FOR THE LATEST NEWS VISIT IBEW®JOURNAL Fall 2008 Volume 107 Number 4 IBEW JOURNAL 10 DECISION TIME Edwin D. Hill, EDITOR C. James Spellane, DIRECTOR 9 SPECIAL ELECTION COVERAGE Mark Brueggenjohann, INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Showdown for Carol M. Fisher, SR. EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Working Families Malinda R. Brent, EDITORIAL MANAGER 10 Joint Officers’ Message Len Shindel, COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST 12 Barack Obama: Fighting Alex Hogan, COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST For Working Families Lucas Oswalt, 23 ARIZONA ON McCAIN COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST 17 Leader Recalls Davis-Bacon Slight James H. Jones, PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 18 Obama vs. McCain: ARCHIVES Side by Side on the Issues Mike Nugent, INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE 21 What Do the Folks Back Home Think? HOW TO REACH US COVER We welcome letters from our readers. 25 Swiftboat Vet Takes on McCain The writer should include his or her name, address and, if applicable, IBEW local union number and card number. Family members 27 Joe Biden: A Voice for should include the local union number of the IBEW member to whom the Journal is Working Families mailed. Please keep letters as brief as possi- TRADES SAVING LIVES ble. The Journal reserves the right to select 28 Gov. Sarah Palin: New Name, 6 letters for publication and edit all submis- sions for length. Same Game Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, IBEW Journal, 30 IBEW Members Speak Out 900 Seventh Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 34 The Road to 60: Senate Democrats or send by e-mail to:
[email protected] Hope to Increase Ranks ©2008 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.