Manchester, Conn. Wed.. Nov. 18, 1981 26 Cents Condo offices c Reagan asks Soviet help set at Watkins to cut arms

By Lisa Zowada door to Watkins was announced each tenant $1 per square foot an­ Herald Reporter almost exactly one year ago and nually. The cost is the same for the WASHINGTON (U P !) - President Reagan, in a about 32,000 square feet of the House and Hale tenant. message to “ the people of the world,” today called on The Watkins Brothers building at building is being renovated into of­ Each owner in the Watkins the Soviet Union to join the United States in mutual 935 Main St., once the home of a fur­ fice condominiums. Building will have a separate meter reductions of all weapons — starting with nuclear arms niture business, will be converted In April, all but 2,000 square feet for electricity. in Europe. As with its neighbor, plans for the into about 30 office condominiums had been sold to prospective tenants The president, in remarks prepared for delivery to a three-stOry Watkins Building call, by Manchester developer John A. and DeQuattro said then that once global television audience in the millions, outlined a for restoration of the exterior to its OeQuattro. construction was under way it would four-point proposal covering deployment of strategic > DeQuattro signed an agreement original character. take five months to complete. and tactical nuclear weapons, military forces in Europe Existing non-insulated wood win­ with Watkins Brother's Inc. this Heritage Savings and Loan and chances for eliminating the risk of surprise nuclear month for the premarketing of ap­ purchased the House and Hale dows will be replaced with energy- attacks by the superpowers. proximately 36,500 square feet of of­ building for $175,000. The building efficient, insulating glass units. The Reagan said he had just sent the proposal to Soviet fice space. once housed a department store existing store front display area will President Leonid Brezhnev. “ It’s a simple, straight­ Plans call for the modernization of which closed its doors a few years be removed and replaced with forward, yet historic message; The United States the building’s interior, dividing it into ago. masonry window units. proposes the mutual reduction of conventional, in­ units of roughly 1,000 square feet It was not known if any of the of­ A new main entrance will be con­ each. The units will be sold to fice space in the Watkins Building structed on Main Street. A new cor­ termediate range nuclear and strategic forces," businesses for office space. Tenants had yet been bought but plans call ridor will provide access from the Reagan said. will share common costs. for construction to begin when 80 Main Street level to an elevator But the president was cautious. “ Success can only Watkins Brothers furniture store percent of the space has been sold. which wiil provide access to all come if the Soviet Union will share our commitment," he said, “ if it will demonstrate that its oftenrepeated closed its doors in July of this year Completion of the conversion will floors. professions of concern for peace will be matched by after more than 100 years of take nine months. An existing rear entrance will be positive action,” business. It was also not known if any modified and replaced with an Reagan began his National Press Club speech, being DeQuattro could not be reached retails businesses will be allowed to arched entrance directly from beamed overseas by satellite, by saying he wanted to for comment this morning. It is not buy space in the converted building Purnell Place. speak to “ the people of the world about America's known what will happen to the or whether the offices will be Inside the building, common cor­ Watkins Brothers piano and organ exclusively for professionals. ridors and aii office spaces will have program for peace and the coming negotiations which busintess presently located In tbe The cost of space in the building suspended acoustical lay-in tile begin Nov, 30 in Geneva, Switzerland " on reduction of Main Street building. will be $72.50 per square foot. ceilings and the floors will be medium-range nuclear weapons in Europe. “ Today I have outlined the kinds of bold, equitable The conversion will be the second Therefore, a unit of 1,000 square carpeted with tile in the bathrooms. proposals which the world expects of us, " Reagan said. of its kind in Manchester, the second feet will cost $72,500. 'The cost of ’The interior of the building is Reagan’s speech was seen as an attempt both to ease on Main Strmt of a building of space in the House and Hale building made of heavy wood beams, wood concerns of allies iii Europe, where plans to deploy mis­ historic significance, and number is $65 a square foot. floor and roof deck over wood joists. siles have sparked massive antinuclear demonstrations two' for DeQuattro. Conversion of Common charges, which include and at the same time to place the burden on the Kremlin the House and Hale building next utilities and maintenance, will cost Please turn to page 10 for explaining why nuclear weapons cannot be slashed. The four points of the Reagan proposal included: • “ I have informed President Brezhnev that we will New survey results prove M E R IT delivers in key areas seek to negotiate substantial reductions in (strategic) nuclear arms which would result in levels that are equal Board takes no action and verifiable,” Reagan said. “ Let us see how far we can go in achieving truly substantial reductions in our of taste, ease of switch, and long-term satisfaction. strategic arsenals.” Reagan said he is willing to begin the negotiations "as soon as possible next year,” and proposed changing the on black hiring appeal name of the barpining from SALT talks to .START talks, for Strategic Arms Reduction Talks. • “ The United States is prepared to cancel deploy- Rigorous new MERIT 2 Of 3 Smokers Prefer MERIT. ' ment of Pershing II and ground launch cruise mis.siles if By Scot French minority police officer wili be those who took part in the recruit­ the Soviets will dismantle their SS20, SS-4 and SS-5 mis­ research proves it. Herald Reporter chosen to fili any of the positions ment effort to believe that all can­ siles.” 3Tie United States had planned to deploy ^72 of In the second part of this during this hiring session. didates would be allowed to par­ the missiles in five European countries next year: The MERIT srhokers confirm Faced with a doublq-edged threat Throughout the recruitment drive to ticipate in the entire selection SS-20s, with a range of 2,5(X) rpiles, can strike targets as study, new tests confirm that of legal action and caught in a fill the police positions, town of­ process. far west as Great Britain or Spain. political stalemate, the newly- ficials and members of the black He said Police Chief Robert D. “ We intend to negotiate in good faith and go to Geneva elected Board of Directors took no community had expressed the goal (on Nov. 30) willing to listen to and consider the taste a major factor in Lannan and Town Manager Robert Herald photo by Tarquinio MERIT delivers a winning action Tuesday night on an appeal of hiring the town’s first black Weiss made that pro'mise proposals of our Soviet counterparts," said Reagan, who completing a successful by members of the black communi­ police officer. “ specificaliy and very clearly” at a also rejected the Soviet assertion that a balance of in­ combination of taste and low ty to amend the town’s police hiring Frank J. Smith, a black resident June 18 meeting. ■ Easy'does it termediate range nuclear forces already exists in procedures. who took part in that recruitment ef­ It was not until the Oct. 20 Europe, switch from higher tar The move leaves intact the town’s fort, questioned the town’s sincerity meeting of the Human Relations • “ 'The third proposal I have made to the Soviet Union tar when compared with previously established civil service in meeting its affirmative action Commission, at which the results of Adventure Challenge School staff is that we act to achieve equality at lower levels of con­ hiring procedures, and ensures that goals. ' the tests were released, that the descended upon llling Junior High Schooi ventional forces in Europe,” Reagan said. “ The Soviet cigarettes. the town will fill four police depart­ “ We have worked with you,” he tofirn outlined its ranking procedure Tuesday afternoon. Literaiiy, that is. W hile, Union could make po more convincing contribution to higher tar leaders. ment vacancies by Nov. 30, the first said. “ We have tried to very hard to in which only the top three can­ staff member Joseph Mazzotta watches, in­ peace in Europe — and in the world — than by agreeing M ERIT Switch Clicks. day of Connecticut Police Academy be behind the scenes, but you have didates, plus one for each available structor Paula Cheatwood demonstrates to reduce its conventional forces significantly and con­ Confirmed: The over­ training session required for ap­ forced us into the open.” position, are invited to take the oral rapelling, a rope climber’s technique, off the, strain the potential for sudden aggression. " pointees. Smith charged that the town mis­ exam. Smith said. side of the school. The skill is used to des­ • The president said he is renewing the American call However, the move also effective­ represented its hiring procedures for a (fonference with the Soviets to develop effective The three minority candidates cend mountains, and is not recommended Nationwide survey reveals whelming majority of smokers ly eliminates the possibility, that a before the tests, leading some of measures aimed at reducing the risks of a "surprise at­ who passed the Oct. 6 written exam for junior high schools, the young audience did nbt finish among the top 35 tack, and the chance of war arising out of uncertainty or was told. Other pictures on page 5. over 90% of MERIT smokers reported MERIT taste equal scorers and were ranked well behind miscalculation,” the<' top finishers in eligibility for oral exams. .are glad they SMntched from to—or better than—leading “ No black person knew about this process and nobody who took this Senate Democrats are split higher tar cigarettes. In fact, higher tar brands., ? test knew about this ruie,” he said. He referred to a notice adver­ tising the position which stated that 94% don’t even miss their . Confirmed: When tar levels all applicats must take a “ written and oral” test to be considered for on dealing with stale deficit . - - - the position. He said the notice im­ former brands were revealed, 2 out of 3 plied that all qualified candidates chose the MERIT combina^ would be allowed to take both tests HARTFORD (U P I) - Senate O’Neill has suggested increasing Eurther Evidence: 9 out of and would be ranked on a combined Democrats find themselves pulling Top Republicans the gasoline tax from 11 cents to 12 ...... in different directions as they percent, or 13.5 cents, per gallon; 10 former higher tar smokers tion of low tar and good taste. Based on that interpretation, prepare to convene a'special session have alternaiive advancing the collection times for Smith said -be asked at an ^ t . 23 try 'and bail (jonnecticut out of a unclaimed money due the state, and meeting with town officials that all fiscal dilemma — See page 10 modifying the tax on unincorporated report MERIT an easy switch, Year after year, in study those who passed the written test be senate Majority Leader Richard businesses. allow ^ to take the oral test before Schneller of Essex said there was a The tax, which amounts to $60 that they didnt give up taste after study, MERIT remains acceptance or rejecUon. divergence of ideas aired Legislature, which opens its special million of O’Neill’s $83 million plan, Town Attorney Kevin 0 Brien during more than three hours Of dis- session Thursday, would be able to changed to a 10 percent tax cussion Tuesday on how to deal with balance the state's budget for fiscal on $25,000 net income or $100,000

in switching, and that MERIT unbeaten. The proven taste • I lease turn to page 10 j|,g state’s. $83 million budget 1981-1982 solely by making program gross receipts of unincorporated deficit. cuts. businesses. Fewer businesses would . is the best-tasting low tar alternative to higher tar ‘ ^ ' He said talk during the closed door "We have to recognize you’re not pay more money. SSS:¥S;:S:¥S;¥S:¥;W:W^^^ meeting at a Meriden restaurant going to do it strictly with cuts in the Three Democratic senators ranged from Gov. William O’Neill’s budget,” he said. already are on record as opposed to they'pe ever tried. smoking —is MERIT Index _ proposal, to adopting an income tax, -Despite varying enthusiasm for the tax changes and the tax itself. „ increasing other taxes, and possible the alternatives, Schneller said he They are Sens. Clifton Leonhardt of Advice ...... 2u program cuts. was sure an agreement could be Avon, William Curry of Avon, and Area towns ...... 22 "One of the themes that ran reached among the Senate's 23 Frederick Knous of Clinton. Business ...... 25, 28 through our discussion was — re- Democrats. They hold a majority in ) Philip Morri«S Inc. 198] Ciassilied ...... 2^27 oiain fluid,” Schneller said at a the 36-member Senate. Warning: Th£ Surgeon General Has Determined Comics 23 Capitol news conference with Sen. Schneller said legislative leaders That Cigarette Smoking Is-Dangerous to Your Health. Reg: 8 mg "lar," 0.6 mg nicoline— Men: 7’mg "tar;' 0.5 mg Elditoriai ! 6 Audrey Beck, D-Mansfieldj co- hoped to have proposals ready for a MERIT Entertainment " . 1...... 21 chairman of the Legislature's vote by the full Legislature in the Samples today nicotine— 100's Reg: 9 mg "tar!' 0.7 my nicotine— 100's Men: Herald photo by French L o tte ry .!...... 2* F’inance, Revenue and Bonding week between Christmas and New 1 0 mg "tar.," 0.8 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Mar!81 Kings & 100^ 9 Obituaries...... 10 Committee. Y ea r’s, although he said that The Manchester Herald today rrank Smith, a spokesman for a group of black residents who Peopletalk .., s...... 2 He said the meeting’s purpose was timetable was "very optimistic.’' continues its sampling program i_«i___ I _____ I. _ 7 _ __I... ____...... cnnrta 11-14 uot to rcach a consensus but to dis- Some of the senators supported to bring copies of the newspaper helped recruit minority appllcar^te for four police department K g i g „ " ...... “ i cuss all possible tax and^ir budget the governor’s plan, others said they to non-subscribers in vacancies, calls for a c h ^ g e In town hiring procedures at Television ...... cutting onions to cover the deficit. wanted it modified, and still others Manchester. Tuesday night s Board of Directors meeting. Schneller said he doubted the ...... >...... opposed it, he said.

I . * ' . . .« V, THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 3 i' ■ 2 - THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST to 7 AM EST 11 - IS - 81

T 'tk Hews Briefing SEATTLE // V Glastonbury water customers threaten to sue

SAN FRANCIECO By Paul Hendrie for a special assessment of this bought them with water,” said cost on the grounds that it is similar Robert Beach of 1918 Manchester •ATLANTA Herald Reporter Stockman has to expenses incurred by the depart­ Road in Glastonbury. “ True, the LO W EST Glastonbury customers of the ment for installation of water mains pipe needs repair, but we have paid Reagan belief TEMPERATURES Manchester Water Department still on some Manchester streets, that for homes with water.” are being asked to pay more than have not had water service in the Ms. Gill also noted that other Manchester customers for water past,” she continued. Installation of Glastonbury customers, besides the WASHINGTON (UPI) - President SNOW system improvements, an attorney new water mains in previously un­ abutting land owners, will benefit Reagan said in an interview publish^ representing some Glastonbury serviced areas is assessed to abut­ from system improvements. today that he retains confidence in UPi W EATHER FO TO CA8T customers told the Board of Direc­ ting property owners, rather than The issue erupted last spring, when budget director David Stockman, but tors Tuesday. absorbed by systemwide water use a plan by' G'iles to finance the 4 expects him to have problems selling, the The Glastonbury residents, from charges. Glastonbury system improvements administration’s budget cuts on Capitol the Manchester Road area, “ The Glastonbury customers are was blasted by residents as unfair Hill. threatened - to sue if Manchester already connected to the system and and too expensive. Crime rises In his first public comments on tries to 'implement its proposed have water service,” Ms. Gill con­ Since then, the proposal has been Stockman and published doubts about tht assessments. tinued. “ Therefore, Giles’ argument modified drastically. Glastonbury among GIs administration’s economic policies, However, town officials assured that the improved distribution main agreed to eliminafe property taxes Reagan said “ I still believe that he Weather Glastonbury customers that a should be regarded as a ‘new’ main ■charged to Manchester for believes in our program.” BONN, West Germany '(UPI) — public hesiring in Glastonbury will providing service to customers who watershed land in Glastonbury. This In a related development. The America’s big-city crime has swept ibe scheduled-before any action is have not received service in the past will save Manchester some $W,000 a Washington Post quoted sources today as across the Atlantic and made, U.S. taken. is not viable.” year. saying two of Reagan’s three top ad­ m ilitary barracks in Europe an in­ -\ Attorney Rae F. Gill said a She also rejected the argumeent With those savings, Manchester visers, deputy chief of staff MichaeT creasingly dangerous place to live, the DPI photo Today’s forecast proposal by Manchester to assess that special assessments are proposed financing the costs of Deever and presidential counselor newspaper Stars and Stripes reports. Glastonbury property owners who justified because the Manchester tanks, pump stations, hydrants, Edwin Meese, had urged that Stockman Partial clearing by late this afternoon. Highs near 50. abut an old wooden water main — Road area customers never paid house services and other water "If you’re a soldier or airman On Nov. 18,1903 Panama and the United States signed a treaty for the Clearing tonight. Lows 35 to 40. Thursday mostly sunny stationed in Europe, there’s one chance be replaced. scheduled for replacement — is in­ their share of the wooden pipeline mains installed to improve service building of the Panama Canal, linking the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Although Reagan agreed with White but increasing clouds late in the day. Highs 50 to 55. in three you’ll become a crime statistic consistent with a state law that when they connected to it. with .systemwide use charges, This was the scene one year later during excavation of the "big ditch.” House chief of staff James Baker and Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph today diminishing to 10 to this year — either as a victim or an £ requires Glastonbury customers to “ It is factually incorrect,” said rather than a special assessment. 20 mph tonight. Westerly winds around 10 mph Herala photo by Pinto offender," the unofficial newspaper of decided to keeg Stockman, sources were be treated the same as Manchester Ms. Gill, who claimed that the In addition, the cost of providing quoted as saying Stockman’s'future is ’Thursday. U.S. soldiers abroad said Tuesday. customers. Manchester Road residents original­ water for fife protection would be , uncertain. “ Despite the recognition of the ly negotiated with the South absorbed by the town of Glaston­ In the second of a major series on town Personnel Supervisor Steven R. Presidential aides were quoted as The newly elected Board of Directors con­ necessity for equal treatment, Manchester Water Company for ser­ bury’ rather than the Manchester "Singles in Europe," Stars and Stripes Holden bled to death after fall Extended outlook vened Its first business meeting Tuesday Werbner, General Manager Robert B. Weiss, took a close look at crime among the saying Reagan will maintain tabs of former (I'hiblic Works) Directot vice and conveyed the land under Road residents. Republican congressional leaders’ night and was immediately hit with the long- Mayor Stephen T. Penny, Board Secretary largely unmarried enlisted soldiers who LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Oscar- forehead — 2V5 inches long and Extended outlook for New England Friday through (Jay) Giles and the (Public Works) which the main is laid in exchange The Board of Directors will take assessment of Stockman’s credibility. If running problem of effectively implementing James R. McCavanagh, Democratic Direc­ for the right to receive service. inhabit the barracks of Europe. winning actor William Holden bled to penetrating to the skull — from which Sunday: staff persist in recommending that up the issue again at its D e c e iv e r concerns deepen, Stockman could be Rapes, robberies, assaults, extortion death about 30 minutes after a drunken there was “ massive bleeding,” the ac­ Maashchusells, Rhode Island and Connecticut: the town's affirmatiue action program. tors Arnold M. Kleinschmidt, Stephen T, certain re.sidents of Glastonbury be Glastonbury residents said they m eeting and schedule a public asked to resign, they said. and other violent crimes by GIs are on fall in his beachfront apartment, ap­ tual cause of death, Noguchi said. Rain likely Friday. (Ohahce of showers Saturday. Fair Seated, from left to right, are Town Planner Cassano and James F. Fogarty, Town At­ assessed for one ipiprovement to the have paid for the water service in in­ heareng in Glastonbury before a Reagan was interviewed by United the rise, the newspaper said. parently not realizing the severity of his Holden struck the table so hard that it weather but colder Sunday. Highs w ill be 45 to 55 Friday and Acting Public Works Director Alan F. torney Kevin M. O ’Brien and the secretary system required by the federal Safe creased prices when they bought decision is made. Features Syndicate columnist Donald More than 75,000 crimes were reported injury, a coroner said. punched out a 2-inch hole in the wall, the and Saturday, 35 to 45 Sunday. Lows w ill be in the 30s Lamsoni Republican Directors Joan Lingard, taking notes. Water Drinking Act,” Mst.Gill said. theeir homes. In other action Tuesday night, the 8 Lambro, whose account was published in to military police in the Army in Europe Coroner ’Thomas Noguchi said Tuesday coroner said. Friday and Saturday, in the upper teens and 20s Sunday. William J. Diana, and Peter P DIRosa Jr., “ Former Director Giles argues “ We bought our homes and we board filled a number of vacancies last year and another 20,000. were the 63-year-old actor slipped on a throw Foul play was ruled out, the coroner today’s editions of the Post. Vermont: Periods of rain Friday, scatter^ showers on town boards and commissions Asked about reports that Senate reported' to the Air Force during the rug, smashed his head on the sharp edge said, because there was no evidence of a Saturday and then partly sunny on Sunday; high in the and reappointed Town Attorney Republican Leader Howard Baker same period, it s?iid. of a bedside table and bled to death. struggle, nothing had been taken from 40s Friday and Saturday and in the 40s and low 50s on Kevin M. O’Brien and Town Auditor believes Stockman had damaged his The most frequent crim e reported was Holden, whose decomposing body was the premises and the rest of the apart­ Sunday, low in the upper 20s and 30s. Gerald Okrant for two year terms. credibility and may have problems larceny, but Army officials are most dis­ d is c o v e rt Monday alongside the bed in ment was “ meticulous.” Maine, New Hampshire: Chance of rain Friday Newspaper Bingo resumes with some changes The board tabled consideration of turbed by the frightening rise in his Santa Monica apartment, was con­ An analysis of Holden’s blood showed selling the administration’s programs, Chance of showers or flurries north and clearing an ordinance that would shift liabili­ violence, the newspaper said. scious for only five or 10 minutes after it to have an alcoholic content of .22. Reagan said, “ I think he is going to have elsewhere Saturday. Fair Sunday. Highs mostly in the ty for falls on public sidewalks "This" includes rapes, robberies, the fall and he died within half an hour, “ That level means he was heavily in­ some problems of that kind.” 40s. Lows in the 30s Friday, cooling to the 20s Sunday. Newspaper Bingo will resume id Another change will be that in­ Instead of all being listed used with the free space in the mid­ A lso: Lynch M otors, 500 W. because of ice -and snow from the assaults and extortion,” the newspaper Noguchi said. He apparently had died toxicated,” Noguchi said. “ Even though “ On the other hand, I think as we con­ the Manchester Herald today with stead of the strip of cards, as in the together, as in the first games, the dle. all of the other 24 numbers will Center St.; Nassiff Photo, Main town to homeowners. said. ^ four or five days before his body was the alcohoi ieveT rises when a body tinue forward with this (economic some changes from the first series first game, there will be a different Bingo numbers will be drawn each have to be crossed off. Street; Optical Style Bar, Main ToWn Attorney Kevin M. O’Brien program) we’re going to have the In one case cited by the newspaper, a found. decomposes ->S(nd this body was badly of games that ended two weeks ago card for each week, identifiable by day and w ill be spread throughout The fulll contest rules will appear Streeet; Regal’s Men’s Shop, Main said the town paid about $20,000 last medic only three days in Europe was Noguchi said Holden attempted to stop decomposed/^that level is far above the answer” on Stockman’s-credibility, he and proved so popular. . color. This week’s.card, the first, is the paper — displayed either in ads' each Thursday in the Herald. Street; Sieffert’s Appliances, 445 year in claims due to sidewalk falls, stabbed to death in a quarrel over a the bleeding with tissues instead of legal l i m i ^ f .10.” said. Long Island Sound The cards for each week are blue. of participating merchants or in a Following is the Tist of par­ Hartford Road; Westown Phar­ “ but the town has been lucky that ^ stereo. In another, a sofdier was fatally calling for help, indicating he did not He said an empty quart bottle of vodka available at 11 stores in Manchester There w ill also be a change in the box on the classified page. ticipating merchants: macy, 455 Hartford Road; Diet claims have not been as high as they ' Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Mon- knifed in a fight over a woman. realize how seriously he Was hurt. was found in the apartment, along with a and one in East Hartford and one in prizes) The top prize will still be $100 Diamond said the numbers w ill be Center, 113 Main St. could have been." tauk Point, N.Y.: Small craft advisory in effect. "Such crimes have given the barracks “ It seemed that Mr. Holden was not nearly full bottle in the kitchen. Fifth smokeout Vernon. They can be picked up at but instead of cash it w ill be in easily identifiable because they will Davis Family Restaurant, Caldor Some directors were concerned, Northwest winds 15 to 25 knots and gusty today and ear- a reputation as a dangerous place to aware of the severity of his injury,” the Noguchi said the investigation in­ any of these stores and it’s not “ Bingo Bucks” redeemable for be contained within a little “ Bingo Shopping P laza; Flower Fashion, 85 however, that the ordinance could •y tonight and 10 to 20 knots late tonight and Thursday. Cards will also be available at the live,” the newspaper said. coroner said. “ Based on available infor­ dicated that actor Glenn Ford was the necessary to make a purchase, merchandise at any of the par­ Bug” — the trademark of the con­ E. Center St.; Harvest Hill Package increase homeowners’ liability in­ begins tonight Visibility more than 5 miles. Fair through ’Thursday. Diet Center, 527 Burnside Avenue, mation, we have determined he was a last person to see Holden alive. He said Richard M. Diamond, Herald ticipating stores. There won’t be test. Store, 'Manchester Parkade; surance. They referred the question Average wave heights 3 to 4 feet through tonight. East Hartfoi'd, and at the Hi Fi very private person who probably tried Ford had not yet been interviewed by his publisher said. The cards are not any runnerup prizes and in the event In order to win, even though the Highland Park Market, 317 Highland to the town Insurance Advisory NEW YORK (UPI) - The American St.; K.B. Automotive, Broad Street. Stereo House, Vernon Circle. Woman high to help himself.” office and he refused to reveal details of available at the Herald. of a tie the top prize will be split. American-style Bingo card will be 'Corhmittee. There was a “ deep cut” on his the two actors’ final meeting. Cancer Society says as many as one- third of the nation’s 55 million smokers paid mayor will be pantomiming inhaling and pop­ ping themselves with rubber 'bands to N Hinckley can’t recall hanging stay o ff cigarettes in the 24-hour Great Police still probing HOUSTON (UPI) - City Controller American Smokeout beginning at mid­ Lottery Kathy Whitmire, with support ranging night tonight. alert Tuesday, watching television and from conservative businessmen to the W ASHINGTON (U P I) - John W. The fifth annual smokeout w ill feature Hinckley Jr., President Reagan’s ac­ talking with the staff at the Fort Meade, Klon graffiti coses gay community, overwhelmed her law- a New Orleans-style jazz funeral in Coral cused assailant, is unable to recall Md. military hospital where he was and-order opponent to become the first Gables, Fla., and the burial of a sym­ Numbers drawn in New 7618. hanging himself, but his other mental taken after the attempted suicide in his woman mayor of the nation’s fifth bolic cigarette, with minister and under­ England Tuesday: Rhode Island daily: 0168. cell at the Arm y base. Police have “exhausted have continued awareness public officials have largest city. capabilities seem intact, doctors say. taker, in Knoxville, Tenn. In Lubbock, Connecticut daily; 187. Vermont daily: 196. all information” but are con­ in this town. I am especial­ With all 360 precincts counted early Hinckley will have to be tested to He was listed in “ Satisfactory” condi­ Texas, there will be a bonfire stoked by Maine daily: 880. Massachusetts daily: spoken out where there 0 determine if he suffered long-lasting tinuing to investigate a ly enouraged that several was only silence.” today, Mrs. Whitmire, 35, had received tion. cigarette packages. New Hampshire daily: 2300. 171,022 votes, or 62.4 percent of the votes. brain damage when he hung in his cell cross burning and several t’John Hinckley continues to Show im­ At least a couple of celebrities — ac­ Harris County- Sheriff Jack Heard had for three to five minutes Sunday before incidents of Ku Klux Klan provement in his medical condition,” the tress Polly Bergen and designer Ralston 102,435 or 37.5 percent. being rescued by U.S. marshals, a — will be trying to kick the habit. graffiti, a police officer BY spokesman said. “ His vital signs are nor­ told the Human Relations The non-partisan job pays $81,000 a Justice Department spokesman said The Great American Smokeout, which VIEWPOINT mal. He is alert and aware of his cir­ TM year — the highest paying mayor’s posi­ Tuesday. runs around the clock ’Thursday, is part Commission Tuesday. cumstances.” The commission, which tion in the nation. “ With the exception of a short lapse of of a double-barreled assault on has two black members After Heard conceded two hours after memory surrounding the circumstances Hinckley was admitted to the hospital cigarettes by the American Cancer ON who were the target of the polls closed Tuesday, Mrs. Whitmire, of the attempted suicide, clinically John suffering from a lack of oxygen — a con­ Society. An ACS-funded national con­ Almanac KKK graffiti, commend V a widowed accountant and a two-term Hinckley’s mental capabilities are in­ dition that can cause brain damage. But ference — “ On Smoking Or Health” — NUTRITION tact,” the spokesman said. authorities say Hinckley never stopped the police department for city controller, attributed her success to opens today for a thr^-day stand at the Michael Dworkin, B.S. a campaign that unified the city. The spokesman said Hinckley was breathing. Waldorf-Astoria hotel.' its “ aggressive” efforts to 1 . catch the culprits, citing Registered Pharmacist The Almanac , specifically a $1,000 Nutrition Consultant reward for information Bjf United Press International leading to the arrest and conviction of the people today is Wednesday, November 18th, the 322nd day of **HEART DISEASE-Stroka p r e v ^ o n , by Diet and responsible. 1981 with 43 to follow) VRamln-E” (New Research) Peopletalk The reward, which in­ The moon is in its last quarter. The lOMt comfortable itially was recommended The morning stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and A sad commentary j)f our life style shows that over 54% of us will Saturn. by Police Chief Robert D. die of Heart Disease and over 33% of us will die of Cancer. These Billy’s column The evening star is Venus. Lannan, was authorized by statistics are directly related to our Diet, according to the latest pant a man can wear! Those born on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. the Board of Directors Research studies. An Increase of these figures are expected. In my Nov. 5. The mechanics of last column I spoke of the PROSTAGLANDINS* and their Billy Carter, peanut farmer-turned-columnist, American astronaut Alan Shepard was born November relationships to good body balances of healthy Blood vessels and says Americans should stop contributing money to 18th, 1923. how the reward would be Heart function, and how they are related to what wo oat. the Moral Majority and instead invest the money in given have not been made Machine wash it. Tumble dry it. It comes out their own communities. On this date in history: public. Latest Investigations point out two polyunsaturated fata are lookin great every time. You can't beat the very essential In preventing H AR D ENING O F T H E A R TER IES and The outspoken brother of’ President Jimmy In 1883, the United States adopted Standard Tim e and “ It’s commendable the BLOOD CLOTS. One such good fit Is found In COD LIVER OIL convenience and |ecoriomy...Haggar 'Magic Carter, in his first “ Red Neck Reason” column for set up four zones — Eastern, Central, Mountain and department has at least and Is called EPA for short. Another good oil Is found In EVEN IN G OUI Magazine, says, “ When a group like Moral Pacific. thought of taking more PRIM ROSE O IL and mother*a lactating milk, which Is called Stretch' in 100% Dacron Polyester from M ajority actually puts out hit lists against elected In 1903, Panama and the United States signed a treaty agressive steps than in the GALLA-HOMOLINOLENIC ACID. (OLA). officials and actually gets candidates of its choice for the building of the Panama Canal, linking the Pacific past,” said Rubin Fisher, a Klopman’ ... ..elected, I start to get worried... Let’s put The Rev. 1 and Atlantic oceans. member of the commission Marine OH (from fish) Is very high In Eskimos and this (Jerry) Falweli and his chosen few back to work,for- In 1969, American astronauts Charles Conrad and whose house was spray- lead scientists to Investigate why they only have an Incidence of • 6 Great Colors • a living, instead of letting them live high off the hog Alan Bean made man’s second landing on the moon in painted with the Ku Klux 3% Heart disease. The concentration of poiy-unsaturated EPA was the lunar module of Apollo 12. Klan initials and a very high and hardening of the arteries very low even though they • Burgundy o ff the rest of us.” eat lots of fatty blubber. The fish oils had a protective mechanism • Navy I In 1974, President Ford arrived in Tokyo for a state swastika on Oct, 30. for Heart disease. visit on his way to a meeting with Soviet communist A second black member A high meat diet le, steak, roast beef, lamb, Increases • Block • Green Papal mass party chief Leonid Brezhnev in Vladivostok. ARACHIDONIC ACID, which 4ncrease8 a risk factor for heart dis* of the commission, Roy ease. This fat also upsets the good balance of Prostaglandins. m • Brown Beige -Pope Jphn Paul II led 24 cardinals and 3(X) other Craddock, was the'victim Another Interesting fact Is that the Greenland Eskimos have a A thought for the day: Britain playwright George Ber­ very low Incidence o l A8 JH M A . They found that the Cod Liver Oil prelates and church officials Tuesday in a special of K K K graffiti painted on nard Shaw said: ‘"nie test of a man or woman’s reduces a by predufirt of the bad prostaglandins called Mass for two cardinals who died during the pa^t 12 his driveway a few days breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.” LEUKOTRIENE8. Sizes 32 to 42 months. -• later. The initials were In addition Vitamin B>6 ... and the mlnerala Madnetlum and ’I^he ceremony in the Sistine Chapel honored also painted- on the Zinc are very essential for conversion of the essential fatty acids to Polish Prim ate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who Manchester Herald the PROSTAGLANDINS. It Is interesting to note that women on the building and found on a contraceptive pill do D EP LETE VITAMIN-B-6 and this may be one died May 28, and Cardinal Egidio Vagnozzi, an of­ UPI photo reason they are susceptible to clots and vascular disease, and Free LifeiMme Alterations ficial of the Roman Curia, who died Dec. 26. note attached to a wooden strokes. 8 A new feature of the annual ceremony was that cross left on the steps of iManfl|galpr lipralb town halt. prayers also were -said for all Roman Catholic Jimmy Cagney (left) gets a laugh out of the city. Cagney, a native New Yorker) was VITAM IN-E has been found to.control proetaglandlp synthesis bishops who have died since last November. New York Mayor Ed Koch Tuesday after In town for The premiere tonight of his James McCooe, the and also protects animals against bacterial Infections. VITAMIN* E stimulates IMMUNITY and filler*’ white bleed cell the actor vyas presented with the key to latest film,“ Ragtime.” . Official Manchetter Newspaper police department com­ PHAGOCYTOSIS. VITAMIN-E tcdpTmore animals ALIVE and In* USPS 327-500 Vol. Cl, No. 42 munity relations officer, creased A N TIB O D IE S against Infections. It also “thins" the Blood Prize felloWs said all cases are still open and curbs clots. carpqting executive, walked out of the Burbank itas presented Tuesday with the key to the city by Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays by •and under investigation, Studios Tuesday night with $100,000 after live play­ Mayor Edward Koch. the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Founda­ although the department Also, VITAM IN -E is helpful In some cases of ARTHRITIS In offs on Part II of NBC-TV’s global winner-take-all The 82-year-old actor, born on the Lower 5)ast Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at reducing Ihflamatlon, as does ASPIRIN. However. Vltamln*E does tion has announced selection of 19' more Prize has “ exhausted all the in­ special, “ The First All American Ultra Quiz,” Side, became emotional during the presentation of not tear the Intestinal lining like Aspirin. /- Fellows to receive unrestricted awards of $24,(X)0 to Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER: Sen(f address formation they’ve got.” $60,000 annually for five years. Capping off competition that eliminated 930 other the golden key. changes to The Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 591 Two men are now working R8ii»mb8r, Httling oil DESTROYS VHamln-e 8:h1 i m Ii m players, only Powers and Mark Shibuya, a 27-year- “ I ’m at an age where I cry easily,” he said, his Manchester, Conn. 06040. ’ They include New York architecture critic Ada on the cases, he said. p«roxldn which an Cancar produdi>g. So DON’T FRY IN OILII Louise Huxtible, astronomer Joseph H. Taylor, and old doctoral student in pathology at the University eyes watering and his lips trembling slightly. Russian-born physicist and neurobiologist George of Southern California, rem a in ^ to compete for the ‘ ”rhank you very much, sir.” To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call 647- T h e cross burning Start early to prevent Heart Disease and Cancer, with a good championship. Koch, referring to other dignitaries who have appears to be an isolated healthy diet. Vitamin and Mineral supplements, exercise, EFA’a, Zweig. They bring to 40 the number of fellows an­ 9946. Office-hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday and STR E SS reduction, with "good thoughta." “ I ’m in a state of shock,-” Powers said afterward. been presented with the key to the city, such as incident, not directed at nounced this year. through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. D elivery VISA- In addition, the board selected geneticist Barbara “ This is absolutely unbelievable.” Prince Charles and the Queen of ’Thailand, called should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and bv any individual, he said. The cross was found in a REM EM BER ... you only have ona houaa to llva In you can't McClintock, 79, of Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., as the Throughout the contest. Powers sported a plaid Cagney “ the most royal of them all,” 7:30 a.m. Saturday. ^ mova Into another houaall FR EE B LO O D P R ESSU R E C U N IC Foundation’s first Prize Fellow Laureate, assuring fishing hat and clutched a dented dime he found at Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 for one wooded area off Camp' avary Thuraday — from 5 to S P.M. her $60,000 a year for life. Los Angeles International Airport for good luck. “ I month, $15.35 for three months, $30.70 for six months, Field Road. B E G A V S '■ Quote of the day Sources: 1-Nutrltlon Reviews, Aug. 81 W ^ e re Women Love to Shop for Men " 'The estimated cost of the fellowship program think riU have this bronzed,” he said. and $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are available on “ While It may not be request. 2- The Lancet-July, 81-Dr. KobayyashI over five years is about $10 million. An unidentified woman in her seventies paying a directed at any individual. 3 - Nutrltlon Breakthrough. Dr. Atkins. MD MANCHESTER VERNON 50-year-old hospital obstetrical bill of $64.65 to the It’s obviously directed at a Printed as a public service to foster G O O D H EALTH by ... 903 MAIN ST. TRI-CITY PLAZA . To place a classified or display advertisement, or to group of people, as Ku Tearful Cagney St. JosephTWedical Center in Wichita,' Ras., which Open Dally 9:30-5:30 Thurs. til 9:00 Open Dally 10:00-9:00 Sat. til 5:30 Quiz king hospital authorities said they’d long forgotten; report a news item, story or picture idea, call 643-27U Klux Klan activities have Jimmy Cagney, in.his native New York for “ I ’ve got the money now and thought I ’d pay the O ffice hours are 8:30 to 5 p.m. Monday th-oueli been historically,” com­ r

