
69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5. October 2018 , Copyright c 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

IAC–18–C3.3.5 An Energy Management Approach for

Tobias PosielekaN a Institute of System Dynamics and Control, DLR German Aerospace Center, Münchener Straße 20, 82234 Weßling, Germany, [email protected] N Corresponding Author The energy system is a major factor influencing the design process of a . Improvements of the energy system may reflect in a reduction of mass and costs. DLRbat is a project of the German Aerospace Center investigating energy storages in order to improve the energy system. One main goal of the project is to develop a methodology to design mission specific batteries. As battery durability is one critical factor for space applications, the design of a battery management system is necessary. Furthermore, the usage of additional is incorporated into the design. Within the scope of this project is also the development of an intelligent energy management algorithm. A typical viable satellite configuration for an energy management consists of multiple variable power sources and electric loads. While solar panels act as a viable power source during the time the satellite is not in eclipse, energy storages such as batteries and supercapacitors may act as source as well as loads. Other electric loads such as heaters can be controlled to obtain an optimal power efficiency. In this paper, all of these mentioned components are incorporated into an energy management design, to allow an optimal usage of each individual component. To do so, the Modelica modelling language is used to describe the full satellite dynamics. The energy system is described by various power generators, converters and electric loads. As the power efficiency and durability of a electric component varies with temperature, a thermal system is modelled to monitor the temperatures of each individual component. The energy management optimises the battery durability and reduction of peak loads by exploiting the properties of the different power sources and the thermal inertia. Simulations are carried out to verify the proposed design. The simulation of the complete satellite system incorporating the electrical as well as the thermal system and its dynamics, enables maximal optimisation potential in comparison to conventional methods and speeds up the design process.

1. Introduction energy budget. In [16] the offline design and online management of satellite power systems is discussed. Energy management leads to an optimisation of For both of these, a critical state of charge is deter- the amount of energy which will be produced or con- mined to guarantee that power shortages of the sub- sumed by components of an electrical system. This systems do not occur. Each load has different versions concept is exploited in many different applications which need different amounts of power. A dynamic such as hybrid [1–6] or electric [7– algorithm is proposed which finds the highest possible 11]. Energy management is also favourable in the version while guaranteeing no power shortage. context of spacecraft in order to optimise the battery In this paper, the complete electrical system is lifetime and the usage of battery, supercapacitors and modelled including solar panels, batteries, superca- heaters. In [12] the feasibility of supercapacitors for pacitors, heaters and various other electrical loads. micro-satellites is analysed in order to allow operat- These use the spacecraft, and earth position as ing high power demanding payloads while enhancing well as the temperature evolution in the satellite. De- battery life time. Energy management has been in- tailed models describing these dynamics are given and vestigated in the context of braking energy recovery an energy management is designed to control these by [13]. The energy-efficient satellite routing problem components. The energy management focuses on the is defined in [14] and algorithms are given to prolong distribution of power generated and demanded by the battery lifetime significantly. In [15] a combina- the solar array, battery, supercapacitors and electric tion of a worst case static solution and a dynamic loads such as heaters or actuators. We assume the scheme are proposed to optimise the load task re- existence of sufficient power to fully charge the bat- wards while meeting deadlines and not depleting the tery in each orbit after eclipse so that the task can

IAC–18–C3.3.5 Page 1 of 12 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5. October 2018 , Copyright c 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

be formulated as a stationary optimisation problem. where Gs0 denotes the solar constant, rs the distance We use a market model based algorithm to solve this between earth and sun and ν a shadow function mod- optimisation problem. The rest of the paper is or- elling the spacecraft eclipse due to earth [23]. ganised as follows: Section 2 gives an overview about Common datasheets such as [22] provide the open the modelling of the complete system, in Section 3 circuit voltage Voc, the short current Isc and the max- the market management algorithm is described, in imum power point voltage Vmp and current Imp. All Section 4 a mission example is simulated, and finally, of these are modelled as a linear function of the tem- in Section 5, we summarise the presented results and perature T which take the form give an outlook on future research. V (T ) = V + (T T )dV (4) oc oc0 − 0 oc 2. Modelling where Voc0 and T0 describe the reference open cir- Figure 1 depicts the partition of the total system cuit voltage and temperature and dVoc the change of into different subsystems. The energy management voltage over the temperature. These can be used to uses information of all the other system in order to de- determine the diode parameters

