Check List 10(4): 808–821, 2014 © 2014 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at Journal of lists and distribution pecies S

of Checklist of Brazilian , with comments on original ists L records 1,7* 2,7 3,4,7 Marcelo 5,7 Rodrigues Nogueira 6,7 , Isaac Passos de Lima , Ricardo 2,7 Moratelli , Valéria da Cunha Tavares , Renato Gregorin and Adriano Lúcio Peracchi

1 Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Centro de Biociências e Biotecnologia, Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, CEP 28013-602, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, . 2 Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Laboratório de Mastozoologia, BR-465, CEP 23890-000, Seropédica, RJ, Brazil. 3 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Campus Fiocruz da Mata Atlântica, CEP 22713-375, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 4 Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Division of , Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA. 5 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Cx. Postal 2223, CEP 69067-375, Manaus, AM, Brazil. 6 Departamento de Biologia, [email protected] Federal de Lavras, Caixa Postal 3037, CEP 37200-000, Lavras, MG, Brazil. 7 Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats, Brazilian Research Society, Brazil. * Corresponding author. E-mail: Abstract: th Lists of Brazilian bats have been compiled since the late 19 century, with remarkable variation in the criteria for species inclusion and use of nomenclature. To update the list of extant bat species that occur in Brazil, the Brazilian Bat Research Society created the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats. Here we report the first result of the work of this Committee: a list with nine families, 68 genera, and 178 species with documented occurrence in Brazil, including nomenclatural comments. We also present two additional species lists:st one with doubtful records (10 species) and other with erroneous records (six species). Since the beginning of the 21 century, 35 new bat species have been recorded for Brazil, and we anticipate that more species will be uncovered over the next years.

DOI: 10.15560/10.4.808

Introduction Lista anotada dos mamíferos do Brasil

th first edition of ) At the end of the 19 century Goeldi (1893) published and Taddei (1996) updated the list, recording 141 and the first list of Brazilian mammals, including 40 species 144 species, respectively, but Marinho-Filho and Sazima Ensaioof bats. Monográfico About half a sobre century os Quirópteroslater, C.O.C. doVieira Brasil recorded, (1998) reportedet al. a number (137) close to that reported by respectively,Lista 98 andRemissiva 105 species dos Mamíferos of bats in dohis Brasil monographs Aguiar and Taddei (1995). (Vieira Tavares (2008) reported 165 species in a 1942) and (Vieira manuscript accepted as part of a book expectedet al. to be 1955), already including representatives of the nine published in 2003, and therefore containing listings bat families currently recognized as occurring in Brazil. updated to that year. The list of Tavares (2008) New bat specieset listsal for the whole country were only contrasted from the previously cited because they provided much later published, in the 1990s (Aguiare.g. Catálogo and Taddei de references for each specieset al recordedMamíferos for Brazil, alongdo Brasil with 1995;los Mamíferos Fonseca de América. 1996, del Taddei Sur 1996; Marinho-FilhoChave distributional notes and taxonomic and nomenclatural paraand Sazima determinação 1998), debut quirópteros several studies— brasileiros, Peracchial. Morcegos. (2006; do Brasil ) Biogeography of the (Cabrerabats of South 1958), America later prepared another update, with 164 species recorded, (Vizotto and and Reis (2007;et al. Mamíferos) do reported Brasil: Guia 167 TaddeiMammal 1973), Species of the World et al. despecies Identificação of bats. Afterwards, two lists by PeracchiMamíferos and (Koopman 1982), andMammals book chapters of the World on Chiropteraet docolleagues Brasil (Peracchi 2010 [ (Honacki 1982; ], 2011a [second edition of Koopman 1993) and (Walker et al.]) reported 168 and 172 Brazilian bat species, 1964)—provided updates to the Vieira’s (1942, 1955) respectively. The lastLista updated Anotada list dos before Mamíferos the present do Brasil was lists. Among them, Cabrera’sth Catalogue (1958) stands out Paglia (2012), which reported 174 bat species in the as the most influential 20 century contribution on the second edition of . and nomenclature of South American mammals, In April 2011, a general assembly of the Brazilian Bat having served as background for several subsequent Research Society (Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo de studies in the subject. Quirópteros—Sbeq; created the In 1995, a team of 14 scientists from several Brazilian Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (Comitê da Lista institutions met in a workshop in Santa Teresa, State of de Morcegos do Brasil—CLMB). This standing Committee Espírito Santo, to compile a new list of Brazilian bats and is in charge for the regular publication of a with define their conservation status (Aguiar and Taddeiet al. 1995). occurrence in Brazil, and for a continual revision of its The group recognized 138 Brazilian species, far surpassing scope and methodology. The first committee’s workgroup Vieira’s (1955) list. Subsequently, Fonseca (1996; was composed by the lead author M.R. Nogueira [Chair], I.P. 808 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

Lima, and A.L. Peracchi, which compiled the information, a formal description or definition of their differentiation defined the methodology, prepared the first draft of the characters, they are not valid under the ICZN (1999; Art list, and invited the other members. Subsequently, all 13.1.1), and are cited enclosedet al in quotation marks (see also authors reviewed the methods and the list, worked on DermanuraSolari and Martínez-Arias bogotensis 2014).et al We rankedPlatyrrhinus some nomenclatural inconsistencies, and redraft parts atincarum the genus level (Hooferet al . (2008:9) andalienus recognizedH. of the manuscript. R. Gregorin also added one personal (Lim . 2008a), record to the final list. We expect the list to be useful to (Velazco . 2010), , and the scientific community, government agencies, and non- (Barquez and DíazNatalus 2001; Simmonsmacrourus 2005) at the governmental organizations to support conservation species level.N. stramineus We treated populationsN. espiritosantensis of south Materialsstrategies at and national Methods and regional scales. of the Amazon River as replacing the names or for those populations (Garbino and Tejedor 2012). Finally, for the The checklist of Brazilian bats presented here is based Peropteryxattribution leucoptera,of authorship and date of sylvestrisspecies descriptions, Mesophylla exclusively on formal records. As defined by the Committee, macconnelli,we disagree from Gardner schmidtorum (2008) in thePhylloderma cases of formal records are those available through peer-reviewed stenops Trinycteris nicefori, blossevillii,, articles and short communications published in scientific macrotis , journals and books, therefore excluding B.Sc. and M.Sc.e.g. , and Histiotusthesis, Ph.D. dissertations,et al abstracts and proceedings of (see notes on Table 1). Two genera meetings, even those published in scientific journals ( , and seven species included here were described after , Pol . 1998:124; first record for Gardner (2008). Brazil [published in the Bat Researchth News as an abstract Each record in our main list (formal valid records) of a presentation at the 11 International Bat Research that is not related to type material is accompanied by Conference]). In the cases of records associated with a number of a voucher specimen. We primarily used nomenclatural acts (including descriptions of new taxa, numbers from specimens cited in the original references revalidation, and synonyms), only publications attending (obtained directly from the publication or from the the mandatory provisions of the International Code of collection where the specimen was deposited), but when Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999) and its amendments these numbers were not available, we used material (ICZN 2012) were incorporated. examined by us. The following acronyms are used in the During the composition of the list, each formal record text: ALP (Coleção Adriano Lúcio Peracchi, Universidade was evaluated, and those rejected were grouped into two Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro), AMNH categories: doubtful or erroneous records. Criteria for (American Museum of Natural History, New York), the doubtful record categorization were: (i) record not BMNH (Natural History Museum, London), CCZ (Centro supported by voucher(s) in biological collections, (ii) para o Controle de Zoonoses, São Paulo, São Paulo), species with uncertain taxonomic status, and (iii) species CM (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh), whose occurrence in Brazil is pending confirmation after CMUFLA (Coleção de Mamíferos da Universidade Federal taxonomic reassessments (including cases where Brazilian de Lavras, Lavras), CMUFV (Coleção de Mamíferos da representatives were not assessed, with identities pending Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa), DZUP (Coleção confirmation). Erroneous records are related to taxa for Científica de Mastozoologia do Departamento de Zoologia which the evidence supporting their occurrence in Brazil da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba), FMNH (Field was consistently refuted, generally through re-examination Museum of Natural History, Chicago), IEPA (Instituto of the material related to the record. de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do To enter the list, each formal record had to be supported Amapá, Macapá), INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da by at least one reference and one voucher deposited at Amazônia, Manaus), LDM (Laboratório de Diversidade de a museum collection. We aimed at reporting the first Mamíferos, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, record of each species for Brazil, which in most cases Rio de Janeiro), MCN (Museu de Ciências Naturais da coincided with original descriptions (47% of the cases) or Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre), descriptions of names currently under synonymy (12%). MN (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), MZUSP (Museu de We followed authors in Gardner (2008) for synonymies, Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo), RNH and commented on propositions published afterward that (Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden), ROM resulted in additions to the list. Although the decision about (Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario), UFMG (Universidade the inclusion of any particular record is a prerogative of Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte), UNIDERP the CLMB, the Committee is open to suggestions from the (Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da scientific community (contact: [email protected]). Região do Pantanal, Campo Grande), and USNM (National Gardner (2008) was the point of departure for the ResultsMuseum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.). taxonomic arrangement, nomenclature, and order of citations of taxa. Divergences are mainly based on new evidences on higher taxa relationships, and due to spelling angustirostrisA total of nine families, 68 genera, and 178 extant bat corrections and new interpretationset al on species occur in Brazil (Table 1), including alPhyllostomid and emballonurid bats were arranged into Dryadonycteris, whichXeronycteris is a new recordMicronycteris for the sanborni country. subfamilies according to Baker et. (2003)al and Lim DryadonycterisTwo genera and capixaba 10 speciesLonchophylla are Brazilian bokermanni endemics: . 2008b), respectively. Because two subfamily names and ; , used here were proposed by Baker . (2003) without , 809, Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