Multi-Circuits will have to add The drywells will be used in con­ approved a site plan by Graham Inc. By Nancy Thompson ’The commission looked for the begins Monday seven drywells to planned tem­ junction with an existing drainage for a 280,000-square foot building in Herald RepOHer best solutions to problems it found, porary and final parking lots on system. Which consists cf a catch the Manchester Industrial Park. Fisher said, not the least expensive. Harrison Street to meet the town’s basin with a six-inch pipe outletting The plan was a approved only The Human Relations Commis­ Tlie Board of Directors will have to ’The town’s new leaf collection program will be wrap­ 25-year storm regulation. water under the. sidewalk onto the after numerous modifications had sion Tuesday unanimously approved decide which recommendations to been made to the original plan, in­ 14 recommendations for revamping ping up the first round of pickups this week and a second ■That was the word Town Engineer east side of Holl Street. accept and how to fund them, he round will begin next Monday. There had been concern that with cluding the exclusion of a proposed the town’s affirmative action plan. Walter Senkow gave the Planning added. ’The second round will follow the same weekly extension of the railroad tracks The recommendations—which and Zoning Commission at its the originally proposed three “Some of these issues will un­ neighborhoods by neighborhoods schedule that began on which end at Parker Street. • I . range from decreasing the weight meeting Monday. Senkow said three drywells the six-inch pipe might not doubtedly be reviewed with finan­ Oct. 26 and ran for four weeks. Nevertheless, schedules, drywells would have to be. added to be able to handle the runoff. Original plans had called for the given to written tests to creating the position of director’ of Human cial resources in mind,” the report’s will be made public again on a weekly basis. the 48-space temporary lot and But Senkow assured the commis­ railroad to be extended to the back The leaf collection program which requires residents of the new building. But nearby Relations to changing the wording in summary said. “However, we another four to the eventual perma­ sion that with the additional' believe that consideration should be to bag their leaves, a change from the vacuum leaf , nent lot, which will have parking for residents, whose houses the job ads—wilt now go to the Board of drywells, the new system would be given to all recommendations and collection of years past, has been causing a fair share of 104. extended railroad would have run Directors for consideration. able to handle all drainage water that there syould be some un­ confusion. The commission approved Multi- and the pipe will simply serve as an by, protested against the proposal Several members of the audience derstanding that the degree to which Circuits’ plans for the parking lot, overflow pipe. which was finally removed from the at the meeting spoke in favor of the Highway Director Fred F. Wajes admitted that since we commit ourselves to the whole the implementation of program in October he has had a which wili be located beside the Multi-Circuits recently signed an site plan. ■■ecommendations, but questioned Harrison Street garage on condition It is not known what kind of whether oral exams, which are part concept of affirmative action will number of complaints from residents confused about agreement with the town to the program. , that the plans for the interim and business will be housed in the 24- of the “whole person” approach to determine our ultimate results.” purchase, for $400,000, the Harrison ' But, he adds “for a first time program it is going v e rj^ final lots go to Senkow for hiring advocated by the report, Only one person in the audience at 'Street garage, though the coinpany foot-high building. well.” modifications. ’The commission also approved the could be discriminatory. the meeting criticized the goal of will not take over the building for Wajes said some people, when.they see in the schedule The original plans ‘showed a request by Preferred Equities for “As soon as we introduce oral the affirmative action report. John about two years. that their street is set for pickup are still mistaken drainage system capable of handling However the town agreed to allow subdivision of land on Broad Street, presentations, that means that the ’Tucci questioned the need for such a about when that week their leaves will be taken away. only a 10-year storm. Multi-Circuits to install the 48 spaces including the area where Arby’s was person giving the oral can qualify program. ‘"rhe schedules say for example, ‘the following Work has already begun on the lot, for parking for employees of the once located. Big prize who he wants. Iif the past, that has “I feel we should keep the streets are scheduled for pickup the week of Nov. 16.’ but Multi-Circuits spokesman in­ Harrison Street Multi-Circuits plant ’The subdivision of the area into been .discriminatory,” John JFoley procedures the same, using the tests People see just ‘Nov. 16’ and think their leaves will be dicated at the Nov. 9 meeting that to help alleviate on-street parking three parcels was approv(>d with the said. and making tests harder,” he said. they wou(d make any changes in­ congestion. ' denial of the firm’s request for a no problem Eleanor Coltman agreed. “That picked up that Monday,” Wajes said. “If the federal government wants to He said also that some people have complained dicated by Senkow. In other business, the commission deferment of sidewalks and curbs aspect can be subverted even more make us hire minorities, let them do Officials for the firm said it had no easily than a written exam,” she because they .have seen the town’s regular garbage for Vitolo it. I think the town of Manchester collection pick up bags of leaves while the instructions plans yet for buildings on the land. said. has gone far enough.” Herald photos by Tarquinio The commission granted Trash- The commission members noted printed along with the schedules says the garbage Leader has no doubts Away Inc. a permit to excavate and NEWINGTON - James Vitolo, 75, that the recommendations call for The commission recommended trucks will not pick up the bags of leaves. fill at its West Center Street location of 124 Glenwood thought he was “some process to ensure that the that the town’s job specifications Unusual exit Wajes explained that the sanitation crews are not arid exams be reviewed to make required to-pick up leaves nor are they forbidden not to. with certain conditions. going to have problems when he conduct of such exams is done Learning took an unusual twist at llling Junior High School HARTFORD (DPI) - Gov. ”1 have no word from him received a letter from the Connec­ properly.” sure that all job qualificatiohs and “But,” ‘said Wajes,” if they find one or two bags of The floor of the small office and Tuesday as staff from Adventure Challenge School taught William O’Neill may be non­ (O’Neill) at all,” Fitzgerald said. dispatch room Trash-Away will be ticut State Lottery but he walked Commission member Joseph exams be reviewed to make sure leaves beside the garbage they may pick it up. ” committal about his plans for 1982, ■’’I’m just trying to precipitate it, building must be one foot above the away from last night’s Money Tree Sweeney questioned the recommen­ that all job qualifications are youngsters rapelllng,” the art of climbing down mountains Wajes also said that there have been some problems but at least one Democratic party frankly. I guess it was more hopeful, l(X)-year flood area, the commission drawing $50,000 richer. dations on financial grounds, par­ necessary and are important to the with ropes. Above, Instructor Joseph Mauotta adjusts the within the program itself, particularly with the leader had no doubt Tuesday about wishful, thinking than based on fact. ruled. His daughter, Laura, was the first ticularly one which calls for the position. -Any tests that are given equipment on student Kathy Adams of Henry Street. Then payloaders breaking down. The town uses four what the governor will do. He has not said a word to me that he The commission also ruled that a to read the letter of notification, in­ Board of Directors to create the job should relate directly to job- Kathy scales the side of her school. payloaders to dump the bags of leaves into waiting "My guy, Bill O’Neill, is is (running).” fuel storage tank, which was forming Mr. Vitolo that he was to be of Director of Human Relations. required knowledge, they ag re^ . dump trucks. preparing to announce his candidacy Fitzgerald added, ”I don’t think a Money Tree contestant. He “We haven’t had a day when all four have broken originally to be located ne:ar the Hop After much discussion, commission Commission member Carl •Chad- for a full term in the governor’s of­ he’s said anything that would in­ watched as her expression grew members agreed that a current down though. I’m looking for a piece of wood to knock Brook within the 50-foot stream en- burn cited the case of an individual fice,” Democratic State Chairman dicate that he’s not (running).” crachment line, must be placed out­ more serious. It was all part of a town employee could be assigned to on,” said Wajes. .James Fitzgerald said in his He has maintained he will support joke on Dad. She said, “Oh no, I who failed the written test for police MACC food program still 32 baskets short Loading the bags of leaves into the payloader first and side that zone. the job, which carries “sole respon' officer in Manchester, but passed in "Democratic Newsletter.” O’Neill over Abate or .any other • The commission’s next meeting think you’ve got trouble here.” Biit sibility” for affirmative action. ’The having it dump the leaves into the dump trucks avoids Fitzgerald went on to say in the Democrat who decides to challenge as he read the letter, he realized another town and was offered a job. breaking and tearing the bags which might occur if the will be Dec. 7 and will include a town would not have to add anew Fisher said a former state police of­ The Thanksgiving "food-sharing others are families with from one to six bow Girls (two). • produce to fill food baskets during the three-page sheet mailed Tuesday to the incumbent in the 1982 guber­ public hearing. Highlighting the nothing but good luck was coming employee, they said. crews simply threw'the bags into the trucks, which are ficer also took the local test and program coordinated by the Manchester children. Individuals who are providing baskets holiday season. the party faithful that House natorial election. agenda will be discussion of the his way. Commission member Rubin very high, Wajes said. Speaker Ernest Abate, D-Stamford, failed. Area Conference of Churches is still 32 Churches and groups who are include: Meg Lynam, Claire Sullivan, Specially, needed are such high protein Wajes said the program ran on schedule for the first proposal By Manchester developer Vitolo has a good sense of humor, Fisher, who worked on the subcom­ providing Thanksgiving baskets include; "is already in the field” for the baskets short of the 170 baskets Harriet Searles, Martha Perkins and foods as instant milk, peanut butter, tuna three weeks. He predicted it would continue on schedule Weekend events Jack Davis for the construction of though. He said he’ll, still include mittee report on affirmative action, ’The commission also agreed that Emanuel Lutheran (45 baskets), Concor­ Democratic gubernatorial nomina­ scheduled for distribution to needly Diane Shields. fish and such meat products as hash, this week and said he saw no future delays, even though townhouses on property off of Lydall Laura in his plans to use the win­ said, “We ((the subcommittee) feel a “ whole person” approach, in­ dia Lutheran (21) St. Mary’s Episcopal tion. The Herald provides a com­ elderly, handicapped and low-income A communitywide food collection to stews and pasta with meat sauce, instant next week, with the Thanksgiving hojidays, will be only Street. A large crowd is expected nings for the benefit of his three the problem is the process itself, cluding written and oral exams if (15), St. James (13),.South Methodist Contacted later, Fitzgerald said prehensive calendar of “where to go children and seven grandchildren. necessary for the poosition, should families. help fill both Thanksgiving and Christ­ puddings, canned custards, chunky soups a three-day work week. and the meeting will he held at and once we get some clarification ((10), Community Baptist (six). Second mas baskets is being sponsored by he didn’t mean exactly what he had and what to do,” every Friday in the He said he’d also like to niake some be used before drawing up an Most of the large families and older are particularly good for the elderly. Buckley School at 7 p.nn., half an on the process, we can look at prac­ Congregational (5) Assumption School students at Manchester High School written. Focus/Weekend section. home improvements. eligibility list. persons on special diets have been Got a Manchester news tip? hour earlier, than usual. ticality.” “adopted” by local churches and in-' (four). Trinity Covenant (two). North through the week To date $425 in cash has been con­ dividuals for baskets. Of those not yet Methodist (2), Manchester WA’TES (2) Students at St. Bridgets parochial tributed. Contributions should be If you have a news tip or story idea in Manchester, “adopted” for giving eight are elderly Eighth Utilities District Auxiliary (1) school and Buckley are also collecting made out to Seasonal Sharing Appeal and contact City Editor Alex Girelli a t The Manchester mailed to MACC, Box 773, Manchester. PUBLIC NOTICE! singles, five are elderly couples and employees of Roy Rogers (one), Ran- for non-perishable foods, meats and Herald, telephone 643-2711. N FREE!! FREE!! S5 The Hair Loft BLOOD DISCOVER JEANS PIUS LOW, LOW PRICES! PRESSURE Welcomes The m y Join our1982 Chrisfmas Club, Expertise of TAKEN BY CLINIC A “Millie” To Our REGISTERED Staff. A little early, you think? NURSE and all you get The holiday season wiO foon be upon us, perhaps with unwanted pourids. To avoid New Year's resolutions about W l a n ^ S a l e $5 ditcount on Pormt with dieting, take Ktion now! Thit coupon to Introduce you to Millie You can lose 17 to 25 pounds in just- six weeks Start now—be thinner by Thanksgiving and skinny by Christmas. ••• at Jeans-Plus AT: LIGGETT PHARMACY and Ismoney. Don’t let the New Year find more of you than you would Kke. PARKADE HEALTH SHOPPE Com e in now. Together, we can make it happen. Give The Hair Loft $ I yourself the best Christmas eOer—a thinner, healthier. V f happier YOU! TIME: EVERY THURSDAY 5 PM TO 9 iPM Most banks give you candles or candy dishes for joining I 117 E. Center St. ‘TIannels F d f All” - Easy as 1-2-3! their Christmas Clubs. The Savings Bank of Maitchester * (across from Manch. 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All kits feature pre-cut solid pine parts, IfT WRANGLER JEANS sandpaper, wood glue, necessary hardware, and OR CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FULL MEAL OEALS easy-to-follow instructions. Choose from: Double Burger...... 2 .4 9 , Includes!! • NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! Toys, Kitchen Accessories, Triple Burger...... 2.99 Furniture and more a; French Fries MaDcheWer: Mam Sirwi tMain Officti; Purnell Place i Dnve In); MANCHESTER) CT 297 east center st. Burr Comera Shopping Center; Eati Center Sueei; Mantheaier Pirkade. On Sale Nov. 19-Nov. 23 Savings Bank Hanfwd Road at McKee; Shopnte Plan at Spencer; Top Notch Shopping Soft Drink OPEN THURS. & FRI. 'til9 P.M. Center at Nonh End.Eaal H artford: Bumude Avenue; Putnam Bndgc Plan • Chicken Sandwich ...... 2 .2 9 Bohoa; M ion Notch at Route 44A A»dov

H' (I THK HKUAl.l), Wed., Nov. 18. lilHl THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 7 O P I N I O N / Commentary Kennedy next to rap GOP at labdr meeting Senate bid could shorten Moffett s career - o NEW YORK (UPI) - period of six months.” employment compensation cent and withdraw oil House Speaker Thomas P. “ Ronald Reagan is no benefit triggers. windfall profits tax exemp­ O’Neill compared the friend of working men and • P la c e te m p o r a r y tions. John Bailey would have loved it. would just about wreck Republican received from the independent- Fairfield is solidly in Weicker’s cor­ Reagan administration to a women in this country,” restrictions on harmful im­ “ What we need is a Though his particular specialty was minded Weicker when seeking help ner, even town committees are chances. “ very, very bad class B O’Neill said. “ His reces­ ports to prevent penetra­ program to put people to ethnic ticket-balancing, the late in their local campaigns and the slowly warming up and once hostile movie” and told AFLCIO sion is proof of that.” tion of U.S. markets'and work,” said Ironworkers In reaching his decision, Moffett, Democratic state chairman would mere mention of the senator’s name Manchester state leaders are now maintaining a leaders the Republicans Later, acting on the establish a Reconstruction President John Lyons. buoyed by polls he had conducted probably have applauded the deci­ at state headquarters was^cause for firm hands-off, neutrality policy. were responsible for the recommendation of its Finance Corporation to United Auto Workers which showed him capable'of win­ executive council, the 900 make loans, loan President Douglas Fraser sion by Congressman Toby Moffett apoplexy. Spotlight Why the remarkabie resurgence for economic recession. ning any position he sought, opted delelgates overwhelmingly guarantees, interest rate challenged the term to seek Lowell Weicker’s senate "Lowell will ,get the nomination a maveri6k, outspoken politician O’Neill’s atjack Tuesday By Rick Diamond — Herald .Publisher for the Senate seat because, as he on President Reagan’s approved a policy state­ subsidies and targeted tax “ recession,” saying his seat next year rather than con­ over my dead body,” one of the par­ many, people had already written policies followed similar ment proposing a four- benefits for retooling basic auto industry is in a testing Governor William O’Neill ty’s ruling elite told me earlier this off? . told this columinist, “ Tax reform broadsides from former point anti-recession industries. “ depression” with 200,000 for the gubernatorial nomination. year. So when an acceptable alter­ and selective programming — trim­ The number one reason, of course, 'Vice President Walter package. • Use credit control autoworkers unemployed. On paper it looked great — ticket­ native, in the form of no less a ming to meet reduced federal spen­ is Moffett’s decision to seek the Mondale and AFL-CIO It would: authority' to offset tight In internal activity, a balancing on an ideological level, a figure than Prescott Bush, the vice- ding will be the key issues over the nominating convention he may have and only Republican senatorial can­ Senate seat, • giving the GOP an President, Lane Kirkland. •Restore several jobs- money policy and high in­ group of black delegates liberal senate nominee and a president’s brother, surfaced, the next four years. I ’d hate to see my producing measures by the terest rates. met ’Tuesday to push for to face Bush in a primary, where didate. State Senator Carl Zinsser of excellent opportunity to oust an em­ Sen. Eldward Kennedy, D- moderate-to-conservative incum­ Republican hierarchy was political - career over at age 42 government, including •Finance the ventures by two of the five vacant seats Weicker, who has always pulled Manchester, poles apart with battled and unpopular Bill O’Neill Mass., was expected to bent candidate for governor. because I supported unpopular, have more criticism in an public service employ­ limiting the individual tax on the 35-member overjoyed. "W e’ll cut his 6’6” figure strongly with unaffiliated voters, Weicker on most issues, is, from the governor’s chair. . Now it appears, however, that down to 2’6” , gloated one of the par­ but necessary reforms.” UPi photo address today to the labor ment; provide low-and cut in 1982 to $700, reduce Executive Council to be will be at a disadvantage among the nevertheless, also a firm supporter.' While Republicans, more often the investment tax credit Moffett’s as yet unannounced inten­ ty faithful, who seemed undeterred group’s 14th biennial con­ middle-income housing and filled by black union 26 percent of the state’s registered " I don’talways agree with Lowell,” than Democrats, occasionally, cut restore nationwide un­ from 10 percent to 7 per­ leaders. tion to run for the United Stkes by Weicker’s threat to run as an in­ He’s still joking vention. voters who call themselves said Zinsser, "but I admire his abili­ off their nose to spite their face, the YET MOFFE’TT’S decision to Senate is backfiring because it has dependent if denied his own party’s Neither Reagan, nor any Republicans. However, a convincing ty and dedication and think he realists among, them sense that op­ seek the senate seat has already other administration of­ increased the likelihood that nomination. victory by Weicker at the conven­ deserves another term.” Zinsser’s position to Weickehcould cost them cost him considerable popularity National Security Adviser Richard Allen with presIdentLI advisers Edwin Meese III Weicker will again receive his par­ ficial, was invited to speak tion might discourage Bush from position is articulated by the many not only the Senate seat but the (left), under fire for arranging an Interview (right) and Michael Deaver Tuesday during at the convention, which ty’s nomination. among, many traditional Democrats IN SIX SH O R T months the waging a primary. fellow Republican legislators who State House as well. His astounding for a Japanese journalist with First Lady arrival ceremonies for Venezuelan President pelebrates the 100th an­ Six months ago this would have — liberals, labor leaders, and con­ evidence is rapidly building that Weicker’s area coordinator, even gave Weicker a vote of con­ 225,000 p lu rality in the 1976 sumer groups — who wanted him to' NarKy Reagan that resulted In a $1,000 Luis Herrera Campins at the White House. niversary of the labor been unthinkable, much less possi­ Weicker has turned it around. Not His or her initials in Manchester Director Peter DiRosa, fidence earlier this year. senatorial race easily led the GOP run for governor. It would be ironic gratut^ payment to the White House, jokes movement. ble. Town chairmen were incensed that he’s horne free — even if he gets On Tuesday, the 14-Ki gold to be' is firmly convinced that Weicker Influential 4th District ticket and a "bull moose” indepen­ if his political career ended earlier over the cavalier treatment they the party endorsement at the delegates heard O’Neill will eventually emerge as the one Congressman Stewart McKinney of dent candidacy on his part in 1982 at age 38. worn smartly on the \______give a calm, but deliberate, negative collar or lapel. Also 8 In Manchester assessment of the admin- can be worn on the Congress may vyalk sitration, blaming Presi­ pocket, tie, cuff or dent Reagan personally for the current recessionary scarf. period. The wrong method “ The sad truth is this $35.00 H D im e m S M D g recession is the direct to the beat of a veto result of the Reagan ad­ ministration policy,” he of picking police said. “ These flipflops, these WASHINGTON (U P I) - Congress would give him a chance' to make would have authorized the ad­ squabbles, the revelations Order Today for may be walking straight into a another televised budget address, ministration to select the exact of the last week — the presidential veto, now that a Senate attacking Congress and looking cuts, would have reduced fiscal 1982 script of the Reagan ad­ 10 Day Delivery The town’s affirmative action be filled. While amost 100-per­ &.1 B committee has followed the House "like a macho man.” spending by $6 billion to $9 billion. It ministration is beginning effort is. under attack by the sons took written tests and more in rejecting new budget cuts. Earlier, the Senate Ap­ also would have affected entitle­ to resemble the plot of a town’s black community, which than 60 passed it, only the top 10 The full Senate will decide propriations Committee approved ment programs which Reagan does very, very bad class B until recently has confined its or so stand any real chance of whether to continue the march i funding for both the B-1 bomber and not want to tamper with now. movie.” SUOOR today when it acts on a stopgap the MX missile as it completed criticism pretty much to the getting a police job. If the top Leaders of the House and Senate O’Neill said the economy spending bill designed to keep the work on a $208.4 billion defense was making a recovery •results — or lack of results — six pass the agility test, only the Appropriations Committees argue 917 MAIN 8T., d o w n t o w n MANCHESTER government running past midnight budget for fiscal 1982. . when Reagan took office in the effort has achieved. they have already come close to top six are interviewed for the Friday. The figure includes spending ______open Thur til 0 p.m. meeting Redgan’s goals. They have January “ and he has sent it The newest criticisms, positions. The House approved the measure authority that will translate into ac­ produced numbers, disputed by the into a recession in the however, aim at the means the Monday, after rejecting a proposal tual outlays over a period of years. The town has no real choice administration, which they say by Republican leaders to cut almost Reagan has asked that both weapons town is employing as well as the now but to go forward with that prove their contention. $4 billion from already-reduced systems be funded. N failure to achieve. And there is a publicly announced procedure. domestic spending. Reagan sent a letter Tuesday to The overall measure, which strong undercurrent of feeling To do otherwise would open it to ’The Senate Appropriations Com­ Senate Republican Leader Howard staffers estimated would provide among some blacks that the ef­ possible legal action. mittee handed Resident Reagan a Baker, saying “ excessive ap­ approximately $415 billion in funds, similar blow Tuesday, despite a is designed to keep the government TRUCKLOAD SALE fort is not only awkward but also But the subcommittee from propriations measures simply can­ written appeal from Reagan saying ^running past midnight Friday when insincere. the Human Relations Commis- not be tolerated — not now nor in the he was "prepared to meet Congress . future.” its existing, appropriations expire. When the town set out to fill sion is right when it says that the halfway” by accepting smaller cuts Reagan said he would accept a 5 It is necessary because Congress, four vacancies in the Police procedure puts too much stress than he originally wanted. percent across-the-board cut in delayed by administration revisions, Owens Corning Insulation & Ceiling Tiles Department, it sought the help on the results of the written .’The panel passed its version of the domestic spending similar to the has failed to complete its 13 regular 0 bill by voice vote and sent it to the of the black community in examination. Quite apart from one rejected in the Hou^e. He said appropriations bills for the fiscal Senate floor without the additional that would provide a “ substantial FR EE Energy Clinic & Forum recruiting candidates. There is the question of whether it works year that started Oct. 1. cuts. share” of the reductions in fiscal In September, Reagan asked for confusion over what the town in­ to the disadvantage of Sat./ Nov. 21 10 am-2 pm It increased the likelihood Reagan 1982 that he had proposed. $13 billion in slashes and $3 billion in dicated to those black recruiters minorities is the obvious 'fact wpuld veto the measure. But no, such r^uction |was even increased taxes. He has backed off Meet representatives from ^Stanley Weather Stripping, Owens Corning Insulation, Thermo Scan Heat Loss Detection & KSI Patio Doors. They will be here to answer your questions on saving energy and preventing heot would be the procedures for that it works to the disadvantage Concessional Republican sources offered in the Republicancontrolled his proposal since then, salying he loss. You con arrange with George Carrol from Thermo Scon to hove o Heat Loss Detection Survey done on your filling the jobs. ' of the town / suggested the president may want to appropriations committee.' wanted to wait until next year to do so to prove he can enforce his The panel did reject, 18-8, a home. Come in with your problems and questions on energy. There will be plenty of free hand out literature. That confusion and the ill- It cuts out of consideration a detail the tax changes. Prices good at oil locations. Sole ends Nov. 28. 1981. economic program. proposal by Sen. Mack Mattingly, R- He also said $2.6 billion of the cuts feeling it has engendered lot of people who, if considered V House Democratic Leader Jim Ga., to cut 2 percent from domestic — controversial reductions in en­ threaten to set the program back on a broader basis than their Wright said he expected Reagan to and military programs. titlement program^ like welfare and Owens-Corning Fiberglas® ceiling gahels FIBERGIAS kroft Foced and further alienate black performance in a written veto the stopgap measure because it Mattingly said his pian, which Medicaid — could wait. R-11, 88.12 sq. ft. reg. 15.48 citizens. examination, might prove to be If that alienation does come Unfoced R-11 very good policemen. 86.12 sq. ft. reg. 14.16 about, a human resource will The process is unwise on the Open forum / have been lost because blacks face of it. To examine, orally Readers' views 6'’x15*' Unfoced R-19 48.96 sq. ft. reg. 13.72 will tend to retreat from civic everyone who passes the written Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 ARE YOU PAYING life just at the point where they test and an agility test cpuld turn All prices cosh and carry, other sizes available at similar have begun to increase their con­ out to be cumbersome and time- MORE THAN YOU savings, including 23" widths. tribution. consuming, but to confine the Several serve on town com­ orali examination, the final step were finally picked up. CluD, and last but not least the 1918 As I observed, not only did they SHOULD FOR mittees and one has been elected in selection, to only a few is This Wednesday, our regular gar­ BEAT OL MAM Still confused emergency hospital, set up in the NOT fidget, they were most atten­ to the Board of Education. much too restrictive. It does not bage pickup day, I did not put my Hall to care for the hundreds of in­ tive during the ceremony, reverent The sore point is the method seem unreasonable to give oral To the Editor: leaf bags out. One neighbor had fluenza sufferers by the Manchester WHITER during the prayers, and played c (^ - STEREO.... • • • “They won't believe you did it yourself" ceilings. Fiberglass ceiling several large boxes and bags filled by which the four police jobs will exams to 20 or 30 persons. Regarding your article in the Nov. War Bureau and the local chapter of mendably. ; with leaves which were taken; ponels that odd insulation value to your home. They absorb sound, OWENS-CORNING’S 11 Herald, “ Leaf Pickup Confusion the Red Cross. I say congratulations to Mr. Or- ore washable, duroble, and hove o 10 year limited warranty another one had five or six bags that AND NOT GETTING THE QUALITY OF PINK FIBERGLAS* Over,” I and many of my neighbors Thank you, Mr. Barnini and the fitelli and every Benhet Band against sagging and warping. ^ were taken; and another one had YAMAHA, B&O, KLIPSCH, POLK, NAKAMICHI INSULATION and friends are still very confused. Podrove family, for your generous member for their civic mindedness two bags and two trash barrets. The What is going to happen in the gift to the Town of Manchester, and .and a job well done. “ Espirlt Sculptured 2'x4'xV' Berry's World barrels were emptied but the bags on future? There are still a lot of leaves thank you for reminding me of the And a great fat zero for a sloppy r»g. 2.60 2 .10 reg. 4.00 .-3.70 to be bagged and carted away. At are still there. many good times we natives of reporter who wrote the article. SALE this writing' 1 have 12 five-foot bags, Please try to clear up this confu­ Mancheister had in the Hall. I hope Hi-Fi Stereo House Pebbit White 2'x4'x3/4’ Sandstone 2'x4'xi’’ The Herald is still in debt to sion. What is going to happen in the in my garage and mpre to be raked future generations will be. able to Bennet. I trust someone will soon reg. 3.45 2.55 reg. 5.65 4.30 NOW! and bagged. ••future? How are we going to dispose “ IFe’re The Unbeatahles’’ enjoy activities in the Hall when it is have the grace and good sense to In calls to .Town Hall one friend of our leaves? restored to its original beauty. ___ Whether you spend $269. or $12,000. you get Does Your Attic Have Any Of These Problems? Yours in confusion, portray the Bennet group in the was told the garbage truck would Eva M. Johnson proper light. again take them beginning the week Roy B. Warren BETTER SOUND«BETTER SERVICE*BETTER PRICES 54 Richmond Drive Mrs. H.W. Bell after the special collection. Another 127 Princeton St. Double S«al Electrical Outlet 70 Agnes Drive was told that the barbage truck Door Bottom and Switch Plate jwould not evec take any more. Woother Soot Weather Strip Another was told that the town Still in debt Once-'upon-a-time ’Thanksgiving would have a second collection ap­ Hall recalled marked the beginning of the Christ­ mas shopping season, and not the proximately four weeks after the To the Edjtori Kfiievous, advent of Easter eggs in the market. 8 first collection, which would take it To the Editor: What manner of journalists make SKITTISH A well into Decerfiber. I thoroughly enjoyed the in­ i t # : up your staff? Add to your Collection of We were notified that there would teresting article by Nancy Thomp­ Despite your profuse apology to collective nouns: A honk of cold >N^M9TM€Hr be a collection on our street the ceoHteLLo^t son about John Barnini and his the Bennet students and staff after victims. NEW YAMAHA R-300 week, of Nov. 2. On the Saturday "love” of Cheney Hall, published in your publication of a demeaning RECEIVER before that I hired people. with the Nov. 11 Herald. photograph, you did it once more. Quality of Perforrnance In NEW YAMAHA P-350 trucks to take away 45 five-foot bags It opened a flood of memories for You missed your golden oppor­ 'sound that only the world’s Optimum mass straight tone at a cost of $20. That “weekend we me. My first visits to the Hall were tunity to right the wrong with your largest music company, arm complete with QRADO car­ NEW API SOS bagged another 10 bags and prompt­ Hanrliratpr Hfrali Yamaha, can provide. tridge for flawless tracking. g when I was about 10 years old, and coverage of the Veterans Day ser­ Big 3 way speakers without 3 ly at 7 a.m. Monday I had them out the very nice caretaker, Mr. Day, vices. Celebrating 100 years way speakers you lose the Zonoiite Attic Insulation can make your fiberglass rtg. 1.99 098 r*e. 2.Vt 0 3 0 by the sidewalk at 8:15 a.m. two let three little girls — one of them a now It was of no concern to your of comrnunity service critical mid range so vital to Five Times more effective... ' p«r pkg. high scho'ol boys dived into them and Cheney, which accounts for the clarity of sound. Doubl«, Sool protection with dual Pock contoint 8 double •UctricQl reporter that this group of students by ‘filling vp tho*e veidi which allow h«at (o etcop*. Pour toty to u m Zonolit* pottntod looling edgot. Slips •otlfy o v tM $• $, 8 pkntk pfugi for split open three of them, which of privilege, I imagine — play on the Founded Oct. 1, 1881 HERE P R O O F ‘497 vormuclit* into ony of ihtM ortot to compete your insulation fob right, V^ll not burn. 01 gave up their free day to furnish the on wood or m*tal door. Brown course we had to rebag. Jutt pour and forgot it. . u f*d $ock*t$ and 2 $