termine the individual power that shall be produced Voc − V or consumed by the electrical components. In this pa- Ids = Isce t , (5a) per, the main focus lies on the modelling of the energy Vmp Voc Vt = − . (5b) system and the energy management. The spacecraft Imp−Isc ln I dynamics include mainly the attitude dynamics and sc the orbit kinematics based on the gravity field. De- For Ns solar panels in series and Np panels in par- tails of these and its implementation can be found in allel, the resulting array can be modelled as a single [17] and [18], respectively. panel with the parameters

N V arr − s oc 2.1 The Electric System Vt Ids = NpIsce , (6) arr Many of the components of the electric system of a Vt = VtNs , (7) spacecraft can also be found in a high-altitude solar- arr I = NpIL , (8) . Thus, some of the models described L take a similar form as in previous work described in where arr denotes the array cell parame- · [19] and [20]. ter. In order to obtain the desired power, the solar Solar Panels panel is connected to a DC/DC-converter with the The solar panels may be modelled as an electrical desired voltage. The equivalent circuit can be seen in equivalent circuit as described in [21]. However, we Figure 3. Usually, this converter is used as a maxi- use an ideal diode which is why no leakage losses to mum power point tracker in order to obtain the max- the ground and series losses are assumed. The equiva- imal producible power. The produced power P can lent circuit can be seen in Figure 2, where parameters be determined by can be fitted using common solar panel datasheets   Vd  such as [22]. The diode current Id is described by P = V I I e Vt 1 η (9) d L − ds − Vd I = I (e Vt 1) , (1) d ds − where η is the total efficiency incorporating losses ac- η = 0.99 where Ids is the saturation current of the diode, Vt the cording to [24] due to cells mismatch CM , η = 0.97 thermal voltage and Vd the voltage across the diode. parameter calibration PC , UV and microm- This leads to the load current eteorite effects ηAD = 0.9975. Additionally, the effi- Vd ciency due to diode losses ηDI is modelled such that I = I I (e Vt 1) , (2) L − ds − η = ηCM ηPC ηAD ηDI . (10) where IL is the current produced due to the irradi- ation. This current is a function of the angle φps In order to obtain the maximum power, the deriva- between the solar panel normal and the sun as well tive of P with respect to the terminal voltage V = Vd as the distance rps from solar panel to sun such that is calculated: 2 !     dP V V rs Vt IL = max 0,Gs0ν cos φps , (3) = (IL + Ids Idse 1 + )η . (11) rps dV − Vt

IAC–18–C3.3.5 Page 2 of 12 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5. October 2018 , Copyright c 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

Energy System

Supercapacitor Spacecraft Dynamics Heater

Solar Panel PCDU

Loads Thermal Dynamics Battery

Energy Management

Fig. 1: Total model of the spacecraft system

I Ides

IL P = VdesIdes

P Vd V Vdes V2 V2


Fig. 2: Electric Circuit representing Solar Panel Fig. 3: DC/DC converter connected to Solar Panel

This equation may now be solved numerically with dP = 0 for V in order to obtain the maximum amount of electric charge it can deliver. These pa- dV rameters can be obtained from a datasheet such as power point voltage Vdes. Note that due to numerical V inaccuracies and the neglection of losses, this opti- [25]. The voltage oc is a function of the State of SoC T mal voltage does not necessarily match the manufac- Charge and the Temperature . Note that the effect of temperature will be disregarded in this pa- turer’s values Vmp. per. The state of charge is determined by the amount In other scenarios, such as if the battery is fully of capacity remaining in the battery over the rated charged, it is necessary that the solar array produces capacity [21], i.e. not maximal but a smaller desired amount of power. This is realised by solving Equation (9) numerically R t to obtain the desired voltage Vdes of the DC/DC con- I(t)dt SoC(t) = 0 . (12) verter. C

