Average Daily Clreiilation For the Meath of Apra tM« The Weathef Forecast of D. S. WaaMiee Bofd^ 9,058 Showers fotteweid by partial Member of the Aodlt rlearing tonl||ht: fair and im - tlnoed mild Wedaeaday. / Bureau of Ctrentattons M a n c h e s t e r ^ o f VUhtge Charm VOL. LXV., NO. 197 (CtMeUei Advertlelaf on Page Ifi) MANCHESTEIV^ONN., TUESDAY, MAY 21,1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS / N -x. Washington CroWds See Army's P-80s Five Meet Death 8 V New Foreign Policy As Transport Hits Developed at Paris; 71-Story Building Army Plane, Lost in ! Viewed as Positive Size Dense Fog, Smashes j ‘ Into World', Foortb Qf Uniform Soldier Says Half Butter Van,l™l,ersjvit, Se^ Talle,! Building Amid i ''J J '' Pans ate Me e t i n g Has Towerk of New York New Order Trooper Led Supply Now 1 Solidified Americah Financial District ------ ,/ ^ • Stand to Write ‘Peace New YorkTMTy .—(A > )-'f««*»r«on Decrees Aol- 10 SCFVICGS Keeps," Based on 21 111 Massacre An . ArmyArmV transporttrnnunnrt plane,ninnp. I dtCTS Shall No^'^ltOng’ Justice atifI Nol ven- 1 • lost in dense fog as it groped' er Get Clotjkmg Too Accuses Nazi of Start- geatic^; Seek to EntI for Newark air base, smash- Government Buying for Large fo r Them ing Malniecly Slaying Apmistice Regimei ed into the world’s fourth Armed Forces Slash- tallest building amid the tow- Of Americans hy Fire Washington, May 21— Pin ing Huge Hole in Big^ Washington, Ma.v 21.—(yp; ers of the New York financial back your ears, ing With His Pistol —Senator Vandenberg (R., district last night and hurled back yopf ears, supply sergeants, City Markets Stocks four Army officers and a and listen to theth< secretary of war. Part of the crowd which saw a flying demonstration of the army's new P-80 Shooting Star, jet-propelled Mich.), told the Senate todfiv Dachau, Germany, May 21—(i<P) WAC to instantaneous death. He aays no morem< of this business fighter, swarms oven the apron at National airport, Washington, to get a closeup of thp plane which Chicago, May Purchas- the Paris meeting of foreig^ Aecident Board Member . pi outfitting a size 36 sad sack came across .country from Marc'i field, C!allf.' ' ^ - A grim Kentucky soldier point- es by the govemmefit are taking ministers had develo))ed “a One of the victims, Capt. Tom. -------------- ^------------------- - ^--------------------------------------- ,------ ---------------------------------------- --- in a size 42 uniform, or draping a ed today at a Nazi SS trooper and as much as one-half of all butter positive, constructive- pefice- L. JHall, was identified by C3pl; accused him of atarting the Mal- Clarence P. Kane, commandej flyweight GI- in an overcoat that arriving at big city markets, the seeking, bi-partisan foreign medy massacre of 71 unarmed New'ark Army air base, as would do Goering. Strict Orders Department of Agriculture said policy for, the United States." ber of the permanent acci From now on. Secretary Patter- Rail and Coal ^trike American prisoners of war by today. No Mention of Olfflciiitlsa vestigation board set \)p at the son ordered today, the Army man wantonly firing at them with his ■Vandenberg made no specific base to investigate such accidents. pistoL Government buying during May mention of difficulties toe Amer- la to be a trim, well-tailored sol- Given Troops for the armed forces equals 20 per Kane said he was ap^inted to the dier, with a uniform of the proper Lieut. Virgil P. Lary, J r, of ican delegation reportedly encoun- board after it completed Its In- alze. That goes not only for rookies Situations Unchanged Winchester, Ky., testifying in the- cent of production. However, many tered In seeking Russian agrqa- vestigation int^' the crash of an getting their first government is- Not to Fight trial of 74 SS veterans In the Da- creameries sell a large part of ments to conference proposals, but Army plane brio the Empire State sue, but also for men already in chau War Crimes court was one of their output to the local trade. he said that for the time being ne '•building last July when 14 persons service who haven’t been done Barkley, After Talking six Americans who survived the Thus, the government’s "take" at was "willing to let the record ^rished. butchery at the Belgian town of major terminals, where It does its stand” where Secretary of State right by in the natty clothing line. New Reports Hall's widow saJd at Sioux Falls, And the old stall about nut hav- Qavani Tells Iranian With Truman, Adds Malmedy dpring the winter battle buying, is much greater than 20 Byrnes left it tn bis radio report S. D.nthat her husband had a part ing the proper sizeq. in stock is no Army ‘Not to