' ./ a -- THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 ’Dll". HKHALD,.W ed . i\.,v 18 11/81 Japan warned NU receives State rests cose Retired police chief about imports tentative OK in 'demons' trial gets 30-day sentence

DANBURY (UPI) — A defense lawyer will now get TOKYO (UPI) — Washington. issued an un­ for rate hike his chance to argue that a young-murder suspect was HARTFORD (UPI) - legal activii ’’ Borden The retired chief was one precedented written warning to Japan to import more possessed by the devil when he allegedly killed his Retired New Britain told the white-haired of 30 people, most former U.S. products or face the threat of "virulent” protec­ . landlord last winter. Police Chief Thomas J. Ormsby. “ When the per­ or present New Britain of­ tionism in reprisal for Japan's record trade surplus, the HARTFORD (UPI) — Northeast Utilities has won State prosecutors rested their case Tuesday in the Ormsby, scolded by a sonnel director came to ficials, who have been U.S. Embassy said today. tentative state approval for a record $183 million rate trial of A m e Clieyenne Johnson, 20, clearing the way for judge for condoning “ a you and asked for a bribe, arrested in the state’s The letter told Japan its plans for an “ emergency im­ . increase that would boost; the monthly electric bill for defense attorney Martin Minnella to launch his widely pattern of illegal activity,” you had to know something probe into the alleged sale port program " were insufficient and instead proposed the company’s average residential customer by about publicized defense of “ demonic possession.” has been sentenced to 30 was going on.” of municipal promotions removing tariffs from 29 items and dropping “ non-tariff $7. However, Minnella’s attempt to blame the devil for days in jail for lying, to Ormsby, who faced a and illegal gam bling in barriers" that have prevented U.S. sales in Japan. A three-member panel of the state Public Utilities the Feb. 16 stabbing death of kennel operator Alan Bono, state corruption in­ term of up to five years in New Britain. Japan consistently has exported more to Atrierica Control Authority reached tentative agreement on the 40, of Brookfield, is likely to have little impact on the vestigators. prison "and $5,000 in fines, than it has bought, but this year's surplus is estimated rate hike Tuesday, slashing the utility’s requested $260.8 jury’s decision in the case because the panel won’t hear Superior Court Judge was taken to the Litchfield Ormsby had entered a at a record $15 billion, with next year's surplus a possi­ million increase by about $78 million. it. David M. Borden imposed Community Correctional socalled Alford plea, which ble $18 billion to $20 billion. “ We have hardly been generous, but I believe we have At the outset of juiy selection in the trial, Superior the term Tu'esdayi saying Center to serve the term. is not an‘admission of guilt “ The United States believes that limited, short-term been responsible,’’ said PUCA Vice Chairman David J. Court Judge Robert J. Callahan ruled evidence about the punishment would have He could be freed in about but a concession the state emergency measures which do not address somg of the Harrigan, who with the other two panel members was “ demonic possession” was not relevant and would not been more severe except three weeks depending on had enough evidence to fundamental problems ... will not meet the potential expected to take a formal vote to approve the rate hike be allowed. . for the retired chief’s “ 40 ■‘good time” credits. convict him. serious and damaging political damage abroad which by next week. Callahan later agreed to let Minnella present the years of service, marked could result from a growing trade imbalance," U.S. Specific rates for Northeast’s 1 million electricity and arguments in the absence of the jury so the testimony by several incidents of Embassy spokesman William Maurer said. 150,000 natural gas customers in Connecticut will be would be on the court record for consideration by an bravery.’ ’ • William Barraclough, the embassy’s economic affairs worked out after a formal decision is issued by the appeals court in the event of an.appeal. ' Ormsby, who joined the counselor, delivered the letter Monday that presented * * f J ] PUCA panel. State prosecutors, who rejected claims of demonic in- New Britain police force as the "official view ’ ’ of the Reagan administration on the However, the increase was expected to boost the •volvement in Bono’s death, have argued that Johnson a trainee in 1942 and we pride ourselves issue. UPI photo monthly bill of a typical residential electric customer, killed Bono during a drunken brawl over the defendant’s retired as chief last year, on our fantastic aasoiiment of Christmas 8J| TBe Japanese foreign ministry said the unprecedented who uses 500 kilowatt-hours of power a month from girlfriend. t...... pleaded guilty Oct. 27 to itemal we try to nave everything from the letter told Tokyo their proposed “ emergency” imports Defense exercises continue about $40 now to about $47. The .state’s 17th and final, witness in the trial was one count of perjury for of aircraft; rare metals and other items to reduce sur­ tiniest ornament to the largest styrofoam ^ The rate increase would allow Northeast a 16.1 per­ Joseph Lamparelli, a Brookfield police officer who testimony he gave to a one- pluses with the United States and Europe could only be a (y ball, you’ll enjoy working with our com­ cent profit level — a 1.6 percent increase over the denied any changes had been made to statements given man grand, jury that quick fix” that would not solve the problem. Lt. Gen. Robert Kingston commander of defense exercise Tuesday in the desert west plete assortment! 8JJ current level but less than the unprecedented 19 percent by Johnson’s sister, Wanda Johnson, 15, the night of the probed New Britain cor­ Critics said it would merely speed up purchases of the U.S. Rapid Depioyment Force (right) and of Cairo on the fourth day of the Bright Star level Northeast had requested. slaying. ruption. items that would eventually be imported anyway and '82 exercises. Egyptian Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Abdmi- Northeast officials said they would have no comment Lam parelli disputed the girl’s denial earlier in the day UPI photo Ormsby was accused of would not create a permanent increase in imports. Haiim Abu-Ghazaia (ieft) watch a joint air on the PUCA action until the final rate increase decision that while she saw Johnson with a knife in his hands, she lying to the grand jury in The U.S. letter proposed Japan remove tariffs on 29 was issued by Harrigan and commissioners Peter G. did not see her brother “ jab at” Bono, a kennel Roller coaster 1979 when he denied having items, including beef, oranges, plywood, computers and Boucher and Edythe J. Gaines. operator. paid $100 to then-New Bri­ computer parts. It also called for removal of “ non-tariff State Consumer Counsel Barry Zitser, who Lamparelli said Miss Johnson’s “ exact words were tain Personnel Director “ every barriers," by simplifying standards and testing and by The roller coaster effect on this Strelna, Alaska, railroad track is caused represented cwsumer interests in the rate hike jabbing” and “ she didn’t want it changed.” He also by land subsidence from permafrost thawing, considered a major Alfred S. Pettinelli after little speeding up customs clearances, his promotion to police 8 proceedings, smd, review of “ all of the issues shows testified that while questioning the defendant, Johnson th in g " A number of top U.S. officials, most recently Military strength exceeds engineering problem in that state. The building of roAds and other con.- benefits forxoniumer interests.” said, ‘“ I didn’t mean to do it.’” chief in 1972. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige, have structlon can lead to a thawing of the permafrost and subsequent Among the items cut from the Northeast request was “ As chief of police you journeyed to Japan to urge a reduction in the trade sur^ the company’s request to reclaim with a profit about $22 stability problems. condoned a pattern of il­ plus, primarily by increasing purchases of U.S. goods? goal; volunteer effort lauded million spent from its Connecticut operation on its aban­ “ I would like to see reciprocity,” U.S. Ambassador to doned plans on two nuclear power plants in Montague, Japan Mike Mansfield said Tuesday. “ What we do for Expert testifies Mass. Japan, 1 would like to see Japan do for us.” He noted "the welcome and increasing awareness in WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ gains as “ an important milestone in Qualification Test reflected a jump Under the PUCA decision. Northeast will be allowed Japan that Japan's increasing trade surplus with the dent Reagan says the fact that more the history of Am erica’s in the quality of the nation’s ser­ to reclaim withouta profit about $17 million spent on the on guards' deaths United States has the potential of inflaming protec­ men and women re-enlisted and all-volunteer armed forces. vicemen and women, particularly Montague plants before the PU CA told the utility in 1977 tionist forces within the United States and elsewhere. " joined the armed fprees during the “ The’ success of this past year for the Army. The Arm y traditional­ that further investment in the plants would be “ ill ad­ past year than in any year since the shows that the voluntary system can ly has had a problem of attracting vised.” Recalling the saying that '"you don’t miss your water W A T E R B U R Y (U P I) — Three guards slain in a $1.9 draft ended in 1973 is proof the all work and represents thehest way to educated personnel. till the well runs d ry," Mansfield said unless Japan million robbery at an armored car garage two years ago volunteer force is working. meet our manpower requirements in Pentagon figures showed 80 per­ reduces its surpluses “ we may fin d ^ virulent form of were cut down by rifle fire before they could draw The Pentagon, in releasing the times of peace.” cent of the 781,000 people In the Todays gas headiig protectionism has indeed dried up the waters of free weapons in their defense, a forensic .expert has testified. figures Tuesday, said the percen­ Lawrence Korb, the assistant Army were high school graduates, trade." . James McDonald, a civilian forensic expert working tage of high school graduates in the defense secretary for manpower, Court rules state up from about 56 percent of a total for Waterbury police, testified Tuesday that two of the services reached an all-time high in said the manpower increases will strength of 777,036 a year before. It three Purolator Security guards apparently were armed fiscal 1981 — 81 percent of total man­ not mean 'an end to draft registra­ was the highest since 1 ^ , when the when the pre-dawn attack took place on April 16, 1979. power. tion. figure was about 76 percent of 1,199,- can price liquor McDonald testified for the prosecution as the murder am serves energy British troops A top Pentagon official said, Korb told reporters he did not 784 men. and robbery trial of Donald (Couture, 28, of Wallingford however, the gain of 320,000 per­ know what impact rising unemploy­ But the number of college and Lawrence Pelletier, 38, of Waterbury, entered its sonnel over the past year will not ment has had on the increase in graduates stood at 8 percent of the To save fuel, modern gas heating systems are engineered • Be sure to check and replace your gas furnace filters.. NEW YORK (UPI) — A federal appeals court has second week in Waterbury Superior Court. mean an end to draft registration. enlistments and the retention of ser­ total force, well below the more rejected- a challenge that Connecticut’s power to McDonald said guard Edward Cody, 46, of Vernon, an with major improvements such as vent dampers and Now and periodically during the winter. All branches of the service met or vicemen and women. than 20 percent recruited during the head to Ulster regulate liquor prices has the effect of fixing prices in off-duty Hartford policeman, was found slumped in an • Properly insulate your fiome. Your gas furnace won't run exceeded their authorized goals for “ Obviously, it has some impact, late 1960s and early 70s when they automatic pilotless .ignition. In addition, new gas pulse violation of antitrust law. armored van at the Waterbury garage with his Colt fiscal year 1981, which ended Sept. but 1 don’t know what it is until the were conscripted during the Viet­ combustion designed equipment.can achieve an incredible as ptten and your energy bill won’t be as much. N revolver still fully loaded. 30, to put total active duty man­ economy begins to improve,” he nam war. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals court ruled BELFAST, Northern Ireland (U PI) ~ Britain ordered “ He never took it out of his holster,” McDonald said. • Check-tor cracks around windows and between door power at 2,082,000 — 2,000 more than said. Tuesday the Connecticut Division of Liquor Control as a -efficiency rating of 91 to 94%! All these innovative features 600 more troops into Northern Ireland, today and Also on the rise were the number Another guard, William West, 52, of Cromwell, was anticipated, the Defense Depart­ The increase in high school state agency is immune from federal antitrust laws. have made natural gas the most efficient and economical frames and walls. Seal them with strijaping, rope putty, authorities canceled police leave to counter a rising of women in the armed forces, from found lying near his .38 caliber Smith and Wesson ment said. graduates plus a rise in Uie number 148,800 in fiscal year 1980 to 160,3()0 The, decision affirm ed a judgment handed down in backlash over the IR A killing of a Protestant member of revolver, McDonald said, while the third guard,'Leslie way to heat your home. or caulking. Reagan, in a statem ent dis­ of those who performed average or in fiscal year 1981,. the figures in­ April by U.S. District Court Judge T. F. Gilroy Daly in Parliament, A. CTark, 36, of Plymouth, apparently wasn’t armed at • During the warm weather months is also the best time to tributed at the Pentagon, hailed the above on the Armed Forces dicated. Bridgeport, Conn., against a group of appellants in­ But you can be as energy efficient as your gas heatif% The outlawed Irish Republican Army appeared to be cluding four Connecticut package store dealers. the time. have a CONN SAVE energy audit for only $10. The num- stepping up its killings of security personnel and Protes­ . McDonald said he found the garage littered with M-1 system. A good way to start is by winterizing your home The dealers argued the state’s system of requiring tant leaders planned m arch ^ to paralyze the provincial semiautomatic rifle cartridges and casings when called right now, when the weather is warm, fo r instance, here ' ber to call is 1-800-842-7333. 0 minimum price markups on liquor denied competition government to protest London’s failure to smash the to examine the scene of the robbery. You and natural gas heat. Just think of all the energy you IRA. Newspaper sale concluded among wholesalers and retailers in Connecticut and Couture and Pelletier listened attentively as are some easy but very effective ways to save yourself Protestant anger boiled over during the Tuesday thus deprived them of lower prices. _ McDonald described the scene and weapons used in the energy and money during the next heating season: can save together. holdup. Pelletier, his graying hair tied in a pony tail, funeral for Member of Parliament the Rev. Robert The question is now moot, though, because the NORWICH (UPI) - The cluded the agreement • Install storm windows and doors. Bradford, with a mob throwing punches and rocks at Gannett, which had signed owned by the families of its Connecticut Legislature voted earlier this year to do scribbled notes during the testimony. nation’s largest newspaper Tuesday and named Terry Britain’s Northern Ir^and secretary. a letter of intent to co-publishers, Donald^ Oat away with minimum markups and deregulate the liquor At about 2:30 p.m., Superior Court Judge T. Clark Hull group -has concluded an A 600-member battalion of* British army troops was Hopkins, 37, as publisher of purchase the Bulletin m and Harrison Noyes,.- industry beginning Jan. 1. ^ sent the jury home for the day. Hull then listened to ordered transferred from the mainland to Ulster today agreement to purchase the the Bulletin, which August. arguments on a motion by defense attorney John to supplement the 10,849 soldiers already in the Norwich Bulletin, a mor­ publishes daily and Sunday The Bulletin was es­ Williams who wanted to block the admission of 36 shell CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION ning eastern Connecticut editions. V province, a security forces spokesman said. tablished in 1791 and has a N casings as evidence. Authorities also canceled police leave to meet what newspaper established Hopkins had been daily circulation of 37,000 ■A H n u f t A The robbery on April 16, 1979, netted nearly $1.9 observers called the worst crisis in Northern Ireland nearly two centuries ago. publisher of the Ithaca, and a Sunday circulation of fa n 111 iw u i I la i j|w 1IUII 9 D million in. cash and securities. Tlie defendants were since 1974 when Protestant workers closed the province Gannett Co., based in N.Y., Journal, one of the 85 43,000. Prior to the sale, boutique 1 ^ arrested a day later and police found $900,000 in cash in Rochester, N.Y., con­ daily newspapers owned by hairdesigning for three days and toppled an experimental power­ most of its stock was 18 Oak Street their homes. sharing government of moderate Protestant and ^ 649-5046 downtown Manchester 643-2461 The prosecution has charged the guards were gunned Catholic leaders. > down in a pre-dawn ambush of the armored car as it Protestant leader the Rev. Ian Paisley, vowing to pulled into the Purolator garage. H^aboutymi? break Prime Minister '"Margaret Thatcher’s scepter «• McDonald said the M-1 cartridges “ were all around across her knees," called a province-wide general strike FLETCHER GLASS CO. Our Independence the place” when he arrived at the garage. He described for Monday. Other'Protestant leaders were reported Ov#r 35 Ttcn of hpoftonco I ol MANCHESTER , the M-1 semi-automatic as a weapon with “ tremendous planning to mobilize thousands of Protestants in is l^ur Savings Tho Stvmg Pt»c9* 2 fire power.” ’ marches throughout Northern Ireland. COMPLETE AUTO QLAS8 SERVICE K Retaliation killings and counterattacks continued WINDOW GLASS • MIRRORS • GLASS at "The Consumer's Insurance Supermarket'" Tuesday in the wake of Bradford’s assassination last Professional Studio FURNITURE TOPS • PICTURE FRAMING the innovative new money'Saving concept ior all your Saturday. . • FIREPLACE & DOOR MIRRORS life • healthinsuranceandannuity needs. More Ben- [Shipyard chief Suspected IRA gunmen shot and killed a Protestant • TUB ENCLOSURES • SPECIAL WORK eiitsWithout Paying Mote. Let us tell you more. Call or member of the Ulster Defense Regiment militia at his write ior our Iree brochure. PORTRAITS Fermanagh County farm near the border 60 miles west >the -gets promotion of Belfast. M anchester 6 4 9 - 4 5 2 ^ Earlier, suspected Protestant gunmen shot and killed a Catholic government official and IR A gunmen serious­ Estimate Gladly Given ly wounded a police reservist. >- GROTON (U PI) — Electric Boat’s chief executive, P. At the funeral for Bradford, a close friend of Paisley, Your Local Ropntontativo L Takis Veliotis, has been promoted to executive vice Protestants turned on Northern Ireland Secretary Jim RUSTICS M STOCK '7 president of marine and international operations for its Prior outside Dundonald Presbyterian Church in .100-yi"-3/16"-‘/." PAUL GOODIN INSURANCE AGENCY 54 McKEE ST , MANCHESTER parent company, General Dynamics Corp. Belfast. Part of (he crowd of 2,()00 attacked Prior and 357 E. Center St., Manchester, Conn. (O ff Center St.) Fritz G. Tovar, 58, general manager of EB’s Quonset his bodyguards with chants of “ murderer, murderer go 646-3633 ...... ' 1381 Th* Coniumtr's Insuroncs Sup«rmark«t Corp. Point, R.I., facility, will replace .Veliotis as general home." ’ manager of E B ’s Groton shipyard. W illiam W. Bennett, Prior was not struck but clearly was shaken by the ® Last Visit Before Christmas 40, now assistant general manager at Quonset, will Protestants, who blame poor security and moves by ■t succeed Tovar. London to set up an intergovernmentol council with ★ ★ NOTICE ★ ★ David S. Lewis, General Dynamics’ chairman and Dublin for encouraging the IR A to kilrferadford. COLOR PORTRAIT PACKAGE FOR THE HOLIDAYS " chief executive officer, said in a statement Tuesday 24 Pictures: 2-8X10’s, 3-5X7’s, " from corporate headquarters -in St. Louis, Mo., that NOW 15 wallet size and 4 color charms* ; Veliotis’ hew duties are “ very important in the long- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND ;; term growth planning of this company.” * No extra charge for groups—charms not in - “ Because of his extensive international experience, PART OF YOUR HOLIDAY package of group pictures * we have for some time planned to have Veliotis active in 8 * A d d itio n a l pack ages o n ly $12.00/no d ep osit ;. this area,” Lewis said. WASHING DISHES ■ Beautiful backgrounds available “ Iii his new duties, the Greek-bom Veliotis, 55, will be • % Ia y l o r h .. 'li * You must be satisfied with portraits or deposit responsible for all of General Dynamics’ shipbuilding REMTAL\ ; FROM A HUGE cheerfully refunded • Poses our selection divisions as well as “ a planned major corporate-wide -i expansion and development of international business.” FAMILY DINNER £ ' '■*?> - Lewis said. . %.X ' A SMALL DEPOSIT Veliotis will oversee EB, the Quincy (M ass.) Ship- 1 building division of General Dynamics, the General WILL HOLD JOIN YOUR FAMILY Dynamics Services Co., the Corporate International y 95«-®1295deposit total.package price Dept, and the new International Business Development w AND AFTER DINNER ^ Dept. GUARANTEE Extra Special I Veliotis w ill be. based at Quincy. REUX Join your friends and Ask About Our 10X13 • In February, 1980, Veliotis was named General - Dynamics executive vice president for marine TAKE IT EASY neighbors in support of (11X14 matted) Decorator Portrait L operations and since then, he has divided .his tim e YOUR 1982 POOL FOR AS LITTLE AS $1.95 par person Dates: :. between all marine operations for the Corporation and Manchester Memoriai management of Electric Boat — Connecticut’s second You Can Rent A Complata Wad., Nov. 18 thrujun., Nov. 22 Hospitai’s $3,000,000'Com­ largest private employer. AT 1981 PRICES! Tablaaatting Fhotographar Hours: 7 I^wls said the firm wanted to promote Veliotis Ready For The Table munity Fund drive. Wad. A Sat. 10-1,2-6 - earl'er but couldn’t because “ Veliotis’ leadership was Please send your contribution to Thurs. It Fri. 10-1,2-5:30,6-8 - essential . Electric Boat was to meet the extremely Make Your ReservaUon Today Sunday 12-4 r challenging goals’_|j)f delivering the nation’s first Tri- POOLS&HOTTUBS Manchester Memorial HcJspital Lunch: 1-2 dent suDmarlne and six ^ class fast-attack subs to the Rte. 44-A (2mi East of Bolton Lake) ------Call 643-2496------, Building Fund - Navy. .. CO/ENTRY 742-7308 Ask For Barbara Wllpar P.O. Box 1409 1 ‘"rills has largely been accomplished,” Lewis said. Is Your Portrait Store. ' The first Trident, thp USS Qhio, was commissioned MANCHISTII SOUTHINCTON lu r l lll . AVON . Your Holiday Dining Consultant Manchester, Conn. 06040 Mt-M33 742-73M 74I-03M 742-73M 646-7086 ______- into the Navy last week and four of the six 688 class subs TAYLOR RENTAL CENTEB, ISS Center, Manch. also have been turned over to the Navy. H) - THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18. 1981 THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, li>81 -- 11 Brother act Sweeney: Town violated own stops Islanders Obituaries s SPORTS Page 12 Mrs. Augusta E. Kowang a member of the Manchester AARP rules on hiring officers Mrs. Augusta E. Kowang, 88, and the DAR. formerly of Church Street, died Before retiring several years ago The town “ broke its own rules” in In 'many, municipalities, written written and oral phases would be in­ Tue.sday at a R ockylle convalescent she had been d bookkeeper at Bantly ranking candidates for the pojice and oral exams are considered one cluded,” Sweeney said. “ A fter an­ home. She was the widow of Otto Oil Co. in Manchester for many department solely on the basis m phase of testing, Sweeney said. nouncing that these w ere the ground Kowang. years. their scoTbs on a written test, a Applicants’ ranks are determined by rules, the town administration broke She was born in Hamburg, Ger­ Besides her husband she leaves a member of the Human Relations their combined scores on both tests' its own rules.” many on Aug. 15, 1893 and had lived brother, Edwin Dintch of Chat­ Commission said Tuesday. Sweeney said. in Manchester for many years. She tanooga, Tenn. and several nieces In the future, Sweeney said the Joseph Sweeney charg^ that the “ You'-don’t set up an eligibility list was a member of Emanuel and nephews. town should combine written and town violated the announced hiring with ranking until you have com­ Lutheran Church and its Martha Cir­ Funeral services will be Friday at oral tests before ranking job can­ Julia Chase paved the way procedure for the police vacancies pleted both phases,’ ’ he said. cle. 11 a.m. from the Ladd Funeral didates on an eligibility list. by using written test scores to deter- Rubin Fisher, a commission She leaves three grandchildren, Home, 19 Ellington Ave., Rockville mine which candidates would member who is employed in per­ Mrs. Charles (Dolores) Swallow of with the Rev. Michael F. Evans of The recent police exam created a proceed through the hiring process, sonnel by Travelers Insurance, con­ Manchester, Mrs. Robert (Linda) Onion Congregational Church of­ controversy, when several minority which also included a physical agili­ firmed that “ written and oral is part Zapaaranick in Colorado and Dr. ficiating. candidates, who Were recruited in a ty test and oral interview. of one entity before ranking is A.A. Wysocki in California; two Burial w ill be in G rove H ill special effort by |ocal residents and An. advertisement for applicants given,” in common practice used in great-grand-daughters and a great- Cemetary, Rockville, Friends may the town, were in effect eliminated call at the funeral home Thursday for the police force openings said state hiring procedures and in other from consideration for the 'jobs in USA for women runners grandson. candidates would have to take municipalities. Funeral services will be Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations because they did not rank within th e ' written, oral and physical tests, “ What disturbs me most is that at 1:30 p.m. at Watkins Funeral may be made to the Shrine top six availabie candidates after Sweeney said. the inh announcement' stated both Home, 142 jE. Center St. There are Children’s Hospital, Carew Street, Joseph Sweeney the written exam. through Terry, but it was rejected by Wigren and the sponsor, Nutmeg Springfield, Mass. By Earl Yost no calling hours. Memorial con­ Sports Editor Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. tributions may be made to the Chase, in great shape for distance running nevertheless, came to town Memorial Fund of Emanuel Violet M. Clark Returning to the scene of what has proven to be a historic first in the with Terry and was joined by two other women, Chris McKenzie, of New Lutheran Church. Violet M. Clark, 89, of 423 Gardner annuals of road racing In the United States will be Julia Chase-Brand of York, a one-time Olympian for England, and a Manchester girl, 18-year- St., died Tuesday at''a local con­ Bbard doesn't act on appeal Leonia„N.J., on Thanksgiving morning at 10:30 when she joins 4,000 old Diane Lechausse. other participants In the 45th Five Mile Road Race in Manchester. Agnes Axiord Kabrick valescent home. She was the widow The trio ran, unattached, and their appearance helped attract a record It was a pretty 18-year-old Smith College freshman in Northhampton, Agnes, Axford Kabrick, 75, of 36 of Harry S. Clark. attendance, plus national media coverage. Both wire services. United Mass., from Groton who attempted to enter the Silk Town holiday run but Hollister St., died today at She was born in Philadelphia, Pa. Press International and the Associated Press, plus national magazines, Uonlinuvd from pUg** oiir The board was unable to reach a was banned by P ete Wigren, race director, when she tried to join the Manchester Memorial Hospital. She on Dec. 27, 1891 and had been a resi­ prevent the town from meeting the trary to that of two prominent at­ L ife and Look were on hand, and area radio and news forces covered the was the wife of Clarence G. dent of Manchester for a number of consensus on the issue, however, as torneys in thea area” whom the starting field in 1960. Nov. 30 deadline for candidates to run. it split over whether to wait to incor­ Kabrick. years. Before retiring she was in the ruled this week, however, that the enter the police academy. group had consulted. When the gun sounded, Wigren, upholding the rules of the Amateur porate changes or amend the rules Manchester, Conn., was on the "m ap ,” as film clips were carried She was born in Rockville on June catering business in ,JVew Jersey. town could face possible legal action “ We are very strongly committed Dermoth H. Brown of 10 Laurel Athletic Union which sanctioned the race, waved Chase off the course. to allow changes during the current The 5-4, 120-pounder obliged. nationally. ■ 4. 1906 and had been a resident of She had been an active member of from the 30 candidates who have to affirm ative action,” he said, “ but Street, said the issue has “ legal session. Before the race, Terry wrote, "This girl is in shape for five miles and Manchester since 1936. She was a 50- the First Presbyterian Church of already been ranked if the hiring ■we have been inept, perhaps very ramifications and moral im­ According to the AAU, the time, “ registration of certification shall be Director William J. Diana argued wants a’ chance to prove that women can negotiate Without much trouble year member of Union Englewood, N.J. procedures are changed “ in mid­ unsuccessful.” He. said the town is plications” and that a lawsuit granted to women for events confined exclusively for women.” Mrs. that the procedures should be a five-m ile distance. She will come dressed to compete. ” Terry indicated Congregational Church of Rockville, She leaves two sons, Linwood R. stream.” “ very anxious” to work with the against the town would “ further the Robert Donnelly, AAU registration chairman, supported Wigren. Clark of Manchester and William H. amended based on the vague wor­ that Chase would be pointing to a berth on the 1964 USA Olympic team. A He said the language deficiencies Human' Relations Commission in implication that Manchester is a "General rules, No. 11,” Mrs. Donnelly said,“ spells out the sports and ding of the job advertisement. “ The knee injury later killed this goal. Clark of Delaware; a daughter, in the job advertisement are insuf­ developing improved hiring community that is less than open events in which women may be allowed to participate and long distance W' Mrs. Doris M. Willard, Plano, ficient basis for altering tha testing procedures. issue here,” he said, “ is, 'Are we and less than fair.” running is not one of them. The AAU does not permit mixed competition Chase, attired in a Smith College tunic, ran unofficially and, with Texas; seven grandchildren and five procedures. He added that all going to have an affirmative action between men and women. r McKenzie and Lechausse, finished ahead of a number of the 138 starters. “ We should benefit, if we have plan or not?” ’ Brown said the town’s affirm ative Condo great-grand-children. applicants received notices clearly There vfere 118 starters and 114 official finishers in the 1960 race. All three were not permitted to cross the finish line but ran to the right any brains, from the experience action plan, which sets the goal of Graveside services will be con­ outlining the civil service Penny disagreed, arguing that, Chase was an onlooker at the starting line. amist the cheers of thousands. w e’ve been through,” Weiss said. “ The overall issue here, in my opi­ hiring 25 minority employees by ducted Thursday at 2j,p.m. in procedures before the test. Julia Chase, today, age 38, m arried and a mother, is an internationally Dr. Charlie Robbins, long distance running chairman for the Connec­ Mayor Penny recommended that 1984, “ is just a document, and this Brookside Cemetary, Englewood, Weiss admitted that the town had nion, is whether we follow the law. recognized scientist on the campus of Columbia University in New York. ticut AAU, went on record to alloV'women to run. the board follow the advice of It is my opinion, in the face of the model document has not ac­ offices N.J, The John F. Tierney Funeral done poorly in a’chieving its affir­ Her office overlooks the Hudson R iver and her classes include pre-med “ Julia Chase is a pioneer in the move. I know the AAU forbids the prac­ counsel and refrain from altering complished a damn thing.” Home, 219 W. Center St. has charge decision by the town attorney’s of­ students. tice of men competing against women in track, or vice versa, but it’s mative action goals and said the the hiring procedures until after the of local arrangements. There are no fice, that we would find ourselves in Rubin Fisher, who was also The girl who opened the door for females in the USA to compete in being done in other countries and w ill eventually ,spread to the United results could serve as a basis for current hiring session. He also calling hours. Memorial donations change in the future. a position of legal infirm ity and sub­ directly involved in the recruitment road racing on the same scale as men is an authority on sensory percep­ States. Julia Chase has been pushing this practice for several years asked that the waiting list, which is ject to suit.” planned may be made to the Manchester However, he asked that the board efforts, said the adverse impact of tion in bats and has been referred to at times by her colleagues as “ The without much progress.” normally maintained for a year, be Memorial Hospital Building Fund. Smith hinted at a possible legal - the town’s hiring procedures on af­ Bat Lady.” ’ ’She shou'd be able to compete. In time, I ’m sure, " Robbins said in not amend the hiring procedures, abandoned, and that new exams be during this hiring session because challenge from members of the firm ative action goals “ reprtssents Back to the history-making Thanksgiving morning in 1961. '61, “ women and men w ill compete in races.” Chase is fighting both Rheta Ellen Colpitis held based on the HRC recommen­ any change in the procedure would black community, noting that the more of a liability than the liability It was the silver anniversary of the oldest F ive M ile Road Race in the prejudice and prescedent in her bid to compete against men. ” t jMiliniird Iron) page nnc dations. Rheta Ellen Colpitts, 72, of 122 t o w n nt*orney’s ruling was “Con­ of reverse discrimination. country. Fortunately, with the passing of time, life changes and today women Breton Road, died 'Tuesday at ___ . 'i Julia Chase was a fighter for women’s rights and although disap­ are just as much a part of road racing as men, thanks to.Julia Chase who. Structural steel columns carry the Manchester Memorial Hospital. pointed at not being allowed to run the previous year, she was more pioneered the move in the 1961 Manchester Five Miler. weight from the wood beams down She was bom in Hartford on June determined than ever to run...and she did. While women were not officially accepted and recognized until the 1973 through the floors to the basement. 24, 1909 and had lived in East Hart­ While in high school, Chase took up running as a hobby. In her first race, it wasn’t until 1977 that they were included on the local prize list. A visual inspection of the Watkins ford before moving on to meet, she won the 880-yard run by a whopping 30 seconds. In 1960 she Johnny Kelley won that 1961 race, the last of his six' triumphs and he Building by Kahn and Bayeri con­ Manchester 40 years ago. O'Brien: Change risks suits placed fifth in the Olympic Trials in the half time, failing to qualify but had to share the limelight two decades ago with his Groton neighbor, sulting engineers for. the project, She leaves three nieces and three went on to establish New England records. Julia Chase. revealed some structural problems, nephews. j The town cannot change its hiring test were allowed to cootinue to the It was while at Smith that she got interested in long distance running, Kelley will join Chase in the Five M iler one week from tomorrow m or­ with floors out of level, in some Friends may call at the Holmes recruitment of police officers must Directors meeting that he does not procedure in mid stream for the next testing phase. spurred on by two Groton friends, nationally ranked George Terry and Herald photo ning on Manchester’s Main Street. places by inches. The report FunefigU Home, 400 Ijiain St. be conducted in conformity with agree with O’Brien’s opinion. four slots open on the police force But O’Brien said each candidate Johnny Kelly. It was T erry who took over as her trainer and she won the Every fem ale runner in the race, and there will be between 200 and 250. said there appeared to be no struc­ Thursd^ from 2 to 4 p m. Burial those rulek Smith said he does not think the Julia Chase without running the serious risk of was given ample notification of mile and cross country titles for the fairer set in New England. owe a special thank you to Julia Chase for her fight for equal rights 20 tural problems in the front section will be in Center Cemetary, East “ Further, when the town has town is legaliy prohibited from being sued. Town Attorney Kevin M, what the testing process would be, Come time for the Manchester race and she filed an application. Finishing 1961 race years earlier. of the building where columns Hartford. promulgated a list of eligible can­ reopening the testing for the four O’Brien told General Manager despite one notice which black appeared plumb and floors level. didates for hiring, it may not anul its police jobs or passing on ali the can­ Robert B. Weiss in a legal opinion citizens said gives the impression Besides DeQuattro and Kahn and action unless to correct an error or didates who passed the written test dated Nov. 13. that candidates would get a shot at Bayer, the same group which Card of Thanks mistake on the list itself ... to other testing phases. O’Brien was responding to every stage of testing. orchestrated the House and Hale The family of Marion E. Kerr Whenever an objective standard has charged that minority applicants for conversion will be working on the wishes to extend their heartfelt He said the town followed its usual been set, the standard must be used 27 possibilities on final day the police jobs had been led to personnel rules when testing for the renovation of the Watkins Building. thanks to their dear friends, throughout the entire examination Player trade 1 Dick Williams talks believe they would be processed They include Jac, R. Hunter, presi­ relatives and neighbors for their un­ police positions and, once the deviate from the objec­ through the entire testing procedure process has begun, O’Brien said it Tonight at library dent of Boulder Development Corp, derstanding sympathy and many tive standards set prior to the — a written test, oral test, agility cannot be altered. who will serve as general contrac­ kindnesses during the recent examination process would be con­ Whiton Memorial Library plans a NEW YORK (UPI) ^ The New test and physical examination —' “ The law requires the town take tor. Richard S. Lawrence, president bereavement in the loss of their trary to law .” gymnastics demonstration by Patti Crazy Ivy League grid race York Yankees Tuesday traded with Padre brass before being eliminated from con­ action which conforms in substance of Lawrence Associates, will be the beloved Mother. Frank Smith, a spokesirian for Dunne’s gymnstics group at 7 veteran third baseman AUrelio sideration for the job. to the essential requirements of th architect and R.A. Goodell are the The family of William Kerr black citizens who were involved in tonight. Rodriguez to the Toronto Blue Jays Instead, only the 30 applicants personnel rules,” reads O’Brien’s mechanical engineers. and Marion Schneider, trying to recruit minority police of­ No admission charge and the for a player to be named later, the SAN DIEGO (UPI) - Dick Williams dismissed charges he who scored highest on the written opinion. “ Examinations for the ficers, said after Tue^ay’s Board of event is open to the public. will be decided on weekend club announced. Williams said he had "a most was using the Padres as a H Rodriguez, 33, is knovyn as one of enjoyable discussion” with San bargaining ploy to become manager the premier defensive third Diego Padres officials Tuesday and of the New York Yankees. basemen in the major leagues. He would decide Wednesday whether to “ Let me make this clear,” he By Peter May Wins by both teams result in a “ We’ve got some kids hprt, the batted .346 in 27 regular-season accept their offer to become the said. ” 1 am not using one club GOP solons propose yPI Sports Writer shared title. A Dartmouth loss puts normal bumps and bruises. I don’t games in 1981 as a backup for Graig team’s seventh manager in as many against the other. I have not heard the Big Green out of the picture. know how serious Diana’s leg is,” liie crazy Ivy League football Nettles. Rodriguez substituted for years. from the Yankees. 1 have received —Harvard can win its first out­ said Yale coach Carmen Cozza. race, which { became a scramble Nettles'in the World Series and hit The veteran manager, who was no offer from the Yankees. 1 would right title since 1975 by beating Yale “ It’s going to be very difficult for us tfianks to Y a le ’s last minute loss to .417. fired by Montreal in ^ptember, never do that to any ballclub. " state budget option and having Dartmouth lose to Penn this week, after that loss. I don’t The move opens up a spot on the met for more than four hours with Princeton on Saturday, will be and Cornell beat Princeton. A loss to The Padres have hired two rookie know how the kids are going to res­ Yankees’ 40-man roster, which must San Diego President Ballard Smith (fecided this weekend .yvith four' Y ale or a Dartmouth win puts Har­ managers in the last two years. HARTFORD (UPI) - million, and capping the pond. But we know w e’re in for a be frozen by the end of the week. and General Manager Jack auditors performance teams in contention for the second vard out of the picture. Jerry Coleman lasted only one Top Republican law; state workers' health tough week and a tough gam e.” Tucker Ashford, a 26-year-old third McKeon, who hope Williams will season before he was fired and program, $3.75 million. straight year. —Princeton’s only hope is to share makers have proposed a program to save $11 baseman who played-for Columbus lead the Padres out of the National • Strict implementation Yale, 7-1 and 5-1 in the league, lost the title, which would be its first Harvard is undefeated on the road returned to his job as the team ’s plan to eliminate Connect- million. of the International League last League West cellar. broadcaster. Frank Howard was of a bill preventing the its chance for an unbeaten, season since 1969. It can share the crown and 3-0-1 in its last four games. The cut’s $83 million budget They also proposed adop­ season, may be brought up to fill the " I had a most enjoyable discus­ transfer of assets' by the when Princeton rallied from a 21-0 with any of the three teams. Crimson bombed Penn 45-7 last dismissed after last season. In deficit, claiming it would ting new federal eligibility vacancy. In 132 games in 1981, sion and now I want to sleep on the elderly in order to become deficit for a 35-31 triumph, its first weekend in what coach Joe Restic Williams, the Padres would be get­ generate $150 million in criteria for Aid to Families “ It is going to be an interesting Ashford batted .300 with 17 home proposition,” Williams said. "W e, eligible for free nursing over the Elis since 1966. Dartmouth called the team ’s best game of the ting a manager with 14 years revenues. with Dependent Children Saturday,” said Dartmouth coach runs and 86 RBI. will’ meet again tomorrow, at noon home care, $4.5 million, moved into a firstplace tie with Yale season. experience in the major leagues. The Republicans, said benefits and medical sub­ • Consolidating informa­ With a 38-13 victory over Brown. Joe Yukica, whose team was picked and that will be decision tim e.” Before taking the Montreal job in Tuesday their alternative sidies, $10.5 million; "This means a lot because we’re tion and referrel telephone Harvard and Princeton are a half­ by many to finish first in the pack.. It was the second time in two 1977, he managed at Boston, to Gov. William O’Neill's still in the picture,” Restic said. “ I reform in state Medicaid -system under United game o ff the pace. “ I thought we had a chance after ttie weeks Williams had met with Smith Oakland and California, winning two proposal includes budget think Y ale has its best team sin ce' payments for nursing W a y ’ s IN F O lin e and There are estimated to be 27 season opener (38-13 over Prince­ Spring slate f, and McKeon to discuss the job. World Series at Oakland and an cuts, management ef­ I ’ve been here (11 years). They have homes, $2.1 million: selling elimination of various possibilities, most predicated on ton). We were hoping After the first meeting, Williams American League pennant at ficiency measures and in­ everything. We’re going to have to TORONTO' (UPI) - The Toronto the former feaurel Heigljts state agency WATTS lines, ties. Here are some of the projec­ would strike and it did at Princeton. said he jvould only manage the Boston. stituting a user fee for run the football with Jim Callinan Blue Jays, undertaking the largest hospital ' property, $5 $500,(KK). tions: Now, rfn going to root for Harvard, •Padres only if he were given a 5- state services provided to million, and postponing ajid if they take that away from us,- spring slate in the six-year history • Reducing the state —Yale can win an unprecedented real hanj.” year contract at $150,(KK) a year. farriilies at 150 percent of new federal depreciation it could hurt because we don’t have of the club, Monday announced they Smith said Williams would be subsidy for the cpst of third straight undisputed title if Jt Harval'd and Yale meet in the 98th the poverty level. schedules on corporate the passing game they do.” will play 30 games duriiig the 28 offered a 3-year contract. determining whether a per­ beats Harvard and Dartmouth loses editiony'of The Game before an The plan would allow the returns, $6.4 million. days of their 1982 spring training A Padres spokesman insisted RFC- Bill Zwick 169-138-438, Jerry son is eligible for the SAIL to Penn.' Yale would share the title expected crowd of 75,000 at the Yale Princeton is coming off its] . Legislature to cover the Other cost cutting schedule. negotiations were proceeding Smith 152-140-400, Ken Osborne 369, program,'$7(»,000. with Dartmouth if both schools win. Bowl. . The Elis bring a balanced shocker over Yale, a game in which’, $83 million deficit as well measures included: The Blue Jays, who commence smoothly, but after the meeting Ken Cromwell 137-363, Tom Bren­ The proposed _user fees Yale falls out of the picture if it team into the game, though blue- quarterback Bob Holly passed for a as repeal the unincor­ • Accepting the 5 per­ were: workouts in Dunedin, Florida on McKeon said, ” We know that there nan 363, Bill Pagan! Sn 138-361, loses. chip tailback Rich Diana is hurting ■ staggering 501 yards. The Tigers porated business tax, cent budget cut the gover­ Feb, 23, begin their spring schedule is some matters that we will want to Norm Vittner i35-360, Dave Foss • Establishing a fee —Dartmouth can win its second ti­ with bruised ribs, a sore knee and will be playing with old-fashioned claimed the- GOP law­ nor ordered in the Office of March 8 against the Chicago White discuss further when we meet 358, Bill Pagan! Jr. 353, Joiin Major­ schedule for services tle in four years with a victory over two broken fingers. Quarterback wooden goal posts because the iron makers. Fiscal Analysis and Comp­ Soxr tomorrow.” ca 350, Newt Emerson 139, provided to families whose Penn and a Yale loss to Harvard. John Rogan also has a bum elbow. ones were torn down Saturday. The governor's plan’ troller’s expenditure es­ incomes exceed 150 per­ would increase the gas­ timates, $9 million. cent of the poverty level on openmuyi oline tax from 11-cents to • Revising corporate tax a sliding scale basis on 9J I - M i 12 percent per gallon and estimates to reflect ability to pay, $1.8 million. a • ff* 10 Att-8 modify, the tax on unincor­ reported corporate p'rofits • Expand the pre­ porated businesses — for this' year, $26 million. payment system for tests SI *247 collecting more money • Amending the escheats undertaken at -the stpte aff. 1 from fewer businesses. law to advance the state laboratory, $500,000. 2 Pc. Sofa A Chair Was $7M I N . "Clearly, the governor collection of unclaimed IntlHaa Barlv Anitrlean BnuinM* , Itulh iH 9.5 38 free thp'ws, a statistic that didn't after two periods but the Stastnys hockey games,” added Denis Pot- nuck seemed to be there tonight.” Elvin Hayes threw a birthday par­ expect from a seasoned pro like At Landover, Md., Quinn Buckner ty Tuesday night and the veteran thrill Indiana coach Jack McKinney, .scored 17 points and Sidney Mon- Houston forward forgot to tell the "Except for Billy (Knight, 15 crief added 16 Tuesday night to lead Indiana Pacers they were invited to points), we were flat and they, es­ Milwaukee to its fourth straight vic­ Plans appeal 'oin in the fun. Or so it seemed, pecially Hayes, were very good,” tory. Each scored six points during layes, who,turned 36 Tuesday, gave said (he morose coach. “ Maybe DALLAS (UPI) — Dallas Cow- i a 23-4 burst during an eight-minute himself the best present of all as he we re just tired, 1 don't know. Right UPl photo ■ boys defensive back Dennis Thur­ stretch to cap the win. Washington scored 17 points to help the Rockets now, I don’t want to know.” scored straight points late in the man said Tuesday night he wouid 15 overwhelm the Pacers 102-82. Guard game but Buckner stopped the rally appeal his $1,000 fine the National In other games. Kansas City Goalie Ron Low of Edmonton comes out of are Oilers’ Risto Siltanen and the Blues’ Allan Leavell also tallied 17 points, with a free throw arid a steal, Don Football League levied against him defeated the New York Knicks 124- the net to stop shot by Blake Dunlop of St. Jorgen Pettersson. but it was Hayes who had the Collins led Washington and all for spearing Philadelphia Eagles 110, Milwaukee downed Washington Louis in first period last nioht. Watching play limelight afterwards. quarterback Ron Jaworski. 99-95, Boston topped Chicago 98-95 scorers with 19 points. “ Pretty good for an old man.” he ’The N F L announced Tuesday it and San Antonio beat Dallas 112-105. Spurs 112, Mavericks 10.5 laughed. “ I had a really nice was fining Thurman for his actions At Dallas, Mark Olberding scored celebration. I just hope I can con­ Kilims 124. Knirk.>« I 10 during the Nov. 1 game. 6 points in the final minute, in­ tinue to help this team come back At New York, Reggie King scored Templeton, Lezcano keys ’Thurman has 20 days to make his cluding a jump shot vyith 33 seconds and win.” 33 points and Ernie Grunfeld added appeal. remaining in the game to seal the Indiana led 28-23 after one quainter him. I hope his enthusiasm is infec­ .26 to spur the Kings. Bill Cartwright win for San Antonio. George Gervin His teammates reportedly plan to but Hayes led a Houston rally as the tious. H e’s really in top form. \icored 31 points for New York, in­ led all scorers with 38 points as the raise funds for the fine. visitors pulled ahead 49-40 at the “ 1 generally feel pretty good cluding 19-for-19 from the foul line, Spurs raised their record to .8-1. Thurman claims, he made the half. The Rockets eventually padded about what’s going on with this but Kansas City still managed g Dallas lost its eighth straight con­ tackle head first but did not spear 'Barnburner' trade their lead to as much as 27 points in team ,” Harris, continued. “ But we third-quarter rally that put the test despite 21 points by rookie Mark Jaworski, who suffered brqised ribs. the final quarter. have to try and maintain the 100 per­ game out of reach. Kansas City’s Spearing is butting an opponent in Aguirre. the back.