Battery A typical curve describing the nonlinear dependency The equivalent circuit for the battery can be seen of Voc over SoC can be found in Figure 5. Note the in Figure 4 similar to [21]. It consists of a voltage cut-off voltage when the battery is almost depleted. source Voc and an inner resistance Ri. Addition- For a battery pack with Ns cells in series and Np ally, each battery has a capacity C determining the cells in parallel the pack may be modelled as a single

IAC–18–C3.3.5 Page 3 of 12 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5. October 2018 , Copyright c 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

Ri R

Vbat Vsc

Voc(SoC) C VC

Fig. 4: Electric Circuit representing Battery Fig. 6: equivalent Circuit

4 used in order to reduce the load peaks which might damage the battery.

Electric Loads oc V 3.5 Every component which draws an amount of elec- tric power is modelled as an electric load. This in- cludes heaters, attitude actuators and payloads of the satellite with time dependent schedule. An electric 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 load can simply be modelled as a current source which Pdes implements the desired power Pdes with Ides = V . State of Charge However, this implementation is not always sufficient, especially when such a load is connected to the bat- Fig. 5: Open Circuit Voltage over State of Charge of tery. Then the desired current is the solution of the a Battery quadratic equation

2 Pdes = I R + VocIdes (15) battery with − des obtained by using Kirchhoff’s voltage law. The solu- pack Ns Ri = Ri , (13a) tion takes the form Np pack si r 2 Voc = NsVoc , (13b) Voc Voc Pdes Ides = (16) pack si 2R ± 4R2 − R C = NpC , (13c) and where arr denotes battery pack parameter. · r 2 Voc V V = oc 2P R. (17) Supercapacitors 2 ± 2 − des A simple model of a supercapacitor can be seen in Figure 6. It consists of a capacitor with a resis- Thus, the existence and uniqueness of the solution tor in series. The performance of the capacitor is is in general not guaranteed. The maximum power determined by the resistance R, the capacity of the Pmax which can be generated is capacitor C and the rated voltage V which can be r V 2 obtained from datasheets such as [26]. The State of P = oc . (18) max 4R Charge of the supercapacitor can be easily calculated as it is proportional to the capacitor voltage This corresponds to the voltage of the current source

VC Voc SoC = . (14) V = . (19) Vr 2

Again for Ns supercapacitor in series and Np in paral- In order to ensure the existence of the solution, a min- lel Equation (13) is used. Supercapacitors are mainly imal voltage Vmin has to be specified. If the voltage