L. peracchii, Xeronycteris vieirai vizottoi Platyrrhinus recifinus taddeii Lasiurus ebenus Myotis izecksohni , , Considering formal publications, we reached a total , , , of 194 species records for Brazil. Among the 16 species and . Sources for the valid records excluded from this total, 10 were recognized as doubtful supporting the present list comprised the work of 104 records (Table 2) and six as erroneousMyotis alter records (Table authors distributed in 117 publications (Table 1). Among 3). The list of doubtful taxa includes one species whose the 178 bat species listed from Brazil, 85 were first taxonomic statusCarollia is uncertain castanea ( Platyrrhinus), and helleri two assigned based on their original descriptions (78 with species whose distribution, after revision, seems not to type localities in Brazil) or descriptions of subspecies, include Brazil ( and ). 77 were reported under currently valid species names in All other species included in this list were recorded without publications subsequente.g. to their originalLasiurus descriptions, enslenii and an explicit reference to voucher material. From the six 16 were first recognizedL. salinae as occurring in Brazil based on records considered erroneous (Table 3), five are based on nomenclatural acts ( , recognition of as specimensEnchisthenes for which we hartii accepted identifications different a junior synonym of ). than those used in the publication assigning these species and Johann A. Wagner stand out to Brazil. is the only exception in this as the main contributors to the list of Brazilian bats, Discussioncase, as explained in the note 2 on Table 3. with respectively 12 and 7 species described based on material collected in Brazil. Regarding records available in publications other than original descriptions, Thomas The number of taxa reported ethere al for the Brazilian bat reported 16 species and Wagner 12. The number of fauna iset close al to those reported in the most recent lists (67 original species descriptions based on Brazilian types genera/172 species in Peracchi . [2011a]; 65/174 in (or at least including Brazilian specimens) that add new Paglia . [2012]),e.g. but there are substantial qualitative records for Brazil has declined over the centuries, but is differences. The criteria used here for the recognition of still remarkable. Consideringth all species listed as occurring valid records ( , voucher material available in biological in Brazil up to the 19 century, 69% were original species collections) leaded to the exclusion of several taxa, descriptions,th a proportion thatst dropped to 35% in theth possibly counteracting an expected increase since thest 20 centuryth and 29% in the 21 century. During the 19 edition of the last list was finished. Considering the 21 and 20 centuries, similar numbers of new occurrences century, however, we highlighted an increase in numberth were recorded for Brazil (72 and 71 species, respectively).st of species records not seen since the first half of the 19 In contrast, just in the beginning of the 21 century, 35 century, when European naturalists worked intensively new species occurrences were recorded, indicating that a on material collected in Brazil (Hershkovitze.g. 1987).et This al substantial growth in the list of Brazilian bats can still be recent increase in confirmed species from Brazil can be expected (Figure 1). Approximately two new bat species attributede.g toet al taxonomic revisions ( , Moratelli . to the Brazilian fauna have been reported per year in the 2011a), to fieldwork conducted in poorly sampled regions past two decades. ( ., Castro . 2012), and to intensive systematic work in

Figure 1.

Cumulative records of bat species for Brazil since Only records considered valid by the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (Table 1) were included. Note the rapid increase in the first half of the 19 century and in the past 20 years. 810 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