in works for Cards Player promoted I Unexpected cash bonanza N CHICAGO (UPI) - The Chicago ST. LOUIS (U P I) - Shortstop next year. Lezcano hit .266 for the home in Puerto Rico, made Her­ Wfiite Sox have promoted Ron Kit­ Garry Templeton- and outfielder Cardinals last season, but drove in zog’s trade to get him last tle, the Most Valuable Player of the Sixto Lezcano, both disgruntled only 28 runs and missed con­ December look bad. Eastern League, to the major m'embers of the St. Louis Cardinals, siderable time the final month with Herzog gave up catcher Ted Sim­ league club’s 40-man roster. m Money for TV rights might be packaged in what Manager a sore elbow. mons, pitcher Pete Vuckovich and Kittle, an outfielder who batted TOMGIIT Whitey Herzog calls a “ barnburner” "When we needed him down the Cy Young Award winner Rollie .324 with the Glens Falls (N.Y.) Chicago’s 7rZ Artis Gilmore towers over Boston’s 5-10 Nate 7:1.5 \\ liairr.s Maple Leafs, trade. stretch, he couldn’t play,” said Her­ Fingers to get Lezcano, pitcher White Sox last summer, will attend WTIC “ If 1 put Sixto in a deal with Tem- zog. “ He didn’t , care who was Lary Sorensen, young outfielder his first m ajor league training camp Archibald as latter tries for layup In last night’s NBA gameMn 7:50 Itaiiger.s \s. FLers, t S\ py, I might make a barnburner,” pitching.” David -Green and pitcher Dave this spring and have a chance at Chicago. Celts won, 98-95. boom for Olympics Cable said Herzog, who' also is the Car­ The Cardinals must trade Lezcano LaPoint. making the final 25-man roster, the • <* 7:50 Cel tie.s \s. Roeliels. dinals’ general manager. .“ I might by March 15 or he becomes a free Vuckovich was a 14-game winner team said Tuesdsay. W IM’, W POl* make an expansion club a con­ agent. However, he would waive his last seasHh while Sorensen finished Kittle, 23, had 40 home runs and 10:50 W arriors »s. Nets. Cli. 9 Ueberroth said. “ We didn’t expect tender.” $400,000 a year salary for the next with a 7-7 record after winning his 103 RBI last summer. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The events to be covered. The Cardinals said Tuesday Lez­ three seasons if he opts for free first four games. Erhardt admits committee organizing the 1984 it, but w e’re pleased with it. “ Gradually we received more and Olympic Games may be about to “ The potential income is in excess more telexes that they wanted to cano has filed a request with the agency. Tepipleton, who missed part of UPl photo collect an unexpected cash bonanza of $100 million, and w e’ll get two- negotiate TV rights while they were Major League Players Association “ I don’t think he could get that last season with an illness said to be Pastorini No. 1 of’ more than $60 million that its thirds of that,” he said. here. " Ueberroth said. Webb leading demanding to be traded, although he kind of deal anywhere else,” said depression, also has asked to be ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPI) - Los V Pats struggling president says could seal the finan­ With the $225 million ABC has “ I mean the whole world. I don't could change his mind later. Herzog. " I don’ t think anybody traded. Angeles Rams coach Ray Malavasi Sharp act already agreed to pay for the U.S. Lezcano had said he wanted to be would sign him To that kind of con­ Herzog said several clubs, mostly says he still considers Dan Pastorini cial success of the first privately think it’s ever happened like this PBA rolling traded because of the possibility he tract.” in the American League, had his No. 1 quarterback and will organized Olympics. broadcasting rights, Ueberroth said, before, with all the television en­ would not be a starter ifi St. Louis The demand by Lezcano, who was expressed interest in Lezcano, who probably start him Sunday against Eyeing a record goal-production season with 18 In as many FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - Ron defeats more devastating. Their The money was unexpected this along with commercial sponsorship tities of the vyorld congregating in deals and the com m ittee’s proposed hit 28 homers and drove in 101 runs the San Francisco 49ers. games, Chicago Black Hawk winger Al Secord flies his stick Erhardt can count on one hand the worst loss has been by 14 points. early, that is. one place to negotiate with the GLENDALE HEIGHTS, III. What began as a meeting to dis­ Olympic coin sale, “ would Olympje Committee. In past years it with the Brewers in 1979. ' Pastorirfi was knocked out of the before practice. Secord needs one goal in next game to tie NHL times. he feels the New England “ It has been an emotional thing (U P I) — Wayne Webb of Tuscon, cuss technical details of television guarantee the financial success of was. handled piecemeal " Herzog said only three teams have game against Cincinnati last Sunday Patriots have'stuggled offensively with me and the playjers. We were in Ariz., tossed back-to-back 258 games record of I9 set by Wayne Gretzky of Edmonton. coverage of the summer games the Games” years before the “ The International Olympic Com­ inquired about Templeton, and only when defensive end Eddie Edwards- in his three-year tenure. But he so many games that were close,” during the second round Tuesday to Oakland kicker Chris Bahr turned instead into a negotiating opening ceremony. mittee gets one third of the money, the Baltimore Orioles have asked slammed him to the turf in the might have to use his hands and a Erhardt said. “ I feel so bad for our take the lead in the $110,000 session for TV rights to the games “ Those combined would take care so the director, Monique Berlioux, about both Templeton and Lezcano. fourth quarter of a 24-10 Ram loss. foot to count the team’s 1981 players, they’ve worked their butts Professional Bowlers Association to play with wrist cast defeats. off. W e’ve worked some game plans by stations, networks and coalitions of our financial needs,” he said. flew in to join the talks.” Brunswick World Open tournament. Springfield Tip-Off The Patriots, failing to score a to perfection and come up short. representing about 100 foreign “ W e’d have the money in the The countries represented include Webb, of Tuscon Ariz., tops Bo touchdown for the second time this “ You go into each game with a nations. Committee President Peter bank.” the Soviet bloc, a Latin American Bowden of Dallas, in total pinfalls OAKLAND (UPI) - 'Oakland with confidence.” Oakland has a 5-6 year (and only the second tim e since plan, try to execute it and see it V. Ueberroth said Tuesday. The meeting, which began Mon­ coalition, national networks from 3,538 to 3,495 and in average 221 to kicker Chris Bahr, who fractured record while the Chargers are 6-5 Erhardt took over,) fell to 2-9 with a work for most of the season,” ' he The money from television rights day and ends today, was originally the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, 218. Gil Sliker of Washington, N»J. is his left wrist in last Sunday’s game after their 44-23 whipping by Seattle 17-6 loss Sunday to the New York continued. “ That’s the best you can provides the main financial support meant to give the foreign TV Canada, Australia and the European third with 3,470. Local favorite Bill against Miami, will be back when Monday night. So the two w ill be Jets. New England managed just 179 do: try to get your people in position for the Games but'such negotiations systems a chance to discuss with Broadcasting Union, which Spigner of Chicago is fourth with 3,- the Raiders host San Diego Sunday. fighting for playoff survival Sunday. Brt total yards, had their quarterbacks to make a play and hope they can.” had not been expected for months, ABC — which will provide the basic represents the television networks 4’70 and newcomer Brian Goebel of Bahr. who will wear a special cast “ We’re just thinking about one sacked eight times and turned the On the bright side, punter Rich or a year or more. signal for other systems — such of 32 European, north African and . Kansas City, Kan., stands fifth with during the game, said Tuesday he gdme at a time,” said Flores. ball over twice. T h e only offense Camarillo has a 45-yard average. “ It just sort of happened,’’ things as camera placement and middle eastern nations. 3,419. might turn over kickoff chores to “ W e’ve just kind of low-keyed this was two John Smith field goals. punter Ray Guy. game coming up. We don’t have to “ Since I’ve been here, maybe Fullback Mark van Eeghen did not fire dhr guys up when they know San faces Virginia three times we’ve struggled in Jets sued even suit up for last Sunday’s 33-17 Diego is coming to town.” games; Buffalo ’last year. Green Tom Davis was unaware win over Miami because of knee Oakland’s biggest problem may Bay two years ago and the’ Jets,” NEW YORK (UPI) - A problems. “ I ’d be over it by now if I well be that Denver and Kansas City' Look For The said Erhardt, omitting a 45-10 NEW YORK (UPI) - Boston Zimmerman asked the coach New Hampshire man wasn’t so old,” said Van Eeghen, both have swept the Raiders already SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (UPI) — frontcourt of his own in Fred blowout loss to Denver in 1979. College c^ach Tom Davis, called to about one contest in question, a whose son was struck and who is 29. His status for the Charger this season. Thus Oakland is 1-4 Brigham Young coach Frank Arnold Roberts (6-10), Steve Trumbo (6-8) '“ Most of the time, we’ve gotten a the stand Tuesday in the team ’s February, 1979; game against Hoiy fataiiy injured by a radio- game is questionable. Coac^ Tom within its division. That figure, has two pressing problems as he and Greg Kite (6-11), hopes to be lot of points on the board. W e’ve had poipt-fixing trial, testified Tuesday Cross. coirtroiied model plane Flores also said he is about ready to more than anything else, could kill readies his Cougars for their season able to at least contain The Big Man. way above-average success at that it. is “ virtuaily impossible” to “That game was a reasonabiy during the halftime show of activate injured safety Mike Davis opener Saturday against Virginia: "BINGO BUGS” the Oakland playoff hopes, unless “ With the height on our front line, moving the ball. spot a player intentionally trying to hard fought college gim e,” Davis- a New York to give him some playing time this the Raiders can take their last six in What to do about Ralph Sampson I usually feel confident in our “ I don’t think the players went out throw a basketbaii game. said in . response. “ Everybody game has sued the team ,___ “Bingo Bugs” will be appearing daily in year, “ so he can go into next season a row. and how to do without Danny Ainge. rebounding ability against normal and let down,” the coach added. “ The only way to know would be if played up to his potentiai. Coaches for $10 million. Arnold, who guided B YU to 25 vic­ players,” Arnold said. “ But Satur­ “ The Jets have everything at stake the player came up to you and told are hard to piease and I don’t recall In the suit, filed Tuesday The Herald. Just look for the “bug" with tories last season, finds himself day, we’re not going against a nor­ and came in fired up.” in U.S. District Court in you,” Davis said. anything unusual.” Matt Ayotte Kris Jargilio going up against the same school mal playen” Now playing for pride only, the Davis, a .basketbaii coach for 20 Brooklyn, John Bowen of which ended the Cougars' 1980-81 While Virginia lost Lamp and Patriots visit the Buffalo Bills this years, was called to the stand by Following Davis’' testimony, the Nashua, N.H., said the Jets a numbei' in each ad; if you have it, mark Connors withdraws season. It was Virginia’s 74-60 vic­ Raker, the most famous non- weekend. New England will be Gary Zimmerman, an attorney for defense called one more witness had chosen a “ highly New England cites Fitzgerald tory over B YU in the finals of the returnee is Ainge, who has taken the searching for its first road win of defendant Rick Kuhn. Also on trial before resting its case. dangerous and hazardous it off with an X on Your “Bingo Card." NCAA East Regionals that sent the job as JV coach at BYU while still the 1981 campaign in a stadium in are James Burke and Rocco and Both sides w ere expected to begin activity” for the show, a after death threats Cougars home to the Rockies. hoping to join the Boston Celtics. which the Bills have lost just once Anthony Perla. summations this morning. display of radio-controlled This year the two teams formally Arnold also lost Ainge’s backcourt this year. model planes. Mark off all numbers on your card and open the 1981-82 basketball season in mate, Steve Craig, so he simplifies The Patriots will be quarter- A plane operated by JOHANNESBURG. South Africa come to South Africa but was not Coach, foursome the fourth annual Tip-Off Classic. the matter by thinking in terms of backed by backup Matt Cavanaugh. Philip Cushman went out you have won our Weekly *100 Award! (U P I) — American Jimmy Connors prepared to take the risk after The game w ill be played at the Civic numbers, not names. Starter SteVe Grogan, suffered a of control, flew into the has withdrawn from the $300,000 receiving a number of letters and Center in the city which claims to be “ I think i bout it in terms of strained left knee in the Jets loss Threesome wins stands and struck Bowen’s South African Open tennis cham­ phone calls threatening his life,’ ’ the birthplace of basketball. replacing 32 points (Ainge and and w ill be out one or two weeks. 18-year-old son, James, in There will be 12 exciting weeks of pionships after receiving death Brebnor said.' honored by NJCAA Sampson, the 7-foot-4 giant who C raig),” Arnold says.“ I think the Defensive end Steve Clark suffered the head. He died six days threats from an organization op­ Brebnor said Fibak was forced to averaged 17.7 points and 11.5. points can be picked up. The front a more severe version of the same 'later in the hospital. Bingo! posed to his playing in South withdraw from the Johannesburg rebounds a game, returns but the line will be shooting m ore and if the injury and may be gone for the year. pin tournament The incident occurred at /itrica, tournament director Keith tournament, which starts Saturday, Four members of the successful championship by Massasoit. Cavaliers have lost Jeff Lamp and guard situation falls into place, we “ W e’ll do the same things as we Shea Stadium Dec. 9, 1979, Brebnor said Wednesday. because of pressure from the Polish 1981 Manchester Community Fitzgerald in four years has Lee Raker from their 29-4 team. have' some good shooters there.. It have done in the past, go out and try during a game between the IF YOU ARE A WINNER Connors' decision followed the College soccer team and its coach And Sampson (pulled muscle) and can’t do any good to look at what’s If you have a winning Bingo Card on which all 24 numbers have been government. Gerulatis said his deci­ logged a 41-21-1 record. ’The 14 wins to do the best job we can,” said Sue Balesano, Dave R uff and Bill The third place team had a pinfall of Jets and the New England matched with the tdtal of all the numbers published during-the week, withdrawal of fellow countryman guard Othell Wilson (slight shoulder not there.” sion was made due to political have received honors from the this year set a school record. Cavanaugh, who won, then lost the Hanson ’ won th second annual 1,318. Patriots. tall'The Herald the next publishing day between 9 and 10 A.M. to Vitas Gerulatis and Poland’s Wojtek pressure from anti-apartheid National Junior College Athletic separation) may not be at 100 per- job earlier in the year. "You can’t Mixed Triples Duckpin Bowling R uff had a pair of 200 games at 220 virify your card. In the event of a tie. only those winners calling Fibak for political reasons. between 9 and 10 A.M. the following publication day will be eligible for groups. Association, it wa^^announced by Striker Led Lex out of Glaston­ . cent for the .opener. expect anymajor changes with me Tournament last weekend at and 213 with the next best effort a Connors,_who won ji $175,000 LOn-, the.prlze______MCC Director of Athletics Pat bury High was named to the NJCAA “ Ralph Sampson has never mis­ starting.” Manchester’s Metro Bowl. 210 - game by Don McAllister. Mike don' tournament with a five-set vic­ “ It’s a victory for the United Rhody in field Mistretta. first team. He scored 12 goals in sed a game and I don’t expect him to Added tight end Don Hasselbeck, The trio of Kathi Lyons, Chris Nicholson had a 209, Bill Hanson 203, Local sports tory over U.S.-Open and Wimbledon Nation’s blacklist and those who are Cougar Coach John Fitzgerald leading the Cougars’ attack. Second miss the Tip-Off Classic,’’ said MISSION, Kan. (UPI) - Rhode the team’s leading receiver, “ We Plumley and Mike Nicholson took Frank Rubin 201 and Dave Van- Len Auster, Herald ALL THE DETAILS WILL champion John McEnroe last Sun­ seeking to strangle South African was chosen New England Coach of team honors were accorded Virginia coach Terry Holland. “ He Island, the Yankee Conference still believe in ourselves.” runner-up honors with "the team of tassel 200. . sportswriter, keeps you in­ BE IN THE HERALD’eFULL COLOR PAGE day, is currently playing exhibition sport,” Brebnor said. . .the Y e a r for leading the local may not start if be re-injures his middlefielder Matt Ayotte, also of char.ipion, joined Eastern Kentucky Erhardt admitted the season has Terry Morrone, Jeff Saplenza and Twenty nine teams placed in the formed about the local tennis in Israel. He told Brebnor of hooters to an outstanding 14-4 mark. Glastonbury, defender Wes muscle this week. But I expect him The withdrawals spoiled a jubilant and South Carolina State as'team s taken its toll on both himself and the George Pelletier taking third place. moiiey with the cutoff score 1,217. sports world. Read the EVERY THURSDAY! the withdraw! in a telephone call That included a string of 13 con- Zalewski and 'striker Kris jargilio. to play.” atmosphere that was surroimding that have automatically qualified players. The Patriots, as befits their There were 109 teams and seven The M etro Bowl w ill host the third latest in his .“ Thoughts from from Tel Aviv Tuesday. secutivi wins before MCC was The latter had eight goals. Ayotte Still, Sampson is an imposing strange behavior, have not been out the tournament dubbed the return of for the NCAA Division I-AA football 200-games recorded in the event. annual Mixed Doubles Tournament A p L E N ty ,” regularly in WATCH FOR THE HERALDI WATCH FOR THE ADSI “ Connors told me he would love to busted in the NJCAA Region XX-I figure and Arnold, with a giant South Africa to big time tennis. was the Cougars’ Captain. playoffs. of a game all season, making the The winning total was 1,331 pins. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 28-29. The lV^|nchester Herakl. I t - THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.,,Nov. 18, 1981 15