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of the source is smaller than this threshold the load A the area of the surface, φ = φ(n, r, s) [0, π] ∈ acts as a resistor, i.e. the angle between the surface normal and the sun, ν = ν(r, s) [0, 1] ( the shadow coefficient. Note that P V V < V ∈ V 2 for min the intensity of the solar irradiation varies with the I = min (20) 2 P distance as Gs(d) = Gs0d , where d is the distance V for V Vmin . ≥ between spacecraft and sun. For the albedo flux, In the battery case, uniqueness of the solution can ρalbedo [0, 1] is the albedo coefficient, ξ(s, r) [0, π] V ∈ ∈ oc the solar zenith angle and a form factor Fform(r, n) de- only be guaranteed if Vmin = 2 . However, if the en- ergy management is carefully designed, the load will scribing the part of the radiation that actually strikes only demand the amount of power which is available. the spacecraft surface. Tp denotes the black body temperature of the earth, σ the Stefan-Boltzmann Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit constant and ε the infra-red emissivity of the surface. The power conditioning and distribution unit is The dynamics of the temperature T at a specific sur- the connecting element between all the electrical face may be described by the differential equation sources, storages and loads. It incorporates the ef- CT˙ = Qalb + Qsun + Qpl εAσT 4 + Qr , (26) ficiency of the DC/DC converter ηMPPT, the power − r distribution unit ηPDU and the battery recharge effi- where Q describes the dissipative energy produced ciency ηBat. The power charged or discharged from by the electrical components. All power lost at the the battery PBat is a result of the conservation of power distribution unit or demanded by electrical r power between the solar array power Psa, the total loads is converted to dissipative heat Q . Note that power demanded by the satellite equipment Psat and some parameters such as the solar absorptance of the the supercapacitor charge or discharge power Psc surface α may change over the course of a mission ( [27]. Thus, satellites are designed such that the tem- PDiff if Pdiff > 0 peratures at the end of life are still within an accept- PBat = , (21) PDiff ηBat if Pdiff 0 able range. This however, may lead to undesirable ≤ low temperatures at the beginning of life which is where why additional heaters in early stages of the mission are used. The battery is modelled as a thermal ca- Psat PDiff = Psa + + Psc . (22) pacitance as well. Between the satellite surface and ηPDU the battery a thermal resistance is assumed. All dis- sipative heat is acting on the spacecraft surface while 2.2 Thermal System the heat of the heater acts directly on the battery Knowledge about the temperature evolution of the component. spacecraft is essential for the satellite design as well as the expected life time and performance of its com- 3. Market Management ponents. A detailed derivation of the thermal models can be found in [23]. The main heat flows acting on The market management approach solves the the spacecraft are direct solar radiation Qsun, albedo problem describing the optimal power distribution Qalb, infrared planetary radiation Qpl and radiation between a number of given energy sources, storages to deep space. These heat flows are described as and loads. This approach defines a price to power function hi : ν hi(ν) for each electric compo-   → ( ks−rk  π nent i N. This function associates every price ν sun αGs 1 µa A cos φ ν 0 < φ < 2 ∈ Q = , to an amount of power hi(ν) raised or demanded by 0 π < φ < π 2 the electrical component. We declare that produced (23) power renders hi(ν) positive while demanded power (  π yields a negative hi(ν). This price to power func- ρalbαGs(d)AFform cos ξ 0 < ξ < Qalb = 2 , tion is the main design parameter of the optimisation 0 π < ξ < π 2 problem and reflects whether the component is an (24) electrical source, load or . Further, the pl 4 Q = εAFform(r, n)σTp , (25) price to power function describes the priority and the efficiency of the electric component. In order to find where α denotes the solar absorptance of the sur- the optimal energy distribution, an equilibrium be- face, s the position of sun, r the spacecraft position, tween the produced and consumed power has to be