e.g., et al material collected in well-sampled localities ( Nogueira of Marinho-Filho and Sazima (1998) that almost 60% of . 2012). Indeed the increment in the number of trained the Brazilian bat endemics were Dryadonycterisrestricted to Amazonia, capixaba taxonomists in Brazil, has resulted in multiple taxonomic allLonchophylla species currently peracchii consideredEptesicus endemictaddeii Lasiurus to Brazil ebenus occur revisions, description of new species, and addition of exclusivelyMyotis izecksohni in the Atlantic ForestLonchophylla ( bokermanni , new records due to the more accurate identifications. Xeronycteris, vieirai, Chiroderma, Nonetheless, because several Neotropical bat generaet andvizottoi ), Cerrado ( ) requireal revision (Gardner 2008), and sampling gaps can andPlatyrrhinus Caatinga recifinusbiomes ( and be found throughout the Brazilian territory (Bernard ), or are found Micronycterisin the Atlantic sanborni Forest and Cerrado . 2011), we predict a steady and positive growth in the ( ; see Velazco and Lim 2014) or in the number of bat species with known distribution to the Cerrado and Caatingaet al ( —we did not Brazilian territory in the near future. recognize the recent record of this species for Amazonia Brazil is the largest South American country, with [López-Baucells . 2014], due to the absence of voucher most of its geographical area within the tropics, where material). This change is of particular importance if we mammalian diversity is higher (Voss and Emmons 1996). consider that, in relation to Amazonia, these biomes had Surprisingly, the number of bat species occurringn in Brazil a much larger proportion of their original areas convertedet al is only slightlyn higher than thatet recordedal for other South into anthropic landscapes (MMA 2007) and present a Americann countries, such as Ecuador ( =164; Albuja much smaller proportion of protected forests (Gurgel . 2011), ( =165; Pacheco . 2009), and Venezuelan 2009). The Atlantic Forest andet the al Caatinga are now also ( =165;et Sánchezal and Lew 2012), and lower than the known to harbor genus-level bat endemisms (Gregorin number of bat species documented for Colombia ( =187, and Ditchfield 2005; Nogueira . 2012), highlighting the Solari . 2013). A similar pattern is observed when importance of their long-term conservation. levels of endemism are considered. Although Marinho- Significant changes presented here in relation Filho and Sazima (1998) reported 19 endemic species for to previous species lists for bats in Brazil were only Brazil (14% of the bat fauna recorded in that time), most of possible because voucher specimens were available to these bats occur in other countries, and nowadays only 10 scientists, allowing reassessments of primary taxonomic species can be recognized as endemic (Table 1). The rate identifications. The deposit of vouchers should be of Brazilian bat endemism (5%)et is,al therefore, higher than mandatory for bat diversity assessments, but it is often etthat al recorded for Venezuelaet al (2.4%; Sánchez and Lew 2012) neglected in Brazil. Only with robust biological collections, and Colombia (2.6%;et Alberico al . 2000; Mantilla-Meluk adequately represented by different taxa and geographical . 2009; Solari . 2013), but still close to that found in coverage, we can fully understand any taxonomic group, Peru (4.2%; Pacheco . 2009). These data are suggestive constructing reliable species lists, and taking consistent of hidden bat diversity still to be discovered in Brazil. actions in conservation (Zaher and Young 2003). MoreTable 1. interestingly, in sharp contrast to the suggestion List of the bat species in Brazil, with references (first record in the literature) and collection numbers (except for type material). This list includes records considered valid by the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (see Materials and Methods for criteria). When not available in the references, voucher numbers were obtained from queries to collection staff (single dagger) or a new specimen was assigned based on our own observations (double dagger). Species with type locality in Brazil are assigned an asterisk and those with original description including Brazilian specimens, but type locality outside of Brazil, are assigned two asterisks. Species endemic to Brazil are assigned a star. COLLECTION TAXON SOURCE NUMBER Order Chiroptera (9 families, 68 genera, 178 species) Family (7 genera, 17 species) Subfamily Emballonurinae maximiliani * Cormura brevirostris * (Fischer, 1829) Cyttarops alecto * (Wagner, 1843) albus 1 * Thomas, 1913 Diclidurus ingens 2 † Wied-Neuwied, 1820 Diclidurus isabella * Hernández-Camacho, 1955 Bernard and Fenton (2002) INPA 3964 Diclidurus scutatus * (Thomas, 1920) kappleri Peters, 1869 Peropteryx leucoptera 3 ‡ Peters, 1867 Vieira (1942) MZUSP 1335 Peropteryx macrotis 4 ‡ Peters, 1867 Thomas (1920) ALP 9730 Peropteryx pallidoptera et al. (Wagner, 1843) Schinz (1821) ALP 6939 Peropteryx trinitatis Lim, Engstrom, Reid, Simmons, Voss & Fleck, 2010 Castro (2012) IEPA 2971 Rhynchonycteris naso * Miller, 1899 Hood and Gardner (2008) BMNH bilineata E mballonura insignis (Wied-Neuwied, 1820) Saccopteryx canescens * (Temminck, 1838) Holotype of [ ]. Wagner, 1855 Saccopteryx gymnura * Thomas, 1901 Saccopteryx leptura ‡ Thomas, 1901 Family Phyllostomidae (43 genera, 92 species) (Schreber, 1774) Thomas (1920) ALP 2555 Subfamily Micronycterinae Lampronycteris brachyotis 5 ‡

(Dobson, 1879) Koopman (1976) ALP 3304 811 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

Table 1. Continued.

COLLECTION TAXON SOURCE NUMBER Micronycteris brosseti ** Micronycteris hirsuta et al. ‡ Simmons & Voss, 1998 Micronycteris homezorum 6 (Peters, 1869) Pine (1996) ALP 3819 Micronycteris megalotis * Pirlot, 1967 Bernard (2001b) INPA 2605 Micronycteris microtis et al. ‡ (Gray, 1842) Micronycteris minuta * Miller, 1898 Pedro (2001) ALP 9637 Micronycteris sanborni 7★ * (Gervais, 1856) Micronycteris schmidtorum 8 et al. Simmons, 1996 Subfamily Desmodontinae Sanborn, 1935 Ascorra (1991a) USNM 555703 rotundus Rhino lo]ph us ecaudatus Diaemus youngii (É. Geoffroy, 1810) Holotype of [ [ ]. Schinz, 1821 Diphylla ecaudata * (Jentink, 1893) Miller (1906) USNM 140769 Subfamily Lonchorhininae Spix, 1823 aurita ‡ Lonchorhina inusitata ** Tomes, 1863 Sanborn (1932) ALP 8821 Subfamily Handley & Ochoa, 1997 Chrotopterus auritus ‡ brasiliense * (Peters, 1856) Dobson (1878) ALP 426 Lophostoma carrikeri 9 Peters, 1866 Lophostoma schulzi (J. A. Allen, 1910) McCarthy and Handley (1987) USNM 360803 Lophostoma silvicola 10 ‡ (Genoways & Williams, 1980) Marques-Aguiar and Oren (1987) MZUSP 13077 Macrophyllum macrophyllum * d’Orbigny, 1836 Wagner (1843) ALP 6014 Mimon bennettii * (Schinz, 1821) Mimon crenulatum * (Gray, 1838) Phylloderma stenops 11 † (É. Geoffroy, 1803) discolor * (Peters, 1865) Handley (1967) USNM 361532 Phyllostomus elongatus * (Wagner, 1843) Phyllostomus hastatus ‡ (É. Geoffroy, 1810) Phyllostomus latifolius 12 et al. (Pallas, 1767) Wied-Neuwied (1821) ALP 2100 bidens * (Thomas, 1901) Sampaio (2003) INPA 2497 Tonatia saurophila et al. (Spix, 1823) Trachops cirrhosus * Koopman & Williams, 1951 Williams (1995) USNM 361507 Vampyrum spectrum ‡ (Spix, 1823) Subfamily (Linnaeus, 1758) Vieira (1955) ALP 7168 caudifer * Anoura geoffroyi * (É. Geoffroy, 1818) minor ‡ Gray, 1838 Dryadonycteris capixaba ★ * (Peters, 1868) Dobson (1878) ALP 7048 commissarisi 13 Nogueira, Lima, Peracchi & Simmons, 2012 Glossophaga longirostris 14 † Gardner, 1962 Griffiths and Gardner (2008) USNM 562720 Glossophaga soricina Glossophaga amplexicaudata Miller, 1898 Webster and Handley (1986) ROM 38939 degener * (Pallas, 1766) Holotype of Spix, 1823 Scleronycteris ega * Miller, 1931 Subfamily Lonchophyllinae Thomas, 1912 Hsunycteris thomasi 15 ‡ Lionycteris spurrelli et al. (J.A. Allen, 1904) Handley (1967) ALP 7047 bokermanni 16★ * Thomas, 1913 Taddei (1978) MPEG 3745 Lonchophylla dekeyseri * Sazima, Vizotto & Taddei, 1978 Lonchophylla mordax * Taddei, Vizotto & Sazima, 1983 Lonchophylla peracchii ★ * Thomas, 1903 Xeronycteris vieirai ★ * Dias, Esbérard & Moratelli, 2013 Subfamily Gregorin & Ditchfield, 2005 benkeithi 17 † Carollia brevicauda * Solari & Baker, 2006 McLellan and Koopman (2008) MPEG 21263 Carollia perspicillata Glossophaga amplexicauda (Schinz, 1821) Subfamily “Glyphonycterinae” (Linnaeus, 1758) Holotype of É. Geoffroy, 1818 Glyphonycteris behnii * Glyphonycteris daviesi 18 et al. (Peters, 1865) Glyphonycteris sylvestris 19 ‡ (Hill, 1964) Pine (1996) USNM 460089 Neonycteris pusilla * Thomas, 1896 Handley (1967) MPEG 3552 Trinycteris nicefori 20 † (Sanborn, 1949) (Sanborn, 1949) Handley (1967) USNM 361503

812 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

Table 1. Continued.

