Dr Heba Kalbouneh

Check list- lab 5 (Norma Frontalis, Lateralis, Verticalis, Occipitalis, basalis interna)

Identify the following 1- Frontal 2- Nasal bone 3- Maxilla 4- 5- Mandible 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- Vomer bone Palatine bone

Identify the following parts 1- A. Frontal eminence B. Superciliary arches C. Supraorbital notch, or foramen D. E. F. Orbital plate

3- Maxilla A. Body B. Frontal C. D. Alveolar process E. Orbital plate F. Anterior nasal spine G. H. Palatine process

4- Zygomatic bone A. Frontal process B. Temporal process C. Maxillary process D. E. Zygomaticotemporal foramen (on post surface of zygomatic) F. Orbital plate

6- Parietal bone: A.

Identify the following 7- Occipital bone: sutures and areas: A. External occipital protuberance A. Coronal suture B. B. Sagittal suture C. Superior C. Lambdoid suture D. Inferior nuchal lines D. Bregma E. E. Lambda F. F. Pterion

8- Temporal bone: A. Mastoid process B. Styloid process C. Squamous part D. Zygomatic process E. Petrous part F. External auditory G. H.

9- Sphenoid bone A. Body B. Lesser wing C. Greater wing D. Medial pterygoid plate E. Lateral pterygoid plate

Norma Basalis Interna Base of the skull- Superior view

Anterior cranial fossa

1- Orbital plates of the frontal bone 2- of the ethmoid 3- Frontal crest 4- 5- Foramen caecum 6- Lesser wing of sphenoid 7- 8- Body of sphenoid 9- Foramen magnum 10- Greater wing of the sphenoid 11- a-Squamous part of the temporal bone b- petrous part of the temporal bone 12- Posterior clinoid process 13- Optic 14- 15- 16- 17- Foramen lacerum 18- 19- 20- 21- Internal acoustic meatus 22- 23- Internal occipital protuberance 24- 25- Cerebellar fossa

Body of sphenoid 1- Sulcus chiasmaticus 2- Note: 3- Medial to anterior clinoid process is 4- Lateral to anterior clinoid process is 5- Optic canal 6- Posterior clinoid process



1D 6 1C 1B

1F 1E 2 8 3B 4F 3E 4D

4C 3C 3G 3A 10 3F



Norma Frontalis A 1


1D 1C F 1E 9C

2 3B 4A 8C


8D 4B 8D 8G 4C 8H 3G 8F 7 3F 7A 3 8A 8B 3D


Norma Lateralis



C 7

7C 7A

7B 7D


Norma Occipitalis



6 B


E C 7

Norma Verticalis 3 5 4 1 2


10 13 7 8 14 12 15 17 11a 18 16 24 21 11b 19 20 9

25 22


Norma Basalis Interna 5 1 5 2 3 6 4 6

Body of Sphenoid