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x One advantage of this method is the combination of source and load management. The course of the Source price can be used with the price to power functions x max Storage as an indicator to evaluate at each point of time how Load much each individual source, storage or load produces or demands. Additionally, this method allows the im- xmax plementation of a modular system as each component is described by an individual price to power function and the solution is described by the Equations 27. This makes this method ideal for an object-oriented, xmin equation based modelling language such as Modelica. 0 The implementation is described in [7] and is success- xmax νmin νmin νmax νminνmax νmax ν fully used in [8] for aircraft electrical systems. In the xmin following, the affine linear cost functions for sources, storages and loads are introduced that will be used for the proposed energy management. x min 3.1 Sources A typical electric source may be described by a price to power function h : R≥0 R with → Fig. 7: Graph of a typical Eletric Source, Load and  x , for ν < ν Storage  min min h(ν) = m(ν νmin) + xmin νmin ν νmax  − ≤ ≤ xmax, for ν > νmax calculated by (29) n X hi(νi) = 0 , (27a) m = xmax−xmin ν < ν 0 x where νmax−νmin with min max, min i=0 ≤ ≤ xmax. The choice of such a price to power function ν1 = ν2 = ... = νn = ν . (27b) is intuitive, as it assumes a minimal and maximal producible power x and x , respectively and Of course, the choice of h has to guarantee the ex- min max a linear dependence of the price and the produced istence and ideally the uniqueness of such an equilib- power. The efficiency of the source is associated with rium. This can be ensured by the intermediate value the parameter ν where ν describes the linear theorem if h are chosen as continuous, monotonous min max i correlation between price and produced power. functions such that An example price to power function can be found n n X X in [8] as hi(0) < 0 < lim hi(ν) . (28) ν→∞ i=0 i=0  0, for ν < 2k  η This condition implies the intuitive assumption that 1 1 2k 2k h(ν) = 2k ν η η ν 2000k + η , (30) at a price of zero, all loads obtain maximal power  − ≤ ≤ 1000, ν > 2000k + 2k while all sources produce minimal power. In this case, for η more power can be produced than it is demanded re- sulting in a negative power balance. On the other where η denotes efficiency and k quadratic losses of side, for an infinitely high price all loads consume the source. only minimal power while all sources produce max- imal power. In this case, more power is demanded 3.2 Loads than it can be produced resulting in a positive power A typical electric source may be described by a balance. In most scenarios, it is sufficient to define price to power function h : R≥0 R in the same form → each price to power function as a piecewise affine lin- as in Equation (29) but with x x 0. The min ≤ max ≤ ear function which we will use for electric sources, main difference is that both maximal and minimal loads and energy storages. A typical graph of these power must be negative, i.e. power must always be functions can be seen in Figure 7. consumed and not produced.

IAC–18–C3.3.5 Page 6 of 12 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany 1-5. October 2018 , Copyright c 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

3.3 Energy Storages Critical State of Charges SoCmin and SoCmax of su- A typical electric source may be described by a percapacitor and battery are defined to limit the max- price to power function h : R≥0 R in the same imum amount of energy demanded by the energy → form as in Equation (29) but with x 0 x . management to be drained or fed to the energy stor- min ≤ ≤ max Again, the main difference to a source and a load is ages. In case one of the limits is reached, all the that the minimal power is smaller than zero while energy is fed to the other storage. the maximal power is bigger than zero, i.e. an en- ergy storage must be able to consume and to produce 4.2 Electric Loads power dependent on the price equilibrium. The max- In Table 1 an overview about the eletrical loads of a imal and minimal power to be generated is limited Cubesat is given. Each of these loads is provided with by the State of Charge of the battery. If a critical its desired power as well as a minimal and maximal limit SoCmin or SoCmax is reached, the correspond- price. The prices are designed by the author based ing minimal or maximal power xmin or xmax is set to on the load priority and the cost an outage would zero. Otherwise these powers are determined by the cause. The table describes all necessary loads of the physical limits of the battery or by specifications of electrical power system, the on-board-computer, the the battery management for example to maximise life communication system, the attitude orbit and control duration. The current State of Charge is provided by system, the scalable power system and the payloads. an external model described in Section 12 simulating The evolution of the power depends on the individ- the dynamic behaviour of the battery. ual payload. For most payloads the power demand is assumed to be constant over the course of the mis- 4. Simulation of an Example Mission sion. This is described by the function fi,const with fi,const(t) = Pi for i N. In this section, an example mission is simulated. ∈ In the following, the market management implemen- tations of battery and supercapacitor are stated and Time Varying Power Payloads details about the electrical loads are described. Fi- For some payloads the power demand is modelled nally, the simulation results are presented. as a function of time. The payload is switched on after a start time t1 for a on duration of t2 seconds. 4.1 Battery and Supercapacitor This process is repeated every t3 seconds. This is Ideally, battery and supercapacitor complement described by the function each other such that the supercapacitor produces high frequency power demands in order to reduce the  peak loads acting on the battery while the battery Pi if t t1 + kt3 + [kt2, (k + 1)t2)  ∈ itself provides all the low frequency power demands ft,i(t) = for k N .  ∈ because it has the higher capacity. Thus, battery and 0 otherwise supercapacitors are modelled in the market model (35) sense as a single component. The maximum discharg- ing power x of this component is determined by max We use the notation t + [t , t ] in order to express a maximal current of 1C in order to obtain a longer 1 2 3 the interval [t + t , t + t ]. battery cycle lifetime 1 2 1 3 C x = V . (31) Receiver and Transmitter max bat 3600 The receivers are toggled at a certain latitude. The The resulting power x is then filtered in order to ob- transmitters are toggled every time the spacecraft tain a signal xLP without high power peaks passes the latitude φgs of the ground station when 1 latitude φ is rising. The state of the receiver can be X (s) = X (32) LP sT + 1 described by a variable a 0, 1 which corresponds ∈ { } where XLP and X denotes the Laplace transformed of to a boolean variable which describes whether the re- signal xLP and x, respectively. This provides the bat- ceiver is on or off. This state changes every time a φ > φ tery power Pbat and supercapacitor power Psc with rising edge is detected in gs, i.e. define the discontinuous function b as Pbat = xLP , (33) P = x x . (34) b(t) = sgn(φ(t + ε) φ ) . (36) sc − LP − gs