Recipes and M enus S c o re b o a rd FOCUS/ Food TV 'M ovies/C om ics

1 I 2--4 m il w a u k i:k 1991 Cuniminys f. I I ||. Johnstm 6 0-0 12. Town Is dressing up for the holiday First ih'iukJ 1. falsary . I’uplinski 6 U nier 7 1-1 7 . Huckner 7 3-4 17. t l ’IoU. Misl(»|)i. :i r.:i, 2. Dupont Iowa St 28 Oklahoma SI 24 Moncriof 7 tJ-O 14. Dandridge 0 2-2 0. Lehigh 35 Lafayette 21 iMacl.ean. Babychi. 9.iy 3. CalRary. Basketball Kvan.s 6 0-0 12. Calchings 4 (M) 8. Lister iKavaliei' 4 < Baulakallioi. II .2f.. 4. 2 24 6. Mav t) 2-2 2. Crompton 0 0-0 0, Maryland 38 Virginia 13 CalRary. I'cplinski 7 iPlett. Hi.slopi. Totals 44 11-14 99. McNaeaa St 42 SW Louisiana 20 By Rhea Talley Stewart turkey dressing on the table, but he 2 cups (8 ounce) grated sharp U \ '£ i’ona.Itios liourRCois. 7:24. WASHKNDTON (9T i Miami (Ra.| 34 N Carolina St 28 Special to The Herald won’t eat any. He doesn’t like Cheddar cheese Second period r. WinnipeR. Lukowich Hallard 6. t)-0 13. Davis 2 2-2 6. Mahorn dressing! How to cut the bird 10 ,(T Steeni. 10 24. 0. (.'algary. 2 r-10 9, Holland 2 (M) 4. Lucas f 8-12 18. Miami (Ohio) 17 Clndimall 14 IVk sticks butter, melted BndRinan 9 il^vullee. Hoinharti. 1R.30. HaywixKl 3 1-3 7. Drevey 1 0-0 3. Johnson MIchlgw 24 Ohio Stale 21 “Dressed turkey” always seemed For those who do like it, the 1 cup buttermilk IVnaltioS" Houston, ('al. 13:43. Waters. 1 0-0 2. Ruland f 2-2 12'. Collins 7 34 17. Montana 18 E Washington 14 to me a p^uliar expression for a Butterball Turkey Hot Line is Win. 13 01. I'lett. (’ol. 18 44. V* to Vi cup drained, canned chopped NATIO.N.M. IKK KKY LKA(;i:K ( hones 1 2-2 4. Wilts 0 0-0 (). Totals 3T fowl that is, to say the least, un­ By ( nitfd I’ress Intcrnjtmnal Third iKTiod- 7. Winnipeg. Christian 6 NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. ’ i'l-.lT. Mississippi St 20 Mississippi 6 available to'~ answer any questions green chilies 'Wall's ConU'i'L’nci''^^ , iDeBloi.s. Watters). 4:20. 8. Calghry. By United Press International Milwaukee 31 26 27 If---99 Missouri 21 Kansas 16 dressed. , about turkeys. It is (800) 323-4848 I’eplinski 3 (Beinharti. 4.30. 9. Winnipeg, 4 eggs, lightly beaten !Z I'atnck UiMSjon Eastern Conlerencc Wa.shinRlon 26 21 14 34—9T Nebraska 30 Oklahoma 24 I see by the dictionary that the w I. T I’ts. (IF (;a llawerdiuk I!) iBabych. Duponti. I0:2l. Atlantic' Division 'rincc point goalS'-Ballard. Grevey. and will be in operation through the 2 teaspoons baking soda NV Islanileis lu 4 4 71 tf. 10. Calgary. Peptinski 9 iHislop. W L Pet. t Nevada Las-Vegaa 33 Air Force 22 phrase comes from an Old French end of the year from 10 a.m. to 6 Hautakall.ioi. 16■ f.o* ■ Pcnalties--Clement. I'ouled out - None. Total fouls--Milwaukec salt IMidadelphia 10 ti 1 21 84 71 Boston 9 1 .900 - 27. WashinRton 26. A—6203, N Carolina 26 Duke 24 word ‘‘dresser,’’ meaning “to p.m. I'ritsbuigh,. 8‘ 7 3 19 KO Cal, 10'M. Watters. Win. 12:f2. Ma-. Philadelphia 8 1 .889 V4 stick butter for pans 'Loan. Win. major. . 7 ;47. Bridgman, Notrs Dame 31 Penn St 27 prepare?’ About the most important, though NV HangeVs 7 10 I If. tiO 7T. Washington 3 T. ,37. f KANSAS CITY U24) Washmglon i ^ ,2.14 1 f. 47 72 Cai. inapir, 7 47 Now York 3 6 ,3:J3 f Ohio umverslly 32 Kant S I 25 Shots tin goal Winnifwg 7-10-fr--22. King 7. S-r 33. Robinson 8 'f.-7 21. least glamorous, fact to know about Combine cornmeal, corn and \djms< Division .New' Jersey' 2 7 .222 ( .Johns'»n I 0-0 2. Ford 2 34 7. Woodson 6 Oregon St 10 Oregon 7 When the “preparing” of a turkey cheese in large bowl and blend. Add Montreal HI 3 4 24 92 4;i Calgary Il-i2-l6-:i9. . ( entral Division dressing is that it is the most (itKilie^ Winnipeg. Calgarv, 1-2 13. Douglas 1 0-0 2. Grunfeld 10 6-9 Pill 42 Temple 12 goes one step further, and his loss is .10 4 4 24 7T m Milwaukee 7 2 .778 — 26. Mpriwealher f. 44 14. Ix>der 2 2-2 6. dangerous part of the meal. melted butter, buttermilk, chillies, Diirbcr' 11 9 I 2:1 96 91 Higgin \ 7.22ii. I>elroil r. *3 -tar 1 Princeton 21 Cornell 13 restored, I guess it’s natural to Bullalo H 4 0 22 r.6 Drew 0 0-0 0. I^mbcrt 0 0-0 0. Totals fO Bacteria grow readily in the eggs, baking .soda and salt to taste. Atlanta 3 4 .429 2 24-33 124. .Purdue 35 Indiana 21 return to that Old French word and Harllord 2 8 7 II fl 67 Indiana 4 6 400 2 1981 center of a pile of dressing that Melt remaining butter in two < ampbell ( onleience NY Islanders . ' 110-2 .NKW YORK illO) Rutgers 31 Boston Collsge 17 Chicago' 4 7 .364 4 Lucas r (1^) 10. Russell 1 0-0 2. Webster F ore cast say “dressing” for what we put in­ doesn’t get cold quickly enough as a heavy 9-inch baking pans (cast-iron N'liris Divlsmn (Quebec I2+--7 ('leveland 3 6 3:i:{ 4 Richmond 17 WIHIam & Mary 14 side. \S I, T IMS DF DA hirst periiHl 1. Quebec. Kiehard 6 2 ()J) 4. Ncwlin 7 6-6 20. Richardson 7 0-0 result of being in the inside of a 22- is good If you still have Grandma’s) W'‘>tern t.'onlerence !'. Cartwripht 6 19-19 31. Williams f. 0-0 SanOiagoSt38UTEP14 Mmiics-ii. 10 ;i 3 Z i 80 4:t itroulet. Hamel). 1:37. 2, New York, Midwest I.)r. ision And we say “baste” for what we 1'), Domic ') O-O 0. Carter 3 U-0 6. Smith 1 SAT, Nov. 21 San Jose St 30 Long Beach SI 20 pound bird. by putting pans into a pre-heated 375 ( hr-..'go 7 r () 2tr 97 81 (iillies 6 iBossv. Ti'»ttien, 4:19, Penalties ' W L Pet C do on the outside, pouring melted \\ tnni[H‘c 8 7 2 18 71 81 Tardil. (^uc 6f2 , (Joring. NVl. I9;2r. 1-2 3. CoiH'land 3 1-2 7. Bradley 0 2-2 2. Arizona 25 Fresno St 14 Southern Cal 37 UCLA 28 Therefore, the dressing should degree oven. Divide batter between San Ahtonio 8 1 889 -- Totals 40 29-31 111). Dehiiil 7 7 4 18 74 liO .Second peri'Hl- 3. Quebec, Doulel 9 I lah ' r 3, .62T 2 Arizona St 42 Colorado St 20 S Carolina 20 Clemson 18 butter over his nakedness; and that never be put into the turkeyjintil pans, smoothing tops. Bake about 45 7 10 2 Hi I lluntei. Hu hard I. 8.24. 4. Quebec. A Kansas Cilv 28 27 34 3fr-124 St I.oui' 7 no Houston 4 6'.400 4 SM U 22 Arkansas 21 derives from another Old French ToImMIo • 9 3 13 7 78 Slasiny 6 iP Stastny. M Staslnyi. 12 22 New \in k ■ 18 3T. 2T. 32-110 Appalachians! 25 W Carolina 14 just before the bird goes trim the minutes, until a toothpick comes out 'Denver 3 f .37 4 'I hr'-e pmnt y’»al» -RKhardst»n. .Total Siir.ihi* Dmsfon ^ .New York. .'Trottierf. '.McKweni. 14.«i Kansas Cilv 3 6 f Bol3eSt33ldBho12 S Mississippi 24 Louisville ft) word “basser” meaning “to oven on 'Thanksgiving Day. clean. iltiiuntnn 13 6 2 26 IIU 77 Penaltic-* Dillias. N'Vl. 6.16. Hunter. ttiuls Kan-as ( ily 29. New York 30. Dallas ' I 9 .1(11 7 l Of hiiical Willi.inis. A- 8.922 BY.U49U1ah42 moisten”. .111' "U’.UI H .a 3- 19 M 61 Que. 19 •«. MaPiis. Que. 19 3K Stanford 28 Caiifomla 21 And when you put away the lef­ 1) Pacilu Divi>ion Cant Michigan 24 Bowling Qrean 21 There’s more than one way to 1. Grasp drumsticlt. Place ) Angeles 6 4 .(it) 7-9 27. Lester f 2-2 12. Theus Vi stick butter loronlo at llaMtoid, 7 3T p in Que H'Tl, Igi’ ioix. Que, 7 00 Washington 24 Washington St 20 closed on Thanksgiving Day. The the dressing may not be high-enough Boston 98, ( Im ago 9f. 0-0 12. Wilkes I O-O 6. Wofilridge 2 1-1 f. Qrambkng 28 Southern U 15 2 cups finely chopped onion disjoint it. Separate thigh and Butlalo at ( he ago. 8 ;tf p m Shots on goal- New . S ork 11-6-2- 19 • San Vdoni'i 112, Dallas Ilf "»'ibei -1 T O-'i 10. Dietrick 0 0-0 0. Blume 0 Hawaii 30 Pacillc 17 W Michigan 36 E Michigan 12 staff, however, will be sitting down to prevent growth of bacteria. I'hilailcipliia al New Voik Bangers. Quebec H-fi-lO 27 V\--dnesilay s (iames ' 'Ml 0 Total. 41 13-16 W Texas St 26 New Mexica S 1 14 to a variety of “traditional” 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic drumstick at joint. ! f pm Doalies New York. Melanson Smith Host on ' 27 2»i2718--li6 Houston 27 Texas Tech 6 The solution is to put a meat ther­ ''I I.oOis at I’ltt^burgh. 7 3f pm llousl'ifi At Boston. 7 30 p.m. W Virginia 21 Syracuse 20 1)4 cups choppeil green pepper l^uebe', Bouchaid. A 7.14U .Milwaukee at Philadelphia. 7.3f pm ( hi' .ii-o 34 21 21 19 -Df. ldahoSt21WsberSt13 ‘Thanksgiving dressings. mometer into the thickest part of I ‘il'Mad" at Wasliinglon. 7 pm 'Tillp'lint p '»jI F'lrd. Hird. Fouled Wisconsin 24 Minnesota 14 1 cup chopp^ celery I'hoeniN at Ulanla. 7 3' j: p in. llknols 42 Northwestern 14 For instance, Eleanor Starrett of the thigh, not touching a bone, and Drtfoii at I,'IS \ngeles, 10 :f pm Detroit at f leveland. 8 If p.irin. ‘lul Nu!U‘ Total loul.s -Boston 24. (.'hica- Minnesota ,al ASinnipeg. 9 (IT p iii IIUnolsSt36BallSt24 Wyoming 40 New Mexico 14 26 Ferndale Drive, the assistant turkey’s gizzard and liver, trimmed luc.Mlay s Sports Transactions SiattI'- at S.n Antonio. 8 31) p m. pu 'j'* 'I'c'lirii'iil (-hicggo ( oat h Sloan. A cook until the thermometer reads riiiitMla'. s (iames • San Di'-gtj ,ii Denver. 8 p m, 17 118 Iowa 21 Michigan St 20 manager, has a special recipe that and chopped finely li.irtt l minor leagiii* VSitliam. 3 'lO 6. Bantoin 3 2.4 8. Melt butter in large skillet over 'Messier'. 0 N'l 2. Kdmonlon. Hunter 7 operations Manchester town line. Her four first in your neighborho^ to have it. *Diet/k‘,. l.umleyi. r 28 3. St. Louis. Dwt-ns 2 ' 6 9. Bu5)C 1 0-2 3. Knight 4 7-7 ST. LOUIS (UPI) - Tim Raines Si, l.ouis .NaiiK'it Hichard Hacker !'. ■\|'Di;mis ' 2-(i 12. C. Johnson 0 14 1. children swear by it, she says. medium heat. Saute onion and'garlic Sutler 8 'Meheletti. Federkoi. 14:31 Football of the Montreal Expos and Rich This comes from the American l’('nalti'''T Hunter. Kdin. 12 16, Vig- manager ol .Johnson Citv iTenn 1 0) the SA.N A.N'TONIO dl2i Da- H i II', Orr 2 1-3 f. Carter 3 0-0 7. until soft. Add green pepper and Appaladiian League Bunkv 11 1-2 2;t. 01‘ierdng 3 12. (i luliii-'in 2 2-2 6. Townsend 2 0-0 .f.. Gedman of the Boston Red Sox have South West; and involves making a neault. siL. inajtir 18.33, Messier. Kdm. Seattle .Named Vaila Pinson lirsl Tul.ll'. 23 2!t ';3 ’t» I^’am Muisener, 17 Spruce St., a celery and cook about 3 minutes. m.i(tir-mmor. 18 !H D Jtihn>on I '1-0 2 Mooi-.-f. :{-4 13. (iervin been selected the National League special kind of Cornbread for no base ctia'h and Hill Plummer ballpen 1' 8-9 «. Diiltin 1 1-2 3 Brewer 3 6-H 12 .llu'Htun 2:126 21 32 -IHJ cashier, will dine with her grand­ Add turkey parts and saute until Second I'eri'Kl 4. Kdmont<»n. Kurri 6 ' O.K ll Imliaiia 28 12 7 27 - 82 better purpose than to crumble it iHagmani 12 24 I’enaltictr--LiH’ointe. Bralz I 9-0 2. H'--.iani 2 0-0 4. Corzine 1 dnd American League rookies of the mother, Loretta Gill, who has they lose their redness, season with Fo'ithall 1-2 3 TotaB 43 2i.-:i3 112. 'I In ce ;iuint :;'ials Buse. Carter, 'Town- into dressing. SlI. 2 22. Palev. ML. 2 f3. Colfey. Kdm. • New ^■|»rk .lets Signed t|uarteiback .eivl Tuiilcil out None. ’Total louls- year by The Sporting News. another traditional dressing that salt and a generous pinch of pepper. 2 >3. Nill. Sil., 4 liH Fogolin. Kdin. 7:;W. DALI.VS il'ifi Just before a holiday I make a Kyle lirossait Aguirre. 1') 4-6 24. I.a(iarde 3 3-6 9,-' lluii'tun 21 Indiana 2t» Technical- ss^ivx^, iicv. I urn —■ upaaiM The weekly publication Tuesday features cut-up turkey fivers. Set aside to cool. .Meheletti. StL. 9 ry, Zuke. StL. If .fl. San Di"; Miii|jlr. \ ; ‘«t ^ weekend football odds as posted Tuesday double batch of jalapeno cornbread. Callighen, Kdm, 16 41 Claimed on waivers Llovd I 3-1 ■, l)avis )i 3-3 II. Blackman 8 also picked Fernando Valenzuela of delensiu' end Wilhui Young Iriiin 1-4 2*1. Bn Tow 2 2 2 6. 'Turner 2 0-0 4. by Hurrah’s Reno-Tahoc Sports Book; Betty Giula of 19 Summit St., a One batch — to freeze to put into the Add onion mixture to cornbread. Third I’eriod f. Kdmonton. (irelzky 21) NSasiiinglon iNFL the World Champion Los Angeles lunassisteiD. I2T0 6. Kdrnonlon. Drei/kv Spanarkel 3 2-3 H. Co-»per 3 2-2 8 VineenI waitress, will eat the Thanksgiving mixture and blend well. Stir in eggs. ll'x-key 1 0-») 6. 1-ilals H 23-:K) Ilf MAJOH INDDiiR SOCCKB LKAGUK Favorite Pis. dressing, and the other I serve im­ 21 'Mossier. -\ndersr)ni. If 19, Penalities I'.v. United Cress International Oakland Dodgers the National League rookie turkey and dressing that her Blend in just enough broth to Stewait. StL, major. 7.46, Lowe. Wa'.fmigton ' Called up center James San Anl'irtio :fiJ292H23 112 San Diego 2’^ mediately, just as a fancy bread. MtDe-Kigh li->m Biilmgs ol the We.stern I»allas ^ 31 28 27 19 Hf Kastern Division I-os Angeles San Francisco 3 pitcher oTthe year and Dave Righet- mother, Claudette Desroches, moisten lightly. l'!dm. majtir. 1' 46: Turnbull. SlL. 19 :t0 W L Pet GB 3. Slice straight down with an even N ll-i'key I.'Mgiie lor a live game trial and Cincinnati Denver 3'^ Continue slicing white meat by Shots on Doal Kdmonttm If-13-12 4(i l-ouled out None 'T-»lal louis San .( levol.iiKl 2 0 l .WIO •- ti of the New York Yankees the makes every holiday along with all This yields 8 to 9 cups, enough for wing Lou 1-lan-e.sclielli Iroin llersliey ol Anionio :«i. Dalla.> 3o Te-hnit als-- ' Detroit Chicago 2 St Loins 13-4-8 2f the \m erKan League, sent right wing K.iltiiii'ire 1 0 1 ,(AX) Tampa Bav American League rookie pitcher of the traditional cranberry sauce and Jalapeno Cornbread a 12-to 14-pound bird. ' stroke, beginning halfway up the starting cut at a higher point each (ioalies Kdmonlon. I./0\v. SI. lamis. • Hestani, San .Nnt'uuo assistant ■'»uc-h New Vuik 1 OI.UUO Gi^en Bay 3 .lean I’rtmuvosi to Hershey Ml Hone A 7 fH. Buffalo New England V/s the year. In a poll of players, other holiday goodies. Liut A- 7.229 Cillsbtiigh 1 Ol.OOQ Houston breast. When knife reaches cut C.ullalu u New Orleans 6 Raines, an' outfielder, easily out­ Fred Hughes, a cook, who lives at 2 cups yellow cornmeal time until crest of bone is reached 1 .(XX) Philadelphia New York Giants 9*k New lerse\ 0 I UK) Cleveland distanced Hubie Brooks of the New 2 cups cream-style com Please turn to page 18 Chilad'. lphia. 0 Pittsburgh 2V* 96 Elizabeth Drive, expects to find above wing bone, slice will fall free. I (XX) .St. Louis Baltimore 1 York Mets and Gedman, a catcher, Western .Division Kansas Citv -M Luuis* Seattle 7‘* 1 0 1 (XX) New York Jets Miami 2‘'b was the overwhelming choice of DeiiM‘1 1 1 TOO Dallas Washington? American League players for the Wnhila 0 U (XX) Atlanta Minnesota 4 Bruins in turnaround K.insas Cit-. (i UX) top rookie honors. Mem|)liiS , 0 . .ttX) l3iiionix 0 I 0 .000 I'.icsday's Hesults No recipe ? By Peter May it may take people awhile more rnovenient than the have performed more than 'No (iaim- Scheduled) Yost writes ‘Herald Angle’ to realize it or even care. team previously employed. Wj dnesday s Gaines DPI Sports Writer capably, a vast upgrading ‘No (iani'-' Sdieduled) Herald Sports Editor Earl Yost keeps on top of sports For the Bruins' biggest In the Don Cherry years, it from last year, Baron's Ihursday s Games in his regular column, "The Herald Angle," on the daily BOSTON (UPI) - The rival isn't the Celtics or the was check-check-check play makes it unlikely Jim .No Damu- Scheduled) sports pages. Patti Botticello doesn't always need one letter \Tas datelined May opposition, but the NHL, and there was little flow. Craig will see action for 28, two weeks after the v^hich plays an entire Chdevers tried his move­ some time. Boston Celtics had annexed season to eliminate five ment style last year, and it And finally, credit must Montana cited By Barbara Richmond the cake batter folded together. about 2 or 3 minutes. Season to taste Add flour and salt all at once; stir Champion.ship Banner No. teams from the playoffs, didn't work because he had be given to Harry Sinden, V Herald Reporter Mrs, Botticello also likes to make with salt and pepper and pour over vigyously. Cook on medium heat 14 while maintaining their which has diluted talent, the Cherry personnel. They the general manager. His SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) relishes and pickles with vegetables the shrimp, until mixture forms a ball that ’’^ e n you’re young and in an f dominance of the winter unrecognizable names and reverted back to the old mark is all over this team. -- San Francisco quarter­ fresh from the garden. doesn’t separate. Remove from heat Italian family, you watch your sports marketplace in New everyone wearing helmets. ways late last year in their In the last three years, back Joe Montana has been Buy Now i Save On She said some of her friends think and cool. Add‘eggs one at a time iVE^ST mother cook without recipes, so it’s Chog.olate Vienna England. Still, the turnaround bid for 8th spot in the stan­ he has brought us Ray named Northern California there’s something wrong with her mixing after each until smooth. \ CANAOIAN ■hard to tell anyone just how to make The Celtics' rival for fan from last year* is dings. This year, the team Bourque (in a trade for Athlete of the Month of Oc­ because she likes to cook so much. - Torte Drop on greased cookie sheet, affection, the Boston remarkable, when the is having more success Ron Grahame, and where MIST l U anything.” That’s what Patti Bot­ But they didn’t think that when tober by the First Beat 6 egg whites until stiff (holds tablespoon size or for.small piiffs, .Bruins, had long since been Bruins got off to a dis­ with the Cheevers’ style, is he now?), Kasper, Brad ticello of E ssex Street says about they’re invited to be dinner guests! Interstate Bank Athletic M.7SL W HISKEY her cooking. , points) add V2 teaspoon cream of use less. Cook 15 minutes at 450 knocked off the sports astrous start and never although the Bruins still McCrimmon, Leveille, and Package Store Mrs. DiRosa also said Mrs. Bot­ degrees and lower heat to 325 and Foundation's awards But, Patti, wife of Attorney Barry tartar, and gradually beat in Vz cup pages, concluding a dif­ really recaptured their rely on checking. the other promising board. r ' j SAVE Manrht-.lrr Parkadr ticello is always prepared for conj- cook 25 minutes. Shut oven off, split Botticello, doesn't make everything sugar and beat until glossy and set ficult year vyith a dreadful drive until it was too late. "Th6 game iS becoming youngsters who will make 408 tt . Middli- I'npke pany. “She can whip something she puffs and replace them in oven to g *14.79 »13.73 *1.06 without a recipe, especially some of aside. loss in the opening round of This year, they are fighting more collegiate, or Euro­ up the nucleus of the (>4‘)-044<> _ had made, out of the freezer, and dry out, about 20 minutes. Beat 6 egg yolks until thick and the playoffs , to eventual for the lead in the Adams pean style, whatever you Bruins of the 1980s.' the tempting desserts which are her entertain on short notice,” she said. BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH husband’s favorites. lemon colored and then beat in '/z runner-up Minnesota. Division with Montreal and want to call it,” says Sinden also added one BOODLES GIN Among Mrs. Botticello’s favorite 1.75L cup sugar. The Bruins had to con­ Buffalo, two of the elite in winger Terry O'Reilly, final coup to start the 7.50 ML Mrs. Botticello comes from dishes for a main course, is “Easy Almond filling Sift together: % cup flour, 1 teas­ vince their season ticket the NHL. "And I don't know if that’s season. .He .sonjehow Was NOW SAVE Staten Island, N.Y*. She said Scampi,” She said herTecipe for al­ - NOW SAVE poon baking powder and 1 teaspoon 1 3'/z to.% oz, pkg. of vanilla ins- holders that 1980-81 was an The general consensus good or bad. Bht I think swindled Colorado's No. 1 *20.95 •17.94 *3.01 spaghetti sauce, meatloaf, turkey mond cream puffs made a big hit tarit pudding this year is that the kids Probate Court is open ^ *9.13 52* dressing and such, come out salt and stir into egg yolk mixture. aberration,.not the norm. A we've made the transition pick for Dwight Foster. In for conferences with the when she served them ht a cheese 1 cup milk are a year older and a year well. " ' differently every time she makes To egg white mixture, fold in % literary pick-me-up was time, that might rank with judge from 6:30 P.M. to COLONY CLASSIC WINES T and wine tasting party recently. 1 cup heavy or whipping cream better. Youngsters like them. cup grated semi-sweet chocolate needed. Another reason for the the Rick Middleton for Ken 8 P.M. on Thursday ZINFANDEL — FRENCH COLOMBARD — CHENIN BLANC ‘z to 1 teaspoon almond extract The letter promised Steve Kasper, Keith improvement is the Hodge as one of the NHL’s But her friend, Mrs. Peter and 1 teaspoon vaniila. nights. Appointments CABERNET SAUyiQNON Easy Scampi Fold egg yolk mixture carefully Fresh strawberries for garnish if reform, expressed regret Crowder, Mike Gillis and goaltending. Both Rogie best examples of grand DiRosa, said “Pat is one of the most desired suggested. Night Was NOW Save! into egg white mixture. for the wrongs of the others have had time to Vachon and Marco Baron theft. organized people I know. She’s been % cup (IV2 sticks) unsalted butter telephone number: 647- 1.5L $4.89 $3.9S 904 Line two, 8-inch cake pan bottoms Prepare the instant pudding as previous year, and dwelled learn the ways of the going to cooking classes since she V cup finely chopped onion 3227 3 Liter $8.19 ^.99 $1.201 2 with waxed paper. Divide batter label directs but use only the 1 cup on what must be improved. Bruins and of the league. was in fifth grade.” 3 ,to 4 garlic cloves, crushed William E. FitzGerald 750 ML $2.69 $2.28' ~ 414 into two pans. Bake 350 degrees for of milk. With a wire wisk, fold It suggested a reshaping of And the old guard. Brad Mrs. Botticello admitted that 4 parsley sprigs, chopped Judge of Probate 25-30 minutes. Cool and split layers whipped cream and extract into the team, by trades and Park, Rick Middleton, cooking and baking are like therapy 1 pound uncooked medium DAIIY HUMBEBS and Hav for her. to make four layers. Fill with prepared pudding. Using spoon or free-agent signings. It said Terry O'Reilly, Wayne 4 shrimp,, deveined decorator’s tube, fill the bottom of Cashman, Peter MeNab, She said on the birthdays of her sweetened whipped cream and top there might be as many as V4 cup dry white wine the puff, invert top, place it on top of has been touched by the GM husband and two daughters, she lets with chopolate shavings. seven new players on the 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice the filling and squeeze some of the each choose what kind of a cake they team. youth and is producing. NOW salt and freshly ground pepper filling into that. Enjoy. The Bruins were wrong. "I could play a long time AUTO REPAIRS want and her husband, who is an Melt butter in medium skillet over Almond They really only have three with Kasper and Crowder. assistant town attorney, always low heat. And onion, garlic and They make me feel chooses Vienna torte. Cream Puffs rookies , (Normand Herald ptioto by pinto parsley and saute until golden, about Crazy Chocolate Cake I.eveille, Barry Pederson younger every day,” WE SERVICE ALL SEE YOU Unlike the typical Swedish torte, 10 minutes. Add shrimp and^tir just ■''z cup butter or margarine IVz cups all-purpose flour ’and Tom Fergus) and the Cashman said. "Home ol Mr. Goodwrench" GENERAL MOTOR which has the egg whites spread on until pink. Remove shrimp and 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour ‘‘It's going to be an in­ Patti Botticello of Essex Street, puts the finishing touches on top of the cake batter and is usually 1 cup sugar one mentioned in the CARS AND TRUCKS place in ovenproof dish. Cover light­ Vi teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons baking cocoa letter, Swedish defensman teresting year," said the O - a one of her favorite recipes, Almond Cream Puffs. They are filled with fruit and whipped cream, . ly and keep warm. Add wine and 4 eggs Anders Brpstom, was a coach, Gerry Cheevers, delicious and definitely not for anyone on a diet. the Vienna torte has the whites and lemon juice to skillet and simmer Melt butter in 1 cup boiling water. who learned a lot in his ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS 1’U‘ase turn lo page IT 8 bust. They made one trade, :©@(B)(l|nlEl © piteiTn) 1 signed no free agents of rookie season and has • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS consequence. noticeably improved. "We RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS The letter may have been have an interesting blend a little off base, but if it of youth and experience." • AUTO PAINTING was, it's the only miscue The Bruins also are CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE adapting better to the Bruins have made • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE COURT! Thanksgiving no time to go cold turkey since last season ended. Cheevers' style of The Bruins are back; but coaching, which stresses • Racquetball Maintenonce includes ihe Joilowing: Check engine No one likes to watch weight on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. mashed potato aid buttery turkey sandwich dripping with .always cold turkey. I would rather the bar. pS>PnoVEo operottng temperoture. pressure check cooling ' system, tightisn hose clamps, check condition of hoses • Nautilus • Aerobics Thanksgiving and Christmas-and No one has to eat to the bursting vegetables when the holiday’s gravy, you try one of the following eat cold turkey than anything else.” -■-Provide lots of raw vegetables CARTER tond belts Dram ond replenish up to 2 goilons of the -good word from one of the point, but if the family favorite is ended.” - ideas: The second major pitfall is par­ for dipping, and think about sub- IRELAND OIL CO. engine coolont Additionol ports ond labor exfro. nation’s top diet experts is that pumpkin pie"^and that's what you eat §he recommends controlling —Stir-fry turkey with vegetables, ties. stitutinp yogurt for sour cream in Call For An Appointment Today probably no one should try. every Thanksgiving, then by all vegetable and dessert leftovers by Chinese style. “The thoughtful host or hostess the dip. Even if you use sour cream, 646-4331 “Within reason. Thanksgiving and means eat pumpkin pie.” advance planning Iri shopping and —Prepare a turkey divan with will have included some low calorie though, it's less fattening on a big THE Christmas are not times to diet,” On the other hand, Goldberg says, preparation. In other words, make broccoli and a small amount of thin alternatives on the buffet table,” hunk of broccoli than on a Ritz i*wcaBptm AUTO REPAIR TOYOTA says Jeanne Goldberg of Tufts you can exercise a reasonable less. “Guess what! It’s no sin to run cream sauce. Goldberg says, adding, ”In this day cracker or chip. 1229 MAIN ST. University School of Nutrition, co­ amount of caution—by controlling out of something! ’’ she says, adding, —Make a turkey curry, sauteing of diet-consciousness, it's almost an —If you’re offering a cream soup 116.9 C.O.D. MANCHESTER author with Tufts President Jean portion size, for example-and you “You really don’t need enough on chopped leftover turkey with obligation.” as a' first course, provide consomme Call Dave Logan TEL 646-6484 Mayer of a nationally syndicated can go out of your way to avoid the hand to feed everyone seconds and chopped onion^ apple sliced, curry If you’re hosting a holiday party, as an alternative. PLAfOFF nutrition column and several diet holiday’s biggest pitfalls. thirds.” powder and a little white wine. consider the following suggestions, —Place butter and vegetables on books. For usipg turkey leftovers, —Use turkey m a stroganotl-type 646-2166 GMQUALiTY CLUB “The biggest pitfall of all,” she which run the continuum of the the table, rather than buttering in S£RVIC€ PASm “The success or failure of your says, ”is leftovers. It’s not what you Goldberg suggests that instead of sauce made with yogurt instead of menu. the cooking stage or in the kitchen. Manchester, CT LYNCH diet,” she explains, “does not de­ do on the holiday that counts, but serving them in a starchy casserole sour cream, . —Include sparkling waters, JgQfBAkMQTO^HUrrSPIVISION 500 W, C E N T E R ST , M A N C H E S T E R . 646 432) pend on what you eat on what you do with all that turkey and with thick white sauce or in a hot “Of course,” she says, “there’s ■chilled bouillon ana tomato juice on is coming to Hartford. I’lea»e turn lo page 17 THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18; 1981 - 17 Ifi - THE HERALD, Wed., 1981 1981 Beaujolais herald^^ a wine year Thanksgiving no time to go cx>ld turkey N o r e c i p e Continued from page 15 namon sticks, or poached pears in a hostess has gone to a great deal of peas. Continued from page 15 water and mix well. Pour into with “ beautiful color, floral and red wine. A bowl of plain fresh fruit, trouble to prepare a beautiful . “ But the real trick is to control Beaujolais country south of the marvelous color and it’s not at all tastes fruity and is much superior to greased 8-inch square pan. Bake 30 PARIS (UPI) - The new Bordeaux wine regiond. fruity aromas. The impression in of course, makes a nice centerpiece. ’ buffet. It’s slightly offensive for the portion size. First, get over acid.” 1980,” enthused Jean Dieux, 38. to 35 minutes. ‘ This year in Paris, only wine Bourgogne region drew wine out of a —leave the gravy On the side of en­ people to start twittering about diet thinking .that you have to try one of 1 teaspMn baking soda beaujolais has arrived and wine At the Entrepot Ney wine shop, “ The best year for new beaujolais the mouth is agreeable, tender and shops received the new beaujolais barrel festooned with the traditional trees and let the guests decide for But suppose you attend a buffet everything on the table. Think about tetfhpoon salt Frost with your favorite frosting, tasters have judged it as sensational clients clustered around the tasting was 1968 but this year is as good and clean. The whit? wines are and calories.” since wholesalers do not deliver to sign, “ The new beaujolais . has themselves. and the host or hostess hasn’t what things you’d really like, then 5 tablespoons vegetable oil cool whip, whipped cream, o il just as 1980’s offering was poor. might be better.’’ excellent, elegant, supple, well What to do? bars and restaurants on Sunday. ' arrived.” barrel kept repeating ^ t the 1981 planned for dieters? 1 teaspoon vinegar eat plain. The debut of the fresh, young structured.” —Include on your dessert buffet an “ Well, she says, “ If.there are cold take half as much of each of those “ It's certainly better than last beaujolais was a welcome relief to The beaujolais success came as 1 teaspoon vanilla beaujolais wine to the public on Nov. In the Opera Drugstore wine shop While the new beaujolais may be elegant fruit dessert, such as lemon "The holidays,” Goldberg admits, ineats,';you can choose the roast beef things as you thought you wanted. year,” judged Michel Pineau, cane the 198() wine, which had been the wine association in the 1 Cup water 15 came on the heels of reports of Sunday night near the Paris opera, 100 percent better than; last year, sherbet served in scooped-out lemon “ is when people trot out their old over salami, and the sliced turkey . The idea is that when you get to the in hand and black.hat on head. His judged “ tough.” Bourgogne announced that the 1981 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift W illiam Henry Harrison holds the great wine years also in the some two dozen tasters milled there are 25 percent fewer bottles. shells, orange sections in port, family recipes, their richest over the roast beef. You can think end of the table you should not have gray-haired wife added, “ It has a “ The color is like a ruby , the wine burgundy wine is “ a good year” first 5 ingredients into mixing bowl. record for the largest presidential Bourgogne (Burgundy) and around as wine workers from the broiled grapefruit halves, stewed recipes, their most elegant, fancy atout things like the fact that green any more food on your plate than Pour in oil, vinegar and vanilla. Add fam ily: 10 children. dried fruits with cloves and cin- recipes, and the reality is that when beans have fewer calories than you would normally eat.”

