HARVESTER CLUB FOOTBALL RALLY | SMOKER g TODAY AT OCT. 26 1:30 Vol. 16 New York, N. Y., October 19, 1934 No. 3 Senior Council To Slip Madigan Brings Galloping Gaels Maroon Band Makes Hold Rally For St. First Appearance of Mary's Game Today To New York For Annual Maroon Tilt Year at Boston Game Coach Crowley and Captain Team From Moraga Valley Will Try for Third Victory in Fourth Interactional Tilt; Waterman, New Drum Major, "Leg" Harden Invited to Crowley Expected to Unveil New Plays Against St. Mary's Leads Largest Ram Band Address Students on B. C. Field This afternoon at 1:30, a rally for By MIKE BAR8A The largest Fordham band ever to tomorrow's encounter with St. Mary's The Galloping Gaels of St. Mary's, from Moraga Valley, California, ar- represent Rose Hill accompanied the will l)e held on Fordham Field under WiKlK-i rived in New York on Wednesday well victorious Ram eleven on Its tradi- the auspices of the Senior members prepared for their tilt with the Rams tional Invasion of Boston last Friday. of the Student Council. tomorrow. As in former years Slip Over ninety players assembled on the Madigan Is sending his squad through Under the direction of Roger T. Its final preparation drills on the Alumni Field of Boston College when Lennon and James E. Galileo, the grounds of Westchester Country Club Norman E. Waterman, '35, newly se- Council is planning a gala occasion! at Rye, lected Drum Major, first waved his Head Coach Jim Crowley has been In- When the coast team faces the Ma- baton. vited to speak on Fordham's chances roon eleven at tho Polo Grounds on the The band journeyed to Providence morrow it will mark the fourth con- in the most important intersectional test In a rivalry which is now one of via the Providence Line on Thursday contest of the gridiron Beason. As- the keenest in the country although night. Highlight of the voyage was a sistant Coaches, "Judge" Carbury, Earl of comparatively short origin. The concert given In the Main Salon, dur- Walsh and Ea Hunslnger have also Gaels hold a two to one edge In the ing which several request numbers, series so far. "The Ram," and the "Star-Spangled been asked to attend and undoubtedly Both elevens have been pointing for will have a few words to say on the this tussle and they are sure to use all Banner" were offered under the able possible outcome of the Rams' tilt the power and strategy they have at direction of Captain Ernest Hopf. Fol- with "Slip" Madigan's Marauding their disposal. Although It was an in- lowing a rather eventful night, the spired Boston College eleven with a party deserted the ship the following lloragans. Captain "Les" Bordon will phenomenal passing attack that almost present the opinions of the players con- turned the tables on the Rams up in morning for a bus which conveyed cerning the game. the Hub, it is believed that Crowley them to Boston. All students not attending classes at was holding back his bag of tricks for Before the game the band paraded the time for which the rally is sched- the game this Saturday. However, with around the Stadium, playing a stirring uled are urged to attend. Cheer the pass defense as poor as it was medley of American marches. During leadere Dave Roche, Ed Egan and Bill against the B. C. team, the Rams will the half a formation of the letter "F," Miles will be on hand to lead the crowd have to display much better form In with a rendition of "The Ram," In front the fundamentals of the game If they of the Fordham stands evoked enthu- through the college cheers and the JIM CROWLEY singing of the "Ram." expect to get anywhere against the big siastic applause from the thousands of Because of the fact that a final team Callfornlans. spectators. Commendable was the play- practice Is scheduled for 3:30 at the Gaelt Average 193 Ibt. ing of the band during the progress of Polo Grounds, the time decided upon Harvester Club to Although they have not the weight Fr.Hogan Speaks at the game, "The Fordham Marching for the rally is a little earlier than of last year's eleven, the Gaels look to Song," "Glory of the Trumpets," and was originally planned. be every bit as good, If not a little bet- Annual "Red Mass" "Fbrdham Had a Little Ram" proving Sponsor Smoker ter. As it is, the coast team averages most popular with the Maroon sup- Today's gathering Is the first in a porters. Cornellna Cassidy, '34, and Wil- series of such events, the next to be 193 lbs. and will have an advantage of ten pounds to a man over the Rams. Autonomy of Mankind Is liam Coleman, '33, aided