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Fig. 8: Modelica Diagram of the Electrical System with Energy Management

Consider a as a boolean variable of time such that for the battery in the early spacecraft orbits. Its

( − power demand is determined based on the current a (t) otherwise temperature and fed to the energy management. The a(t) = − − , (37) a (t) if b (t) < 0 b(t) 0 temperature regime to be maintained is over 2 de- ¬ ∧ ≥ − gree. Thus, a bang bang control law would switches − where a (t) := limε→0− a(t + ε) denotes the left- the heater on when the temperature is smaller than handed limit of a and 2 degree. In order to avoid chattering during the − ( eclipse, we additionally implement a hysteresis such 0 if a = 1 a := . (38) that the controller switches to the opposite signal ¬ 1 if a = 0 only when the deadzone is left. This control law f for the requested power is displayed in Figure 9. Additionally, the receivers are operated hot redun- dant if the satellite passes the ground station which is described by boolean c which is a function of time, 4.3 Simulation i.e. for only small numbers of orbits The spacecraft is in a sun synchronous orbit with ( an altitude of 600km and 06:00h longitude of the as- 1 if t (t1, t2) c(t) = ∈ . (39) cending node simulated on 2020-06-17 at 09:45h. We 0 otherwise have used the proposed models as well as the DLR Environment library [18], the Space Systems library Then the requested power is described by [28] and the Visualization library [29] to implement ( the example mission. In Figure 8 the high level rep- aPi if c = 0 frec,i(t, φ) = . (40) resentation of the Modelica model can be seen, in- Pi if c = 1 cluding the different subsystems and the signal flow between them. For example, the energy management Heater uses the State of Charge of the battery and superca- A heater for the battery is part of the equipment pacitor provided by the electric system and delivers in order to retain the temperature in a healthy regime reference power signals for solar panels, battery, su-

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Electrical Load Power Pi Function Parameter Minimal Price Maximal Price