. . * r% m m PICK UP YOUR VALUE PACKED CIRCULAR Menus a l l f o o d m a r t s t o r e s o p e n SUNDAY 9 A.M . TO 4 P.M. in t h e s t o r e w h il e s u p p l y l a s t s i How to Gracious T] Dinners do the Public schools at Food Mart! S A V E A T Cafeteria menus which The Thanksgiving feast has laundry will be served Nov. 23-27 in become one of our most cherished the Manchester schools are Ctch ot Ad«Afia«d Bayer______, ______Aspirin^ ...... pfcq ^ UiCCll UI(llllMidtumPc.isir-o> ...79 Premium SJItines Baked Ham ,b2” carpel cleaner with CARANDOOLD FASHIONED f \ f \ on detergents. POLLY-0 WHOLE MILK ., « _ _ YOUflCHOICE 9 OZ-10'/ OZ 0 RI?' j 0 2 SI2E O t f W * EARLY CALIFORNIA M M A HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL FRESH DELICIOUS V 'K a ’ ( c ) 1981, Consum ers 37‘ . sq the Vibrating Bulk Pepperoni lb^ . 9 9 CARROTS 89' RICOTTA c o n t a in e r . ^3.99 Union Anchor Hocking Glassware..3™ Select Pitted Olives Reynold's Wrap M roll Potato Salad ,b59" Brush. PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THROUGH I WEDr, NOVEMBER 25. Cleans /^FAMILY PACK-SINGLE PLX iFocus/Food ^ l)jiy ^ TODDLER ’’YOU’RE IN SCHAEFER CITY’’ Upholstery ^ « CA IN S. WISK ^42 Finial Touch CALQONITE ' KEEBLER FANNING ' DOUBLE ACTION BUTTER BRAID Menus, recipes and shop­ Scott ■ P O U R A B LE BREAD & BUTTER \h i6 0 < i m " Fabric Softener ping tips are featured in Kill} cl< >1 K‘< I ia < DETERGENT DISH DETERGENT Pampers Diapers Schaefer Beer Napkins pkg ■ 1 DRESSING 20* OFF LABEL . P R E T Z E L S PICKLES The Manchester Herald’s 16 OZ. BOTTLE 32 OZ. CONTAINER 33 OZ. CONTAINER 40 OZ. PACKAGE 8Vi OZ. PACKAGE 14 OUNCE JAR Inside Outlet Focus/Food section, every * Volume 1 Only ASSORTED-TWO PLY Wednesday. • Volumes 2-22 199 Wise Rldgies Manchester Onfy *2.99 Each | I 12«. Scotties •1.53 , • Volume 23 FREE with This Week Fealiiriixi J 2 o a c i. W m ^ •1.33 9 9 ‘ „”; , WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT-* FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD ■ P ka. Wallpaper and Paint MART GOOD SUN., NOV. IS THRU MART. GOOD SUN., NOV. IS THRU . WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD \ p u rc t» a $ e ol Volume 2 Volumes 13 & 14 / ;t 2 4 £ 6 ® ® p kg MART QOOO SUN . NOV IS THRU MART. GOOD SUN.. NOV. IS THRU MART. GOOD SUN., NOV IB THRU i MART. GOOD SUN.. NOV. IS THRU ^Facials SAT.. NOV. 21. LIMIT ONE CON- SAT..- NOV. 21. UMIT ONE CON­ Got a news tip? SAT . NCV 21 UMIT ONE BOTTLE - SAT., NOV. 21. LIMIT ONE PKG - SAT., NOV. 21. LIMIT ONE PKG. • ' SAT.. NOV. 21. LIMIT ONE JAR - ____ r ^ ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER TAfNEH ONE COUPON PER TAINER ONE COUPON PER Lj:U8TOM ER CUSTOMER ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER pnicFSMMciivi wiv r, ji i-ini Radfield Rental I f you have a news Up or Wl IHM MVI Ml! im y il M il IMII SA II S AND h n (MIMU I I Yl’miMAI'HH Al I MMOHS EM Sf OFTSAll NOT AVAIL ARit lO W H O tlS A ll OR RETAIL DEALERS Center In UlmM*ioourcuBlom«ra. w« r*Mfv« the right to limit wl«> to 3 pkga. o< any ll•m•)lc•pl where othorwiM noted liemeollered lor eeie not eveiletMe in ceee lolil or to other retell deeiere or wholtielere. Not reeponelWe for lypogrephIceJ errort. story idea in Manchester, contact City Eklitor Alex Taylor Rental .Girelli at The Manchester CALDOR PLAZA BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER I Canter 410 WEST MDiU TPKL MANCHESTER Herald, telephone 643-2711. V THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 19

18 - THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 Manchester is dressing up for the holidays Yale Whiffenpoofs boyyl over fashion devotees

1 stick (V4) cup) butter or Combine seasonings and sprinkie V4 teaspoon sage Gradually a(Jd milk until bread NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Twenty- Bill Blass to tea at Silliman, one of She was a celebrated model of Wednesday night at the G. Fox posedly going to war with played Porter in Porter's movie Continued from puf(e 15 pound turkey) over bread cubes. Add eggs, bouillon Vi to % cup chicken broth 4 Vi cups diged celery cubes have absorbed enough milk to margarine four beautiful models were dropping Yale’s 12 residential colleges, and another era, who was married to department store in Hartford. Switzerland over a tariff on biography, “ Night and Day,” which 1 cup finely chopped onion and onion mixture. Toss thoroughly Old-Fashioned 2 eggs, well beaten 3Vi cups chopped onion reach desired moistness. Mix their clothes backstage and Yale's then to dinner at Y a le’s famed producer Leland Hayward, director The singers’ first assignment chocolates. was filmed at Yale. 1 cup fineiy chopped celery until iwell combined.- Spoon lightly Cook onion and celery in butter 2, sticks (Vi pound) butter seasonings together and sprinkle gentleman songsters known as The eating establishment, Mory’s, as in: Howard Hawkes, and to Lord Keith, after the dinner at Mory’s, however, Then they changed into white ties 8 ounce can sliced tnushrooms, into slow cooker. Cover and set on But what is a whiffenpoof, Stuffing . until tender. Add mixture to -cdm- 1-Vi pound loaf j rhite bread, cut over stuffing. Combine. Gently Whiffenpoofs didn't even baf an eye. “ To the tables down at Mory’s chairman of Rolls Royce. She is was last spring in when and tails, a kind of a logistical HIGH for 1 hour; then reduce to anyway? bread and bread cubes in a large into Vi inch cunK blend in eggs. Stuff turkey lightly drained "These bashful Yale men were “ To the place where Louis dwells known as "S lim ’ Keith” and as the Blass, who did not go to college, problem because while they were Yield: 9 cups (Enough to stuff a 12 V4 cup chopped parsiey ^ LOW and cook for 1 to 2 hours. pan. Combine seasonings and IVi to'lVi cups^ilk with stuffing, ^ ast immediately trying to hide their eyes and not look "discoverer” of Lauren Bacall. showed one of his sport clothes doing that as well as their entries to 14 pound bird) 1-V4 to 2 teaspoons poultry as they changed. There was Esme, If Blass was awed when Blass wanted to. show his collections and b o w l^ over his and exits, the 24 models were Members of the Yale Glee Club, sprinkle over stuffing mixture. Toss IVi teaspoons ground nutmeg according to recommended Roast the turkey unstuffed'as a seasoning the top New York model, too. It’s Rabinowitz arrtinged for the gratitude for the Whiffenpoofs’ -audience with the surprise sometimes'switching from one out- who were meeting at Mory's on \ '> 'i cups finely chopped onion lightly to mix. Pour combined broth 1 teaspoon pbultry seasoning procedure. time saver. As the turkey roasts, % teaspoon salt remarkable how bashful these Yale Whiffenpoofs to sing at supper, his gesture and Rabinowitz s'iiggested appearance of the Whiffs. 'f i t to another. Monday nights in 1909 to eat and m cups finely chopped celery and eggs over stuffing. Toss to mix 1 teaspoon salt Place any leftover stuffing in a prepare this stuffing and put it in a V4 teaspoon pepper boys are,” Peter Rabinowitz, Class companion, the elegant Nancy Lady he could do so by “ letting them sing For openers, the 12 came dashing Rabinowitz said the Porter selec­ sing, as they still do, were aware of 1 stick (Vi cup) butter or again. Stuff thawed bird lightly and V4 teaspoon pepper casserole and bake uncovered in slow cooker. The stuffing will be 12 cups toasted bread cubes* of '81, recalled Tuesday. Keith, was ecstatic. for you again” and that’s the reason down the runway in street clothes— tion. and a rendition of ‘’The a popular non'^ense ditty of the day, margarine roast immediately. 2 eggs, slightly beaten oven with turkey during last hour of ready when the turkey is done. 2 eggs, well beaten Truly remarkable. Lady Keith was a friend of the ur­ the Whiffenpoofs rt82 will assemble Preppie blazers and gray flannels, Whiffenpoof Song” brought tears to and decided to call their Monday 4 cups crumbled cornbread In a large skillet saute celery and roasting. , • 22 bread slices (24 ounce loaf) 1-V4 cups chicken bouillon The 12 Whiffenppoofs of 1981 got bane Cole Porter, a Whiffenpoof, with their glasses raised on high that is. They sang Gershwin’s the eyes of Cary Grant who was in night group “The Whiffenpoofs,” 6 cups dry bread cubes onion in butter until tender. Toast cubed and toasted for 15 minutes in Melt butter in skillet. Add onion into the fashion act earlier this year Class of ’13, and one of Y a le ’s most when Bill Blass hosts a benefit for “ Strike Up the Band,” from the the audience of store buyers, fashion and followed it up with their anthem 1 teaspoon salt Country Kitchen bread cubes in oven or broiler until 300°F oven equals 2 cups toasted Slow cooker Dressing and celery and saute until tender. after Rabinowitz invited designer famous Old Blues. the Greater Hartford Arts Council 1930s musical about America sup­ editors, and beautiful people. Grant the same year. ‘'8 teaspoon pepper dry and golden brown. Place in bread cubes. 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning Yield: 10 cups (Enough for 12 to 18 bowl. Add celery, onions and biltter. Yield: 7 to 8 cups Stir in mushrooms and parsley. About Town About Town We Challenge Comparison • •You be the Judge!! ^^Sliced# Peaches Legion fete Clinic slated honors two for diabetes Eugene W. Freeman of . 36 Edmund St., com-’ - East of the River SWEET LIFE mander of the American Diabetes Club will sponsor Legion, Department of a diabetes detection clinic, Cranberry Connecticut, and Joan Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 Fresh Marval & Swifts Butterball Turkeys 16 OZ Tarrant of Bethel, presi­ p.m. in the conference Sauce CAN mIgBrS dent of the Auxiliary, rooms of Manchester will be priced as low as our lowest competitor. Canada Dry Mixers Department of Connec­ Memorial Hospital. THORN APPLE VALLEY, SWEET LIFE CoPFfeB Coffee FOLLY-COOKED ticut, were honored at a The public is invited to GINGER testimonial dinner at The be tested for diabetes free ■ Fruit Cocktail ALE, Colony in Talcottville. of charge. In order for a Semi-Boneless TONIC 2____ I2 0 C $ 1 59 Freeman is a member of test to be valid, a special WATER, 32 OZ FOLGERS 13 OZ Post 102, Manchester. He meal must be eaten two Turkeys 17 OZ ETC. b TLS FLAKED CAN served in World War II hours before the test is Half Hams^' from 1943-46. He was a given. FROZEN YOUNG .department senior vice For an appointment and commander in charge of special meal instruction's, GRADE A LB membership in 1980-81. call any of the follow ing: If $ ^ 6 8 /i 10-22 LB AVG Mixed Pickles Kosher Spears At the district level he to be tested between 10 and has held a variety of of­ 11 a.m ., c a ll 289-4065; m u lVi fices from assistant between 11 a.m. and noon, We will have a complete PK 9 ^ 1 9 Hostess Cup Cakes 8 PK PKG sergeant-at-arms to First 646-4521; 1 and 2 p.m,, 649- selection of Fresh Ducks, OXFORD OXFORD District, Hartford County, . . . . . 9019; between 2 and 3 p.m., BUMBLE BEE $ 9 4 9 SWEET 7 9 * ^22 OZ 24 OZ Commander in 1957-58. He Perdue Ovenstuffers, & RED;16 0ZCAN m d call 623-0338. Testing will 7// Alaska Salmon JAR JAR also served as adjutant and be limited to the first 100 cornish Hens to CompCompli* i commander lof Post 102. callers. "V^m ent your holiday table! Karo Syrup LIGHT OR DARK, Freeman is a member of The East of the R iver Masonic Lodge 73 and the Diabetes Club is sponsored OOR OWN STORE MADE HOT OR SWEET CHOltt Veterans of Foreign Wars by the American Diabetes Post in Manchester. He has Association-Connecticut Domino Sugar Shortening $ 68 aSDA CHOICE aSDA CHOICE SEMI-BONELESS been a Manchester resi­ Affiliate and Manchester Italian CENTER CUT LITE OR dent since 1941. He had Memorial Hospital. REGULAR I CONFECTIONER Chuck Roast 7.5 OZ PKG( been employed at Pratt Betty Brown, co- Sausage Wise Potato Chips DARKB and Whitney Aircraft Divi- chairman of the club, REYNOLDS LIGHT $139 LB SWEET sion of United ^Chuck Steaks A 'xo , EXTRA H.D. i BROWN 3 LB explained that some groups Aluminum Foil 18" X 25 FT ROLL i PKG LIFE CAN Technologies Corp. until are at a higher risk of 4 9 « aSDA CHOICE “ SHOaLDER CUT" his retirement this past developing diabetes than fe or Roast ^ ^ 1 LIBBYS year. others. She said they are Pumpkin Pie Mix 30 OZ CAN His wife, La'ura, is ser­ N people , who are London Broil ving as senior vice presi­ overweight, have a family COMSTOCK ^ S -■ I ft ^ ^ _____ dent -of the American history of diabetes and are tJDSA CHOICE YAMKEE Apple Pie Mix 20 OZ CAN Pie Crust Mix Raisins Legion Auxiliary, Depart­ over 40. These people are LB CHUCK ment of Connecticut. particulary urged to be $ 1 88 ^ Roast Snof lake Coconut t^ozpkg SWEPT tested, ' FROM70M ^^^^lOOZ^^ I.IFE DROMEDARY ^ FLAKO — PKGS SEEDLESS USDA CHOICE BOMELES^ Pitted Dates 8 OZ PKG Sisterhood SWEET LIFE I 0 Guest named I Shoulder 99 plans fair Roast Apple Cider 640ZBTL at reception FRESH PORK FRESH The Sisterhood of Tem­ BONELESS I ple Beth Sholom will spon­ BOSTON BUTT OSDA CHOICE CHOCK CUT Cocktail Peanuts 120ZCAN Joey Russell will appear $ 1 58 Quick Breads Noodles sor its annual Hannukah LB Fair at the Temple. 400 E, at a State of Israel Tribute $ - 1 2 8 Pork Short Ribs JL KRAFT Blade I $178 DUTCH Middle Turnpike,. Dec: 6. receptiorj in honor of Mr. LB Marshmallows 160ZPKGS MAID and Mrs,' Irving Hochberg LB USDA CHOICE CHOCK COT from 1 to 4 p.m. Roast Roast $ ^ 1 8 PILLSBURY FINE, There will be of Manchester, Nov. 29 at M i LB KRAFT $109 MEDIUM at 7 p.m. at Temple Beth Cubed Steaks Marshmallows lOOZPKG ALL ■ 16 OZ 16 0 Z refreshments, a bake sale, BUCKET DURKEES VARIETIES f’ K G OR WIDE PKG gam es to play and ac­ V •Sholom, E. Middle Turn­ FRESH-3 LBS OR MORE Jlk pike. $ 1 ^8 MANZANILLA tivities !to participate in. Stuffed Olives 5.75 OZ JAR The reception is in behalf Grouud Beef X LB Those attending Will have an opportunity to buy many •of State of Israel Bonds, SWEET LIFE ^ ^ O V the central source of funds FRESH LEAN $ 1 58 M ixed Nuts 120ZTIN X holiday supplies and gifts. for Israel's economic Grouud Chuck X LB Cake Mixes LESUEUR development. Sw e e t lif e 49 Cocktail Peanuts 120ZTIN X Russell has starred in EXTRA LEAN major night clubs and $198 SWEET LIFE urn Y CRO CKKR X LB CREAM STYLE OR 1 6 0 Z $ 1 MOIST CARROT.' Service hotels throughout the Grouud Rouud Corn WHOLE KERNEL CANS JL Vrt.LOW, OR United States. He recently 3 Df-:VILS F OOD I8.5 0Z b o t h ^ — notes returned from another of VARIETIES 9 1 59 PKG CAN .his numerous trips to Captain Crunch 150ZPKG JL 49 49 * PERSONAL SERVICE DELI * Israel and will give an ac­ Store Hours: Specials A p p l e count of his meeting with CINNAMON f l Q v 8 am-9 pm Daily Cream of Wheat lOOZPKG 0 9 M m G U in t Shields at Israeli' leaders. Valid SMITHFIELD DOMESTIC Mr. and Mrs. Hochberg Fri. -8 am-10 pm $ 9 1 8 Niblets Corh \Niblets Sweet Peas Keesler AFB- MON. NOV. 16 LB M MIX BEAT GREEN a will be honored for their Cooked Ham Cream of Wheat - lOOZPKG < many years of leadership Sunl-9 am-4 pm i MOTHERGOOSE (FIRST PRIZE) THRU SAT. NOV. 21 KLEEN GREEN Airman Norman Shields and .service to Temple Beth $ I 98 GALLON I GIANT Jr., son of Norman Shields Sholom. Liverwurst LB X Windshield Wash JUG ( “ ' 2 'TCKJ WHOLE 12 0Z Sr. of Stafford Springs and HOMEPRIDE ITALIAN 12 OZ Roberta L. Johnson of 341 $ 9 4 8 18 OZ I CANS CANS Cooked Salami LB mk Post Toasties PKG ( Hilliard St., has been Actress will CARANDO I assigned to Keesler Air $■228 SWEET LIFE I Force Base, Miss, after tell stories Geuoa Salami LB Jumbo Towels 125 CT ROLL I completing Air Force basic TASTY STARFIELD training. Polly Thompson, a DECORATOR( Pineapple Juice He's a 1981 graduate of $ 9 2 8 180CTPKG ' .professional actress, will Mueuster Cheese LB M Coronet Napkins Howell Cheney Vocational be the guest storyteller Technical School. He will Wednesday at the Highland now receive specialized in­ Park S'-h lol. She will give N.Y. STVLE-ALL FLAV. Pic an Save PRODUCE DOLE ^ struction in. the avionics two performances, the B B ^ ^ W 4 6 0 Z systems field. first at 6:30 j.m. and *he Cheese E CAN second at 7:30 p.m. 725 EA3TMIDtil,ETPK. MANCHESTER, COTIN. Al.,'11 RIAOU PMI'I ROR ^ The program will be sucE (ROUTES) (FORMfiRLY TOP NOTCH FOODS) Cake S »8 " ib sponsored by the,school's Fancy Grapes OO Comp moves Fine Arts Committee, The NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. first performance will be to Sheppard I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I < I I I I I I Pic anil Save FROZEN & DAIRY for children in k A T a n g e r in e s kindergarten through I.G-35 LU-36 LU-3Y Airman Jeffrey D. PHILADELPHIA grade 3 on “The Giving & H(X)DS Comp, son of Mary B, T ree," by Shel Silverstein; PIC & SAVE COUPON PIC SAVE COUPON PIC & SAVE COUPON Comp of 179 Homestead the second will be for G rapefruit si/i‘td 4 ' 8 9 ^ Cream Cheese Sour Cream Street and David W. Comp WITH THIS COUPON & A MO WITH I HIS COU PON & A M 0 Grades 4-6 on “ Tales of a 1 WITH THIS COUPON 6 A MO I PURCHASE EXCLUDING COUPON PURCHASE EXCLUDING COUPON PURCHASE EXCLUDING COUPON of 97 Hollister St., has been . 4th Grade Nothing," by I ANCY O O C assigned to Sheppard Air I ITEM & COUPON ITEM B TOBACCO i ITEM B TOBACCO K . Judy Blume. Force Base, Texas after Sweet Potatoes 8 0Z 160Z The performances will SCOTT JUMBO completing Air Force basic ! ' PILLSBURY ANY SIZE O PKG CONT be in the cafeteria while I MAXWELL HOUSE vf 11 ov^, uuAM-n -wi n t§ y , ^ Q C training. book purchases can be He's a 1978 graduate of made in the gym from 6:30 T u r n ip s i Manchester Hjgh School. i In s ta n t I 5 Lb B ag P a p e r F r e s h MOSER FARMS BIRDSEYE to 8 p.m. 80Z He will receive specialized ■ I M i l IKINl, f Orauge Juice qal^ 9 9 ^ Cool Whip BOWL instruction in the rriedical services field. I C o ffe e I r F lo u r T o w e ls E g g s O n io n s i dt SWEET FOOD TREND LB $ 1 69 *11 lOOZ $ 1 Methodists Butter PKG X Broccoli SPEARS a X PKGS X HOOD ' FOOD TREND LEAF set meeting ! $ 9 9 9 White Onions iZ " 0 9 HALF $ 1 79 *9 lOOZ $ Be informed c DOZ PKGS ■ 10 OZ I Egg Nog GALLON X Spluach M ^ i 4 9 « 1 ^ ^ ROLL Stay on top of the news — The Senior Methodists I I H H I JAR I 3 9 ^ HOOD-ALL VARIETIES will meet Thursday noon in O ff BIRDSEYE 24 OZ POLY BAG ^ C subscribe to The Pascal Celery 6 9 " HALF $ 1 59 the reception hall of South Ice Cream GALLON X Sguash or turnips . ■ Manchester Herald. For United Methodist Church VALID NOV. 16-21,1981 I VALID NOV. 16-21, 1981 I VALID NOV. 16-21, 1981 I VALID NOV. 16-21, 1981 home delivery, call 647- AT PIC an SAVE AT PIC an SAVE ^ AT PIC an SAVE M AT PIC an SAVE for their annual Christmas 9946 or 646-9947., and November luncheon. L - THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 21

y'PEOPLE PHIL ROURA«TOM POSTER news Quirks T V Wednesday EXCLUSIVI $9,000 for limp wrist EVENING the aect he creeteeia unlike any CHICAGO (UPI) — An employee who said her right 6:00 you've ever known before. (Rated N *w t PQ)(2hra.) wrist was injured by repeated use of a date stamper was ® Charlto't Angsli 2:00 Clout plus: She has awarded $9,000 in workers compensation by the Cook Gp Tic T«c Dough CDMovte-(Adventure)**^ "Bend ® PKA Full Contact Karato Wednesday Of Angela" 1967 Clark Qable. County Board, but commissioners are worried mey ve (Contlnuao From Daytime) . Yvonne Oe Carlo. A Civil War set a bad precedent. . ^ . Bantamweight Conlandara Bout It’s a full schedule for Shannon romance between e New Orleana' the President's ear gentleman, e former sieve runner, Josephine Bondi, 26, an employee in the Circuit Court from Bradenton, Florida (series star Kevin Dobson, pictured ,Nanc> Reagan is the nation’s Firsi Lady, bul Helene Von ® Dr. Scott On Hebrewe (Coatin' and a beautiful ariatocrat wholeama clerk’s office, received the award Tuesday for partial uao From Daytime) with Alex HentelofO as he tries to upon her father's death that her Damm is the No. I woman in ihs* Prcsideni's office. loss of use of her right hand, which she said was injured (S) Sporte Now FIrat complete cope with Johnny's adjustment to a mother was a aleve. (3 hre.. 2 Von Damm is the woman working closes! lo President aporta report of the day'a aporta new environment and come to the mine.) by repeated use of a 15-ounce date stamper. GD ^h>e Franklin Show Reagan, a confidential confidante who wields more power hypenlnOB. aid of his father-in-law, on SHAN­ "There are thousands of these machines in the ejerk’s (9Movle*

. ... i...... THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 23 » 22 - THE HERALD. Wed- Nov. 18, 1981 Annie.V- Leonard Starr

