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Manchester Historical Society r ----------------— " — 1 ^ Civil Defense Officials 1 Millstone To Shut Down I Red Sox Rolling 1 Colh Revitalization Corps Get Ready for Skylah 1 To Permit Valve Repair I But Orioles Lead 1 Start Manchester Work P age 2 1 P age 5 1 P age 11 1 P age 1 4 ilanft^^atpr Continued Cloudy, Showers Likely Details on page 2 Energy Plans iEurmnn Mmlh Vol. XCVIII, No. 213 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, June 11, 1979 » A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » 20$ Single Copy » 15(t Home Delivered BOSTON (UPI) - The New England Energy Congress today criticized President Carter’s energy program and said it will introduce legislation aimed at reducing the region’s dependence on foreign oil and increasing the Housing Grant in Doubt use of alternative power sources, ’The group, comprised of the 25 members of the New England Congressional Caucus and 120 CD Funds from CRCOG energy experts, introduced its “New England Blueprint for Energy Action” which calls for Studied by Attorneys heightened use of solar, wood and BEGI hydroelectric power. By GREG PEARSON If the town does have to meet the Herald Reporter same requirements to receive the Price Boost $86,500, the money probably will not OMICM OF rHB$E MANCHESTER — It appears the come to town because of the voters’ town may not receive an $86,500 ACTCf?s: DID NICOSIA, Cyprus (UPI) — Iraq is opposition. breaking the OPEC price front by grant for housing for the elderly on 'This means other funding would Spencer Street. boosting its crude oil prices to the have to be found for the planned 40 level of Libya’s, a move that couid This, and other Community units of housing for the elderly on send Persian Gulf oil prices to Development-related questions, in­ Spencer Street. Even with that grant, 5001? cluding the transfer of funds for the pfr£G.TlV/e around $20 a barrel, a there still might be a need for ad­ authoritative Middle East weekly purchase of a fire engine, are being ditional funding from the town to ::HARLie chan... said today. studied by the town attorney’s office. complete the project. The $86,500 is Community Develop­ The Middle East Economic Thus, denial of the grant from ment money distributed by the jiM?eR$, u m ifiR o u n p ,, Survey said Iraq has notified its CRCOG could lead to a shortfall of Capitol Region Council of more than $100,000, which the town T5La?, COLWJ CLive crude oil customers that a “most- Governments. favored seller” clause is to be in- probably would have to fund or else ’The $86,500 is separate from the apSieoLL NAISH ciuded in contracts effective June drop the project. Community Development Block 1 . William Shea, assistant town at­ Grant program, from which town torney, is studying whether the town This, MES reported, will mean residents voted to withdraw. Iraq will get “the highest can accept the $86,500 grant if it is premium charged by any other Dana Hansen, executive director of released to the town. The April 17 OPEC producer” over and above CRCOG, wrote to town officials and vote to withdraw from the Communi­ base prices for crude oil supplied said receiving the funds would ty Development program may pre­ 3A1W w»w under Iraq’s contracts. • require the town to meet the same vent the town from accepting any OPEC prices for crude oil are obligations it was required to meet such funding. The decision to ::: over $14 a barrel, depending on Maine Arab under the block grant program withdraw has been challenged in ____y the quality and suifur content of guidelines. court and that case still is pending. the oil. Owner Willie Begin, no relation to the coincidence in his name and the Israeli prime Shea also is studying a switch in Some of those obligations were Community Development funding prime minister of Israel, of Biddeford, minister is just that. Malone, being Irish, is part of the reason town voters Maine, decked out his employee, John that provided funds to purchase a fire Leaders Clash pumping the gas at 83.9 cents a gallon. (UPI decided to withdraw from the truck. The funding originally had ’ I T £ £ K Malone, in Arab garb to draw business to his photo) program for two years. