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Current, April 17, 2006 University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 4-17-2006 Current, April 17, 2006 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, April 17, 2006" (2006). Current (2000s). 289. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 38 APril 17, 2006 Your source tor campus news and information c • ISSUE 1183 U Players in 'Cockblock of the Walk.' See page 8 • lHECURRENTONUNE.COM UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ST. lOUIS ~ . Nursing college names new dean BY PAUL HACKBARTH Shirley Martin, interim dean for ---_._-._._.... ._._ . News Editor the College of Nursing, said Sebastian's past experience at the University of Kentucky "provides The uncertainty is over about who . her with the skills essential to lead the the next dean to lead the College of UMSL College of Nursing." Nursing will be. Martin said Sebastian has the nec­ After narrowing the search down essary skills to move the college to to three candidates, UM-St Louis the next level. "[Sebastian] stated will welcome Juliann Sebastian to during her interview that she would campus when she starts her new dean begin, with the faculty, students and position Aug. 1. staff, to develop a strategic plan for Sebastian is currently the assistant the College, [which would] provide dean for advanced practice nursing the 'road map' for the College," and a professor at Martin said. the University of Sebastian named building on the Kentucky current excellence of nursing Lexington. research in the college as her main Sebastian has goal as dean. She said she looks for­ held several fac­ ward to familiarizing herself with the ulty and adminis­ campus and said she wants to "learn trative positions the processes for students to give at Lexington input." She also named keeping since 1977. alumni connected with the college as Sebastian said another goal. Juliann she was During the summer period of tran­ Sebastian "absolutely sition, Martin said she would help delighted" after New Nursing provide Sebastian with the proper Provost Glen College Dean information and assistance needed to Cope told her the begins Aug. 1. assume the role of dean. As interim news. "I look for­ dean, Martin said she collected mate­ ward to working with the College of rial along the way she felt would be Nursing and everyone else at useful to the next dean of the college. UMSL," Sebastian said. "I am confident Dr. Martin will be She explained the deanship appli­ helpful in making a smooth transi­ cation process involves submitting an tion," Sebastian said. "I want it to feel application, meeting with the search seamless in that I come in and pick up committee for an interview and meet­ where the college is now and move it ing students, faculty and staff on forward." campus. The provost makes the final Martin said she is in charge, help­ decision based on evaluations from ing to prepare h~r visits and orient her the search committee and consulting to the campus when Sebastian arrives with the chancellor and UM presi­ 1nAugust. dent After Sebastian takes over on ''It's important for the candidates Aug. I, Martin said, ''My plans for to meet with the people around cam­ Aug. 2 is to gather my reading mate­ pus, and for facuity, staff and students _ rial (fiction), rest, read on my deck to meet with the candidate," she said. and plan a lovely trip to China!" She She added that coming to campus also noted she plans to complete a helped her get to know the campus history of the Nursing College since community better, while letting stu­ the College is celebrating its 25th dents get to know her, too. anniversary this year. Comptroller candidates spar at SGA debate I Senator pitches plan to date planned to select students for the Koechig, Helton are Student Activities Budget I boost UMSLfund ing Committee, Carpenter said, "You . unopposed at debate have to recruit people who have been at organizations a while, students with BY P.!!.UL HACKBARTH _The . Plan '.