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Air Products Safetygram 16

Air Products Safetygram 16

Safetygram #16 Safe Handling of Cryogenic

Introduction 1. All cryogenic liquids are extremely cold. A cryogenic is defined as a liquid with a Cryogenic liquids and their vapors can rapidly normal boiling point below –240°F (–150°C). freeze human tissue and can cause many The most commonly used industrial that common materials such as carbon steel, rubber, are transported, handled, and stored in the liquid and plastics to become brittle or even break state at cryogenic are , helium, under . Cryogenic liquids in containers hydrogen, , and . and piping at temperatures at or below the boil- There are a number of general precautions and ing point of liquefied air [–318°F (–194°C)] can safe practices that must be observed because of actually condense the surrounding air and can the extremely low temperatures and high rates of cause a localized oxygen-enriched atmosphere. conversion into of for all the cryogenic liquids. Extremely cold cryogens such as hydrogen and There are also specific precautions that must helium can even freeze or solidify the be followed where a particular liquid may react surrounding air. with contaminants or may present other 2. All cryogenic liquids produce large volumes associated with that particular product such as of gas when they vaporize. For example, one asphyxiation or flammability. volume of vaporizes to 694 The user of any cryogenic liquid covered volumes of nitrogen gas at 68°F (20°C) at in this Safetygram should be familiar with 1atm. A cryogenic liquid cannot be indefinitely both the general and specific precautions maintained as a liquid even in well-insulated outlined. Safetygrams for individual cryogenic containers. If these liquids are vaporized in a liquids are available and should be consulted sealed container, they can produce enormous for additional information. Please consult that could rupture the container. For www.airproducts.com/productsafety to deter- this reason pressurized cryogenic containers mine which Safetygrams may be of assistance. are normally protected with multiple devices As always, end users should have and be thor- for over- prevention. Common pres- oughly familiar with the Material Safety Data sure-relief devices are a pressure- Sheet (MSDS) for their specific product. All for primary protection and a for operators must be familiar with the in- secondary protection. All sections of equipment structions provided with the equipment that may allow for the liquid to become trapped to be used with the cryogenic liquid. must be protected by a pressure-relief device as shown in Figure 1. The product vented by General Safety Precautions these relief devices should be routed to a safe outdoor location. For products covered in this Safetygram, many of the same safety precautions apply whether the Figure 1 product is in the gas or liquid state. Each cryogenic liquid has its own unique properties. Potential haz- Use of Pressure Relief Device to help ards stem from the following common properties: prevent over-pressurization due to vaporization of trapped liquid.