if-HPKE«AltlN6 VB-HESHOOtP J904?/OH, THIS IS m , OH, SO IT - I ’LL aUSTfSlECIi TOUlCAUjaCY = = £ > R egion 30KH0rS?feK (SET THERE B Y - NEU~ WHAT'S MB. AM- • IS/PARN THE ABBIVAL mr~' ENTEREP Crossword A r e a t o w n s Astro-graph danfl(NLY60IN6 UH- HAB(ai 1904- BEMEMBEB? THIN6 TIME IN THE i THAT IN THE NOHHEiieiNfl OOB Y0UN5 HOST BE SHIP’S L06. 1 loei?e£FOK£ HUUtY, MB. AM.' UVES, EH. RUNNINQ WE ABBIVEP? A n d o v e i H ighlights ANNIE? FAST trade today. Everyone will I ACROSS 45 Pelvic parts Answer to Previous Puzzle B o l t o n / C o v e n t r y NovM ilw r 19,1911 know that they'll be dealt with 47 Fatal J T It behooves you this coming fairly. 1 Small bird St Sudden IL 7 ^ H T 7 year to become Involved with A M ES (March 21-AprU) Some 4 Spy group muscular 1 1 0 i l I e A T clubs or large organizations. fabbr.) contraction 0 0 Tolls criticized Interesting conditions may t T E M The possibllltlea tor making begin to stir os of today 7 Comedian 52 English \im SOUTH WINDSOR — State Rep. John Woodcock many valuable contacta look regarding Improved working Conwsy heather exceptlofltUly good. conditions. It will also bond you 10 Possessive 54 Oleaginous □IDCKDD ETQB CUUU of South Windsor has sent a letter to Transportation S C O R m (O ct 24-Nov. 22) In closer to one In your field. pronoun 55 Actor Minao □□□□DO DCIODBO □BDQQD nCIDDElC] Bolton to form committee Commissioner J. William Burns criticizing the altuatlona where you hold TAURUS (April 20-May 20) 12 First-rate 56 Safety agency ODD □□□ DDDDD proposed toll increases for those citizens using dis­ authority over othera you con­ Youngsters can be more easily (comp, wd.) (abbr.) duct yoursaK very well today. managed today It you use a lit­ 14 Macao coin 57 Inert gas L A M A count commuter tickets on the three Hartford area You make them (eel as If th^ tle sugar coating on your ■ ri 15 Hayseed 58 Large bird 8 W E R were friends rather than under­ commands. Be masterful, but VlET bridges. 16 Hauls 59 Common tree T E E M e IdI lings. Romance, travel, luck, smile while doing so. Motley’s Crew — Templeton & Forman Woodcock asked why the matter hasn’t gone to 17 Understand 60 Male or 8 T A tJ public hearing and noted it deserves one in light of resources, possible pitfalls and OEMMI (May 21-Ju im 20) This 18 Change into female Board reviews school set-up career lor the coming months Is the day to Implement a bone 19 Dandy 41 Proceed (2 the foreseeable substantial fiscal impact that it will are all discussed In your Astro- change that could Improve 20 Needs DOWN 21 Time zone wds.) have on commuters. He' said the proposal should be Graph, which begins with your home harmony. It has been dis­ MIKB/ A R E you R E A IL V M IKE, yo u /fNOiV 22 Harmful birthdnr. Mall $1 for each to cussed long enough end the (abbr.) 43 Folksmger considered by the General Assembly and not be in­ e o iM B T O CW S O M E THE SUM ALWAYS 24 Big name in 1 Neophyte 23 Gamin Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio time for action has come. golf 2 SuKix Guthrie By Richard Cody was going to survive. He said new infor­ go through a budget process.” The hjgh school has recently been the itiated through the regulation process. ^ CHO RES ARO U ND THE COMES UP IM 24 Italian City Station. fl.Y. 10019. Be CANCER (June 21-July 22) Be 26 Identical 3 Urns 44 Lift up mation about the system, considered sure to spedty birth date. HOUSE TOMORROW? THE EAST Herald Reporter Last spring some residents and town first facility attacked when fiscal DOT is proposing a 350 percent increase in the more asaerllve today It there’s sibling 4 Flower part greeting 45 Thailand 8AOITTARIU8 (Nov. 23-Dec. within the framework of the economy, officials felt the school system should be problems arise, and already this year price of ticket books for the Charter Oak, Bissell someone of the opposite sex 30 Sessme plant 25 Choir voice 21) Stand up and be counted you’ve met recently end would (pl.| 46 Legal aid BOLTON — The school board has might cause the board to reconsider its 31 Georgia’s 5 Debtor’s note 27 Recompense subject to a re-organization, including a members of the Board of Finance have and Putnam bridges. Woodcock contends this is dis­ today If you feel you’ve been like to get to know better. This group (abbr.) neighbor 6 English 28 Made mad decided ^o set up a committee to two-year old decision to continue with possible closing of the high school. Some said the annual surplus is low, which has criminatory toward a small number of commuters pushed In the background late­ person will be pleased you're 48 Obeys labbr.) (prefix) 29 Football reassess data obtained during the 1978 the present school organization. - felt a junior-senior high school would be led to speculations that the issue may who must use the bridges daily in their travel to ly In a specific Involvement. Interested. 49 South African Your place Is out on the battle­ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) There 32 Canine cry 7 Assignment league (abbr.) study of the school system, the study that He said another reason for setting up the answer. plant surface again next spring. work. ments, not behind a fence. are two situations that look 33 Traitor (il.) 8 Lawyer’s 30 Three (prefix). led to the board's decision to continue the committee is to keep the high school 34 Laugh syliable Bolton High School is one of the Mem^rs of the school board said CAPMCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) profitably promising tor you at patron saint 35 Alloy 50 Constellation having the K-12 system. The committee issue out of the annual budget process, smallest yet academically highest Your vision and enthusiasm are this time. You know what they 36 Become firm 9 Eenie, meenie, 51 M ao ____ Thursday they felt that if the community 37 Social club miney,____ 38 Communica­ will include members from all factions which last year caused a polarization of acclaimed high schools in the state, and easily aroused today, especial­ are. Take some positive action tions agency tung knew a re-assessment was underway, Ligenses suspended ly It you are around hopeful, . on them today. [abbr.| t1 Leashes of the community, and seat up to 10 per­ the community and morale problems for (abbr.) * 53 Hockey this year has 239 students. Last year there would not be criticism of the positive people. Seek such VtRQO (Aug. 23-8ept 22) Your 39 Drew 13 Jacob's sons. both staff and students. ^ M*w9 8imd It 40 Ripen league (abbr.) there were fewer than 220. It is ideally system next spring. EAST HARTF’ORD — The state Liquor Control company. Their fervor Is conta­ mettle has been tested in the 1 iiie 42 Slaughter brother Superintendent Raymond A. Allen said At the board’s meeting Thursday, suited for 325. In view of declining Commission has suspended the licenses of two men gious. fires of Ufa and and you are Tuesday it was the intent of the board Allen said he was “suggesting that the enrollent, some residents felt the present The board is shooting to have the new whose bars feature exotic dancers. AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.-19) It aware that you have definite Winnie Winkie — Henry Baduta eind J.K.S. iT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 two years ago to continually update the statistics that need updating should be school system, with separate elemen­ data by January of 1983, and Allen said A 20-day suspension was ordered on the license you're an unattached Aquarian, leadership qualities. Use them the cominittee would include some this could be an Interesting day to your advantage today. ID n 12 13, 14 information contained within the study, researched again on some kind of tary, junior and senior high levels, was held by Robert DiPersio of Wethersfield for the lor you romantically when you LIBRA (S e p t 23-OcL 23) Be on tie said the board also wanted to keep definite schedule, so that it doesn’t too expensive. This year the per-pupil residents and members of other com­ Pompei Restaurant, 639 Main St., and a 10-day discover someone to whom your toes today. You can gain L i - i zuc/sr SO 1454K' MY HUSEANP HAVINS MeAmH/LE... looking at possible re-organizations of become an issue in the budget process. missions and committees. The com­ you've been secretly attracted from somethind another Initiat­ CATCH M O lP O ? LUNCH WITH A PRETTY WOMAN... 15 16 17 cost of each student is about $2,700, about suspension of the liquor license held by Curtiss H. likes you aa well. the system,' and that in order to do so, the It’s important that we take a look so that $700 more than other high schools. mittee, he said, should be set up within a Heinz of Glastonbury for his Venus Lounge, 1269 ed. You’ll see lj% 8 to expand It iy5ELF,..STOP S O w h a t ? it w a s PROBABLy couple of months. . m CES (Feb. 20-March 20) to earn yourself a place of the 18 19 2D 21 information must be brought up to date. peoplb in the community don’t think we The high school received strong sup­ Main St. Your gilt for getting others to action. A c m s s o J U ^ A S i/ s w e s s He also said another reason for setting took a look, made a decision, and then The 1978 study of the school system derate Is your main stock In (NEWSFAkSn EHTERPnSE ASSN.)' S / U Y . 'y i ■ port at the annual budget me ting in Officials said both bars mustmqst be closed during the 22 23 up the committee was concern raised closed the book.’’ May, and though the school board’s was done by the University of Connec­ suspensions,jspensions. but East Hartford Police said they 8 last year during the annual budget ticut with the assistance of the communi­ He said Thursday the high school issue budget suffered its largest cut in several expect the meT) "^ill appeal the decisions which 24 25 26 27 28 29 process about whether the high school ‘ 'should not be brought up every time We years, the system was preserved. ty- could delay the court cases for as long as two years. I'M State liquor regulations set certain rules gover­ iX A z y 3D 32 ning what exotic dancers wear or do not wear. ABOUT 1 1 Bridge 33 35 36 Commissioner protests m u A H FOOPf 1 1 1 HARTFORD (UPI) — Commissioner on Aging Marin Hearing on contract 37 38 39 4D 41 Shealy has a'ceused the Reagan administration of trying DOOI 1 1 HEBRON -- The Solid Was,e Disposal subcom­ % 42 4 ^ 44 to stifle any embarrassing debate at the White House mittee of the Energy Advisory Committee will Bidding produces problem s # Levy’e Lew — James ScTFiumelster Conference on Aging by handpicking delegates. recommend to a public hearing Nov. 23 that the 45 46 48 49 5D In protest, Mrs. Shealy said Tuesday, Connecticut has town enter into' a contract with the Windham ■ endorsed a resolution along with 35 other states asking changes (hat do not reallv 61 52 53 54 that delegates be given enough time to examine and dis­ Energy Recovery Facility for disposal of the town’s change the problem. With APTEE DEUBSeATlON r solid waste. today’s band try to avoid > I FIND THE PEFENP- . cuss the rules and procedures for the conference; that ant 6UIUTV. 55 56 57 committee chairmen be appointed by the League of Advantages and disadvantages of the transfer NORTH 11-IS41 looking at the South and station installation will be compared to those of East hands. HOW Women Voters, and that recommendations and reports ♦ at 58 59 6D townwide refuse pickup with direct delivery to the VKJ62 As West you open ^our ace e o itry be given individual consideration. ♦ At) of spades. Partner i ' the IS He ? “There appears to be a conscious effort by the ad­ Windham facility. The input of the residents at the hearing will be ♦ A 10983 10 and declarer t jack. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) ministration to destroy the opportunity for any free WEST EAST What should you leaiId at exchange of ideas," Mrs. Shealy said. reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and the trick two? selectmen will then make a recommendation to a ♦ AQITil ♦K1054 The conference is scheduled for Nov. 29 to Dec. 3. ¥A53 T874 The answer is you lead the town meeting. It is expected that recommendation king of dabs! 00000000000 ♦4 *878 7(2 AR"” -■3,2,1 will be for the town to enter into a 20-year contract ♦KQ8 AJSZ 'Your play is to establish a yoWHB with Windham for use of the regional Incinerator. club trick u you can before bXMJRx a v f ' Bay State law lauded SOUTH your ace of hearts is CASE ♦ J CELEBRITY CIPHER knocked out. DOOOOOOOOOi Calebrtty Ctptiar cryptoorwna are crsalad from quotations by famous psopla. past VQ109 n c ml N HARTFORD (UPI) — The Connecticut lawmaker What about your partner’s andprsasnt.EachWtsrInttwcipharstsndsforsnottwr. Today's A -F•qua*N. ♦ KJUISli 10 of spades? ’That card asks known as the “father” of the state’s bottle bill has City settles suit ♦ 74 lauded passage of a bottle deposit law in Massachusetts. for a spade continuation. It Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence Sen. Russell Post, R-Canton, a candidate for the GOP HARTFORD — City officials and the estate of the Vulnerable: Neither means ^ t from his stand­ late Elvis Presley have reached settlement over D ealer West point be doesn’t want a club ' gubernatorial nomination, said Tuesday the addition of lead. He doesn’t know that I 9UPP06E I 'L L HAVE unclaimed ticket money from a concert scheduled ‘J’CC HINHA KFLJC LAB MHE J M assa^usetts will mean cleaner- roads in New W ot’ Nortk E ut Soath you hold the king and queen. TO SET U9BP TO PKS99 in Hartford five days after the singer’s death on !♦ Dbl. 2A 34 Now look at all the cards. CONFERENCE? IF I'M England. Bottle laws also are in effect in Maine and SOW S TO p l a y f o r Aug. 21, 1977. !♦ Dbl. Paai 5# If you don’t lead that club Vermont. THIS t e a m . The out-of-court settlement Tuesday will allow Pan Pan Pais rignt away declarer will “The bottle bill works for Connecticut,” Post said. “It draw trumps and go after the city and the estate and promoter Jerry Win- MJB JO L A B E ’M C B L PB.” — RBN8 has resulted in. less roadside litter. It has reduced our hearts. You can duck two garbage. It has increased our environmental traub to split $39,911-worth of tickets that were Opening lead: 4A 0 hearts, but he will knock out awareness.” never reclaimed, plus $21,087 in interest. . your ace and get to discard a Although the concert had been sold out with $125,- .club on the last heart. 000 in proceeds, many tickets were never returned Maybe you don’t think by fans who apparently kept them as a memento of By Oswald Jacoby much of the bidding of this- RSENFL Johnson selects aide Presley’s death. and Alan Sontag band. We don’t either and we doubt il the editors of “Pop­ HARTFORD (UPI) - mittee includes several “Popular Bridge” maga­ ular Bridge” like i t This Is a ) Sen. Nancy Johnson, R- zine for October includes a play problem and the bid­ PHcVlOUS SOLUTION:"!! New rork City is the Big Apple, you bank, insurance and in­ ding ^ t produces the prob­ V New Britain, has named dustry executives, among set of five defensive prob- could describe Jerusalem as the apple of God's eve." — ,Iems. We are using a couple lem lor you. Alley Oop — Dave Graue Edward Koch Donald Davis, chairman of them John Filer, chairman THE SCHOOL OF DAHCE (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) 0056 the New Britain-based of Aetna Life and Casualty, 'in this column with slight Stanley Works, to head her and Thomas Sherer, presi­ Artistic Director, Jan Johnson Ed Sullivan h e y , W HAT campaign finance com­ dent of the Fafnir. Bearing 32 HEBRON ROAD, BOLTON, CONN. 06040 ABOUT YOU? Herald photo by Cody AREN'T YOU mittee in the-6th District Co. C O M lW ? congressional race. '•jS Give the Gift of Dance Kit *n’ Carlyle — Larrv wright New chances to read Mrs. Johnson, who is ^ QIFT CERTIFICXTES AVAILABLE I FEEL \GOSH'WHAT seeking the Republican ^ •BALLET* SORRV FOR IHAFT^EP nomination for the seat To report MV POOR Melissa McDonough and Chris Wirtalla play was put up in connection with Children's now held by Rep. Toby •JAZZ* PARISHIONERS.' glance through the Andover Pulbic Library’s B o o k W e e k, w h ich Is th is w eek. Moffett, D-Conn., also area news new rack of children’s books. The book dis­ lined up several other To report news items •MODERN* prominent state business in Boltbn, Andover and 2nd Semester Starting executives to be members Coventry, call or write of her finance committee. Richard Cody at The DECEMBER 1st Welfare recipients can be penalized The 21-member com- Manchester Herald, Herald Square, P.O. 6 4 6 -5 6 4 3 Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves Box 591, Manchester, HARTFORD (UPI) — A legislative committee has are needed to make workfare a success. By law, towns Open Forum CT 06040; telephone 643- given towns and cities the right to penalize welfare and cities have to place one-third of their eligible 2711. NEW CLASS***PANCE AEROBICS recipients who are eligible for employment under welfare recipients in jobs by the end of the year. If they The Manchester workfare but refuse to take jobs. fail to do so, they lose the state’s share of the benefits. H erald’s Open Forum X T VJOUUO 5OUND provides space for reader The Regulations Review. Committee approved “The regulations are important to some of the cities, TTmrspmnm n e a t , m il- PREs >DENT: regulations Tuesday allowing municipalities to withhold especially Hartford and New Haven,” Wright said. They dialogue on current events. benefits for 30 days from workfare candidates who don’t could lose tremendous amounts of money.” Address letters to the Open M T . VERNON gUT I PON'T TH iNK perform their assigned tasks. New Haven, for example, has placed only 210 of the Forum, Manchester The benefits will be withheld for 60 days for a second 600 welfare recipients for which they must find jobs. Herald, Herald Square, WE CAN GET AWAY offense and for 90 days after .the recipients refuse to Manchester, CT 06040. DAIRY STORES 17 Wi t h R A tf»N 6 TH E work for a third time. 244 Broad St. 653 Canter St.l I S Rep. Gardner Wright, D-Bristol, said the regulation's Manchester Manchester § 5 gETlREMENT a g e t o ______SALE ENDS NOV. 21st, 1981 « ^ Fou8?-.F«:og6-ANP-5 Ev e n . Personal advice from Abby TKWirt I i-x Abigail Van Buren offer /ersonal advice'daily in one of America’s best-read columns, “Dear Abby,” in The LAND 0 LAKES "a*"®'! The Born Loser — Art Sansom Manchester Herald’s Focus section. HOW TO MAKE —^4— ORANGE JUICE Bugs Bunny — Warner Bros. THIS IS "A/600DTHIIJ6 8 Guide,to weekend events A BETTER PIE CRUST THgV'RgA'WFUUY The Herald provides a comprehensive calendar of VlHEyteSWOi. YOUI? h o use needs' BUT I O N t T n u t I D . "where to go and what to do,” every Friday in the SOME LANDSCAPlNSi’ AFFORD THOSE W ORRY Focus/Weekend section. PORKY/ NEVER BLEACHED PRICES. J POC. NEVER BROMATEO flORSER

Mix 2 cups KA Flour and 1 tsp KWGyiRXHUR, salt in a bowl. Cut in 3/4 cups BMRY vegetable shortening until mix­ 1.751. ture resembles small pea’s. Sprinkle lim it 2 ______Vi gallon 2 tsp vinegar and gradually add 4 tbsp cold water, tossing lightly BAKE SHOP until mixture comes together. Roll out quickly on a lightly floured TAB or board, making 2 cucles slighdy Thanksgiving Specials larger than the pie pan. Place in pan and add your favorite pie ot ' *^-5lfTCDUe«0«D COCA-COLA MY 7HACHER SAYS r r b PIES quiche flllings. SOMETHING UKE Pumpkin, Mine*, Cherry, AppI* HOUR CCMFCUNC7IN<3- INTEREST •HTtNOtn A T THE BANK. . DINNER ROLLS PUMPKIN m u f f in s r v 647-8435 KING ARTHUR BAKES BETTER For our "Eny Bilrmf! with King Arthur" pimphict, write 155 N. Beicon Si., Brighton, MA 02U5 '660 Center St. Manchester! . 1Big 2 liter bottle 24 - THE HERALD. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 Supermarket shopper Clip ‘N’ File Refunds

