Matthew Arnold's Five Long Poems: a Di Al Ecti Cal Readi N G
• Matthew Arnold's five long poems: a di al ecti cal readi n g N :l.'ih ira ]\('sl1 av j('t' • ]) (' p!lrtm PH t of English !vleGill University, !\1ontrcal 0('10 he'1' 1fHl:! J\ 'l'IWS1:'' subml1f('d to the fa culty of Graduale Studies and U C8ca rel! in partial fulfillment of tJte 1'cquircmcnt9 fo1' the dcgree of i\L\STEH OF' .ABTS • • 1\lattlH'w .\l'Ilold·~ 11\(, IO!l!!. P('l'lll~ \1('1\' (lIddi"hvd \1,'I\\\'t'11 l~:)~ :111" l~li;. III the:::,e pOl'Il1!"> (/;lrll)t'd()c/('.~ 011 /o;t//tI, li,..... //II/11 Il/Id I.,({,Il. ,"'·Ollll[l! 1[/11/ NlI ..... tIl1/l, Baldcl Deal! and j\ll'/olle) _'\1'1101<1 tlil':"" tu :\ld~/,' :1 1IIlIIlI'I'l' 1'1' 1111'1111':"". li"l' Il:1- Lul'P. IIl0/,;!I \'alul':-..... !)(ll'tk",. :tild thl' pl:II'I' ,dO 'Illtlt(lril~ ill .... (),·\('I~'. III" :\ll:d~:--i .... i:- dia\cet.i(,:11, alld OIII' 1l()lin· .... )!,1'l':tI dl .... II'(' ........ :111.1 :111 III'IIl\lit.\ l,) 1\· .... ,,111· thl, .... t· i" sues. 'l'hi!:, t.h('~b l'XilIlliJ\{'!') :\l'Ilo\<J':-, mil! Il:-..i\lll. ;\", \\,t·11 ;l,.... iIh t'\ t' Iltll:ll (':1111\ :t(' cepiancc of lire ill ail it.s ('01l11'1ldktiol\:--. It ('Olll·llltlt'''' ... lIh .... (·l(IIt'lltl.,· Ih:1t Arnold has a genulue d('sire tn lilld IWI'SI)}lnl dinlC'ctil':\1 ~Ylltl}('s(':-, \\ !t('1'1' [H),-;'nhk . • • HLSL\!L l,l';, ('ITJ<j l()lI~,,~, pfJ('lfl(~<) df' !\1HUIlf'W Arllold t'l1rf'lIt pllhljp~ entre lS,')~ et 1807.
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