Safety Relief Device

Valves Valves 3. Vaporization of a cryogenic liquid, except Use tongs to immerse and remove objects from Special Oxygen Precautions oxygen, in an enclosed area can cause asphyxi- cryogenic liquids. In addition to the hazards of ation by displacing the air. Vaporization of liquid frostbite or flesh sticking to cold materials, objects Do not permit smoking or open flames in oxygen in an enclosed area can cause oxygen that are soft and pliable at room , such any areas where is stored or enrichment which could saturate combustibles as rubber or plastics, are easily broken because handled. Do not permit liquid oxygen or oxygen- in the area such as workers’ clothing. This can they turn brittle at low temperatures and may break enriched air to come in contact with organic cause a fire if an ignition source is present. when stressed. materials or flammable or combustible substances Although oxygen is not flammable it will support of any kind. Some of the organic materials that and vigorously accelerate the combustion of Personal Protective Equipment can react violently with oxygen when ignited by a other materials. spark or even a mechanical shock are oil, grease, Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with the asphalt, kerosene, cloth, tar, and dirt that may con- properties and safety considerations before being Most cryogenic liquids are odorless, colorless, tain oil or grease. If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt allowed to handle a cryogenic liquid and its associ- and tasteless when vaporized into the gaseous or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, ated equipment. state. Most liquids also have no color except liquid do not walk on or roll equipment over the spill oxygen, which is light blue. However, extremely The eyes are the most sensitive body part to the area. Keep sources of ignition away for 30 minutes cold liquids and their vapors have a built-in warn- after all frost or fog has disappeared. ing property that appears whenever they are extreme cold of the liquid and vapors of cryogenic liquids. The recommended personal protective exposed to the atmosphere. The cold “boil-off” Any clothing that has been splashed or soaked equipment for handling cryogens includes a full gases condense the moisture in the surround- with liquid oxygen or exposed to high oxygen con- faceshield over safety glasses, loose-fitting thermal ing air, creating a highly visible fog. This fog can centrations should preferably be removed imme- insulated or leather gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and also be formed around cold equipment when no diately and aired for at least an hour. Personnel trousers without cuffs. In addition, safety shoes are release of the cold liquid or vapors has occurred. should stay in a well-ventilated area and avoid any recommended for people involved in the handling Fog clouds do not define the vapor cloud. They source of ignition until their clothing is completely of containers. Depending on the application, special define the area where the vapors are still cold free of any excess oxygen. Clothing saturated with clothing suitable for that application may be enough to condense the moisture in the air. The oxygen is readily ignitable and will burn vigorously. vapors can extend well beyond the fog cloud, advisable. depending on the product and atmospheric condi- Special Hydrogen Precautions A special note on insulated gloves: Gloves should tions. Although fog clouds may be indicative of a be loose-fitting so they are able to be quickly release, they must never be used to define the leak Do not permit smoking or open flames in removed if cryogenic liquid is spilled on them. area and should not be entered by anyone. The any area where is stored or Insulated gloves are not made to permit the hands dense fog clouds associated with the handling or handled. All major stationary equipment should to be put into a cryogenic liquid. They will only pro- transfer of cryogenic liquids can obstruct visibility. be properly grounded. All electrical equipment vide short-term protection from accidental contact Care should be exercised so that any clouds do and wiring should be in accordance with National with the liquid. not interfere with vehicle traffic or safety escape Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 50B and/or National Electrical Code, Article 500. Boil-off gas routes. In emergency situations, self-contained from closed liquid hydrogen containers used or apparatus (SCBA) may be required. Handling stored inside buildings must be vented to a safe Special Inert Gas Precautions location. Always handle cryogenic liquids carefully. Their extremely low temperatures can produce cryogenic The potential for asphyxiation must be Liquid hydrogen should not be poured from one burns of the skin and freeze underlying tissue. recognized when handling inert cryogenic container to