Drum Major held in conjunction with the monster Several Celebrities to Be Waterman during the marching. smoker and entertainment sponsored Present at Smoker in Moreover Slip Madigan has about the Topic of Sermon Before by the Harvester Club, which will take fastest quartet of ball carriers west of After the return journey to Provi- Gym on Oct. 26 the Rockies and when his eleven turned Lawyers and Judges dence that night, another concert was place on next Friday evening, October back the California Bears a fortnight 2G. The occasion of this rally will be given In the Lounge of the boat, this The second annual smoker of the ago they defeated what is considered Proceedings In many courts, both time with James O'Connell, '35, and the game with the Mustangs of Southern by many the best team on the coast high and low, State and Federal, were Methodist University whom the Rams Harvester Club will be held on Friday Charles Redmond, '35, assisting Cap- evening, October 2G, in the College this year. halted on Saturday, Oct. 13, as mem- tain Hopf In the direction. Following encounter on Saturday, October 27. the concert the captain of the ship con- Members of the Council urge the Gymnasium. Lost to Nevada, 9-7 bers of the bench and bar gathered in While the Rams were nosing out the Saint Andrew's Church for the annual gratulated the band on its excellence Freshmen who Intend to appear at the Invitations have been sent to Frankle Eagles last Friday, the Gaels were the and expressed a wish to be with them rallies, to wear their maroon caps and Frlsch, erstwhile Fordham Flash and victims of the biggest upset of the "Red Mass." each year on their trip to the Boston ties In keeping with the spirit of the now the playing manager of the World's week-end when they were beaten by This Is the service in which lawyers College game. occasion. Since It is the aim of the champions, St. Louis Cardinals, and Nevada, 9-7. This was purely the case in accordance with a custom of the The Improvement in the band this council to make preparations for a rally other stars of the stage, screen and of a scheduled scrimmage turning Into legal profession dating back to the year was frequently commented upon prior to each game on the schedule, U something quite different for the Call- Middle Ages, Invoke a blessing upon In the newspapers the following day. la hoped that the first year men will radio. Several of these luminaries of their work at the beginning of each the sport and entertainment world have fornlans. This Nevada team, which Not only is it the largest band In our do their share towards making these they had trimmed 61-0 the year he- fall term of court. The annual "Red history but In the opinion of Father events the success that they should be. already signified their intention of at- Mass" was Instituted in 1927 by Mgr. tending the smoker. fore, had lately been crushed by Santa Harold Mulqueen, Moderator of the or- Members of the Senior Council Clara 40 to 0, and the Gaels considered William E. Cashin, pastor of Saint An- ganization, It Is undoubtedly the finest. (Continued on Page 9) The Fordham coaching staff headed (Continued on page 6) drew's Church. This event also marked by Head-coach "Sleepy Jim" Crowley the founding of the Catholic Lawyer's and his four assistants, "Judge" Car- Guild of New York City. FR. POWER ADDRESSES FALL CONFERENCE TO JUDGE EDWARD WALSH bery, Frank Leahy, Earl Walsh and Father Hogan Preaches BUSINESS SENIORS BEGIN SUNDAY, NOV. 4 Ed. Hunslnger, Freshman coach, will ALDERMAN 7 YEARS The sermon at the "Red Mass" was be present as will be the football squad preached by the Very Reverend Aloy Declares That Most Modern "Can a Thinking Man Be a headed by Captain "Les" Borden. Prominent Fordham Alum- sins J. Hogan, S.J., rector of Fordham Catholic?" Main Topic As an added attraction an expensive University. The text of the sermon was Non-Catholic Scientists football, autographed by Frankle nus was Active in Civic and concerned with the evils of "the auton- Are Positiviats of Conference Frlsch and all the members of last Fraternal Circle* omy of mankind." "Man has refused year's football team will be presented to admit that even God Is his superior," On October 4th, Father Francis W. Sunday, November 4, will mark the during the evening to some fortunate Fordham AJumiii faculty and un- declared Father Hogan. "and has set up Power, S.J., professor of quantitative opening of the fall session of the Ford- ticket-holder.
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