COLLECTION TAXON SOURCE NUMBER Subfamily “Rhinophyllinae” fischerae ‡ Rhinophylla pumilio * Carter, 1966 Piccinini (1974) ALP 1914 Subfamily Peters, 1865 Ametrida centurio * concolor 21 ‡ Gray, 1847 Artibeus fimbriatus * Peters, 1865 Piccinini (1974) ALP 2578 Artibeus lituratus 22 Ph yllostomus frenatus Gray, 1838 Artibeus obscurus * (Olfers, 1818) Holotype of [ ]. Olfers, 1818 Artibeus planirostris * (Schinz, 1821) Chiroderma doriae * (Spix, 1823) Chiroderma trinitatum † Thomas, 1891 Chiroderma villosum * Goodwin, 1958 Handley (1967) USNM 361723 Chiroderma vizottoi ★ * Peters, 1860 Dermanura anderseni * Taddei & Lim, 2010 Dermanura bogotensis 23 (Osgood, 1916) Dermanura cinerea * (Andersen, 1906) Marques-Aguiar (2008) AMNH 75537 Dermanura gnoma ** Gervais, 1856 Mesophylla macconnelli 24 † (Handley, 1987) Platyrrhinus angustirostris 25 Thomas, 1901 Handley (1967) USNM 361726 Platyrrhinus aurarius Velazco, Gardner & Patterson, 2010 Present study CMUFLA 1309 Platyrrhinus brachycephalus ‡ (Handley & Ferris, 1972) Velazco and Gardner (2009) UFMG 3534 Platyrrhinus fusciventris ** (Rouk & Carter, 1972) Handley and Ferris (1972) ALP 7016 Platyrrhinus incarum et al. Velazco, Gardner & Patterson, 2010 Platyrrhinus infuscus Vampyrops fumosus (Thomas, 1912) Velazco (2010) USNM 554775 Platyrrhinus lineatus (Peters, 1880) Holotype of Miller, 1902 Platyrrhinus recifinus ★ * (É. Geoffroy, 1810) Dobson (1878) BMNH Pygoderma bilabiatum * (Thomas, 1901) Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum ‡ (Wagner, 1843) lilium ‡ Peters, 1882 Piccinini (1974) ALP 3421 Sturnira magna et al. (É. Geoffroy, 1810) Gray (1842) ALP 2107 Sturnira tildae de la Torre, 1966 Nogueira (1999) ALP 7122 bilobatum * de la Torre, 1959 Handley (1967) USNM 361657 Uroderma magnirostrum et al Peters, 1866 pusilla * Davis, 1968 Pine . (1970) USNM 393695 Vampyressa thyone et al. ‡ (Wagner, 1843) bidens Thomas, 1909 Nogueira (2004) ALP 7019 Vampyriscus brocki 26 (Dobson, 1878) Vieira (1942) MZUSP 4373 Vampyrodes caraccioli ‡ (Peterson, 1968) Voss and Emmons (1996) USNM 549425 Family (1 genus, 3 species) (Thomas, 1889) Thomas (1920) ALP 2024 gymnonotus 27 * Pteronotus parnellii ‡ (Wagner, 1843) Pteronotus personatus * (Gray, 1843) Wagner (1843) ALP 10474 Family Noctilionidae (1 genus, 2 species) (Wagner, 1843) Noctilio albiventris * Noctilio leporinus ‡ Desmarest, 1818 Family (1 genus, 1 species) (Linnaeus, 1758) Spix (1823) ALP 9309 Furipterus horrens ‡ Family Thyropteridae (1 genus, 5 species) (Cuvier, 1828) Tomes (1856) ALP 0006 devivoi * Thyroptera discifera ‡ Gregorin, Gonçalves, Lim & Engstrom, 2006 Thyroptera lavali † (Lichtenstein & Peters, 1855) Piccinini (1974) MZUSP 16395 Thyroptera tricolor * Pine, 1993 Bernard and Fenton (2002) INPA 3945 Thyroptera wynneae * Spix, 1823 Family (1 genus, 1 species) Velazco, Gregorin, Voss & Simmons, 2014 Natalus macrourus 28 * Family Molossidae (8 genera, 29 species) (Gervais, 1856)

Cynomops abrasus 29 * Subfamily Molossinae greenhalli 30 et al. (Temminck, 1826) 31 Goodwin, 1958 Peters (2002) CM 100895 Cynomops paranus * (Osgood, 1914) Eger (2008) USNM 393767 (Thomas, 1901) 813 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

Table 1. Continued.