PCDU 1.26 x = fconst,1(t) 340 350 Battery module 1 0.16 x = fconst,2(t) 340 350 Battery module 2 0.16 x = fconst,3(t) 340 350 CMM 2.2 x = fconst,4(t) 310 320 IFM 1.2 x = fconst,5(t) 310 320 RXNOM 4.2 x = frec,6(t, φ) φgs = 48, t1 = 22980, t2 = 24000 300 310 TXNOM 8.4 x = frec,7(t, φ) a = 0, t1 = 22980, t2 = 24000 300 310 RXRED 4.2 x = frec,8(t, φ) φgs = 48, t1 = 22980, t2 = 24000 300 310 Sunsensors 0.54 x = fconst,9(t) 330 340 Magnetometer 0.63 x = fconst,10(t) 330 340 IMU 2.1 x = fconst,11(t) 330 340 GPS 1.06 x = fconst,12(t) 320 330 Torquer Control Unit 2.5 x = fconst,13(t) 330 340 Reaction Wheels 3.96 x = fcons,14t(t) 200 210 PCDU SPS 1.2 x = fconst,15(t) 140 150 APR SPS 1.2 x = fconst,16(t) 140 150 Payload 1 Part 1 0.288 x = ft,17(t) t1 = 5460, t2 = 2700, t3 = 23232 110 120 Payload 1 Part 2 0.504 x = ft,18(t) t1 = 5460, t2 = 2700, t3 = 23232 110 120 Payload 1 Part 3 0.5 x = ft,19(t) t1 = 11220, t2 = 2040, t3 = 46464 110 120 Payload 1 Part 4 1.05 x = ft,20(t) t1 = 11220, t2 = 2040, t3 = 46464 110 120 Payload 1 Part 5 0.084 x = ft,21(t) t1 = 17100, t2 = 1980, t3 = 23232 110 120 Payload 1 Part 6 0.252 x = ft,22(t) 110 120 Payload 2 Part 1 0.12 x = fconst,23(t) 120 130 Payload 2 Part 2 0.24 x = fconst,24(t) 120 130 Payload 2 Part 3 0.44 x = fconst,25(t) 120 130 Payload 3 2.3625 x = ft,26(t) t1 = 19500, t2 = 600, t3 = 92928 130 140 Heater 4 x = fconst,27(t) 340 350

Table 1: Overview of Electrical Loads

percapacitor and loads. The spacecraft is simulated by the satellite. In the beginning, the solar array with five solar panels at different sides with each hav- produces the maximal possible power to fully charge ing four cells in series and twelve in parallel. The pa- the battery. After the battery is , the rameters are based on [22]. A battery with four cells DC/DC converter controls the solar array to produce in parallel and four in series is assumed. Its param- only the power necessary for the electrical loads. eters are given by [25]. A pack of three supercapac- Figure 11 shows the price evolution in this sce- itors in parallel and nine in series with parameters nario. It can be seen that only source management provided by [26] is chosen. is necessary since enough power can be produced by battery or solar array. There are three different price Nominal Scenario regimes in this scenario. A low price regime when In the nominal scenario, the energy management the satellite is sunlit and the battery is fully charged. is evaluated in view of the overall system dynamics, A medium price regime when the satellite is sunlit the power distribution between battery and superca- and the battery is charged and a high price regime pacitor and the heater activity. Figure 10 shows the when the spacecraft is in eclipse and all power has to total power produced by the solar array, the State be raised by the battery. Figure 12 shows the power of Charge of the battery and the power demanded raised by the battery during eclipse with and with-

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P approach is designed to allow an optimal power dis- tribution between the electrical components. Special focus is put on the temperature evolution of critical components. The suggested market model method has proven to be efficient as it combines source and load management. It fulfils the task of power distri- bution without using predictive information. In fu- ture work, methods using predictive algorithms will be introduced and different algorithms to distribute T T des − thr the power between battery and supercapacitor will Tdes Tdes + Tthr T be analysed.

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Fig. 10: SimVis visualisation of the Satellite with Electrical System and Energy Management.

Controlled 80 10 Always off Always on 60

ν 0

40 T [degC] 10 − 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 t [min] t [min]

Fig. 11: Price Evolution in the Nominal Scenario. Fig. 13: Temperature Evolution under different Heater Usage 40

20 300

[W] 0 200 ν bat P 20 − W/o SC 100 With SC 40 − 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 t [min] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 t [min] Fig. 12: Power commanded or produced with and without Supercapacitor (SC) Fig. 14: Price Evolution with Battery Damage

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