NASA Space Power & Energy Storage Technology Area Roadmap
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration DRAFT SpAce poweR AnD eneRgy SToRAge RoADmAp Technology Area 03 Valerie J. Lyons, Chair Guillermo A. Gonzalez Michael G. Houts Christopher J. Iannello John H. Scott Subbarao Surampudi November • 2010 DRAFT This page is intentionally left blank DRAFT Table of Contents Foreword Executive Summary TA03-1 1. General Overview TA03-1 1.1. Technical Approach TA03-2 1.2. Benefits TA03-5 1.3. Applicability/Traceability to NASA Strategic Goals, AMPM, DRMs, DRAs TA03-5 1.4. Top Technical Challenges TA03-5 2. Detailed Portfolio Discussion TA03-6 2.1. Summary Description and TA Breakdown Structure TA03-6 2.2. Description of TABS Elements TA03-6 2.2.1. Power Generation TA03-6 Energy Harvesting TA03-6 Chemical Power Generation TA03-7 Solar Power Generation TA03-9 Radioisotope TA03-9 Fission TA03-11 Fusion TA03-12 2.2.2. Energy Storage TA03-14 Batteries TA03-14 Flywheels TA03-15 Regenerative Fuel Cell Energy Storage TA03-16 2.2.3. Power Management & Distribution (PMAD) TA03-17 PMAD Overall TA03-17 Wireless Power Transfer TA03-18 Distribution & Transmission TA03-18 Conversion & Transmission TA03-19 Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) TA03-19 Management and Control TA03-19 Major Challenges TA03-19 2.2.4. Cross-Cutting Technology TA03-20 Analytical Tools TA03-20 Green Energy Impact TA03-20 Multi-Functional Structures TA03-21 Alternative Fuels TA03-22 3. Possible Benefits to Other National Needs TA03-22 4. Interdependency with Other Technology Areas TA03-23 Acronyms TA03-23 Acknowledgements TA03-23 DRAFT Foreword NASA’s integrated technology roadmap, including both technology pull and technology push strategies, considers a wide range of pathways to advance the nation’s current capabilities. The present state of this effort is documented in NASA’s DRAFT Space Technology Roadmap, an integrated set of fourteen technology area roadmaps, recommending the overall technology investment strategy and prioritization of NASA’s space technology activities. This document presents the DRAFT Technology Area 03 input: Space Power and Energy Storage. NASA developed this DRAFT Space Technology Roadmap for use by the National Research Council (NRC) as an initial point of departure. Through an open process of community engagement, the NRC will gather input, integrate it within the Space Technology Roadmap and provide NASA with recommendations on potential future technology investments. Because it is difficult to predict the wide range of future advances possible in these areas, NASA plans updates to its integrated technology roadmap on a regular basis. DRAFT exeCuTive Summary teams to develop critical technology needs for fu- The purpose of this study is to assess space pow- ture missions. The team considered the follow- er and energy storage technologies and formulate a ing missions of SMD that require advanced pow- roadmap (Figure R) and a Technology Area Break- er technologies: Jupiter/Europa, Saturn /Titan, down Structure (Figure 3 – discussed in more de- Neptune, Pluto System Missions; the NEO/Small tail in Section 2) which can guide NASA’s invest- body Missions: Comet Nucleus Sample Return, ments to assure the timely delivery of innovative the NEO SEP robotic mission; the Inner Plane- and enabling power and energy storage systems tary Missions: Venus Surface and Venus Sample for future space missions, while also providing Return missions; Mars Missions: Mars In-Situ Re- tangible products for aeronautical and terrestrial source Utilization (ISRU), Mars Plane, Surveyor applications. and Mars Network Landers. The ESMD missions The state of practice power systems are heavy, that require advanced power technologies are: bulky, not efficient enough, and cannot function crewed HEO mission, long duration EVA’s, astro- properly in some extreme environments. The pro- naut suits, crewed NEO SEP/NEP missions and posed power technology will provide power sys- Mars missions. The Space Operations Mission Di- tems with significant mass and volume savings (3 rectorate requires advanced power technologies to to 4X), increased efficiency (2 to 3X) and enable perform ISS upgrades which will include integrat- operation at low and high temperatures and ex- ing updated power and energy storage systems to treme radiation environments. These advanced ca- extend the power system lifetime to match the pabilities will enable power and energy storage for longer ISS mission. Finally, the roadmap includes future science and exploration missions such as: the power technology needs of the Aeronautics missions using electric propulsion, robotic mis- Mission Directorate for “more electric” airplanes sions, lunar exploration missions to NEO and that will rely on power and energy storage tech- MARS, crewed habitats, astronaut equipment, ro- nologies for reducing fuel burn and emissions. botic surface missions to Venus and Europa, po- lar Mars missions and Moon missions, and dis- 1. General