COLLECTION TAXON SOURCE NUMBER Cynomops planirostris 32 ‡ auripendulus ‡ (Peters, 1866) McNab and Morrison (1963) ALP 9215 Eumops bonariensis (Shaw, 1800) Wagner (1843) ALP 512 Eumops delticus * (Peters, 1874) Eger (1977) AMNH 235405 Eumops glaucinus * Thomas, 1923 Eumops hansae * (Wagner, 1843) Eumops maurus et al. Sanborn, 1932 Eumops patagonicus (Thomas, 1901) Sodré (2008) CCZ 761/05 Eumops perotis * Thomas, 1924 González (2003) MCN 356 Eumops trumbulli * (Schinz, 1821) neglectus et al. (Thomas, 1901) Molossops temminckii * Williams & Genoways, 1980 Ascorra (1991b) USNM 335843 aztecus et al. (Burmeister, 1854) Molossus coibensis 33 Molossus cherriei Saussure, 1860 Gregorin (2011) CMUFV 399 Molossus currentium 34 et al. J.A. Allen, 1904 Holotype of J.A. Allen, 1916 Molossus molossus Molossus acuticaudatus Thomas, 1901 Tavares (2010) MN 47079 Molossus pretiosus (Pallas, 1766) Holotype of Desmarest, 1820 Molossus rufus Molossus ursinus Miller, 1902 Gregorin and Taddei (2000) UNIDERP 399 Neoplatymops mattogrossensis * É. Geoffroy, 1805 Holotype of Spix, 1823 Nyctinomops aurispinosus * (Vieira, 1942) Nyctinomops laticaudatus ‡ (Peale, 1848) Nyctinomops macrotis 35 Dysopes auritus (É. Geoffroy, 1805) Wagner (1843) ALP 4502 centralis et al. (Gray, 1840) Holotype of Wagner, 1843 Promops nasutus * Thomas, 1915 Nogueira (1999) ALP 7110 brasiliensis * (Spix, 1823) Family (5 genera, 28 species) (I. Geoffroy, 1824) Subfamily Eptesicus andinus Eptesicus brasiliensis * J.A. Allen, 1914 Davis (1966) AMNH 134910 Eptesicus chiriquinus (Desmarest, 1819) Eptesicus diminutus * Thomas, 1920 Simmons and Voss (1998) AMNH 92251 Eptesicus furinalis 36 Eptesicus chapmani Osgood, 1915 ★ * (d’Orbigny & Gervais, 1847) Holotype of J.A. Allen, 1915 Histiotus alienus * Miranda, Bernardi & Passos, 2006 Histiotus laephotis et al. Thomas, 1916 Histiotus montanus 37 et al. ‡ Thomas, 1916 Miranda (2007) DZUP 272 Histiotus velatus * (Philippi & Landbeck, 1861) Cherem (2005) LDM 5222 Lasiurus blossevillii 38 Lasiurus nattereri (I. Geoffroy, 1824) Lasiurus castaneus 39 et al. ([Lesson, 1826]) Holotype of Fitzinger, 1870 Lasiurus cinereus ‡ Handley, 1960 Sampaio (2003) INPA 2494 Lasiurus ebenus ★ * (Palisot de Beauvois, 1796) Pira (1904) ALP 9459 Lasiurus ega * Fazzolari-Corrêa, 1994 Lasiurus egregius * (Gervais, 1856) Lasiurus salinae 40 Lasiurus enslenii (Peters, 1870) hussoni ** Thomas, 1902 Holotype of Lima, 1926 Rhogeessa io 41 Genoways & Baker, 1996 Subfamily Thomas, 1903 LaVal (1973a) FMNH 26465 Myotis albescens Vesp ertilio leucogaster Myotis dinellii 42 et al. (É. Geoffroy, 1806) Holotype of [ ]. Schinz, 1821 Myotis izecksohni ★ * Thomas, 1902 Passos (2010) DZUP 867 Myotis lavali * Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011 Myotis levis * Moratelli, Peracchi, Dias & Oliveira, 2011 Myotis nigricans * (I. Geoffroy, 1824) Myotis riparius (Schinz, 1821) Myotis ruber kinnamon Handley, 1960 LaVal (1973b) USNM 361786 Myotis simus 43 Myotis guaycuru (É. Geoffroy, 1806) Holotype of Gervais, 1856 1 Thomas, 1901 Diclidurus albus Holotype of Proença, 1943

2 The original description of is dated 1819, but we follow Simmons (2005) and Hood andDiclidurus Gardner (2008) ingens in adopting 1820 as the year of the publication (Wied-Neuwied 1820). D. ingens e.g. et al. Koopman (1982) hatched part of the Brazilian territory in the species distribution map proposed for , but he did not indicate the 3 voucher specimen or locality of occurrence. Several subsequent authors also reported Peropteryx ( leucoptera, Fonseca 1996; Taddei 1996; Marinho-Filho and Sazima 1998), but voucher material was provided only by Bernard and Fenton (2002). Hood and Gardner (2008:199) assigned 1967 as the year of the original description of , but the correct date is 1867. 814 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