Clip out this file and keep it with similar cashoff coupons beverage refunfl offers with beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed Customers want restrooms Classified proofs of purchase while looking for the required BUSINESS / refund forms at the supermarket, in newspapers “ Whether or not super- valued custoniers and are I have also asked the I agree with Helen announced in late and magazines, qnd when trading with friends By Martin Sioane mark’ets ;are required to therefore good for Food Marketing Institute Foreman, of Johnstown, November. . .Offers may not be available in all areas of the coun­ The letters keep coming provide restroom facilities business.'' ■ to include restrooms in a Pa., who wrote: “In my Refund of the day try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. in from readers responding often depends on the code More than half of the sim ilar consumer opinion opinion, no market is super- to my recent columns on unless it has signs plainly requirements of the readers who wrote to me survey that it conducts Write to the following ad­ restrooms in super­ jurisdiction in which they on this topic said that the each year. marked 'RESTROOMS, COME 'N' GET IT Free Plush Pet. Receive a dress to obtain the form markets. They are writtei) are located. Nashville and v^vailability of restrooms Enter Here.’” plush dog. Send the required refund form and proof- by mothers of small I hope that the results of required by this refund Christmas dollars can be stretched waFa“yery important con­ Refund update other cities that enforce offer worth ?1 to |2: of-purchase seals from two 20-pound bags or five 8- children, by senior citizens sideration in selecting the these surveys eventually the 1979 and subsequent Gillette Razor Refund pound bags or 10 4-pound bags or any combination and by shoppers who have supermarket in which they will benefit the many We are completing the editions of the Standard Offer, P.O. Box 9224, St. of bags equal to 40 pounds. Expires Feb. 28, 1982. disabilities. shop. Mothers, of young shoppers who want and judging in the Supermarket Although forecasts for our Christmas spending range mas by giving them an I.O.U. for services, enclosed in a Plumbing Code have a Paul, Minn. 55192. This household plant. Start on this gift as soon as you can. FIGARO Refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund. Send They favor restrooms by need supermarket Shopper Poetry Competi­ from uncertainty to pessimism, the.odds remain that colorful envelope. You could promise to babysit for an. requirement that buildings children, senior citizens 10) Practical gifts will be welcome in this year of the required refund form and 12 labels from 6-ounc’e a 3(F1 margin. restrooms. tion. The winners will be offer expires Dec,,’ 31, 1982. our total outlay will approach $300 billion. As a typical evening of your recipient’s choice, fix an electrical intended for public use and others who require Your rising prices and unemployment. Socks, dish towels, Figaro Tuna Cat Food or six labels from 12-ounce One letter came from middle-income family, how much of that totaLwIIl you appliance, cook a gourmet meal, bake a cake. 4) Per have toilets ‘directly access to restrooms add up wine vinegar, travel umbrellas hr extra alarm clocks Figaro Tuna Cat Food, Expires May 31, 1982, Yvett^ Bandes of an account for? sonally baked goods are always welcome and cost very accessible to the public.’ to a lot of shoppers and a Money's impressively wrapped are more thoughtful than imprac­ FISH AHOY-LITTLE FRISKIES-CHEF’s organization called lot of business. For a rule of thumb, percent of your gross income t.apw little. The same is true for homemade candies or a “ This requirement BLEND Cat Cash B a c ^ e fu n d Offer. Receive a re­ “ Reach Out for Youth with is a workable figure for your spending at this season. tical luxuries. prohibits restrooms from One of the people to Worth frozen gourmet dish si^h_as a frozen capon pie. fund of $1, $2 or $4. For $1. send the required refund For instance, if your gross annual income is $20,000, you 11) Newspaper and magazine subscriptions are a IBD.” being located back in the whom I have forwarded A classic Icelandic look Sylvia Porter 5) G ive now (instead of in your w ill) some seldom-used form and one proof-of-purchase seal from any size might figure on spending $300 for Christmas shopping. relatively inexpensive gift that most people appreciate. “ More than 2 million stockroom 'or accessible some of these letters is Ed possessldn such as an heirloom silver cup. This would go bag (no boxes) of Fish Ahoy, Little Friskies or It’s also a sound idea to set aside 10 percent of that Be sure to send your own card stating that you have Am ericans have a non- only from outside the Walzer, editor-in-chief of with fashion for today! to a favorite relative, and this season is a good time to Chef's Blend. For $2, send the form and one seal $300 budget for last minute Christmas buying, says Pat ordered the gift subscription. Don’t count on the contagious inflammatory building. This requirement Progressive Grocer. give it (no money involved). from two of the three brands. For $4, send the form Cook, Chemical Bank senior vice president. That’s $30 publication’s circulation department during this season. bowel disease,” she wrote. appears to be very Each year his magazine Naturally warm, lightweight, wind 6) Save by shopping for special and nostalgic items at and one seal from each brand. Expires Dec. 31, in this example. “ More than 100,000 of them welcome to' the super­ does an extensive survey of resistant and water repellent. The a local hospital, the public library, your recipient’s flea markets and thrift shops. All you need do is clean 12) For last-minute cash for small gifts, cash in your 1931. are children. I cannot m arket shoppers in our. the supermarket Empty as your wallet may be right now,, evidence in­ church, the woman’s movement, whatever. They all the items and wrap them in attractive gift paper. penny collections. Most banks, says Pat Cook, will now GRAVY TRAIN Refund Offer, General Foods incredible features of this fiber are a dicates that you’ll respond to the spirit of the season begin to tell you of the im­ area.” characteristics that are need money, and your gift is an almost certain tax 7) Shop) at factory outlet shops in your area forbargain pay $1.20 for every $1.00 in pennies brought in. They Corp. Receive a $1 rdfund. Send the required refund direct result of the severe and with cash or credit. How, then, do you spread the portance of supermarket An even greater important to shoppers. deduction. purchases. When you buy at any factory outlet or ais- must be in paper rolls, of course. form, the starred price marker from one 25-poiind highest amount of Christmas cheer for the least money? restrooms to children.'who stimulant to the creation of Restrooms were not erratic of which the 2) If you cannot afford an expensive gift, work out a count store, shop early in the morning before the holiday (“ Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” 1,328 bag of GraVy Train and a register receipt with the 1) Know your recipients. If you know their hobbies suffer from IBD. more supermarket a m o n g th e 39 Artie sheep has had to withstand “ theme gift” with several small parts. For instance, crowds arrive. pages of down-to-earth advice on personal money price circled. Expires March 31, 1982, and can buy remaindered books on those “ When an IBD child restrooms would be the characteristics evaluated you could give the tennis buff some tennis accessories 8) If the concern about this year’s spending is management, is now available through.her column. KIBBLES 'N' BITS Coupon Offer. Receive a 31 for over 10)00 years. subjects. If you know their favorite causes, make a needs a restroom and it is realization on the part of in the most recent survey, such as headband, sunglasses, tennis balls, etc. Work justified, this will be an excellent year for holiday Send $9.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to “ Sylvia coupon for Kibbles 'n' Bits. Send the required re­ donation in their names and send a Christmas c a rd , not available, the parent supermarket operators but Walzer has agreed to each gift separately, then stack and tie them together sales—and they'll start way before Dec. 25. Again, shop Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,’ ’ in care of this fund form and three Universal Product Code sym­ stating that it’s been made. The charity will has no recourse but to that these facilities are im­ include it in next year’s with a big bow. early in the morning. newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway, Kan . 66205. bols from 5-, 10-, 20- ,or 40-pound Kibbles ‘n’ Bits. leave the store — and in a portant to many of their survey. THE NflmE TO REmEmBER acknowledge to your recipient. ’The donation could be to 3) Pat Cook says you can make people happy at Christ- 9) A welcome gift might be cuttings from a treasured Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) Expires Jan. 31. 1982. hurry! I wish that there MEATY BONE-JERK'Y TREATS Dog Lovers were some way to make DRESS SHOP Farm Doggie Disc Offer. Receive a Doggie Disc. restrooms mandatory.” Beef lovers get break >ont»U Send the required refund form and 10 Universal In some cities, all super­ .1 PiuuliHil S^uu Product Code symbols from any Jerky Treats or markets are required to D ENVER, Colo. (U P I) — Beef lovers may get a break Rnrti 13, TifcstMk (Voimi) Cm l four Universal Product Code symbols from any Joins Chamber have restrooms. Explained this year, after all. (m «u horn Ikiilty h i) Peanut butter is acceptable gift Meaty Bone Dog Biscuits. Expires March 31, 1982. Mon.. Tun.. Wid. 10-6:30 Thun.. Fti. lO-O Heloise Shilstat, a plans Total production of beef and other meats in the last 9-Ll.VES CAT L IT T E R 'O ffe r. R eceive a $1 re­ Sit 9:3(t6:30 Norman C. Holcombe, CPA, o f 574 Bush Hill examiner for Nashville and quarter is expected to be larger than earlier forecasts ______Til. 64S-»01i ______Road has joined the fund. Send the required refund form, proofs of By Marianna Ohe Because gifts in America largely are chosen and except for collective ceremonial gifts at banquets, A Davidson County in, had indicated, according to a beef situation update to Greater Manchester purchase from four boxes or two bags of SLives Dry UPI Business Writer presented by women, the typical American business Chinese might have to return a gift if given in front of Tennessee: retailers from the National Cattleman’s Association. Chamber of Cat Food and a register receipt with the price others, which would cause him to lose face. circled. Expires April 30,1982. Commerce. NEW Y O R ir = ^ G ift-g iv in g is essential to Ooing Holcomb recently business in many parts of the world but most Am erican Thp , f “ escribed Bonus! This offer doesn’t require a form: executives are ineot at it v , American male s presentation of a gift as a BRIGHT EYES Flea Collar Offer, Box 390, Pico began his own prac­ executives are inept at it. j . , blush and a thrust.” Rivera, Calif. 90665. Receive a four-month flea tice. He previously I^ o ra n t of the cultural values and social customs-®;^ .SomeSome gift-giving crift-aii/inir htips: served for nine years other countries, conditioned to hold back their emotions collar. Send the front label with Universal Product THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS In Europe, sendTlowers before arriving at someone’s as a certified public American executives often reduce gift giving to an em­ Code symbol and ingrjedient listing from 15 Bright home for dinner. Red roses are reservea fjr lovers. MAIN STREET accountant for barrassed "blush and a thrust,” according to a new iw y i 58% Eyes wrappers. Expires Jan. 31, 1982. EAST HARTFORD Gifts with historic or intellectual appeal are ap­ Andy’s Has The ; ' -Mf Giasrou8UB» 'GWM un(. several area com­ study of the subject. preciated. Perfume is much too intimate a gift for a panies. Now, “ International Business Gift Giving Customs — OFF 836 HOPMEAOOW ST French businesswoman. RTE 10 SIMSBURY. CT. Holcomb provides a guide for American Executives,” tells them why they In Arab nations, never give liquor, taboo in Islam. . accounting, tax and should never give red roses in Hamburg, handkerchiefs 260 NO MAIN ST. Never bring a gift for a wife or wives. Strict segregation Greatest in Rio de Janeiro, clocks in Peking or surprise presents OPTICAL COMPLETE management ad­ MANCHESTER. CT of the sexes is the norm. Give moderately expensive An elegant meal visory services for in Japan. Or — heaven forbid — presents to wives in gifts, and be prepared for a kind of competitive 1 Jidda. CENTERS EYEGLASSES individuals and - ;r- — “ generosity. business. Norman C. Holcomb, The study by Dr. Kathleen Reardon, professbr of com­ 'ciK 1 Meats Sold In Japan, don’t expect the recipient of your present to munications sciences at the University of Connecticut, exception of cataract, for the holidays GREinESTMEJITS open it in front of you. Don’t surprise him with a gift, spon^red by the Parker Pen Co,, also explains when SOLO ANYWHERE which might catch him unprepared and embarrass him. trifocal & blended-bifocai lenses. and how a gift should be presented, how it should be Avoid obligating the Japanese by giving more expensive Anywhere wrapped, what it should cost, when it snould be opened, By Aileen Claire % cup dry white wine • and when presents should not be given at all. gifts than they do. Brand names and gifts for children LAST TIME OFFERED Firm founded are appreciated. NEA Food Editor 1/3 cup sherry HOME OF THE High on the list- of gift suggestions are typically Hartford Manchester Windsor In China, don’t give clocks. “ Clock” in Chinese is 2 tablespoons cornstarch PEOPLE PLEASERS American items: maple syrup. Stetson hats, T-shirts 190 Farmington Ave. 942 Main SL 144 Broad S t Entertaining reaches its 3/4 cup chicken broth CANTERBURY — James E. lannoni, formerly of pronounced like “ funeral.” Present gifts privately. from Western colleges, American Indian art or jewelry, 728-5982 646-3781 683-0541 peak during the holidays 3 tablespoons chopped • • .And For Your Manchester, recently obtained a license from the Connecticut Department of Labor to establish an scrimshaw, Pennsylvania Dutch products, Steuben and usually leaves the host parsley employment service specializing in the placement glass, the latest in children’s electronic toys and — yes and hostess exhausted. '/2 teaspoon salt Avoid the usual cooking IF YOG D IDN’T RECEIVE o f engineering and scientific personnel throughout — peanut butter, M&Ms and Oreos. Vs teaspoons each pepper madness by selecting a Thanksgiving Dining Pleasure. the United States. Other popular U.S. gifts are stamps, sports equip­ and tarragon, crushed A FLYER IN THE M AIL, group of recipes to serve His firm, James E. lannoni & Associates, is af­ ment, pen or desk sets with company or state insignia, magazine subscriptions. Western belt buckles, AGAIN - A prime office for dinner or brunches that M elt butter in large STOP IN AND filiated, with Inter-City Personnel Associates. lan­ are simple to prepare but skillet. Cut chicken into V2- Specials Effective PICK ONE UP. noni form erly was associated with a Hartford Macadamia nuts from Hawaii, records (Boston pops, appear elegant and taste by-Vi-by-2-inch .strips. placement firm for seven years. jazz), California wines, photo books of America, and - local art. equally fantastic. Saute in butter until 18 21,1981 Married to the former Barbara Massaro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Massaro of 57 Dr. Reardon interviewed 100 company executives condominium in Manchestor One such dish is chicken turns opaque. Add winesauced chicken and grapes and wines; simmer, White Street, lannoni lives in Canterbury where his with an average of 18 years experience in international grapes. It may be served uncovered, 5 minutes or un­ offices are located. trade-for her study. Eighty-four percent said they could benefit from gift-giving guidance. buffet-style, with rice or til grapes are heated for a prime occupant. jjilaf, a salad, store-bought through. Stir occasionally. “ We surpass m eiq^rs of several other cultures in ethnocentrism,” she said. “ The successful presentation ice cream bombe, if you Transfer chicken and Russ MacKendrick writes about stamps, coins ana of a business gift in a foreign country can only be ac­ want'desert, and coffee. grapes to chafing dish. almost anything collectible — in “ Collectors’ Corner,” You may substitute lef­ D issolve cornstarch iii complished through an understanding of other customs every Tuesday in The Herald’s Focus/Leisure section. and cultures in relation to our own.” The former Watkins Furniture Store Building in tover cooked turkey for,the chicken broth; add to pan chicken. juices with parsley and downtown Manchester is scheduled to be renovated by seasonings. Cook and stir yiooS/uns 7 = ^ Wine-sauced dhicken until thickened and clear. Slow ■pfAUH's OytfishcK Watkins Brothers, Inc. — the original owners of this Kjm«Hc£ , /T" ' and gra p e s Pour over chicken and historic downtown Manchester landmark. John A. grapes. This kitchen-tested souoTrmntno 3 tablespoons butter or recipe makes 4 to 6 ser­ sales ^ DeQuattro of J. D. Real Estate Company and ^ margarine vings. ripst 2 whole chicken breasts, seen Affiliates has been selected as the project coordinator. halved, skinned and boned (Variation: Substitute 1 WESTERN CORN FED FAMILY PACK Some 36,500 square feet,, in a building or architectural Ui cups green grapes, cup leftover, cooked turkey ANN ARBOR, Mich. seeded if necessary strips for the chicken. (UPI) — Consumers will and historical significance will be sold in units from Pork Chops avoid going into debt to 760 square feet. make big purchases such as cars- and houses, As an owner in this attractive office space, you not Avocado crop looks good preferring to put their INC. EQUAL money in savings from now only save money on rent — you gain through IRVINE, Calif. (UPI) -- This year’s California AMOUNTS OF until early 1982, avocado crop is expected to be the second largest in amortization and appreciation. You also receive RIB, LOIN, researchers said. American history, 325 million pounds, compared with & CENTER ^ 3 9 . A study by the University substantial tax benefits including depreciation and you 475 million pounds in 1980-81. An announcement from the CHOPS of Michigan’s Institute for T O X O B f f California Avocado Cqmrnission, a trade association, get a prime location. says retail prices'should average 39 to 49 cents each, Social Research said con­ X with highs of.perhaps 59 cents and lows of three for $1. sumer worries about high AUo^$riR)M For more information and a detailed offering The new crop 'begins reaching reUil stores late in Andy’s Green Thumb Produce interest rates, unemploy­ m m please call J. D. Real Estate Company at 646-1980. This ment and depleting savings November and continues throughout the year. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY are contributing to the is an excellent opportunitv for vou and your business. trend toward saving — not W U t f i F U C Got a Manchester news tip?- CRISP CALIFORNIA • spending — money. USDA CHOICE BONELESS “ Growth in consumer If you have a news tip or story idea in Manchester, JUMBO' Iceberg Lettuce HEAD sales during the balance of OLD WofUD S)Vz8 contact City Editor Alex Girqlli at The Manchester 1981 and early 1982 will Herald, telephone 643-2711. eoK HCAtffR Shoulder Steak continue to be slow and un­ SWEET TASTING even,” said Richard T. 3 o"h iM Curtin, director of the sur­ 'WlOC Almeria Grapes 26" CtAiSBiC vey on consumer attitudes. 'OOP FOR LONDON “ Large discretionary COOKING FAVORITES SWEET 8/tct^oK . B R O IL purchases will continue to Hm Th Jt3o’fa."HEl6llt CALDWELL OIL, INC. be responsive to trends in ^SotiP F A M IL Y $ 1 8 9 Potatoes Or Yams LB PACK interest rates, but more Q U t t " favorable employment and CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL real income trends are 114.9 C.O.D. LARGE needed before sustained avt LoKBIlki SIZE Oranges growth in housing and vehi­ M R T lG H f cle sales can be expected," c p & r i n o n he said. 649-8841 NOT RESPONSIBLE FORTYPOQRAPHICALFnpriP ’The July-September 1981 survey of 2,000 respondents . COUPOM COUPOH COUPON was the 156th Survey of DOUBLE LEAN TASTY DOMESTIC Consumer Attitudes con­ CUSTOM - MADE Manufacturers WITH COUPON AFTER >10 PURCHASE ducted by the research in- B oiled Ham EXCLUDING BEER & t o b a c c o stitute since 1946. COUPONS Respondents were asked a Sugar selected group of economic ' questions. An index of con- MON.-SUN. sumer sentiment Large Fabric Selection DFTAll.S IN Jwrything Paddled measuring buying attitudes wUh ■ 3 0 ^ Expert Installation STORE NO mum TIME COR.IURTFORII ROAD and PINE ST MANCHESTER 5 » ° 8 9 ^ put February 1966 at 100 M O N n M C K ~ ^GLORIOUS 2 1 9 „ VALIDNOV. 19-21. 1981 points. $49-7182 THUPSMY.MJ l im it ONE AT ANDYS m a r k e t The latest study put the OPEN 10- index at 74.8, less than one w T u m i M i Q . index point gain from the fltlMOITMIBMWTWMnMBNIlicpwwiiil I\10dn03 I\l0dn03 I\l0dn03 ii hM iM t ulfiii, blirfnilcf iliclu, nIrM i ylvMii second quarter of 1981 and - rliii iiti. d H«m m WM k fMrtRi. htom seven points above the M M itt MMif lArartitim Hmm m litw ■ bNMqr M M M tkm t n tm , thti'rt c m i. M year-ago reading. THE HERALD, Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 - 27 - THE h e r a l d '. Wed., Nov. 18, 1981 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING RATES DEADLINE C l a s s i f i e d 2711 LOOK FOR THE STARS ##• 22— Condominiums I Minimum Charge m q t ic e s EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes for Sale 35— Heating*Plumbing, 46— Sporting Goods 56—*1l8C for Rent 15 Words 12:00 nooo the day 24— Lots-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products ^omea/Apts. to Shc^e before publication. 1— Lott and Found 13— Hatp Wantaid -25—Investment Property 37— Moving>Truckmg _ , • Phone 643-2711 6—Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted 32— Pamting-Papering 43— Pets*Birds*Dogs 55— OfficeS'Stores for Rent Homes 26 DAYS...... 1 U 66— Automotive Service' 9 —Partonal Loans * 33— Building-Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property for Rant h a p p y a d s $3.00 PER INCH 10—Insurance REAL ESTATE 34— Roofing-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent 67— Autos lor Rent-Lease Telephone 643-2711, AAonday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Services Offered 31 Services Offered 31 PalnUng-PdperIng 32 Building Contracting 33 Articles for Sale 41 Apartments for Bent 53 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - Inttrfor/Extfilor rahrtkM. FARRAND Concrete. Chimney REMODELING - Cabinets, MANSFIELD CENTER - 1973 VW BUG, Excellent Repairs. “ No Job Too.. mstaMDOn 79 Pontiac Sunbird 2-Dr. condition. New paint, B-B UPHOLSTERY. Roofing, Gutters, Room ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR Woodsedge Apartments. SmMl.’ ’ Call 644-8356 for (Mty pnihiiwa —*■ .' Jet black, 4 spd., 4 cyl. rebuilt engine, $1995. Christmas tm. Newly renovated, country Custom work. Free es­ iHsmUt iricn. F '. Additions, Decks, All types S*t Kov. 21st lOam-Spin SlV6wroom condition. estimates. ~ udMtM. Mi hand setting. Two bedrooms. negotiable. 643-2987. timates. Will pick up and a. I_ McHUOH of Remodeling and VFW Auxiliary * 3 « « 5 deliver. Please cal 646- Repairs. Free estimates. Post Home From $285 to ^325, includes f 843-9321 appliances and parking. 1973 OLDSMORILE. 2161.______- Fully insured. Phone 643- 80S Eaat Cantar 8t. 79 Cadillac Coupe deVllle Gift Ideas "Your Community Newspaper' 6017. ’ Manehaater 429-1270, 233-9660 or 232- Silver gray, full power options., OMEGA - automatic, C & M Tree Service, Free 0761. fact. A/C. leather, cruise control. power steering, power M&M P&H, Manchester LEE PAINTING, Interior Bedutifull estimates. Discount senior ROBERT E. JARVIS brpkes, air-conditioning. 649-2871. small repairs, & Exterior. “Check my ^ * 7 9 9 5 ood gas mileage, citizens. Company Remodeling Specialist. SEASONED HARD remodeling, heating, rate before you decorate.” f elephone 646-8504. SSSSSSSSSpSSSSSSSSSSVSSS' Manchester owned and baths, kitchens and water Dependable. Fully insured. For room additions, WOOD. Cut, Split, 78 Mercury Marquis 4-Dr. operated. Call 646-1327. Delivered. $90. Unsplit, Help Wanted 13 heaters; Free estimates! 646-1653. kitchens, bathrooms, WOODLAND STREET - Loaded. Full Power Beautyl $80. Four footers, $70. CAMARO FIREBIRD PLEASE READ roofing and siding or any Four room, second floor • 3 9 9 5 ’-I LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ Telephone 742-8056, PARTS: 1973.. Doors mint Join Us Today ELECTRONIC INTERIOR PAINTING, home improvement need. apartment. Available YOUR AD cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ condition. $25 each; also ASSEMBLERS - Apply in over ten years experience, Telephone 643-6712. Decem ber 1st. Gas/Gas 77 Cadillac Coupa daVllle Clittlflsd Ids STS taksfl ages cleaned. AH types Painting-Papering 32 SKI JACKET, WOOL many other parts. Cheap. person, 9-5. Phoenix Audio low rates and senior citizen Range. Attic storage,' Fire mist green, full power op­ ovsr Dw phone ss.i s m i - trash, brush removed. Camel car coat. Both with tions, A/C. Must Be Seen! Lab, 91 Elm Street, discounts. 643-9980. LEON CIEZSYNSKI parking for one car. No Call'649-7069 after 6 p.m. Be part of Picket, Split R ail,’ PROFESSIONAL fur trim and in excellent « S 9 9 5 vinlsnos. The HsrsM It Manchester. BUILDER. New homes, ■pets. No utilities. One 1976 BUICK OPEL COUPE Stockade Fences installed. PAINTING - Interior and rotpontUilt tor oN f ono N - INTERIOR AND additions, remodeling, rec condition. Size 7-8. $20 month security and tenant - 2 door, automatic; good BANK REPOSESSIONS 528-0670. exterior. Commercial and each; 646-1427. corrsct hnorllon m d flion DENTAL ASSISTANT- EXTERIOR painting, rooms, garages, kitchens insurance required. $325 76 Pontiac Trans Am running condition. $1400 or FOR SALp - 1977 the Christmas Keep S m itin g residential. Free es­ only to Iho tizo of «IP RECEPTIONIST: 3-3.I4 paper hanging. Carpentry remodeled, ceilings, bath monthly. Telephone 643- A/T, P)S. Must Be Seen! best offer. Call after 5, 643- Chevrolet Nova, good con­ Be Happy timates. Fully insured. 646- original Iniartlon. Erran days. Orthodontic office. LICENSED DAY CARE Work. Fully insured. J.P^ tile, dormers, roofing. PAIR OF WHITE-wall 9423. * 3 9 9 5 6840. dition. $3,000. 1976 Pontiac 4879. sibich do not loasan Uw Salary commensurate with HOME - Will watch your Lewis & Son, 649-9658. Residential or commer­ snow tires, GR78-15, with Trans Am, $3100. 1974 Hon­ child or infant days. Call mounted rims. Also, one da C3vic $1500. 1974 Ford Guide I vohia ot Ilia adnorUtonwnt experience. 649-7222. cial. 649-4291. THREE ROOMS 73 VW Station Wagon JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS h a p p y 646-0262. PROFESSIONAL eneral tire. $95 for all. Gold finish, auto, transmission. LTD $900. 1974 Oldsmobile win hot bo corroctod by on Building Contracting 33 AVAILABLE Immediate­ from $35. Available at local 8 p a in t in g - Interior and elephone 649-2987. Exceptionally Clean! Cutlass Supreme $500. 1974 BIRTHDAY DESIGN KITCHENS, f ly. Heat, hot water, (Jov’t. Auctions. For direc­ additional kMorUon. BABYSl’TTER * 1 4 9 S exterior. Commercial and ELE*CTRIGArSERVICES cabinets, vanities, counter appliances. References; tory call 415-330-7800. . Kawasaki motorcycle $900. Elizabeth AVAILABLE, Martin residential. Free es­ SEASONED FIREWOOD - The above may be seen at - We do all types of Elec­ tops, kitchen cabinet fronts Security. Call after 6 pm, Hundreds of people GIVE YOURSELF A School area. Call after 3 timates. Fully insured. 646- $50 per one-half cord, SUBURBAN MOTOR SBM. 923 Main Street, LipshitE trical Work! Licensed. Call custom woodworking, 646-3911. 1974 VOLKSW AGEN - f®anrl|PBtpr p.m. 649-2094. 4879. delivered locally. Manchester. iCHRISTMAS BONUS. Sell after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. colonial reproductions. CAR, IN C . Needs work. Must sell. will be watching Avon, earn good money. J.P. Lewis 649-9658. Telephone 875-7308. MANCHESTER - Attrac­ Route 83 B49-2076 Best offer. Call after 6:30 Your Call 646-3685 or 523-9401. Manchester H rral^i tive four room apartment. at 646-1542. 79 Plymouth Sapporo ^.FrelndS""^ For additional information Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 2 3 ^ Homes For Sale 23 Beginning . v - N.R. CYR BUILDING Stove, panelling. 2 Dr, Coupe, one owner, very and application call COMPANY - new energy References. No pets. $295. clean, new tires x Superintendent’s Office, efficient homes. Will assist 646-3167 or 228-3540. Nov. 25, 1981 643-1569. FULL SIZE MATTRESS, * 5 4 9 5 ' in financing as low as 10 box spring. Good condition. FALL SAVINGS Help Wanted 13 percent Interest for ad­ Homes for Rent 54 79 Plymouth Arrow Pickup BABYSITTER for 3 year $45..tele^one 646-3556. through ditions, remodeling rec AT 4 cyl. With B cab. 4 spd -, 2000 cc old boy in my home. 2 rooms, garages. 643-9743. 456V2 MAIN STREET - six engine, and nany olher extras EDUCATIONAL REP - APARTMENT SIZE Christmas nights pfer week. 646-6181. rooms,' $4(X). plus utilities. * 4 8 9 5 NOTICES Outstanding opportunity clothes dryer, electric n R & M CARPENTRY - No appliances. Tenant in­ Lynch for experienced sales per­ DISH AND POT WASHER stove-new, maple twin bed, 79 Dodge Power Wagon Eve! son to represent Phoenix New homes, additions, rec surance. Security. 646-2426 Lost and Found 1 needed part time. Person rooms, porches, roofs and double dresser, night 4 wheel drive, low mileage, very Institute of Technology weekdays. 79 (!orolla Wagon, 5 spd., 4 cyl. clean, 1 Great rates! must be 18 or older and siding. 649-3170. stand, seven piece kitchen *4895 recruiting students for reliable. Telephone George set and washer. Also, ^ * 4 9 9 5 LOST - German Shepard, technical training. Com­ EAST HARTFORD - 7 « to place your Female, black and tan. at 643-2751. DENNIS R. MILLER - treadle sewing machine Room, 3-4 Bedrooms, 1V4 77CelicaGTUftback,A/T ... mission. Choice of Help Wanted 13 and combination *4595 80 Dodge Pickup 1 ad Call Pam, Gorgeous. Answers to □ REAL ESTATE Remodeling - Additions - baths, stove, refrigerator, 4 wheel drive, very clean. 4 000 territories available. Call SALES CLERK needed at GROUP 1: A le lrrt .^isocMtion of REALTORS terving the grexiter ■ Mahogany console. 649- “ Greta.” Manchester Roofing - Aluminum and washer, dryer, fireplace, m iles. today for interview, 6 0 2 - GENERAL M.mchettrr with more advertising eiipertise. 76 Olds Starfire, 5 spd., 4 cyl . the Manchester t * area. REWARD 649-2732. once. Some experience Vinyl Siding. Phone 649- 8871. garage, near buslines, *3295 * 6 8 9 5 244-8111, Mr. Terry n ecessa ry to work in MAINTENANCE imp«»ct <»nd efficiency for both buyers .snd sellers. Homes For Sale 23 2954. stores, schools, churches. Herald — McKinney, 2555 E. Univer­ modern pharmacy. Plea­ PERSON - The SCREENED LAOM - sity Dr., Phoenix, Ariz. $450 plus heat & utilities. 75 Pinto Station W ag o n ...... MANCHESTER sant working conditions. Manchester Board of CUSTOM BUILT CAPE - Gravel, processed gravel, *1995 643-2711 Glastonbury TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY References, lease, 2 85034. Education is seeking a PLYMOUTH Must be personable. Part (Full shed dormer), Residential & Commercial sand, stone, and fill. For months security deposit. LOST - Shetland Sheepdog time nights and weekends. General Maintenance Per­ fireplaced living room, This Time Live YOUR Way deliveries’ call George 74 Celica ST C oupe...... Route 83 643-2708 \ Construction. Remodeling, No pets. 643-8703. , *2595 (M in ia tu re C o llie ) in son. This is a day shift, full i^innechaug Mtn. area. This enchanting, compact Fatcottville REAL Apply at once in person: dining room, large home improvements, ad­ Grilling, Andover 742-7886. vicinity of South Li|gett Pharmacy, 404 W. time position. It requires a Ranch gives vpu easy housework and far more bedrooms, UA baths, gar­ leisure. You deserve this 5 room Ranch with 2Vi ditions, bathroom & Hawthorne Street. $25 high, school diploma. Offices-Stores lor Rent 74 Dodge Dart 6 c y l...... Something Different...... Wish Someone A ESTATE Middle Turnpike, age. Lot 80x140. Marion E. baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage (24x24) and 2.7 kitchen remodeling, Dogs-Birds-Pets 43 *2395 reward. Call 646-1838. Experience in boiler acres. Not to mention the living room (19x25) and CADII.LAC •- 1976 - Coupe Manchester Parkade, Robertson, Realtor: 643- roofing, siding, repairs, SALES PEOPLE maintenance or king size'bPdrooms. Lovely lawn with brook and WORKSPACE OR DeVille - 72,000 miles. ■ Manchester. 5953. door & window replace­ FREE KITTENS - Black 73 Ford Mustang, A/T, P/S . . . heating/plumbing small pond. (Hose to 3 country clubs. Built bv a STORAGE SPACE FOR *2495 Good condition. .$2700 oi Happy Birthday WANTED quality builder. Asking i (98,000. ment and alterations.646- and gray tigers. Males. RENT in Manchester. No NURSES A ID E S -7 lm .-3 preferred. Five year con­ Eight weeks old. Box Best offer. Telephone 742- 1379. lease or security deposit. 72 V. W. Super Beetle ...... With A Herald Happy Heart Liberal p.m, or 3 p.m.-9 p.m. Enjoy struction trades 14 % APR trained. Telephone 742- *1795 6800 - Keep trying. LOST - Diamond Ring of experience will be con- Keith Real E s t a t e 6 4 6 4 12 6 Reasonable rates. Suitable working in a very pleasant FR£D MH Heating-Plum bing 35 8089. Only Great Sentimental vmue. Commission and home-like atmosphere sioered. Approximate star- for small business. Retail 72 Chrysler Newport ...... AUTO LEASING RENTAL 0 Main Street area or Rent with option. $660 mo. or and commercially zoned. *1995 helping our elderly ting salary $13,705. LOVABLE SETTER, Five - Oldies But Goodies $ 6 . 0 9 Highland Park. 643-4621. Schedule purchase at $69,600.' $40,000 MANCHESTER SCHALLER PLUMBING­ Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. patients. Experience Excellent benefits. Contact assumable. HEATING- Water pump years old, spayed. Needs a Limited. Rent-A-Car. m Happy Birthday Low preferred. Please call Mrs. Mr. Wilfred Dion, Director good home. Please call 69 Chevy Camaro...... $12.9,5 day, 100 free miles. LOST: BLACK CAT, • 7 Room Spilt specialists. Also, NEWLY RENOVATED *2595 , Blain, Director of Nurses, of Buildings & Grounds, 22 a n in a n n after 5 p.m. 646-8756 or 528- Automobiles bought, sold, John Answers to “ Blacky.” Pressure • Price: $70,900 remodeling service or 310 square feet office I 646-0129. Manchester School Street, Manchester, 1 7 % A p if 4718. PONTIAC rented. 323 Center Street, Very affectionate. • Assumable 14% Mortaage repairs. FREE available. Main Street Apply: Manor Nursing Home, 385 CT, 647-3514. EOE. RXEDRATE ESTIMATES. 649-4266. Manchester. Telephone Manchester-Glastonbury • Call for Details. location with ample 647-0908, Ask lor Bill. West Center Street, Owner financing. Immediate oc- Musical Instruments 44 Love line. REWARD. Telephone G ROUP I Manchester. parking. Call 649-2891. 646-8317. \ cupancy. New 3 bedroom Cape, Household Goods 40 599 WIST Mary 2 caf garage, 5 m^n. to Man- HAMMOND ORGAN - CENTtA VW 411-1971. Runs - needs ZIN S S E R STAEn N tMs M t k k t r la not on tha badi ot your car • ft46*4321 A LOCAL FOOD SERVICE Model A-100. Full size You probably gsakt too much! engine work. Good for l“°C a ll .... LOST: Gray and white cat. A G EN C Y Zinsser Agency 6A6-1511 USED parts, $250 firm. Telephone Company is looking for a 'Antxoe',L?~ ■REFRIGERATORS, keyboards & pedals. Good Answers to "M ischa.’ ’ Lost part time vending hostess MERRIER. Sell Avon! $79,o(Jo. 646-7243. 643-2711 V WASHERS, RANGES - condition. Asking $1500. BASEMENT STORAGE Maple Street vicinity on 11- 6 4 6 -15 11 M /F to work three hours Earn extra for gifts. Call I F nr a n n Ask fo r..... 12. REWARD. Call 643-9910 Clean, Guaranteed. Parts Call 646-5299 after 5:30. AR'EA with dirt floors. per night (7 p.m. to 10 646-3685 or 523-9401. i u / O A r K 1 ^ . MANCHESTER after 6 p.m. —------OWNER FINANCOHi & Service. Low prices! First room IS'/z ft.xl5 ft.; Up Front Money Pam p.m .) in an account located ^ Dutch C olonial second room 23 ft.xlOVz ft. NURSES-RN: Substitutes 3 bedroorh Ranch, immediate oc- B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main PART TIME - Work at in Manchester. Will train. Spacious 8 Rooms. 4 bedrooms, formal dining $30 monthly. 649-0717. Personals 2 needed for Coventry Public cupancy. $57,900. Street. 643-2171. 48 1966 CllEVHOI.ET •••••••••••••••••••••••• home on the phone ser­ Cali 633-6631 between 8:30 room, large^kitghen with pantry . Grained oak Antiques a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for ap­ Schools. Contact Dr. mmiovri '' finish. Plastered walls. Handy to busline •••••••••••••••••••••••a C 0 N V E R T 1 B I, E . "71 WANTED: RIDE TO Pratt vicing our customers in REFRIGERATOR - Good pointment. ()wher financing. Priced at 169,900. WANTED - Antique Fur­ Up To Engine, excellent running your area. Telephone 4 5 6 - at°742'89i3^ EO E^'^ t e d f o r o r e a l e s t a t e * 7 0 0 In Larger Sizes Knit a Poncho & Whitney from Porter at /4Z-U91J. tbUh... 847-9914 423-8958 condition. $200 or best niture, Glass,. Pewter, Oil condition. 649-2970. 0876-or 528-6631. Street; second shift. Call offer. 646-1428: Panting/or Antique items. OFFICE SUITE ON after 10..:30 a.m., 646- F L O O R . M AN - ...... Philbrick Agency R. Harrison. 'Telephone 1967 ENGLISH vFORD INSPECTOR - Must have ESCORTS • EXPS • MUSTANGS 4714. NEW PAY SCALE Applications are now being ^ GE MICROWAVE OVEN - 643-8709. FOR R EN T CORTINA. Excellent drive experience with air-craft accepted for a full time □ BUSINESS 646-4200 counter top model. One train, body fair. 1970 Buick parts. Apply in person: HURRY! ENDS NOV. 22 Announcements 3 mature, dependable year guarantee. $160. Wanted to Buy 49 Electra, 2-door, high SOLAR MACHINE, 757 and SERVICES 6 3 6 M a in maintenance man. Telephone 643-1814. iinileage. Make offer. 649-' Goodwin Street, East Hart­ FOR R EN T FLEA MARKET: Every WE NEED ... Experience in floor care. '3671. ' ford. CASH FOR YOUR Proper­ Sunday 10-5. Coventry an­ . RN'8/LPN’s We can offer the right per- Services Ottered 31 • 4-Room OMico bulw GE AVOCADO SELF­ ty. We buy quickly and con­ 6 4 3 -7 3 6 9 tique center, 1140 Main Hom e Health Aides son excellent benefits and ...... t High Traffic Street CLEANING 30 inch range. NEW '81 MUSTANG Trucks for Sale 62 P A R T T IM E fidentially. The Hayes C or-' Street, Coventry. Dealer career advancement. Ap^ REWEAVING BURN • Good Visibility — Centrally Located $250. 'Telephone 646-8400. Heat, air conditioner, Equipped with 2 .3 L engine, 4 speed trans., ••••••••••• •••••••••••• SALESPERSON to sell Homemaker/ poratipn. 646-0131. space available. Telephone • ly in person - NO PHONE HOLES. Zippers, um- FORD 1969 ' 2 Ton I’ ick-up. subscriptions door-to-door Companions • First Floor — Off Street Parking carpeted, paneled. radial wsw, pin stripes. #1166. 742-9698. CALLS. Meadows Con- btellas repaired. Window 30” F R IG ID A IR E , 4- WANTED TO BUY: V8. Excellent body eonui- with newscarrier two • Modern — Air Conditioning to provide home care v a le s ce n t H om e, 333 shades, Venetian blinds. burner electric range, tion; no rust; no dents. 73,- evenings a week or Satur­ , $650.00 per month Lionell Toy Trains and Bidwell Street, Keys. TV FOR RENT. electric-clean oven. 000 miles. Asking $950. days. Salary plus com­ Call or come In (or accessories. Telephone $ 5 9 0 6 ^ * * Mortgage Loans 8 Manchester. Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Harvest gold. Excellent 649-6270. Telephone 649-0516. •••••••••••••••••••••••• missions. Cali Circulation Information, 643.-9S15 ------649-5221. F. J. Spilecki Realtor 643-2121 condition, 649-9573. • • • • • • • • a aaaaaaaaaaaa Includes MFG Rebate manager, Manchester •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• MORTGAGE LOANS - 1st; INSURANCE AGENT Produce 50 • Herald. 643-2711. A rticles lo r Sale 41 Motorcycies-Bicycles 64 2nd; 3rd. ALL KINDS. AIDE AND ASSISTANCE ■ needed. We have a superb aaaaaaaaaaa •••••••••••••••••••••••• lead system and a unique SNOWPLOWING . •••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWLY REMODELED Realty state-wide. Credit OF N.E. CONN. INC. MANCHE3TER FARM.FRESH EGGS - By 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent rating unnecessary.; DENTAL ASSISTANT full 3M Main Ot, Manchatlar marketing approach. Commercial & Residen­ ' LOAM SALE - Delivering 5 Office Space available. time for oral surgeons of­ tial. Manchester. MAIN 8T. LOCATION • B-1 ZONE the tray or dozen. Cum­ Heat and electricity in­ condition, asking $1100. Reasonable. Confidential. Salary ana full commis­ yards. $60- tax included. mings- 716 Deming Street, fice. Chairside and front Reasonable. Free es­ 9 Room Colonial on 330 ft. deep lot acre), ideal Sand, gravel. Call 643-9504. cluded. $125 and up. 8900 miles. Call 528-6849. Quick arrangement.! OFFICE HOURS sion. Call Carl 646-6643. location for oftices, newer roof, siding, heat, and Route 30, South Windsor, ^ : desk experience needed. Mon.-Fri. iM timates. Cali anytime 646- DEROSA REALTY, 646- USED 0 ALVIN LUNDY AGENCY, electrical. Priced at $107,900. 644-1892. Send resume to Box BB, EOE/AAP TEACHER - High School 5489, 646-1327. 1698. KZ400 Deluxe 1978 100 Constitution Plaza, KAWASAKI, fairing, Hartford, 527-7971; • C/o The Herald, by English Grades 9-12. Posi­ November 20. EOE. SHEETROCK, TAPING, MANCHESTER - Retail, CARS baggage-rack, saddle bags, evenings: 233-6879, 233- tion open December. Lombardo & Associates and Installation. New work ALUMINUM SHEETS low: mileage. $1350. 688- 6885. Please contact Dr. Donald Apartments tor Rent 53 storage and or manufac­ and repairs, ceilings used as printing plates. .007 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa turing space. 2,000 sq. ft to 6201 Ask for Andrea. WAREHOUSE PERSON J. Nicoletti, 78 Ripley Hill 649-4003 Road, Coventry, CT 062^. textured, painted, spray^. thick, 23x28‘/2’“ . 50c each, MAMGHESTER- One and $25,000 sq. ft. Very MAINTENANCE full time for industrial RICH RUSTMANN, of '5 for $2.00. Phone 643- reasonable. Brokers 1981 SUZUKI 450 CC wfith wholesale distributor. 742-8913. two bedroom apartments 80 FORD *5495 EMPLOYMENT 456-0149. BOLTON i1 l\. They MUST be picked protected. Call Heyman 76 MERC - H995 Mustang Hatchback. Grey. 4 1100 miles. Warrantee POSITIONS Receiving, shipping and available. Centrally INFORMATION ON Beautifully renovated New England Colonial home up before 11:00 only. located on busline near Properties,. 1-226-1206. Montego MX, Wagon, brown cylinder engine, standard '■transferable. $1400. 643- • stocking. Clean driver’s DAYCARE - Certified pre­ on 4V< acrea and over 350’ of frontage. Large, sun­ V>8, automatic transmission, transmission, power steering. 0706 evenings. ALASKAN AND shopping center and •power- steering, power Help Wanted 13 record required. Telephone school teacher offers ny kitchen, fireplaced family room Five c h a i n s a w , 14” FM radio. OVERSEAS employment. schools. For further details USED CAR LOT - Long es- brakes, air conditioning, radio 8 643-4314. bedrooms, three full baths. Plus - a separate In­ MILLWRIGHT Excellent income poten­ warm, fun-loving at­ McCulloch “ Mini-Mac” , call 649-7157. tablished. Center of 80 AMC *5495 EXPERIENCED - Mature mosphere and amiable law apartment. Great Value, must be aeen. 2.0 Cu. Inch with Manchester. Telephone 76 LTD »2695 Classilied ads are used by sales person. Apply in per­ Experienced “ Clais A" HOME HEALTH CARE tial. Call (312) 741-9780 Concord 4 Dr,. 6 cylinder, toddler .for your 3-5 year accessories. $95 or best 646-2426 9-5 weekdays. Automatic transmission, automatic transmission, people When they ar■^ son, Marlow’s Inc. 867 mechanic needed to perform W ORKERS - U rgently Ext. 822. 118 MAIN STREET - 3 and all aq>ects of machinery repair old. Near 1-84. Telephone offer. 649-3987 after 4 p.m. power brakes, power power brakes, power searching for products or Main Street, Manchester. needed by Manchester Wolverton Agency 4 room heated apartments, steering, air conditioning, steering, air conditioning. and installation. Own hand 649-7920., services. For fast results, PHOTO-GUIDE \ / \ 11 based agency serving 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••• hot water, no appliances. vinyl roof. tools required. Must be THIRTY GALLON FISH use a Classified ad to at­ PATTERN . towns east of river. 649-2813 Security - tenant in­ Homes-Apts. to share 59 available for overtime and DO YOU LOVE TANK. Everything but the surance. 646-2426, 9-5 •••••••••••••••••••••••• I I J~-8324 5578 EXPERIENCED call-in work. Paper mill Previous experience as □ EDUCATION tract people wiho are ready NEEDLEWORK ITEMS fish. Good working order. 7 7 LTD *2550 80 FORD FIESTA $5295 38-50 The iileal eoverup fm* PROFESSIONAL experience helpful. nurse aide preferred, but R ENT - - weekdays. SHARE l ‘/2 Baths, kitcen to buy. BUT DON’T HAVE time to $85. Telephone 646-7329. Power Steering, power 3 Dr.. GHIA package. AM/FM chilly days, a striptHt PAINTERS WITH OPTION TO BUY privileges with working cassette, rear defroster. Apply for above Job in parson: will train. Car essential. do them? You pick the . brakes, automatic transmis* poncho knitted from .^ SALARY UPON Private Instructions 18 OR MANCHESTER MAIN lady, Phone 649-7630 days; Sion, power seat, air con* Mileage reimbursement. strands of knit-cro-shecn; piece and I’ll do the work. STREET - Three room 648-2297 evenings. d itio n tn g . EXPERIENCE GOlDPINnUGTS Good fringes. Part time OWNER MAY HELP FINANCEI 4 SEARS . B78-13 Tires. I\M IV IIIIN Ml m il A jjraeeful dross willi CERTIFIED MATH In needlepoint, crewel and .Sualcd bids w ill Ik- rccoivud in No. 5578 has full knit MAKPAINTINS Two Porbsa Mrasl hours available-daytime WINDOW Never used. $98. 6 Good, apartment. Heated, hot easy raj^lan sloevos and TUTOR - Grades 7-12, Also embroidery. Cali 646-1605. •••••••••••••••••••••••a 80 FORD COURIER $5295 ilio (Xheo oi ilu* Dirofttir ot tiircctions. B43-26S9 Caat Hartford. CT M 1W only. Call 643-9511. ' MANY EXTRAS FIREPLACE used 13” radials. $75 . 649- water, appliances. No pets. 79 MERC ‘ 4895 protty yoke PSAT, SAT preparation & FIRE ALARM CONVmiENT Zephyr. 2 door. Grey. 6 AM/, tool bo> ik'niTuI S(*fvu’4‘s '41 CoiiUT.SliVfi. TO ORDER, send $1.50 for eactL 6989 after 4 p.m. Security. Parking Miinf’licsler. Cttiinuctictil. until woman with a f-uliur attern, plus 50( for postage and. Math Enricnment. Your SHOP AT HOME THE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY i I AUTOMOTIVE cylinder engine, power HELP WANTED: Ad­ available. Telephone 523- steering., power brakes. D tT o m b iT ;i 1!IHI .It .11 (HI A m lo r tiKuri*. fandling. home. 649-5453. EASY WAY - Complete . llif tollowin^ j ministrative Assistant - 31.5 K.W. GENERA'TOR 7047. AM/FM radio. 81 AMC ^6295 No. 8321 with Photo- ANNE CABOT line of home care items. Belfiore, Realtors OK |{|’;rN|( I.KI) The Manchester Herald learn ail phases of our of­ without engine. 643-0706 4u (o Pfirts For Sale 60 spirit Hatchback, brown. 6 (Juidc* i.s in Sizes dS to 50. Housewares, nutritional •••••••••••••••••••••••a M’iWSIVAl'KItS t,)( \\ Kl.V 1150 Ave. of Americas AUTOMOTIVE - MECHANICS evenings. EAST HARTFORD - all cylinder engine, automatic (oM M KIiriM . f iiN \i;i{ niii.K Size -10, 44 bust, 4 vanls New York, N.Y. 10038 fice procedures. Diver­ 431 Main St. 6471413 transmissio’ power steering, and Tech School Qraduatas products, cosmetics, bills paid. Ode bedroom, 1967 Cougar WINDSHIELD 79 MUSTANG- >5995 I llA i ro H l5-,irteb. Print Name, Address Ydth ZIP. sified duties. Full time on­ Condominiums ■^2 air conditioning, radio. clothing and much more in PANASONIC AM-f \i with basement. $255. and Trunk lid. Excellent Cobra. Turbo Charged.-P/S T h r Town ol \l.iiu III ^ll I ;n .111 TO ORDER, send $1.50 for each CODE and Style Number, or Students Wanted ly, Liberal’ benefits. Apply •••••••••••••••••••••••• ‘ '«|U.|| oj*[MnluMil V—fiH td ovo f— ami our full color brochure. MANCHESTER condition. $90. 649-9639. P/B . AM/FM Stereo. TR)( attern, plus 50( for postage X'lU 1981 A L B U M with a 32-page; Eicallanl opportunity lor i quolMod Mochanie or Vocottoral Gaer Brothers, Inc., IW Stereo with 8-track player Capitol Homes, 236-5^. 8J ESCORT *6295 ifiiuii-os an .illiiiii,iti\(< .irt.on andling. CONDOMINIUMS: One aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suspension. R Call 646-1605 to have our 126 Avondala qoad and one pair of Panasonic Low mileage, clean, loaded. I'oliiA liir ail n| Its ('iitiii .ictoi and SU^ BURNETT “ Home Section” with full.* School araduato. Mutt havo Irolnlng In lront.ond, brakao, and Rye Street, South Windsor. bedroom, fully applianced axhauti rapalr. Modam Sarvica Cantar wHh m a lalaat aqidp- catalog delivered right to Thruster speakers. $90. MANCHESTER - designed Autos For Sale 61 \rtic|/)rs as a runiliMon .»t doiinj the Manchester fV.'alU directions. Price . . . $2.25. mant Must havs own poraonol toola. CompatlUva aalary. Full kitchen, carpet and vinyl your front door. 6 Koom Cape (1 unfinished), 1 bath, 1 car garage. for efficiency. One aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa busimcss. \M iit Ml, Town, as |h t ilL J Avt. of Aiiiericai BOOKS AT $3.25 EACH STORE CLERK - part time 'Telephone M4-8217. l•^■^^lT;ll O n li r n ’Jlii floors, separate basement Good condition. Bdwers School. Owner financing New York. N.Y 10036 Q-129-DOLLS-Old and New. How seals banaflta - Vacation, Paid Holldaya, Bluo Croaa, UnHonna bedroom. $160 monthly. SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS. II III l•'olI^s., |)|.tns and position. Must be over 18. with washer and dryer con­ available. Priced at $59,900. Print Name, Address with 2fP to dress them; how to make them.- and Many Mors Company Employaa Banams. WILL CARE FOR your i614~7u~ARTIFlciAU Capitol Homes, 236-5646. TRUCKS. Car Inventory ■'jH i.ilif.ilions .irr .ivail ililf .it tin- CODE. Style'Numbcr and Size. Reliable, mature, willing nections, storm windows • 9-130 ~ KEEPSAKE QUtlTS. 24' child in my home. Full SCOTCH Pine Christmas valued $2143 sold for $100. i ii’iifi’.ii .Si’i vu’fs o ilic f. 11 C fn lfi’ pieced and appllqued designs. Apply at K-Mart. Auto Service Dept to work'weekends. Apply in and doors, townhouse and S trufl. Mam best or Coiinfct nut New ’gl FASHION with time care: one child $45; tree with stand. H|itch VERNON - Handling, 1, 2, Similar bargains available. ALSO THESE BOOKS AT $2.25 EACH. person: 7-Eleven Food DiLLonn TOWN OF M \-NCHl’:STKI{. Success in Sewing, is 1UD0 Southaaat Road, Farmington, C T flat models available. Howland Realtors two children, negotiable. cabinet, pair of boys and and 3 bedroom houses and Call lor information, 602- n ) . \ . \K ( 'T lf F T filled with appealing Q-124-WHITE HOUSE BUILT BOOK.-* equal Opportunity emptoyar Store, 180 Union Street, Telephone 649-9404, Peter­ 20 quilts to piece and applique. Call 646-7298. I LOVE ladies skates. Telephone apartments from $200. 941-8014, Ext. 7816. Phone 319 M an SCf'eot (Across ff^om ^rYixjrv) IIOHKHT ft WKISS, designs. Also 2 BONUS . Rockville. 643-1108 MANCHESTER. CT. Q-126-ALL.TIME QUILT FAVORITES.- man Agency, CHILDREN! Capitol Homes, 236-5646. ' • call refundable. O K\K({\l. MWAOFH ('oupons! Price . . . $2.2*. 643-6^8. " • t i l l » 20 floral and geometric deilpti.'