overview tributed constellations of micro-spacecraft. Space The purpose of this study is to assess the state of power systems also offer benefits to other nation- practice of space power and energy storage tech- al needs. This includes national defense systems nologies and formulate a technology roadmap that such as unmanned aerial vehicles (fuel cells, bat- can guide NASA’s investments to assure the time- teries, wireless power), unmanned underwater ve- ly development and delivery of innovative and en- hicles (AUV’s) (batteries, fuel cells, PMAD), and abling power and energy storage systems for fu- soldier portable power systems (PV, batteries, ture space missions. The major power subsystems wireless power, PMAD). Benefits to the terrestrial are:(1) Power Generation/ Conversion, (2) Ener- energy sector include: all-electric and hybrid cars gy Storage, and (3) Power Management and Dis- (batteries, fuel cells, etc.), grid-scale energy stor- tribution (PMAD). Power generation/ conver- age systems (batteries, electrolyzers, fuel cells, fly- sion subsystems include solar arrays, radioisotope wheels, PMAD, etc.), smart grid (PMAD, ana- power generators, reactor power systems and fuel lytical tools), terrestrial solar power systems (high cells. The energy systems employed in space mis- efficiency solar cells, advanced arrays, PV calibra- sions include batteries, regenerative fuel cells and tion, solar concentrators, Stirling convertors, sys- capacitors. PMAD includes power distribution tems analysis), advanced nuclear power systems, and transmission, conversion and regulation, load green energy systems (alternative fuels, advanced management and control. PMAD for wind/solar systems, energy conserva- Power systems are characterized by a number of tion analysis, etc.), and remote, off-grid power performance parameters. One parameter of great systems (crewed vehicles and habitats). importance is specific power (W/kg) that indicates The study team reviewed the: 1) National Space how much power can be delivered per unit mass Policy of the USA (June 2010); 2) NASA strategic of power system. Other related parameters include planning document; 3) SMD next decadal mis- specific energy (Wh/kg) and energy density (Wh/ sion options; 4) Human Exploration Space Sys- m3). However, power systems are not always ame- tem (HESS) of ESMD; 5) Aeronautics research nable to simple characterization in terms of a sin- directorate mission planning document. The Of- gle variable such as specific power. Other ancillary fice of Chief Technologist identified critical de- features can be equally important. These might in- sign reference missions to guide the technology clude temperature sensitivity, stowed volume, cy- DRAFT TA03-1 cle life, storage life, radiation resistance, etc. As cell plants should also be pursued as an option for space missions shift more and more from orbit- maximizing specific energy in power generation al missions to in situ missions with their harsh en- from methane propellants. Radioisotope Pow- vironments, these other factors become more im- er System (RPS) work should focus on ensuring portant. an adequate supply of 238Pu, making efficient use When viewing the power technologies in the of available 238Pu, and developing a 10 Watt class roadmap schematic (shown previously in Figure radioisotope heat source that could be used on a “R”), the technology milestones (shown in blue) variety of missions including sub-surface probes. are at technology readiness level 6. They are as- Power conversion technologies that should be fur- sumed to be ready in 4 years (on average) for mis- ther developed include advanced Stirling and ad- sion use and then are displayed as new capabilities vanced thermoelectric. Work will focus on im- (in orange). The milestones which intersect with proving RPS efficiency and specific power while key propulsion technologies are shown as orange ensuring long life (minimum 14 years). If it ap- with black centers. These technologies will then pears that adequate 238Pu will not be available, it be incorporated into the sample missions (green may be necessary to investigate the use of alterna- milestones) as either mission “pull” (shown by the tive isotopes. RPS work will help enable advanced dotted green lines) or “push” (where the new ca- science missions and new capabilities, such as pabilities can eventually enable or enhance a mis- long-life subsurface probes and radioisotope elec- sion). tric propulsion. Fission Power System (FPS) ef- 1.1. Technical approach forts should focus on continued technology devel- The road map lays out general technical ap- opment for a 10 – 100 kWe “workhorse” system, development of a 500 – 5000 We fission system proaches for advancing the state of the art in pow- for use on advanced science missions and (poten- er generation, energy storage, power management tially) some “flexible path” missions, and develop- and distribution, as well as their cross-cutting tech- ment of technologies to enable very high power nology areas.