clinical observation helped continuous clinical application and the collection the muscle fibers have a rich supply of capillaries. with the formation of this understanding. The of large quantities of case studies. A portion of the muscle fibers of the atrium release author believes that detailed analysis of the The application of channel examination helps to atrial natriuretic peptide, which has the functions findings from channel examination together with distinguish between these two channels, since of draining urine, releasing sodium, dilating the clear study of the mechanism of cardiac disorders abnormal channel changes on the Hand Shao blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. provides acupuncture guidance in the treatment Yin and hand Jue Yin channels reflect different of heart disease. disorders. Channel examination clarifies the dif- The epicardium is the part of the pericardium and is the serous layer. It is comprised of connective Key Words: Hand Shao Yin, Hand Jue Yin, channel ference between the two channels, and clarifies tissue and mesothelium. The epicardium is where examination the symptom pattern structures related to heart disease. Thus, proper differentiation will serve as the coronary arteries and veins are distributed. Differentiation between the points of the Heart an important guide in the future for the treatment From the heart’s anatomy and physiology one Channel and Pericardium Channel has been of heart disease in clinical acupuncture. learns that there is a physiological and functional researched throughout the history of Chinese relationship between the cardiac muscle’s three medical acupuncture. In Chapter 71 of the Divine In order to consider this topic from different per- layers and with the heart’s rhythmic conductivity, Pivot it states, “the Yellow Emperor asks: why is the spectives, the author will conduct an analysis of the supply of blood to the myocardium, and the Hand Shao Yin channel the only channel without the Heart Channel and Pericardium Channel – by regulation of the pressure of the blood vessels. points? Qi-bo answers: the Shao Yin, is the Heart analyzing the unique structures of these two The endocardium and heart’s rhythm has a cor- Channel. The Heart is the sovereign of the Five channels and modern medicine’s research on responding relationship, while the vasculature Zang and Six Fu; it stores Essence and Spirit. The the heart’s anatomy, physiology, and pathology. system of the heart and the epicardium have a Heart is solid and sturdy – pathogens are unable to In addition, Wang Ju-yi’s clinical case studies will close relationship. invade it. However, if pathogens invade the Heart, be used as clinical evidence. then it will be injured. Harm to the heart leads to The anatomical and physiological structure of the loss of Spirit, which results in death. Therefore, 1. A Comparison of the heart is the foundation for heart disease, which whenever there are pathogens that invade the Pericardium and Heart channel helps in the analysis of the difference between Heart, they are in the collaterals of the Pericardium. pathways indications of the Heart and Pericardium channels. The ‘collaterals of the Pericardium’ is the channel These two channels have connections with the that governs the Heart. Hence, the Heart Channel 3. Common Heart Disorders does not have acupuncture points.” heart, chest, and throat. The difference being that the Heart Channel’s Divergent Channel “travels In clinical practice, the common heart disorders One can see that in the time of the Nei Jing, the along the throat,” and its Channel Sinew “binds involve three main categories. The first category indications of the Heart Channel and Pericardium with the chest,” while the Pericardium Channel’s is related to a poor supply of blood to the myo- Channel were not differentiated. According to the regular channel “travels along the chest,” its Di- cardium (myocardial ischemia), which leads to perspective “the Heart is the emperor,” and from vergent Channel “enters the chest,” and “travels symptoms of discomfort in the heart region and the philosophical-cultural belief that “others will along the throat.” Another main difference is the angina pectoris. This type of disorder is the result protect the emperor from harm,” the description of Heart Channel comes “from the heart system,” of a decrease in blood supply to the heart, which Pericardium Channel points to treat heart disease “attaches to the throat” and connects with the leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the has over 2,000 years of history. Can the Heart 11 NAJOM vOlume 21 number 60 heart. Energy metabolism of the myocardium is EKG, which revealed myocardial ischemia. PC-6 Case Study Three abnormal and is unable to support the normal was needled, which achieved immediate relief. Patient: Mr. Wang, 47-year-old actor. The patient functions of the heart. The most common cause of Although there are many reports of the use of had heart palpitations for two months as well as myocardial ischemia is coronary atherosclerosis, PC-6 to treat myocardial ischemia, this case em- shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. He which causes stenosis of the coronary vessels or phasizes the important connection between the had a history of rheumatoid heart disease for over blockage. abnormal channel change on the Hand Jue Yin 20 years. Two months earlier, while filming for a The second category refers to the irregular rhythms Channel and the clinical results. The results were television show, he suffered from fatigue, which led of the conductivity of the heart, which can mani- not only immediate, but also illustrate the direct to heart failure and severe abdominal edema. Tests fest as tachycardia, bradycardia, and arrythmia. relationship between the Pericardium Channel showed the patient had mitral regurgitation and This can be a result of congenital heart disease, and myocardial ischemia. heart failure. As an inpatient in a local hospital, he myocardial disease, heart valvular disease, or received diuretics that relieved his symptoms. He When there are abnormalities with heart rate (ar- myocarditis. was advised to have a heart-valve replacement, but rhythmia), heart valvular disease, or psychological the patient preferred to try conservative treatment The third category is related to heart valvular disorders, oftentimes abnormal changes will be first. Channel examination found Hand Shao Yin, diseases. Seventy-five percent of rheumatic fevers found on the Hand Shao Yin Heart Channel. The Hand Jue Yin, Foot Shao Yin and Foot Yang Ming can infect the heart, leading to possible injury of Hand Shao Yin Heart Channel is used to treat these channel abnormalities. There was edema in his the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, and disorders with effective results. Treatment of such ankles. His tongue coating was thick and greasy heart valves. Rheumatic endocarditis can lead to disorders with Pericardium Channel points, on and his pulse thin and rapid. Point selection: HT-3, valvular disease. the other hand, has proven to be not as effective. HT-7, KI-10, KI-3, ST-40. 4. Clinical results of the Heart Case Study Two Treatment 2: The patient’s heart palpitation was significantly relieved, the edema in the foot also Channel and Pericardium Patient: Niva, 53-year-old female, Israeli. The showed improvement. There was no significant Channel patient suffered from sleep apnea and hyperten- change in his shortness of breath or tongue sion for six years.