another, or transferred in an atmo- When spilled on a surface, they tend to spread as liquids. Because of the high expansion ratios of sphere of air. If this is done, the oxygen in the air far as the quantity of liquid spilled and the physical cryogenic liquids, air can quickly be displaced. will condense in the liquid hydrogen, presenting confines of the area permit. They can cool large Oxygen monitors are recommended whenever a possible explosion . Liquid hydrogen also areas. The vapors coming from these liquids are cryogenic liquids are handled in enclosed areas. has the potential of solidifying air which can block also extremely cold and can produce burns. People should not be permitted in atmospheres safety relief devices and other openings, which containing less than 19.5% oxygen without sup- may lead to rupture of the container. Dewars and Exposure to these cold gases, which is too brief to plied air. other containers made of glass are not recom- affect the skin of the face or hands, may affect del- mended for liquid hydrogen service. Breakage icate tissues, such as the eyes. Stand clear of boil- has the potential to solidify air, which makes the possibility of explosion too hazardous ing and splashing liquid and the cold vapors that can block pressure-relief devices and other con- to risk. are released. Boiling and splashing always occur tainer openings. This can result in pressure buildup when charging a warm container or when insert- that may rupture the container. Every effort must be made to avoid spills, regard- ing objects into the liquid. Always perform these less of the rate of ventilation, because it is impos- operations slowly to minimize the splashing and sible to avoid creating a flammable vapor cloud. boiling. Never allow any unprotected part of your body to touch uninsulated pipes or vessels contain- ing cryogenic liquids. The extremely cold material may stick fast to skin and tear the flesh when you attempt to withdraw it. Even nonmetallic materials are dangerous to touch at these low temperatures. Containers Cryogenic Liquid Cylinders Cryogenic Storage Tanks Figure 3 shows a typical cryogenic liquid cylinder. A typical customer installation (see Figure 4) Cryogenic liquids are stored, shipped, and handled Cryogenic liquid cylinders are insulated, - includes a tank, vaporizer, and pressure control in several types of containers, depending on the jacketed, pressure vessels. They come equipped manifold. Tanks may be spherical or cylindrical in quantity required by the user. The types of contain- with safety relief valves and rupture disks to pro- shape. They are mounted in fixed locations as sta- ers in use are the dewar, cryogenic liquid cylinder, tect the cylinders from excessive pressure build- tionary vessels or on railroad car or truck chassis and cryogenic storage tank. Storage quantities up. These containers operate at pressures up to for easy transportation. Sizes range from 500 gal- vary from a few liters to many thousands of gal- 350 psig and have capacities between 80 and 450 lons to 420,000 gallons. All tanks are powder- and lons. Since heat leak is always present, vaporiza- liters of liquid. vacuum-insulated in the annular space. Tanks are tion takes place continuously. Rates of vaporization equipped with various circuits to control product vary depending on design of the container, ambient Product may be withdrawn as a gas by passing fill, pressure buildup, pressure relief, product conditions, and the volume of stored product. liquid through an internal vaporizer or as a liquid under its own vapor pressure. For more details on withdrawal, and tank vacuum. Tanks are designed Containers are designed and manufactured the construction and operation of cryogenic liquid to ASME specifications for the pressures and tem- according to the applicable codes and cylinders, consult Air Products’ Safetygram #27, peratures involved. specifications for the temperatures and Cryogenic Liquid Containers. pressures involved. Figure 3a Figure 4 Dewars Figure 2 illustrates a typical, vacuum-jacketed Typical Cryogenic Liquid Cylinder, A Typical Customer Station with a dewar. A loose-fitting dust cap over the outlet of side view Cryogenic Storage Tank the neck tubes prevents atmospheric moisture from plugging the neck and allows gas produced Liquid Level Gauge from vaporized liquid to escape. This type of con- Handling Ring tainer is non-pressurized. The most common unit Handling Post of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter. Annular Space Rupture Disk Five- to 200-liter dewars are available. Product Vent Tube Inner Vessel Liquid Tube may be removed from small dewars by pouring, Gas Use Float Assembly while larger sizes will require a transfer tube. Vaporizer (Optional) Cryogenic liquid cylinders, which are pressurized Outer Vessel vessels, are sometimes incorrectly referred to as Rubber Shock dewars. Mounts Foot Ring Side View Figure 2

