jy - -r;. v^' ' rf'^- it’ V •>■*’../- V - ; . ;, • • "r /: o ^ *,,'•■ .■ <• ,^>^c*Vai- w.-'i :?Ai'rV»'<'■:■ •-,. -; 'tjf.. ■ < ^ ____ “ ___* ■* fc. *• ♦_'• A - ; ■ •_• ; : :_:_.'.:'i-ii'.:;;; .r/.‘ ': ' - V / r •• ■ ‘ •*- - THE WSATH]^ NET PRESS RUN ^Mc«rt kr u/ ik. WMflwr BuMas. 41^A G E D.ilLY CIRCUIiATION Hcw;«lav«a OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of August, 1927 F&lr'tonigiut and Wecfaiesday. 5,044 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927. state PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU ., NO. 300. Con^ WORLD PEACE, START OF THE NEW YORK-TO^SPOEANE AIR RAGES FOCffSPLEA ■• •■ ' ^y^'' k' TOTOERANS ",;'v ' ^ ^ ^ A, i ' Legionnaires In Paris Cheer TwelveOiitof 25In Class B On Way to O enfire, Mont^ Famous Generals; Speak 13 Out of l5 In Class A Leave Mineola at 7 O’Clock ers Pledge Friendship Be CRASHES, TWO and Arrive at Cleveland at 9:30— ^Hop Off For CMca- tween Two Nations. F L ffiD E A D g o_X w o Flyers Killed In New Jersey CrasH— Non- New York, with the official starter (rigHt) ready to drop tHe flag. Westward into dense fog sailed these New York-to-Spokane planes Nearly all the pilots were reporting trouble due to bad v/eather by Stop Aviators to Start Tonorrow Morning. Trocadero Palace, Paris, Sept. just after the picture was taken. The ships, entered in the first of the time they reached Pennsylvania. (Note the Hartford plane in Motor Fails While Over Mor- 20.— From the same platfortn to three cross-country races, are shown lyied up .^on Roosevelt'Field, the foregraund.) , day, three of the great military fig Twenty-five planes, thirteen In Cla ss A Pla nes ures of the World War, General DBM1*SEY’.S GAR'TBBS ristown, N.
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