The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus 'n'^""^''"''"'^™^ -.s-i".'; ".-=^ This book is not tt '32 ! "THE MAKCH IS OX" .4 Scene from the Carnegie Tech Game—Lnkutu iS 1932 VICTORY to the Team! VERY Notre Dame adherent is familiar witli Hotel McAlpin so many j'^ears privileged to be E the Team's host in New York. The Management wishes to assure again the Notre Dame contingent of its willing spirit to accommodate more luxuriously, to serve more willingly and to en tertain more enjoyably everj'^ guest visiting New York for the game. McAlpin rates for large, comfortable, immaculate rooms with bath start at per 3 day Please w rite or wire for reservation — to me, personall}'', if you prefer. JOHN J. WOELFLE, Manager. HOTEL McALPIN Broadway at 34th Street ii' 'T/ie Centre of Convenience^'' November 1932 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNTJS 35 COMMENT THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25, Editor I've enjoyed sincerely the almost universal moral support that has The magazine is puBlishcd monthly during the scholastic year by the AInmni Association of the- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame. Indiana. The come with the launching of this subscription price is S2.00 a year; the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUMNUS. year's volume of the ALUMNUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1, 1923, at the'post office at Notre Dame.