4 Vesp ertilio caninus Vespertilio caninus macrotis SchinzPeropteryx (1821) macrotis described [ ]. with type locality in Brazil, subsequently restricted to Bahia by Ávila-Pires (1965). The name, however, 5 was pre-occupied by Blumenbach, 1797, andSchizostoma the first name brachyote available forLampronycteris the species was brachyotis J.A. Wagner, 1843 (= ). Therefore, in Table 1 the first reference for Brazil precedes the original description of the species. In the title page of the Dobson’s (1879) original descriptione.g. of (= ), the printed publication date is 6 1878. According to Andersen (1906:60),Micronycteris however, megalotisthe paper was “probably M.not homezorum published until April 1879”. Most subsequent authors have adopted 1879 as the valid description date for this taxon ( , Simmons 2005;M. Williams minuta and Genoways 2008), a position alsoet adopted al. here. Initially proposed as a subspecies of (Pirlot,M. homezorum 1967), was re-described as a separatedM. homezorum species by Simmons and Voss (1998), and subsequently suggested to be a junior synonym of by Ochoa and SanchezM. homezorum (2005). Porter M. (2007) homezi followed Ochoa and 7 SanchezMicronycteris (2005), sanborni but Williams and Genoways (2008) maintained et alas a valid species. We also recognized as re-diagnosed by Simmons and Voss (1998), but follow Solari (2008) for M. the yatesi spelling of the specific epithet ( instead of ). 8 was previously thought to occur in Bolivia,Micronycteris but Siles schmidtorum. (2013) revised the Bolivian material attributed to this species and concluded that it corresponds to a distinct new species, Siles & Brooks, 2013. 9 Williams and Genoways (2008) placed authorship and date of in parentheses, but this species was originally described in its current genus. et al Listed for the first time for Brazil in the species distribution map proposed by Koopman (1982), but without record of locality or voucher material. The effective record considered here is that by McCarthy and Handley (1987). We followed McCarthy . (1992) in recognizing 1987 as the publication 10 dateLophost foroma the McCarthysilvicola and Handley’s paper. The Fall-Winter L. silvicolum. issue of the volume 28(3–4) of the -cola newsletter Bat Research News is dated 1987 in the front page,. but 1988 in the back page, leaving no direct evidence on the actual publication date. has been incorrectly spelled Species-group names ending in (“inhabitant of”) must be considered as names in 11 appositionPhyllodermaThese stenops names need not agree in gender with the generic name, and mustPhyllostoma retain their original Phyllodermaspelling (A. Gardner, pers. comm. [see ICZN 1999:38,Phylloderma Art. 31.2.1]). P. stenops 12 was originally describede.g. by Peterset al. (1865) as part of the genus , subgenus . However, after the recognition of Phyllostomus as latifolius a separate genus, author and year of publication of need to be cited in parentheses. Koopman (1982) and other authors ( , Fonseca et1996; al. Taddei 1996; Marinho-Filho and Sazima 1998) included Brazil in the distribution range 13 of , butGlossophaga they did not commissarisi indicate localities and voucher specimens. The single record of this species within Brazil, known from central Amazonia, was reported onlye.g. later by Sampaioet al. (2003). Koopman (1993) recorded for Brazil, but he did not indicate voucher material or occurrence site. Several subsequent 14 authors also reported the species ( , Fonseca 1996; Taddei 1996; Marinho-FilhoGlossophaga longirostris and Sazima 1998; Simmons 2005), but record with locality and voucher material was only recently provided by Griffiths and Gardner (2008). Webster and Handley (1986) cited the single currently known specimen of for Brazil as proceeding from “Roraima, Lucetania Ranch”. Griffiths and Gardner (2008) did not include this locality in the species distribution map, although they mentioned the record. In the region 15 indicated by Websteret and al HandleyLonchophylla (1986) for thissensu record, we foundet al Lusitania (not Lucetania),et al indicating misspellings either in the original labelL. thomasi of the specimen or in subsequent transcriptions. 16 According to Parlos Lonchophylla. (2014), bokermanni ( Wetterer . 2000 and Baker . 2003) is paraphyletic, justifying the allocation of in a distinct genus. L. peracchii et al. 17 The distribution of Carollia castanea is currently restricted to the state of Minas Gerais.C. benkeithiPopulations e.g. of the state of Rio de Janeiroet al. (and probably Espírito Santo), previously referrede.g. to this taxon, correspond to a new species ( ; Dias [2013]). Although the recordsC. benkeithi of for the Brazilian territory previous to the description of ( , Uieda 1980; Nogueira 1999) have been attributed to the latter species ( , McLellan and Koopman 2008), until this material is formally revised we opted to maintain the first formalC. benkeithi citation of for Brazil (McLellan and Koopman 2008) as the reference record. The collection number reported here is the formal 18 accessionGlyphonycteris number daviesi for the specimen cited by McLellan and Koopman (2008) as BDP 1793 (field number of Bruce Patterson). In the original description of , Solari and Baker (2006)et al. included Brazil in the occurrence of the species, but no specimen from Brazil was examined. 19 was first listed for Brazil in the species Glyphonycterisdistribution map sylvestris proposed by Koopman (1982), but a record with locality and voucher material was first provided by Pine (1996). 20 Williams and Genoways (2008) reported author and date of in parentheses, but the speciesTrinycteris was originally nicefori described in its current genus. Trinycteris Micronycteris 21 Williams and Genoways (2008) did not use parenthesisA. concolor while the author and date of publication as the author of , but its use is Artibeusnecessary in this case because was originallyArtibeus described concolor as a subgenus of . Allen (1916a) provided the first Brazilian record of , but based his assessment on a single skin without a skull. Although unique among 22 spp. in presentingPh tricoloredyllostomus dorsallituratus fur, Artibeus lituratus, as currently understood, may represent two or more sibling species (Marques- Aguiar 2008). We, therefore, provisionally refer to Piccinini (1974),Ph theyllostomus subsequentfrenatus Brazilian record. Ph yllostomus Olffrenatusers (1818) described [ ]. (= Artibeus lituratus) based on the “chauve-souris obscure et rayée” described byA. Azara lituratus (1801) for Paraguay. Subsequently, on the same page, the author described [ ]. with the type locality “Brasilien”. Because [ ] 23 Dermanur isa currently bogotensis considered a junior synonym of , the recordDermanura of the glaucaformer for Brazil isArtibeus the first glaucus record bogotensisof for the 24 country. Mesophylla macconnelli is treated by Marques-Aguiar (2008) as a subspecies of (referred as ). 25 Arroyo-Cabrales (2008) reportedPlatyrrhinus author angustirostris and date of in parentheses, but the species was originally described in its current genus. 26 VThisampyressa is the first brocki recordVampyriscus of brocki for the Brazilian territory. The specimen reported here was collected by Júlio Dalponte in a mist net set at ground level at Parque Nacional do Juruema, in the state of Mato Grosso. 27 (= ) was reported for Brazil by Koopman (1982), but without record of voucher material or locality. The first to provide these data were Voss and Emmons (1996). 28 See Carter Natalusand Dolan macrourus (1978) and Patton and Gardner (2008)Natalus for espiritosantensisexplanations regarding the recognition of J.A. Wagner, instead of J. Natterer, as the 29 authority for this species. Dysopes abrasus Cynomops abrasus The name has priority over the name (see Garbino and Tejedor 2012). 30 We followed Eger (2008) in referring to theMolossops year of availability greenhalli of theCynomops name greenhalli (= et al. ) as 1826, instead of 1827. Support for this assignment was made available by Sherborn (1915:2082).et al. Cynomops greenhalli et al.The identity of the specimens assigned to Molossops (= planirostris Cynomops) by Mares planirostris (1981) was questionedet al. by Eger (2008), who tentatively considered only theCynomops specimen greenhalli reported by Peters (2002) as a valid record to Brazil. This record of by Peters 31 (2002) is based on a specimen previouslyCynomops reported asmilleri C. paranus (= C. planirostris) by Mares (1981). Bernard (2001a) reported on the occurrence of in the state of Amazonas, but no voucher material was informed. milleri paranusKoopman (1978) compared the holotype of with adults of (reported as from Amazonas, Brazil [but see Koopman 1994]), and attributed differencesmilleri to age or geographic variation. Simmons andparanus Voss (1998) recognized C. as a junior synonym of C. milleri after concluding that differences millerisize used by Osgood (1914) to distinguish the holotypes of both forms correspond to sexual dimorphism. On the other hand,et Eger al. (2008) treated C. as a valid species, distinguishing itC. from paranus C. based on size. We follow Eger (2008) in recognizing C. as a valid species. She reported C. milleri(USNM 393769) from Mato Grosso,C. paranus Serra do Roncador, Brazil (Eger 2008:405), based on material collected by Pine (1970). Although she used the same catalog number for a specimen, it seems to be a typesetting error. Eger (2008) 32 provided precise locations for both specimens ( , 264 km N of Xavantina;Molossops planirostris, 280 espiritosantensis km N of Xavantina), and accordingMolossus to the databasemolossus of the Smithsonian’s Nationalet Museumal. of Natural History, the catalog number of the specimenC. collected planirostris 280 km N of Xavantina is USNM 393767. The material reported for the state of Espírito Santo by Ruschi (1951)Über die as brasilianishen corresponds to (see comments in Peracchi [2011b]). Regarding the year of the original publication of , we followed Eger (2008) in recognizing 1866, instead of 1865 (as printed in the description). In Peters’ (Peters 1866), pages 563 to the end were published in 1866 815 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