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (UPI) - been slated for use for a dental clinic. new location. Begin, is French, and says the Hansen said the final decison on Egyptian and Israeli leaders This question arose because the or­ clashed publicly today over the whether or not the grant can be given to Manchester will be made by the dinance lists Jan. 1, 1979 as the star­ status of the Gaza Strip and the ting date of the withdrawal even West Bank of the Jordan, but federal Department of Housing and Carter Eyes Reports Urban Development, which though present fourth-year funding relaxed into smiles and shook overseees the Community Develop­ does not expire until the end of this hands after the first business ses­ month. sion of negotiations on Palestinian ment program. But, he feels a autonomy. problem exists because of the 'The switch for purchase of the fire They also chided each other For Summit Session withdrawal. truck occurred after Jan. 1. about public statements which Officials from the HUD office in Shea also is looking at how that they said were not conducive to THURMONT, Md. (UPI) - Presi­ begins Friday, the first such con­ by the two leaders. Hartford could not be contacted this withdrawal might affect the eventual progress in the talks. dent Carter today was studying in­ ference in four years, but Carter Administration officials say they morning for comment. use of unused fourth-year funds. In Jerusalem, Israel today hopes to make headway in several telligence reports in preparation for are “cautiously optimistic” both rejected U.S. and Egyptian areas of U.S. Soviet interest in­ his meeting next weekend with sides can agree to meet on a regular criticism of its settlement drive Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, cluding European troop strengths. basis in the future. occupied territory and which he hopes wiil produce reguiar- The agenda, which was worked out the State-run radio hinted its iy scheduied U.S.-Russian summits. between nationai security adviser The United States proposed the Cassano Seeks negotiators could walk out of the A White House spokesman said Zbigniei Brzezinski and Soviet Am­ idea, but the Soviets initially were Alexandria atonomy talks if at­ Carter “combined work and bassador Anatoliy Dobrynin, will in­ hesitant to enter such a commit­ tacks on Prime Minister reiaxation” during his four-day stay clude a discussion of arms control, ment. Menacbem Begin continue. at Camp David. The president various world issues and bilateral Carter has felt it was important for Commuter Lot ’The clash broke out shortly returns iate today to Washington and matters. the leaders of the two superpowers to after Egyptian and Israeli leaves ’Thursday for the summit Under arms control, the leaders talk regularly, and was described as By GREG PEARSON would use the proposed lot in the negotiators, shepherded by the meeting, at which the new SALT II will discuss limiting the use of anti­ disappointed it has taken him so long southwest section. The response to United States, met in Alexandria arms limitation agreement wiii be satellite weaponry. Initially the to get together with Brezhnev. Herald Reporter that campaign was poor, Cassano to begin a search for common signed in Vienna, Austria. United States had hoped to reach a One possible cause for delaying the MANCHESTER - Despite little said. ground to establish Palestinian ’The president also hopes to make separate pact on the subject at this summit has been Brezhnev’s health. response to a recent questionnaire He attributes this to the fact that autonomy in the Israeli-occupied progress toward an agreement to ban summit, but negotiations apparently Carter has been studying extensive about a commuter parking lot in the many persons have filled out similar ts Jordan West Bank and the Gaza killer satellites in space. proved too complex. intelligence reports on the Soviet of­ southwest section of town, a member coupons in the past. 'They either have Strip. Officials Sunday downplayed the Both sides expect to continue dis­ ficial, compiled by doctors for the of the Town Board of Directors still been disappointed with lack of likllehood of any major cussing the killer satellites in hope of U.S. intelligence community. feels the lot is needed. response or felt the previous coupons Heavy Fighting breakthroughs at the summit which current stalemate might be broken ’The issue of health was a major In fact. Democratic Director still would be considered in the most factor in arranging the meeting in a Stephen Cassano predicted today the recent survey. MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) neutral country closer to Moscow lot will be in operation when the first Cassano feels the southwest lot is — Managua was ablaze with and in limiting the length of the daily commuter bus leaves from a new lot needed and would be used. tracer bullets and fires during a sessions to no more than two hours at expected to open in Bolton in He said a Manchester resident, m weekend of heavy fighting Shah Settles In a time. September. Joseph Camposeo, has been doing between government troops and Both sides hope the meeting will "When that first bus comes down work to see what the interest might Sandinista rebels waging a “final give renewed impetus to talks on cut­ from Bolton, we’ll have it in there,” be at his office — the Travelers In­ offensive” to oust Nicaragua’s ting troop levels in central Europe, he said.
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