Go Fur- ‘Everything Hopeful' of the Ardennes bulge 17 months per cent of receipts. to the nation last night. In the Empire State Inquiry as as- go. Patterson says in that event, Heard Mines’ ago. That was Germany's last Government supplies for a full In effect, Byrnes gave Russia sistant operations officer gt the one of the outfits on hand ipUst ther from Their Posi- As Nothing Develops offensive. the choice that it could stop block- Newark base. be altered to fit. Identifies Flepn as KiUer (Oonttaued on Page Two) ing a European peace conferaned The plane, a twin-engined Beech- tions' Along Border Seizure Near Lary climaxed his dramatic this summer or the United Stated craft C-45, sped out of a 4(>0-foot Washington, May 21.—(JF) story by identifying Georg Fleps, would carry the whole matter td overcast and struck the 58t)i floor Londan. May 21-^jP)—Premier —Senator Barkley (Ky.), the ------- 23, of the First Waffen SS Panzer the United Nations. of the 1-story 937-foot high Bank Social Coiincil regiment, as the killer. ' No Exceptions Proclaiming 'an American “of- of the Manhattan Company on Ahmed Qavam broadcast strict or. Dem^ratic leader, said after Government Official As. fensive for peace,’’ Byrnes left nd Wall street. The plane diainte- dera to Iranian troops today “n o t: ®- ._iitalk---- V*ithfx,- President Tru-, The prosecution charges that serfs Order Now in the Germans slaughtered nearly doubt that It would be carried out grated In a blinding, flash and Facing Many to go further from their poaitiona” man today that the rail and 800 American prisoners of war Policy on Jap even at the expense of the basio showers of flaming debris fell to along the Azerbaijan border, where coal strike situations con- during the Ardennes offensive, al- post-war Ideal that the great vic- the pavement. ^ Works; Deep Silence some clashes have occurred. tinue the same, but added | lowed the • First Panzer regiment tor nations should act in unison to Flame Like Rain Of Fire Tough Tasks "everything is h o p e f u 1.” On Any Negotiations to hunt human belnga for sport Cabinet Holds fashion the future. “There was nothing but flame," The broadcast said the premier and issued “no prisoner” orders. Russia Held Beaponoibla had established a conunisslon to Barkley was one of a group of John Gunther, a Chaae National congressional leaders making Washington, May 21—<A^ -—New “We were standing In the field The cabinet officer made it per- bank guard, who was an eye wit- prevent further clashes land had I eports circulated today that the at Malmedy crossroads, 150 to 175 fectly plain that ha held RuaMa ness, said. “It showered down like United Nations Group their weekly call at the White of us, unarmed with our hands MacArthur Firm on Po- responsible for the disappointih$ announced some persons accused House. government is set to take over the rain on fire.’’ Will Meet Saturday of causing the clashes would be clasped over our heads," Lary tes- tential Purges; Two outcome of the Foreign Miniataif Another witness said “the flames Crt»es Dlaeuaaed Briefly j soft coal mines in an effort to tifl^. “I saw no wounded 'men. conference which recessed in Part# court marttaled. seem to pour down from flpOr to With Ticklish Prob- Report H ^vy New Attack He said the president discussed ^eep them running. They were all Americans.' Members of Yoshida last Thursday until June 16. floor.’’ the coal and railroad crises brief- , . "Two vehicles drove up and Byrnes’ forntal report liatad 4 lems tp Be Solved His message 'on the Tehran radio ly { •^ government official who ask- parked on our. flank and I saw a Regime Are Affected Occupants of the buU^fiag, estt- ed not to be identified by name half dozen outstanding tasuss with mated at the time by pdltee as be- came some time after the Tabriz “We asked him how the nego- -German place a machine gun over Moscow on which he indicated tha radio, mouthpiece of the self-de- tiations were getting along," ‘ said an order for seizure is in the the side of one. Then another tween 500 and 2,000, Were not in- New York, May 21— — The I works. Tokyo, May 21. •—(M-—General United States would not com- jured. Five persons,were struck by clared Autonomous province bord- Barkley told reporters. vehicle drove up and stopped be- United Nations Economic and So- ering Russia, had asserted that The .senator added that tlie mat- Deep silence surrounded the ac- MacArthur today laid down a promise. flaming particles, in the street be- I tivitles of John L. Lewis of the tween the other two. I saw a firm "no exceptions" policy on po- Vanderberg, chairman of tha low.
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