33 Molossus coibensis Molossus cherriei (Gardner 2008:549). M. coibensis 34 The first record of for BrazilMolossus is from currentium Tapirapoan, state of Mato Grosso (Allen 1916b), type locality of J. A. Allen, 1916, lateret synonymizedal. with by Dolan (1989).et al. 35 López-González and NyctinomopsPresley (2001) macrotis cited for Brazil basedSept on a juvenile specimen, and this identification has been questioned (Tavares 2008; Eger 2008). We recognize Tavares (2010) as the only valid reference assigning this species to Brazil. 36 In the description Eptesicusof furinalis the publication date is printed as “ e.g.. 1839” (Gray 1840:1). However, the correct date seems to be 1840, as printed in the front page of the whole volume. Simmons (2005) also assigned 1840 as the date for this species, while Eger (2008) assigned 1839. The authorship of is restricted to d’Orbigny by some authors ( , Simmons 2005), but in the front page of the chapter on mammals 37 (volume IV, part 2, in the series edited d’Orbigny), in which the original description was published, the names of bothHistiotus d’Orbigny montanus and Gervais (1847) are printed. e.g. et al. Koopman (1982) hatched part of the Brazilianet al. territory in the species distribution map that the author proposed for , but likewise 38 several subsequent Lasiurusauthors ( blossevillii, Fonseca 1996; Taddei 1996; Marinho-Filho and Sazima 1998), he did not report locality or voucher material. At the best of our knowledge,Vespertilo Cherem blossevilii (2005)sic is the first to present a formal record for the taxon. Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de GéologieThe authorship of Mammiferés has nouveaux been historically our peu connus, attributed décrits to et Lessonfigurés dans and Garnot,l’atlas zoologique but Gardner du Voyage and Handley autour du (2008) Monde contested de la Corvette this laauthorship. Coquille; par The MM. name Lesson et Garnot [ ] (original arrangement) first appeared in the 1826 edition of the , in an article entitled Bulletin . TheV. blossevilii last sentence “par MM. Lesson et Garnot” seems to be the reason why several authors have attributed the species to Lesson and Garnot. As Gardner and Handley (2008) observed, however, this is not an indication of authorship for the article in question. L.The blossevillii goal of the where the name first appeared was to disseminate published works by short abstracts,L. blossevillii and authors listed after the title are, in fact, the authors of the complete publications. The authorship of the abstracts was regularly informed at their end, but the one describing is not signed, justifying its recognition as anonymous (Gardner and Handley 2008). TheVoyage case autour of du Monde is further complicated because the abstract containing the name became available in 1826, before the publication from which it suppose to derive, by Lesson and Garnot (1827). Additionally,Vespertilio bonariensisLesson and Garnot (1827) are the authors of the L.whole blossevillii Zoology volume of the , but only Lesson wrote the mammalianipsis litteris descriptions (see Tables des Matiéres in LessonV. bonariensis and Garnot 1827:360). The bat described by Lesson (in Lesson and Garnot 1827) is named , but the species in question is clearly . The abstracted descriptionL. blossevillii in the anonymous 1826 article is an almost transcriptionL. blossevillii of part of the description of . Therefore, in agreement with Gardner and Handley (2008), we recognize Lesson as the sole author of the 1826 anonymous article (Lesson 1826), and consequently the sole author of . Because the recognition of Lesson as the blossevillii of was only possible throughVespertilio inference based onVespertilo a subsequent publication (Tables des Matiéres—Lesson and Garnot 39 1827:360),et al.we enclosed the author’s name and date in square brackets. The use of parentheses,Lasiurus in addition castaneus to the square brackets, is alsoL. castaneuswarranted here because Lasiurus was originally cf. castaneus described in (misspelled as in the original publication). 40 LasiurusSampaio salinae (2003) were apparently uncertain on the identity of the specimens reported as Lasiurus enslenii. These authors reported “ ” salinaeTable 3, page 24, but “ ” in Table 1, page 20. However, Gardner and Handley (2008) confirmed the record. 41 was reportedRhogeessa by Gardner hussoni and Handley (2008) for Brazil based on the holotype of Lima, 1926 (a junior synonym of Rhogeessa). tumida R. hussoni Until the description of R. io by Genoways and Baker (1996), the only representative of the genus whose distribution included Brazil was H. Allen, 1866 (see LaVal 1973a; Koopman 1982, 1993). Genoways and Baker (1996) argued that the material of from 42 Brazil should represent , which was confirmedet Bickham and RuedasMyotis (2008). dinellii The primary reference for the occurrence of the species inMyotis Brazil levisis, therefore, LaValet al. (1973a). 43 MyotisAlthough guaycuru recorded for Brazil since 2010 (Passos 2010), only recentlyMyotis simus was etformally al. raised to the species level, distinct from M. guaycuru (Miranda 2013). M. simus was recently confirmed as a junior synonym of by Moratelli (2011b); therefore, the original description of by Proença (1943) is the first record of the occurrence of in Brazil. Table 2.

List of bat species whose formal record for Brazil was considered doubtful by the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (see Materials and Methods). The sources cited correspondTAXON to the first record of these species in Brazil. SOURCE Family Phyllostomidae Artibeus amplus 1 Carollia castanea 2 Handley, 1987 Lim and Tavares (2012) Choeroniscus godmani 3 et al. H. Allen, 1890 Uieda (1980) Dermanura glauca 4 Thomas, 1903 Presley (2008) Dermanura phaeotis 5 (Thomas, 1893) Koopman (1993) Lonchorhina marinkellei 5 Miller, 1902 Koopman (1982) Lonchorhina orinocensis 5 Hernández-Camacho & Cadena, 1978 Koopman (1982) Platyrrhinus helleri 6 Linares & Ojasti, 1971 Koopman (1982) Family Molossidae (Peters, 1866) Handley (1967) Eumops dabbenei 7 Family Vespertilionidae Thomas, 1914 Koopman (1982) Myotis alter 8 et al.

1 Artibeus amplus Miller & G. M. Allen, 1928 De Vivo (2011) 2 Carollia castanea was reported for the Brazilian Amazon by Lim and Tavares (2012), but no voucher specimen was reported.C. benkeithi 3 et al. was until recentlyC. godmani recorded in Brazil, but in a taxonomic revision of the genus, Solari and Baker (2006) concluded that its distribution does not include the Brazilian territory. The populations that comprise the limits of this territory are currently assigned to . Presley (2008) reported for the Brazilian Amazon, but it is not clear whether there is voucher material available. The authors 4 mentioned that “accurate field identificationDermanura glaucaof bats was facilitatedArtibeus by collectingglaucus a series of voucher specimens from the area prior to the study, but not at the sites of actual field work”. Those voucher specimens constituteD. gnoma material fromD. bogotensis Saldanha’s (2000) M.Sc. thesis (unpublished evidence). KoopmanD. glauca (1993) first recorded (cited as ) for Brazil. However, the distribution presented by this author, and subsequently by Simmons (2005), includes the area of occurrence of and , listed by both Koopman and SimmonsArtibeus as synonyms glaucus of e.g.. In the absence of voucher specimens or locality records listed in theseet studies,al. there is no way to determine which of the three taxa couldet al. be attributed to the records made by Koopman (1993) and Simmonssensu (2005)et foral. the Brazilian territory. Several authors have reported 5 for Brazil ( , Marinho-Filho 1996; Marinho-Filho and Sazima 1998; Peracchi 2006; Lorenzutti andArtibeus Almeida phaeotis 2006; ZortéaDermanura 2007; Paglia phaeotis 2012),Lonchorhina but none marinkellei of them haveLonchorhina reported vouchers orinocensis for the taxon ( Lim 2008a). Koopman (1982) hatched part of the Brazilian territory in the species distribution map proposed for (= ), 6 Platyrrhinus helleri , and , but he did not describe voucheret al. material or occurrence sites. These species were also reported by TaddeiP. (1996) fusciventris as occurringP. incarum in Brazil, but, likewise, without supporting data. was until recently reported to occur in Brazil, but Velazco (2010) reviewed the genus and reassigned Brazilian populations to either or (a subspecies raised to the species level). 816 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

7 Eumops dabbenei et al. et al. et al. KoopmanE. (1982) dabbenei hatched part of the Brazilian territory in the species distribution map proposed for . Fonseca (1996) and Taddei (1996) included this species in their lists. The record by Fonseca (1996) was cited by McWilliams (2002). Simmons (2005) also reported toet occural. in Brazil. None of themE. dabbenei made reference to specific locality information or voucher material. Gregorin and Taddei (2002) 8 included the species in theirMyotis key alter of molossids from Brazil, but emphasized that the occurrence is only expected. Fábian and Gregorin (2007), Eger (2008),M. chiloensis and Peracchi alter (2011a) didalter not report to occur in Brazil. chiloensis M. levis The first formal record of from Brazil was published by Miller and Allen (1928)alter in the description of the taxon, but at the subspecific level,et al. as . Subsequently, has been treated either as a synonym of (see Cabrera 1958) or as a synonym of (see LaVal 1973b; Simmons 2005; Wilson 2008). Aires (2008), in her Ph.D. dissertation,et al. recognized as a valid species, which was followed by De Vivo alter (2011).levis As both works do not match theM. ICZN’s alter (1999) criteria to be considered valid publications, this nomenclatural act is not valid for the purposes of the zoological nomenclature (see ICZN 1999; Art. 8). Also, De Vivo (2011) did not provide comments supporting the distinction between and , further leading us to include in the list of unreliable records. Table 3.