A Typical Dewar Figure 3b

Typical Cryogenic Liquid Cylinder, top view

Vent Pressure Rupture Vent Relief Pressure Rupture Valve Gauge Disk Valve Valve Gauge Disk

Liquid Pressure Pressure Economizer Liquid Gas Valve Building Building Regulator Valve Valve Regulator Valve Top Views Transfer Lines Fighting Fires A liquid transfer line is used to safely remove liquid product from dewars or cryogenic liquid cylinders. It is not possible to outline specific fire fighting A typical transfer line for dewars is connected to techniques that will cover all types of fires involv- a bayonet that provides a means of using product ing cryogenic liquids. Such measures depend upon vapor pressure buildup or an external pressure the quantity and nature of the cryogenic liquid source to remove the liquid. For cryogenic liquid involved, the location of the fire with respect to cylinders, the transfer line is connected to the cyl- adjacent areas and occupants, and on other fac- inder liquid withdrawal valve. tors. The following general procedures are appli- cable to all fires involving cryogenic liquids: Liquid product is typically removed through insu- lated withdrawal lines to minimize the vaporization 1. Everyone not actively engaged in the fighting of liquid product to gas. Insulated flexible or rigid of the fire should leave the area. If a flammable lines are used to withdraw product from storage cryogenic liquid is involved, the flammable mix- tanks. Connections on the lines and tanks vary by ture zone, under unusual atmospheric condi- manufacturer. tions, may extend beyond the normal fog cloud produced by condensing water vapor in the air. Liquid cylinders designed to dispense People should be evacuated well outside the gases have valves equipped with standard fog area. Compressed Gas Association (CGA) outlets. Suitable pressure regulating equipment may be 2. The best fire-fighting technique is simply to attached. Valves provided for the withdrawal of shut off the flow of cryogenic liquid or vapor- liquid product are also equipped with standard CGA ized gas if a flammable cryogenic liquid is outlets, but they are different than the connections involved. used for gaseous withdrawal. This is to prevent 3. If electrical equipment is involved in the fire, be accidental introduction of liquid into a gas system, sure the power supply is disconnected before or of gas into a liquid system. fighting the fire with water. Or use carbon diox- ide or dry chemical extinguishers. Shipment of Cryogenic Liquids 4. When employing water, use large quantities, Containers used for transporting cryogenic liquids preferably in spray form, to cool equipment in at less than 25 psig (40 psia) pressure are not areas surrounding the fire. Use the spray to UN/DOT authorized containers. These are contain- cool any burning material below its ignition ers built to other than Department of Transportation temperature. If possible, do not spray cold (DOT) specifications but are authorized by the areas of equipment, or direct water onto the DOT for use in the transport of approved products. cryogenic liquid. Keep water away from vent Containers used for transporting cryogenic liquids stacks and safety relief devices that can be at pressures greater than 25 psig (40 psia) must plugged with frozen water. Fire hoses with be designed, manufactured, and tested to DOT adjustable stream-to-spray nozzles should be specifications. For air shipments all packages must available where large quantities of flammable be in compliance with International Air Transport cryogenic liquids are handled. Association/International Civil Air Organization 5. Depending upon the circumstances, it is gener- (IATA/ICAO) Dangerous Goods Regulations, as well ally not advisable to extinguish a flammable as the DOT regulations. cryogenic liquid in a confined area. If the Buildings flammable gas supply cannot be shut off, the continued escape of unburned gas can create Because of the large expansion ratio of liquid to an explosive mixture in the air. The mixture may gas with cryogenic liquids, it is very important be reignited by other burning material or hot to provide adequate ventilation where cryogenic surfaces. It is usually better to allow the gas liquids are stored and used. Monitors should be to burn itself out in a confined area and keep available to check for oxygen in adjacent objects cool with water, rather than to the atmosphere when working with inert cryogens risk a potential explosion. or with liquid oxygen. The minimum permissible 6. If an inert cryogenic liquid is involved, there is oxygen for unprotected personnel the possibility of reducing the oxygen content is 19.5%, while the maximum is 23.5%. In the of the air with the potential risk of - case of liquid hydrogen, the atmosphere should be tion of the fire fighters. Judgment should be monitored with a flammable gas detector. All pres- used to determine which risk is greater to fire sure-relief devices should be piped to safe areas, fighters—that of shutting off the supply valve, preferably outdoors. which may be in an area not easily accessible because of the fire, or the risk of an oxygen- deficient atmosphere due to the reduction of the oxygen content. 7. Oxygen, whether gaseous or liquid, is an oxidizer and does not burn, so there can be no fire unless combustible materials are also For skin contact, remove any clothing that may present. The difference is that the presence restrict circulation to the frozen area. Do not rub of additional oxygen will make combustible frozen parts; tissue damage may result. As soon materials burn much faster and more violently as practical, place the affected area in a warm or explosively. Shut off the oxygen supply if at water bath which has a temperature that does not all possible. Neither liquid nor gaseous oxygen exceed 105°F (40°C). Never use dry heat. Call a can be effectively blanketed by agents such physician as soon as possible. as carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or foam. It is necessary to cool combustible materials below Frozen tissue is usually pain-free and appears their ignition temperatures to stop the fire. Use waxy with a possible yellow color. It will become large quantities of water in spray form. swollen, painful, and prone to infection when thawed. If the frozen part of the body has been thawed, cover the area with a dry sterile dressing with a large bulky protective covering, pending medical care.

In case of massive exposure, remove the victims’ clothing while showering him or her with warm water. Call a physician immediately.

If the eyes are exposed to the extreme cold of the liquid or vapors, immediately warm the frostbite area with warm water not exceeding 105°F (40°C) and seek medical attention.

If the body temperature is depressed, the person must be warmed gradually. Shock may occur during the correction of . Cardiac dysrhythmias may be associated with severe hypothermia. Emergency Response System Product Safety Information • Call: +1-800-523-9374 • For MSDS, Safetygrams, (Continental U.S. and Puerto Rico) and Product Safety Information www.airproducts.com/productsafety • Call: +1-610-481-7711 (other locations) • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • For assistance involving Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. products

Technical Information Center Information Sources • Call: +1-800-752-1597 (U.S.) • Compressed Gas Association (CGA) www.cganet.com • Call: +1-610-481-8565 (other locations) • American Chemistry Council • Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EST www.americanchemistry.com • Fax: +1-610-481-8690 • E-mail: [email protected]

For More Information The accuracy or completeness of all statements, Corporate Headquarters technical information and recommendations contained herein is not guaranteed and no war- Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. ranty of any kind is made in respect thereto. 7201 Hamilton Boulevard Such statements and information are given for Allentown, PA 18195-1501 general use only and should not be solely relied upon by the recipient when establishing appro- priate procedures for his or her own operation.

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