- . -:: BY MELISSA S. HAYDEN records of being involved (and) pe0- News Editor .... - - . - StajJWriter ple who belong to diverse organiza­ Sen. Chuck Gross wants tions because there is no bias that If Sen. Chuck Gross's initiative UMSL to get $2 million to With one candidate for student way." goes through and passes in the close the 'funding gap,' government president and only one of Garavaglia also said he would Missouri Senate, UM-St Louis may the disproportionate two vice presidential candidates pre­ look for students that will be unbiased rece~ve an extra $2 million, which will • sent, only the two students running and that "you have to sit back and help bring the University nearer to its amount of funding within for comptroller had to face off against look at organizations." goa! of closing the funding gap. the UM System compared an opponent at the SGA debate on 'We're going to help them achieve Maria Curtis, student representa­ to campus enrollment. Thursday. their goals. It is this organization's job tive to the University of Missouri The debate, sponsored 'by the to benefit the student body," he said. Board of Curators, explained the extra ''TP.e funding inequity is there. Student GovemmentAssociation and Next, both candictates were asked $2 million would help fill a funding People are realizing it, and I am The Current, gave the first and only to critique the current comptroller, gap estimated to be about $10.8 mil­ extremely grateful that Senator Gross public forum to hear from the candi­ Brian Rails. Garavaglia expressed his lion. has decided to do this," Curtis said. dates running for SGA president, vice recent disappointment that occurred Curtis explained the funding gap as She added that the announcement was president and comptroller. SUIdents at the last SGA meeting. "funding in equity relative to OlIT cam­ a bonus and called Gross's decision "a Kevin Ottley/ The Current will vote on the candidates during the "He retroactively came down and pus, whereas we have proportionally a wonderful swprise we weren't antici­ SGA elections on April 19 and 20 SGA comptroller candidates Shanna Carpenter, senior, mass said SABC has voted to take away 5 lot more students than we are propor­ pating:" through MyGateway. communication, and Joe Garavaglia, senior, accounting and percent of the next year's budget for tionally receiving funds for." As of February, UM-St Louis had Both comptroller candidates, management, wait for the debate to commence. each SGA meeting you've missed She said UM President Elson received allocations totaling an esti­ Shanna Carpenter, senior, mass com­ There's nothing wrong with policy, Hoyd has "recognized it is an issue, mated $3 .2 million so far. According munication and Joe Garavaglia, Nick Koechig, junior, political sci­ In her opening statement, you just can't do something like that and he is committed to help this cam­ to the Budget and Planning corrunit­ senior, accounting and management, ence, is running unopposed for SGA Carpenter said her understanding of retroactively," he said. pus to increase the amount we tee, the University was expecting debated each other. president. how the budgeting system works Carpenter said she didn't know if receive . ~' $521,000 for the gap funding. With the However, vice presidential candi­ In his opening statement, qualifies her for the position: '1 would Brian applied that retroactively, she After Gross, chair of the Senate addition of $2 million from Gross's date Danielle Bratton, senior, com­ Garavaglia said, "transparency is a like to be someone who can advise said she wasn't involved. '1 think that Appropriations Committee, proposal, that would leave a remaining munication and political science, did major issue" in the comptroller posi­ students on how to manage their bud­ (the policy) makes the student organi­ announced that he would help UM-St gap of $5.1 million. not attend, leaving the other candidate tion.'The more open you are about gets," she said. zations be involved and share respon­ Louis with the adjustment, Curti~ and After the Senate committee finish­ for vice president, Thomas Helton, stuff the better that you can be. When 'When Mike Sherwin, editor in sibility." SGA President D' Andre Braddix sent es with changes, the budget will be sophomore, political science, alone to you bide stuff nothing good hap­ chief of The Current and moderator Gross a letter dated April 10 thanking sent to the Senate floor for approval answer questions. pens," he said. of the debate, asked how each candi- see SOA DEBATE, page 12 him. and must be passed by May 5. Does 'Thank INDEX You For Which candidates does Smoking' just Crimeline 2 blow smoke? The Current endorse? Qpl~~_ ~ ___. ___ . _______ .__ __ ~ ~~~~ures ___. __ _.___ __.... ._ 6-7 A&E 8-9 See page 9 See page 4 -.. -----.-.-~-- -.~- .- - .. ----.--.-.--.--- .. .---.- PageZ cJlte Current April 17, 2006 ~kCurrent Mike Sherwin. · Editor-in-Chief Kate Drolet • lYianaging Editor Michael Pelikan· Business Manager Rob Borkin • AmJertising Director Judi linville • Adviser Call 516-5174 details email [email protected] Paul Hackbarth· News Editor Put it on the Board! for or Melissa McCrary • Features Editor Cate Marquis· A & E EdUO/­ Lindsey Barringer· Sporn EdiJor information. i will be carnival rides, face i Washif1gton Ave.
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