List of bat species whose formal record for Brazil was considered erroneous by the Committee of the List of Brazilian Bats (see Materials and Methods). The sources cited correspondTAXON to the first record of these species in Brazil.SOURCE Family Phyllostomidae Carollia subrufa 1 Enchisthenes hartii 2 (Hahn, 1905) Handley (1967) Sturnira bidens 3 (Thomas, 1892) Marques-Aguiar (1989) Family Mormoopidae (Thomas, 1915) Marques-Aguiar and Oren (1987) Pteronotus davyi 4 Family Vespertilionidae Gray, 1838 Miranda-Ribeiro (1914) Eptesicus fuscus 5 Lasiurus atratus 6 (Palisot de Beauvois, 1796) Piccinini, (1974) 1 Carollia subrufa Handley, 1996 Lim and TavaresC. brevicauda. (2012) C. subrufa e.g. et al. et al. Pineet al. (1972) included the reported by Handley (1967) in the synonym of Most subsequent authors have not cited for Brazil ( , Koopman 1993; Taddei 1996; Simmons 2005; TavaresC. subrufa 2008; McLellan and Koopman 2008; Peracchi 2011a; Paglia 2 2012). Considering that C.O. Handley Jr. revised theEnchisthenes manuscript hartii of Pine (1972), as he figures in the acknowledgements, we assume that Handley agreed with the change proposed by Pine, which justifies the inclusion of in the list of erroneous records. 3 Marques-Aguiar (1989) indicated the occurrence Sturniraof bidens in the Brazilian Amazon, but did not maintain this record in subsequentS. publicationslilium (Marques-Aguiar 1994, 2008), leading us to believe that it was an erroneous record. 4 Gardner (2008) examined a specimen reported as Pteronotus davyi by Marques-Aguiar and Oren (1987) and concluded that itet is al. a representative of without the external lower incisors. P. gymnonotus 5 Patton and Gardneret al.(2008) revised the records of for Brazil (Miranda-RibeiroEptesicus 1914; Vieira furinalis 1955; Mares 1981; Willig 1983, 6 1985a, 1985b) and concluded that all cases are misidentificationsLasiurus castaneus of . et al. Lasiurus atratus According to Mok (1982), the specimen reported by Piccinini (1974)L. castaneusis a representative of et al. . Lim and Tavares (2012) referred to the specimens of reported by Sampaio (2003) as representatives of . As discussed earlier (see footnote 39; Table 1), we recognize the record of from Sampaio (2003) as valid, based on the assessment of Gardner and Handley (2008). Acknowledgments:

We are thankful to José Fernando Pacheco, director 17022009-150729/publico/aires.pdf). Biota Colombiana of the Brazilian Committee of Ornithological Records (Comitê Brasileiro Alberico, M., A. Cadena, J. Hernández-Camacho and Y. Muñoz-Saba. 2000. de Registros Ornitológicos [CBRO]), for presenting to us the methodology MamíferosLista (Synapsida: de mamíferos Theria) actuales de Colombia. del Ecuador of multiple lists adopted by CBRO, helping with the historical literature, 1(1): 43–75 ( and providing suggestions to an early draft of the manuscript; to João Albuja, L. 2011. . Quito: Escuela Alves de Oliveira (Museu Nacional) for help with the historical literature; Politécnica Nacional. 27 pp. ( to Burton Lim (Royal Ontario Museum), Leonardo Trevellin (Museu bitstream/15000/3843/4/icbio_listaMamiferos.pdf.pdfBulletin of the American Museum). of Paraense Emílio Goeldi), and Maria Nazareth Ferreira da Silva (Instituto Allen, J.A.Natural 1916a. History Mammals collected on the Roosevelt Brazilian Expedition Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) for kindly providing catalog with field notes by Leo E. Miller. numbers of specimens in their respective Institutions; to PaúlPlatyrrhinus Velazco Bulletin 35: 559–610of the American ( Museum of Natural History ). angustirostris(American Museum of Natural History) for editorial comments and the Allen, J.A. 1916b. New mammals collected on the Roosevelt Brazilian confirmation of the identity of the specimen reported here as Expedition. Micronycteris 35: ; to Hugo Mantilla-Meluk (Universidad del Quindío) and an Glyphonycteris523–530 ( and Magazine Natural). History anonymous referee for comments and corrections that greatly improved Andersen, K. 1906. On the bats of the genera and a previous draft of the manuscript; and especially to Alfred Gardner . Mesophylla 18: 50–65 (USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center) for sharing unpublished (doi: 10.1080/00222930608562579Mammals). of , Volume information and promptly replaying to our nomenclatural questions. Arroyo-Cabrales,1, marsupials, J. 2008 xenarthrans, [2007]. Genusshrews, and bats O. Thomas, 1901; pp. MRN, IPL, RM, RG, and ALP were supported by the Conselho Nacional 327–329, in: A.L. Gardner (ed.). de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (MRN, Programa . Chicago: University of Nacional de Pós-doutorado CNPq/Capes/Finep, 151559/2008–2; IPL, Chicago Press. [DatedMicronycteris 2007; published schmidtorum 31 March 2008.] 150853/2012–2; RM, 202612/2011–2; RG, 310490/2009–0; and Ascorra, C.F., D.E. WilsonProceedings and of A.L. the Biological Gardner. Society 1991a. of Washington Geographic ALP, 303622/2009–1), and VCT was supported by the Coordenação de distribution of Sanborn (Chiroptera: Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) and Fundação Phyllostomidae). de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (Fapeam). RG was also 104: 351–55 ( neglectus ). supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Ascorra, C.F., D.E. Wilson and Journal C.O. Handley-Jr. of Mammalogy 1991b. Geographic Gerais (Fapemig) (APQ 03504–09 and PPM 173-13). VCT is thankfull to distribution of Williams and Genoways the Programa de Pós Graduação em Genética, Conservação e Biologia (Chiroptera: Molossidae). 72: 828–830 LiteratureEvolutiva (PPGCBev), cited at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. ( Museum Novitates Ávila-Pires, F.D. 1965. The type specimens of Brazilian mammals collected Chiroptera Neotropical by Prince MaximilianEssais sur zu l’histoire Wied. naturelle des quadrupèdes 2209: de la Aguiar, L.M.S. andCaracterização V.A. Taddei. 1995. das espéciesWorkshop brasileiras sobre a conservaçãode Kaup, dos province1–21 ( du Paraguay ). 1829morcegos (Chiroptera: brasileiros. Vespertilionidae) e ensaio sobre1(2): 24–29.filogeografia de Azara, F. d´. 1801. Aires, C.C. 2008. (Schinz, 1821) e Handley, Myotis 1960 . Traduits sur le manuscrit inédit de l’auteur, Pra. M. L. E. Moreau-Saint-Méry. Volume 2. Paris: Charles Pougens. Myotis nigricans Myotis riparius . 499 pp. Ph.D. Dissertation. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo. 194 Baker, R.J., S.R. Hoofer, C.A. Porter and R.A. Van Den Bussche. 2003. pp. ( Diversification among New World Leaf-Nosed Bats: an evolutionary 817 Nogueira et al. | Checklist of Brazilian bats

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